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最全的科脉软件常见问题集最全的科脉软件常见问题集 to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in...

最全的科脉软件常见问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 集 to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 科脉软件常见问题集 2008-01-07 15:09 1( 问:系统初始化加密狗失败,错误代码为“15”, 答:查看你的网络是否连通,插紧加密狗,有没有安装好加密狗驱动程序,如果没有请重新安装。 2( 问:初始化科脉系统时,系统提示连接不到科脉数据库, 答:有没有装载科脉数据库(DB_SETUP),或打开SQL SERVER的企业管理器,查看Databases下面有无KMJXC的数据库,如果没有请重新装载科脉数据库。 3( 问:为何在科脉商业管理系统中更改或删除条形码时只能用系统工程管理员去更改? 答:为了客户能安全使用科脉商业管理系统,所以在科脉中只能用系统管理员去更改或删除条形码,而一般的操作员是没有权限更改或删除条形码的。 4( 问:前台打印小票时,上一张小票与下一张小票空格太宽, 答:在前台收银机外设设置处把添加空行数目处,将头和尾的值进行修改,重新启动收银系统即可。 5( 问:类别毛利总金额与收银员汇总报表的总金额对不上、前台商品销售明细流水报表多于后台销售按商品汇总报表, 答:请做综合数据日结,在一般的情况下这两个报表是相等的,用户把一些商品 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 从基本档案删除了,而前台收银机上还有这些商品资料。所以导致这两个报表对不上。 6( 问:在分布式版中为何分店的会员卡积分在总店不能查询, 答:分店的会员卡积分中能在各分店查询各自的会员卡积分,分店的会员卡积分不能传上总店,所以在总店不能查询分店会员卡积分的积分。 7( 问:为何在科脉启谋商业管理系统里设置电子称打印的标签格式不对, 答:在编辑标签后,保存时应注意保存到第几号标签,同时应设置电子称使用该标签,如果不是一致的就会导致打印格式不正确。 8(问:在前台销售的商品时,为何有些商品不能够打折, 答:(1)查看此收银员是否有打折的权限; (2)在系统设置的前台POS机销售设置的界面上是否设置了启用前台指定商品不允许优惠控制功能,而这些不能打折的商品正好属于不允许优惠商品。 9( 问:在科脉启谋商业管理系统中,怎样设置验收入库单打印商品数量、进价和进价金额, 答:在kmjxc.ini的配置设置里面增加如下程序:在[app_env]下面增加“sheetprint_pi=prc1”保存设置即可。 10(问:安装科脉瑞通商业管理系统单机版,在初始化时系统提示连接不到数据库, 答:缺少SQLANYWHERE5.0数据库,请到相关网站下载或联系我公司技术支持部。 to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 11(问:为何有些商品的电脑库存是一个负很大的数据, 答:请查看商品出入库报表,确认这些商品是否做过验收入库单,如果没有;请做商品验收入库单。 12(问:在前台设置中用DIY—POS—LED8[单行串口数字]客显启动钱箱,钱箱为何打不开, 答:因为用客显启动与打印机启动钱箱的指令不同,把原来开钱箱的指令改成“2,77”,然后设置好钱箱端口与客显端口一致即可。 13(问:数据库连接不上;运行科脉商业管理系统后出现连接数据库的提示界面,进入了科脉系统, 答:(1)先检查网络是否正常,再检查SQL SERVER是否正常,可使用TELNET IP 1433命令来帮助分析。 (2)确认是数据库被挂起(是否断电的原因造成的)。 (3)如有备份,则可使用DB_SETUP重新装载备份的数据库文件即可恢复数据成功,所以必须要求客户每日备份数据。 14(问:盈亏数量是怎样得出来的,商品电脑库存为负应怎样解决, 答:(1)盈亏数量是电脑库存与实盘数量之差的结果。 (2)商品的电脑库存为负,应找出它为负的原因,如这个商品从来就没有做过验收入库但前台又在销售,它的库存肯定为负,这时可以通过重新做验收入库或用其它单做入库处理。 15(问:在科脉商业管理系统V2.0中储值卡是怎样充值的? 答:打开发放储值卡的菜单,输入要充值的卡号;按下充值管理输入卡号、充值金额,然后按下充值键即可。 16(问:入库单审核后在已审核单中未查到, 答:日期错误导致该单据被记录在别的日期下面,在当天的记录中当然找不到,请先检查这方面的原因。 17(问:能否把前台销售流水数据报表里面的小计金额去掉, 答:可以,打开前台销售流水数据报表上的设置键,打开报表属性设置——明细设置,把小计金额后面的“X”去掉就可以了。 18(问:在前台销售商品的数据跟后台商品数据对不上,如在前台销售50个同一商品,为何在后台查看商品销售时只有25个, 答:请在后台系统设置里面是否启用了万能数据处理功能,如果启用了此功能后台的数据随着数据处理的百分比的改变而改变。 19(问:在一台机器上设置好的商品价格标签打印的模块可否在其它的机器上调用, 答:可以,将设置好的模块保存后,在KMJXC的安装目录下的REPORT的LABELPRINT.PSR文件复制到另外一台机器上的REPORT文件下面。 20(问:在科脉瑞通商业管理系统中,在结算时因储值卡上的金额不够可否用另外一张储值ultra-high and ultra wide strapping should be solid and reliable, should prevent the car unstable objects falling hurts. 4, take the vehicle in a safe place, head, hands and body shall not reveal the compartment to avoid vehicles falls when you start braking. 5, and from the construction site, pitch turning, reversing, when driving in the narrow space should be free of command. 6, the site traffic comes into play to slow down and do it "four-speed", namely: road conditions unknown to slow, bad line slowly, slower start, passing, parking, narrow roads, detours, road bridges, forks road, slow pedestrians crowded locations and access door. 7, and scaffolding near the motorway operation area and other facilities, and barricades shall be set in the road safety labels, safety signs and protective measures, and to ensure that adequate lighting at night. 8, when loading and unloading operation, if the vehicles parked on the ramp, it should be fixed with wedge-shaped pieces of wood on either side of the wheel. 9, the presence of motor vehicles should avoid walking on the right side, and uneven rows of flock to obstruct traffic; avoid vehicle, should not avoid two car intersection, not dead standing next to the parking lot could not back down. 10, motor vehicles towing vehicle with no brakes, traction object objects shall not, shall not enter is between traction and, when traction on ramps, a car and you were allowed to jobs and remain at the bottom. Ten, the prevention of falls from a height, object hit ten basic safety requirements 1, working at height must be neat, do not wear plastic bottom-sliding shoes, high heels, tools should turn into a tool bag. 2, high operating personnel is strictly prohibited to fight each other, so as not to slip in danger of falling. 3, in the climbing operations, structure must be solid and reliable climbing equipment, must be correct. 4, various types of hand-held equipment should be checked before use to ensure safe and secure. Edges of opening job preventing objects falling. 5, construction workers should be provided for channel up and down, do not climb scaffolding, across the balcony, climbing and walking in the non-provided channel. 6, vacant jobs, should have a firm foothold and properly tie off belts field should be configured depending on the circumstances-blocks, railings or other safety devices. 7, when working at height, all items should be stacked smooth, can not be placed in or near the hole, and not interfere with traffic. 8, when demolition work is high, disassembly of the materials, construction waste should be cleaned up and removed in a timely manner, and shall not be any chaos on the walkway placed or dropped down, keep working the aisles clear. 9, when working at height, are not allowed to throw up or down the materials and tools and other objects. 10, the construction site, where a fall may be of any material, should be removed or fixed, demolition work in a restricted area, under supervised to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 卡继续结帐? 答:可以。在结算时储值卡上的金额不够系统会提示储值卡付款多少钱,待付金额多少钱,此时再按下储值卡键输入卡号继续付款。 21(问:科脉启谋商业管理系统中的盘点过程是怎样的? 答:首先完成综合数据日结,其次做盘点初始化生成一个盘点批次号、盘点锁库、打印空盘点表、然后盘点单录入、复盘单录入(可选项)、生成盘点差异、生成漏盘商品、最后盘点审核。注意:在盘点过程还没有完成之前不能做任何影响库存的业务。 22(问:科脉启谋商业管理系统中注册后,提示注册成功但是不能进入科脉系统, 答:此为服务器数据库工作不正常,非输入序列号引起的错误,请重启服务器。 23(问:调进货价单与库存调价有何区别, 答:前者是调进价,后者是对以前某一次进货剩余的商品库存进行调价。 24(问:营业间在后台查询库存能否用商品条码来查询商品的库存, 答:可以,既可用商品编码又可以用条码查询商品的库存。 25(问:在分布式版中为何在总店做了零售特价单在分店不能实现, 答:(1)分店的仓库编码设置是否与总店设置分店的仓库编码一致,分店前台商品的出货仓是否选择本分店的仓库编码。 (2)查看商品零售特价单设置的有效时间。 26(问:能否把商品的特价信息用EXCEL的格式导出, 答:因为商品的特价信息不属于商品的基本档案,所以不能用EXCEL的格式导出,它只能打印出来。 27(问:会员特价单能否调出单据修改其中某些商品的特价信息,如某一商品的特价时间还未结束又将这商品做特价单,可以吗,商品销售又是按那个价格销售的, 答:(1)不能调出已审核过的单据进行修改,因为审核过的单据是不能修改的。 (2)在 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 商品特价时间还未结束时可以再将这个商品做特价,销售是按新价格进行销售的。 28(问:前台折扣报表为何会出现折扣金额为负,有的商品为何上午可以打折而到了下午却不能打折, 答:(1)商品特价的金额高于商品原价金额时,前台折扣报表就会出现折扣金额为负。 (2)是否做了商品零售特价而又同时做了固定时间特价,而下午没有折扣是因为特价的时间还未到。 29(问:验收入库单与赠品入库单是否都跟供应商结算, 答:赠品入库单只增加商品库存的数量不用跟供应商结算,跟供应商结算的只是验收入库单。 30(问:为何在商品基本档案用手工录入8位的商品条码在前台不能扫描,系统提示没有此to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 商品, 答:商品基本档案手工录入的8位条码是否与扫描枪扫出来的8位条码是否一致。如果不一致,请在商品基本档案修改的条码使它与扫描枪扫描出来的条码一致。 31(问:盘点可否做其它影响库存的业务, 答:在盘点过程还没有结束时,不能做任何影响库存的业务包括日结。 32(问:为何普通收银员没有前台设置权限的都可以按F6键选择商品的出货仓, 答:收银员无论有无前台设置权限的都可以按F6键选择商品的出货仓,是没有限制的。 33(问:为何在客流量大时前台键盘、条码枪停止响应, 答:这应从硬件方面考虑机箱散热的问题,可以打开主板BIOS中的温度保护、增加内存;也可以在科脉商业管理系统中清空部分历史数据(注:在清空前先备份数据) 34(问:加密狗站点升级不成功,运行加密狗升级程序出错,报“当前使用非法,程序将关闭”, 答:系统未找到加密狗或加密狗驱动未安装,导致许可证管理程序找不到接口出错,安装加密狗驱动应可正常。 35(问:在前台完成了盘点数据的录入,但查询库存为“0”, 答:虽然完成了盘点数据录入,但未进行数据处理,须将前台盘点数据文件拷贝到后台,并在盘点录入单中导入数据,前台盘点数据默认保存在安装目录下的POSDATE中且带有日期的格式文件;按下盘点单上的编辑键导入“盘点数据”即可,然后保存审核才能生效。 36(问:在科脉启谋商业管理体系统中盘点时有些为负库存的商品未点数,可否更正这些商品的库存数量。 答:可以,通过打印漏盘商品报表来确认未盘商品及其数量,然后通过再次盘点录入或其它单来作入库调整。 37(问:打印机没有钱箱接口,用川田的VFD8CV客显可否打开钱箱, 答:可以,将客显接在相应端口并连接好钱箱,在软件中设置钱箱端口与客显相同,并将开钱箱的指令修改为“31,77”即可。(注:本指令只能打开12V的钱箱) 38(问:会员特价按折扣的如何设置,会员特价单中如何让电脑自动按一定折扣生成特价, 答:(1)在会员卡类别是定义折扣卡,可定出如8折或9折的卡类别。 (2)可以实现此功能,在系统设置中定义“会员特价率”,则系统在制作会员特价单时将自动按进价、售价、会员特价率自动计算会员特价。 39(问:分布式分店初始化不了,在分店使用数据通信中的初始化时,软件提示没有设置传输权限, 答:由于在分店先安装了一套网络版并使用进入了软件,然后又只是安装了软件分布式客户端,然后再使用数据通信中的初始化,此时软件肯定提示说没有传输权限,因为此时在此店的数据库中本店仓库代码是00(即网络版默认仓库),但00是总店的仓库代码,肯定不在总店的传输权限设置中,所以拨号后传输初始化时出现此提示。解决方法:重新安装分ultra-high and ultra wide strapping should be solid and reliable, should prevent the car unstable objects falling hurts. 4, take the vehicle in a safe place, head, hands and body shall not reveal the compartment to avoid vehicles falls when you start braking. 5, and from the construction site, pitch turning, reversing, when driving in the narrow space should be free of command. 6, the site traffic comes into play to slow down and do it "four-speed", namely: road conditions unknown to slow, bad line slowly, slower start, passing, parking, narrow roads, detours, road bridges, forks road, slow pedestrians crowded locations and access door. 7, and scaffolding near the motorway operation area and other facilities, and barricades shall be set in the road safety labels, safety signs and protective measures, and to ensure that adequate lighting at night. 8, when loading and unloading operation, if the vehicles parked on the ramp, it should be fixed with wedge-shaped pieces of wood on either side of the wheel. 9, the presence of motor vehicles should avoid walking on the right side, and uneven rows of flock to obstruct traffic; avoid vehicle, should not avoid two car intersection, not dead standing next to the parking lot could not back down. 10, motor vehicles towing vehicle with no brakes, traction object objects shall not, shall not enter is between traction and, when traction on ramps, a car and you were allowed to jobs and remain at the bottom. Ten, the prevention of falls from a height, object hit ten basic safety requirements 1, working at height must be neat, do not wear plastic bottom-sliding shoes, high heels, tools should turn into a tool bag. 2, high operating personnel is strictly prohibited to fight each other, so as not to slip in danger of falling. 3, in the climbing operations, structure must be solid and reliable climbing equipment, must be correct. 4, various types of hand-held equipment should be checked before use to ensure safe and secure. Edges of opening job preventing objects falling. 5, construction workers should be provided for channel up and down, do not climb scaffolding, across the balcony, climbing and walking in the non-provided channel. 6, vacant jobs, should have a firm foothold and properly tie off belts field should be configured depending on the circumstances-blocks, railings or other safety devices. 7, when working at height, all items should be stacked smooth, can not be placed in or near the hole, and not interfere with traffic. 8, when demolition work is high, disassembly of the materials, construction waste should be cleaned up and removed in a timely manner, and shall not be any chaos on the walkway placed or dropped down, keep working the aisles clear. 9, when working at height, are not allowed to throw up or down the materials and tools and other objects. 10, the construction site, where a fall may be of any material, should be removed or fixed, demolition work in a restricted area, under supervised to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 店的数据库,则运行程序后会提示输入分店名称和代码,则输入后初始化即可。 40(问:在科脉启谋商业管理系统分布式版中,在总店做分店的入库单后在总店查商品库存汇总报表(仓库)和在分店查的商品汇总报表(仓库)对不上, 答:请检查总店与分店验收单据的数量,如果对不上,请在分店重新下载数据或下载全部数据;也可以利用数据通信辅助处理功能把某些还未传下分店的单据传到分店。 41(问:在科脉启谋商业管理系统中,在商品基本档案中,如果当前已有一个商品的资料,且该商品有类别和供应商,点新增按钮后程序不能提供商品的供应商和类别,以前的程序是可以的, 答:以前的程序的确可以。但考虑到商品的供应商会对业务产生影响,包括进货和进销存结余等会与结算产生关系,为了不对各种报表及结算数据造成很大的错误影响,程序不再默认采用原来的商品的供应商,而要求录入员手工输入。 42(问:在科脉启谋商业管理系统中,为何前台班结后收银员班结报表上的金额比实际收银金额少很多, 答:因为经常退出收银系统或重新启动计算机造成的原因,这种情况下班结时系统只当前的收银记录做班结而没有对以前曾退出收银系统或重新启动计算机后重新进入收银系统做记录,所以班结后的报表会比实际收银员的报表上有金额少。 43(问:打印商品资料时内容太多,有些东西是不想打印的;浪费纸。 答:可以在浏览界面中通过拖动标题栏来屏蔽一些不要的列。 44(问:要打印某供应商的商品,但太多供应商了很麻烦, 答:可以在供应商商品浏览打印,这样可以只打印一个供应商所供应的商品。 45(问:商品进价经常变化,但又不能定死;能不能监控价格变化, 答:在采购入库报表中可以查看每个商品的入库历史、价格。 46(问:商品进货时进价过度,销售一段时间后供应商同意将未销售的部分商品降低供货价,在科脉商业管理系统V3.0中如何处理, 答:(1)常规方法是采用“空退空进”的方式来解决,即先用原来的进价将剩余部分退货出去,然后再用新的进价做入库,可以达到目的,但此部分商品的帐期会顺延。 (2)采用“库存调价单”也可以达到目的,即将上次或历次进货的部分或全部商品的进价作出调整。 47(问:在科脉启谋商业管理系统中能否提供一套比较正确的影响成本的单据方法, 答:一般来说,只要是非销售的、出入库且不以成本价出入库的单据就要影响成本。这些业务建议影响成本:赠送入库单、库存调价单、库存更正单、其它单、盘点审批单、验收入库单、销售退货单、采购退货单。另外,还有些单据如果企业内部规则不以成本价计的也要让其影响成本,如:报损单、领用单、各种调拨单等。 48、库存调价单的作用 to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 一。调整给供货商的结算金额 二。调整部分已入库的成本。 50、(转摘)科脉SQL执行语句 发表于:2008年3月12日 10时43分10秒阅读(13)评论(0)本文链接: 科脉SQL执行语句/*===========清空指定供货商库存=============*/ update ic_t_branch_stock set stock_qty=0 where item_no in (Select item_no from bi_t_item_info where sup_no='请录入你的供应商代码' ) /*===========批量修改商品所属供应商=============*/ update bi_t_item_info-即修改的内容在表 bi_t_item_info 商品档案表中 set sup_no = '被指定要修改后的商品供应商号'-(商品现供应商号) 即修改的列sup_no及该列改修后的指定内容为当前引号中的供应商号 where sup_no = '商品当前被指定要修改的供应商编号'-被修改的列名sup_no及指定该列名原本的内容,即被修改的条件 -例 /*update bi_t_item_info -商品档案表中 set sup_no ="05100119"-修改后的商品的现供应商号 where sup_no ="05100172"-被指定要修改商品的供应商号为05100172的全部商品信息的供应商号*/ /********备注:所有在科脉SQL执行工具中执行的,代码一定要用“”号,而不是''号。''号只适合在SQL分析里*****/ 关于加密狗增加站点 新闻来源: 点击数:701 更新时间:2009-5-23 15:05:16 收藏此页 在日常使用中,经常会有客户要求增加站点需要生成注册特征串,但是又不会操作,下面将一些常用的生成注册特征串的方法整理一下供大家参考。 1、 关于启谋、瑞通网络版或分布式版同版本增加站点处理: 登录软件—系统维护-----软件注册(适用于启谋,如图1.1) ultra-high and ultra wide strapping should be solid and reliable, should prevent the car unstable objects falling hurts. 4, take the vehicle in a safe place, head, hands and body shall not reveal the compartment to avoid vehicles falls when you start braking. 5, and from the construction site, pitch turning, reversing, when driving in the narrow space should be free of command. 6, the site traffic comes into play to slow down and do it "four-speed", namely: road conditions unknown to slow, bad line slowly, slower start, passing, parking, narrow roads, detours, road bridges, forks road, slow pedestrians crowded locations and access door. 7, and scaffolding near the motorway operation area and other facilities, and barricades shall be set in the road safety labels, safety signs and protective measures, and to ensure that adequate lighting at night. 8, when loading and unloading operation, if the vehicles parked on the ramp, it should be fixed with wedge-shaped pieces of wood on either side of the wheel. 9, the presence of motor vehicles should avoid walking on the right side, and uneven rows of flock to obstruct traffic; avoid vehicle, should not avoid two car intersection, not dead standing next to the parking lot could not back down. 10, motor vehicles towing vehicle with no brakes, traction object objects shall not, shall not enter is between traction and, when traction on ramps, a car and you were allowed to jobs and remain at the bottom. Ten, the prevention of falls from a height, object hit ten basic safety requirements 1, working at height must be neat, do not wear plastic bottom-sliding shoes, high heels, tools should turn into a tool bag. 2, high operating personnel is strictly prohibited to fight each other, so as not to slip in danger of falling. 3, in the climbing operations, structure must be solid and reliable climbing equipment, must be correct. 4, various types of hand-held equipment should be checked before use to ensure safe and secure. Edges of opening job preventing objects falling. 5, construction workers should be provided for channel up and down, do not climb scaffolding, across the balcony, climbing and walking in the non-provided channel. 6, vacant jobs, should have a firm foothold and properly tie off belts field should be configured depending on the circumstances-blocks, railings or other safety devices. 7, when working at height, all items should be stacked smooth, can not be placed in or near the hole, and not interfere with traffic. 8, when demolition work is high, disassembly of the materials, construction waste should be cleaned up and removed in a timely manner, and shall not be any chaos on the walkway placed or dropped down, keep working the aisles clear. 9, when working at height, are not allowed to throw up or down the materials and tools and other objects. 10, the construction site, where a fall may be of any material, should be removed or fixed, demolition work in a restricted area, under supervised to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 登录软件—帮助-----软件注册(适用于瑞通,如图1.2) 图1.2(瑞通系统注册窗口) 打开注册窗口后输入增加站点后的总站点数(包括后台与前台),然后点生成注册特征串,将生成的注 册特征串以传真件发送至我公司渠道部,渠道部接受到注册特征码后会生成程序发给客户执行即可。 2、 单机与网络或连锁之间的升级办法 1. 启谋连锁单机版,瑞通单机升网络版方法:可直接将单机狗寄到我公司渠道直接换为网络狗(需注明网 络版站点数) 2. 瑞通单机升连锁版单机方法:将软件装成试用版的连锁单机,进入软件提示如下 to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 图2.2.1 点否,进入下一界面 图2.2.2 点击确认,进入生成特征串界面,输入站点数,点击生成注册特征串 ultra-high and ultra wide strapping should be solid and reliable, should prevent the car unstable objects falling hurts. 4, take the vehicle in a safe place, head, hands and body shall not reveal the compartment to avoid vehicles falls when you start braking. 5, and from the construction site, pitch turning, reversing, when driving in the narrow space should be free of command. 6, the site traffic comes into play to slow down and do it "four-speed", namely: road conditions unknown to slow, bad line slowly, slower start, passing, parking, narrow roads, detours, road bridges, forks road, slow pedestrians crowded locations and access door. 7, and scaffolding near the motorway operation area and other facilities, and barricades shall be set in the road safety labels, safety signs and protective measures, and to ensure that adequate lighting at night. 8, when loading and unloading operation, if the vehicles parked on the ramp, it should be fixed with wedge-shaped pieces of wood on either side of the wheel. 9, the presence of motor vehicles should avoid walking on the right side, and uneven rows of flock to obstruct traffic; avoid vehicle, should not avoid two car intersection, not dead standing next to the parking lot could not back down. 10, motor vehicles towing vehicle with no brakes, traction object objects shall not, shall not enter is between traction and, when traction on ramps, a car and you were allowed to jobs and remain at the bottom. Ten, the prevention of falls from a height, object hit ten basic safety requirements 1, working at height must be neat, do not wear plastic bottom-sliding shoes, high heels, tools should turn into a tool bag. 2, high operating personnel is strictly prohibited to fight each other, so as not to slip in danger of falling. 3, in the climbing operations, structure must be solid and reliable climbing equipment, must be correct. 4, various types of hand-held equipment should be checked before use to ensure safe and secure. Edges of opening job preventing objects falling. 5, construction workers should be provided for channel up and down, do not climb scaffolding, across the balcony, climbing and walking in the non-provided channel. 6, vacant jobs, should have a firm foothold and properly tie off belts field should be configured depending on the circumstances-blocks, railings or other safety devices. 7, when working at height, all items should be stacked smooth, can not be placed in or near the hole, and not interfere with traffic. 8, when demolition work is high, disassembly of the materials, construction waste should be cleaned up and removed in a timely manner, and shall not be any chaos on the walkway placed or dropped down, keep working the aisles clear. 9, when working at height, are not allowed to throw up or down the materials and tools and other objects. 10, the construction site, where a fall may be of any material, should be removed or fixed, demolition work in a restricted area, under supervised to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 图2.2.3 将特征串‘36117-23646-1-(4/1C+1P)’发给科脉公司渠道部。 3. 启谋连锁单机版换为启谋单机版方法:不能换,启谋没有单机版。 4. 瑞通连锁单机换为瑞通单机版方法:要将加密狗发到科脉公司渠道换狗。 3、 启谋,瑞通网络升分布式版的处理方法: 首先将启谋,瑞通网络版程序卸载,安装试用版的分布式版软件;然后以试用方式进入软件,打开注册窗口后输入新站点数(包括后台与前台),然后点生成注册特征串(如图A和图B),将生成的注册特征串以传真件发送至我公司渠道部,渠道部接受到注册特征码后会生成程序发给客户执行即可。也可以将启谋,瑞通网络版程序卸载,安装试用版的分布式版;然后如下操作: 进入软件,到如下界面,点击‘否’ 图3.1 进入下一界面 to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 图3.2 点击注册特征码,进入下一界面 3.3图 点击确定,进入下一界面 图3.4 按照如图所示操作在后台数与前台数的栏中填入对应数字,点击生成注册特征串,系统将生成特征串,将 ultra-high and ultra wide strapping should be solid and reliable, should prevent the car unstable objects falling hurts. 4, take the vehicle in a safe place, head, hands and body shall not reveal the compartment to avoid vehicles falls when you start braking. 5, and from the construction site, pitch turning, reversing, when driving in the narrow space should be free of command. 6, the site traffic comes into play to slow down and do it "four-speed", namely: road conditions unknown to slow, bad line slowly, slower start, passing, parking, narrow roads, detours, road bridges, forks road, slow pedestrians crowded locations and access door. 7, and scaffolding near the motorway operation area and other facilities, and barricades shall be set in the road safety labels, safety signs and protective measures, and to ensure that adequate lighting at night. 8, when loading and unloading operation, if the vehicles parked on the ramp, it should be fixed with wedge-shaped pieces of wood on either side of the wheel. 9, the presence of motor vehicles should avoid walking on the right side, and uneven rows of flock to obstruct traffic; avoid vehicle, should not avoid two car intersection, not dead standing next to the parking lot could not back down. 10, motor vehicles towing vehicle with no brakes, traction object objects shall not, shall not enter is between traction and, when traction on ramps, a car and you were allowed to jobs and remain at the bottom. Ten, the prevention of falls from a height, object hit ten basic safety requirements 1, working at height must be neat, do not wear plastic bottom-sliding shoes, high heels, tools should turn into a tool bag. 2, high operating personnel is strictly prohibited to fight each other, so as not to slip in danger of falling. 3, in the climbing operations, structure must be solid and reliable climbing equipment, must be correct. 4, various types of hand-held equipment should be checked before use to ensure safe and secure. Edges of opening job preventing objects falling. 5, construction workers should be provided for channel up and down, do not climb scaffolding, across the balcony, climbing and walking in the non-provided channel. 6, vacant jobs, should have a firm foothold and properly tie off belts field should be configured depending on the circumstances-blocks, railings or other safety devices. 7, when working at height, all items should be stacked smooth, can not be placed in or near the hole, and not interfere with traffic. 8, when demolition work is high, disassembly of the materials, construction waste should be cleaned up and removed in a timely manner, and shall not be any chaos on the walkway placed or dropped down, keep working the aisles clear. 9, when working at height, are not allowed to throw up or down the materials and tools and other objects. 10, the construction site, where a fall may be of any material, should be removed or fixed, demolition work in a restricted area, under supervised to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload,特征串‘68466-16940-8-(4/10C+15P)’发给科脉公司渠道部,渠道部接受到注册特征码后会生成 程序发给客户执行即可。(注意,执行加点程序后,原序列号与注册码将不能再用,注册号要向科脉公司索 取)(注:瑞通的操作雷同) 4. 异常处理:如果生成注册特征串系统有如下提示 图4.1 表示以前有生成过站点数超过当前站点数的注册特征串,可按以下操作处理: 用DBSETUP工具装载一个数据库名为X的临时数据库(注意要和当前使用的数据库的名字不一样) 图4.2 to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 然后进入软件,按上面第3步的操作生成特征串,生成后,进入注册表(开始――运行――输入regedit回车),找到对应项,修改键值,把软件当前使用数据库改回为原来的数据库,如图所示(瑞通项为SOFTWARE\KM\KMJXC下的STD, 启谋项为SOFTWARE\KM\KMJXC下的PRO): 图4.3 修改数值数据(如图,假设kmjxc_stdcg就是当前使用的正式数据库的名字) 程序发给客户执行即可。(注意,执行加点程序后,原序列号与注册码将不能再用,注册号要向科脉公司索取)(注:瑞通的操作雷同) 4. 异常处理:如果生成注册特征串系统有如下提示 前台销售数据重新上传的方法 新闻来源: 点击数:310 更新时间:2009-5-21 19:25:36 收藏此页 在前台的安装目录下面有一个posdata的文件夹,该文件夹下存放着本机前台的销售的数据 ,如图所示: 粉红颜色所标识的.bak文件是正常销售情况下已经上传而备份的数据,绿色标识的saledisc.txt(销售流水数据)和paydisc.txt(付款流水数据)为脱机未上传数据,红色标识的为脱机已上传数据。 具体操作如下:(举例说明) 如果我们要上传2007-05-27的数据,但在正常销售情况下已经上传了数据,生的文件为01_20070527_s.bak和01_20070527_p.bak文件。现要把这个两个文件的文件名对应的改为saledisc.txt和paydisc.txt文件名既可。然后进行数据交换,一定要改一天传一天。一个前台都改完了,然后再改另一个前台。 ultra-high and ultra wide strapping should be solid and reliable, should prevent the car unstable objects falling hurts. 4, take the vehicle in a safe place, head, hands and body shall not reveal the compartment to avoid vehicles falls when you start braking. 5, and from the construction site, pitch turning, reversing, when driving in the narrow space should be free of command. 6, the site traffic comes into play to slow down and do it "four-speed", namely: road conditions unknown to slow, bad line slowly, slower start, passing, parking, narrow roads, detours, road bridges, forks road, slow pedestrians crowded locations and access door. 7, and scaffolding near the motorway operation area and other facilities, and barricades shall be set in the road safety labels, safety signs and protective measures, and to ensure that adequate lighting at night. 8, when loading and unloading operation, if the vehicles parked on the ramp, it should be fixed with wedge-shaped pieces of wood on either side of the wheel. 9, the presence of motor vehicles should avoid walking on the right side, and uneven rows of flock to obstruct traffic; avoid vehicle, should not avoid two car intersection, not dead standing next to the parking lot could not back down. 10, motor vehicles towing vehicle with no brakes, traction object objects shall not, shall not enter is between traction and, when traction on ramps, a car and you were allowed to jobs and remain at the bottom. Ten, the prevention of falls from a height, object hit ten basic safety requirements 1, working at height must be neat, do not wear plastic bottom-sliding shoes, high heels, tools should turn into a tool bag. 2, high operating personnel is strictly prohibited to fight each other, so as not to slip in danger of falling. 3, in the climbing operations, structure must be solid and reliable climbing equipment, must be correct. 4, various types of hand-held equipment should be checked before use to ensure safe and secure. Edges of opening job preventing objects falling. 5, construction workers should be provided for channel up and down, do not climb scaffolding, across the balcony, climbing and walking in the non-provided channel. 6, vacant jobs, should have a firm foothold and properly tie off belts field should be configured depending on the circumstances-blocks, railings or other safety devices. 7, when working at height, all items should be stacked smooth, can not be placed in or near the hole, and not interfere with traffic. 8, when demolition work is high, disassembly of the materials, construction waste should be cleaned up and removed in a timely manner, and shall not be any chaos on the walkway placed or dropped down, keep working the aisles clear. 9, when working at height, are not allowed to throw up or down the materials and tools and other objects. 10, the construction site, where a fall may be of any material, should be removed or fixed, demolition work in a restricted area, under supervised to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload,对于脱机已上传数据,现要把sale_01_070527_152451和pay_01_070527_152451两个文件的文件名改为对 应的saledisc.txt和 paydisc.txt文件名,然后进行数据交换,同样是改一天传一天。一个前台都改完 了,然后再改另一个前台。 对应脱机未上传数据,上传数据既可 图4.1 表示以前有生成过站点数超过当前站点数的注册特征串,可按以下操作处理: 用DBSETUP工具装载一个数据库名为X的临时数据库(注意要和当前使用的数据库的名字不一样) to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 图4.2 然后进入软件,按上面第3步的操作生成特征串,生成后,进入注册表(开始――运行――输入regedit回车),找到对应项,修改键值,把软件当前使用数据库改回为原来的数据库,如图所示(瑞通项为SOFTWARE\KM\KMJXC下的STD, 启谋项为SOFTWARE\KM\KMJXC下的PRO): 图4.3 修改数值数据(如图,假设kmjxc_stdcg就是当前使用的正式数据库的名字) 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 盘点流程 新闻来源: 点击数:380 更新时间:2009-5-23 8:55:26 收藏此页 企业发生一段时间的经营活动后,某些商品的库存会与实际数量产生差异,如:自然损耗,被盗,伪码销售等。为了让经营者更好地了解上述情况以便防范,也让系统能为我们提供更真实的数据,我们需要通过盘点来更正库存数量。 一次大型的盘点,从开始至确认差异一般需要2-3天,而在此期间我们的所有业务依然要发生,我们提供的盘点方式不影响任何业务。 为了保证数据的准确,在盘点时我们要注意以下问题: 1( 盘点最好在晚上全天营业结束之后进行; 2( 盘点当天尽可能不做收货、退货和调拔动作; 3( 所有的单据要审核,包括入库单,退货单,领用单,报损单等; ultra-high and ultra wide strapping should be solid and reliable, should prevent the car unstable objects falling hurts. 4, take the vehicle in a safe place, head, hands and body shall not reveal the compartment to avoid vehicles falls when you start braking. 5, and from the construction site, pitch turning, reversing, when driving in the narrow space should be free of command. 6, the site traffic comes into play to slow down and do it "four-speed", namely: road conditions unknown to slow, bad line slowly, slower start, passing, parking, narrow roads, detours, road bridges, forks road, slow pedestrians crowded locations and access door. 7, and scaffolding near the motorway operation area and other facilities, and barricades shall be set in the road safety labels, safety signs and protective measures, and to ensure that adequate lighting at night. 8, when loading and unloading operation, if the vehicles parked on the ramp, it should be fixed with wedge-shaped pieces of wood on either side of the wheel. 9, the presence of motor vehicles should avoid walking on the right side, and uneven rows of flock to obstruct traffic; avoid vehicle, should not avoid two car intersection, not dead standing next to the parking lot could not back down. 10, motor vehicles towing vehicle with no brakes, traction object objects shall not, shall not enter is between traction and, when traction on ramps, a car and you were allowed to jobs and remain at the bottom. Ten, the prevention of falls from a height, object hit ten basic safety requirements 1, working at height must be neat, do not wear plastic bottom-sliding shoes, high heels, tools should turn into a tool bag. 2, high operating personnel is strictly prohibited to fight each other, so as not to slip in danger of falling. 3, in the climbing operations, structure must be solid and reliable climbing equipment, must be correct. 4, various types of hand-held equipment should be checked before use to ensure safe and secure. Edges of opening job preventing objects falling. 5, construction workers should be provided for channel up and down, do not climb scaffolding, across the balcony, climbing and walking in the non-provided channel. 6, vacant jobs, should have a firm foothold and properly tie off belts field should be configured depending on the circumstances-blocks, railings or other safety devices. 7, when working at height, all items should be stacked smooth, can not be placed in or near the hole, and not interfere with traffic. 8, when demolition work is high, disassembly of the materials, construction waste should be cleaned up and removed in a timely manner, and shall not be any chaos on the walkway placed or dropped down, keep working the aisles clear. 9, when working at height, are not allowed to throw up or down the materials and tools and other objects. 10, the construction site, where a fall may be of any material, should be removed or fixed, demolition work in a restricted area, under supervised to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload, 4( 盘点时以商品的销售单位进行点数; 5( 盘点要按货架的排面排列顺序进行见物盘物的点数; 6( 进行初盘和复盘,比较差异并更正,再抽取百分之二十的商品进行复查,若差异超过百分之五,要重新盘点; 7( 对不同仓库分别进行盘点,数据录入不要混淆; 盘点是一个所有人员共同参与和相互配合的工作,包括销售、电脑、财务及驻店管理人员。由公司或店领导与销售部门协商决定盘点的时间及范围,然后下文 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 所涉各部门准备盘点相关事宜。 生成批次:电脑部要根据所要盘点的商品范围,确定盘点的批次,同时在盘点初始化中生成批次号。 锁定库存:电脑部在生成批次号后,要作锁库预演,软件会提示该批次下(盘点范围)所涉商品中含有没有审核的并且会影响库存的相关单据的单据号,如有此类单据电脑部应及时提醒涉及到单据的相关部门把所有单据审核。若有单据因某些原因不能审核,电脑部应立即知会上级部门,采取相应措施或取消盘点。所有单据审核且当天营业结束后,电脑部一定要确认历来的所有日结都已做过,并完成当天日结,最后才可以进行锁库。 盘点点数:在确认前期工作已准备就绪后,就可通知盘点人员可以开始盘点。一次严谨的盘点可分为四个步骤: 1. 初盘:由一部分人员首先做一次点数,将商品和数量填写在初盘表上; 2. 复盘:由另一组人员或现有人员交叉后再做一次点数,并将商品和数量填写在复盘表上; 3. 比较:盘点小组负责人将交上来的初复盘表进行对比,并采用重新点数的方式修正差异; 4. 抽查:由负责稽核的人员在复盘表中随机抽取百分之二十的商品进行复查; 盘点录入:指定的录入人员将交来的复盘表按仓库录入盘点录入单。 差异生成:盘点数据录入完成后电脑部可以生成本批次的盘点差异,并打印出来,交由相关人员审查。若负责人同意则在盘点差异单上签字认可,由电脑部执行审核操作。 复盘录入:在生成差异后,可能某些商品的盘点数量与系统数量会有盘点总负责人不太认可的较大差异,那么我们需要通过复盘的方式进行核查,此时可能距离盘点当时已有相当长的一段时间,并且如销售、收货、领用等业务已经发生,只要录入正确的复盘时间,软件会把业务数据自动计算在内。 漏盘商品处理:经确认差异数及漏盘商品后,在打印盘点差异模块,选择浏览漏盘商品,再选择该次盘点批次号,在漏盘处理与盘点特殊操作中将漏盘商品按零导入盘点差异表。 盘点审核:电脑部在接到确认的差异单后,可以执行此操作。一旦审核,系统将按差异冲减库存,对库存进行更正。 to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground ... Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload,
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