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八年级下册英语作文八年级下册英语作文 本文由按时吃egg哦贡献 until4 Dear Tom, How's it going? Things are fine here. I did OK last semester.My Chinese teather said I could do better,and my English teather said that I was better at reading than listening. I didn't do well in history,but I belie...

年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 英语作文 本文由按时吃egg哦贡献 until4 Dear Tom, How's it going? Things are fine here. I did OK last semester.My Chinese teather said I could do better,and my English teather said that I was better at reading than listening. I didn't do well in history,but I believe that I can catch up with everyone else this semester. Send my love to your family. Yours, Wang Ping 1.每个人在将来都想拥有机器人,你想要你的机器人帮你做些什么呢, Hello, my name is Lin Tao. I have a dream and I hope it will come true. I hope I will have a robot called Superman at home in 2015. It will be my best friend and it can help me do many things. It will clean my car twice a day, it will be able to carry heavy boxes for me, it will play basketball and games with me. It also will help me clean the room or do other chores, it will be able to go shopping for me. How wonderful it will be ! 2.你认为你将来的生活会是什么样的,请以此为话题写一篇短文,8,10个句子。 I love basketball. I want to be a basketball player. In the future, in about ten years,I'll be on our country basketball team. I will be the captain of our team. I will live in New York. Why,Because I will play basketball in NBA. I will do best in it. So, I will be very famous. In my free time, I will travel the world. I like Europe. The people there are very polite, and the cities are very beautiful. Maybe I will go there to spend my holiday. I might even live several months there every year. 3.根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇文章。标题:我理想的工作 提示:1.长大以后当一名„„ 2.优势:如果我当了一名很好的„„,就会出名,出了名, 就可以挣很多钱,可以帮助别人,可以周游全世界,可以„„ 3.问题:如果出名,就有人会 一直关注我,这会给我的生活带来麻烦。并且我很难知道谁是真正的朋友。 My dream job Everyone has a dream, so do I. My dream job is to be a reporter. If I become a famous reporter, I will be famous and I will make lots of money. I will be rich. I can do lots of things. For example, I will be able to travel around the world. I will buy a big house for my parents and a car for myself. But if I am famous, I may have lots of trouble, my people will watch me all the time and they will follow me here and there, I can’t do everything I like to do and also it will be hard for me to realize who my really friends are , maybe I won’t be as happy as it it now. Do you think so ? 4.请看下面的图片,昨天下午4点钟,他们都在做些什么,。 In the picture, it was 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Bill and Tom were playing basketball. A cat was sleeping on the road. Bob was cleaning the window. Ann was writing something on the book. Kate was reading a book. Sally and Tessa were good friends. They were talking . Dave was drinking coffee with his friend Diana. Andy and Tony were playing chess. Gary was looking at the notice board(通知栏). Everyone was busy. 5.(用过去进行时)看图写话: It was a sunny day last Saturday. There were lots of people in the park. Where were they doing ? Look ! A man was looking out of the window. Three men were playing football. Three girls were playing games happily on the ground. A businessman was selling some fruits and a woman was buying some fruits. Two women were reading books carefully on the chair. Look there, a man was fishing and some people were boating on the lake. They were all having a great time. 6.看图写话: It was a fine day last Sunday. Lucy didn’t have classes. She went to the park by bike. At 11:10 she was standing by the lake and watching some people swimming. She put her bike behind her. While she was watching happily, a thief was steeling her bike. She found his bike was stolen at 11:20. So she called the police at once. How sad she was ! 本TXT由“文库宝”下载:
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