首页 中餐服务员培训计划



中餐服务员培训计划中餐服务员培部计划 第一节课 一、讲解XXX大酒店的规模和业务知识,自我介绍和各部门的地喱位置及部门主 管名单,课堂守则、职业道德和服务的含义 1、 XXX大酒店座落于„,交通方便。装修豪华舒适,幽静雅致,是一家集餐饮、娱乐、 休闲、旅业,美容美发于一体的综合性酒店。酒店一楼大堂富丽堂皇,设有西餐厅、美 容美发厅。二、三楼燕鲍翅海鲜酒楼,拥有可容立600多人用餐的宴会大厅和KTV包 厢。音响影视一应齐全,适合社会各阶层人士及团体宴会用餐。四、五楼休闲中心,六、 七楼豪华客房,使您在匆忙的都市节奏中寻找一个幽静...

中餐服务员培部 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 第一节课 一、讲解XXX大酒店的规模和业务知识,自我介绍和各部门的地喱位置及部门主 管名单,课堂守则、职业道德和服务的含义 1、 XXX大酒店座落于„,交通方便。装修豪华舒适,幽静雅致,是一家集餐饮、娱乐、 休闲、旅业,美容美发于一体的综合性酒店。酒店一楼大堂富丽堂皇,设有西餐厅、美 容美发厅。二、三楼燕鲍翅海鲜酒楼,拥有可容立600多人用餐的宴会大厅和KTV包 厢。音响影视一应齐全,适合社会各阶层人士及团体宴会用餐。四、五楼休闲中心,六、 七楼豪华客房,使您在匆忙的都市节奏中寻找一个幽静的地方,让心境归泊而至,邂逅 一种美丽的心情。酒店设有大型会议中心、商务中心,地下设有大型停车场,可同时停 泊100多辆大小车辆,为每一位宾客提供优质快捷的服务。 2、 各部门的主管人员: 二、课堂守则: (1)全神贯注 (2)用心聆听 (3)做好笔记 (4)尊重老师 )发问有秩序 (5 (6)提问有反应 (7)不厌其烦 (8)平耻下问 三、职业道德,是指从事酒店职业的人,在职业活动的整逐步形成过程中,必须遵循的行为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 和行为准则。 1、 良好职业道德养成的基本因素:提高职业认识、培养职业感情、磨练职业意志、坚定职 业信念;养成良好的职业和习惯。 2、 酒店职业道德的主要规范:(1)热情友好、宾客至上。(2)真诚公道、信誉第一。(3) 文明礼貌、优质服务。(4)团结协作、顾全大局。(5)遵纪守法,廉洁奉公。(6)钻研 业务,提高技能。 3、 修养:是指个人在政治、思想、道德品质和知识技能等方面,经过长期锻炼和培养达到 的一定水平,以及迅速养成的在待人处事方面的正确态度。 四、什么是服务: 1、服务:为满足顾客需要供应与顾客接触的和供应内部活动产生的结果,在酒店行业中它主要包括——A、礼貌礼仪、服务员礼貌礼仪、个人卫生、谈吐、笑容这些虽然给客人的一种内心感受,但却十分重要,它满足了客人的精神需要。 2卫生清洁:卫生包括了环境卫生设备各种用品,也包括了食品饮料等方面的卫生,还包括服务员的个人卫生。 3、服务员态度重要表现在对客人的热情服务、主动服务和周到服务等方面,服务态度来自对服务工作的认识。 4、服务项目:主要指的是向客人提供服务内容,是满足客人在酒店中的要求服务项目是变family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 化的,随着客人的需要而变化,在考虑成本客人需求满足情况下尽量协调好通对予直。 5、服务人技术和技巧: A、服务技术是服务员向客人提供服务表现出来的操作方法和技巧。 B、服务技巧是服务技术在不同场合下,不同时间中对不同对象服务时适应具体情况而灵活,恰当地远用其它包括接待艺术、语言艺术应变处理、推销艺术、投诉处理、索赔艺术等。 C、服务效率:服务效率是服务工作的时间概念,是提供某种服务的时间限制,也通过三种方式表现:a用工时定额表示固定的服务效率。b、用时限表示服务效率。c、是一种时间的要领虽然它没有明确的时候,标准是靠客人的感觉来衡量效率。 6、服务要求: 服务人员的服务要求基本要做到: 热情、主动、周到、效率地为宾客服务,当好客人参谋,满足客人的合理要求,虚心听取客人的意见,不断提高服务水平。 热情:面带笑容、态度和蔼、语言亲切有礼,以热情的态度帮助客人解决问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 主动:主动有礼地与客人打招呼,主动介绍菜式品种、特点、价格。 周到:从关心客人的需要出发,千方百计为客人服务。 效率:在服务工作中,要讲求速度、不拖拉、不怠慢客人、服务要适时、尽量为客人提供方便。 五、什么是优质服务, 1、 优质服务是热情的接待、礼貌的微笑和周到的照料,是服务于客人还没有开口之时已经 迅速及时地进行服务,不公体现在服务员的仪容、仪表、它体现在服务员的礼貌用语上, 同时还体现在服务员之间的工作直辖市上和互相帮助上,优质服务的条件。 A、礼貌的微笑 B、真诚热情的态度 C、整齐的仪容仪表 D、细心聆听灵敏的恰当反应技巧 E、纯熟的服务知识及技巧 、你应该怎样做, 2 (1)你必须真诚喜欢现在的工作,不要以骑牛找马的心态应付这份工作。 (2)你必须认识你的服务工作做得好与坏对酒店的经营效益、声誉和你个人前途的影响。 (3)你必须以你的工作为荣热爱你的工作,确定一个奋斗的目标。 (4)对你的工作有良好的态度正确的意识那是宾客至上,服务第一,对你身边的客,尽量一视同仁,平时多注意自己的仪容、仪表行为、举止、语言训练,养成良好的习惯。 (5)对你的同事上司、客人都必须要有礼貌,以创造一个和谐的工作环境为重。 (6)深入钻研、了解你的工作,每一个环节、以优质的服务招待你的每一个客人。 3、 A、仪态: (1) 本部员工以站立姿态服务。 (2) 正确的站立姿势应是:双脚以两扇同宽、自然垂直、分开、体重均落在双脚上、肩 平、头正、两眼平视、前方挺胸收腹。 (3) 在服务区域内;身体不得东歪西倒、前倾、后靠不得、伸懒腰、驼背、耸肩。 B、仪表: (1) 体面部、头部必须清洁提倡每天洗澡、换洗内衣裤袜。 (2) 每天要刷牙、上班前不食异味食物以保持口腔清洁。 u, XuZhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member X se of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group ofHe (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cau the enemy under the butcher's knife. my threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to ings are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of eneChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-ong as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan, as luting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you sees power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shoenemy'ilitary in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the f people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese mfamily 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds o2feat, buts deremnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a seriou Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the 中餐服务员培训计划 (3) 头发要常洗、整齐、上班要梳头,男员工每天要刮胡须。 (4) 女员工在上班前化淡妆,不得浓妆艳抹,男员工不得化妆。 (5) 所有员工都穿酒店规定的鞋,男服务员要穿黑袜,女服务员要穿肉色袜。 (6) 不得佩带任何饰物、不留长指甲、女员工不得涂指甲油。 (7) 必须在上岗前佩戴好员工牌,应佩带在左上胸处,不得任其歪歪扭扭。 (8) 注意修整、发现问题及时纠正进入服务区域之前也应该检查仪表。 C、表情: (1) 微笑是员工最起码应有的表情。 (2) 而对待客人应表现热情、亲切、真实、友好,必要时还应有同情的表情,做到精神 振奋、情绪饱满。 (3) 和人客交谈时,应眼望对方,频频点头称示。 (4) 双手不得叉腰,或交叉胸前,插入衣服或随意乱放。 (5) 行走要迅速不得跑步、不得二人并肩而行、搭膊挽手,与客人相遇应靠边而走,不 得从二人中间穿行,请人让路要讲“对不起”,不得横冲直撞。 (6) 在客人面前不得经常看手表。 (7) 咳嗽应轻身转向后说:“对不起”。 (8) 不得谈笑大声说,喊、叫乱丢乱碰物品,发出了不必要的响声。 (9) 不得用笔杆、或手指指向客人、如为客人指示方向。 (10) 在客人服务时,不得流露出厌烦、愤怒、僵硬、噪张和恐惧的态度表现,不得扭捏 作态、做鬼脸、吐舌眨眼。 (11) 员工在服务工作,打电话与客人交谈时,不得无所表示,等客人先开口。 第二节课 一、基本的礼貌用语,礼貌、礼节的运用,表情和改善礼貌的素质。 日常礼貌用语: 1、欢迎光临2、早晨3、您好~请问一共几位4、请这边走5、请坐6、请问你喜欢饮什么茶,7、请用茶8、请用巾9、请品尝小食10、请问可以帮你点菜吗,11、请看菜谱12、请问喜欢吃什么,13、请问是否可以起菜14、请问喜欢饮些什么酒水15、请饮汤16、请让一让17、请起筷18、请稍等19、请用饭20、请问今天的菜式可以吗,21、对不起、我马上给你更换22、请慢用23、请问用什么结账方式结账24多谢多少钱25、多谢惠顾26、欢迎下次光临 1、 直接用称谓语:先生、小姐、太太;(如:刘生) 2、 间接称谓语:哪位先生、哪位女士、哪位小姐、你的夫人、你的朋友。 3、 欢迎语:欢迎你光临我们的酒店,希望我们的出品、服务能令你满意。 二、礼貌: 礼是与人之间和睦相处的守规和行为;貌是人与人之间和睦相处的具体表现。 1、为什么要注意礼貌, A、服务行业的一份子,礼貌是成功的关键; B、以礼待人和气生财; C、令到客人有宾至如归的感觉。 D、怎样才能做到礼貌服务, E、A、了解客人;B、了解商品;C、举止文雅;D、注意聆听;E、笑口常开;F、整齐清洁;G、谈吐得体;H、乐于助人; 3egration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, butng intrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Fee Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacBrigadsprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood He (she) for the wn with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. e waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" doings arChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-rmy, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japanrial Ae ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Impeand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none havYouth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each h family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps 2、怎样培养和改善礼貌的素质, A、热爱我们的工作; B、争取主动,使用最佳的方法,令客人满足的同时,也可以帮到你; C、遵守规章制度同方针; D、发展自己的能力和做好本职工作; E、忠心、诚实; F、做到和信赖自己的人(上司交给的任务、快捷地完成); 三、礼节: A、打招呼(同事和客人要打招呼); B、同事之间互相理解,互相体谅宽容; C、对客人要面带笑容“请”字当头“请”不离口; D、对客人热情有礼; E、严禁对别人(或客人)评头论足,不得用不礼貌的语言、方言挖苦别人或攻击他人; F、仪表、仪态(站立姿势两脚垂直,眼望前方,身体、脚要干净,上班化淡妆等); G、戴员工证。 四、表情: (1)微笑、表现热情、真切、精神饱满。 2)同客人交谈,互视要点头。 ( (3)双手不得插腰,插裤等。 (4)行走不得两人并肩。 (5)同客人相遇,必须靠边而行,不能穿过去。 (6)不得横冲直撞。 (7)在客人面前不得时时看表。 (8)不得谈笑、大声谈话。 (9)不得用手和笔杆指示客人或者为客人指示方向。 (10)不得在客人面前有露出惊慌、伸头、缩脑。 五、语言、言谈 (1)声音要自然、请晰、柔和。 (2)不能讲粗言、污辱性的语言。 (3)三个人一起以上不能讲其中一个人听不出的话。 (4)不得模仿他人的语言、仪表。 (5)不讲过份的玩笑。 (6)不得用任何措口顶撞他人,讽刺他人。 (7)要称呼客人姓氏。 (8)指第三者的时候,不能“他”应称呼:“先生、小姐”。 (9)任何时候不可以讲“喂,不知道”。 第三节课 优质服务、目标、宗旨、酒店的管理方针,酒店的含义,和酒店包括的部门。 一、什么是优质服务, 热情的接待,礼貌的微笑和周到的照料,是服务于客人还未开口之时已迅速、及时地进行服 u, XuZhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member X se of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group ofHe (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cau the enemy under the butcher's knife. my threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to ings are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of eneChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-ong as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan, as luting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you sees power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shoenemy'ilitary in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the f people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese mfamily 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds o4feat, buts deremnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a seriou Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the 中餐服务员培训计划 务,不仅体现在服务员的仪容、仪表、也体现在服务员的礼貌、语言上、同时也体现在服务之间的工作协调和互相帮助上,优质服务多少具备条件,礼貌的微笑、真诚、热情的服务态度、整齐的仪容、仪表、细心聆听、灵敏的反应,恰当的应对技巧,纯熟的服务知识,技巧服务。 二、目标和宗旨: 宗旨:宾客至上、服务第一、宾至如归; 目标:以高质量的出品,有好高鹜远服务的出品及灵活之推销技巧,满足顾客的消费心理,力争顾客的再次光临,以及他们的朋友介绍我们的服务,以求注意蒸蒸日上,以有效率的管理控制损耗,争取最大经济效益。 三、酒店的管理方针: 1、增强全体员工的服务意识,做到出品精良,服务优质树立国内一流水平之酒店精神。 2、严格管理、提高效益、加强成本核算,“杜绝浪费”,争取合理的利用。 3、提高员工素质,量才用人,对工作能力强,工作表现好的员工随时给予晋升机会。 四、什么是酒店, 酒店给人一种“家外之家”的感觉。 五、酒店、餐厅和酒楼有什么不同, 档次不同:酒店有专业服务、优良的出品, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 好、环境好。 专业服务:礼貌、仪表、热诚、严格比较服务程序去做。 六、酒店包括的部门: 财务部、人事部、餐饮部、客房部、工程部、保安部、医务部、销售部、防务部、成本作业部、洗衣部。 第四节课 服务员的职责:对所有家私的认识:托盘的认识和使用、技巧:台布的使用和选择,以及台布的铺法定位。学习摆散台、宴会的要求和标准。 服务员在领班的带领下,做好餐厅服务、准备、清洁等工作。 一、服务员的岗位职责: 1、着装整洁、守时、礼貌、服从指挥。 2、负责擦干净餐具、服务用具,搞好餐厅卫生工作。 3、负责餐厅棉织品的头等送洗、点数、 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 工作。 4、负责布置餐桌摆位,做好服务前的一切准备工作。 5、负责补充工作台,准备服务特式菜肴的手推车,燃焰炉等一切用品。 6、熟悉各种酒水、鸡尾酒,做好推销工作。 7、熟悉餐厅菜单上各种不同的菜肴,了解其原材料、配料、烹调方法及时间、口味、掌握菜肴的服务方式。 8、按餐厅规定的服务程序和规格,为宾客提供尽善尽美的服务。 9、负责将所有脏餐具送到洗涤间分类摆放,并及时补充餐柜应有的餐具。 10、负责在宾客走后番台,或为下一餐摆位。 11、负责作好每一市的餐后工作。 二、家私的认识: 1、早茶用具:骨碟、匙更、翅碗、茶杯、杯碟、筷子、毛巾、牙签; 2、早茶的摆位:骨碟摆在正中,翅碟是摆在左上方,匙更放在翅碗上,杯是摆在左边,牙签是排在筷子和骨碟中间,筷子排在右上边,豉油碟摆在右上方。 3、午餐和晚餐的摆法:将席巾折成盆花排在盘上边,水杯排在翅碗与豉油碟之间上方中间, 5egration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, butng intrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Fee Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacBrigadsprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood He (she) for the wn with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. e waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" doings arChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-rmy, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japanrial Ae ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Impeand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none havYouth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each h family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps 其它与早茶相同。 4、饭市家私:翅碗、筷子、筷子架、毛巾碟、牙签、匙更、骨碟、水杯、杯碟、豉油碟、茶杯; 5、厅房饭市家私:SP骨碟、骨碟、翅碗、匙更、豉油碟、筷子架、筷子、牙签、分更、席巾、汽水杯、红酒杯、洋酒杯(由左边开始高低顺序排摆)大笼头、大公勺、公用的分更。 6、摆位及其摆法:将要用的餐具整齐放在托盘里边,左手拿托盘、右手摆餐具,从主位开始、顺时针方向用右手摆,要注意手法的卫生,骨碟是拿边缘,匙更是拿更的梗,酒杯是拿杯脚,茶杯是拿杯耳或是杯底,当客人入座后摆位里一个后拿一个,切忌是非模式排位,方向是一致,如有小菜牌正面向门口。 三、托盘的用途:(根据托盘的用途不同,分大、中、小三个规格的方形、长方形、圆形托盘); 长方形:一般用于端饭送菜,传菜部主要使用; 圆形:一般用于摆、换、撤餐具、酒具等,主要适用于楼面。 四、托盘的操作方法: 胸前托(轻托);这种方式适用于中、小型托盘。 (一)操作方法: 1、理盘: a)将要用的托盘先洗净擦干,在托盘内垫上洁净的花垫或专用盘布,铺平拉正,使整理铺垫后的托盘既整洁美观,同时又可以避免托盘内的物品滑动。 b)现在流行纤维托盘,可防滑,不用垫布,方便实用。 、装盘: 2 根据物品的形状、重量、体积和使用的先后顺序合理、卫生装盘,一般是重物,高物在里面,先用的物品在上,在前面;后用的物品在下,在后。 3、托送: 左手臂自然弯成90度角,掌心向上,五指分开,用手指和掌托住盘底(掌心不与盘底接触)平托于胸前。行走时,要头正肩平,注视前方,脚步轻盈,托托盘的手要轻松灵话,使托盘在胸前随着走路的节奏,自由摆动。此时切忌僵硬死板。因为越死板,盘中酒水、汤汁越容易外溢。但托盘上下摆动的幅度不可过大,否则既不美观也不礼貌。 (二)肩上托(重托); 多用于大型托盘。 五、台布的使用与选择: 台布有多种式样和多种颜色,质地有织棉台布、提花台布、工艺锈花台布、布台布。颜色有黄、白、红、绿等。 铺台布的作用:卫生、美观且便于服务。铺台布时,要根据餐台大小选择合适的台布。 台面规格 人数 台布规格 120cm 4—6人 180cm 160cm 8—10人 220cm 180cm 12人 240cm 六、铺台布:(铺台布前要认真检验员查台布,如发现有破损和污迹等要予以更换)。 1、中餐宴会铺台布; (一)铺台布的方法:中餐宴会一般使用圆台,铺台布时服务员应站在打荷位(上菜服务位置,即副主人右边第一与第二位客人之间)。铺台布有三道工序即抖台布、定位和整平。抖 se of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group ofHe (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cau the enemy under the butcher's knife. my threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to ings are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of eneChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-ong as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan, as luting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you sees power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shoenemy'ilitary in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the f people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese mfamily 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds o6feat, buts deremnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a seriou Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the u, XuZhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member X 中餐服务员培训计划 台布时用力不要过大,做到动作熟练,干净利落、一次定位。 (二)铺台布的标准:台布的正面向上,中心线对准主、副位置,十字中心居桌中,舒展平整,四边垂下部分均匀,四角对桌边。 2、当众换台布的方法 liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood He (she) for the wn with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. e waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" doings arChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-rmy, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japanrial Ae ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Impeand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none havYouth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each h family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps7egration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, butng intrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Fee Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacBrigadsprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin
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