首页 建筑结构 形成性考核1_0001

建筑结构 形成性考核1_0001


建筑结构 形成性考核1_0001建筑结构 形成性考核1_0001 建筑结构 形成性考核1_0001 一、单项选择题(共 12 道试题,共 60 分。) 得分:60 1. 下列关于钢筋混凝土结构的说法错误的是( )。 A. 钢筋混凝土结构自重大,有利于大跨度结构、高层建筑结构及抗震 B. 取材较方便、承载力高、耐久性佳、整体性强 C. 施工需要大量模板、工序复杂、周期较长、受季节气候影响大 D. 耐火性优、可模性好、节约钢材、抗裂性差 满分:5 分 2. 对于有明显流幅的钢筋,其设计强度取值的依据一般是( )。 A. 最大应变对...

建筑结构 形成性考核1_0001
建筑结构 形成性考核1_0001 建筑结构 形成性考核1_0001 一、单项选择题(共 12 道 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 ,共 60 分。) 得分:60 1. 下列关于钢筋混凝土结构的说法错误的是( )。 A. 钢筋混凝土结构自重大,有利于大跨度结构、高层建筑结构及抗震 B. 取材较方便、承载力高、耐久性佳、整体性强 C. 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 需要大量模板、工序复杂、周期较长、受季节气候影响大 D. 耐火性优、可模性好、节约钢材、抗裂性差 满分:5 分 2. 对于有明显流幅的钢筋,其设计强度取值的依据一般是( )。 A. 最大应变对应的应力 B. 极限抗拉强度 C. 屈服强度 D. 比例极限 满分:5 分 3. 混凝土的强度以( )为特征值。 A. 混凝土的立方体抗压强度 B. 混凝土的抗压强度 C. 混凝土的轴心抗拉强度 D. 混凝土的立方体抗压强度 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 值 满分:5 分 4. 结构的功能要求不包括( )。 A. 安全性 B. 适用性 C. 耐久性 D. 经济性 满分:5 分 seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3-drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft 5. 我国混凝土结构设计规范规定:混凝土强度等级依据( )确定。 A. 圆柱体抗压强度标准 B. 轴心抗压强度标准值 C. 棱柱体抗压强度标准值 D. 立方体抗压强度标准值 满分:5 分 6. 结构上的作用可分为直接作用和间接作用两种,下列不属于间接作用的是( )。 A. 地震 B. 风荷载 C. 地基不均匀沉降 D. 温度变化 满分:5 分 7. 下列各项中( )达到承载力使用极限状态。 A. 轴心受压柱因达到临界荷载而丧失稳定性 B. 影响外观的变形 C. 令人不适的振动 D. 影响耐久性能的局部损坏 满分:5 分 8. 对荷载的标准值和设计值关系描述正确的是( )。 A. 荷载的设计值,标准值×荷载的分项系数 B. 荷载的设计值,标准值?荷载的分项系数 C. 荷载的标准值,设计值×荷载的分项系数 满分:5 分 9. 永久荷载效应控制的内力组合,其永久荷载和活荷载的分项系数取为( )。 A. 1.35和1.4 B. 1.35和1.4 seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3-drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft C. 1.2和1.3 D. 1.2和1.35 满分:5 分 10. 当结构或构件( )时,我们认为其超过了承载能力极限状态。 A. 倾覆、过大的滑移 B. 挠度超过允许值 C. 裂缝宽度超过允许限值 D. 出现一条细微裂缝 满分:5 分 11. 有明显流幅的热轧钢筋,其屈服强度是以( )为依据的。 A. 比例极限 B. 强度极限 C. 屈服上限 D. 屈服下限 满分:5 分 12. 混凝土的强度等级为C30,则下列说法正确的是( )。 2A. 其立方体抗压强度标准值达到了30N/mm 2B. 其轴心抗压强度达到了30 N/mm 2C. 其立方体抗压强度标准值达到了30 N/m 2D. 其轴心抗压强度达到了30 N/m 满分:5 分 二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。) 得分:40 1. 材料强度的设计值等于材料强度的标准值乘以材料分项系数。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:4 分 2. 通常所说的混凝土结构是指素混凝土结构,而不是指钢筋混凝土结构。 A. 错误 seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3-drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft B. 正确 满分:4 分 3. 相同等级的混凝土,其立方体抗压强度大于轴心抗压强度,轴心抗压强度大于轴心抗 拉强度。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:4 分 4. 目前普通的钢筋混凝土构件中,常用的钢筋级别为HRB400和HPB235。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:4 分 5. 钢筋混凝土构件采用HRB335级钢筋时,混凝土强度等级不宜低于C15。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:4 分 6. 钢筋的伸长率越小, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明钢筋的塑性和变形能力越好。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:4 分 7. 混凝土强度等级应按棱柱体抗压强度标准值确定。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:4 分 8. 钢筋的屈强比越大,强度储备越大,钢筋的利用程度越高。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:4 分 9. 荷载设计值等于荷载标准值乘以荷载分项系数,材料强度设计值等于材料强度标准值 乘以材料分项系数。 A. 错误 seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3-drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft B. 正确 满分:4 分 10. 只存在结构承载能力的极限状态,结构的正常使用不存在极限状态。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:4 分 seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3-drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft
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