首页 MIL-T-6736B



MIL-T-6736B o 0 MIL-T-6736Bs MAY 19S5 Smpcrsedkg MlbT-s7&iA(ffi) 2 Nmrembsr19s4 MIbT-s7s I 12 June 1950 AILITARY SPECIF1CATION TUBING, CHRONIE-IMOLYBDENUM, 4130 STEEL, SEAMLESS AND WELDED, AIRCRAFT QUALITY :’h’%a%z”.’%%??xrw j’ Rr: . 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. Tbk spccitic...

o 0 MIL-T-6736Bs MAY 19S5 Smpcrsedkg MlbT-s7&iA(ffi) 2 Nmrembsr19s4 MIbT-s7s I 12 June 1950 AILITARY SPECIF1CATION TUBING, CHRONIE-IMOLYBDENUM, 4130 STEEL, SEAMLESS AND WELDED, AIRCRAFT QUALITY :’h’%a%z”.’%%??xrw j’ Rr: . 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. Tbk spcciticntion covers chro- rnium-molybdmrum (4130) 6eamless and welded steel tubing of nircmf: qunlily. 1.2 Ckrssificntion. The tubing slmll be of Lhe folinwing gmdcs, types, and phfical conditions, as specified (see 0.2): Grades: Allmling-lhgulnrgrade,exceptlhet type1,condition (N) tubing is slso avc.ifnldc in o specief (S) @o having reduced dccnrburization limits. ‘ryp=: Type I—Round Type 1l—Reclar@nr or square Type 111-S@rmdiie Typo I\’-Ovnf Physicrd conditions: (A) —Amrcrded (N) —Normslizcd or SWMS rehewd (HT-125)—Heat treated 10 a minimum tensile strength of 125,000 psi (li”r-150)-11.3at lrcatcd @ ~ minimum tensile s~englh Or I50,000 psi (HT-lSO)—HesL tmokrf to a minimum tensifo strength o! 180,000 psi 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 ‘fle following dncumente, of the issue in efiecL on dnte of invitation for bids or requcsL fOI pKqrOWd, fOmr O part Of Lti Spm- itication of the went specified bereirr: SPECIFICATIONS hllMrAnl Al IbI-68GS-Inspection Prom==, Mag netic Psrtideo hf11+lll173-CorrOsion Preventi\.o Compnund, Solvent C I I t l r a c k ,Co l d Ap - plication STANDAIIDS Fk:nErrhL Ircd. TCS Method !Xd. No. 151—hletnk Test Mcthnds Fed. Std. No. 183-Continuous Identific I . i nnN f a r l i i ngn f Imn and Steel Prnducti MILITARY MIL-STD-129—hforkmg for Sbipmenl and S1OIWO MIL-sTD-lG3-steel Milf Products Prcpnmtion for Shipment and Srornge MSwS~t+Tolcmnccs-SOLmk SteGI Tubhrg, AkcrafL Ahfmme, Round hfS33532-Square and Rect-sngrdsrTut ing-Cnrbm] Steal and Alfoy Steel, 0.3 Carbon, M nximum hlW3530–Tolcrnr] cm–Weldd Cnrbo and AUoy Steel Tubing MS33W4-Standwd Dimensions fc SLresm!ilm nnd Ovol Tubular Shnpes Ain FOncZ-h’Avr’ ACtCONA~ICAL AND 10102—Tubing-Standard D“me: sions fnr Round .%nnd- Alfoy Steel (Copies of qmilim!ions, sandm!s, dtmins% at publications rcquirwl by mpplicm in comcctimi wil 6@0c Proc*:mmcnt funetiom nhould be obtahml f,O the procuring acti.it! or aa dimctcd by tie conwnc:ir. Omcct.) 2.z other publications. The fO~OW& dOe umerrts form a pnrb Or l hm spec”tication to :1 extent speciGcd herein. Unlc=+ OLbc f i i dicated, tbe issue in eflect on date of inriteti( for bids or request for propnsd sbsfl apply: E Fsc 4710 MIL-T-6736B SocImY OF ALTOMOTIVE 12XG[XEERS AERO- SPACE XI.*TERIAL SPECLFICATIOSS A\LS2301—.iircrahQualitySteelClean- Iiess,MagneticPsrtkleInspectionPro- redum A>lS2?G40-\lngnetic Particle Inspection (GpiS,~ of .5A1.: puldimtiom Imy bc obt nined from Ih. Socitity .[ Aulon,.:ivt I.;nginwmv Inc., 495 Lc.xinc. to!, Awmu., Xc,, York, X, Y., 10017.) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 DaIs. Unless otbcmisc specified in the cou LrucLor order, no dntu nrc required by this spccifkution or any of the documents refer- enced in section 2 (see 6.2). 3.2 Nlalerial. TIIC tubing sbnll be O( air- cr!dl qu:diLy. The Ilmtcrinl shrill be ruag. I!clic,!lly imspcc[c.d ill accordance with the procedures of AhlS 2301, and sbaU not exceed the size nnd frcqtlel)cy rsLing limits indicnted iu tkc partqpph el] Litkd ‘(Disposition” of AJIS2301(see4.5). 3.2.1 lfanu~acfurin~ process. The steel sbull be manufactured by the open-hcnrLh or elec- Lric-(!lrnacc process, unkm a single process is specified in the contract or purchn.sc order.. SuOicicnt discard shall be taken fronl ench ingot h cnsuro freedom from piping and undue segmgstion. 3.3 Chemical composition. Tlm chemical composition of lubingshallbe M spcciiied in 6 table I. TALILE 1. Chmzicd mmp.a, ilion mm<,,,, I A“,l=. Icheckarla,,p l“ pwcmt , togmt:. , Cmb.n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . (1, u-n, 3:{ &ll, 0“ Mmgnncsc. . . . . . . . . . . .40- 6(I * .103 Phmphoms . . . . . . . . . 02; (m:,,) +, MJ S.lru r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irx [,, !:!s) +, WI?! SOimw.. . . . . . . . . . . . . w-u. 33 * w Chromium... . . . . . . . . ,Su-1.Iu +-.U5,-n.U3 hfolyl,dcnu, n . . . . . . . . . .15-0, ?5 *.W2 1 , , Individu,,! !l..,.,,,l!,,.,,l.,,, !!., ? Vxy 1,?!!,,,1,. s,m.lf,.,d,.!1:., ,4, !be ,,,M,, ‘h.., ! in ,1!,checknn,l, si! .“1,,,,,,,, cm,,, U.!, ,1(,,,,. !,,,1“ m,, I,mt stroll 0., ?arr boil, .bom *,,,I bclou ,1,!, ,1..1:”4 ,mce. 3.4 Nlechanical properties. After tbe h!sL cohl-drnw Imssj tlm tubing shrill bc mmnnlizcd, stress rdicrcd, or othcrwisr. heat tmnt cd to develop LIWrmwhnnical propcrtiss specified in table 11. 3.5 Dimensions. Tbe dimensions of typo I lubkgskullCtjdonntothest.andnrd diumn- sions show] on AISD101O2. Thc dimensions of o L.yp=IIIandIVsbsflconformh thostnndard dknensionshownonhlS33534.TINdimensions Conditiou and WBU thickmss 1nch ,.. –..—— . . >’icld strcmgth at 0.2 Elqmtion in 2 p..rccnt s,cl or at cxtrmsion Tmsilc mcl,r?, ]ndwa ted mengtl, (min.) (Min.) I Extension under load F~:::;Ic I :;:, —! —. ! .— , p5i I psi I Inches in 2 I Pwccnt I I%rcmt imbm I 95, OMl I I I I 9s, m 76,000 0. CQ90 93, 00o 10 5 7s,000 .0090 12 7 90,ooo 71), 000 Oo,Si 15 ]1) ,. ..— —— (IIT-123),UI WJII, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ::JN IOo, lloo .Ul[); I 12 (ilT-150) Allw.lls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:{5, Llou (UT-l SO) Allwnlls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...! 1.s3, 000 165, 000 w ‘ :1 ~ I I I I I , Maximum. ● 2 of type II tubing shall be tMnogotinted between the supplier and purchaser. 3.6 b.mgtb. 3.6.1 /Zract fengtb. Tub~g ofallsizesIIMy be ordermf tn o.xact Iengtke or io lengths ex- pressed M n multiple of a defink unit, with tolcrnncca 0s spocifled in tho controct or pur- cbnce order. 3.&2 MiU kngfhu. When oxc,ct or multiple lengths cue not spbcbicd (see 0.2), tubing will be acccptod in m“fl Icngtbe of 5 to 20 feet, buL not more tbnn 10 pcrcookof nny ordershallbe furnisbcd in !smgthc shorter tbon 12 fcot. 3.7 Tolerances. 3.7.1Type I. Tho pcrnkible vmiations in dimensions of type I scnmlom tubing sbnll bo nc show-non MS33529 nod for typo I welded tub- ing ns shown on MS33530. 3.7.2 Typ.a II, III, and 1V. Thn pcmris- sible variations in dimcocions of all types If, IH, ond IV tubing shrill bo os shown on MS33S32. 3.8 Grain tizc. The austrmitic grnin cizo of the steel used for thii tubiig shnlf ho prcdomi- nmtfy No. 5 or liner, with grnins es huge es No. 3 pmmtilblo, M dotermincd by the method specified in section 4. For coorrdmc tubing, grnin sizo shell bo dot-snnirmd on a bJlet bcforo piercing, hot working, or cold drnwing. 3.9 Dccnrburizotinn. 3.9.1 Re@ar grade. The nvcrngo depth of total decarburizntinn of regular grnde, mndi- tinn (N) tubing, nc rcccivcd from tbo tubing manufncturor, shrdl nnL oxcood tho mounts Iistcd in tabln 111. Tim depth nf dccarbmiza- ‘ tion in teble 111is the total dccnrburkotion, or tho sum of Lbe dopthc of compla@ dccnrlmrizn- tion nnd pnrtinl docnrlrurir,ntion on both the imrcr and outer surfncm of Lhe tulro. No mom than 75 percent of tho nmount, Iiited in tnblo lLI is ta appearon theoutmrsurfacoofthotube. Tbc depth of complete dccnrburkmLion shalf not oxcccd onc-hnlf tbe nllowable total dccnrburicn- t,ion. (The word %vomgo” monnc tbo rmtdts of sevcrnl readings on a cr0c9 section of tnbiig.) 3.9.2 Sprcial prade. The pmmtilbln dc- cnrburizntion of (S) grnde, type I condition MIL-T-6736B TAIILE 11[. Dcmrburimfion {iuth Allomablo told Mnsimum total t%=t%) ~Dby&n dms.rburizmion(OD) fiiCh) finch) upiOo.040. -------- a 010 aoos 0.041 to o.oiYJ. . . . . . .012 .009 0.051 to 0.070 ------- .014 .011 0.071 to o.oso ------ . ole .012 0.0s1 too.000------- .018 .014 0.001100.100 . . . . . . . 020 .015 0.101 la 0.150 ------- .022 .017 0.161 Lo 0.2011 . . ..-. .020 .020 (N) tubing shnR be onn-bnff that fisted in table I [1, with nn complcta docnrburizction pcr- mimiblo. 3.10 (kmdition. Unln5e othcrwisn sfrecilied, tubing shalf ho fumisbcd in rcgulcr grade, typo I, condition (N). 3.11 IdentiIlcntion of product. Encb tubo shrill bo nmrked in acccmdoncowith Fwi. Std. h’o. 163 end shall include ttm number of this spccificntinn. 3.12 Workmanship. The tubingshnRhave n finkhconformingh thebestpracticefor c.ircrnftqunhtymatminl.Itcbnllho smooth, cfcnn,nnd froo fmm hnnvy SC& or oxide no tbo interior and exterior surfaces, nnd ehall be free from burrs, scrims, team, grooms, lamina- tions, slivers, pite, cnd other injurious defects. Surface impcrfoctions, cuch as hmdlhg marks, strcigbtoning marks, light nrnndrcl end die marks, shollow pits, nnd ccnlo pattern wilf not bo considomd IIS injurious defocls, pruvidod tho imperfoctinne nro removable without ro- duc”mg the dimncter or wall tbicfm- of the tulimg Irclow the pcrmicsiblo tolmnnco fimits. Tho rmnornlof surfaceimperfections ic not required. 3.12.1 WeJd. The weldshnffnot contain defects greater than XAmb fong or depths grcntcr than nno-half tho wnfl thickness. The rvclded tubiig mny be pickled or olhcrwim clcnncd, if ❑cccsnry, to meet surfncc conditions speckled ilcrcin. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROV1S1ONS 4.1 Respnnsibfity fer inspection. Unfcss otborwiso cpccihf in the contrect or pumham 3 MIL-T-6736B order, Lhe supplieris responsiblefor the per- formance of rdl inspection reqrriremenk as specified herein. Except m otherwise. speci- fied, thesuppliermay utilizehi own facilities or any conumrcidlaborato~acceptableto theGovernment.The Governmentreserves Llreriglrttipcrtormanyoftheinspectionsset forthintbcspecificationwheresuchinspections oredeemedneccsmryb ossurcsuppliesand servicesconformlaprwcribedrcquiremenk. 4.2 Qualityconformanceinspection.The examinationand testingof tubingshillbe clcssificdtt9qualityconformancehspection. 4.2.1Sampling md inspection shall be per- formed in accordance with Federnl T&t Method Standard No. 151 and m specilled herein. If the material is taken from stock and is not iden- tifiable tM to heat and method of manufacture, or if the identity of any portion of tha shipment is obscure in any respect, ndditiomd samplas sboll bo selected to determine conformance of all portions of the shlpmcnt ta this specification. 4.3 ht. A lot shall consist of tubing pro- duced from the same heat and which is essen- tially homogeneous in aff respects, in the same condition, of the same typo, size, md wall tbiclme.w offered for delivc~ at the same time. 4.4 Examinations. 4.4.1 .!hamimziion of producl Erich length of tubing shrdf be visually exnmhmd for com- pliance with surface condition and workman- ship requirements. Smnples selectad in accord- ance witlr table IV shall be examined to assure compliance with the specified dimensions and tolerances, and identillcution marking require- ments. T&!JLE IV. Sampling @m -! Acn;:~rmLotsize S.3mplc size rejectible 1 to 15.................. Au o l(3to180.......-..----- 15 0 181t0300.............. 35 0 301r.a500.............. 50 1 Over 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 2 4.4.2 Eramitiion Oj preparation jar o!c- liserg. Preparation for dahvery sbnlf be ex- amined for confommnca to section 5. 4 4.5 Magnetic inspection. Specimens shall be selected, inspected, and rated in acrmdance with the procedures of AMS 2301. Inspection sbalf be in accordance with MII.-I-686s or AMS 2640. 4.6 C%emicalanalysis. 4.6.1Sampling.At leastonesampleshall besdectedforcheckchemicalnnnlyskinac- cordancewithFederdTestN4ethodStnndard No.151@ representeachheatint,helot.The sampleshallconsistofnotlessthan2 ounces. 4.6.2iifcifwd.Specimensshallbeprepared in accordance with Methods 111 or 112 of Federal T&t Method Stnndwd No. 15i, and shall be tested by wet chemiccf or spectmcherni- cnl methods. In the event of d~pute, antdysis shall be by wet chemical methods. 4.6.3 Waioer. Samples for check of chemi- cal anolysis m.y be waived provided that all of the material in the lot can be identilled as being made from a heat previously analyzed and found to conform to the chemical composition speci6ed herein. 4.7 Tensile test. 4.7.1 Sampling, At least onc tensife test sample shall be sefected from each 1,000 feet or less of each lot for determination of mechan- ical pr0pertie9. 4.7.2 Preparation oj specimenn. Tensile test specimens shall he prepared ill accordance with J4ethod 211 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 151. 4.7.3 Method. Temife tests and determina- tion of yield strength and elongation shall be conducted in accordance with hfethod 211 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 151. 4.8 Grain size. 4.8.1 Sampling. One or more samples shall be selected from one or more billets used in makmg the tubing and suitablo for deta- ining the austcnitic grain size. 4.8.2 Preparation Oj specimenu. The speci- mens sbalf be taken one-half way between the center and outaide of tho biflet. The specimens shalf be appmximntely l-inch square or round, and normalized at 1,650° F. 4.8.3 MdJwd. The grain size rdwdf be determined by procedure B or D of Method 311 ofFederalTestMethodStandsrdNo. 151. i ( MIL-T-6736B ( ( 4.9 Decarburizatiotr. 4.!).1 Snm#inp. At least ono mess mc- tioncd WIUP1Ocbnll be selected from each 1,000 feet or less of esch lot. Tho sample sbslf bo cut at lenct thren-fourths of M inch fmm the mill end. 4.9.2 Prqmrafion OJ apa”mcna. The r+peci- mens sbnll be mctaflogrnphicnlly prepnred and otcbcd in 5 percent. nitnl. 4.9.3 Afcthod. Tbo spocimmm slInlI be exnmined at 100 dinmctem. 4.10 Rejecfinn and retest. Faifuro of a specimen to meet, tbo test rnquimmnnls sbnll be eausn fnr rejection of tbo lot. At tbn dis- cmtinn of tbo cnntrsctar or supplier, or bntb, rctmt will Ira permitted. A retest snmplo of five specimens shall bo tested to rcpIoco each fniled specimen of the originnl snnrplo. If ono ofthoretestspecimens fail, tlm lnt shall be rejected with no further rctestirrg permittsd. 5. PREPARATION’ FOR DELIVERY 6.1 Preservation. Unless otb erwiso speci- find, nll tubing sbsll be coabxl inside nnd outside with mrr-esion-pravcntivo compound mnfnrming to ML-C-16173, wbicb shall be dilutd by the ndditinn of 50 percent, by volume, of tbo solvent spccificd in pnrngmpb entitled “Snlvcnt” of MfL-G16173. 5.2 Preparalinn fnr shipment. Unless n tbcrwise spocilied, tubing sbnll bo prcpnred for shipment in accnrdmco wilb love] A of MIL-STD-163 (Seo 0.2). 5.3 fihwking of sbipmenl. Shipping con- tainnm shell bo rnnrked in acmrdsnco with MIL-STD-129. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use. Tbo tubing is intended for um in aircraft construction, pnrticufnrly whoro osrts nm fnbricnted bv wcldiuc. Prc- hentin~ prinr to welding is- dcsirabfi. The spccief grado tubing is prcfnrnblo for applica- tions involving bending fntigm loads inasmuch tM the tubing surfacn is of Kim strength tbnn tlm surface nf regulnr gmdo tubing. 6.2 Ordering dntn. Procurement deou- ments shoufd specify: (a) Title, number, nnd date nf thii speci- fication. (b) Size md wnll thickness (for round cross sectinns, see AND 10102). (c)Amount (aggmgnte length in feet; length of ench piece when cxnct lengths nro desired) (see 3.6). (d) Tho typo, if type I is nnt desired (sea 1.2). (e) The renditionnnd gre.daifrendition (N) regufargrsdoisnotdesired(SW 1.2mrd 3.10). (f) .%nmfms or wefded, m d&md. (g) Datn rcq.iromcnts (see 3.1). (h) f-wel of pnckagiug, if other tbnn level A (SCO 5.2). (i) ~;~tion, if other than .pdlcd 6.2.1 ilfechnniml propcrfies. It%cn tub% is LO bc heat treated (qucrmbed and drewn) to defiiita meclmnicnl properties specilied by the procuring nctivity, tho mntrnct or order sboufd stata tbe desired mecbanicnl properties, and the manufacturer should esteb!isb the optimum quenching mngo nrrd quenching medium to be used. Custodians: User actkltlcs: Armyitl R Armr-MO ,Na.,—VI’ P Nary- Air Fo,cc--(:t) Air Form- DSA—.X Reparfng activity: R.3VICW.Ymxidtics : Air Force-(l 1) Armr-?d R, M 1 project No. 4710-010S .Na.,— W’P Air Force-(1 I). (G9) Rm+ewlumr Ma7nMion in current m o f th e d a m o f this documcnl. For future coordination of cbangm 10 thin dncumcnt, draft cirmlntion should be based cm the infwmr.than in tho current Fcdernl Supply C%ssi- Iicntlon Iiiting of DoD Stmdurdkntion Omumen@ I 5 1. ( SPEC I F I CAT I ON ANALYS I S SHEET I FORM .—s0 mu f f i nI l l JRuA”NO. , ,*.- INST RUCTIONS Tlds ahcctistohoElk!out b~ynnddth.r Gw-mmtormntmctir, in~lvdinthewdties@fimtin in prwwemcnt of products for u t mala usc by tbo Department of Def- Tbu sheet u pmvidcd for obtaining information on Lbc usc of thu spccbktlon which will Insure that mdtddo products can be pmcurcd with n udrdmmn amount of delay and at tbo least .xeJL Commcnln and the rctum of UILYform will Ix apprctiab?d. Fold on Unm on mvcrsc side, staph in comer, and send la pqe.ring .xtivily. SPECIFIU1lON Al l&’r-G73011 ‘1’ubing, Cbromc-hfolybdmum, 4130 Steel, ok, AC QunliLy ORGANIZATION C1l’Y ANO STATE. . CONTRACT NO. OIJANTITY OF ITEMS lWOCIJREO 00LLAR AMOUNT $ MATERIAL PROCUREO UNDER A ❑ .#R,m GOvnlwtatn CON1-rtacr ❑ WOCONTRA- 1. HAS ANY PART OF THE SPECIFICATtON CREATED PR08LEMS OR REWIRED 1NTERPRETATION IN PROCUREMENT USI?7 A. GIVE PAR6GRAPH NUMBER AND wOROING m flEcOMMWOATIONs FOR CORRECTING THE 0EFIcICNcIE5 2. COMMENTS ON ANY SPEC1FIC4TION REQuIREMENT CONSIDERED TOO RIGID S. 1S THE SPECIFICATION RESTRICTWE? ❑“vus I--JNO IF “YES’ IN WNAT W’AYf 4. REMARKS (Auach ant! fined daf. which rnav beo! use in imprmn”.q thu ,P@icofion. If tire are addi!iond paper,, allac%jorm .“d pke MA in . . cn.dope mbfmu~d t. preparing .dwilv) SUBMITTED OY (Prin&d or 1~ II- and .dwil#) I OATE I.- 00 FORM 1426 ( FOLD POSTAGE AND FEES PAID OFFICIAL BUSINESS ~ommander, Attn : SEPS Systems Engineering Group iVright-PattersonAirForceBase,Ohio 45433 FOLD 主营业务范围:ASTMASTMASTMASTM、NASNASNASNAS、NASMNASMNASMNASM、MILMILMILMIL、ISOISOISOISO、ENENENEN、DINDINDINDIN等技 术 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 翻译;技术资料翻译;国外技术标准中文版代购。 业务 QQQQQQQQ:2298175560229817556022981755602298175560 专业 诚信 质量不满意,可不付款专注于技术翻译
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