首页 2014年最新建筑业企业资质标准全文



2014年最新建筑业企业资质标准全文2014年最新建筑业企业资质标准全文 目 录 目 录„„„„ „„„„1 一、总 则„„ „„„„1 二、标 准„,, „„„„5 (一)施工总承包序列资质标准„„„„, „„„„5 1建筑工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„, „„„„6 1.1 -级资质标准„,, „„„„6 1. 2二级资质标准„,, „„„„7 1.3三级资质标准„,, „„„„9 1.4承包工程范围„,, „„„„9 2公路工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„, „„„(12 2.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(12 2.2二级...

2014年最新建筑业企业资质 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 全文 目 录 目 录„„„„ „„„„1 一、总 则„„ „„„„1 二、标 准„,, „„„„5 (一)施工总承包序列资质标准„„„„, „„„„5 1建筑 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 施工总承包资质标准„„„„, „„„„6 1.1 -级资质标准„,, „„„„6 1. 2二级资质标准„,, „„„„7 1.3三级资质标准„,, „„„„9 1.4承包工程范围„,, „„„„9 2公路工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„, „„„(12 2.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(12 2.2二级资质标准„,, „„„(13 2.3三级资质标准„,, „„„(15 2.4承包工程范围„,, „„„(17 3铁路工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„, „„„(18 3.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(18 3.2二级资质标准„,, „„„(19 3.3三级资质标准„,, „„„(20 3.4承包工程范围„,, „„„(21 4港口与航道工程施工总承包资质标准„, „„„(23 4.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(23 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 4.2二级资质标准„,, „„„(25 4.3三级资质标准„,, „„„(26 4.4承包工程范围„,, „„„(27 5水利水电工程施工总承包资质标准„„, „„„(30 5.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(30 5.2二级资质标准„,, „,„(31 5.3三级资质标准„,, „„„(33 5.4承包工程范围„,, „„„(34 6电力工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„, „„„(36 6.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(36 6.2二级资质标准„,, „„„(37 6.3三级资质标准„,, „„„(38 6.4承包工程范围„,, „„„(38 7矿山工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„, „„„(40 7.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(40 7.2二级资质标准„,, „„„(41 7.3三级资质标准„,, „„„(42 7.4承包工程范围„,, „„„(43 8冶金工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„, „„„(46 8.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(46 8.2二级资质标准„,, „„„(48 8.3三级资质标准„,, „„„(49 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 8.4承包工程范围„,, „„„(50 9石油化工工程施工总承包资质标准„„, „„„(53 9.1-级资质标准„,, „„„(53 9.2二级资质标准„,, „„„(54 9.3三级资质标准„,, „„„(55 9.4承包工程范围„,, „„„(56 10市政公用工程施工总承包资质标准„„ „„„(61 10.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(61 10.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(63 10.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(64 10.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(65 1 1通信工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„ „„„(68 11.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(68 1 1.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(69 11.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(71 11.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(72 12机电工程施工总承包资质标准„„„„ „„„(73 12.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(73 12.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(74 12.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(74 12.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(75 (二)专业承包序列资质标准„„ „„„(77 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 13地基基础I程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„(78 13.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(78 13.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(79 13.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(80 13.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(81 14起重设备安装工程专业承包资质标 准„„„„, „„„(83 14.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(83 14.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(84 14.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(84 14.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(85 15预拌混凝土专业承包资质标准„„„„ „„„(86 15.1资质标准„„„ „„„(86 15.2承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(86 16电子与智能化工程专业承包资质标 准„„„„, „„„(88 16.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(88 16.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(89 16.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(90 17消防设施工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„(92 17.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(92 17.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(93 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 17.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(93 2 18防水防腐保温工程专业承包资质标 准„„„„, „„„(95 18.1 -级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(95 18.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(96 18.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„(96 19桥梁工程专业承包资质标准„,, „„„(98 19.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(98 19.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„(99 19.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„100 19.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„101 20隧道工程专业承包资质标准„,( „„„102 20.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„102 20.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„103 20.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„104 20.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„105 21钢结构工程专业承包资质标准„„„„ „„„106 21.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„106 21.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„107 21.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„109 21.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„109 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 22模板脚手架专业承包资质标准„„„„ „„„1 12 22.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„1 12 22.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„1 12 22.3永包工程范围„„„„,( „„„1 12 23建筑装修装饰工程专业承包资质标 准„„„„, „„„1 13 23.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„1 13 23.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„1 14 23.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„1 14 24建筑机电安装工程专业承包资质标 准„„„„, „„„1 16 24.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„1 16 24.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„1 17 24.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„1 17 24.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„1 18 25建筑幕墙工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„120 25.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„120 25.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„121 25.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„121 26古建筑工程专业承包资质标准„„„„ „„„123 26.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„123 26.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„124 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 26.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„125 26.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„126 27城市及道路照明工程专业承包资质标 准„„„, „„„127 27.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„127 27.2二级资质标准„,„„,( „„„128 27.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„129 27.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„130 28公路路面工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„132 28.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„132 28.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„133 28.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„134 28.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„136 29公路路基工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„137 29.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„137 29.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„138 29.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„139 29.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„141 30公路交通工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„142 30.1-级资质标准(公路安全设施分项)„, „„„142 30.2二级资质标准(公路安全设施分项)„, „„„waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 143 30.3-级资质标准(公路机电工程分项)„, „„„145 30.4二级资质标准(公路机电工程分项)„, „„„146 30.5承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„148 31铁路电务工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„150 31.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„150 31.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„151 31.3兰级资质标准„„„„,( „„„152 31.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„153 32铁路铺轨架梁工程专业承包资质标 准„„„„, „„„154 32.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„154 32.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„155 32.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„155 33铁路电气化工程专业承包资质标准„„ „„„157 33.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„157 33.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„158 33.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„158 33.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„159 34机场场道工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„161 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 34.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„161 34.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„162 34.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„163 35民航空管工程及机场弱电系统工程专业承包资质标准„„„„ „„„164 35.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„164 35.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„165 35.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„166 36机场目视助航工程专业承包资质标 准„„„„, „„„169 36.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„169 36.2二级赘质标准„„„„,( „„„170 36.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„171 4 37港口与海岸工程专业承包资质标准„„ „„„172 37.1 -级资质标准„„„„,( „„„172 37.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„173 37.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„174 37.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„175 38航道工程专业承包资质标准„,( „„„177 38.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„177 38.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„178 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 38.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„179 38.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„180 39通航建筑物工程专业承包资质标准„„ „„„182 39.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„182 39.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„183 39.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„184 39.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„184 40港航设备安装及水上交管工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„186 40.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„186 40.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„187 40.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„188 41水工金属结构制作与安装工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„190 41.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„190 41.2二级资质标准,„„„,( „„„191 41.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„193 41.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„194 42水利水电机电安装工程专业承包资质标 准„„, „„„195 42.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„195 42.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„196 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 42.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„197 42.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„198 43河湖整治工程专业承包资质标准„„„ „„„200 43.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„200 43.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„201 43.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„202 43.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„203 44输变电工程专业承包资质标准„„„„ „„„205 44.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„205 44.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„206 44.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„206 44.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„207 45核工程专业承包资质标准„„,, „„„209 45.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„209 45.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„210 45.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„211 46海洋石油工程专业承包赘质标准„„„ „„„212 46.1 -级资质标准„„„„,( „„„212 46.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„213 46.3承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„214 47环保工程专业承包资质标准„,( „„„216 47.1-级资质标准„„„„,( „„„216 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 47.2二级资质标准„„„„,( „„„217 47.3三级资质标准„„„„,( „„„217 47.4承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„218 48特种工程专业承包资质标准„,( „„„221 48.1资质标准„„„ „„„221 48.2承包工程范围„„„„,( „„„22 1 (三)施工劳务序列资质标准„„ „„„223 49施工劳务企业资质标准„„„,( „„„224 49.1资质标准„„„ „„„224 49.2承包业务范围„„„„,( „„„224 6 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 一、总 则 为规范建筑市场秩序,加强建筑活动监管,保证建设工程质量安全,促进建筑业科学发展,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》和《建设工程安全生产管理条例》等法律、法规,制定本资质标准。 一、资质分类 建筑业企业资质分为施工总承包、专业承包和施工劳务三个序列。其中施工总承包序列设有1 2个类别,一般分为4个等级(特级、一级、二级、三级);专业承包序列设有3 6个类别,一般分为3个等级(一级、二级、三级);施工劳务序列不分类别和等级。本标准包括建筑业企业资质各个序列、类别和等级的资质标准。 二、基本条件 具有法人资格的企业申请建筑业企业资质应具备下列基本条件: (一)具有满足本标准要求的资产; (二)具有满足本标准要求的注册建造师及其他注册人员、工程技术人员、施工现场管理人员和技术工人: (三)具有满足本标准要求的工程业绩; (四)具有必要的技术装备。 三、业务范围 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (一)施工总承包工程应由取得相应施工总承包资质的企业承担。取得施工总承包资质的企业可以对所承接的施工总承包工程内各专业工程全部自行施工,也可以将专业工程依法进行分包。对设有资质的专业工程进行分包时,应分包给具有相应专业承包资质的企业。施工总承包企业将劳务作业分包时,应分包给具有施工劳务资质的企业。 (二)设有专业承包资质的专业工程单独发包时,应由取得相应专业承包资质的企业承担。取得专业承包资质的企业可以承接具有施工总承包资质的企业依法分包的专业工程或建设单位依法发包的专业工程。取得专业承包资质的企业应对所承接的专业工程全部自行组织施工,劳务作业可以分包,但应分包给具有施工劳务资质的企业。 (三)取得施工劳务资质的企业可以承接具有施工总承包资质或专业承包资质的企业分包的劳务作业。 (四)取得施工总承包资质的企业,可以从事资质证书许可范围内的相应工程总承包、工程项目管理等业务。 四、有关说明 (一)本标准“注册建造师或其他注册人员’’是指取得相应的注册证书并在申请资质企业注册的人员;“持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员”是指持有国务院有关行业部门认可单位颁发的岗位( 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 )证书的施工现场管理人员,或按照相关行业标准规定,通过有关部门或行业协会职业能力waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 评价,取得职业能力评价合格证书的人员;“经考核或培训合格的技术工人’’是指经国务院有关行业部门、地方有关部门以及行业协会考核或培训合格的技术工人。 (二)本标准“企业主要人员’’年龄限6 0周岁以下。 (三)本标准要求的职称是指工程序列职称。 (四)施工总承包资质标准中的“技术工人’’包括企业直接聘用的技术工人和企业全资或控股的劳务企业的技术工人。 (五)本标准要求的工程业绩是指申请资质企业依法承揽并独立完成的工程业绩。 (六)本标准“配套工程”含厂,矿区内的自备电站、道路、专用铁路、通信、各种管网管线和相应建筑物、构筑物等全部配套工程。 (七)本标准的“以上’’、“以下’’、“不少于’’、“超过’’、“不超过’’均包含本数。 (八)施工总承包特级资质标准另行制定。 二、标 准 (一)施工总承包序列资质标准 施工总承包序列设有1 2个类别,分别是:建筑工程施工总承包、公路工程施工总承包、铁路工程施工总承包、港口与航道工程施工总承包、水利水电工程施工总承包、电力工程施工总承包、矿山工程施工总承包、冶金工程施工总承waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 包、石油化工工程施工总承包、市政公用工程施工总承包、通信工程施工总承包、机电工程施工总承包。 1建筑工程施工总承包资质标准 建筑工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二级、三级。 1.1 一级资质标准 1.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 1.1.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程、机电工程专业一级注册建造师合计不少于1 2人,其中建筑工程专业一级注册建造师不少于9人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术管理工作经历,且具有结构专业高级职称;建筑工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人,且结构、给排水、暖通、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳务员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不少于1 5 0人。 1.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列4类中的2类工程的施工总承包 6 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 或主体工程承包,工程质量合格。 (1)地上2 5层以上的民用建筑工程1项或地上18-24层的民用建筑工程2项; (2)高度1 0 0米以上的构筑物工程1项或高度8 0-100米(不含)的构筑物工程2项; (3)建筑面积3万平方米以上的单体工业、民用建筑工程1项或建筑面积2万-3万平方米(不含)的单体工业、民用建筑工程2项; (4)钢筋混凝土结构单跨3 0米以上(或钢结构单跨3 6米以上)的建筑工程1项或钢筋混凝土结构单跨27-30米(不含)(或钢结构单跨30-36米(不含))的建筑工程2项。 1.2二级资质标准 1. 2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 1.2.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合计不 少于1 2人,其中建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于9人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有结构专业高级职称或建筑工程专 业一级注册建造师执业资格;建筑工程相关专业中级以 上职称人员不少于1 5人,且结构、给排水、暖通、电 气等专业齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳 务员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于7 5人。 1.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列4类中的2类工程的施工总承包 或主体工程承包,工程质量合格。 (1)地上1 2层以上的民用建筑工程1项或地上 8 -11层的民用建筑工程2项; (2)高度5 0米以上的构筑物工程1项或高度35-50 米(不含)的构筑物工程2项; (3)建筑面积1万平方米以上的单体工业、民用 建筑工程1项或建筑面积0.6万一1万平方米(不含)的单 体工业、民用建筑工程2项; (4)钢筋混凝土结构单跨2 1米以上(或钢结构单 跨2 4米以上)的建筑工程1项或钢筋混凝土结构单跨 18-21米(不含)(或钢结构单跨21-24米(不含))的 建筑工程2项。 1.3三级资质标准 1. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 1.3.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合计不 少于5人,其中建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于4人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有结构专业中级以上职称或建筑工 程专业注册建造师执业资格;建筑工程相关专业中级以 上职称人员不少于6人,且结构、给排水、电气等专业 齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳 务员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 1.4承包工程范围 1.4.1一级资质 可承担单项合同额3 0 0 0万元以上的下列建筑工程 的施工: (1)高度2 0 0米以下的工业、民用建筑工程; (2)高度2 4 0米以下的构筑物工程。 1.4.2二级资质 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 可承担下列建筑工程的施工: (1)高度1 0 0米以下的工业、民用建筑工程; (2)高度1 2 0米以下的构筑物工程; (3)建筑面积4万平方米以下的单体工业、民用 建筑工程; (4)单跨跨度3 9米以下的建筑工程。 1.4.3三级资质 可承担下列建筑工程的施工: (1)高度5 0米以下的工业、民用建筑工程; (2)高度7 0米以下的构筑物工程; (3)建筑面积1.2万平方米以下的单体工业、民 用建筑工程; (4)单跨跨度2 7米以下的建筑工程。 注: 1(建筑工程是指各类结构形式的民用建筑工程、工 业建筑工程、构筑物工程以及相配套的道路、通信、管 网管线等设施工程。工程内容包括地基与基础、主体结 构、建筑屋面、装修装饰、建筑幕墙、附建人防工程以 及给水排水及供暖、通风与空调、电气、消防、防雷等 配套工程。 2(建筑工程相关专业职称包括结构、给排水、暖通、 电气等专业职称。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 3(单项合同额3 0 0 0万元以下且超出建筑工程施工 总承包二级资质承包工程范围的建筑工程的施工,应由 建筑工程施工总承包一级资质企业承担。 2公路工程施工总承包资质标准 公路工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二级、 三级。 2.1 一级资质标准 2.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 2.1.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业高级职称;公 路工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于7 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 5 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于5 0人。 2.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列4类中的3类工程的施工,工 程质量合格。 (1)累计修建一级以上公路路基1 0 0公里以上; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)累计修建二级以上等级公路路面(不少于2 层且厚度1 0厘米以上沥青混凝土路面,或2 2厘米以上 水泥混凝土路面)300万平方米以上; (3)累计修建单座桥长?5 0 0米或单跨跨度?1 0 0 米的桥梁6座以上; (4)累计修建单座隧道长?1 0 0 0米的公路隧道2 座以上,或单座隧道长?5 0 0米的公路隧道3座以上。 2.1.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) 160吨,小时以上沥青混凝土拌和设备3台; (2) 120立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备4 台; (3) 300吨,小时以上稳定土拌和设备4台; (4)摊铺宽度1 2米以上的沥青混凝土摊铺设备6 台; (5)各型压路机2 0台(其中沥青混凝土压实设备 1 0台,大型土方振动压实设备1 0台); (6)扭矩2 0 0千牛?米以上的钻机2台; (7) 80吨以上自行式架桥机2套; (8)水泥混凝土泵车4台; (9)隧道掘进设备2台,水泥混凝土喷射泵4台, 压浆设备2台。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 2.2二级资质标准 2.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 2.2.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业注册建造师不少于1 5人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业高级职称或公 路工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于5 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 2.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列3类工程的施工,工程质量合 格。 (1)累计修建三级以上公路路基2 0 0公里以上; (2)累计修建四级以上公路路面(厚度5厘米以 上沥青混凝土路面或2 0厘米以上水泥混凝土路面)2 0 0 万平方米以上; (3)累计修建单座桥长?1 0 0米或单跨跨度?4 0 米的桥梁4座以上。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 2.2.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) 120吨,小时以上沥青混凝土拌和设备2台; (2 )60立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备2台; (3) 300吨,小时以上稳定土拌和设备2台; (4)摊铺宽度8米以上的沥青混凝土摊铺设备2 台; (5) 120千瓦以上平地机3台; (6)1立方米以上挖掘机3台; (7) 100千瓦以上推土机3台; (8)各型压路机1 0台(其中沥青混凝土压实设备4 台,大型土方振动压实设备2台); (9)扭矩2 0 0千牛?米以上的钻机1台; (10) 80吨以上自行式架桥机1套; ( 11) 50吨以上吊车1台; (12)水泥混凝土泵车2台; (13)隧道掘进设备1台,水泥混凝土喷射泵2台, 压浆设备1台。 2.3三级资质标准 2. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 2.3.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)公路工程专业注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有6年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业中级以上职称 或公路工程专业注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的现场管理人员不少于8人, 且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)企业具有经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技 术工人不少于1 5人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 2.3.3技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) 100吨,小时以上沥青混凝土拌和设备1台; (2) 50立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备1 台; (3)摊铺宽度4.5米以上沥青混凝土摊铺设备2 台; (4)8吨以上压路机5台; (5)1立方米以上挖掘机2台; (6) 120千瓦以上平地机2台; (7) 30吨以上吊车1台。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 2.4承包工程范围 2.4.1一级资质 可承担各级公路及其桥梁,长度3 0 0 0米以下的隧 道工程的施工。 2.4.2二级资质 可承担一级以下公路,单座桥长1 0 0 0米以下、单 跨跨度1 5 0米以下的桥梁,长度1 0 0 0米以下的隧道工 程的施工。 2.4.3三级资质 可承担二级以下公路,单座桥长5 0 0米以下、单跨 跨度5 0米以下的桥梁工程的施工。 注:公路工程相关专业职称包括公路工程、桥梁工 程、公路与桥梁工程、交通土建、隧道(地下结构)工 程、交通工程等专业职称。 3铁路工程施工总承包资质标准 铁路工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二级、 三级。 3.1 一级资质标准 3.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 3.1.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 5人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁道工程(或桥梁工程或隧 道工程)专业高级职称;铁道工程相关专业中级以上职 称人员不少于7 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0 0人。 3.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列5类中的3类工程的施工,其 中至少有第1类所列工程,工程质量合格。 (1)累计1 5 0公里以上I级铁路综合工程(不包 括铁路电务、电气化和铺轨架梁工程); (2)2座全长1 0 0 0米以上铁路隧道; (3)3座单跨3 2米且桥长1 0 0米以上的铁路桥梁; (4)2个单项合同额5 0 0 0万元以上新建或改建站 场; (5)2个单项合同额1亿元以上的总承包铁路综合 工程(不包括铁路电务、电气化和铺轨架梁工程)。 3.2二级资质标准 3.2.1企业资产 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 3.2.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁道工程(或桥梁工程或隧 道工程)专业高级职称;铁道工程相关专业中级以上职 称人员不少于4 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 0 0人。 3.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列5类中的3类工程的施工,其 中至少有第1类所列工程,工程质量合格。 (1)累计6 0公里以上铁路综合工程(不包括铁路 电务、电气化和铺轨架梁工程); (2)3座全长1 0 0米以上铁路隧道; (3)8座单跨2 4米的铁路桥梁; (4)3座中间站; (5)2个单项合同额2 0 0 0万元以上的总承包铁路 综合工程(不包括铁路电务、电气化和铺轨架梁工程)。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 3.3三级资质标准 3. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 3.3.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁道工程(或桥梁工程或隧 道工程)专业中级以上职称;铁道工程相关专业中级以 上职称人员不少于2 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于5 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 3.4承包工程范围 3.4.1一级资质 可承担新建、改建3 0公里以下I级铁路工程施工, 以及n、nI、IV级铁路工程施工(不包括钢板梁桥和单 跨大于6 4米的桥梁、全长3 0 0 0米以上的隧道,以及铁 路电务、电气化和铺轨架梁工程专业承包资质范围内的 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 工程)。 3.4.2二级资质 可承担新建、改建1 5公里以下I级铁路工程、3 0 公里以下II、ni、IV级铁路工程施工(不包括钢桁梁、 钢板梁桥及单跨大于3 2米的桥梁、全长1 2 0 0米以上的 隧道,以及铁路电务、电气化和铺轨架梁工程专业承包 资质范围内的工程)。 3.4.3三级资质 可承担新建、改建1 5公里以下ni、IV级铁路综合 工程的施工(不包括钢桁梁、钢板梁桥及单跨大于2 4米 的桥梁、全长2 0 0米以上的隧道,以及铁路电务、电气 化和铺轨架梁工程专业承包资质范围内的工程)。 注:铁道工程相关专业职称包括铁道工程、桥梁工 程、隧道工程以及铁路线路、站场、路基、轨道等专业 职称。 4港口与航道工程施工总承包资质标准 港口与航道工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、 二级、三级。 4.1 一级资质标准 4.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 4.1.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于 1 5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称; 工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于6 0人,其中港口与 航道工程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 5 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于7 5人。 4.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列1 0类中的5类工程的施工,工 程质量合格。 (1)沿海5万吨级或内河2 0 0 0吨级以上码头工程; (2)5万吨级以上船坞工程; (3)水深大于5米的防波堤工程6 0 0米以上; (4)沿海5万吨级或内河1 0 0 0吨级以上航道工程; (5) 1000吨级以上船闸或3 0 0吨级以上升船机工 程; (6) 500万立方米以上疏浚工程; (7) 400万立方米以上吹填造地工程; (8)沿海2 0万平方米或内河1 0万平方米以上港 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 区堆场工程; (9) 1000米以上围堤护岸工程; (10)5万立方米以上水下炸礁、清礁工程。 4.1.4技术装备 具有下列7项中的2项施工机械设备: (1)架高6 0米以上打桩船; (2) 200吨以上起重船; ( 3) 3000吨级以上半潜驳或1 0 0立方米,小时以上 砼搅拌船; (4)排宽4 0米以上铺排船; (5) 2000立方米以上舱容耙吸式挖泥船; (6)总装机功率5 0 0 0千瓦以上绞吸式挖泥船; (7)8立方米以上斗容挖泥船。 4.2二级资质标准 4.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 4.2.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于8 人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称或 港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 列中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人,其中港口与航道工 程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于5 0人。 4.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列1 0类中的5类工程的施工,工 程质量合格。 (1)沿海1万吨级或内河1 0 0 0吨级以上码头工程; (2)1万吨级以上船坞工程; (3)水深大于3米的防波堤工程3 0 0米以上; (4)沿海2万吨级或内河3 0 0吨级以上航道工程; ( 5)300吨级以上船闸或5 0吨级以上升船机工程; (6) 200万立方米以上疏浚工程; (7) 150万立方米以上吹填造地工程; (8)沿海1 0万平方米或内河5万平方米以上港区 堆场工程; (9) 500米以上围堤护岸工程; (10)3万立方米以上水下炸礁、清礁工程。 4.2.4技术装备 具有下列5项中的2项施工机械设备: waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)架高3 0米以上打桩船; (2) 80吨以上起重船; (3)排宽2 0米以上铺排船; (4)总装机功率1 6 0 0千瓦以上绞吸式挖泥船; (5)4立方米以上斗容挖泥船。 4.3三级资质标准 4. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 4.3.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于5 人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称或 港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序 列中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人,其中港口与航道工 程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 4.3.3技术装备 具有下列4项中的2项施工机械设备: (1)打桩船; (2)起重船; (3)总装机功率1 2 0 0千瓦以上挖泥船; (4)2立方米以上斗容挖泥船。 4.4承包工程范围 4.4.1一级资质 可承担各类港口与航道工程的施工,包括码头、防 波堤、护岸、围堰、堆场道路和陆域构筑物、筒仓、船 坞、船台、滑道、船闸、升船机、水下地基及基础、土 石方、海上灯塔、航标、栈桥、人工岛及平台、海上风 电、海岸与近海工程、港口装卸设备机电安装、通航建 筑设备机电安装、河海航道整治与渠化工程、疏浚与吹 填造地、水下开挖与清障、水下炸礁清礁等工程。 4.4.2二级资质 可承担下列港口与航道工程的施工,包括沿海5万 吨级和内河5 0 0 0吨级以下码头、水深小于7米的防波 堤、5万吨级以下船坞船台和滑道工程、1 0 0 0吨级以下 船闸和3 0 0吨级以下升船机工程、沿海5万吨级和内河 1 0 0 0吨级以下航道工程、6 0 0万立方米以下疏浚工程或 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 陆域吹填工程、沿海2 8万平方米或内河1 2万平方米以 下堆场工程、1 2 0 0米以下围堤护岸工程、6万立方米以 下水下炸礁清礁工程,以及与其相对应的道路与陆域构 筑物、筒仓、水下地基及基础、土石方、航标、栈桥、 海岸与近海工程、港口装卸设备机电安装、通航建筑设 备机电安装、水下开挖与清障等工程。 4.4.3三级资质 可承担下列港口与航道工程的施工,包括沿海1万 吨级和内河3 0 0 0吨级以下码头、水深小于4米的防波 堤、1万吨级以下船坞船台和滑道工程、3 0 0吨级以下 船闸和5 0吨级以下升船机工程、沿海2万吨级和内河 5 0 0吨级以下航道工程、3 0 0万立方米以下疏浚工程或 陆域吹填工程、沿海1 2万平方米或内河7万平方米以 下港区堆场工程、8 0 0米以下围堤护岸工程、4万立方 米以下水下炸礁清礁工程,以及与其相对应的道路与陆 域构筑物、筒仓、水下地基及基础、土石方、航标、栈 桥、海岸与近海工程、港口装卸设备安装、通航建筑设 备安装、水下开挖与清障等工程。 5水利水电工程施工总承包资质标准 水利水电工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二 级、三级。 5.1 一级资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 5.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 5.1.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 5 人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业高级职 称;水利水电工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于6 0 人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于7 0人。 5.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列7类中的3类工程的施工总承 包或主体工程承包,其中1—2类至少1类,3~5类至 少1类,工程质量合格。 (1)库容5 0 0 0万立方米以上且坝高1 5米以上或 库容1 0 0 0万立方米以上且坝高5 0米以上的水库、水电 站大坝2座; (2)过闸流量?5 0 0立方米,秒的水闸4座(不包 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 括橡胶坝等); (3)总装机容量100MW以上水电站2座; (4)总装机容量SMW(或流量?2 5立方米,秒)以 上泵站2座; (5)洞径?6米(或断面积相等的其它型式)且长 度?5 0 0米的水工隧洞4个; (6)年完成水工混凝土浇筑5 0万立方米以上或坝 体土石方填筑1 2 0万立方米以上或灌浆1 2万米以上或 防渗墙8万平方米以上; (7)单项合同额1亿元以上的水利水电工程。 5.2二级资质标准 5.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 5.2.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程专业注册建造师不少于1 5人, 其中一级注册建造师不少于6人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业高级职称 或水利水电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;水利水 电工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于4 0人。 5.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列7类中的3类工程的施工总承 包或主体工程承包,其中1—2类至少1类,3~5类至 少1类,工程质量合格。 (1)库容5 0 0万立方米以上且坝高1 5米以上或库 容1 0万立方米以上且坝高3 0米以上的水库、水电站大 坝2座; (2)过闸流量6 0立方米,秒的水闸4座(不包括 橡胶坝等); (3)总装机容量10MW以上水电站2座; (4)总装机容量500KW(或流量?8立方米,秒) 以上泵站2座; (5)洞径?4米(或断面积相等的其它型式)且长 度?2 0 0米的水工隧洞3个; (6)年完成水工混凝土浇筑2 0万立方米以上或坝 体土石方填筑6 0万立方米以上或灌浆6万米以上或防 渗墙4万平方米以上; (7)单项合同额5 0 0 0万元以上的水利水电工程。 5.3三级资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 5. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 5.3.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程专业注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业中级以上 职称或水利水电工程专业注册建造师执业资格;水利水 电工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 5.4承包工程范围 5.4.1一级资质 可承担各类型水利水电工程的施工。 5.4.2二级资质 可承担工程规模中型以下水利水电工程和建筑物 级别3级以下水工建筑物的施工,但下列工程规模限制 在以下范围内:坝高7 0米以下、水电站总装机容量150MW waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 以下、水工隧洞洞径小于8米(或断面积相等的其它型 式)且长度小于1 0 0 0米、堤防级别2级以下。 5.4.3三级资质 可承担单项合同额6 0 0 0万元以下的下列水利水电 工程的施工:小(1)型以下水利水电工程和建筑物级 别4级以下水工建筑物的施工总承包,但下列工程限制 在以下范围内:坝高4 0米以下、水电站总装机容量20MW 以下、泵站总装机容量800KW以下、水工隧洞洞径小于 6米(或断面积相等的其它型式)且长度小于5 0 0米、 堤防级别3级以下。 注: 1(水利水电工程是指以防洪、灌溉、发电、供水、 治涝、水环境治理等为目的的各类工程(包括配套与附 属工程),主要工程内容包括:水工建筑物(坝、堤、 水闸、溢洪道、水工隧洞、涵洞与涵管、取水建筑物、 河道整治建筑物、渠系建筑物、通航、过木、过鱼建筑 物、地基处理)建设、水电站建设、水泵站建设、水力 机械安装、水工金属结构制造及安装、电气设备安装、 自动化信息系统、环境保护工程建设、水土保持工程建 设、土地整治工程建设,以及与防汛抗旱有关的道路、 桥梁、通讯、水文、凿井等工程建设,与上述工程相关 的管理用房附属工程建设等,详见《水利水电工程技术 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 术语标准》( SL26-2 012)。 2(水利水电工程等级按照《水利水电工程等级划分 及洪水标准》( SL252-2000)确定。 3(水利水电工程相关专业职称包括水利水电工程 建筑、水利工程施工、农田水利工程、水电站动力设备、 电力系统及自动化、水力学及河流动力学、水文与水资 源、工程地质及水文地质、水利机械等水利水电类相关 专业职称。 6电力工程施工总承包资质标准 电力工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二级、 三级。 6.1 一级资质标准 6.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 6.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有电力工程相关专业高级职称;电 力工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于6 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、造价员、资料员等人 员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5 0人。 6.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列5类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)累计电站装机容量1 8 0万千瓦以上; (2)单机容量2 0万千瓦机组累计6台; (3) 220千伏送电线路累计6 0 0公里; (4) 220千伏电压等级变电站累计8座; (5) 220千伏电缆工程累计1 0 0公里。 6.2二级资质标准 6.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 6.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于1 0人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有电力工程相关专业高级职称或机 电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;电力工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 少于7 5人。 6.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列5类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)累计电站装机容量1 0 0万千瓦以上; (2)单机容量1 0万千瓦机组累计4台; (3) 110千伏送电线路累计7 0 0公里; (4) 110千伏电压等级变电站累计7座; (5) 110千伏电缆工程累计2 0 0公里。 6.3三级资质标准 6. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 6.3.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有电力工程相关专业中级以上职称 或机电工程专业注册建造师执业资格;电力工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别工程业绩不少于2项。 6.4.1一级资质 6.4承包工程范围 可承担各类发电工程、各种电压等级送电线路和变 电站工程的施工。 6.4.2二级资质 可承担单机容量2 0万千瓦以下发电工程、2 2 0千伏 以下送电线路和相同电压等级变电站工程的施工。 6.4.1三级资质 可承担单机容量1 0万千瓦以下发电工程、1 1 0千伏 以下送电线路和相同电压等级变电站工程的施工。 注: 1(电力工程是指与电能的生产、输送及分配有关的 工程。包括火力发电、水力发电、核能发电、风电、太 阳能及其它能源发电、输配电等工程及其配套工程。 2(电力工程相关专业职称包括热能动力工程、水能 动力工程、核电工程、风电、太阳能及其它能源工程、 输配电及用电工程、电力系统及其自动化等专业职称。 7矿山工程施工总承包资质标准 矿山工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二级、 三级。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 7.1 一级资质标准 7.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 7.1.2企业主要人员 (1)矿业工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 2人, 机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有矿建工程专业高级职称;矿山工 程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于6 0人,且专业齐 全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳 务员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5 0人。 7.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列5类中的2类或某1类的3项 工程的施工总承包或主体工程承包,工程质量合格。 (1) 100万吨,年以上铁矿采、选工程; (2) 100万吨,年以上有色砂矿或6 0万吨,年以上 有色脉矿采、选工程; ( 3)120万吨,年以上煤矿工程或3 0 0万吨,年以上 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 洗煤工程; (4) 60万吨,年以上磷矿、硫铁矿或3 0万吨,年以 上铀矿工程; (5) 20万吨,年以上石膏矿、石英矿或7 0万吨, 年以上石灰石矿等建材矿山工程。 7.2二级资质标准 7.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 7.2.2企业主要人员 (1)矿业工程专业注册建造师不少于1 0人,机电 工程专业注册建造师不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有矿建工程专业高级职称或矿业工 程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;矿山工程相关专业中 级以上职称人员不少于2 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳 务员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于7 5人。 7.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列5类中的2类或某1类的2项 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 工程的施工总承包或主体工程承包,工程质量合格。 (1) 60万吨,年以上铁矿采、选工程; (2)60万吨,年以上有色砂矿或3 0万吨,年以上有 色脉矿采、选工程; (3) 45万吨,年以上煤矿工程或1 5 0万吨,年以上 洗煤工程; (4) 30万吨,年以上磷矿、硫铁矿或2 0万吨,年以 上铀矿工程; (5) 10万吨,年以上石膏矿、石英矿或4 0万吨, 年以上石灰石矿等建材矿山工程。 7.3三级资质标准 7. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 7.3.2企业主要人员 (1)矿业工程专业注册建造师不少于4人,机电 工程专业注册建造师不少于1人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有矿建工程专业中级以上职称或矿 业工程专业注册建造师执业资格;矿山工程相关专业中 级以上职称人员不少于1 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 务员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 7.4承包工程范围 7.4.1一级资质 可承担各类矿山工程的施工。 7.4.2二级资质 可承担下列矿山工程(不含矿山特殊法施工工程) 的施工: (1) 120万吨,年以下铁矿采、选工程; (2) 120万吨,年以下有色砂矿或7 0万吨,年以下 有色脉矿采、选工程; (3) 150万吨,年以下煤矿矿井工程(不含高瓦斯 及(煤)岩与瓦斯(二氧化碳)突出矿井、水文地质条 件复杂以上的矿井、立井井深大于6 0 0米的工程项目) 或3 6 0万吨,年以下洗煤工程; (4) 70万吨,年以下磷矿、硫铁矿或3 6万吨,年以 下铀矿工程; (5) 24万吨,年以下石膏矿、石英矿或8 0万吨, 年以下石灰石矿等建材矿山工程。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 7.4.3三级资质 可承担下列矿山工程(不含矿山特殊法施工工程) 的施工: (1) 70万吨,年以下铁矿采、选工程; (2)70万吨,年以下有色砂矿或3 6万吨,年以下有 色脉矿采、选工程; (3) 60万吨,年以下煤矿矿井工程(不含高瓦斯及 (煤)岩与瓦斯(二氧化碳)突出矿井、水文地质条件 复杂以上的矿井、立井井深大于6 0 0米)或1 8 0万吨, 年以下洗煤工程; (4) 36万吨,年以下磷矿、硫铁矿或2 4万吨,年以 下铀矿工程; (5) 12万吨,年以下石膏矿、石英矿或4 8万吨, 年以下石灰石矿等建材矿山工程。 注: 1(矿山工程包括矿井工程(井工开采)、露天矿工 程、洗(选)矿工程、尾矿工程、井下机电设备安装及 其他地面生产系统和矿区配套工程。 其他地面生产系统是指转载点、原料仓(产品仓)、 装车仓(站)以及相互连接的皮带输送机栈桥的土建及 相对应的设备安装工程。 矿区配套工程是指矿区内专用铁路工程、公路工 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 程、送变电工程、通讯工程、环保工程、绿化工程等。 2(矿山工程相关专业职称包括矿建、结构、机电、 地质、测量、通风安全等专业职称。 8冶金工程施工总承包资质标准 冶金工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二级、 三级。 8.1 一级资质标准 8.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 8.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程、矿业工程专业一级注册建造师合 计不少于1 5人,其中机电工程专业一级注册建造师不 少于1 0人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有冶金工程相关专业高级职称;冶 金工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于8 0人,且冶 金工程(或金属冶炼或金属材料或焦化或耐火材料或建 筑材料)、结构、电气、给排水、动力、暖通、测量等 专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员等人 员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5 0人。 8.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列1 1类中的3类工程的施工总承 包或主体工程承包,工程质量合格。 (1)年产1 0 0万吨以上炼钢或连铸工程(或单座 容量1 2 0吨以上转炉或9 0吨以上电炉); (2)年产8 0万吨以上的轧钢工程; (3)年产1 0 0万吨以上炼铁工程(或单座容积1 2 0 0 立方米以上高炉)或烧结机使用面积1 8 0平方米以上烧 结工程; (4)年产9 0万吨以上炼焦工程(焦炉炭化室高度 6米以上); (5)小时制氧1 0 0 0 0立方米以上制氧工程; (6)年产3 0万吨以上氧化铝加工工程; (7)年产1 5万吨以上铝或1 0万吨以上铜、铅、 锌或2万吨以上镍等有色金属冶炼、电解工程; (8)年产5万吨以上有色金属加工工程或生产5 0 0 0 吨以上金属箔材工程; (9)日产2 0 0 0吨以上新型干法水泥生产线工程; (10)日产2 5 0 0吨以上新型干法水泥生产线预热 器系统或水泥烧成系统工程; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ( 11)日熔量4 0 0吨以上浮法玻璃工程或年产7 5 万吨以上水泥粉磨工程。 8.2二级资质标准 8.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 8.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程、矿业工程专业注册建造师合计不 少于1 2人,其中机电工程专业注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有冶金工程相关专业高级职称或机 电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;冶金工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于5 0人,且冶金工程(或金 属冶炼或金属材料或焦化或耐火材料或建筑材料)、结 构、电气、给排水、动力、暖通、测量等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于7 5人。 8.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列1 0类中的3类工程的施工总承 包或主体工程承包,工程质量合格。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)年产8 0万吨以上炼钢或连铸工程; (2)年产6 0万吨以上的轧钢工程; (3)年产7 0万吨以上(或单座容积1 0 0 0立方米 以上高炉)炼铁工程; (4)年产6 0万吨以上炼焦工程(焦炉炭化室高度 6米以上); (5)年产1 5万吨以上氧化铝加工工程; (6)年产1 0万吨以上铝或5万吨以上铜、铅、锌 或1万吨以上镍等有色金属冶炼、电解工程; (7)年产3万吨以上有色金属加工工程或生产2 5 0 0 吨以上金属箔材工程; (8)日产1 5 0 0吨以上新型干法水泥生产线工程; (9)日产2 0 0 0吨以上新型干法水泥生产线预热器 系统或水泥烧成系统工程; (10)日熔量3 0 0吨以上浮法玻璃工程或年产6 0 万吨以上水泥粉磨工程。 8.3 三级资质标准 8. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 8.3.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程、矿业工程专业注册建造师合计不 少于7人,其中机电工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有冶金工程相关专业中级以上职称 或机电工程专业注册建造师执业资格;冶金工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人,且冶金工程(或金 属冶炼或金属材料或焦化或耐火材料或建筑材料)、结 构、电气、给排水、动力、暖通、测量等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 8.4承包工程范围 8.4.1一级资质 可承担各类冶金工程的施工。 8.4.2二级资质 可承担下列冶金工程的施工: (1)年产1 2 0万吨以下炼钢或连铸工程; (2)年产1 0 0万吨以下的轧钢工程; (3)年产1 2 0万吨以下炼铁工程或烧结机使用面 积2 4 0平方米以下烧结工程; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)年产1 2 0万吨以下炼焦工程; (5)小时制氧1 2 0 0 0立方米以下制氧工程; (6)年产3 5万吨以下氧化铝加工工程; (7)年产2 0万吨以下铝或1 2万吨以下铜、铅、 锌或2.2万吨以下镍等有色金属冶炼、电解工程; (8)年产6万吨以下有色金属加工工程或生产6 0 0 0 吨以下金属箔材工程; (9)日产4 0 0 0吨以下新型干法水泥生产线工程; (10)日产6 0 0 0吨以下新型干法水泥生产线预热 器系统或水泥烧成系统工程; ( 11)日熔量5 5 0吨以下浮法玻璃工程或年产1 5 0 万吨以下水泥粉磨工程。 8.4.3三级资质 可承担下列冶金工程的施工: (1)年产1 0 0万吨以下炼钢或连铸工程; (2)年产8 0万吨以下轧钢工程; (3)年产1 0 0万吨以下炼铁工程; (4)年产1 0 0万吨以下炼焦工程; (5)年产2 0万吨以下氧化铝加工工程; (6)年产1 5万吨以下铝或8万吨以下铜、铅、锌、 或1.5万吨以下镍等有色金属冶炼、电解工程; (7)年产4万吨以下有色金属加工工程或生产4 0 0 0 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 吨以下金属箔材工程; (8)日产2 5 0 0吨以下新型干法水泥生产线工程; (9)日产3 0 0 0吨以下新型干法水泥生产线预热器 系统或水泥烧成系统工程; (10)日熔量4 5 0吨以下浮法玻璃工程或年产8 0 万吨以下水泥粉磨工程。 注: 1(冶金工程包括冶金、有色、建材工业的主体工程、 配套工程及生产辅助附属工程。 2(冶金工程相关专业职称包括冶金工程、金属冶 炼、金属材料、焦化、耐火材料、采矿、选矿、机械、 建筑材料、结构、电气、暖通、给排水、动力、测量等 专业职称。 9石油化工工程施工总承包资质标准 石油化工工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二 级、三级。 9.1 一级资质标准 9.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 9.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称;工程序列中 级以上职称人员不少于8 0人,其中石油化工(或(油 气田)地面建设或油气储运或石油炼制或化工工程或化 工工艺或化工设备)、结构、电气、机械和自动控制等 专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书施工现场管理人员不少于2 5人, 且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5 0人。 9.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类中的1类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)单项合同额1亿元以上的中型石油化工工程 施工总承包或主体工程承包3项; (2)单项合同额3 5 0 0万元以上的石油化工主体装 置(可含附属设施)检维修工程3项。 9.2二级资质标准 9.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 9.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于1 2人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或机电工程专 业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序列中级以上职称人 员不少于4 0人,其中石油化工(或(油气田)地面建 设或油气储运或石油炼制或化工工程或化工工艺或化 工设备)、结构、电气、机械和自动控制等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于7 5人。 9.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类中的1类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)单项合同额3 0 0 0万元以上的石油化工工程施 工总承包或主体工程承包3项; (2)单项合同额2 5 0 0万元以上的石油化工主体装 置(可含附属设施)检维修工程3项。 9.3三级资质标准 9. 3.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 9.3.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或机电工 程专业注册建造师执业资格;工程序列中级以上职称人 员不少于1 0人,且石油化工(或(油气田)地面建设 或油气储运或石油炼制或化工工程或化工工艺或化工 设备)、结构、电气、机械和自动控制等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于8 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 9.4承包工程范围 9.4.1一级资质 可承担各类型石油化工工程的施工和检维修。 9.4.2二级资质 可承担大型以外的石油化工工程的施工,各类型石 油化工工程的检维修。 9.4.3三级资质 可承担单项合同额3 5 0 0万元以下、大中型以外的 石油化工工程的施工,以及大型以外的石油化工工程的 检维修。 注: waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 1(石油化工工程是指油气田地面、油气储运(管道、 储库等)、石油化工、化工、煤化工等主体工程,配套 工程及生产辅助附属工程。 2(石油化工工程大、中型项目划分标准: 大型石油化工工程是指: (1) 30万吨,年以上生产能力的油(气)田主体配 套建设工程; (2) 50万立方米,日以上的气体处理工程; (3) 300万吨,年以上原油、成品油,8 0亿立方米 ,年以上输气等管道输送工程及配套建设工程; (4)单罐1 0万立方米以上、总库容3 0万立方米 以上的原油储库,单罐2万立方米以上、总库容8万立 方米以上的成品油库,单罐5 0 0 0立方米以上、总库容1.5 万立方米以上的天然气储库,单罐4 0 0立方米以上、总 库容2 0 0 0立方米以上的液化气及轻烃储库,单罐3万 立方米以上、总库容1 2万立方米以上的液化天然气储 库,单罐5亿立方米以上的地下储气库,以及以上储库 的配套建设工程; (5) 800万吨,年以上的炼油工程,或者与其配套 的常减压、脱硫、催化、重整、制氢、加氢、气分、焦 化等生产装置和相关公用工程、辅助设施; (6) 60万吨,年以上的乙烯工程,或者与其配套的 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 对二甲苯( PX)、甲醇、精对苯二甲酸(PTA)、丁二烯、 己内酰胺、乙二醇、苯乙烯、醋酸、醋酸乙烯、环氧乙 烷,乙二醇( EO/EG)、丁辛醇、聚酯、聚乙烯、聚丙烯、 ABS等生产装置和相关公用工程、辅助设施; (7)30万吨,年以上的合成氨工程或相应的主生产 装置; (8) 24万吨,年以上磷铵工程或相应的主生产装 置: (9) 32万吨,年以上硫酸工程或相应的主生产装 置: (10) 50万吨,年以上纯碱工程、1 0万吨,年以上 烧碱工程或相应的主生产装置; ( 11)4万吨,年以上合成橡胶、合成树脂及塑料和 化纤工程或相应的主生产装置; (12)项目投资额6亿元以上的有机原料、染料、 中间体、农药、助剂、试剂等工程或相应的主生产装置; (13) 30万套,年以上的轮胎工程或相应的主生产 装置; (14)10亿标立方米,年以上煤气化、2 0亿立方米 ,年以上煤制天然气、6 0万吨,年以上煤制甲醇、1 0 0万 吨,年以上煤制油、2 0万吨,年以上煤基烯烃等煤化工工 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 程或相应的主生产装置。 中型石油化工工程是指:大型石油化工工程规模以 下的下列工程: (1) 10万吨,年以上生产能力的油(气)田主体配 套建设工程; (2) 20万立方米,日以上气体处理工程; (3) 100万吨,年以上原油、成品油,2 0亿立方米 ,年及以上输气等管道输送工程及配套建设工程; (4)单罐5万立方米以上、总库容1 0万立方米以 上的原油储库,单罐5 0 0 0立方米以上、总库容3万立 方米以上的成品油库,单罐2 0 0 0立方米以上、总库容1 万立方米以上的天然气储库,单罐2 0 0立方米以上、总 库容1 0 0 0立方米以上的液化气及轻烃储库,单罐2万 立方米以上、总库容6万立方米以上的液化天然气储库, 单罐1亿立方米以上的地下储气库,以及以上储库的配 套建设工程; (5) 500万吨,年以上的炼油工程,或者与其配套 的常减压、脱硫、催化、重整、制氢、加氢、气分、焦 化等生产装置和相关公用工程、辅助设施; (6) 30万吨,年以上的乙烯工程,或者与其配套的 对二甲苯( PX)、甲醇、精对苯二甲酸(PTA)、丁二烯、 己内酰胺、乙二醇、苯乙烯、醋酸、醋酸乙烯、环氧乙 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 烷,乙二醇( EO/EG)、丁辛醇、聚酯、聚乙烯、聚丙烯、 ABS等生产装置和相关公用工程、辅助设施; ( 7)15万吨,年以上的合成氨工程或相应的主生产 装置; (8) 12万吨,年以上磷铵工程或相应的主生产装 置: (9) 16万吨,年以上硫酸工程或相应的主生产装 置: (10) 30万吨,年以上纯碱工程、5万吨,年以上烧 碱工程或相应的主生产装置; ( 11)2万吨,年以上合成橡胶、合成树脂及塑料和 化纤工程或相应的主生产装置; (12)项目投资额2亿元以上的有机原料、染料、 中间体、农药、助剂、试剂等工程或相应的主生产装置; (13) 20万套,年以上的轮胎工程或相应的主生产 装置; (14)4亿标立方米,年以上煤气化、5亿立方米, 年以上煤制天然气、2 0万吨,年以上煤制甲醇、1 6万吨 ,年以上煤制油、1 0万吨,年以上煤基烯烃等煤化工工程 或相应的主生产装置。 10市政公用工程施工总承包资质标准 市政公用工程施工总承包资质分为特级、一级、二 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 级、三级。 10.1 一级资质标准 10.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 10.1.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 2 人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有市政工程相关专业高级职称;市 政工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人,且专 业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳 务员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5 0人。 10.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列7类中的4类工程的施工,其 中至少有第1类所列工程,工程质量合格。 (1)累计修建城市主干道2 5公里以上;或累计修 建城市次干道以上道路面积1 5 0万平方米以上;或累计 修建城市广场硬质铺装面积1 0万平方米以上; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)累计修建城市桥梁面积1 0万平方米以上;或 累计修建单跨4 0米以上的城市桥梁3座; (3)累计修建直径1米以上的排水管道(含净宽1 米以上方沟)工程2 0公里以上;或累计修建直径0.6 米以上供水、中水管道工程2 0公里以上;或累计修建 直径0.3米以上的中压燃气管道工程2 0公里以上;或 累计修建直径0.5米以上的热力管道工程2 0公里以上; (4)修建8万吨,日以上的污水处理厂或1 0万吨, 日以上的供水厂工程2项;或修建2 0万吨,日以上的给 水泵站、1 0万吨,日以上的排水泵站4座; (5)修建5 0 0吨,日以上的城市生活垃圾处理工程 2项; (6)累计修建断面2 0平方米以上的城市隧道工程 3公里以上: (7)单项合同额3 0 0 0万元以上的市政综合工程项 目2项。 10.1.4技术装备 具有下列3项中的2项机械设备: (1)摊铺宽度8米以上沥青混凝土摊铺设备2台; (2) 100千瓦以上平地机2台; (3)直径1.2米以上顶管设备2台。 10.2二级资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 10.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 10.2.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程专业注册建造师不少于1 2人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有市政工程相关专业高级职称或市 政公用工程一级注册建造师执业资格;市政工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳 务员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于7 5人。 10.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列7类中的4类工程的施工,其 中至少有第1类所列工程,工程质量合格。 (1)累计修建城市道路1 0公里以上;或累计修建 城市道路面积5 0万平方米以上; (2)累计修建城市桥梁面积5万平方米以上;或 修建单跨2 0米以上的城市桥梁2座; (3)累计修建排水管道工程1 0公里以上;或累计 修建供水、中水管道工程1 0公里以上;或累计修建燃 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 气管道工程1 0公里以上;或累计修建热力管道工程1 0 公里以上: (4)修建4万吨,日以上的污水处理厂或5万吨, 日以上的供水厂工程2项;或修建5万吨,日以上的给 水泵站、排水泵站4座; (5)修建2 0 0吨,日以上的城市生活垃圾处理工程 2项; (6)累计修建城市隧道工程1.5公里以上; (7)单项合同额2 0 0 0万元以上的市政综合工程项 目2项。 10.3三级资质标准 10. 3.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 10.3.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有市政工程相关专业中级以上职称 或市政公用工程注册建造师执业资格;市政工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于8人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员、劳 务员等人员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 10.4承包工程范围 10. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类市政公用工程的施工。 10.4.2二级资质 可承担下列市政公用工程的施工: (1)各类城市道路;单跨4 5米以下的城市桥梁; (2) 15万吨,日以下的供水工程;1 0万吨,日以下 的污水处理工程;2 5万吨,日以下的给水泵站、1 5万吨 ,日以下的污水泵站、雨水泵站;各类给排水及中水管 道工程; (3)中压以下燃气管道、调压站;供热面积1 5 0 万平方米以下热力工程和各类热力管道工程; (4)各类城市生活垃圾处理工程; (5)断面2 5平方米以下隧道工程和地下交通工程; (6)各类城市广场、地面停车场硬质铺装; (7)单项合同额4 0 0 0万元以下的市政综合工程。 10.4.3三级资质 可承担下列市政公用工程的施工: waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)城市道路工程(不含快速路);单跨2 5米以 下的城市桥梁工程; (2)8万吨,日以下的给水厂;6万吨,日以下的污 水处理工程;1 0万吨,日以下的给水泵站、1 0万吨,日 以下的污水泵站、雨水泵站,直径1米以下供水管道; 直径1.5米以下污水及中水管道; (3)2公斤,平方厘米以下中压、低压燃气管道、 调压站;供热面积5 0万平方米以下热力工程,直径0.2 米以下热力管道; (4)单项合同额2 5 0 0万元以下的城市生活垃圾处 理工程; (5)单项合同额2 0 0 0万元以下地下交通工程(不 包括轨道交通工程); (6) 5000平方米以下城市广场、地面停车场硬质 铺装; (7)单项合同额2 5 0 0万元以下的市政综合工程。 注: 1(市政公用工程包括给水工程、排水工程、燃气工 程、热力工程、道路工程、桥梁工程、城市隧道工程(含 城市规划区内的穿山过江隧道、地铁隧道、地下交通工 程、地下过街通道)、公共交通工程、轨道交通工程、 环境卫生工程、照明工程、绿化工程。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 2(市政综合工程指包括城市道路和桥梁、供水、排 水、中水、燃气、热力、电力、通信、照明等中的任意 两类以上的工程。 3(市政工程相关专业职称包括道路与桥梁、给排 水、结构、机电、燃气等专业职称。 1 1通信工程施工总承包资质标准 通信工程施工总承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 11.1 一级资质标准 11.1.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0 0万元以上。 11.1.2企业主要人员 (1)通信与广电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于 1 5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有通信工程相关专业高级职称;通 信工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于6 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 2 0人。 11.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列7类中的5类工程的施工,工程 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 质量合格。 (1)年完成8 0 0公里以上的长途光缆线路或2 0 0 0 条公里以上的本地网光缆线路或1 0 0 0孔公里以上通信 管道工程或完成单个项目3 0 0公里以上的长途光缆线路 工程: (2)年完成网管、时钟、软交换、公务计费等业 务层与控制层网元3 0个以上; (3)年完成1 0 0 0个以上基站的移动通信工程; (4)年完成1 0 0 0个基站或5 0 0 0载频以上的移动 通信网络优化工程; (5)年完成5 0 0端155Mb/s以上或5 0端2.SGb/s 以上或2 0端10Gb/s以上传输设备的安装、调测工程; (6)年完成1个以上省际数据通信或业务与支撑 系统,或1 0个以上城域数据通信或业务与支撑系统工 程: (7)年完成5个以上地市级以上机房(含中心机 房、枢纽楼、核心机房、IDC机房)电源工程或8 0 0个 以上基站、传输等配套电源工程。 11.2二级资质标准 11. 2.1企业资产 净资产3 2 0 0万元以上。 11.2.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)通信与广电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于6 人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有通信工程相关专业高级职称或通 信与广电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;通信工程 相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于6 0人。 11.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列9类中的4类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)年完成4 0 0公里以上长途线路,或1 0 0 0条公 里以上本地网光缆线路,或5 0 0孔公里以上通信管道工 程: (2)年完成网管、时钟、软交换、公务计费等业 务层与控制层网元1 5个以上; (3)年完成宽带接入入户工程1万户; (4)年完成5 0 0个以上基站的移动通信工程; (5)年完成5 0 0个基站或2 5 0 0载频以上的移动通 信网络优化工程; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (6)年完成2 5 0端155Mb/s以上系统传输设备的 安装、调测工程; (7)年完成5个以上城域数据通信或业务与支撑 系统工程; (8)年完成1 0 0 0 0个信息点的综合布线(或计算 机网络)工程; (9)年完成2个以上地市级以上机房(含中心机 房、枢纽楼、核心机房、IDC机房)电源工程或4 0 0个 以上基站、传输等配套电源工程。 11.3三级资质标准 11. 3.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0万元以上。 11.3.2企业主要人员 (1)通信与广电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于2 人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有通信工程相关专业中级以上职称 或通信与广电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;通信 工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)企业具有经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 术工人不少于3 0人。 (4)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 11.4承包工程范围 11. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类通信、信息网络工程的施工。 11.4.2二级资质 可承担工程投资额2 0 0 0万元以下的各类通信、信 息网络工程的施工。 11.4.3三级资质 可承担工程投资额5 0 0万元以下的各类通信、信息 网络工程的施工。 注: 1(通信工程相关专业职称包括通信工程、有线通 信、无线通信、电话交换、移动通信、卫星通信、数据 通信、光纤通信、计算机通信、计算机、电子信息、软 件、电子工程、信息工程、网络工程、自动化、信号、 计算机应用、数据及多媒体、电磁场与微波技术等专业。 2(技术工人包括线务员、机务员、电工、焊接工等 特种作业人员,以及具有计算机等级证书的工人。 12机电工程施工总承包资质标准 机电工程施工总承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 12.1 一级资质标准 12.1.1企业资产 净资产1亿元以上。 12.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程、建筑工程专业一级注册建造师不 少于1 2人,其中机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于9 人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机电工程相关专业高级职称;机 电工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于6 0人,且专 业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、材料员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5 0人。 12.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过单项合同额2 0 0 0万元以上的机电工 程施工总承包工程2项,工程质量合格。 12.2二级资质标准 12.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 12.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程、建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于 1 2人,其中机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机电工程相关专业高级职称或机 电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;机电工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、材料员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于7 5人。 12.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过单项合同额1 0 0 0万元以上的机电工 程施工总承包工程2项,工程质量合格。 12. 3.1企业资产 12.3三级资质标准 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 12.3.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程、建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于5 人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 管理工作经历,且具有机电工程相关专业中级以上职称 或机电工程专业注册建造师执业资格;机电工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、材料员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 12.4承包工程范围 12. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类机电工程的施工。 12.4.2二级资质 可承担单项合同额3 0 0 0万元以下的机电工程的施 工。 12.4.3三级资质 可承担单项合同额1 5 0 0万元以下的机电工程的施 工。 注: 1(机电工程是指未列入港口与航道、水利水电、电 力、矿山、冶金、石油化工、通信工程的机械、电子、 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 轻工、纺织、航天航空、船舶、兵器等其他工业工程的 机电安装工程。 2(机电工程相关专业职称包括暖通、给排水、电气、 机械设备、焊接、自动化控制等专业职称。 (二)专业承包序列资质标准 专业承包序列设有3 6个类别,分别是:地基基础 工程专业承包、起重设备安装工程专业承包、预拌混凝 土专业承包、电子与智能化工程专业承包、消防设施工 程专业承包、防水防腐保温工程专业承包、桥梁工程专 业承包资质、隧道工程专业承包、钢结构工程专业承包、 模板脚手架专业承包、建筑装修装饰工程专业承包、建 筑机电安装工程专业承包、建筑幕墙工程专业承包、古 建筑工程专业承包、城市及道路照明工程专业承包、公 路路面工程专业承包、公路路基工程专业承包、公路交 通工程专业承包、铁路电务工程专业承包、铁路铺轨架 梁工程专业承包、铁路电气化工程专业承包、机场场道 工程专业承包、民航空管工程及机场弱电系统工程专业 承包、机场目视助航工程专业承包、港口与海岸工程专 业承包、航道工程专业承包、通航建筑物工程专业承包、 港航设备安装及水上交管工程专业承包、水工金属结构 制作与安装工程专业承包、水利水电机电安装工程专业 承包、河湖整治工程专业承包、输变电工程专业承包、 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 核工程专业承包、海洋石油工程专业承包、环保工程专 业承包、特种工程专业承包。 1 3地基基础工程专业承包资质标准 地基基础工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 13.1 一级资质标准 13.1.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 13.1.2企业主要人员 (1) -级注册建造师不少于6人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或一级注册建 造师或注册岩土工程师执业资格;结构、岩土、机械、 测量等专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人,且专业齐 全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的桩机操作工、电工、焊 工等技术工人不少于3 0人。 13.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列4类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1) 25层以上民用建筑工程或高度1 0 0米以上构 78 筑物的地基基础工程; (2)刚性桩复合地基处理深度超过1 8米或深度超 过8米的其它地基处理工程; (3)单桩承受设计荷载3 0 0 0千牛以上的桩基础工 程; (4)开挖深度超过1 2米的基坑围护工程。 13.2二级资质标准 13.2.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 13.2.2企业主要人员 (1)注册建造师不少于6人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或一级注册建 造师或注册岩土工程师执业资格;结构、岩土、机械等 专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的桩机操作工、电工、焊 工等技术工人不少于2 0人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 13.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列4类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)12层以上民用建筑工程或高度5 0米以上的构 筑物的地基基础工程; (2)刚性桩复合地基处理深度超过1 2米或深度超 过6米的其它地基处理工程; (3)单桩承受设计荷载2 0 0 0千牛以上的桩基础工 程; (4)开挖深度超过9米的基坑围护工程。 13.3三级资质标准 13. 3.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 13.3.2企业主要人员 (1)注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或注册建 造师或注册岩土工程师执业资格;结构、岩土、机械等 专业中级以上职称人员不少于8人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、造价员等人 员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)经考核或培训合格的桩机操作工、电工、焊 工等技术工人不少于1 5人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 13. 4.1一级资质 13.4承包工程范围 可承担各类地基基础工程的施工。 13.4.2二级资质 可承担下列工程的施工: (1)高度1 0 0米以下工业、民用建筑工程和高度 1 2 0米以下构筑物的地基基础工程; (2)深度不超过2 4米的刚性桩复合地基处理和深 度不超过1 0米的其它地基处理工程; (3)单桩承受设计荷载5 0 0 0千牛以下的桩基础工 (4)开挖深度不超过1 5米的基坑围护工程。 13.4.3三级资质 可承担下列工程的施工: (1)高度5 0米以下工业、民用建筑工程和高度7 0 米以下构筑物的地基基础工程; (2)深度不超过1 8米的刚性桩复合地基处理或深 度不超过8米的其它地基处理工程; (3)单桩承受设计荷载3 0 0 0千牛以下的桩基础工 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)开挖深度不超过1 2米的基坑围护工程。 14起重设备安装工程专业承包资质标准 起重设备安装工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、 三级。 14.1 一级资质标准 14.1.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 14.1.2企业主要人员 (1)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称;电气、机械 等专业中级以上职称人员不少于8人,且专业齐全。 (2)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且安全员、机械员等人员齐全。 (3)经考核或培训合格的工人不少于3 0人,其中 起重信号司索工不少于6人、建筑起重机械安装拆卸工 不少于1 8人、电工不少于3人。 14.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类中的1类工程,工程质量合 格。 (1)累计安装拆卸1 6 0 0千牛?米以上塔式起重机 8台次; (2)累计安装拆卸1 0 0吨以上门式起重机8台次。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 14.2二级资质标准 14.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 14.2.2企业主要人员 (1)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称;电气、 机械等专业中级以上职称人员不少于4人,且专业齐全。 (2)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于6 人,且安全员、机械员等人员齐全。 (3)经考核或培训合格的工人不少于2 0人,其中 起重信号司索工不少于4人、建筑起重机械安装拆卸工 不少于1 2人、电工不少于2人。 14.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类中的1类工程,工程质量合 格。 (1)累计安装拆卸6 0 0千牛?米以上塔式起重机8 台次; (2)累计安装拆卸5 0吨以上门式起重机8台次。 14.3三级资质标准 14. 3.1企业资产 净资产1 5 0万元以上。 84 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 14.3.2企业主人员 (1)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称;电气、 机械等专业中级以上职称人员不少于2人,且专业齐全。 (2)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 人,且安全员、机械员等人员齐全。 (3)经考核或培训合格的工人不少于1 0人,其中 起重信号司索工不少于2人、建筑起重机械安装拆卸工 不少于6人、电工不少于1人。 (4)技术负责人主持完成过本类别资质二级以上 标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 14.4承包工程范围 14. 4.1一级资质 可承担塔式起重机、各类施工升降机和门式起重机 的安装与拆卸。 14.4.2二级资质 可承担3 1 5 0千牛?米以下塔式起重机、各类施工 升降机和门式起重机的安装与拆卸。 14.4.3三级资质 可承担8 0 0千牛?米以下塔式起重机、各类施工升 降机和门式起重机的安装与拆卸。 1 5预拌混凝土专业承包资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 预拌混凝土专业承包资质不分等级。 15.1 资质标准 15.1.1企业资产 净资产2 5 0 0万元以上。 15.1.2企业主要人员 (1)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或一级注册建 造师执业资格。实验室负责人具有2年以上混凝土实验 室工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或注册建造 师执业资格。 (2)工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于4人。混 凝土试验员不少于4人。 15.1.3技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) 120立方米,小时以上混凝土搅拌设备1台, 并具有混凝土试验室; (2)混凝土运输车1 0辆; (3)混凝土输送泵2台。 15.2承包工程范围 可生产各种强度等级的混凝土和特种混凝土。 16电子与智能化工程专业承包资质标准 电子与智能化工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 16.1 一级资质标准 16.1.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 16.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程、通信与广电工程专业一级注册建 造师合计不少于6人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有电子与智能化工程相关专业高级 职称;电子与智能化工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不 少于1 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、造价员、材料员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 16.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年独立承担过下列3类中的1类工程的施工, 工程质量合格。 (1)单项合同额2 0 0 0万元以上的电子工业制造设 备安装工程或电子工业环境工程2项; (2)单项合同额1 0 0 0万元以上的电子系统工程3 项; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (3)单项合同额1 0 0 0万元以上的建筑智能化工程 3项。 16.2二级资质标准 16.2.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 16.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程、通信与广电工程专业注册建造师 合计不少于4人,其中一级注册建造师不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有电子与智能化工程相关专业高级 职称或机电工程(或通信与广电工程)专业一级注册建 造师执业资格;电子与智能化工程相关专业中级以上职 称人员不少于5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、造价员、材料员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质一级标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 16.3承包工程范围 16. 3.1一级资质 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 可承担各类型电子工程、建筑智能化工程施工。 16.3.2二级资质 可承担单项合同额2 5 0 0万元以下的电子工业制造 设备安装工程和电子工业环境工程、单项合同额1 5 0 0 万元以下的电子系统工程和建筑智能化工程施工。 注: 1(电子工业制造设备安装工程指:电子整机产品、 电子基础产品、电子材料及其他电子产品制造设备的安 装工程。 2(电子工业环境工程指:电子整机产品、电子基础 产品、电子材料及其他电子产品制造所需配备的洁净、 防微振、微波暗室、电磁兼容、防静电、纯水系统、废 水废气处理系统、大宗气体纯化系统、特种气体系统、 化学品配送系统等工程。 3(电子系统工程指:雷达、导航及天线系统工程; 计算机网络工程;信息综合业务网络工程;监控系统工 程;自动化控制系统;安全技术防范系统;智能化系统 工程;应急指挥系统;射频识别应用系统;智能卡系统; 收费系统;电子声像工程;数据中心、电子机房工程; 其他电子系统工程。 4(建筑智能化工程指:智能化集成系统及信息化应 用系统;建筑设备管理系统;安全技术防范系统;智能 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 卡应用系统;通讯系统;卫星接收及有线电视系统;停 车场管理系统;综合布线系统;计算机网络系统;广播 系统;会议系统;信息导引及发布系统;智能小区管理 系统;视频会议系统;大屏幕显示系统;智能灯光、音 响控制及舞台设施系统;火灾报警系统;机房工程等相 关系统。 5(电子与智能化工程相关专业职称包括计算机、电 子、通信、自动化、电气等专业职称。 1 7消防设施工程专业承包资质标准 消防设施工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级。 17.1 一级资质标准 17.1.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 17.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事消防设施工程 施工技术管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称;暖 通、给排水、电气、自动化等专业中级以上职称人员不 少于1 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 17.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过2项单体建筑面积4万平方米以上消 防设施工程(每项工程均包含火灾自动报警系统、自动 灭火系统和防烟排烟系统)的施工,工程质量合格。 17.2二级资质标准 17.2.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0万元以上。 17.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事消防设施工程 施工技术管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或机 电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;暖通、给排水、 电气、自动化等专业中级以上职称人员不少于6人,且 专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 类别一级资质标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 17.3承包工程范围 17. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类型消防设施工程的施工。 17.3.2二级资质 可承担单体建筑面积5万平方米以下的下列消防设 施工程的施工: (1) -类高层民用建筑以外的民用建筑; (2)火灾危险性丙类以下的厂房、仓库、储罐、 堆场。 注:民用建筑的分类,厂房、仓库、储罐、堆场火 灾危险性的划分,依据《建筑设计防火规范》 ( GB5 0016-2 014)确定。 18防水防腐保温工程专业承包资质标准 防水防腐保温工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级。 18.1 一级资质标准 18.1.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 18.1.2企业主要人员 (1)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或注册建 造师执业资格;工程序列中级以上职称和注册建造师合 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 计不少于1 5人,且结构、材料或化工等专业齐全。 (2)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员等人员齐全。 (3)经考核或培训合格的防水工、电工、油漆工、 抹灰工等技术工人不少于30人。 18.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类中的1类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)单项合同额2 0 0万元以上的建筑防水工程1 项或单项合同额1 5 0万元以上的建筑防水工程3项; (2)单项合同额5 0 0万元以上的防腐保温工程2 项。 18.2二级资质标准 18.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 18.2.2企业主要人员 (1)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或注册建 造师执业资格;工程序列中级以上职称和注册建造师合 计不少于3人,且结构、材料或化工等专业齐全。 (2)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (3)经考核或培训合格的防水工、电工、油漆工、 抹灰工等技术工人不少于1 5人。 (4)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质一级标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 18.3承包工程范围 18. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类建筑防水、防腐保温工程的施工。 18.3.2二级资质 可承担单项合同额300万元以下建筑防水工程的施 工,单项合同额6 0 0万元以下的各类防腐保温工程的施 96 19桥梁工程专业承包资质标准 桥梁工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 19.1 一级资质标准 19.1.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0 0万元以上。 19.1.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程、公路工程、铁路工程专业一 级注册建造师合计不少于1 0人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有桥梁工程或结构专业高级职称; 桥梁工程、结构等专业中级以上职称人员不少于2 0人, waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的钢筋工、测量工、混凝 土工、模板工等中级工以上技术工人不少于5 0人。 19.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合格。 (1)累计修建单座桥长?5 0 0米或单跨?1 0 0米或 桥墩高?6 0米的桥梁4座; (2)累计完成桥梁工程合同额3亿元以上。 19.1.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) 120立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备1 台; (2) 200吨以上架桥机1台。 19.2二级资质标准 19.2.1企业资产 净资产3 0 0 0万元以上。 19.2.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程、公路工程、铁路工程专业注 册建造师合计不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 管理工作经历,且具有桥梁工程或结构专业高级职称或 市政公用工程(或公路工程或铁路工程)专业一级注册 建造师执业资格;桥梁工程、结构等专业中级以上职称 人员不少于1 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的钢筋工、测量工、混凝 土工、模板工等中级工以上技术工人不少于3 0人。 19.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合格。 (1)累计修建单座桥长?1 0 0米或单跨?4 0米的 桥梁3座; (2)累计完成桥梁工程合同额1.5亿元以上。 19.2.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)60立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备1台; (2) 100吨以上架桥机1台。 19.3三级资质标准 19. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 19.3.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程、公路工程、铁路工程专业注 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 册建造师合计不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有桥梁工程或结构专业中级以上职 称或市政公用工程(或公路工程或铁路工程)专业注册 建造师执业资格;桥梁工程、结构等专业中级以上职称 人员不少于8人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 100 (4)经考核或培训合格的钢筋工、测量工、混凝 土工、模板工等中级工以上技术工人不少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本类 别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 19.3.3技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)40立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备1台; (2) 50吨以上架桥机1台。 19.4承包工程范围 19. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类桥梁工程的施工。 19.4.2二级资质 可承担单跨1 5 0米以下、单座桥梁总长1 0 0 0米以 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 下桥梁工程的施工。 19.4.3三级资质 可承担单跨5 0米以下、单座桥梁总长1 2 0米以下 桥梁工程的施工。 20隧道工程专业承包资质标准 隧道工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 20.1 一级资质标准 2 0.1.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0 0万元以上。 2 0.1.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程、铁路工程、市政公用工程、水利 水电工程、矿业工程专业一级注册建造师合计不少于8 人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,具有隧道(或地下工程或结构)专业高 级职称;隧道(或地下工程)、结构等专业中级以上职 称人员不少于1 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于4 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的钢筋工、测量工、混凝 土工、模板工、爆破工等中级工以上技术工人不少于5 0 人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 2 0.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合格。 (1)单洞长?5 0 0米的隧道4座; (2)累计完成隧道长度1 0公里以上。 2 0.1.4技术装备 具有隧道掘进设备2台。 20.2二级资质标准 20.2.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 20.2.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程、铁路工程、市政公用工程、水利 水电工程、矿业工程专业注册建造师合计不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有隧道(或地下工程或结构)专业 高级职称或公路工程(或铁路工程或市政公用工程或水 利水电工程或矿业工程)专业一级注册建造师执业资 格;隧道(或地下工程)、结构等专业中级以上职称人 员不少于1 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的钢筋工、测量工、混凝 土工、模板工、爆破工等中级工以上技术工人不少于3 0 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 人。 20.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合格。 (1) 洞长?2 0 0 的隧道3座。 (2)累计完成隧道长度5公里以上。 20.2.4技术装备 具有隧道掘进设备1台。 20.3三级资质标准 20. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 20.3.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程、铁路工程、市政公用工程、水利 水电工程、矿业工程专业注册建造师合计不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有隧道(或地下工程或结构)专业 中级职称或公路工程(或铁路工程或市政公用工程或水 利水电工程或矿业工程)专业注册建造师执业资格;隧 道(或地下工程)、结构等专业中级以上职称人员不少 于5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的钢筋工、测量工、混凝 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 土工、模板工、爆破工等中级工以上技术工人不少于1 5 人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别的工程业绩不少于2项。 20.3.3技术装备 具有隧道掘进设备1台。 20.4承包工程范围 20. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类隧道工程的施工。 20.4.2二级资质 可承担断面6 0平方米以下且单洞长度1 0 0 0米以下 的隧道工程施工。 20.4.3三级资质 可承担断面4 0平方米以下且单洞长度5 0 0米以下 的隧道工程施工。 21钢结构工程专业承包资质标准 钢结构工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 21.1 一级资质标准 21.1.1企业资产 (1)净资产3 0 0 0万元以上。 (2)厂房面积不少于3 0 0 0 0平方米。 21.1.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)建筑工程专业一级注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有建筑工程相关专业高级职称;结 构、机械、焊接等专业中级以上职称人员不少于2 0人, 且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、造价员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的焊工、油漆工、起重信 号工等中级工以上技术工人不少于5 0人。 21.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列5类中的2类钢结构工程的施工, 工程质量合格。 (1)钢结构高度8 0米以上; (2)钢结构单跨3 0米以上; (3)网壳、网架结构短边边跨跨度7 0米以上; (4)单体钢结构建筑面积3万平方米以上; (5)单体钢结构工程钢结构重量5 0 0 0吨以上。 21.1.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)切割设备(多头切割机或数控切割机或仿型 切割机或等离子切割机或相贯切割机等)3台; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)制孔设备(三维数控钻床或平面数控钻床或 5 0mm以上摇臂钻床等)3台; (3)端面铣切或锁口机不少于2台; (4)超声波探伤仪、漆膜测厚仪(干湿膜)等质 量检测设备齐全。 21.2二级资质标准 21. 2.1企业资产 (1)净资产1 5 0 0万元以上。 (2)厂房面积不少于1 5 0 0 0平方米。 21.2.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于6人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有建筑工程相关专业高级职称或一 级注册建造师执业资格;结构、机械、焊接等专业中级 以上职称人员不少于1 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、造价员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的焊工、油漆工、起重信 号工等中级工以上技术工人不少于2 0人。 21.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列5类中的2类钢结构工程的施工, waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 工程质量合格。 (1)钢结构高度5 0米以上的建筑物; (2)钢结构单跨2 4米以上的建筑物; (3)网壳、网架结构短边边跨跨度3 0米以上; (4)单体钢结构建筑面积1 0 0 0 0平方米以上; (5)单体钢结构工程钢结构重量2 0 0 0吨以上。 21.2.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)切割设备(多头切割机或数控切割机或仿型 切割机或等离子切割机或相贯切割机等)1台; (2)制孔设备(三维数控钻床或平面数控钻床或 5 0mm以上摇臂钻床等)1台; (3)超声波探伤仪、漆膜测厚仪(干湿膜)等质 量检测设备齐全。 21.3三级资质标准 21. 3.1企业资产 净资产5 0 0万元以上。 21.3.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,具有工程序列中级以上职称或注册建造 师执业资格;结构、机械、焊接等专业中级以上职称人 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 员不少于6人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于8 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、造价员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的焊工、油漆工、起重信 号工等中级工以上技术工人不少于1 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 21.4承包工程范围 21. 4.1一级资质 可承担下列钢结构工程的施工: (1)钢结构高度6 0米以上; (2)钢结构单跨跨度3 0米以上; (3)网壳、网架结构短边边跨跨度5 0米以上; (4)单体钢结构工程钢结构总重量4 0 0 0吨以上; (5)单体建筑面积3 0 0 0 0平方米以上。 21.4.2二级资质 可承担下列钢结构工程的施工: (1)钢结构高度1 0 0米以下; (2)钢结构单跨跨度3 6米以下; (3)网壳、网架结构短边边跨跨度7 5米以下; (4)单体钢结构工程钢结构总重量6 0 0 0吨以下; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (5)单体建筑面积3 5 0 0 0平方米以下。 21.4.3三级资质 可承担下列钢结构工程的施工: (1)钢结构高度6 0米以下; (2)钢结构单跨跨度3 0米以下; (3)网壳、网架结构短边边跨跨度3 3米以下; (4)单体钢结构工程钢结构总重量3 0 0 0吨以下; (5)单体建筑面积1 5 0 0 0平方米以下。 注:钢结构工程是指建筑物或构筑物的主体承重梁、柱 等均使用以钢为主要材料,并工厂制作、现场安装的方 式完成的建筑工程。 22模板脚手架专业承包资质标准 模板脚手架专业承包资质不分等级。 22.1 资质标准 22.1.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 22.1.2企业主要人员 (1)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级职称;结构、机械、 电气等专业中级以上职称人员不少于5人。 (2)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、安全员、机械员等人员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (3)经考核或培训合格的模板工、架子工等技术 工人不少于2 0人。 (4)技术负责人主持完成过本类别工程业绩不少 于2项。 22.2承包工程范围 可承担各类模板、脚手架工程的设计、制作、安装、施 工。 23建筑装修装饰工程专业承包资质标准 建筑装修装饰工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级。 23.1 一级资质标准 2 3.1.1企业资产 净资产1 5 0 0万元以上。 2 3.1.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程专业一级注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或建筑工程专 业一级注册建造师(或一级注册建筑师或一级注册结构 工程师)执业资格;建筑美术设计、结构、暖通、给排 水、电气等专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、造价员、劳 务员、资料员等人员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)经考核或培训合格的木工、砌筑工、镶贴工、 油漆工、石作业工、水电工等中级工以上技术工人不少 于3 0人。 2 3.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过单项合同额1 5 0 0万元以上的装修装 饰工程2项,工程质量合格。 23.2二级资质标准 2 3.2.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0万元以上。 23.2.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或建筑工 程专业注册建造师(或注册建筑师或注册结构工程师) 执业资格;建筑美术设计、结构、暖通、给排水、电气 等专业中级以上职称人员不少于5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、造价员、劳 务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的木工、砌筑工、镶贴工、 油漆工、石作业工、水电工等专业技术工人不少于1 5 人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本类 别工程业绩不少于2项。 23. 3.1一级资质 23.3承包工程范围 可承担各类建筑装修装饰工程,以及与装修工程直 接配套的其他工程的施工。 23.3.2二级资质 可承担单项合同额2 0 0 0万元以下的建筑装修装饰 工程,以及与装修工程直接配套的其他工程的施工。 注: 1(与装修工程直接配套的其他工程是指在不改变 主体结构的前提下的水、暖、电及非承重墙的改造。 2(建筑美术设计职称包括建筑学、环境艺术、室内 设计、装璜设计、舞美设计、工业设计、雕塑等专业职 称。 24建筑机电安装工程专业承包资质标准 建筑机电安装工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、 三级。 24.1 一级资质标准 24.1.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 24.1.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机电工程相关专业高级职称;机 电工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于2 0人,且专 业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、机械员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的机械设备安装工、电工、 管道工、通风工、焊工、起重工等中级工以上技术工人 不少于5 0人。 24.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过单项合同额1 5 0 0万元以上的建筑机 电安装工程2项,工程质量合格。 24.2二级资质标准 24.2.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 24.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于8人,其中 一级注册建造师不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机电工程相关专业中级以上职称 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 或机电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;机电工程相 关专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、材料员、资 料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的机械设备安装工、电工、 管道工、通风工、焊工等中级工以上技术工人不少于3 0 人。 24.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过单项合同额8 0 0万元以上的建筑机电 安装工程2项,工程质量合格。 24.3三级资质标准 24. 3.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 24.3.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事施工技术管理 工作经历,具有机电工程相关专业中级以上职称或机电 工程专业注册建造师执业资格;机电工程相关专业中级 以上职称人员不少于6人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于8 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、机械员、材料员、资 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 料等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的机械设备安装工、电工、 管道工、通风工、焊工等中级工以上技术工人不少于1 5 人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 24.4承包工程范围 24. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类建筑工程项目的设备、线路、管道的安 装,3 5千伏以下变配电站工程,非标准钢结构件的制作、 安装。 24.4.2二级资质 可承担单项合同额2 0 0 0万元以下的各类建筑工程 项目的设备、线路、管道的安装,1 0千伏以下变配电站 工程,非标准钢结构件的制作、安装。 24.4.3三级资质 可承担单项合同额1 0 0 0万元以下的各类建筑工程 项目的设备、线路、管道的安装,非标准钢结构件的制 作、安装。 25建筑幕墙工程专业承包资质标准 建筑幕墙工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级。 25.1 一级资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 25.1.1企业资产 (1)净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 (2)厂房面积不少于3 0 0 0平方米。 25.1.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程专业一级注册建造师不少于6人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有建筑工程相关专业高级职称或建 筑工程专业一级注册建造师(或一级注册结构工程师) 执业资格;结构、机械等专业中级以上职称人员不少于 1 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于4 0人。 25.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过6项单体建筑工程幕墙面积6 0 0 0平 方米以上的建筑幕墙工程施工,工程质量合格。 25.2二级资质标准 25.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 25.2.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于4人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有建筑工程相关专业中级以上职称 或建筑工程专业注册建造师(或注册结构工程师)执业 资格;结构、机械等专业工程序列中级以上职称人员不 少于6人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于8 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别工程业绩不少于2项。 25.3承包工程范围 25. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类型的建筑幕墙工程的施工。 25.3.2二级资质 可承担单体建筑工程幕墙面积8 000平方米以下建 筑幕墙工程的施工。 26古建筑工程专业承包资质标准 古建筑工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 26.1 一级资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 26.1.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 26.1.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程专业一级注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称;结构、风景 园林等专业中级以上职称人员不少于8人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的砧细工、木雕工、石雕 工、砧刻工、泥塑工、彩绘工、推光漆工、匾额工、砌 花街工等中级工以上技术工人不少于2 0人,且人员齐 全。 26.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类或某1类的2项工程的施工, 工程质量合格。 (1)单体建筑面积6 0 0平方米以上的仿古建筑工 程。 (2)国家重点文物保护单位的主要古建筑修缮工 26.2二级资质标准 26.2.1企业资产 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 26.2.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或建筑工程专 业一级注册建造师执业资格;结构、风景园林等专业中 级以上职称人员不少于5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 2 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的砧细工、木雕工、石雕 工、砧刻工、泥塑工、彩绘工、推光漆工、匾额工、砌 花街工等中级工以上技术工人不少于1 2人,且人员齐 全。 26.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类或某1类2项工程的施工, 工程质量合格。 (1)单体建筑面积3 0 0平方米以上的仿古建筑工 程: (2)省级重点文物保护单位的主要古建筑修缮工 程。 26.3三级资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 26. 3.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 26.3.2企业主要人员 (1)建筑工程专业注册建造师不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或建筑工 程专业注册建造师执业资格;结构、风景园林等专业中 级以上职称不少于3人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于8 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的砧细工、木雕工、石雕 工、砧刻工、泥塑工、彩绘工、推光漆工、匾额工、砌 花街工等中级工以上技术工人不少于9人,且人员齐全。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 26.4承包工程范围 26. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类仿古建筑、古建筑修缮工程的施工。 26.4.2二级资质 可承担建筑面积8 0 0平方米以下的单体仿古建筑工 程,国家级2 0 0平方米以下重点文物保护单位的古建筑 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 修缮工程的施工。 26.4.3三级资质 可承担建筑面积4 0 0平方米以下的单体仿古建筑工 程,省级1 0 0平方米以下重点文物保护单位的古建筑修 缮工程的施工。 注: 1(仿古建筑工程是指以传统结构为主(木结构、砖 石结构)利用传统建筑材料(砖、木、石、土、瓦等) 建造的房屋建筑工程、构筑物(含亭、台、塔等)工程, 以及部分利用传统建筑材料建造的建筑工程。 2(古建筑修缮工程是指利用传统建筑材料和现代 建筑材料,在特定范围内对古建筑的复原、加固及修补 工程。 27城市及道路照明工程专业承包资质标准 城市及道路照明工程专业承包资质分为一级、二 级、三级。 27.1 一级资质标准 27.1.1企业资产 净资产1 5 0 0万元以上。 27.1.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合 计不少于8人,其中一级注册建造师不少于2人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称;市政公用工 程、电气、机电、自动化、光源与照明、园林景观、结 构等专业中级以上职称人员不少于2 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的高压电工、低压电工、 维修电工、安装电工等齐全,且不少于3 0人;具有高 空作业操作证书的技术工人不少于5人,起重作业操作 证书的技术工人不少于2人。 27.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年独立承担过下列3类中的2类工程的施工, 且必须有第1类所列工程,工程质量合格。 (1)单项合同额1 0 0 0万元以上的带250KVA以上 的箱式变配电或带有远程集中监控管理系统的道路照 明工程3项; (2)单项合同额1 0 0 0万元以上的室外公共空间(广 场、公园、绿地、机场、体育场、车站、港口、码头等) 功能照明工程或景观照明工程3项; (3)年养护的功能照明设施不少于5万盏或景观 照明设施总功率不少于1万KW。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 27.2二级资质标准 27.2.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 27.2.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合 计不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或市政公 用工程(或机电工程)专业注册建造师执业资格;市政 公用工程、电气、机电、自动化、光源与照明、园林景 观、结构等专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人,且专 业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的高压电工、低压电工、 维修电工、安装电工等齐全,且不少于1 5人;具有高 空作业操作证书的技术工人不少于2人,起重作业操作 证书的技术工人不少于1人。 27.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年独立承担过下列3类中的2类工程的施工, 且必须有第1类所列工程,工程质量合格。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)单项合同额5 0 0万元以上的带16 0KVA以上的 箱式变配电或带有远程集中监控管理系统的道路照明 工程3项; (2)单项合同额5 0 0万元以上的室外公共空间(广 场、公园、绿地、机场、体育场、车站、港口、码头等) 功能照明工程或景观照明工程3项; (3)年养护的功能照明设施不少于3万盏或景观 照明设施总功率不少于0.5万KW。 27. 3.1企业资产 27.3三级资质标准 净资产3 0 0万元以上。 27.3.2企业主要人员 (1)市政公用工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合 计不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或市政公 用工程(或机电工程)专业注册建造师执业资格;工程 序列中级以上职称人员不少于5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于8 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的高压电工、低压电工、 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 维修电工、安装电工等齐全,且不少于1 2人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 27.4承包工程范围 27. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类城市与道路照明工程的施工。 27.4.2二级资质 可承担单项合同额不超过1 2 0 0万元的城市与道路 照明工程的施工。 27.4.3三级资质 可承担单项合同额不超过6 0 0万元的城市与道路照 明工程的施工。 28公路路面工程专业承包资质标准 公路路面工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 28.1 一级资质标准 28.1.1企业资产 净资产7 2 0 0万元以上。 28.1.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 0人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业高级职称或公 路工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 业中级以上职称人员不少于4 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上的技术工人 不少于2 0人。 28.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合 格。 (1)累计修建二级以上公路路面(不少于2层且 厚度1 0厘米以上沥青混凝土路面,或2 2厘米以上水泥 混凝土路面)3 0 0万平方米以上; (2)累计完成二级以上公路路面工程合同额3亿 元以上。 28.1.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) 160吨,小时以上沥青混凝土拌和设备2台, 1 2 0立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备2台,3 0 0吨 ,小时以上稳定土拌和设备2台; (2)摊铺宽度1 2米以上沥青混凝土摊铺设备5台; (3) 120千瓦以上平地机5台; (4)各型压路机1 2台; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (5) 100千瓦以上推土机5台。 28.2二级资质标准 28.2.1企业资产 净资产2 5 0 0万元以上。 28.2.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业中级以上职称 或公路工程专业注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5人。 28.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合 格。 (1)累计修建四级以上公路路面(厚度5厘米以 上沥青混凝土路面或2 0厘米以上水泥混凝土路面)3 0 0 万平方米以上。 (2)累计完成四级以上公路路面工程合同额1亿 元以上。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 28.2.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) 120吨,小时以上沥青混凝土拌和设备1台, 6 0立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备2台,3 0 0吨, 小时以上稳定土拌和设备1台; (2)摊铺宽度8米以上沥青混凝土摊铺设备2台; (3) 120千瓦以上平地机3台; (4)各型压路机8台; (5) 100千瓦以上推土机3台。 28.3三级资质标准 28. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 28.3.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业中级以上职称 或公路工程专业注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 少于1 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 28.3.3技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) 100吨,小时以上沥青混凝土拌和设备1台, 50立方米,小时以上水泥混凝土拌和设备1台; (2)摊铺宽度4.5米以上沥青混凝土摊铺设备1 台; (3) 120千瓦以上平地机1台; (4)各型压路机3台。 28. 4.1一级资质 28.4承包工程范围 可承担各级公路路面工程的施工。 28.4.2二级资质 可承担一级以下公路路面工程的施工。 28.4.3三级资质 可承担二级以下公路路面工程的施工。 29公路路基工程专业承包资质标准 公路路基工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 29.1 一级资质标准 29.1.1企业资产 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 净资产5 0 0 0万元以上。 29.1.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 0人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业高级职称或公 路工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于4 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (3)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 29.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合 格。 (1)累计修建一级以上公路路基1 0 0公里以上; (2)累计完成二级以上公路路基工程合同额3亿 元以上。 29.1.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)1立方米以上挖掘机5台; (2) 120千瓦以上平地机4台; (3)各型压路机1 5台,其中大型土方振动压实设 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 备5台: (4) 100千瓦以上推土机5台; (5)9立方米空压机3台; (6)2立方米以上装载机5台; (7) 25立方米以上水泥混凝土拌和设备2台。 29.2二级资质标准 29.2.1企业资产 净资产2 4 0 0万元以上。 29.2.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业中级以上职称 或公路工程专业注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5人。 29.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合 格。 (1)累计修建二级以上公路路基1 0 0公里以上; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)累计完成三级以上公路路基工程合同额1亿 元以上。 29.2.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)1立方米以上挖掘机3台; (2) 120千瓦以上平地机2台; (3)各型压路机8台,其中大型土方振动压实设 备3台; (4) 100千瓦以上推土机3台; (5)9立方米空压机2台; (6)2立方米以上装载机3台; (7) 25立方米以上水泥混凝土拌和设备2台。 29.3三级资质标准 29. 3.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0万元以上。 29.3.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业中级以上职称 或公路工程专业注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 29.3.3技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)水泥混凝土拌和设备1台; (2)1立方米以上挖掘机2台; (3) 120千瓦以上平地机1台; (4) 100千瓦以上推土机2台; (5)各型压路机4台,其中大型土方振动压实设 备1台; (6)2立方米以上装载机5台。 29.4承包工程范围 29. 4.1一级资质 可承担各级公路的路基、中小桥涵、防护及排水、 软基处理工程的施工。 29.4.2二级资质 可承担一级标准以下公路的路基、中小桥涵、防护 及排水、软基处理工程的施工。 29.4.3三级资质 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 可承担二级标准以下公路的路基、中小桥涵、防护 及排水、软基处理工程的施工。 30公路交通工程专业承包资质标准 公路交通工程专业承包资质分为公路安全设施和 公路机电工程2个分项,每个分项分为一级、二级。 30.1 一级资质标准(公路安全设施分项) 3 0.1.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 30.1.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业高级职称或公 路工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业和机械、工业自动化等专业中级以上职称人员不少于 2 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 30.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列2类工程的施工,工程质量合格。 (1)完成3条以上一级公路安全设施(含标志、 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 标线、护栏、隔离栅、防眩板等3项以上)的施工,累 计施工里程300km以上(其中标线、护栏、隔离栅施工 里程均不少于6 0公里)。 (2)累计完成公路安全设施工程合同额5 0 0 0万元 以上。 30.1.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)升降机或吊车2台; (2)热溶或常温划线机8台; (3)放线设备2台; (4)底漆高压喷涂机2台; (5)涂层测厚仪2台; (6)打桩机1 0台; (7)交通示志逆反 系数测量仪2台; (8)逆反射标线测量仪2台; (9)经纬仪2台; (10)水准仪2台。 30.2二级资质标准(公路安全设施分项) 30.2.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0万元以上。 30.2.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业中级以上职称 或公路工程专业注册建造师执业资格;公路工程相关专 业和机械、工业自动化等专业中级以上职称人员不少于 1 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 2人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别工程业绩不少于2项。 30.2.3技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1)升降机或吊车1台; (2)热溶或常温划线机4台; (3)放线设备1台; (4)底漆高压喷涂机1台; (5)涂层测厚仪1台; (6)打桩机5台; (7)交通标志逆反射系数测量仪1台; (8)逆反射标线测量仪1台; (9)经纬仪1台; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (10)水准仪1台。 30.3一级资质标准(公路机电工程分项) 30. 3.1企业资产 净资产1 5 0 0万元以上。 30.3.2企业主要人员 (1)公路工程、机电工程专业一级注册建造师合 计不少于1 0人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业高级职称或公 路工程(或机电工程)专业一级注册建造师执业资格; 公路工程相关专业和电子、通信、计算机等专业中级以 上职称人员不少于4 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 30.3.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列3类中的1类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)完成3条以上一级公路通信、监控、收费综 合系统工程的施工,累计施工里程3 0 0公里以上。 (2)完成3条以上一级公路通信、监控、收费综 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 合系统工程的施工,累计合同额2亿元以上。 (3)完成一级公路通信、监控、收费综合系统工 程单个项目里程1 0 0公里以上的施工和2座以上大于 1 0 0 0米的独立公路隧道机电工程的施工。 30.3.4技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) RCL测试仪4台; (2)线缆测试仪4套; (3)视频测量仪、视频信号发生器4套; (4)串行数据 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 仪4套; (5)通信测试分析系统4套; (6)混合信号示波器2台; (7)光纤熔接机2套; (8)光功率计2套; (9)光衰减器2套; (10)数字万能 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 2套; ( 11)CATV测试验收仪2套; (12)多用表校准仪1台。 30.4二级资质标准(公路机电工程分项) 30.4.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 30.4.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)公路工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合计不 少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有公路工程相关专业高级职称或公 路工程(或机电工程)专业一级注册建造师执业资格; 公路工程相关专业和电子、通信、计算机等专业中级以 上职称人员不少于2 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、安全员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上的技术工人 不少于1 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别工程业绩不少于2项。 30.4.3技术装备 具有下列机械设备: (1) RCL测试仪2台; (2)线缆测试仪2套; (3)视频测量仪、视频信号发生器2套; (4)串行数据分析仪2套; (5)通信测试分析系统2套; (6)混合信号示波器1台; (7)光纤熔接机1套; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (8)光功率计1套; (9)光衰减器1套; (10)数字万能 1 ;; (11) CATV测试验收仪1套; (12)多用表校准仪1台。 30.5承包工程范围 30. 5.1一级资质(公路安全设施分项) 可承担各级公路标志、标线、护栏、隔离栅、防眩 板等公路安全设施工程的施工及安装。 30.5.2二级资质(公路安全设施分项) 可承担一级以下公路标志、标线、护栏、隔离栅、 防眩板等公路安全设施工程的施工及安装。 30.5.3一级资质(公路机电工程分项) 可承担各级公路通信、监控、收费、干线传输系统、 移动通信系统、光(电)缆敷设工程、紧急电话系统、 交通信息采集系统、信息发布系统、中央控制系统、供 配电、照明、智能交通管理等机电系统及配套工程系统 的施工及安装;公路桥梁及隧道工程健康监测、通风、 通信管道等机电系统及配套设备的施工及安装。 30.5.4二级资质(公路机电工程分项) 可承担一级以下公路通信、监控、收费、干线传输 系统、移动通信系统、光(电)缆敷设工程、紧急电话 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 系统、交通信息采集系统、信息发布系统、中央控制系 统、供配电、照明、智能交通管理等机电系统及配套工 程系统的施工及安装。 3 1铁路电务工程专业承包资质标准 铁路电务工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 31.1 一级资质标准 31.1.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 31.1.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于7人,通 信与广电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁路通信或铁路信号专业高 级职称;铁路通信、信号专业中级以上职称人员不少于 5 0人,电力专业中级以上职称人员不少于2 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于4 0 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于5 0人。 31.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年独立承担过下列4类工程的施工,工程质 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 量合格。 (1)累计铁路通信光(电)缆1 0 0 0条公里以上及 设备安装; (2)累计铁路电气集中道岔6 0 0组以上信号工程; (3)累计铁路自动闭塞4 0 0公里以上信号工程; (4)累计铁路电力线6 0 0公里以上及变电所(站) 安装工程。 31.2二级资质标准 31. 2.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 31.2.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于4人, 通信与广电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁路通信或铁路信号工程专 业高级职称;铁路通信、信号专业中级以上职称人员不 少于2 5人,电力专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 31.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年独立承担过下列4类工程的施工,工程质 量合格。 (1)累计铁路通信光(电)缆3 0 0条公里以上及 设备安装; (2)累计铁路电气集中道岔3 0 0组以上信号工程; (3)累计铁路自动闭塞2 0 0公里以上信号工程; (4)累计铁路电力线3 0 0公里以上及变电所(站) 安装工程。 31.3三级资质标准 31. 3.1企业资产 净资产5 0 0万元以上。 31.3.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于3人, 通信与广电专业一级注册建造师不少于1人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁路通信或铁路信号专业高 级职称;铁路通信、信号专业中级以上职称人员不少于 1 2人,电力专业中级以上职称人员不少于8人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 31.4承包工程范围 31. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类铁路通信、信号及电力工程施工。 31.4.2二级资质 可承担1 0 0公里以下I、II、ni、IV级铁路通信、 信号及电力工程施工。 31.4.3三级资质 可承担5 0公里以下II、nI、IV级铁路通信、信号 及电力工程施工。 32铁路铺轨架梁工程专业承包资质标准 铁路铺轨架梁工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级。 32.1 一级资质标准 32.1.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 32.1.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 0人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁道工程专业高级职称;铁 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 道工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于3 5人,机械 工程专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人,铁路运输专 业中级职称以上人员不少于5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于4 0 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于5 0人。 32.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年累计承担过1 0 0 0公里以上机械铺轨架梁工 程的施工,工程质量合格。 32.2二级资质标准 32.2.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 32.2.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁道工程专业高级职称;铁 道工程、机械工程和铁路运输等专业中级以上职称人员 不少于3 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质一级标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 32.3承包工程范围 32. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类大中型铁路铺轨架梁工程施工。 32.3.2二级资质 可承担5 0公里以下I级铁路、1 0 0公里以下既有线 改造以及II、ni、IV级铁路铺轨架梁工程施工。 33铁路电气化工程专业承包资质标准 铁路电气化工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三 级。 33.1 一级资质标准 3 3.1.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 33.1.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于7人, 机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁路电气化专业(供电、变 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 配电、接触网)高级职称;铁路电气化专业(供电、变 配电、接触网)中级以上职称人员不少于5 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于5 0人。 33.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年累计承担过1 0 0 0条公里以上的I、II级铁 路电气化工程专业承包施工,工程质量合格。 33.2二级资质标准 33.2.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 33.2.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于3人, 机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁路电气化专业(供电、变 配电、接触网)高级职称;铁路电气化专业(供电、变 配电、接触网)中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 5 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 33.2.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年累计承担过4 0 0条公里以上的铁路电气化 工程专业承包施工,工程质量合格。 33. 3.1企业资产 33.3三级资质标准 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 33.3.2企业主要人员 (1)铁路工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1人, 机电工程专业注册建造师不少于4人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事铁路工程施工 技术管理工作经历,且具有铁路电气化专业(供电、变 配电、接触网)中级以上职称;铁路电气化专业(供电、 变配电、接触网)中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、测量员、质量员、安全员、试验员、材 料员、标准员、机械员、劳务员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 类别标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 33.4承包工程范围 33. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类铁路电气化工程的施工。 33.4.2二级资质 可承担1 0 0公里以下I级铁路和II、III、IV级铁路 电气化工程施工。 33.4.3三级资质 可承担铁路站线改造和5 0公里以下II、ni、IV级 铁路电气化工程施工。 34机场场道工程专业承包资质标准 机场场道工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级。 34.1 一级资质标准 34.1.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0 0万元以上。 34.1.2企业主要人员 (1)民航机场工程、公路工程、市政公用工程专 业一级注册建造师合计不少于8人,其中民航机场工程 专业一级注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机场场道工程相关专业高级职 称;工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于3 0人,其中场 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 道(或道路)、桥隧、岩土、排水、测量、检测等专业 齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、测量工、混凝土 工、模板工、钢筋工、焊工、架子工等中级工以上技术 工人不少于6 0人。 34.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年独立承担过单项合同额5 0 0 0万元以上的机 161 场场道工程2项或单项合同额3 0 0 0万元以上的机场场 道工程3项的工程施工,工程质量合格。 34.2二级资质标准 34.2.1企业资产 净资产2 5 0 0万元以上。 34.2.2企业主要人员 (1)民航机场工程专业一级注册建造师不少于3 人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机场场道工程相关专业高级职称 或民航机场工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 列中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人,其中场道(或道路)、 桥隧、岩土、排水、测量、检测等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、测量工、混凝土 工、模板工、钢筋工、焊工、架子工等中级工以上技术 工人不少于3 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质一级标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 162 34.3承包工程范围 34. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类机场场道工程的施工。 34.3.2二级资质 可承担飞行区指标为4E以上,单项合同额在2 0 0 0 万以下技术不复杂的飞行区场道工程的施工;或飞行区 指标为4D,单项合同额在4 0 0 0万以下的飞行区场道工 程的施工;或飞行区指标为4C以下,单项合同额在6 0 0 0 万以下的飞行区场道工程的施工;各类场道维修工程。 注: 1(机场场道工程包括飞行区土石方、地基处理、基 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 础、道面、排水、桥梁、涵隧、消防管网、管沟(廊)、 服务车道、巡场路、围界、场道维修等飞行区相关工程 及其附属配套工程。 2(机场场道工程相关专业职称包括机场工程、场道 (或道路)、桥隧、岩土、排水、测量、检测等专业职 称。 35民航空管工程及机场弱电系统工程专业承包 资质标准 民航空管工程及机场弱电系统工程专业承包资质 分为一级、二级。 35.1 一级资质标准 35.1.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 35.1.2企业主要人员 (1)企业具有的民航机场工程、机电工程、通信 与广电工程专业一级注册建造师合计不少于6人,其中 民航机场工程专业不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有民航空管工程及机场弱电系统工 程相关专业高级职称;工程序列中级以上职称人员不少 于3 0人,其中电子、电气、通信、计算机、自动控制 等专业齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、焊工等中级工以 上技术工人不少于2 0人。 164 35.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年独立承担过单项合同额1 0 0 0万元以上的民 航空管工程2项或单项合同额1 5 0 0万元以上的机场弱 电系统工程2项的工程施工,工程质量合格。 35.2二级资质标准 35.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 35.2.2企业主要人员 (1)企业具有民航机场工程、机电工程、通信与 广电工程专业一级注册建造师合计不少于3人,其中民 航机场工程专业不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有民航空管工程及机场弱电系统工 程相关专业高级职称或民航机场工程专业一级注册建 造师执业资格;工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于1 8 人,其中电子、电气、通信、计算机、自动控制等专业 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 2 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、焊工等中级工以 上技术工人不少于1 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质一级标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 35.3承包工程范围 35. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类民航空管工程和机场弱电系统工程的 施工。 35.3.2二级资质 可承担单项合同额2 0 0 0万元以下的民航空管工程 和单项合同额2 5 0 0万元以下的机场弱电系统工程的施 工。 注: 1(民航空管工程包括:区域、终端区(进近)、塔 台等管制中心;空管自动化、地空通信、自动转报、卫 星地面站、机场有线通信、移动通信等通信系统;雷达、 自动相关监视、仪表着陆系统、航线导航台等导航系统; 航行情报系统;常规气象观测系统、自动气象观测系统、 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 气象雷达、气象网络、卫星云图接收等航空气象工程、 空管设施防雷工程、供配电工程等。 机场弱电系统工程包括:航站楼弱电系统和飞行 区、货运区及生产办公区域弱电系统。其中,航站楼弱 电系统包括: (1)信息集成系统:包括机场运营数据库,地面 运行信息系统,资源管理系统,运营监控管理系统(或 生产指挥调度系统),信息查询系统以及集成信息转发 系统(含信息集成平台,消息中间件,中央智能消息管 理系统等)等; (2)航班信息显示系统; (3)离港控制系统; (4)泊位引导系统; (5)安检信息管理系统; (6)标识引导系统; (7)行李处理系统; (8)安全检查系统; (9)值机引导系统; (10)登机门显示系统; ( 11)旅客问讯系统; (12)网络交换系统; (13)公共广播系统; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (14)安全防范系统(含闭路电视监控系统,门禁 管理系统,电子巡更系统和报警系统); (15)主时钟系统; (16)内部通讯系统; (17)呼叫中心(含电话自动问讯系统); (18)综合布线系统; (19)楼宇自控系统; (20)消防监控系统; ( 21)不间断供电电源系统; ( 22)机房及功能中心; (23)无线通讯室内覆盖系统; ( 24)视频监控系统。 2(民航空管工程及机场弱电系统工程相关专业职 称包括机场工程、电子、电气、通信、计算机、自动控 制等专业职称。 36机场目视助航工程专业承包资质标准 机场目视助航工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级。 36.1 一级资质标准 36.1.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 36.1.2企业主要人员 (1)民航机场工程、机电工程专业一级注册建造 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 师合计不少于8人,其中民航机场工程专业一级注册建 造师不少于4人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机场目视助航工程相关专业高级 职称;工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于2 0人,其中 电力、电气、自动控制、计算机等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、焊工、测量工等 中级工以上技术工人不少于3 0人。 36.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年独立承担过累计合同额不少于3 0 0 0万元的 机场目视助航工程施工,其中单项合同额1 2 0 0万元以 上的工程2项或单项合同额7 0 0万元以上的工程3项, 工程质量合格。 36.2二级资质标准 36.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 36.2.2企业主要人员 (1)民航机场工程、机电工程专业一级注册建造 师合计不少于3人,其中民航机场工程专业一级注册建 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 造师不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机场目视助航工程相关专业高级 职称或民航机场工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工 程序列中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人,其中电力、电 气、自动控制、计算机等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、焊工、测量工等 中级工以上技术工人不少于1 5人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)累计主持完成 过本类别资质一级标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 170 36.3承包工程范围 36. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类机场目视助航工程的施工。 36.3.2二级资质 可承担飞行区指标为4E以上,单项合同额5 0 0万 元以下的目视助航工程;或飞行区指标为4D以下的目 视助航工程的施工。 注: waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 1(机场目视助航工程包括:进近灯光系统,目视坡 度指示系统,跑道、滑行道、站坪灯光系统,机场灯标 等助航灯光系统,标记牌、道面标志、标志物、泊位引 导系统等,助航灯光监控系统,助航灯光变电站、飞行 区供电工程以及目视助航辅助设施等。 2(机场目视助航工程相关专业职称包括机场工程、 电力、电气、自动控制、计算机等专业职称。 37港口与海岸工程专业承包资质标准 港口与海岸工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三 级。 37.1 一级资质标准 37.1.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0 0万元以上。 37.1.2企业主要人员 ( 1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于 1 2人。 ( 2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称; 工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于3 5人,其中港口与 航道工程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 ( 3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ( 4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于5 0人。 37.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列5类中的3类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)沿海5万吨级或内河2 0 0 0吨级以上码头; (2)5万吨级以上船坞工程; (3)水深大于5米防波堤工程6 0 0米以上; (4)沿海2 0万平方米或内河1 0万平方米以上港 区堆场工程; (5) 1000米以上围堤护岸工程。 37.1.4技术装备 具有下列4项中的2项施工机械设备: (1)架高6 0米以上打桩船; (2) 200吨以上起重船; (3)排宽4 0米以上铺排船; (4)总装机功率2 0 0 0千瓦以上挖泥船或1 0 0立方 米,小时以上砼搅拌船。 37.2二级资质标准 37.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 37.2.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于7 人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称或 港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序 列中级以上职称人员不少于2 5人,其中港口与航道工 程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于3 0人。 37.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列4类中的3类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)沿海1万吨级或内河1 0 0 0吨级以上码头; (2)1万吨级以上船坞工程; (3)水深大于3米防波堤工程3 0 0米以上; (4) 500米以上围堤护岸工程。 37.2.4技术装备 具有下列3项中的2项施工机械设备: (1)架高3 0米以上打桩船; (2) 80吨以上起重船; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (3)4立方米以上斗容挖泥船。 37.3三级资质标准 37. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 37.3.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于4 人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事施工技术管理 工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业中级以上职称或 港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序 列中级以上职称人员不少于8人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成本类 别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 37.3.3技术装备 具有下列3项中的2项施工机械设备: (1)打桩船; (2)起重船; (3)2立方米以上斗容挖泥船。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 37.4承包工程范围 37. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类港口与海岸工程的施工,包括码头、防 波堤、护岸、围堰、堆场道路及陆域构筑物、筒仓、船 坞、船台、滑道、水下地基及基础、土石方、海上灯塔、 航标与警戒标志、栈桥、人工岛及平台、海上风电、海 岸与近海等工程。 37.4.2二级资质 可承担下列港口与海岸工程的施工,包括沿海5万 吨级及内河5 0 0 0吨级以下码头、水深小于7米的防波 堤、5万吨级以下船坞船台及滑道工程、1 2 0 0米以下围 堤护岸工程,以及相应的堆场道路及陆域构筑物、筒仓、 水下地基及基础、土石方、海上灯塔、航标与警戒标志、 栈桥、人工岛及平台、海岸与近海等工程。 37.4.3三级资质 可承担下列港口与海岸工程的施工,包括沿海1万 吨级及内河3 0 0 0吨级以下码头、水深小于4米的防波 堤、1万吨级以下船坞船台及滑道工程、8 0 0米以下围 堤护岸工程,以及相应的堆场道路及陆域构筑物、水下 地基及基础、土石方、航标与警戒标志、栈桥、海岸与 近海等工程。 38航道工程专业承包资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 航道工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 38.1 一级资质标准 38.1.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0 0万元以上。 38.1.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于 1 2人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称; 工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于3 5人,其中港口与 航道工程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于5 0人。 38.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列4类中的3类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)沿海5万吨级或内河1 0 0 0吨级以上航道工程; (2) 500万立方米以上疏浚工程; (3) 400万立方米以上吹填造地工程; (4)5万立方米以上水下炸礁、清礁工程。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 38.1.4技术装备 具有下列4项中的2项施工机械设备: (1) 2000立方米以上自航耙吸式挖泥船; (2)总装机功率5 0 0 0千瓦以上绞吸式挖泥船; (3)排宽4 0米以上铺排船; (4)8立方米以上斗容挖泥船。 38.2二级资质标准 38.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 38.2.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于7 人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称或 港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序 列中级以上职称人员不少于2 5人,其中港口与航道工 程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 178 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于3 0人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 38.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列4类中的3类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)沿海2万吨级或内河3 0 0吨级以上航道工程; (2) 200万立方米以上疏浚工程; (3) 150万立方米以上吹填造地工程; (4)3万立方米以上水下炸礁、清礁工程。 38.2.4技术装备 具有下列3项中的2项施工机械设备: (1) 500立方米以上自航耙吸式挖泥船或1 0 0 0立 方米,小时以上吸盘船或吹泥船; (2)总装机功率1 2 0 0千瓦以上绞吸式挖泥船; (3)4立方米以上斗容挖泥船。 38.3三级资质标准 38. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 38.3.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于4 人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业中级以上职 称或港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 程序列中级以上职称人员不少于8人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 38.3.3技术装备 具有下列施工机械设备: (1) 100立方米,小时以上挖泥船; (2)2立方米以上斗容挖泥船。 38.4承包工程范围 38. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类航道工程的施工,包括河海湖航道整治 (含堤、坝、护岸)、测量、航标与渠化工程,疏浚与 吹填造地(含围堰),水下清障、开挖、清淤、炸礁清 礁等工程。 38.4.2二级资质 180 可承担沿海5万吨级和内河1 0 0 0吨级以下航道工 程、6 0 0万立方米以下疏浚工程或陆域吹填工程、6万 立方米以下水下炸礁清礁工程,以及相应的测量、航标 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 与渠化工程、水下清障、开挖、清淤等工程的施工。 38.4.3三级资质 可承担沿海2万吨级和内河5 0 0吨级以下航道工 程、3 0 0万立方米以下疏浚工程或陆域吹填工程、4万 立方米以下水下炸礁清礁工程,以及相应的测量、航标 与渠化工程、水下清障、开挖、清淤等工程的施工。 39通航建筑物工程专业承包资质标准 通航建筑物工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三 级。 39.1 一级资质标准 39.1.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0 0万元以上。 39.1.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于 1 2人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称; 工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于3 5人,其中港口与 航道工程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 施工船员)不少于5 0人。 39.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列3类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1) 1000吨级以上船闸工程; (2) 300吨级以上升船机工程; (3)单项合同额5 0 0 0万元以上的通航建筑物工程。 39.2二级资质标准 39.2.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0 0万元以上。 39.2.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于7 人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业高级职称或 港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序 列中级以上职称人员不少于2 5人,其中港口与航道工 程、机械、电气等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于3 0人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 39.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列3类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1) 300吨级以上船闸工程; (2) 50吨级以上升船机工程; (3)单项合同额3 0 0 0万元以上的通航建筑物工程。 39.3三级资质标准 39. 3.1企业资产 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 39.3.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师不少于4 人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有港口与航道工程专业中级以上职 称或港口与航道工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;工 程序列中级以上职称人员不少于8人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人(含 施工船员)不少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 39. 4.1一级资质 39.4承包工程范围 可承担各类船闸、升船机等通航建筑物工程的施 工。 39.4.2二级资质 可承担1 0 0 0吨级以下船闸或3 0 0吨级以下升船机 等通航建筑物工程的施工。 39.4.3三级资质 可承担3 0 0吨级以下船闸或5 0吨级以下升船机等 通航建筑物工程的施工。 40港航设备安装及水上交管工程专业承包资质 标准 港航设备安装及水上交管工程专业承包资质分为 一级、二级。 40.1 一级资质标准 4 0.1.1企业资产 净资产3 0 0 0万元以上。 4 0.1.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程、机电工程、通信与广电工 程专业一级注册建造师合计不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机电工程(或通信工程)专业高 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 级职称;工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于2 5人,其 中机电工程、通信工程等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5人。 4 0.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列7类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)沿海5万吨级或内河1 0 0 0吨级以上散货、集 装箱码头成套装卸设备安装工程; (2)油、气码头成套设备安装工程; ( 3) 1000吨级以上船闸设备安装工程; (4) 300吨级以上升船机设备安装工程; (5)单项合同额5 0 0万元以上的水上船舶交通管 理系统工程; (6)单项合同额5 0 0万元以上的海上通信导航工 程; (7)单项合同额5 0 0万元以上的内河通信导航工 程。 40.2二级资质标准 40.2.1企业资产 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 40.2.2企业主要人员 (1)港口与航道工程、机电工程、通信与广电工 程专业注册建造师合计不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有机电工程(或通信工程)专业高 级职称或机电工程(或通信与广电工程)专业一级注册 建造师执业资格;工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于2 0 人,其中机电工程、通信工程等专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质一级标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 40.3承包工程范围 40. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类港口装卸设备安装及配套工程的施工, 各类船闸、升船机、航电枢纽设备安装工程的施工, 各类水上交通管制工程的施工。 40.3.2二级资质 可承担沿海5万吨级和内河5 0 0 0吨级以下散货(含 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 油、气)、杂货和集装箱码头成套装卸设备安装工程, 1 0 0 0吨级以下船闸或3 0 0吨级以下升船机设备安装工程 施工,单项合同额1 0 0 0万元以下的各类水上交通管制 工程的施工。 注:水上交通管制工程包括水上船舶交通管理系统 工程(VTS系统)、船舶自动识别系统工程(AIS系统)、 水上视频监控系统工程(CCTV系统)、海上通信导航工 程(海岸电台、甚高频电台、海事卫星通信、海上遇险 与安全系统等)、内河通信导航工程(长途干线、江岸 电台、甚高频电台等)等。 41水工金属结构制作与安装工程专业承包资质 标准 水工金属结构制作与安装工程专业承包资质分为 一级、二级、三级。 41.1 一级资质标准 41.1.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 41.1.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程、机电工程专业一级注册建造 师合计不少于8人,其中水利水电工程专业一级注册建 造师不少于4人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业高级职 称;金属结构、焊接、起重等专业中级以上职称人员不 少于2 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 41.1.3企业工程业绩 190 近5年承担过下列5类中的2类工程的施工,其中 至少有1类是1、2类中所列工程,工程质量合格。 (1)单扇FH>3500的超大型或单扇1 0 0吨以上的 闸门制作安装工程2项,或承担过单扇5 0吨以上的闸 门制作安装工程4项; (2)单项3 0 0 0吨以上的压力钢管制作安装工程1 项,或DH>800的大型或单项2 0 0 0吨以上的压力钢管制 作安装工程3项; (3)2台2×125吨以上或4台2×60吨以上启闭 机安装工程; (4)单扇FH>1000的超大型拦污栅制作安装工程2 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 项; (5)单位工程合同额1 0 0 0万元以上的金属结构制 作安装工程。 41.2二级资质标准 41. 2.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 41.2.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合 计不少于8人,其中水利水电工程专业注册建造师不少 于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业高级职称 或水利水电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;金属结 构、焊接、起重等专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5人, 且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 41.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列5类中的2类工程的施工,其中 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 至少有1类是1、2类中所列工程,工程质量合格。 (1) FH>200的中型或单扇2 5吨以上的闸门制作安 装工程4项; (2)单项1 5 0 0吨以上的压力钢管制作安装工程1 项,或DH>200的中型或单项7 0 0吨以上的压力钢管制 作安装工程3项; (3)2台2×60吨以上或4台2×30吨以上启闭机 安装工程; (4)单扇中型拦污栅制作安装工程2项; (5)单位工程合同额6 0 0万元以上的金属结构制 作安装工程。 41.3三级资质标准 41. 3.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 41.3.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合 计不少于5人,其中水利水电工程专业注册建造师不少 于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业中级以上 职称或水利水电工程专业注册建造师执业资格;金属结 构、焊接、起重等专业中级以上职称人员不少于8人, waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 41.4承包工程范围 41. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类压力钢管、闸门、拦污栅等水工金属结 构工程的制作、安装及启闭机的安装。 41.4.2二级资质 可承担大型以下压力钢管、闸门、拦污栅等水工金 属结构工程的制作、安装及启闭机的安装。 41.4.3三级资质 可承担中型以下压力钢管、闸门、拦污栅等水工金 属结构工程的制作、安装及启闭机的安装。 注: 1、闸门、拦污栅 FH=叶面积×水头。 2、压力钢管 DH=钢管直径×水头。 42水利水电机电安装工程专业承包资质标准 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 水利水电机电安装工程专业承包资质分为一级、二 级、三级。 42.1 一级资质标准 42.1.1企业资产 净资产2 8 0 0万元以上。 42.1.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程、机电工程专业一级注册建造 师合计不少于8人,其中水利水电工程专业一级注册建 造师不少于4人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业高级职 称;水轮机、水轮发电机、电气、焊接、调试、起重等 专业中级以上职称人员不少于2 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 42.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列6类中的2类工程的施工,其中 至少有第1类所列工程,工程质量合格。 (1)混流式水轮发电机组:单机容量80MW以上4 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 台; (2)轴流式水轮发电机组:单机容量5 0MW以上2 台或25MW以上4台; (3)贯流式水轮发电机组:单机容量10MW以上2 台或SMW以上4台; (4)冲击式水轮发电机组:单机容量10MW以上2 台或SMW以上4台; (5)抽水蓄能机组:单机容量100MW以上1台; (6)水泵机组:单机容量500KW以上4台。 42.2二级资质标准 42.2.1企业资产 净资产1 0 0 0万元以上。 42.2.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合 计不少于8人,其中水利水电工程专业注册建造师不少 于4人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业高级职称 或水利水电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;水轮 196 机、水轮发电机、电气、焊接、调试、起重等专业中级 以上职称人员不少于1 5人,且专业齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 42.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列5类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1)混流式水轮发电机组:单机容量25MW以上4 台; (2)轴流式水轮发电机组:单机容量10MW以上2 台或SMW以上4台; (3)贯流式水轮发电机组:单机容量SMW以上2 台或3MW以上4台; (4)冲击式水轮发电机组:单机容量SMW以上2 台或3MW以上4台; (5)水泵机组:单机容量300KW以上4台。 42.3三级资质标准 42. 3.1企业资产 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 42.3.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程、机电工程专业注册建造师合 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 计不少于5人,其中水利水电工程专业注册建造师不少 于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业中级以上 职称或水利水电工程专业注册建造师执业资格;水轮 机、水轮发电机、电气、焊接、调试、起重等专业中级 以上职称人员不少于8人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 42.4承包工程范围 42. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类水电站、泵站主机(各类水轮发电机组、 水泵机组)及其附属设备和水电(泵)站电气设备的安 装工程。 42.4.2二级资质 可承担单机容量100MW以下的水电站、单机容量 1000KW以下的泵站主机及其附属设备和水电(泵)站电 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 气设备的安装工程。 42.4.3三级资质 可承担单机容量25MW以下的水电站、单机容量 500KW以下的泵站主机及其附属设备和水电(泵)站电气 设备的安装工程。 43河湖整治工程专业承包资质标准 河湖整治工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 43.1 一级资质标准 4 3.1.1企业资产 净资产3 8 0 0万元以上。 4 3.1.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于8 人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业高级职 称;水利水电、治河、船舶机械等专业中级以上职称人 员不少于2 5人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于3 0人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 4 3.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列6类中的2类工程的施工,其中 1—4类至少1类,5,6类至少1类,工程质量合格。 (1)河势控导工程1 3 0 0延米以上; 200 (2)水中进占丁坝1 2道以上; (3)2级堤防险工2 0 0 0延米以上; (4)投资5 0 0万以上或用石料1万立方米以上的 防汛抢险施工工程; (5)年疏浚或水下土方挖方6 5 0万立方米以上; (6)年吹填土方4 0 0万立方米以上。 4 3.1.4技术装备 具有单船功率1100KW以上的专业疏浚船只不少于2 条;专业施工设备装机总功率5000KW以上。 43.2二级资质标准 4 3.2.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 43.2.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程专业注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业高级职称 或水利水电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;水利水 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 电、治河、船舶机械等专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 5 人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于2 0人。 43.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列6类中的2类工程的施工,其中 1—4类至少1类,5,6类至少1类,工程质量合格。 (1)河势控导工程7 0 0延米以上; (2)水中进占丁坝6道以上; (3)3级堤防险工1 0 0 0延米以上; (4)投资3 0 0万以上或用石料5 0 0 0立方米以上的 防汛抢险施工工程; (5)年疏浚或水下土方挖方300万立方米以上; (6)年吹填土方1 5 0万立方米以上。 43.2.4技术装备 具有单船功率500KW以上的专业疏浚船只不少于2 条;专业施工设备装机总功率2600KW以上。 43.3三级资质标准 43. 3.1企业资产 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 净资产4 0 0万元以上。 43.3.2企业主要人员 (1)水利水电工程专业注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有水利水电工程相关专业中级以上 职称或水利水电工程专业注册建造师执业资格;水利水 电、治河、船舶机械等专业中级以上职称人员不少于8 人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 5人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本类 别资质二级以上标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 43.4承包工程范围 43. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类河道、水库、湖泊以及沿海相应工程的 河势控导、险工处理、疏浚与吹填、清淤、填塘固基工 程的施工。 43.4.2二级资质 可承担堤防工程级别2级以下堤防相应的河道、湖 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 泊的河势控导、险工处理、疏浚与吹填、填塘固基工程 的施工。 43.4.3三级资质 可承担堤防工程级别3级以下堤防相应的河湖疏浚 整治工程及吹填工程的施工。 44输变电工程专业承包资质标准 输变电工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 44.1 一级资质标准 44.1.1企业资产 净资产5 0 0 0万元以上。 44.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 0人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有电力工程相关专业高级职称;电 力工程相关专业中级以上职称人员不少于6 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于4 0 人,且质量员、安全员、资料员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的线路架设工、变电安装 工等中级工以上技术工人不少于4 0人。 44.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列3类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1) 220千伏送电线路累计6 0 0公里; (2) 220千伏电压等级变电站累计8座; (3) 220千伏电缆工程累计1 0 0公里。 44.2二级资质标准 44.2.1企业资产 净资产3 0 0 0万元以上。 44.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有电力工程相关专业高级职称或机 电工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格;电力工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于4 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且质量员、安全员、资料员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的线路架设工、变电安装 工等中级工以上技术工人不少于3 0人。 44.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过下列3类中的2类工程的施工,工程 质量合格。 (1) 110千伏送电线路累计5 0 0公里; (2) 110千伏电压等级变电站累计6座; (3) 110千伏电缆工程累计1 0 0公里。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 44. 3.1企业资产 44.3三级资质标准 净资产8 0 0万元以上。 44.3.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有电力工程相关专业中级以上职称 或机电工程专业注册建造师执业资格;电力工程相关专 业中级以上职称人员不少于2 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且质量员、安全员、资料员、造价员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的线路架设工、变电安装 工等中级工以上技术工人不少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别工程业绩不少于2项。 44.4承包工程范围 44. 4.1一级资质 可承担各种电压等级的送电线路和变电站工程的 施工。 44.4.2二级资质 可承担2 2 0千伏以下电压等级的送电线路和变电站 工程的施工。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 44.4.3三级资质 可承担1 1 0千伏以下电压等级的送电线路和变电站 工程的施工。 45核工程专业承包资质标准 核工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级 45.1 一级资质标准 45.1.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0 0万元以上。 45.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于8人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称;工程序列中 级以上职称人员不少于8 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于5 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、机械员、造 价员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格取得核级焊工资格的技术 工人不少于5 0人。 45.1.3企业工程业绩 近1 0年独立承担过下列5类中的1类工程施工, 工程质量合格。 (1)单项合同额5 0 0 0万元以上核燃料元件工程或 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 核同位素分离工程; (2)单项合同额5 0 0 0万元以上放射性化工工程或 铀冶金等核工程; (3)单项合同额5 0 0 0万元以上核废料处理工程; (4)单项合同额3 0 0 0万元以上铀矿山工程; (5)单项合同额2 0 0 0万以上核电站核岛检修维修 工程2项。 45.2二级资质标准 45.2.1企业资产 净资产3 2 0 0万元以上。 45.2.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于6人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或机电工程专 业一级注册建造师执业资格;工程序列中级以上职称人 员不少于5 0人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于3 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、机械员、造 价员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格取得核级焊工资格的技术 工人不少于2 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 类别工程业绩不少于2项工程。 210 45.3承包工程范围 45. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类核反应堆、放射性化工、核燃料元件、 核同位素分离、铀冶金、核废料处理、核电站检修和维 修以及铀矿山工程的施工。 45.3.2二级资质 可承担合同额6 0 0 0万以下的放射性化工、核燃料 元件、核同位素分离、铀冶金、核废料处理、核电站检 修和维修以及铀矿山工程的施工。 46海洋石油工程专业承包资质标准 海洋石油工程专业承包资质分为一、二级。 46.1 一级资质标准 46.1.1企业资产 净资产1 0亿元以上。 46.1.2企业主要人员 (1)机电工程专业一级注册建造师不少于1 5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称;海洋油气(或 海洋工程或(油气田)地面建设或油气储运或油气田开 发或石油化工或石油炼制)、结构、电气、机械、自动 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 控制和安全环保等专业中级以上职称人员不少于8 0人, 且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的的施工现场管理人员不少于 5 0人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于1 0 0人。 46.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年独立承担过单项合同额1亿元以上的中型海 洋石油工程3项,工程质量合格。 46.1.4技术装备 具有下列技术装备: (1) 4000吨以上承载力的滑道、与海洋工程施工 配套的工程码头; (2)符合中国船级社(CCS)《钢质海船入级规范》 要求的o吨以上 o ~起重 船; (3)符合中国船级社(CCS)《钢质海船入级规范》 要求的7 5吨以上张紧能力铺管船。 46.2二级资质标准 46.2.1企业资产 净资产5 0 0 0万元以上。 46.2.2企业主要人员 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (1)机电工程专业注册建造师不少于5人,其中 一级注册建造师不少于3人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或机电工程专 业一级注册建造师执业资格;海洋油气(或海洋工程或 (油气田)地面建设或油气储运或油气田开发或石油化 工或石油炼制)、结构、电气、机械、自动控制和安全 环保等专业中级以上职称人员不少于4 0人,且专业齐 全。 (3)持有岗位证书的的施工现场管理人员不少于 2 0人,且质量员、安全员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于4 0人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别资质一级标准要求的工程业绩不少于2项。 46.2.3技术装备 具有下列3项中的1项技术装备: (1) 2000吨以上承载力的滑道、与海洋工程施工 配套的工程码头; (4)符合中国船级社(CCS)《钢质海船入级规范》 要求的 吨以上 , 。起重 船; waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (5)符合中国船级社(CCS)《钢质海船入级规范》 要求的5 0吨以上张紧能力铺管船。 46.3承包工程范围 46. 3.1一级资质 可承担各类型海洋石油工程和其他海洋工程的施 工、维修、改造等。 46.3.2二级资质 可承担项目投资额8亿元以下海洋油气开发工程或 214 3亿元以下海底管道工程,以及其他海洋工程的施工、 维修、改造等。 注:海洋石油工程大中型项目划分标准对照表 ???????????????????????????????? ?建设项目 ?单位 ?大型 ?中型 ?备注 ? ???????????????????????????????? ?海洋 ?海洋油气 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?亿元 ??8 ? 8-4 ?项目投资额 ? waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ?石油 ?开发工程 ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????? ?工程 ?海底管道工程 ?亿元 ??3 ? 3-1 ?项目投资额 ? ???????????????????????????????? 47环保工程专业承包资质标准 环保工程专业承包资质分为一级、二级、三级。 47.1 一级资质标准 47.1.1企业资产 净资产2 0 0 0万元以上。 47.1.2企业主要人员 (1) -级注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有1 0年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称;环保、结构、 机械、通风、给排水(水处理)、电气控制等专业中级 以上职称人员不少于2 0人,且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于2 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、机械员、造 价员、资料员等人员齐全。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、焊工、瓦工、木 工、油漆工、除尘工等中级工以上技术工人不少于3 0 人。 47.1.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过2项大型或3项中型环保工程,工程 质量合格。 47.2二级资质标准 47.2.1企业资产 净资产6 0 0万元以上。 47.2.2企业主要人员 (1)注册建造师不少于5人。 (2)技术负责人具有8年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列高级职称或一级注册建 造师执业资格;环保、结构、机械、通风、给排水(水 处理)、电气控制等专业中级以上职称人员不少于1 0人, 且专业齐全。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 5 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、机械员、造 价员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、焊工、瓦工、木 工、油漆工、除尘工等中级工以上技术工人不少于2 0 人。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 47.2.3企业工程业绩 近5年承担过2项中型或3项小型环保工程,工程 质量合格。 47.3三级资质标准 47. 3.1企业资产 净资产1 5 0万元以上。 47.3.2企业主要人员 (1)注册建造师不少于2人。 (2)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,具有工程序列中级以上职称或注册建造 师执业资格;工程序列中级以上职称人员不少于5人。 (3)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、机械员、造 价员、资料员等人员齐全。 (4)经考核或培训合格的电工、焊工、瓦工、木 工、油漆工、除尘工等中级工以上技术工人不少于1 0 人。 (5)技术负责人(或注册建造师)主持完成过本 类别工程业绩不少于2项。 47.4承包工程范围 47. 4.1一级资质 可承担各类环保工程的施工。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 47.4.2二级资质 可承担污染修复工程、生活垃圾处理处置工程大型 以下及其他中型以下环保工程的施工。 47.4.3三级资质 可承担污染修复工程、生活垃圾处理处置工程中型 以下及其他小型环保工程的施工。 注:环保工程主要指水污染防治工程、大气污染防 治工程、固体废物处理处置工程、物理污染防治工程和 污染修复工程等,其中:水污染防治工程包括工业废水 防治工程、城镇污水污染防治工程(不含市政管网、泵 站以及厂内办公楼等公共建筑物)、污废水回用工程及 医院、畜禽养殖业、垃圾渗滤液等特种行业废水污染防 治工程;大气污染防治工程包括烟尘、粉尘、气态及气 溶胶、室内空气等污染防治工程;固体废物处理处置工 程包括生活垃圾(不含办公楼等公共建筑物)、一般工 业固体废物、危险固体废物及其他固体废物处理处置工 程;物理污染防治工程包括交通噪声、建筑施工噪声、 工业噪声、室内噪声、电磁及振动等污染防治工程;污 染修复工程包括污染本体、污染土壤、矿山及其他生态 修复或恢复工程。 环保工程规模划分表: ?????????????????????????waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ???????????????????? ?环保工程类别 ?单位 ?大型 ?中型 ?小型 ?备注 ? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?工业废水治 ?废水量:吨,日 ??5000 ? 1000-5000 ?< 1000 ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????? ? ?理 ? COD负荷:公斤, ??10000 ? 4000-10000 ?< 4000 ? ? ?水污染 ? ?日 ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????????? ?防治工 ?城镇污水处 ?污水量:吨,日 ??20000 ? 8000-20000 ?< 8000 ? ? ?程 ?理 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????????? ? ?污(废)水回 ?污(废)水量: ??10000 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ? 2000-10000 ?< 2000 ? ? ? ?用 ?盹,日 ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ? ?工业蒸汽锅 ?单台装机容量: ? ?6 5 ? 35-65 ?< 35 ? ? ? ?炉烟气治理 ?蒸吨,小时 ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ? ?发电锅炉烟 ?单台装机容量: ? ?100 ? 25-100 ?<25 ? ? ?大气污 ?气治理 ?兆瓦 ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????? waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ????????????????????????? ? ?染防治 ?工业炉窑烟 ?废气量:万立方 ? ?20 ? 6-20 ?<6 ? ? ?工程 ?气治理 ?米/}l\吣 ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ? ?其他工业废 ?废气量:万立方 ? ?1 0 ? 3-10 ?<3 ? ? ? ?气治理 ?米,小时 ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ? ?一般工业固 ?投资额:万元 ? ?2000 ? 500-2000 ?< 500 ? ? ? ?体物处理与 ? ? ? ? ? waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ? ? ?利用 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ? ?危险废物处 ?处理量:吨,日 ? ?20 ?10-20 ? <10 ? ? ? ?理处置 ? ?(?10) ? ( 5-10) ? (<5) ? ? ?固体废 ?(其中医疗 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?物处理 ?废物处理) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ?处置工 ? 生活垃圾焚 ? 处理量:吨,日 ? ?200 ? 50-200 ? <50 ? 统称“生 ? ?程 ? 烧工程 ? ? ? ? ? 活垃圾 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ? ? ??????????????????? ??????????????????? ? ? ? 生活垃圾卫 ? 处理量:吨,日 ? ?500 ? 200-500 ? < 200 ? 处理处 ? ? ? 生填埋工程 ? ? ? ? ? 置工程” ? ? ??????????????????? ??????????????????? ? ? ? 生活垃圾堆 ? 处理量:吨,日 ? ?300 ? 100-300 ? < 100 ? ? ? ? 肥工程 ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ? 物理污 ? 噪声与振动 ? 投资额:万元 ? ?1 50 ? 50-150 ? <50 ? ? ? 染防治 ? 治理 ? waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ? 工程 ? 电磁污染防 ? 投资额:万元 ? ?400 ? 100-400 ? < 100 ? ? ? ? ,厶 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?口 ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? ? 污染修 ? 污染本体、土 ? 投资额:万元 ? ?3000 ? 500-3000 ? < 500 ? ? ? 复工程 ? 壤、矿山修复 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 等工程 ? ? ? ? ? waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 220 48特种工程专业承包资质标准 特种工程专业承包资质不分等级。 48.1 资质标准 48.1.1企业资产 净资产2 4 0万元以上。 48.1.2企业主要人员 (1)技术负责人具有5年以上从事工程施工技术 管理工作经历,且具有工程序列中级以上职称或注册建 造师执业资格;相应的专业技术人员齐全。 (2)持有岗位证书的施工现场管理人员不少于1 0 人,且施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员、资料员等人 员齐全。 (3)经考核或培训合格的中级工以上技术工人不 少于5人。 (4)技术负责人主持完成过相应专业工程业绩2 项。 48.2承包工程范围 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 可承担相应特种专业工程的施工。 注:特种工程是指未单独设立的特殊专业工程,如 建筑物纠偏和平移、结构补强、特殊设备起重吊装、特 种防雷等工程。 (三)施工劳务序列资质标准 施工劳务序列不分类别和等级。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or
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