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全国小学英语教师技能大赛试题全国小学英语教师技能大赛试题 篇一:2015小学英语教师教学技能比赛试题 2015小学英语教师教学技能比赛试题 一、单项选择 1. “长善救失”、“教学相长”的教学思想是( )中首先提出的。 A.《论语》 B.《孟子》 C.《学记》 D.《劝学篇》 2. “如果给我一打婴儿,我保证能够任意把他们培养成任何一类人,或者医生、律师、商人和领导者,甚至于乞丐和盗贼”。这句话的作者是( )。 A.华生 B.洛克 C.柯尔伯格 D.皮亚杰 3. 教育的等级化、特权化和化否定的教育特征是( )。 A.教育的终...

全国小学英语教师技能大赛试题 篇一:2015小学英语教师教学技能比赛试题 2015小学英语教师教学技能比赛试题 一、单项选择 1. “长善救失”、“教学相长”的教学思想是( )中首先提出的。 A.《论语》 B.《孟子》 C.《学记》 D.《劝学篇》 2. “如果给我一打婴儿,我保证能够任意把他们培养成任何一类人,或者医生、律师、商人和领导者,甚至于乞丐和盗贼”。这句话的作者是( )。 A.华生 B.洛克 C.柯尔伯格 D.皮亚杰 3. 教育的等级化、特权化和化否定的教育特征是( )。 A.教育的终身化 B.教育的多元化 C.教育的民主化 D.教育的全民化 4. 在教育整体中,最基本、最主要的教育形式是( )。 A.家庭教育 B.社会教育 C.学校教育 D.自我教育 5. 构成教育活动的两个最基本的要素是( )。 1 A.教师和学生 B.教师和教科 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf C.学生和教科书 D.教学 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 和手段 6. “近朱者赤,近墨者黑”这句话反映了( )对人的发展的影响。 A.环境 B.遗传 C.教育 D.社会活动 7. 使学生形成新的人生观、自然观,认识与自然关系的美与恶,人与自然的交往行为,体现了学校教育的( )。 A.政治功能 B.经济功能 C.文化功能 D.生态功能 8. 我国对学生的义务作出明确规定的法律是( )。 A.《宪法》 B.《教育法》 C.《义务教育法》 D.《未成年人保护法》 9. 依据传授知识与思想品德教育相统一规律而提出的教学原则是( )。 A.理论与实际相结合原则 B.启发性原则 C.因材施教原则 D.科学性与教育性相统一原则 10. “让学校的每一面墙壁都开口说话”,这是充分运用了下列德育方法中的 ( )。 A.陶冶教育 B.榜样示范 C.实际锻炼 D.品德评价 11. 新课程强调将学生学习知识的过程转化为形成价值观的过程,其价值观是指 2 ( )。 A.充分认识知识对社会的价值 B.学科、知识、个人、社会价值有机地结合 C.让学生尊重知识尊重教师 D.将知识转化为巨大的经济利益 12. 当学生取得好的成绩后,老师家长给予表扬和鼓励,这符合桑代克学习规律中的( )。 A.准备律 B.练习律 C.动机律 D.效果律 13. 当人们在观察某个人时,某一品质在观察者看来是极为突出的,从而对这种突出的品质有了清晰明显的知觉并掩盖了对其余品质的知觉。这种现象称为 ( )。 A.投射效应 B.晕轮效应 C.皮格玛利翁效应 D.首因效应 14. 小学生在英语课上学习“书”的英语单词“book”。按奥苏伯尔的学习分类, 这里的学习属于( )。 A.表征学习 B.概念学习 C.命题学习 D.发现学习 15. 下列情境中代表内在动机的情境是( )。 A.语文课上小李做 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 作业 B.王老师对张华的单词测验成绩表示满意 3 C.校长在全校大会上宣布三好学生名单 D.陈英每天独自读几小时文学名著 16 科尔伯格认为,儿童道德判断的前习俗水平包括的两个阶段是( )。 A.“好孩子”定向水平、权威定向水平 B.权威和维护社会秩序定向水平、原则定向水平 C.原则定向水平、良心定向水平 D.惩罚和服从定向、工具性的享乐主义定向 17. 学生的说谎、偷窃和欺骗等属于( )。 A.情绪冲动 B.性格障碍 C.情绪适应困难 D.行为障碍 18. 在加德纳的多元智力理论中,他认为智力由7种相对独立的智力成分所构成,那么认识环境的能力属于( )。 A.自知智力 B.空间智力 C.逻辑数学智力 D.身体运动智力 19.用测量知识的试题去测量学生的智力,这样的测验显然缺乏( )。 A.难度 B.区分度 C.信度 D.效度 20.中国最早使用班级授课制是在( )。 4 A.1862年 B.1902年 C.1903年 D.1912年 21.比较准确地体现教学的启发性原则的是( )。 A.开而弗达 B.各因其材 C.及时而教 D.学不躐等 22.学校的中心工作是( )。 A.教学 B.体育 C.德育 D.管理 23.教学过程是一种特殊的认识过程,其特殊性体现在 ( )。 A.认识的直接性 B.学生的主体性 C.教学的教育性 D.活动的开放性 24.在教学过程中,教师指导学生体验客观事物的真善美的 方法是( )。 5 A.参观法 B.演示法 C.情境教学法 D.欣赏教学法。 25.实现学校全面发展教育的基本途径是( )。 A.德育 B.教学 C.管理 D.上课 二、多项选择 1. 以赫尔巴特为代表的传统教育学派的主要观点可以归纳为“三个中心”,即 ( )。 A.教师中心 B.活动中心 C.儿童中心 D.课堂中心 E.书本中心 2. 教育活动中要注意“三结合”,发挥教育合力,这“三结合”所指的三种教育是( )。 A.家庭教育 B.道德教育 C.社区教育 D.学校教育 E.体育教育 3. 教育目的的功能有( )。 A.导向功能 B.强制功能 C.调控功能 D.示范功能 E.评价功能 6 4. 教育法的规范作用( )。 A.指引作用 B.评价作用 C.教育作用 D.预测作用 E.强制作用 5. 参观教学法可分为( )。 A.可行性参观 B.准备性参观 C.现实性参观 D.并行性参观 E. 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 性参观 6. 我国中小学德育的重点具体说来应当包括或强调以下哪几方面?( ) A.基本道德和行为规范的教育 B.公民道德与政治品质的教育 C.世界观、人生观和理想的基础教育 D.提高人的智慧水平的教育 E.注重自主性、创造性的教育 7. 小学生常见的情绪适应问题是( )。 A.恐惧 B.抑郁 C.紧张 D.情感冲动 E.失眠 8. 班杜拉提出的观察学习的过程包括( )。 A.注意过程 B.保持过程 C.复制过程 D.动机过程 E.识记过程 9. 正强化包括( )。 A.奖学金 B.对成绩的认可 C.表扬 D.改善学习 7 E.给予学习和成长的机会 10. 学校咨询活动应遵循哪些咨询原则?( ) A.积极关注和信任来访学生 B.充分支持和鼓励来访学生 C.注重来访学生的主动参与 D.严格为来访学生保密 E.澄清和评估问题 11.直观性教学原则中的“直观”包括( )。 A.操作直观 B.言语直观 C.模像直观 D.实物直观 12.教学过程是一种特殊的认知过程,具体表现( )。 A.知识的间接性 B.教师的指导性 C.教学的发展性 D.教学的教育性 13.教师在教学过程中选择教学方法的依据( )。 A.教学任务和目标 B.学生的年龄特点和实际情况 C.教学内容 D.教师的特点 14.教育法的规范作用表现在( )。 A.教育作用 8 B.评价作用 C.保障作用 D.指引作用 15.学生在学校受教育过程中享受的主要权利包括( )。 A.隐私权 B.人身权 C.受教育权 D.财产权 三、学科知识 A translator must have an excellent, up-to-date knowledge of his source languages. He must fill facility in the handling of his target language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitual __1__, and a knowledge and understanding of the latest subject-matter in his field of specialization. This is, as it were, his professional __2__. In addition to this, it is __3__ that he should have an enquiring mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to __4__ quickly the basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work __5__ his own, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to __6__ other people because his own __7__ does not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He should be able to type fairly quickly and __8__ and, if he is working mainly for publication, 9 should have more than a nodding __9__ with printing techniques and proof-reading. If he is working basically as an information translator, let us say, for an industrial firms, he should have the flexibility of mind to enable him to __10__ rapidly from one source language to __11__, as well as from one subject-matter to another, since this ability is frequently __12__ of him in such work. Bearing in __13__ the nature of the translator’s work, i.e. the processing of the written word, it is, strictly speaking, __14__ that he should be able to speak the languages he is __15__ with. If he does speak them, it is an __16__ rather than a hindrance, but this skill is in many ways a luxury that he can do away with. It is, __17__, desirable that he should have an __18__ idea about the pronunciation of his source languages, even if this is restricted to knowing how proper names and place names are pronounced. The same __19__ to an ability to write his source languages. If he can, well and good; if he cannot, it does not __20__. 1. [A]application [B]use [C]utility [D]usage 2. [A]equipment [B]language [C]performance [D]facility 3. [A]wise [B]unique [C]desirable [D]effective 10 4. [A]input [B]grasp [C]seek [D]expand 5. [A]on [B]in [C]for [D]by 6. [A]learn [B]imitate [C]conduct [D]consult 7. [A]profession [B]intelligence [C]knowledge [D]style 8. [A]steadily [B]accurately [C]regularly [D]reasonably 9. [A]familiarity [B]acquaintance [C]knowledge [D]skill 10. [A]change[B]transform [C]turn [D]switch 11. [A]another [B]other [C]one [D]all 12. [A]lacked [B]required [C]faced [D]confronted 13. [A]brain [B]thought [C]mind [D]memory 14. [A]essential [B]unnecessary [C]advantageous [D]useless 篇二:全国小学英语教师教学技能大赛(初赛试题集) 首届全国小学英语教师教学技能大赛(初赛试题) (试题总分:150分答题时间:150分钟) 第I卷 英语语言技能部分 (70分,共九大题) Listening Part I(Questions 1—5(5points) Listen to the tape(You will hear fiveshort conversations(Each conversation will be read twice(Thereis one question for each conversation(Choose the correct 11 answer to each question( 1(What was the weather like on Wednesday, A(B( C( 2(How much did Mark's pullover cost, A(B( C( 3(What did R aquel buy today , A(B( C( 4(How many students are there at the college, A(B( C( 5(What is David going to buy, A(B( C( II(Q uestions 6—10(5points) Listen to Philip talking to his mother about his son,Simon(What is Simon going to do on Saturday and Sunday,For questions 6—10,write a letter A—H next to each time of day(You will hear theconversation twice( TIME ACTIVITIES A(bicycle ride B(football match C(judo class D(party E(swimming 12 F(the cinema G(the park H (watching television III(Questions 11—15(5points) Listen to Chloe talking to a man abouta sailing holiday(For questions 11—15,choose A,B orC(You will hear the conversation twice( 11(How many times has Chloe been sailing before, A(Never(B(O nce(C(Twice ( 12(How much can Chloe spend, A(,380(B(,370(C(,450( 13(Chloe will go in _____ ( A(August(B(September(C(O ctober( 14(Chloe would like to sail on_____ ( A(a lake(B(the sea(C(a river( 15(H ow does Chloe want to pay, A(By cheque(B(With cash(C(By credit card( IV(Q uestions 16—20(5points) You will hear Kate and Jeremy talkingabout a party(Listen and complete questions 16—20(Youwill hear the conversation twice( Kate's Birthday Party 13 Kate will be: seventeen years old Day : 16______________________________________ Time: 17______________________________________ Place: 18______________________________________ Address: 19________________________Sreet_______ Bring some:20 _________________________________ V(Q uestions 21—25(10points) You will hear some information abouta cinema(Listen and complete questions 21 —25(You will hear the information twice( CINEMA Name of cinema: North London Arts Cinema Next week's film: 21____________________Meeting___________ From: 22_Monday to________________________________ Times: 23 _6:45pm and _________________________________ Student ticket costs: 24_________________________________ Nearest car park: 25_______________________Street__________ 14 Written Part VI(Multiple-choice test:(10 points) 1(We mailed a package to the New York office,but they _____ to us without any comments about it( A(send it back B(send back it C(sent back it D(sent it back 2(Having broad knowledge is not necessarily the same as _____ a good teacher( A(to be B(being C(be D(is 3(Though he was defeated flat,he expects _____ the second game( A(winning B(to win C(lose D(to be a winner 4(Neither Bill's children _____ his wife was expecting anything unusual that night( A(however B(or C(nor D(and 5(I don't know whether he will arrivesoon,but if he _____ ,I will ask him to help you( A(will do B(does C(will D(is going to 6(_____ poor,his mother sent him as much money as she could( 15 A(Though B(As C(Because D(As if 7(Toy Kim has three bikes(O ne is Japanese,_____ is Italian,_____ and is American( A(one;one B(other;other C(the other;another D(another;theother 8(During the day ,a person has _____ different thoughts and impressions from what they see and hear( A(one thousand of B(thousands and thousands C(thousands D(thousands of 9(It was_____ great shock to the world that two aeroplanes crashed in to World Trade Center in New York on September 11th,2001( A(a;theB(a;,C(the;theD(,;the 10(—Don't forget to phone me when you get home(Just to let me know you've arrived safely( —I won't forget(Goodbye then( — _____ ( A(With pleasure B(Don't mention it C(Have a nice trip D(It's very kind of you VII(Translation:(10 points) 16 1(If you spend most of your time studying grammar,your English will not improve very much(You will see improvement if you learn more words and expressions( 2(All good teachers have some type of plan when they walk in to their classrooms(U sually,lesson plans are written just for the teacher's own eyes and tend to be rather in formal( 3(Foreign language is a language which is not normally used for communication in a particular society(Thus English is a foreign language in China and Spanish is a foreign language in Germany( 4(When you plan to introduce changes in the classroom, you should first think carefully about the context in which you teach(Think about your school,the people involved in side and outside the classroom(such as other teachers and parents)and the resources that you have( 5(Students need to know how to deal with unknown 17 words(This is very important because we will always find words we are not sure of ordo not recognize(Dealing with thesekinds of words can help us enjoy reading and become efficient readers( VIII(Cloze test:(10points) Fill the blanks with the given words( teacher production help activity end demon strate knowledge before then use A PPP lesson is divided in to three phases:Presen tation , Practice and Production( O ne of the best ways of(1) _____ students to reach the objectives of the lesson is to introduce the new language well in the first phase of the lesson :this is Presen tation phase((2)_____ ,students need to have plenty of(3)_____ to help them to practise the new language:this is thePractice phase(Lastly,the students need time to(4)_____ the newlanguage they have learned inorder to communicate with each other: this is the(5)_____ phase( At the beginning of a PPP lesson,on lythe(6)_____ knows the new language item and howto use it(The teacher presents and teaches this language to the students by (7)_____ it to them(modeling the language),explaining 18 it and giving students lots of practice in how to use it(By the (8)_____ of the lesson,during the Productionphase,the new language becomes partof thestudents'own(9) _____ of language and they should be able touse it easily, together with other English that they have learned(10) _____ ( This is a very useful framework for the teachers of English( IX(Reading comprehension:(10points) (A) The Legends(传奇)of Arthur Most countries have stories about their legen dary founders and early heroic kings—men with magic swords, noble ideals,and special gifts(Britainis no exception,and for generations its childrenhave listened wide-eyed to the stories of King Arthur(H istorians have found the time and place ofthese stories impossible to decide,leaving a question mark over the king's actual historical existence( C(适应学生的家庭生活习惯,提高学生和家长对自己的 亲和力 D(培养学生自主学习、In the stories,Arthur is taken away 19 from his royal parents by Merlin,a wise man with supern atural powers(In order to be kept safe from the continuous warfare that was affecting Britain at the time,Arthur grows up in the family of Sir Ector(When he is in his middle teens, Arthur accompanies SirEctor and his son,Sir Kay ,on a trip tothekingdom(The people of the kingdom are disunited because no one can become king until he removes a marvelous sword fromthe stone in which it has been magicallyplaced( Not even the strongest knights can move the sword,but when Sir Kay findshehas forgotten his sword,he asks Arthur toreturn home for it(Arthur,seeing the swordhandle protruding from the stone in thecourtyard,casually pulls out the magics word for him(Sir Kay is tempted to claimthe crown for himself,but,to everyone's amazement,he admits that young Arthur is the rightful king( Arthur grows up to be a wise and honorable ruler,uniting the kingdom,and ruling it with thehelp of his 150knights(They meet at around table in Arthur's great castleat Camelot and are know nas the Knights of the Round Table(There are stories about all the knights and 20 their acts of brav-ery(They are beautiful women from dragons and giants,and they search forthe H oly Grail,a cup which is said to have super natural powers( The greatest of all of the knights is Lancelot(He tragically falls in love with the Arthur's wife,thefair Guinevere(Arthur,Guinevere,and Lancelot try to behave with honorand generosity ,but theirlove causes everyone pain( In the final great battle against theforces of evil,Arthur is terribly injured(As his kingdom is at itsend,and he is near death,he returns his magic sword to the lake where it orig in ally came from,an dsails in to the sunset(In some versions of the story he is taken to the island of Avalon to be healed(It is said that one day when Britain is in great danger,he will return( 1(From paragraph 1,we can in fer thatthe stories abo ut King Arthur are _____ ( A(out-of-date B(popular C(boring D(new 2(Who took the baby Arthur from his parent, A(MerlinB(Ector C(Kay D(Arthur 3(When Arthur was a teenager,Britain was _____ ( 21 A(peaceful B(ruled by a cruel king C(without a ruler D(in war 4(Guinevere was_____ ( A(Lancelot's wife B(Arthur's sister C(the Knight's wife D(the Q ueen 5(According to the legend,we can in fer that Arthur ( A(magically survived B(died C(ran away D(went to the sun (B) Views of Language For a long time,there has been a lot ofdiscussion about how languages are used and learnt(U ntilthe middle of the twentieth century ,many people believed that,in order to speak or write the best kind of English,you had to use complete sentences which were gram matically correct(People learning English wanted to learn to write and speak this‘Standard English’(They also wanted to sound like native speakers of English from the Home counties(Two thing s have happened to change these ideas( 篇三:小学英语教师基本功技能大赛试题 第二部分(英语.30分) 22 一(语音测试(本题共5分,每小题1分)从下列各组中 选出画线部分读音不同的词。 ( )1. A.homeB.boxC.zero D.no ( )2.A. heB.she C.see D.pen ( )3.A.middleB. hisC.hill D.nine ( )4.A.rice B.clockC.cake D. picture ( )5.A. theirB. thankC.these D.those 二(词汇测试:单词释义(本题共5分,每小题1分)根 据所给单词释义和首字母,写出这个单词。 1(n______ a piece of paper for everyday news. 2(s______ give out bright light. 3(d______ very good to eat or smell. 4(i______ a piece of land with water all around it. 5(q______ a line of people waiting for something. 三(语法测试(本题共5分,每小题1分) 1. ---- We’ll spend the vacation in Hawaii. Don’t you think it is a wonderful idea? ---- ___ I have waited for it for a whole year. Now my dream has come true. A. I don’t think so B. No, it isn’t.C. How wonderful!D. Me too . 2. ---- May I take your order now ? ---- We’d like three black 23 A(coffee B(coffees C(cups of coffeeD(cup of coffees 3.The teacher asked me to answer the question, but he asked another one I could answer it. A. as B. before C. until D. since 4. — Would you like to go to the concert with me, Mary? — I have got no interest in it; _________ , I have lots of work to do. A. otherwiseB. besides C. however D. therefore 5.----I was so sure that our experiment was going to succeed, but something went wrong at the last moment. ---- ______, but don’t give it up. A. You don’t mean that. B. Find out the reason. C. Never mind.D. I’m sorry to hear that. 四、阅读理解(5分)根据短文内容选择正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。 John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill( He called the doctor and made sure they would meet at five( He arrived at the doctor’s at twenty to five( He thought, “It’ s a little bit earlier( I’ll wait for a moment( It’s good to keep the time(” Then he stopped his car in front of the doctor’s( He looked around and saw a noisy square(广场)not far from here( He went there and sat down on a chair to enjoy the 24 last light of afternoon sun and make himself quiet( He saw some children playing and some women talking to each other happily( Suddenly he heard a girl crying( He came up to her and asked some questions( Then he knew she got lost( John tried to find out her address and took her home( The girl’s parents were very thankful( Then John hurried to the doctor’s( The doctor said angrily when he saw him, “You’re late( Why did you keep me waiting for twenty minutes?” John said nothing but one word-“Sorry!” ( )1(John drove to the doctor’s ______( A.late B(on time C(in time D(in no time ( )2(John went to the square to ______( A(spend the time B(enjoy himself C(see the children and the womenD(help the girl ( )3(The girl cried because ______( A(someone hit her B(she fell off her bike C(her parents were angry with her D(she didn’t find the way home ( )4(At last John got to the doctor’s at ______( 25 A(twenty to five B(twenty past five C(five o’clockD(forty past five ( )5(From the story, we know John is a ______( A(busy personB(quiet person C(helpful person D(lucky person 五.话题测试(共10分) 作文: 提示:以“My Favourite Job”为题,写一篇不少于150个单词的短文。 要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰,规范 26
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