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英文提纲 )英文提纲 ) 摘要 本文首先引入了《呼啸山庄》这部小说, 这部小说主要介绍了希 斯克列夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧。这是艾米莉?勃郎特的唯一一部作品。 接下来本文对这部小说中造成这个爱情悲剧的三个主要因素进行分 析,分别是社会环境、两个主人翁的性格倾向和作者的个人意图。最 后,文章归纳出《呼啸山庄》这部小说在人类的文学艺术殿堂中是一 颗耀眼的恒星。 关键词,爱情 悲剧 呼啸山庄 Abstract Firstly, this paper introduces the novel of Wuthering Heigh...

英文提纲 )
英文提纲 ) 摘要 本文首先引入了《呼啸山庄》这部小说, 这部小说主要介绍了希 斯克列夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧。这是艾米莉?勃郎特的唯一一部作品。 接下来本文对这部小说中造成这个爱情悲剧的三个主要因素进行分 析,分别是社会环境、两个主人翁的性格倾向和作者的个人意图。最 后,文章归纳出《呼啸山庄》这部小说在人类的文学艺术殿堂中是一 颗耀眼的恒星。 关键词,爱情 悲剧 呼啸山庄 Abstract Firstly, this paper introduces the novel of Wuthering Heights. This paper mainly focuses on describing the tragic love between Heathcliff and Catherine. Secondly,it analyzes the three factors which determine the tragic love: the social environment, the affinity of the two characters and the author’s personal intention. Finally, at the end of it, the novel make a conclusion that the Wuthering Heights is a dazzling star in the artistic palace of the world. Keywords: love, tragedy, Wuthering Heights Contents 摘要 ......................................................................................................... I Abstract .................................................................................................. I Content Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................................................... 1 Chapter 2 Overview ............................................................................... 2 : A Biographical Sketch .......................................... 2 2.1 Emily Bronte 2.2 Wuthering Heights: A Synopsis .................................................... 3 Chapter 3 Analysis of the reasons for the tragic love ........................... 9 3.1 Social Environment ...................................................................... 9 3.2The affinity of the two characters .................................................... 3.3 The Author’s Intentions .............................................................. 21 Chapter 4 Conclusion .......................................................................... 27 Bibliography ......................................................................................... 28 Chapter 1 Introduction Wuthering Heights published in 1847, the only novel of Emily Bronte who died of tuberculosis when she was only thirty in 1884. The story of her life, has long since taken its place among the great literary legends of Britain and possesses an almost mythic quality. The originality 2 and intensity imagination of her, which leads her to producing an unique novel in English literature, provides a fascinating subject for critical inquiry and psychological peculation. It is a strange book for it is wild, confused, disjointed and improbable. Today this novel is still regarded as a masterpiece in world literature. This paper will attempt to analyze the tragic love and try to find out that the social environment, the affinity of the two characters and the author’s personal intention are the reasons which caused the tragedy. By doing this, the author hope it can help readers have a complete vision about the article and give literature researchers some references about the novel researches. This paper will firstly write an synopsis of the works and author, secondly, the paper will analysis the article from 3 aspects : the social environment, the affinity of the two characters and the author’s personal intention, and finally we try to make a conclusion that the Wuthering Heights is a dazzling star in the artistic palace of the world. Chapter 2 Overview 2.1 Emily Brontë: A Biographical Sketch Emily Bronte born in Thornton, Yorkshire, England, on July 30, 1818, was the daughter of an Irish clergyman, and Maria Branwell. She Charlotte (Jane Eyre) and Anne (Agnes Grey) were two sisters of her; there were another two other sisters, Maria and Elizabeth and a brother, Branwell, completed the Bronte family. Emily Brontë remains a mysterious figure due to her solitary and reclusive nature. She does not seem to have made any friends outside her family. (Grace Moore, Wuthering Heights (2012), 'About the author') Her sister Charlotte remains the primary source of information about her, in 1850, Charlotte wrote: My sister's disposition was not naturally gregarious; circumstances favored and fostered her tendency to seclusion; except to go to church or take a walk on the hills, she rarely crossed the threshold of home. Though her feeling for the people round was benevolent, intercourse with them she never sought; nor, with very few exceptions, ever experienced. And yet she know them: knew their ways, their language, their family histories; she could hear of them with interest, and talk of them with detail, minute, graphic, and accurate; but with them, she rarely exchanged a word.( Editor's Preface to the Second Edition of Wuthering Heights, by Charlotte Brontë, 1850.)Emily's unsociability and extremely shy nature has subsequently been reported many times. According to Norma Crandall, her "warm, human aspect" was "usually revealed only in her love of nature and of animals". ( orma Crandall, Emily Bronte: a psychological portrait (1957), p. 81) Emily’s brother Branwell was very close to her, fell ill of alcohol and drug abuse, died in September 1848. Emily’s caught a cold at his funeral and she died on December 19, 1848 for tuberculosis, which led a housemaid to declare that "Miss Emily died of a broken heart for love of 4 her brother". After her death, her only novel has been famous ever since, Emily Bronte never knew the extent of fame she achieved with her one and only novel. 2.2 Wuthering Heights: A Synopsis Wuthering Heights was first published in London in 1847, appearing as the first two volumes of a three-volume set that included Anne Bronte's Agnes Grey. The authors were printed as Ellis and Acton Bell; Emily's real name didn't appear until 1850, when it was printed on the title page of an edited commercial edition. The novel innovative structure somewhat puzzled critics, at the same time, Wuthering Heights was thought that it had been written by a man for it’s passion and violence. According to Juliet Gardiner: "the vivid sexual passion and power of its language and imagery impressed, bewildered and appalled reviewers."(Juliet Gardiner, The History today who's who in British history (2000), p. 109) Although it received mixed reviews when it first came out, and was often condemned for its portrayal of amoral passion, the book eventually became an English literary classic. The love story of Heathcliff and Catherine is the core of the novel Wuthering Heights. In the paper, we make an attempt to discuss the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine, the distortion of Catherine, her eventual betrayal of Heathcliff and love tragedy on grounds of class distinction. Firstly, the established relations are due to the affinity in their stormy characters. They are wild, vigorous、untamed and headstrong. Heathcliff, a waif from Liverpool is brought to the Wuthering Heights by old Earnshaw,a brusque farmer and owner of Wuthering Heights on the moors, after old Earnshaw’s death, his son, Hindley subjects Heathcliff to every indignity, and makes Heathcliff becomes brutal and morose. During the years of darkness, only Catherine, the daughter of the old Earnshaw offers him warmth and friendship. They fight against Hindly’s tyranny side by side and spend their childhood in the isolated moor. They are closely related and mutually dependent. The same interest and ideal make a close relationship of the two. They take each other as life and spirit, As Catherine says:“He is more myself than I am. What ever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same”“I am Heathcliff. He is always in my heart;not as pleasure, but as my own being.‖(Emity Bronte ,1847) The value of her life is equal to Heathliff’s. Marring Edgar a young gentleman who lives in Thrushcross Grange, she makes a false to her own world, just as what Heathliff says: ―an oak is planted in a flower-pot.‖ So when Heathcliff returns, she feels the value of her existence in him. She tries to reconcile her feeling with what Linton represents, but it is impossible to reconciled at all. She can’t bear such suffering, finally falls ill and never recovers. From above we can clearly understand what Heathcliff has 6 condemned her:“Why did you betray you own heart, Cathy? You love me then what right had you to leave me? What right answer me,Because misery and degradation, and death, and nothing that god and Satan could inflict world have parted us, you, of your own will did it. I have not broken your heart you have broken it, and in breaking it, you have broken mine.‖(Emily Bronte 124,1847) After Catherine dies, Heathcliff takes revenge on the two houses, when he finishes his revenge, he feels nothing but want to accompany his lover, died in a rainy night in Catherine’s room. Chapter 4 Analysis of the reasons for the tragic love 4.1 The social environment Existence for Heathcliff is hell after Catherine dies, in madness and desperation, he takes revenge on the two family without any humanity. He continues his fight until he feels himself is surrounded by Catherine’s spirit. He loses interest in everyday existence, and finally absorbs into another world both physically and spiritually. But one thing we must be pay attention to: the environment that is not abstract but concrete, which affects the relationship. The affinity between Heathcliff and Catherine is forged in rebellion, their relationship is determined by that. Heathcliff, an orphan picked up in the streets of Liverpool, whom is treated kindly by old Mr.Earnshaw but degraded and insulted by Hindley. After the death of Mr.Earnshaw, Hindley reduces the boy’s status to be a servant. We can find the situation is vividly described in Catherine’s dairy, and they should not be regarded simply as naughty children who disrupt the order of the household. ―An awful Sunday‖ It is written in her diary. “I wish my father were back again. Hindley is a detestable substitute---H and I are going to rebel---we took our initiatory step this evening.” ―All day had been flooding with rain; we could not go to church, so Joseph must get up a congregation in the garret; and while Hindley and his wife basked downstairs before s comfortable fire—doing nothing but reading their Bibles. I’ll answer for it –Heathcliff, the unhappy ploughboy and myth self were commanded to take our prayer books, and mount. We were ranged in a row, on a sack of scorn, groaning and shivering; I could not bear the employment; I took my dingy volume by the scoop, and hurled it into dog-kennel, vowing I heated a good book. Heathcliff kicked his to the same place.‖ (Wuthering Heights,69,1847) This passage suggests that after Mr.Earnshaw dies, Hindley is the master of the Heights, and both Catherine and Heathcliff are persecuted in their childhood, they are forced to sit in the attic listening to Joseph reading sermons for three hours, and the garret is shivering. while Hindly and his wife sit in the fatuous comfort by the fire. So as a response to such condition, they rebel against the regime. The love between Heathecliff and Catherine is forged in response to their ill-treatment as an emotional 8 bond. This idea is best explained from the social viewpoint of Arnold Kettle in his English novel. ―Against this degradation Catherine and Heathcliff rebel, hurling their books into the dog-kettle. And in their revolt they discover their deep and passionate need of each other. He, the outcast slummy, turns to the lively, spirited, fearless girl who alone offers him human understanding and comradeship. And she, born into the world of Wuthering Heights, sense that to achieve a full humanity, to be true to her self totally with him his rebellion against the tyranny involves.‖ We find it is not that Catherine and Heathcliff are defective and non-human in their characters, precisely speaking, they are fully not passive victims and human, they against the order that deprives them of their humanity. The rebellion of them is concrete and accurate. Heathcliff is a conscious rebel, he despises him for his status of an outcaste in the rebellion. Catherine offers him human understanding and comradeship. The non-social relationship of them is inconsistent with the criteria of class structure in a world of inequality and exploitation. As old Mr. Earnshaw dies, they comfort each other in anguish. The the particular quality of their relationship is determined by the union in the rebellion and emotional needs in their suffering. So only after we have knowledge of their experience in the stage of their early years, we can come to understand the nature of the relationship, that is the reason why each feels that a betrayal of what binds them together is in a certain sense a betrayal of the most valuable things they represent. Catherine’s betrayal of Heathcliff, we believe is the distortion of her personality and self-betrayal. The reason is the relationship determines the nature of their love. Their demand for love is conveyed in the process of their struggle for individual fulfillment and humanity, the love between them is formed in the rebellion against social forces, families and classes, which restrict the ideals. Their love can be realized only through their rebellion against all that would destroy the inner most needs and aspirations,it is based on mutual understanding、mutual faith in the struggle for love. So in this sense, Heathcliff is a port of Catherine’s essence instead of a separate individual. It will be disastrous if there is any separation between them, Catherine experiences the most absolute degree of devotion in her account of her superficial love for Edgar Linton and deep love for Heathcliff. ―My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff miseries, and I watched and felt from the beginning; my great thought in living is he. If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and, if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it. I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees---my love for Heathliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath—a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am 10 Heathliff-he’s always in my mind----not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself-----but, as my own being„(Wuthering Heights,244,1847) The passionate love for Heathliff is showed by Catherine, but the nature of love should be explored within a context, for the novel shows love is based on mutual aspirations and mutual bullion. However, Catherine eventually becomes the mistress of Thrush cross Grange and betrays Heathcliff. The conflict here is evidently a social one. There is some social distinction between the two houses, although both families belong to the class of the gentry, Thrush cross, which embodies more comfortable, the prettier side of bourgeois life, seduces Catherine. The equal status is not exist between two houses, we find that there are striking differences of the two houses: the tone and atmosphere, of custom and convention. In another word, the two is widely separated by culture:The family in Wuthering Heights is closer to the land and agriculture labor; the Linton house stands in a deep valley surrounded by a park, the family has civilized luxury. The difference is well shown in the description of their misadventures in the Grange. Both of them stand on the basement and cling to the ledge. They see and exclaim, ―-ah! It was beautiful-a splendid place carpeted with crimson and crimson-covered chairs and tables, and a pure white ceiling bordered by gold ,a shower of glass-drops hanging in silver chains from the center ,and shimmering with little soft tapers.‖ Helthcliff sees the richness, splendor of the house, and at the same time he observes the nervous boredom and irritation of their lives. Though beauty strikes them, it more subtly rouses in them a feeling of reputation. Heathcliff says, ―We laughed outright at the petted things, we did despise them!‖ So Heathcliff claims that he would not exchange his conditions, for a thousand lives, for Edgar Lintons at the Grange. We think that his judgment is correct. Heathcliff represents-rough as he is-more humanity than there appears to be at the Grange. Heathcliff lays bare the real nature of Grange but he underestimates its power .Perhaps he fails to anticipate that there can be anything there strong enough to change Catherine. The distinction between Catherine and Heathcliff and the social class separations are beginning of Heathcliff tragedy. And seduction by the glamour of the Grange is the beginning of Catherine’s change and distortion. 4.2 The affinity of the two characters Read the book and you will notice Catherine: changes of her dress, manners and social attitude. Her dress is suitable in the Grange rather than in the Height. “She was obliged to hold up with both hands „a long cloth habit. Her fingers are wonderfully whitened with doing nothing, and staying in doors.”(Emity Bronte,1847:69)She has become used to a life that is a centered on the inside of houses and she can do not 12 no work .She has accustomed to such a style of living: others work for her, produce for her, and satisfy he needs. This is the change in Catherine that we observe for the first time. Catherine’s stay at the grange has brought about changes in her that affect the course of the lives Heathcliff and her own, both present and future. Some of the Lintons’ worldliness and luxury have been rubbed on her and she is conscious of the social gulf between herself and Heathcliff. Catherine personally thinks she can have everything that the other life can and still retain offer her—fine clothes, flattery and social status of a day— the old relationship with Heathcliff. So the conflict is unavoidable. But Heathcliff is not able to accept it:“I shall not stand to be laughed at, I shan’t bear t„I shall be as dirty as I please, and I like to be dirty, and I will be dirty.‖(Emity Bronte 260,1847) Catherine ’s new values determine her choice of Edgar Linton rather than Heathcliff. Chapter Nine is one of the most dramatic and important chapters in the book. Catherine declares her superficial love for Edgar and strong relationship with Heathcliff. In spite of that, she is prepared to betray Heathcliff and her own nature by accepting the values of the Lintons. The dual sides of her nature and the inner conflict are clearly exposed here. She chooses Edgar because he is “handsome, and pleasant to be with, young and cheerful, but most of all because she will be rich, and I like to be the greatest woman of the neighborhood, and I shall be proud of having such a husband ,‖Emity Bronte 310,1847 Hearing this, Nelly asks Catherine scornfully, but there are several other handsome, rich young men in the world, Handsomer, possibly, and richer than he is. What should hinder you from loving them? If there be any, they are out of my way. I have seen none like Edgar. Emity Bronte 336 1847 this is Catherine's response to the question. Clearly she accepted the values of the Grange. The grounds of her attraction to Edger are wealth, position and social distinction. For that reason, she says Hindley has degraded Heathcliff so much she can not marry him. But still Catherine can not shun her love for Heathcliff. So she declares that in her heart and soul she knows she is doing a wrong thing .She recounts a dream in which she thinks she is in heaven, but is so miserable and the angels throw her down upon the moors, where she wakes, completely happy. This reveals her innate conflict and her predicament. Catherine naively thinks she can keep Edgar and Heathcliff both. Let us the possible reasons why she chooses Edgar. ―Edgar must shake off his antipathy, and tolerate him, at least. He will when he learns my true feeling towards him. I see now, you think me a selfish wretch, but did it ever strike you that if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars? Whereas, if I marry Linton, I can aid Heathcliff to rise, and place him out of my brother’s power.‖(Emity Bronte351, 1847) 14 Nelly’s criticism of Catherine cuts straight in the dialogue through the superficiality of Catherine’s judgments, and at last forces her to admit that marriage to Edgar will greatly affect heath cliff and will involve a distortion of her nature. Nelly says, I think that’s the worst motive you’ve given yet for being the wife of young Linton. As a character in the novel, she lives and moves are entirely within the world of those characters. We do not say Nelly has a complete understanding of the depth and degree of love between Heathcliff and Catherine .But through the common sense, she has no how the separation will affect Heathcliff, thus, any attempt for Catherine to reconcile the conflict is doomed to fail. In her delirium at the Grange after the heartbroken meeting with Heathcliff, we are aware of the bursting of Catherine’s repressed love. She fantasizes that she is back at Wuthering Heights, in her room, and her constant refrain is the wish to be outside on the moors and to be her former self. I wish I were out of doors I wish I were a girl again, half savage and hardy, and free...This marks the distortion of her own self and the failure of her attempt at reconciliation between the forces. As stated above, we come to see that Catherine’s betrayal to Heathcliff is actually a sort of self betrayal. She alienates herself from her true nature and self essence. Catherine becomes a distorted person by betraying herself humanity and by breaking up the relationship with Heathcliff. Only when she realizes the distortion and improbability of reconciliation between Heathcliff and Edgar, does death to give her peace. No doubt Catherine and Heathcliff’s tragedy rises from a world of inequality and oppression. The novel is not merely a tragic love story, but has much more significance. It is an expression of the impossibility of true love in an unjust, money arranged society and of cruel damage to the ideal happiness. 4.3 The author’s personal intention. The last factor which has predicated the tragedy comes from the author’s personal social value. Emily Bronte, who died of tuberculosis in 1848 at the age of thirty, was a daughter of a poor clergyman in the little village of Haworth, Yorshire, in northern England. When she was three, her mother died and left six children to the care of their aunt, a woman who was afraid of catching cold and who therefore kept to her own room much of the time. Mr.Bronte took his meals in his own room, and the children, generally left to their own devices, formed among themselves a close companionship. Later, all the girls except Anne, the youngest, were sent to charity school, a veritable prison where the children were cruelly treated. The two eldest sisters died there. Emily and her elder sister Charlotte left the school and tried to charity school, a veritable prison where the children were cruelly treated. The two eldest sisters died there. Emily and her elder sister Charlotte left the school and tried to earn their 16 living as governesses, which showed to be too painful, and tried to earn operate a school themselves but got no pupils. They had to return to manage the awkward and dull house work, where they also devoted themselves to literary works. The loss of their mother, then of their sisters, their committal to the care of Aunt Branwell, and the absence in the locality of a congenial neighboring circle of acquaintances, left their marks on Emily and her sisters, and helped to shape the individual characters of the girls. The miserable experience of Emily in her early years much influenced her in the creation of the violent novel Wuthering Heights. According to Freud, the mental processes can be assigned to three psychic zones the dither ago, and the superego, the id is entirely unconscious and the superego is conscious. As Emily herself suffered a lot in her short life, the death of her mother and sisters, the failure of the trying to make her own living, the isolation from the society, she formed a staunch and resourceful character, which consisted of her superego image before the public. However, the lack of maternal love and care in her childhood stamped an everlasting brand in her inner mind, the thirsty for maturities love became part of Emily’s id. Freud asserted, all the activities of art are manifestations and symbols of unconsciousness, are illusions contrast to reality. The original power of art creation is the repressed desire. Art, like dream, is the release of repressed unconsciousness through illusion, is a vent forid. In Emily’s successful novel Wuthering Heights, we can perceive her passions, especially her longing for maternal love. David Deices wrote in his introduction to Wuthering Heights there must have been powerful forces working in Emily Bronte which she was writing it of which she herself can not have been fully conscious. As we make a careful study on Emily’s experience and her novel, we realize the powerful force comes from the release of her ideal, which was deeply suppressed by the cruel reality. Though Charlotte Bronte said, over much of Wuthering Heights there broods a horror of great darkness, that, in its storm heated electrical atmosphere, we seem at times to breathe lightening, (Emity Bronte354, 1847 ) careful readers find love among the characters. The violent love between Heathcliff and Catherine, the charitable love of Mr.Earnshaw to Heathcliff, the generous love of Edgar Linton to his daughter little Catherine, and the passionate love between Hareton and little Catherine. All these loves imply the traits of maternal love. Emily Bronte, facing the hard life, had to foster herself a rough personality and hid her fragility. Her pining for love was deeply repressed. However, in her novel, her unconsciousness betrayed her since she depicted elaborately the complex loves between characters. Also we can understand why Emily Bronte created such a violent 18 character Heathcliff. In the Victorian age, women still possessed no social and economic status. One taxing problem was the limitation on the aspiration of educated women in society where public and professional spheres were closed to them. The post of governess, or school teacher, was just about the only conceivable occupation open to restless young women like Bronte sisters. After the failure on the posts, Emily Bronte found no way but return home. The awkward and dull housework much repressed her passions and her independent personality. In Wuthering Heights, she threw herself into Heathcliff, poured her bitterness, fury and repression on Heathcliff. Heathcliff, like a devil incarnation, stands before the readers. His violent revenge on Ernshaws and Lintons horrified them. He destroyed Hindley, who had drunk to death, degraded Hindley’s son Hareton into an uncouth and illiterate servant of his own; maltreated Edgar Linton’s sister Isabella after married her; and forced little Catherine to marry his own ailing son. Like his violent love to Catherine, his implacable hatred of Earnshaws and Lintons originated from his inner mind, not limited by the convention. His apparently motiveless cruelty comes from his instinct, not cultivated. Emily Bronte, through Heathcliff, announced her contempt of convention, and defied to the social moral. Now, more than a hundred years later, when we read her novel again, we can still feel the repressed passion of a restless woman, and her struggle for freedom and love. Chapter 5 Conclusion Wuthering Heights is not only just a villa, and it is a symbol .With poetic passion and language, the author describes an epitome of human society and reveals the inner world of human being. Its artistic form is perfectly combined with contact and serves the theme quite well. The two aspects merge into a whole and make the novel a great success. Wuthering Heights is a dazzling star in the artistic palace of the world! Bibliography [1] Cleanth Brooks & Robert Penn Warren~Understanding Fiction[M].北京:外语教 学与研究出版社, 2004. [2] 艾米莉?勃朗特. 杨苡译. 《呼啸山庄》[M].南京: 译林出版社, 1998. [3] 高万隆, 孙靖, 刘福丽. 艾米丽勃朗特研究[M].北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 2010. [4] 惠婧蕊. 试析《呼啸山庄》中爱情悲剧的根源[J]. 牡丹江师范学院学报, 2006. [5] 李方秀.《呼啸山庄》与父权社会 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的批判[J]. 语文学刊, 2007. [6] 司铜生. 浅析《呼啸山庄》爱情悲剧的原因[J]. 东方企业文化, 2012. [7] 张云鹤. 从凯瑟琳?恩肖的悲剧看艾米丽?勃朗特的爱情观[J]. 辽宁工业大 学学报, 2012. [8] 张薇.《呼啸山庄》主人公性格解读[J].甘肃广播电视大学学报, 2012. 20
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