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旅游英汉互译教程.旅游英汉互译教程,主编:陈刚,上海外语教育出版社,2009 P230 As impressive and functional as are the varied wooden bridges, it is in the spanning of space with structures of stone that Chinese craftsmen were able to create some of their most daring, enduring, and aesthetic bridges.… T...

旅游英汉互译教程,主编:陈刚,上海外语教育出版社,2009 P230 As impressive and functional as are the varied wooden bridges, it is in the spanning of space with structures of stone that Chinese craftsmen were able to create some of their most daring, enduring, and aesthetic bridges.… Throughout the countryside of southern China, stone beam bridges eventually became the most common and permanent bridge form. While many of these were relatively short single spans, numerous multiple span beam bridges were built as well. Some stone beam bridges are quite simple, composed of piers of piled or mortared stone placed parallel to the stream flow, while others were quite complex, resting on massive pier structures built up within cofferdams in order to withstand rushing waters. … The Bazi Bridge in Shaoxing, built during the later Song dynasty in 1256 and the oldest extant urban bridge in China, is an intricate stone beam bridge of innumerable joined parts. Found at the junction of three canals and three lanes, the structure is actually comprised of two juxtaposed bridges that are reminiscent of the Chinese character ba (八) representing the number eight. … 选自 Chinese Brieges 中国木桥,各种各样,外形漂亮,功能实用。中国石桥,也不例外。筑桥匠师早就利用结构扩展空间,创造出最别具一格、持久牢固和美观艺术的石桥。…… 江南田园,石梁桥最终成为最为常见、最为永久的桥梁造型。这些桥,许多是相对较短的单跨桥,但也有相当多的的是多跨桥。一些石梁桥很简单,由与溪流平行、堆砌或砂浆胶砌的块石墩构成,还有一些石梁桥很复杂,靠整体的墩结构支撑。这些结构筑于围堰之内,以抵挡急流。…… 绍兴的八字桥,建于南宋的1256年,为中国现存的最古老的城区石桥。八字桥是一种结构造型复杂奇妙的石梁桥,所构连接部分,难以胜数。位于三河三街的交叉点上,整个结构实际由两座相对而斜的桥组成,状如“八”字,故得名。 P236 浙江,山清水秀,锦绣如画,像一块晶莹的绿宝石镶嵌在祖国的东南方。这块10万平方公里的沃土,既是中华民族的发祥地之一,又孕育了丰富多彩的风景名胜资源。 浙江濒临东海,气候宜人,地势由西南向东北倾斜,“山岭逶迤,江河奔流”。耸立在这块大地上的名山中,有“寰中绝胜”的雁荡山、山水神秀的天台山、奇峰鼎力的仙都山和避暑胜地莫干山。浙江水系丰盈,江河如锦带,湖泊似珍珠。钱塘江、瓯江等六大江河,曲折回绕东流入海。喇叭形的杭州湾口形成的钱江潮,壮观天下无;富春江—新安江,山淡出,水长远,溯接黄山,流连西湖,犹如一幅山水画长卷;南溪江,水清见底,游鱼可数,两岸滩林,古村点缀,是富有特色的一条风景线。诸多的湖泊中则数举世闻名的西湖、潋滟空濛的千岛湖和青山环抱的东钱湖。浙江沿海岛屿星罗棋布,似无数颗翡翠散落在浩瀚的东海洋面,突兀的礁石、金色的沙滩,比比皆是,普陀山、朱家尖、嵊泗列岛和岱山是其中的佼佼者。浙江域内岩溶发育,溶洞处处,瑶琳仙境、灵栖洞、涌雪洞、双龙洞神幻无比……浙江的风景名胜区类型繁多,山岳型、江河型、湖泊型、海岛型、岩溶型,多姿多彩,美不胜收。 浙江历史悠久,文化璀璨,众多的名胜古迹与秀丽的山水交相辉映,自然美和人文美完美地融为一体,号称“人间天堂”的西湖、海天佛国普陀山、江南水乡绍兴,积淀、蕴藏着丰富、厚实的文化内涵,其他如摩崖石刻、古建民居、民俗风情也为各风景名胜区增添了浓郁的文化氛围。 ——选自《浙江山水行》 Zhejiang is a picturesque province with mountains and rivers. It is like a sparkling emerald set in Southeast China. Known as one of the cradles of the Chinese nation, this 100000-square-kilometer fertile land is also rich in tourist resources. Bordering on the East China Sea, Zhejiang enjoys a mild and pleasant climate. Sloping from southwest to northeast, it features numerous rivers and rolling hills and mountains. Among the hills and mountains, there are the famous Yandang, fairy Tiantai, odd-shaped Xiandu and summer resort Mogan. Zhejiang has six major rivers and countless lakes the biggest Qiantang River (the mother river of the province), the Oujiang River (in the southern province) and others all wind their way down to the East China Sea. At the end of the Qiantang River lies the funnel-shaped Hangzhou Bay, where the unique scene of the Qiantang River Tidal Waves has been attracting visitors since ancient times, Fuchun and Xi’an, actually the upper reaches of the Qiantang River, connects Mt.Huangshan in Anhui at its source with the West Lake in Hangzhou at its lower reaches. The scenery along the entire course is like a long scroll of traditional Chinese landscape painting. Another special river attraction is the crystal-clear Nanxi River which, teeming with fish and flanked with groves, passes by many ancient villages. Of the many lakes in the province, the better-known are the world-famous West Lake in Hangzhou, the rippling and misty Thousand-Islet Lake and Dongqian Lake surrounded by green mountains. Dotted here and there along the provincial coast are countless islands, jutting rocks, and golden beaches. The best among them are Putuo Mountainm, Zhujiajian Island, Shengsi Islands, and Daishan Islan. A good number of Karst caves are one nore wonder of the province. To name a few, there are Yaolin Fairyland, Lingqi Cave, Yongxue Cave, and Twin Dragons Cave. All in all, Zhejiang boasts various types of tourist attractions, such as the mountain type, the river type, the lake type, the sea-island type, and the karst type. Because of its time-honored history and splendid culture, Zhejiang features a perfect combination of numerous scenic spots and historical sites. Typical examples that integrate natural beauty with cultural heritage include the West Lake in the paradise city of Hangzhou, Putuo Mountain, the Buddhist Kingdom in the sea, and the water town of Shaoxing in the Jiangnan region,. Moreover, inscriptions and statues carved on cliffs, ancient private residences and folk customs make cultural additions to the scenic areas. P268 中国的传统建筑大体氛围官式建筑和民间建筑两大类。民间建筑也称乡土建筑,因与风土密切相关,显现出惊人的差异。浙江的水乡小镇、闽南客家人的土楼、五邑侨乡中西合璧的碉楼以及晋中富商巨贾的大宅院,可谓是异彩纷呈,姿态万千。古人云:“居移气,养移体。”说的是建筑和它所营造的客观环境,会对人们心理气质形成和变化产生影响。与自然融为一体、与人的生活密切相关的中国乡土建筑,对人具有“心理渗透”和“背景感召”两种显而易见的作用。这两种作用的存在构成了中国乡土建筑的文化本质。 徽州盆地的村落,其白墙青瓦的素雅造型,反映出徽州儒商良好的文化修养;闽南的团圆宝寨以其或圆或方的庞大体量和严格的向心结构,显示出迁移至此的客家人对外的防御心理和对内的家族凝聚力。 吴越的灵山秀水,孕育了无数的才子佳人。一弯新月,一帘春雨,一杯绿茶,都恩那个跟这个风景如画的地区自然地联系起来。身处晋中连片的大宅院内,依然可以领略到这些家族显赫一时的富贵气息。今天,仍然有很多客家人的后代聚居在圆圆的土楼里,他们遵循传统的风俗习惯,过着平静的农耕生活。 ——选自《远去的家园》 Traditional Chinese architecture id divided into two major categories: an official one and a private one. The latter is otherwise known as vernacular architecture, which varies amazingly in terms of local conditions and customs. For example, small houses in small water towns in Zhejiang, Hakka earth buildings in southern Fujian, Chinese-and –Western-styled blockhouses in some Guangdong villages or towns like Wuyi, which are inhabited by relatives of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese, and rich businessmen’s houses with courtyards in central Shanxi. “One’s position alters the air, just as the nurture affects the body.” This saying from Mencius tells how the architectural building and the environment it creates mean to one’s temperament and psychology. Chinese vernacular architecture so harmonious with nature and so close to human life will exert a market influence on people psychologically and culturally. It is these architectural functions that constitute the cultural nature of architecture of this category. The fine cultural cultivation of intellectual businessmen in the Huizhou basin finds expression in their home villages featuring houses with white walls and black tiles. The cohesiveness and defensiveness of Hakka people who moved and settled down in southern Fujian is demonstrated in the huge centripetal structure, round or square, of their several-hundred-year-old buildings. Poetic hills and waters in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have nurtured countless scholars and beauties. A new moon, spring rain, and green tea are cultural topics naturally associated with this picturesque region. Central Shanxi is better known for its row upon row of imposing mansions of big, powerful families. Today, still many Hakkas choose to live in their special time-honored round buildings, following their forefathers’ tradition and leading a peaceful farming life. P304 广州又称“五羊城”、“穗城”。传说周朝时广州连年灾荒,民不聊生。一天南海上空飘来五朵彩色祥云,上有骑着仙羊的五位仙人,仙羊口中衔着无色稻穗。仙人下凡,把稻穗赐予百姓,祝愿这里“永无饥荒”,说完就腾空而去。五只仙羊因为依恋人间而化成石头留在广州,即今天的越秀公园。此后,广州便成了岭南最富庶的地方。 虽然广州的国家、省、市三级文物保护单位众多,但在国内外影响更为广泛的则是广东菜。最为流行的那句“食在广州”使粤菜远近闻名。据不完全统计,目前的美国有中国餐馆约万家;英国约四千家;法国、荷兰各有二千多家;日本不下数千家。这些地方的中国餐馆,多数经营正宗的粤式风味及菜肴,因其口味深收西方人欢迎,名声颇高。在悉尼,饮茶就已成为一个专门名词。在西方国家粤菜厨师非常走俏。 Guangzhou or Canton is also known as the “City of Rams” and the “City of Rice Ear’ respectively. Legend has it that during the Zhou dynasty (1046—256BC) Guangzhou suffered from successive years of famine, which made life impossible for the common people. One day, there came five auspicious colored clouds from the sky over the South Sea, on which five gods mounted on immortal rams, each with a five-colored ear of rice in its mouth. The gods descended to this area from heaven and handed the ears of rice to local people. “May you forever be free from famine,” they cried, and vanished, the five rams felt so attached to the mortal world that they turned into stone and stand today in Guangzhou, or Yuexiu Park, to be exact. From then on, Guangzhou became the most fertile and prosperous place in the Lingnan, regions south of the Five Ridges that cover Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. Guangzhou is well-known for its numerous national, provincial and municipal monuments, but the best-known both in and outside China is its cuisine. “Eating in Canton” has made Cantonese cuisine most popular far and near. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 10000 Chinese restaurants in the U.S., some 4000in the U.K., over 2000 in France and Hollard respectively, and several thousand in Japan. Most of these restaurants serve authentic Cantonese cuisine and dishes based on it. Its prominence is due to its palatability to Westerners. In Sydney, for example, yum cha (tea drinking) has become a special proper name there. Cantonese chefs are highly sought after in Western countries. P291 Cairo is an amazing city full of life and movement, and it is that way almost 24 hours every day, with the noisy honking of horns, children playing in the streets and merchants selling their wears and services. And here, the Egyptians are most at home in this powerful, modern and ancient city. Today, Cairo homes various historic towns and modern districts. It is nicknamed “The city of A Thousand Minarets”. It is near the site of the first capital of unified Egypt, Memphis. A journey through Cairo is virtual time travel: from the Pyramids, the Hanging Church, Saladin’s Citadel, the Virgin Mary’s Tree, the Sphinx, and Heliopolis, to Al—Azhar, the Mosque of Amr ibn al-A’as, Saqqara, the Cairo Tower, and the Old City. Cairo is located on the banks and islands of the Nile River in the north of Egypt, immediately south of the point where the river leaves its desert-bound valley and breaks into two branches into the low-lying Nile Delta region. Referring to Cairo often means Greater Cairo, which is composed of Cairo governate, part of Giza and Qaluobyia governates. Since May 2008 Greater Cairo has been divided into 4 new governates: Cario, Helwan, Giza and 6th of October. 开罗是一个充满生活气息和动感而又令人惊羡的城市。每天几乎24小时就是如此,汽车喇叭声吵闹不断,孩子在街上高兴地玩耍,小商小贩不停地叫卖。埃及人在这个既有古今色彩又具有影响力的城市生活得最为自由自在。 今天的开罗拥有众多的古老城镇与现代城区,有“千塔城”之称,它靠近同意埃及的第一个都城孟斐斯的遗址。周游开罗仿佛时间之旅:从最古老的“金字塔”(公元前27世纪起)出发,走进“悬空教堂”(公元3世纪),穿过“萨拉丁堡”(1176年或1828年起),在“圣母玛利亚树”(可追溯至传说中的年代;数百年前;1672年再植)下休息;之后再折回到远古时代,亲眼目睹“狮身人面像”(公元前3300年—公元前1550年),仰视“作为赫利奥波利斯标志的尖塔”(1547年;法老时代,约公元前2686年—公元前2181年),走访埃及乃至非洲第一个清真寺“阿穆尔·伊本·阿斯清真寺”(642年)和“爱资哈尔清真寺”(975年),经历开罗“旧城”(641年起)游,欣赏现代建筑开罗塔(始建于1956年,建成于1961年),最终返回历史的起点——“萨卡拉金字塔”(3000年前)。 开罗位于埃及北部、尼罗河两岸及数座岛上,紧靠尼罗河三角洲顶点以南处。尼罗河从此离开沙漠地区,分成东西两支向北流至低洼的三角洲区域。开罗,通称大开罗,由开罗省、吉萨省和盖勒尤比省部分地区组成。自2008年5月起,大开罗分为4个新省:开罗、阿勒旺、吉萨及10月6日。
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