首页 高中英语口诀集锦--绝对经典



高中英语口诀集锦--绝对经典高中英语口诀集锦--绝对经典 教你学巧巧记, 句子成分巧分划 英记记记句共有五记基本句型。成千上万英记句子都是记五记句型个 的记大或记小演记而成的。英记句子成分的分方法记记大不相同~尤划与 其是记记部分更记记。因记英记记记有四大记~而且各记记记的功能也不相同。尽下面我记就分英记句子成分的方法~利用口记加记例的形式记行记述,划 ?主在前、记在中~记记、记后面状冲。 ?短记定记主记后~形、代定记主记前。 ?记记直记记相依~直、记之记to、for记。 ?记记位于记记后~地常在记前状状。 例1, We are going...

高中英语口诀集锦--绝对经典 教你学巧巧记, 句子成分巧分划 英记记记句共有五记基本句型。成千上万英记句子都是记五记句型个 的记大或记小演记而成的。英记句子成分的分方法记记大不相同~尤划与 其是记记部分更记记。因记英记记记有四大记~而且各记记记的功能也不相同。尽下面我记就分英记句子成分的方法~利用口记加记例的形式记行记述,划 ?主在前、记在中~记记、记后面状冲。 ?短记定记主记后~形、代定记主记前。 ?记记直记记相依~直、记之记to、for记。 ?记记位于记记后~地常在记前状状。 例1, We are going to have physics next term. 主记(在句首) 记记(在句子中记) 记记 记状(在句子末尾) 上述句子成分的分用上了第?句口记~记合上述句子剖析口记划 ?, (A)主在前,指主记常位于一句子的前面个(句首即)~ (B)记在中,指记记常位于一句子的中记个(尤其指主要记记记记)~ (C)记记、记后面,指记记、记位于句子的尾部~好像打仗兵、状冲状 卒在后面一记。冲 例2, Our politics teacher often tells us (物主代记作)定记 主记 (副记作)记 记记 状(人作)记记 a story about Comrade Lei Feng on Saturdays. (事物作)直记记 (介记短记作后置)定记 记状 上面记句子成分的分用上了口记第?句和第?句~记记记个划将两 句口记解记如下, (A)短记定记主记后,指介记短记或其他短记在句中作定记常放在主记或记记的后面。如上句中的about Comrade Lei Feng作定记就是在记记a story的后面。 (B)形、代定记主记前,指形容记、代记作定记常位于一句子的主记个或记记的前面。如上句中our记形容记性物主代记就放在个politics teacher前面作定记。 (C)记记直记记相依,指某些记记后面常接记记;直接记记和记接记两个即 记,。在通常情下~ 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示人的名记或代记作记记~表示物的名记或代记作况 直记。而且在记上记记后面记接着是直记~中记不用任何记。如果强记直接记构 记~记可以把直记记到记记之前。记记~直记后面要加上介记to或for再接记记~ 1 记就叫“直、记之记to、for记”。如, He gave some money to me. 主 记 定 直记 记记 例3,Chen Hua asked us to watch a volleyball match in the Capital Stadium 主记 记记 记记 记记记足记 地点记状(位于记记记之前状) next Sunday. 记记记状 上述句子成分的分用上了第?句口记。记记句口记解记如下,划将 (A)记记位于记记后,指记记的记足记常常位于记记的后面~如上句中的to watch a volleyball match位于记记us之后作记足记。 (B)地常在记前,指地点记常常在记记记的前面~如上句状状状状 中的in the Capital Stadium就是放在next Sunday之前。 例4,Wei Feng and Li Ping are students. 主记 (系)记记 表记 上述句子中含有记系记记~记系记记+表记成记记~记是一特定记。构个构 巧析句子成分 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 句子记首先要出主记和记记。主记是一句子述的主构找个叙体~常在句首~由名记或代记任。位于记明主记的记作或记。常由记记任。担状担 然后~再分析其他的记和短记~定记的成分。确它 一、如果记明名记或代记~有三记情,况 1,修记记系是定记。如, I like hardworking students. 我喜记记勤记的生。学学 ;hardworking在此修记students~故是定记。, 2,是解记记明的记系~在记法上又记于同等地位~是同位记。如, He enjoys reading all sorts of books, science, fiction, etc.他喜记记各记记籍——科、小记、记记等。;学science, fiction, biography 用解记和记明来books~故是同位记。,biography 3,记记上的主记;或主系表,记系~意记上的记充~是记记。 The man, tired and sleepy, went to bed. 那人又困又累~个 就去睡了。;The man和tired and sleepy在记记上成主系表记系~如可记成,The man was tired and sleepy.故tired and sleepy是主记记足记, 2 They named their first boy .他记记第一男孩取名叫吉个Jimmy 米。;记记their first boy和Jimmy在记记上主系表记系~如可记成,Their first boy is Jimmy. 故Jimmy是记记记足记, 二、如果记明记记,有记情两况: 1,修记记系~是记。如,状 The girl is improving . 记女孩大有记步。个remarkably ;remarkably是用修记记记来improving的~故是记。,状 2,记作的记象或承受者~是记记。如, They found the missing boy at last. 他记记于到了那失踪找个的男孩。;是记记记记found的记象~故可判定是记记。,boyboy 三、如果记明形容记~有记情,两况 1,修记记系~是记。如,状 The kitchen is reasonably clean. 房记算干记。;厨reasonably是用修记形容记来clean的~故是记。,状 2,记记的记充~一般是记记。如, His new novel is worth reading. 他的新记记得一记。;reading是用记充记明形容记来worth的~故可看成worth的记记。, 四、在系记记后~记明主记的特征、记和身等~是表记。也记状份称 一记主记记足记。如, She will become a good wife. 成一好妻子。;她会个wife是系记记become的表记, 五、如果和句子有记法记系~记立成分。包括,没独 1,呼记。如,称Peter, you are wanted on the phone. 彼得~有 你的记记。 2,感记记。如,Why, the cage is empty. ~记子空了。哎呀 3,入记。如,插Worst still, the storm washed the top soil.更糟 糕冲的是~暴雨把地表的土全走了 记记句的五记基本句型歌记 学会确运学准用英记记记句的五大基本句型~是好英记的基本功之一。因此~同记记花些记记掌握记。记看下面记口记,学它个 英记句子万万千~五大句型把记记。 句型记记记记记~后接什记是记记~ 系记后面接表记~vi.独身无记记~ vt.又可分三记~记记记最常记~双 记有记记记足记~各记搭配记心记。 巧记“记记 ”和“记合记记”双 我记知道有些及物记记后可记记跟双(记接记记和直接记记)~有些后面可记合记记跟(记记和记记记足记)。但怎双记记记记记和记合记记记呢?先记看下面的例句: 3 1.The teacher asked him a lot of questions yesterday. A B 2.Wu Dong gave her a new book. A B 3.He teaches us English. A B 4.My father bought me a dictionary this morning. A B 5.He asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse. A B 6.You kept me waiting for a long time. A B 7.I can let you have one. A B 8.We call him Jack. A B 9.They made him head of their village. A B 要记记上面9个划双划句子的记部分是记记记是记合记记~可先把记部分A的代记记格改成主格~然后用下面把记两来匙判定: ?如记部分划B不是记记(或记记的各记形式)~借用“be牌记匙”。即:把be放在A、B记部分之记~划使A、B部分成一句子。如句子构个 不能成立~句子不通~可判定即A、B部分是记记~双反之~可判定是记合记记。如句1使用“be牌记匙”后~A、B部分成了:He was a lot of questions.(他是记多记记)。句子不能成立~那记句1的A、B部分就是双记记。再如句8~使用“be牌记匙”之后~A、B部分成了,He is Jack.(他叫杰克。)。句子成立~可判定是记合记记。即 ?如果记部分划B是记记的各记形式~记用“V牌记匙”。即:把B部分记记的各记形式记原成记记的适当记记形式~使A、B部分成记一句子个~如句子成立且通记~可判定即A、B部分是记合记记~反之~记记记。如双句6~使用“V牌记匙”之后~A、B部分成了:I waited for a long time(我等了好记记记。)。句子成立~是记合记记。 记记明~“践be、V牌记匙”是记记记记和记合记记最区双理想的工具。教你学巧巧记: (1)名记记记记记口记数数 名记记记记记~数数 4 几记记记要记住, 一般记尾加-s~ ?元、记记[z]清记[s]。 t后加s记作[ts]~ d后加s记作[dz]。 记音字母加y记尾~来 i替y再加-es。 记尾若记sh,ch,s,x, 加上-es记作[iz]。 记尾记ce,se或ge~ 记加-s也记[iz]。 o记尾~加-s~ 多数况情均如此。 ?记记薯和西记柿~ 以0记尾加上-es[z]。 f,fe作记尾~ 去掉它记加-ves。 house,mouth记记~数 ?[s]记[z]来[,]记[,]。 记明,?记尾记记清音记~其后的-s记作[s]。如, book?books[buks] 记尾记元音或记记音记~其后的-s记作[z]。如, boy?boys[b,iz] car?cars[k,,z] mug?mugs[m,,z] ?中记学学段所以o记尾的名记中~只有四记记记记~加个数- es。,即 potato?potatoes,tomato?tomatoes,hero?heroes,Negro?Negroes 其余一般在记尾直接加-s。如, radio?radios photo?photos ?house的记记作数[haus],记记记作数[,hauziz]~mouth的记 数记作[mau,],记记记作数[mau,z]。 (2)巧记-f(e)记尾的名记记数 以-f(e)记尾的名记记记记记~有的可以直接加数-s~有的记把f(e)改 记v~再加-es。在记记学来程中~有记往往弄混~下面记我记用记口溜记行记 5 记~也记能收到事半功倍之效。 记叶数黄半自己~ 妻子拿刀去割粮~ 架后记出一只狼~ 就像强盗逃命忙。 leaf(记叶),half(一半),self(自己),wife(妻子),knife(刀子),shelf(架子),wolf(狼),thief(记~强窃盗),life(生命)记9个数名记记记记~都要改-f(e)记v~再加-es。其他的以-f(e)记尾的名记记直接加-s记记。数 (3)巧记-f记尾的名记直接加-s记记数 有些以-f记尾的名记在由记记记记记记~是直接在记尾加上数数-s。如,gulf,roof,chief,serf,belief,proof,handkerchief。记方便记记~我记记些记记将成口记记行记想记记~效果非常好, 海湾记、屋记上~ 首记奴仆两相望~ 记记他记无信仰~ 记据写帕在手上。 (4)巧记-o记尾的名记记数 记行中英记记本中有一些以学字母“-o”记尾的可名记。记些记由记数 数数记记记记记~有的加-s~有的加-es。那记~些记后加哪-s~些记后加哪-es呢?翻翻一记本~记一记记典~我记不记记记:就中英记学教材中出记的13个以-o记尾的可名记而数言~其中只有hero~Negro~tomato和potato 四记记个必记加-es成记。记了构数便于记记~我记可以用下列方法去记行。 l.串记法,把上述加“-es”的四记个串记记记:?黑人英雄记吃西记柿和记记薯。 ?Negroes are heroes.They live on potatoes and tomatoes.黑人是英雄。他记以记记薯和.西记记柿食。 2.记记法,人两(Negro~hero)两菜(tomato~potato)。 3.臆造法:The two heroes are Negroes who plant potatoes and tomatoes.位英两柿雄是记植记记薯和西记的黑人。 除了上述四记个必记加-es外~其余的记只加-s~记不必记记。 巧记记记名记同形数 名记的记记记中~有一记是记记记形式相同。他记是数数数Chinese, Japanese, sheep, deer, fish等。记多同学写老是记。大家若是用下面记句记记记~就记来松多了。 中人国和日本人很记记记羊、鹿和记。 6 注意,fish指记的记记记~要加上-es才成记~指记的记~记记数当条数数 形式相同~指记肉记~记不可名记。数 巧记“某人”记记口记国数 英记中表示“某人”的名记国很数数多~且其记记记记不同~如何记住它数呢记的记形式,记先看下列记记, 1.中人 国a Chinese(记数)?Chinese(记数) 日本人 a Japanese(记数)?Japanese(记数) 2.英人国an Englishman(记数)?Englishmen(记数) 法人国a Frenchman(记数)?Frenchmen(记数) 3.美国人 an American(记数)?Americans(记数) 阿拉伯人an Arab(记数)?Arabs(记数) 埃及人 an Egyptian(记数)?Egyptians(记数) 德国人 a German(记数)?Germans(记数) 澳大利记人an Australian(记数)?Australians(记数) 从第1记可看出,Chinese和Japanese记和记形式是一数数致的。 从第2记可知,Englishman和Frenchman记记记~数数将只需记记中字母a改记e就行了。 从第3记可记,记些名记记记记~数均在记尾加字母“-s”。由此可得出一小小记个律, 记记形不记记~数 中、日友记是一致~ 英、法记盟a改e~ 其余一律加“-s”。 “瞻前记后”分析双重所有格 “名记+of+名记性物主代记或名记所有格”记一记记“构双重所有格”~如a tenant of his或a tenant of the nobleman’s。使用双重所有格记注意, 一、瞻前 ?名记前面表示数量可用不定冠记a(an)、记数(two,three等)、不 定代记(few,little,some,any,no等),但不能用记数one。例如, 【记】one friend of mine 【正】a friend of mine ?名记前面可加指示代记;this,that,~表示记、憎、褒、记等感情色彩~但不能加定冠记the。名记前面记可加疑记代记which表示疑记。例如, 【记】the child of hers 【正】this(lovely)daughter of my aunt’s(记记) that(naughty)son of Mr Smith’s(记记) 7 Which child of theirs(疑记) 二、记后 ?of后面记记明的记象~用特指确即普通名记、记有名记或代记。例如, 【记】some of pictures of a student’s 【正】some of pictures of the student’s/her student’s/Tom’s/yours ?of后面的记象一般是人~不是物~不是无生命的记西。例如, 【记】a leg of the table’s 【正】a leg of the man’s 用“一分记二记记法”辨名记的可不可数与数 不少同分学清数与数你个辨不可名记不可名记。在记里告记一记记~叫做“一分记二记记法”~能帮你清两助基本上分记记记名记。 判某名记是可名记记是不可名记记~可先记记名记断数数将个所表示的记西一分两来称个数半~若每一半不能再叫原的名记~记名记就是可名记~反之~若每一半记可以叫原来称个数的名记~记名记就是不可名记。 例如~desk表示“记”~桌将桌若记一分两两半~所得的记部分都不再具有记的特征~不能再用桌desk一记表示。因此~来desk是可数名记。meat表示“肉”~一记将两两称肉一分记~所得的记仍可作肉。所以~meat是不可名记。数 主记记一致巧掌握 英记中~主记记一致是个个帮学比记记记的记记。下面记记口溜~记助同记掌握英记的主记记一致有事半功倍之效。 记记记记最常记~集体名记记用记~ 如若强记其成记~记记记记数心记。 有些名记记常记~people,police记般。即 主记记后接介~记记记介无记~数数 many a作主记也如此~记记记记记用记。 or、nor、but also、there be~近主原记挂嘴记。 记系代记定主记~记记根据先行记判。 不定式短记、记名记~主记句记全记。从 记记、记记与离距~记记多记记少记~ rest~means~fol1owing等~意记定其记、记。决 none~all~half of等~of之记记定 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。 8 记有分、数数百分~仍据of之记定记、记。 代记all指人记记数,all指事情记用记。 量记用法记注意~记记要随量记记。 and记接名记~身两两兼记一定冠~ no~each~every后记名~两件(记)事(物)系一概念~ 以上情记记记~记记记记全用记。况清 形容记记the一记人~姓氏记加定数冠~ -s记尾的海峡脉与、山群记~记记用记勿用记。 代记neither~either~each等~用作主记记全记。 下面分记记例子~记入号乱座记勿。 l.A horse is an animal. 2.Those books are mine. 3.Our family is a big one. 4.The family are watching TV now. 5.The police are on the track(追踪)of the criminal.6.The father with his two sons has gone to Beijing. 7.Many a student has gone to the cinema.8.Neither you nor I am a worker. 9.Not only you but also I am a worker.10.He is the only one of the workers that has been invited. 11.He is one of the workers that have been invited. 12.Seeing is believing./To see is to believe. 13.What he says is not important.14.Five hours is not long. 15.Two hundred yuan a month doesn't leave much for saving. 16.All these means are useful./Every means has been tried.17.The following are some examples./The following is taken from Book I. 18.All of them are working hard. 19.Half of the book is interesting./Half of the books are interesting. 20.None of his friends have (has) been to Shanghai. 21.Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan. 9 22.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth is sea. 23.All are here. /All goes well. 24.A pair of shoes is under the bed. 25.The Party secretary and headmaster is giving a lecture. 26.No teacher, and no student has gone there. 27.Each man and each woman is asked to help. 28.Bread and butter tastes good. 29.Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit. 30.The poor need helping./ The wounded need to be taken good care of. 31.The Zhangs like playing basketball. 32.The Philipines (菲律记群记)lie to the southeast of China. 33.The Alps;阿记皮斯山脉, are in Europe. 34.Each has his merits(记点). 35.Neither of them is going home. 初学学英记的同~往往把不定冠记a和an混用~可用记记一句你 记记住他记的用法:不记原因(元音)~记施“恩 (n)”。如, 一位老记a teacher 一位英记老记an English teacher 一男人个a man 一位老人an old man 如果再能再记你你个住下面记句记~就能记利记记记记记。 Mr Li has one fox.(李先生有一只狐狸。) 记句记囊括 了字母表里前面用不定冠记an的所有字母假若——个独记些字母作记一 立的记记使用的记。记些字母是:a,e,f,h,i,l,m,n,o,r,s,x。除记些字母外~其余 的字母前面就用不定冠记a。 定冠记“the”在英记中使用率高很它~然而的用法却记记掌握。 有些记前要加定冠记~有些却不要用~其基本用法就是特指某(些)) 人或某(些)事物。除此而外~记有记多地方都必记要用“the”。记了便于 记记~可以利用下面的两段记口溜: 一、使用定冠记口记 沙漠、河流群山与~ 列记、海海峡与湾~ 记记、党国派、家名~ 记记记和体机记~ 方位、朝代、一记~独 10 会记、文件及记刊~ 木器、建筑、海洋群~ 定冠记不能记。来 注:以上情况需使用定冠记。 二、冠记省略口记 泛指记数日三餐 球记记运季记前@ 星期月份记假日~ 抽象物记或记记。 注:1.以上情况省略冠记。 2.记记的记假日需用定冠记。 3.泛指记可名记前用不定数数冠记。 巧记100内数的基记 基记不记记~数 找清很记律容易~ 十二以记各~内异 十三到数十九去~ 后加-teen莫忘记。 二十、三十……至九十~ 整十之后有-ty~ 要记“几几十”~ 中记“-”记记记~号弃 hundred是“一百”~ 记记你住莫大意。 记的记记数 有一首歌记~可以帮数助我记迅速地用英记记出记字。 从右向左三逗记~ 一逗千~二逗百万~ 三逗就是十万万~ 左右三位分记记~ 保你又快又喜记。 ?“从右向左三逗记~”~指从数号右向左把记字每三位用逗 分记。如,10,000;225,430;51,000,000,000 ?“一逗千~二逗百万~三逗就是十万万~”指从右向左 的第一个号逗表示“千”(thousand);第二个号逗表示“百 万”(million);第三个号逗表示“十万万”(billion,即十记)。 ?“左右三位分记记~保你又快又喜记。”指记记记数从左向右~ 11 每三位三位地按三位的记法记~数号号遇到有逗记就分记加上记逗所表示的那英记记记。如,个 457?four hundred and fifty-seven 102?one hundred and two 800?eight hundred 3,024?three thousand and twenty-four 2,007,009?two million seven thousand and nine 51,000,000,000?fifty-one billion 400,001?four hundred thousand and one 基记记数数序记歌记 基记记记数数数序记记大多是直接加-th~但有少数记化是不记记的。记然不记记的少~但同记学却最容易弄记。如把fifth成写fiveth~把ninth写成nineth。记住下面记首歌记可以使你记克服记如此记的记记。 基记序~容很易~ 记尾加上“th”。 一二三特殊记~ 记尾各是t、d、d。 八减t~九去e~ f把来ve替~ y改记“ie”~ 记尾仍有“th”。 若是遇到几几十~ 只记位就可以。个 巧记分表法数达 分子基记~分数数母序记~ 分子大于“1”~分母加“-s”。 记分数数莫着急~前加整就可以。 分母若是“2”和“4”~half、quarter可代替。 巧用hundred等记数 hundred~thousand~million等记表示数当体数具字记后无s和of~记记five hundred~three thousand~或six million等~而表示 不明确数字记记记:hundreds of 数个百~thousands of千~成千数个上万~millions of 数学会百万。但同记在使用记常出记~如:two hundreds~five thousands of等~记了避免记用~可记住下面口决: hundred~thousand和million~ 有记含糊有记。清 清记无s和of~ 12 糊记s和of。跟 巧记“记记” 同记可以利用下学来学达列口记巧记妙英记中的记记表法。 ?数字记法记后分~quarter,half不可用。 ?如果出记past,to~分记在前记心中。 ?past记~差几分to~分记小于三十分。 记明,解记记上述相记的序号。 记~用one…the other…。如记所示, 记记 onethe other There are two books on the desk.One is Lily’s,the other is Lucy’s. 记上有本记~一本是桌两另茜莉莉的~一本是露的。 ?表示不定数个与另个目中的“一”“一”~用“one…another…”。如记所示, 记…记记记记记 oneanother I don’t like this one,show me another,please. 我不要记个记拿另个一记我看。 ?强记定确数个与目中的“一”“其余的”~用one…the others…。如记所示, 记记记记记记 onethe others Of the six students,one is going home,the others are going to the cinema. 六个学个将生中~一要回家~其余(五人个)要去看记影。 ?表示记多人或物中的“一部分”和“一部分另(并非全部)”~用some…others…。如记所示, 记记记记…记记记记记记记记记记记 someothers There are lots of people in the park on Sunday.Some are walking and others are climbing the hills. 星期日公里园有记 多人~有的在散步~有的在爬山。 ?表示记多人或物中的“一部分”“其余的全部分”~用some…the others。如记所示, 记记记记…记记记记记 somethe others The students of Class Two are working on the hill.Some are carrying water,some are digging,the others are planting 13 trees. 二班的生学挖正在山上记记~一些人在提水~一些人在坑~其余的在植记。 ?表示“一接一地”~用个个one after another。如记所示, 记记记记记 例如,同记一接一地学个个来The students came one after another. all~both~each的位置巧安排 不定代记all,both,each在句中作同位记记~其位置是有记律的~但记 多同学教个灵却常常用记。记在记大家一便的方法,“两前三后”。 一、“前”两即, 1.行记记记前。 1)They all attended the meeting.2)We each have a copy of the Chinese-English dictionary.2.半系记记;行记记记即兼作的记系记记,前~如become, get, grow, turn, feel, look, seem, keep等。1)We both agreed to go. 2)The children each had a piece of bread. 3)We both became college students.4)My classmates all look fine.二、“三后”,即 1.记系记记be之后。 1)They are both doctors. 2)We are all good friends. 2.情记记记can,may,must等之后。 1)We can both answer the question. 2)The books must all be handed in.3.助记记be,do,have,will等之后。 1)The students have both made great progress. 2)The men will each get a gun.3)They don’t all attend the meeting.注意,当all,both和each在what和how引记的感记句中作主记的 同位记记~他记的位置记记在主记之后。如,跟 [正]How friendly they all are! [记]How friendly they are all! 另两状数外~“前三后”也适用于修记记记作记的大多副记的常用 位置。然~副记的位置当灵比记活。如, 14 1)She sometimes comes to school late.2)She is always late for class.3)Did you often read the magazine? 4)He has already completed his article. (1)记合代记分合口记 分合皆能记用~独 后加of合不成。 记明,记合代记指的是some,any,no,every和one,boy,thing的合成 记。成记记合成记的成可分也可合构两个份:一般记~记来独既使用记~可 分记~又可合~并若后面加了表示部分意记的of短记~记必记分记记两个 但有三点例外, (l)no和one的合成记none~不可分记。 (2)含body的合成记一般不能分记。 (3)含one的合成记常指人~而记少指物。 例句:l.Anyone is liable to fall ill. 2.Any one of us is liable to fall ill. 3.Everyone admired the mathematician. (2)巧不定代记学something,anything,nothing1.修记成后置。如份:something important一些重要的记西(事情)、 nothing else记的记西(事情)、something to eat吃的记西。 2.不定代记作主记,记记记记用记形式。如数:Something is wrong with your bike.的你自行记出毛病了。 下面一首打油记~把不定代记的大特点介记得两清清楚楚。 不定代记美名记~ 修记成后记份藏; 记记记作记记~数 何记何地都一记。 指示代记用法歌记 this~these靠近我~ that~those我记。离 this~that指记~数 these~those不指记。 都可用the代来替~ 记君记必记心里。 物主代记记化口记 物主代记分两霸家~形、名记性各一; his,its无记化~my,mine记牢它; 15 其余记形记律化~形容记性后加尾巴。()(-s) 巧记反身代记的用法 反身代记表自身~ 句中可作成分~两 表示强记同位记~ 记记记作回自身。 形容记和副记比记等记成歌记构 “比记”“最与高”~“记音”加后记~ -er是“比记”~-est是“最高”。 原记记尾若是e~只加-r或-st。 重记记音记~记音要成记~ 其它多音记~加记不加记。 记音若加y~y记i加后记。 y若是后加~不在此记。来内 巧记特殊形式的比记记 英记中有形容记几个(有的也是副记)~比记记和最高记不是通记在记尾加-er~-est或在前面加more~most成~而是有其特构学殊形式。生常常记不全、记不准。我记把记分记三记~记成歌。记看,它决 合二记一共三记~ “”、“坏两并两病”、“多”“好”~ 一分记二有~两个 一是“记”~二是“来老”~ 记有一记含记~双 只记“少”不记“小”。来 巧记修记比记记的程度副记 我记知道~在比记记中~记了强记形容记、副记的构程度~在比记记前可以用以下副记修记:a lot~a little~a bit~a great deal~many~much~even~any~still~no,rather等。 但同在学使用记些记记~往往因记不住记些记而出记。下面记句记可以帮你确它助准记住记: 四A 记确没怎仍然有任何记记~甚至记~记走记?四A-----a lot,a little~a bit~a great deal~记确-----rather~仍然-----still~甚至-----even~有没-----no~任何-----any~记记-----much(many)~记-----far。 形容记和副记比记等记用法歌记 16 (一)者和三者或三者以上两比记歌记 者两比记用than记~ 三者比记the在前。 (二)同记比记歌记 同记比记用原记~ as…as永不。离 若是否定加not~ as…as否前者。 as…as加not~ 只记者有记。两区 so…as加not~ 后者记是强前者。 巧记表“范记”的介记of和in 何记用of~何记用in~是有所区记的。 of表示“人或物中最突出的”。of后面人或物~用于同记跟 事物或人之记的比记~前者后者于同一记记~或前者包含在后即与属 者记一概念之中。例如, Spring is the best season of the year. 春天是一年中最好的季记。 in表示“在范记或记中最体突出的”~in后面某记记或跟个体范记~前者后者不于同记或同一记与属概念。例如, Shanghai is the biggest city in China. 上海是中最大的国城市。 巧记enough在句中的位置 在记中~同记记学学enough在句中的位置容很易混淆。一般记记是记记的,当enough修记名记记~可以把enough放在名记的前面~也可以把enough放在名记的后面~当enough修记形容记或副记记~把enough放在形容记或副记的后面。记了记住它将的用法~我记可以其巧记记, 名前、幸福后(放在名记之前~形容记、副记之后)。 巧记形容记的排列记序 不少学学生记如何排列形容记的记序记感困惑。在此~我记向同记介记一记个即你易的记记方法。记记记住“限记形令色材国”记几个字~记似乎有点不大好记~那就记记你住“记官行令记国材”。记可以掌握吧它帮你 英记里形容记的排列次序。其分记的含记是, “记”(限)代表限定记~包括,冠记、指示代记、形容记性物主代记、名记所有格、记等。数 “官”;记,代表表示记点的描记性形容记~如:fine~beautiful~interesting等。 17 “行”(形)代表表示大小、记短、高低及形的形容记~如,状 small~tall~high~little~round等。 “令”;记,代表表示年记、新、的形容记~如旧:old~young等。 “记”;“色”的近似音,代表表示记色的形容记~如:white~black~yellow等。 “国”代表表示籍、地、出记的形容记国区(名记)~如,English~American~mountain等。 “材”记代表形成中心名记的材料的形容记~如,stone,wooden~silk~plastic等。 多个个形容记同记修记同一名记记~就按上述记序排列~然后加上中心名记。例如, 1.a fine old stone bridge 一座古老漂亮的石记记 2.two big round new Chinese wooden tables 两国桌记新的中式的木制大记 3.his large new black foreign car 他那记新的大型黑色外国记口汽记 巧记表示方位的介记 in~on~to表示方位记容易用混淆。下面的记示能帮你辨记其用法。 北 西 A 记CDB 南 B is in the east of A C is on the east of A D is to the east of A 从(N)MET记and记记记的暗示作用 大家知道~and作记并来两个两个列记记~用记接或以上的记、短记或句子~表示并称学很它列或记记系。有些同容易忽略在句中的作用~因而答记记。记记合高考记记记介记and记记记暗示作用的记情。 几况 1、记记记记记和非记记记记记记记的暗示作用。 18 ?On Saturday afternoon~Mr Green went to the markets~_____ some bananas and visited his cousin, A,bought B,buying C,to buy D,buy ?She set out soon after dark _____ home an hour later, A,arriving B,to arrive C,having arrived D,and arrived ?The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks~_____that he had enjoyed his stay here, A,having added B,to add C,adding D,added 【记析】第?记记A是因记and在记干中记接三个并列记记。第?记记D。 有的同记学A是因记不明白分记的一般式表示记记记记同记记生或记接着记与 生记一概与念。根据记干记境~“出记”“回家”不是同记或记接着记生的两个两个记作~而是一先一后的记作~故只有用and记接的并列记记才 能表先后记生的或以上的一记达两个两个串记作。第?记记记C~在句中 作记。如记状D记要记干中的将号逗改记and。 2、在定记句中记记记记记记的从暗示作用。 ?He paid the boy ten dollars for washing ten windows~most of _____ hadn't been cleaned for at least a year, A,it B,them C,that D,which ?The lady has three daughters and ____ are at school, A,two of them B,two of whom C,the two of them D,the two of whom 【记析】根据记记和句子记~第?记记记构D~成构从非限制性定记句。如记B~记要记干中的将号逗改成and~记接两个并列句。第?记记记A。因 记干中有and的暗示。 3、在立主独构格记中的暗示作用。 ?There ____ no rain now~ let's start out, A,being B,is C,will be D,was ?The man stood there~his sharp eyes ____ on my face, A,fix B,fixed C,were fixed D,fixing 【记析】独构与它没立主格记所依记的句子之记有任何记接记and~ so~though等~中记只有逗号独构。如果有记记~记立主格记就要记成一 个很完整的句子。容易看出第?记和第?记分记记A、B~是立主独构格记。 or和and与否定记记用之记 先做下面三道记:用or或and空~要填构求成完全否定。 19 l.Tom______Mary cannot speak Chinese.They did not speak Japanese clearly_______correctly,either. 记姆和记记不记记记~会清确日记也记得不楚~不正。 2.The clock has no eyes____ears.And it has no mouth____ no legs,either. 记记有没没眼晴和耳记~也有嘴和腿。 3.Man can’t live without air______water.That’s to say,man will die without air_______water. 有空和没气水~人就不生活~也就是记~有空和没气会水~人就死。 记明:在否定句中~并列成分的列记通常用or记接成构完全否定~用and记接成部分构学与否定。但在中英记记本中~否定记and记用~有以下记情~几况构仍成完全否定: 1.列记成分是主记~又在否定记之前~用and记接~而在否定记之后的列记成分用or成构完全否定~所以句1的答案是and~or。 2.列记成分之前都有否定记记~用and记接~否记用or记接~也都构成完全否定~所以句2的答案是or~and。 3.在否定句中~without之后若有列记成分用and记接~成构完全否定~而在肯定句中~without之后的列记成分要用or记接才能构成完全否定~故句3的答案记是and~or。 再做如下记记~你心中之记就可以迎刃而解了。 从(N)MET记but在解记记的暗示作用 英记往往能通记记句记接记记记做出正理确解。英记中有记多记记的记句记接记~记它来脉提示我记在做记和记记记注意上下文的记记记系~记去。but就属于记记记接记。记看下面的例子, ?Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ______didn’t help.(MET1993) A.he B.which C.she D.it ?I asked him for some oil, but he hadn’t_________.(MET1986) A.any B.some C.oil D.one ?They were all very tired, but_______of them would stop to take a rest.(NMET1995) but在以上三句中表示前后后相反的记记记系~表示否定的概念~因此容很找个易出各记的答案;?D;?A;?C,。 ?----If you don’t like the red coat, take the blue one. ―――OK, but do you have_______size in blue? This one’s a bit tight for me.(NMET1995) A.a big B.a bigger C.the big D.the bigger (答案,B) 20 ?―――Excuse me,is this Mr Brown’s office? ―――I’m sorry, but Mr Brown_________works here.(MET1990) A.not now B.no more C.not still D.no longer (答案,D) 从两以上记中可以看出~除了提醒我记逆向思记外~but记在有记记的基记上记行记记或记原有前提做记充。 在记记记中~虚气but的暗示作用更明记~but之后是一记客记记记的描述~记记需用相记的记记。如, ?―――Would you have told him the answer had it been possible? ―――I would, but I________so busy then. A.had been B.were C.was D.would be (答案,C) ?He would gain weight but he _______much. A.wouldn’t eat B.doesn’t eat C.didn’t eat D.hadn’t eaten (答案,B) but的记记暗示作用不记有助于做记法记~在做完形空填及记记理解记~也有大的极帮助。通记but记生的逆向思记和特殊的记言记记~能记正确地捕捉信息~把握文章主旨。 用不用要牢记 在记句子、作、句型记记或翻写当改记记记中~每遇到because和so~but和though(although)~if和and~any和no~hardly,few,little, never和not同记出记记~究竟用记是不用,记用哪个学,不少同常常束手无策~记棋不定。其记~只要在理解的基记上~记住以下记口记~上面的记记就个会迎刃而解。不信,,那就记记, 用because不用so~用but不用though。 用and不用if you~用not any不用no。 Hardly,never,little和few~本身已包含no。 当即没记记人强记或特记记心的是行记记象~主记句中的记记~或有必要记出行记者是记就用被记记记。其成是用构助记记be加上记记的记去分记。在被记句中记法上的主记是行记的承受者~而记记上的主记可用介记by来引记。据此记成如下记口溜, ;1, 记作记做的不知道~ 记出记做的不必要~ 接受记作者要强记~ 21 用被记记记最记妙。 ;2, 被记特点强记记;记,~ 用be加上记去分;记,~ 行记记象做主记~ 记记主记by引。 ;3, 被记不离 “be”“p.p.”~ 主记一致莫忘记~ 句中记记要留意~ “记行”易漏一个 “be”。 例如,(1)Such books are written for children.?A new railway is being built. (2)We love the Party. ?The Party is loved by us. (3) They were cleaning their classrooms. ?Their classrooms are being cleaned by them. 巧记10个虚记记记 英记中有些记记后面的记记句或某些主记句的记记记记~常用记记从从虚 气-----“(should)十记记原形”。记些记记要逐个记记是比记困记的~下面介记几个巧记方法: 1,“一、二、三、四”法。,一记即个两个个持~命令~三 建记~四要个求。 一“记个持(insist)”: The doctor insisted that I(should)give up smoking. 医生记持要我戒烟。 两个“命令(order~command)”: The general ordered that the enemy soldiers (should)lay down their arms.记将命令记兵放下武器。 He commanded that all his men(should)get to the front before darkness.他命令部下天黑前到前记。赶 三“个建记(suggest,propose,advise)”, The headmaster suggested that we (should)make better use of our spare time.校记建记我记更好地利用记余记记。 The teacher proposed that John(should) get down to his study.老记建记记翰静来学下心好好记。 22 They advised that steps(should)be taken at once. 他记建记记上采取措施。 四“要个求(demand,require,request,ask)”, The teacher demanded that the students(should)hand in the paper before eleven. 老记要求学生11点前交卷。 Father requires that his son (should) not make such noise in the room. 要爸爸嚷求孩子记在屋里大。 The workers requested that the working conditions (should) be further improved. 工人记要求记一步改善工作条件。 She asks that he (should) be given an opportunity to try this method. 他要求记他一个会机记记记记法。 2.“Discrop(无收记)”法。由记记的个个个两每一字母记想一记或 个 记:demand~insist~suggest~command,request~require~order~pro pose。(例句记1) 3.用句记想法。由句子“I drop cars”的每一个个字母记想一或 两个记 记:insist~demand~request~order~propose~command~advise~ask,require~suggest.(例子记1) 注意:记三记方法只是帮个助记记的一些方法。其记~除记十记记外~记有 些记记~如remember,prefer等后面的记记句也常用记记记。就是上面从虚气 列的十个虚气记记后也不一定非用记记不可~在口记中不用记记记的情虚气 况也是有的。如, He insisted that Shanghai is still the biggest part in China. (记记句表示的是从确十分定的事记)。 His accent suggests that he is from Shandong.(suggest不当 “建记”记~而是作“暗示”。) Tom insisted that he didn’t go there last night.(insist不当当“记持记记”记 ~而是“记持记”。) 巧记表“推记”的情记记记用法 表“推记”记~情记记记可用can,could,may,might,must。must表“一定”~只用于肯定句~其否定形式要用can’t;may(might)表 “或记”~可能性记小~不用于疑记句~can表“可能”~不用于肯定 句。 记方便记记~可用一句记记记~,来即 肯(can)不肯,妹(may)不记~记记(must)肯定不否记。 23 “肯(can)不肯”即can不用于肯定句~“妹(may)不记” 即may不用于疑记句~“记记(must)肯定不否记” 即must只用于肯定句,而不用于否定句和疑记句中。 非记记记记句法功能口记 不定式本记强~六记成分都能~当 记名记不示弱~主记表定用得上~ 两状争分记~互不记~表定记记亮相。 如下表所示, 作主记表定状记 用 记记 不定?????? 式 记名记???? 分 记???? 巧记“记记+不定式”记构 在英记中~某些及物记记只能记记不定式作记的直接记记~不能跟它 接记名记。记巧记记些记记中的常用记~可用以下方法两个来帮助记想记记。 1.“磨豆腐[,m,,,,,,]”法 我记中记本中常记的记记记将学 记的首写来个字母记起~成记一记略记MERDOWPH。我记记出的记当它音“磨豆腐”记~也就自然地记想到此记只能接记记不定式作记记的记记,M=Mean(打算)~E=Expect(期望)~R=Refuse(拒记)~D=Decide(决定)~0=Offer(提出)~W=Wish(愿望)~P=Promise(答记)~Pretend(假装)~H=Hope(希望)。 2.“Who ac(t)ed Mr. Flp?----记演Flp先生?” 用记个来句子记只能接不定式作记记的及物记记~亦可收到事半功倍之效。 W=want~wish~H=hope~help~O=offer~A=agree~arrange~aim~C=choose; E=expect; D=decide~demand~dare~determine~desire~ M=manage;R=refuse~F=fail;L=long,learn~P=prevent~promise~plan。 to字离来记又回 24 不定式作某些及物记记的记记记足记记省略to~而作主记记足记记必记恢记 to。记记记象可记记记口记: 不定式作记记~ 下列记记to省去, 五看、三使役~ 二一感听帮半助。 若是记记记主记~ to字面目要恢记。 五看,see,watch,notice,observe,look at.如,I saw him leave the room. 我看记他记了房记。离 They watched the sun set behind the trees. 他记看着太阳在记后面落下去。 Did you notice me leave the house? 你没离有有注意到我记那记房子, I looked at him jump. 我看着他跳的。 三使役,let,make,have.如, She lets her children stay up very late. 她呆很记孩子得记不睡记。 The landlord made the farmhands work long hours. 那地主强迫记工记记记记记。 The soldiers had him stand with his back to his father. 士兵记记他背记着他父记站着。 二听,hear,listen to.如, We often hear her sing. 我记常记记听她唱歌。 Please listen to me sing a song.记我听唱支歌。 一感:feel~如: Did you feel the earth move? 你感到地震记了记? 半助帮:help。指记记不定式作help的记记记足记记~可记to~也可不记 to。如, Will you help me(to)find my pen? 记我记记~好记帮找找笔? 以上句子若是记记被记句~记记记记足记记成主记记足记~且不定式并符 号“to”要恢记。如: 25 He was seen to leave the room. The farmhands were made to work long hours. She was heard to sing in the next room. 不定式和分记作记的记状区 记记不定式在英记中作用甚多~除不能记作记记独当外~可充句子中的任何成分。但不定式和分记作记状(起副记的作用)的记。中生区学很 记分辨。我记记记二者作记记的记。状区 1.不定式作记状 不定式作记一般用以表示“状目的”、“记果”、“原因”。记看下列句子: ?I got up before dawn to catch the five o’clock train.;目的, 记了上五点的赶火记~天亮前我就起床了。 ?He woke up to find everyone gone.;记果, 他醒来来后后记记人都走了。 ?What a fool he is to say such a thing!;原因,记那记记~他记记真哎! 此外~不定式的某些固定搭配也可用作记。如,状 to tell the truth 老记记 to be frank with you 坦白地记 strange to say 记也奇怪 to make the matter worse 情更糟况 needless to say 不消记~等等。 2,分记作记状 分记作记一般相于一记记句~在记面记中人记更喜记用分记状当个状从 作记~口记中记状从多用句。 分记作记常表示“记记”、“状条随原因”、“件”、“记步”、“伴情”和“记果”等。如,况 ?Being poor,I could not go to school.(=As I was poor,)(原因)因记记~我不能上。学 ?Turning to the right,you’ll find a large white building on your left.;=If you turn to the right,(条件)右拐~就在你会左记记记一座大白楼。 ?Admitting what you say, I think you are wrong.(记步)即使我承记你你所记的~我记记记记了。 ?The students went out of the classroom, singing and laughing.;伴随况学教情,生记记记笑笑地走出了室。 26 ?My father left Beijing at ten in the morning, arriving at Tianjin at one in the afternoon.;记果,父记早10点记离北京~下午1点到天津。 记明,;1,一般记~作记果记的分记和不定式记不大~来状区往往可混用。 ;2,作原因的不定式一般放在形容记后~相于当that引记的从句~有人记记是形容记所记的记记。 ;3,分记一般不能作目的记。不定式常用作状状目的记。记加强记气~可常在不定式前加上in order to或so as to。 巧记记记不定式的用法 记记不定式是中英记中一记记的记法记学个确目~如何快速记记和准使用它呢?记看下面一记口记: ?不定式有记记~to记与原记一起。 ?没称数它有人记化~记记特点具记。 ?主记定表记记~状独唯作记不可以。 ?not加上不定式~否定记要构牢记。 ?疑记记不定式~成短记有意记与构。 ?仔记推敲多思考~准判有依确断据。 记明,? “to+记记原形”是的基本成形式~不定式的记记它构即。 ?有人和的记它没称数称数数化~不管主记是任何人、记记是记~记记不定式都有记没它状化。但仍保留记记的特点~可以有自己的记记和记。 ?它它具有名记、形容记和副记三大特征~所以~在句中可以做主记、记记、定记、表记、记和记记。状 ?“not+记记不定式”是的它它否定形式~不要受其否定式的影响~要记住记律。 ?疑记代记(what~who~whom~which)和疑记副记(where~when~why~how)加上不定式在句中可以做主记、记记、表记、状记。 ?通记以上分析~只要仔记研搞清究~把不定式的功能用法楚~在记用记就会确断做出准的判。 要想迅速、准地确答记“疑记记记记不定式”记记记目~首先要判断, “疑记记,记记不定式”记中的不定式是构及物记记记是不及物记记~判 断确与的准否是答记的记记。 一、如果记不定式是及物记记~就要考记以下方面的记记。两个 1.不定式后面记有自己的记记记~就根据句意记用合适的疑记副记。 27 例如, ?Do you know_______? A.how use a computer B.what to use a computer C.what use a computer D.how to use a computer ?I don't know______to do it. A.how B.what C.who D.which 【解析】上面记记中的记记不定式都是两及物的~而且都记有记记~所以记记用疑记副记。记于此~答案记分记是?D,?A。 2.不定式后面不记有自己的记记记~就根据句意记用合适的疑记代记。例如, ?She doesn't know____________. A.when to do B.what to do C.how to do D.where to do ?Sorry,I didn't know____________. A.what to do B.how to do C.what doing D.how doing 【解析】上述记中的两to do都是及物记记~而且后面都不有记记没~根据记意记它缺少记记记记~故要记用疑记代记。因此~答案记分记是?B,?A。 二、如果记不定式是不及物记记~就要以下方面解从两个来 答。 1.不定式后面不记有可以和成它构及物的短记记记的介记或副记~就根据句意记用合适的疑记副记。例如, We are not sure____________. A.when to leave B.when leave C.when leaving 【解析】上记中的to leave是不及物记记~其后面有任何记没西~故需要记用疑记副记。根据记意答案记是A。 2.不定式后面记有可以和成它构及物的短记记记的介记或副记记~就要看记短记记记后面是否有记记~有记记就根据句意记用合适的疑记副记~无记记就根据句意记用合适的疑记代记。例如, ?He wants to know______to the People's Cinema. A.when go B.when to go C.when goes D.when to going 【解析】go是不及物记记~但在记记中和介记它to成构及物的短记记记~且其后面记有记记~故需要用疑记副记。B是正答案确。 ?Bob doesn't know_____to write about. A.how B.what C.that D.whose 【解析】to write在记句中是不及物记记~和介记about搭配构成及物的短记记记~意记“记于写......方面的文章;著作,”。记短记记记后面没它担当有记记~所以缺少记记记记~能记此任的非B莫属。 28 三、在含有记记句的主记合句中~主句中的主记从从(或记接记记)和从从从属句中的主记是同一记人或物~而且引记记句的记记是which,what,how,where等记记~可以记记句中的主记记去~记记记记记将从将改记“to,记记原形”;有助记记的~将并助记记一去掉,~最后记成“疑记记+记记不定式”记。例如,构 ?A.The girl didn't know what she should answer.(改记同记句) B.The girl didn't know what______ _________. ?Please tell me where we show our tickets.(改记同记句) Please tell me_____ _____show our tickets. ?I don't know when we shall start tomorrow.(改记同记句) I don't know when ______ _______tomorrow. ;答案,?to answer ?where to ?to start, of与for的记用有巧法 先记看下面句子,两个 1.It’s right of you to do it. 2.It’s easy for you to do it. 记句子的记相同~记什记句两个构2用for~句1却用of呢?记句记记~在“It is+adj.+of(for)+sb. to do sth.”记句型中~记记定用个怎确of记是用for呢? 在一般情下~我记可况两条来使用以下记记解记决of与for的记葛。 一、如果句中的形容记表示的是sb.的某记特征或品记~句中的即sb.和adj.所构成的主记记系(主记+记系记记+形容记)合乎记记~记用of。如句l记成You are right.合乎记记。再如: It is kind of you to help me. 你帮真助我是太好了。 It was foolish of us to do so. 我记记记做真是太记了。 常用于记句型的形容记 有:right~kind~nice~good~clever~wise~polite~brave,strong,wr ong,foolish等。 二、如果记形容记个所表示的不是sb.的某记特征或品记~句中即的sb.和adj.所构成的主记记系不合记记~记用for。如句2记成You are easy.不合乎记记。再如, It’s difficult for me to work out the problem. 我要算出记道记目太记了。 It’s very important for students to learn English well. 29 记于生记记~好英记是学来学很重要的。 常用于记句型的形容记有,easy, difficult, hard, important, impossible, safe, dangerous, necessary 等。 巧记记名记不定式的记与区 一、I like playing football,but I don’t like to play football on such a cold day. 我是喜记足踢踢球的~但今天记记冷~我不想。 记名记往往表示一般的记记或抽象的行记~不定式记表示某个 特定记合的记作。 二、Our job is carrying the boxes. 我记的工作是搬箱子。 Our job is to carry the boxes. 我记(记在)的工作是搬箱子。 记名记含有多次反记的意味~或是记常性的记作~搬箱子可 能是我记的记记;不定式记表示一次性或记记性的记作~搬箱子只是 我记记在的工作~在此之前或之后~我记的工作不一定是搬箱子。 三、I don't like swimming immediately after supper. 我不喜记(记或其人你它)记记后记上游泳。 I don’t like to swim immediately after supper. 我不喜记记记后记上游泳。 不定式的记记主记往往是句子的主记;而记名记的记记主记往往是 其人~在它否定句中尤记如此。 四、She remembered writing to us.记得她写曾记我记记信。 She remembers to write to us. 记她写住要记我记信。 在某些记记后接记名记表示已记记生记某事~接不定式表示记没 记生。 五、We stopped talking. 我记停止记记。 We stopped to talk. 我记(停下记的事 )记始记记。 在某些记记后记名记或不定式意记跟两完全相反~在上面句中~不 定式to talk 做记记记记的目的记~记名记记状做记记。 巧记“记记+记名记”记构 在英记中~有些及物记记;记,只能接记名记;记,或记名记短记作记记~而不能记记不定式。记跟帮学几助同记巧记此记记记;记,~特介记如下记方法。 1.通记下面记句记~可以迅速而持久地记住接记名记作记记的常用记记(记)。,即Dr. E?Black forgets helping Mrs. F?Bamca. 由此句的每一个个两个字母记想一或以上的记;记,,delay, risk ,enjoy,be worth, look forward to, avoid, continue, keep (on), 30 forget,remember, object to, give up, hate, escape, try, excuse, succeed in, like, practise, insist on, need, go on, mind, regret, stop, finish, be busy(be used to),admit,miss,can’t help,advise. 以上的记记~是可接记名记~也可接不定式作记记的记记划(记)~不记意记有差记。 2,“Mrs. P?Black missed a beef bag.;P?布菜克夫人记了一只牛肉袋。,” 记句记中的每一个个字母均代表一记记或短记。记记记或短记也可接不定式;短记,作记记。划(记“者参两均可意不同”一文) M=mind(介意)~r=risk(冒记)~s=succeed in(成功地做)~P=practise(记记)~B=be busy(忙于)~l=look forward to(希望)~a=admit(承记)~c= can’t help ;禁不住,~k=keep on(记记)~m=miss(记记)~i=insist on(记持)~s=suggest(建记)~s= stop( 停止 )~e=enjoy;喜记,~d=delay(推记)~a=advoid(避免)~b=be used to(记记于)~e=escape(逃避)~e=excuse(原记)~f=finish;完成,~b=be worth(记得)~a=advise(建记)~g=give up(放弃)。 3,“Dr. F?Black stops helping Mr. F?Jamhow.” 记句子有特点,?本身就是一含有“记记个两个它个+记名记(记)”记的构句子。?句中的每字母个个又代表一可接记名记作记记的记记(记记也可接划 不定式)。;记“者参两均可意不同”一文, D=delay,r=remember,F=forget,B=begin,l=love,a=avoid,c=continue,k=keep(on),s=start,t=try,o=object to,p=prefer,s=stop,h=hate,e=enjoy,l=like, p= practise, i=insiston, n=need,g=go on,m=mind,r=regret,F=finish, J=justfy, a=admit, m=miss,h=help,o=omit,w=want. 4,“Farm Pikes”(记记的通行记记税卡) 记记记也能帮助我记记住接记名记作记记的常用记记。 F=finish;a=advise,avoid;r=risk,remember;m=mind;P=put off, practice, postpone; I=insist on; k=keep(on);e=enjoy,escape, excuse;s=stop,suggest. 下列短记中的to都是介记~所以后面名记或跟-ing形式,be/get used to(记记于)~stick to;记持,, object to;反记,, lead to;记致,,devote…to;身于,献, be sentenced to(被宣判记)~prefer…to(喜记),come to;记到,~look forwardd to;期待,,add to(加上),pay attention to;注意,, get down to;记始,等。 教你学巧巧记: 上述短记记记中的to是介记~不是定符号学。记了便于同记记记~我记可以记住下面记句记,两 31 记记于旧方式的人记持 反记新事物~记记记致记多献学身于科的人被宣判记大逆不道。不喜记记记事记的记到此事记~记期待着加上自己的努力注意使它记始改记。 分记作记立主状与独构状区格记作记的记记 分记立主与独构状状它格记均可作记。但分记作记记~的记记主记就是句子的主记~而立主独状格作记记~前面的名(代)记就是记记记的记记上个构 的主记~和句子的主记不它保持一致性。如, Having finished my homework,I previewed my lessons.= After I had finished my homework,I previewed my lessons. Seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful.=If the park is seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful. 以上二例是分记作记~由此可看出~分记作记记~其记记主记状状便是句子的主记。因此~我记不能记:Seeing from the hill,the park looks very beautiful.因记seeing的记记主记记然是the park~但它不能记出see的记作~是它被看的~故记用Seen。 再记看下面例子两个: Spring coming on~the trees turn green.=When spring comes on,the trees turn green. The weather being fine~we went for a walk.=As the weather was fine~we went for a walk.以上二例是立主独构状格记作记。前面的名记Spring,the weather便是记个构它记的记记主记。记和句子的主记无一致性。 巧辨记在分记和记名记 记在分记和记名记形式相同,都可以作定记。记怎它呢辨记记记,记在分记和记名记作定记记~主要记的意记、从它来区重记和位置三方面记。 1,记在分记作定记记~表示它所修记的名记正在记行的记作~二者在记记上有主记记系~因而可记展记定记句~记记都要从重记。例如, a ,crying ,baby(=a baby who is crying) the boiling water(=the water that is boiling) 2,记名记作定记记~表示它属所修记的名记的用途、所记系等~二者不存在记记上的主记记系~因而不能记展记定记句~从个只能记展记一表示用途的介记短记~记记只重记记名记。例如, a ,bathing suit(=a suit for bathing) 一件游泳衣 记drinking water(=water for drinking) 记用水 3. 记在分记作定记记~可以后置~而记名记只能放在所修记的名记前记。例如, On the day following(=on the following day)he left for 32 New York.(记在分记) Do you have any listening materials?(记名记) 记名记记记主记的“三省三替” 记名记的记记主记一般用物主代记或名记所有格来表示。在口记和非正式英记中~也可用人代记的记称来格代替物主代记~用名记普通格代替名记所有格。有记又可省略名记的记记主记~我记把记记记“三它省三替”。 一、三省 1,句子的主记也是记名记的记记主记记。例如, He left without (his)saying good-bye to us.他不而记。辞 We felt uncomfortable about(our) receiving the presents.收到记些物~我记感到不礼很安。 2,记名记的记记主记“泛指”记。例如, Seeing is believing. 眼记记记。 Swimming can help build us the bodies.游泳有助于增强记。体 3,上下从文可看出记记主记记。例如, She punished the student for(his) playing truant.记记那她个学生~是因记他逃学。 二、三替 1,在口记中或非正式英记中。例如, I don’t mind Tom(him)going. 记姆去我意记。;用没Tom代替Tom’s~用him代替his, 2. 记记主记记无生命的名记记。例如, The letter being torn to pieces nade my brother very angry. 信件被撕很气成碎片我弟弟生。 3,用名记所有格或物主代记记以表记。例如,达 我记得他记人人都记记此事。I remember each of them saying about it. 使用分记记如何定主记和确被记 记在分记和记去分记在记记上的不同在于~记在分记表示主记~而及物记记的记去分记记表示被记。在记记用记~同记运学往往把握不准是主记记是被记因而记用了分记。记分记记记记例记明~并参供考。 一、分记作定记记~根据被修记的名记是分记记作的记行者记是承受者定主记和来确从确被记~而定使用记在分记或记去分记。如: 1. Crusoe lit a fire and took from it a burning stick. 2. They seemed to be eating something cooked on the fire. 二、分记作记记~记状根据句子主记是分记记作的记行者记是承受者定主记记是确被记。如: 33 1. Holding his head high,he walked past the pole and the soldiers as if they didn't exist. 2. The teacher entered the classroom, followed by his students. 三、分记作表记记~也是根据主记是分记记作的记行者记是承受 者定。来确如: 1. The story sounds moving. 2. I was deeply moved when I saw the film. 四、分记作记记记足记记~根据记记记是分记记作的记行者记是承受者 来确定。如, 1,在及物记记的记合记记中, ?I saw her opening the door. ?I saw the door opened. 2,在记记have后的记合记记中, ?The two men had their light burning all night long. ?I had my bike repaired yesterday. 3,在介记with后的记合记记中: ?The picture only came out like a white circle with three black spots showing for a mouth and eyes. ?He stood for an instant with his hand still raised. 五、分记在立主独构来确格记中~记根据记主格名记或代记定。 如: 1. Spring coming on,the trees turned green. 2.The signal given ,the bus started. 巧辨作表记的记在分记和记名记 记在分记和记名记形式相同,都可以作表记。记怎它呢辨记记记, 1,提记法 能用how记表记提记的是记在分记~能用what提记的是记名记。例如, My job is interesting.(How is your job?) My job is teaching. (What is your job?) 2,位置记记法 将表记和主记位置记记~句子仍然成立~且意思通记的记记名记~否记~ 记记在分记。例如, My job is interesting.?Interesting is my job.(不成立) My job is teaching. ?Teaching is my job. (成立) The ant queen’s full-time job is laying eggs. ?Laying 34 eggs is the ant queen’s full-time job. (成立) 3,成分添加法 表记后能记记记和记的是记名记~表记前面能加上副记状(very,quite,so 等)或more,most加以修记的记是记在分记。例如, My job is more interesting than yours. (记在分记) The news is quite astonishing. (记在分记) My job is teaching you English. (记名记) What she hated most was resting at home and doing nothing. (记名记) 4,系记记取代法 记用记的系记记;如,get,become,feel,sound,look,seem等,取代be~句子依然成立、通记的是记在分记~不能用记的系记记取代~只能用 be的是记名记。例如, Seeing is believing.(记名记) The story is interesting.?The story sounds interesting.(记在分记) My job seems interesting.(成立----记在分记) My job seems teaching you English.(不成立----记名记) 记在分记的被记式记去分记用法记与区 记在分记的被记记记形式和记去分记记然都有被记的含记~但它记在记记记 系上是有差记的。 一、如果分记做定记或记记记足记~表示记记的记候正在记行的记作或是 与记记记记同记记行的记作~记用记在分记的被记记记的一般形式。如: l.The large building being built will be a hospital. 2.The watch being repaired is yours. 3.They saw the stones being moved away. 二、分记作记记当状,表示行记方式或伴随尽它与记作~管记记记作是 同记记行~也常常不用记在分记的被记记记的一般形式~而用记去分记。如: l.The Emperor went to see the cloth~followed by the old Prime Minister and the officials. 2.He slipped in at the back door unnoticed. 三、如果分记表示的记作先于记记记记所表示的记作记生,一般可以用记 去分记记分记来个所表示的那记作。如: l.The book written by him has been translated into English. 2.Hit in the face~he became angry. 四、如果要强记分记表示的记作先于记记记作~可以用记在分记的被记 式的完成式~在记记情下分记常用作记。如况状: 35 1. Having been given such a good chance,how could she let it slip away? 2. Not having been invited, he stayed at home watching TV. 五、如果分记所表示的记作记记性不强~常用记去分记去记。如, 1. The continent connected with Asia lies at the Suez Canal in Africa. 2. Turn in everything captured. 六、如果要表示的记作~记记去分记和记在分记的将来被记记记形式都 不能用~只能用不定式的被记记记的一般式。如, 1. There are a lot of things to be done tomorrow. 2. The meeting to be held the day after tomorrow is very important. 巧用“令(使)人”解的记记分记式 在中英记本中出记了一些意记“学令(使)人”的记记~记多同记记学 些记在理解、用上把握不准。因此~我记记作以分析~运学运告记同记记用 之法。记先看口记, 记去分记作表定~修记通常是人。称 表示“使人”记记~怎皆由外因出感情。 记在分记作表定~主记常是事、物名。 表示“令人”记记~记明性记或特征。怎 一、记本中出记的记记记记有, interesting,interested;exciting,excited;frightening, frightened; surprising, surprised; tiring,tired;encouraging,encouraged;puzzling, puzzled;astonishing, astonished; worrying, worried; delighting, delighted; pleasing,pleased; touching, touched;satisfying,satisfied等。 二、记的特点它: 1,在句中作表记、定记、记足记和记。状 2,记记记记都记的记记主记有着主记记系;此记记记记记在分记,或记记记与它 系;此记记记记记去分记,。 三、具体用法, 1,作表记(主记指物、事)或作定记(被修记记指物、事)记~用记在分记。 如, It’s well-known that a tiger looks very frightening. Such a surprising event took place in this area. 2. 作表记(主记指人)或作定记(被修记记指人)记~用记去分记。如, We were moved at the news that he had died for the four modernizations. 36 3. 用作主记记足记:主记指人~用记去分记~主记指物(事)~用记在分记。如: John Baird could be seen delighted when he saw the boy’s face on the screen. To do that was once thought quite interesting. 4,用作记记记足记:记记指人~用记去分记~记记指物(事)~用记在分记。如: The owner of the shop found Tom dumbfounded. Do you feel this cloth satisfying? 5,用作记~此记状多记记去分记表示原因。如, Greatly touched by his teacher’s deeds,the student got rid of his bad habits. 6,成短记或构被记记记记~记记去分记。如, When Bashi became tired of riding,he started to walk. 祈使句何记记主记? 普通的祈使句的主记往往不表记出~来但上述第5小记却是记主个 记的祈使句。那记祈使句何记记主记呢? 一、记记人当必记指明不同的事要求不同的人去做记。如: You clean the windows~and you(another man)mop the floor. 你窗你擦记~(指一人另个)拖地板。 You go over there and sit next to Tom~while he and I stay here. 你到那里坐在记姆旁记~我和他留在记里。 二、记记人强记主记或上记记下记~记者记当青年人或小孩记记记~如: You take care when you cross the road.记记你路记要小心。 You speak first.先记。你 You listen to me.我记。你听 You be careful.要你仔记点。 三、当祈使句以Don't记记又要加重记记。如气: Don’t you dare to cause any more trouble.你乱敢再记。 Don’t you be late again next time.下你来次不要再记了。 四、当祈使句的主记是 someone~somebody~everyone~everybody等泛指第三人记。如称: Someone open that window.人把那来个窗扇记打记。 Everybody be here at7:30. 大家7:30到记里。 五、记记人有当急躁或记记等情记记。如: You do it right away.立你刻做记件事 37 You mind your own business,and leave this to me. 你记管记事~把此事留记我好了。 六、当祈使句记记部分有副记up~down~in~out~off~away等~ 且记些副记置于句首记。如: In you jump! 你吧跳记去! Out you come。记出。你来 由此可记~第5小记于第二记情。当属况 巧妙确定“祈使句+记述句”的记接记 在“祈使句+记述句”记记句型中~祈使句和记述句之记要用记接记。其记接记共分记两: 第一记:and~then~and then。意思是“就”、“那记 (就)”、“(记)才”。 第二记:or~or else~otherwise。意思是“否记”、“要不”、“不然的记”。 什记记候用第一记记接记~什记记候用第二记记接记呢?有一记方法可以帮确决助我记作出迅速而准的定。 记先比记下面三记例句: (l)Come early~and you’ll catch the first bus. 早点~就能上第一来你赶班汽记。 Come early~or you’ll miss the first bus. 来你赶早点~不然的记~就不上第一班汽记。 (2)Use your head~then you’ll find a way. 记记记筋~那记就到记法。你会找 Use your head~or else you won’t find a way. 记记记筋~否记~就不到记法。你找 (3)Work hard~and then you won’t fail. 努力干你会才不失记。 Work hard~otherwise~you’ll fail. 努力干~要不~失记的。你会 上述三记第一句中的记述句~都表示按祈使句去做的记~所记生的记记记果~即令人愉快的后果。而三记第二句中的记述句~都表示不按祈使句去做所得到的逆反记果~记生即令人不快甚至危记的后果。 由此可记:凡记述句表示的是人记所希望的后果记~就有and~then或者and then~凡记述句表示的是人记所不希望的后果记~就用or~or else或者otherwise。 也可以用一句记口溜助来帮记记: 记记记接记~只看记述句。 and叫人心记记~or的后果不好记。 38 以let’s记记的祈使句~在定其记确你略记句的记候~可以记记记记, 有“ ’ ”记we~无“ ’ ”记you。 我记在记记的用中~运只记住“what之后接名记~how之后接形容记或副记”记句记是不记的~记真运比记记些句型~记记用“逆推法”可快速准地确辨记感记句的引记记。 “逆推法”,一句子的记尾即从个往记句的记记看。下面以记介记具体步记如下: _________ bright girls they are! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a l.记记记记找 记记记记通常是记系记记、行记记记及其他的助记记等所有记记。如:________bright they are!中的记记记记是记系记记are。 2.主记~记记找划 记记记记的找找目的是主记~记记记记之前的名记或代记是记句的主记~在主记之前记记。如即并划两条: _______bright girls//they are!中记记记记are之前的代记they是主记。在主记they之前划“//”记。 3.判记记记之前记记的记性 记一步是记记~判记记记的记性是名记记是形 容记、副记。如:______bright girls//they are!之前的记是名记girls。 4.定确引记记 如果记记之前的记是形容记、副记记用how引记;如果记记是名记~记不记名记前是否有形容记都直接用What引记 (只有记可数数名记用Whata/an引记)。如:______bright girls//they are!中记记前的girls是名记(且不是记数)~尽管前面有形容记bright也不能用how。 此外~如果用“运找逆推法”不到记句记记记记~记明记句主记和记记都被省略~记记只要判记句最后记记的记性可断即按上述方法记行判定。如例4中的主记和记记都被省略~最后一记个weather是不可名记~直接用数 what引记。 (1)反意疑记句用法歌记 反意疑记句三要点~ ?前后记记正相反。 短句not如出记~ ?必记记是记记写。 最后一点记注意~ ?短句代记作主记。 记明,?反意疑记句前后部分记记记是~“两肯定记述+否定疑记”或“否定记述+肯定疑记”。如: 39 He is a teacher,isn’t he? She doesn’t like it,does he? ?记略记句如是否定式~not记与be~do~will等助记记、情记记记记写如: He is a worker~isn’t he?(不记is not he) ?记略记句的主记不可用名记~记用人代记。如称: Jack likes English~doesn’t he?(不记doesn’t Jack) (2)反意疑记句回答方法歌记 回答反意疑记句~ 答案含记是依据~ 肯定事记用yes~ 否定事记no替。 记明:记反意疑记句的回答~不管记记的提法如何~如果事记是肯定的~就要用yes~事记是否定的~就要用no。记和记记不一记~记特记注意。例如: He isn’t going to the meeting~is he? 他不去加记~是记参会? Yes,he is.不~他要去的。 No,he isn't.记~他不去。 [注意]1. 在回答否定主句的反意疑记句记~否定回答要用“No,否定短句”~肯定回答要用“Yes,肯定短句”~二者不可混用。记记省略回答的yes要记成“不”~no要记成“是”。例如, “She hasn’t got up,has she?” 记记有她没起床~是记, “Yes,she has.”不~她来已记起了。 (“No,she hasn’t”是的~记她没来起记。) 2.普通的祈使句的主记往往不表记出~来学教但中英记材中却出记了记主记的两个两个祈使句。记句子是:“Well then~you catch that monkey and give me his heart to eat.”/“You wait and see.”(注意:记记句子的主记记记记记都要与重记。)1999年高考也考了一道记主记的祈使句的反意疑记句用法。那记祈使句何记记主记呢? ?记记人当必记指明不同的事要求不同的人去做记。如: You clean the windows~and you(another man)mop the floor. 你窗你擦记~(指一人另个)拖地板。 You go over there and sit next to Tom~while he and I stay here. 40 你到那里坐在记姆旁记~我和他留在记里。 ?记记人强记主记或上记记下记~记者记当青年人或小孩记记记~如:You take care when you cross the road.记记你路记要小心。You speak first.先记。你 You listen to me.我记。你听 You be careful.要你仔记点。 ?当祈使句以Don't记记又要加重记记。如气: Don’t you dare to cause any more trouble.你乱敢再记。Don’t you be late again next time.下你来次不要再记了。?当祈使句的主记是 someone~somebody~everyone~everybody等泛指第三人记。如称:Someone open that window.人把那来个窗扇记打记。Everybody be here at7:30. 大家7:30到记里。 ?当记记人有急躁或记记等情记记。如: You do it right away.立你刻做记件事 You mind your own business,and leave this to me. 你记管记事~把此事留记我好了。 ?当祈使句记记部分有副记up~down~in~out~off~away等~ 且记些副记置于句首记。如: In you jump! 你吧跳记去! Out you come。记出。你来 由此可记~上面提到的那句于第二记情。两当属况 巧记whether与if同异 “whether”“与if”都可表“是否”~是常考内容。下面的记 口溜可记帮你异住其同。 主表同位~从从从if不用whether用~ discuss和介记后~whether引记~从 不定式、or not后面~跟whether能记独神通~ 记如是从否定句~if记记其功用~ 避免歧慎它况记要重~其情可记用。 1. Whether we'll go camping depends on the weather. (记里 指句首主记句从) 2. The question is whether it is worth doing. 41 3. The question whether we need it has not been decided. 4. We should discuss whether we shall hold the meeting. 5. I'm worried about whether he can arrive in time. 6. I don't know whether to stay or not. 7. Please tell me whether or not you agree. 8. I don't care if you won't come. 9. I’ll tell you whether he is busy. (若将句中“whether”改成“if”~记有记~因“歧if”记有“如果”之意。) 10. I don't know whether (if) he will succeed. 11. It is uncertain whether he is coming. 12. Can you tell me whether the train has left or not? 定记句用法巧记歌记从 主句型~句型~记句子要从两完整。 从靠清句记先行记~系记引记要弄。 定人用who或whom~定物which先当用。 记系代记有that~定人定物有本记。 定记记要用when~定地点where行。 记系代(副)记作成分~唯作记记可以省。that和which的记~容区很易记混~用下面的记口溜便不记区分, that~which可互记~下列记况勿照记~ that情况你比记多~不妨记记一记; 不定代记记路记~全用that准记。没 先行记前被限制~千万不要用which~ 要用which记着急~介记提前逗隔离。 浅记as引记的记步记记句状从 as除了引记原因记句、记记记句状从状从状从外~记可引记记步记记句~但从装句记用倒记序。记记~as意记“记然”、“尽管”~等于though。下面记记三记倒装况情, 一、如果句中记记是“记系记记+表记”~记表记放在将as之前。如: Long as the sentence is,its structure is very simple. 句子记记~但其记记记。构很 42 注:如果表记记记可名记~记名记不记数数个冠记。如: Child as he is~he knows a lot.记然他记是孩子~个懂很却的 多。 二、如果句中记记包含情记记记或助记记~记记意记记放在将as之 前。如: Try as I might~I couldn’t lift the stone. 我使多大记也儿搬不记记记石记。 Praised as he was, he remained modest. 他记然受到表记~但仍然保持着记。虚 三、如果句中记记记有记意记记~记记意记记将(原形)放在as之前~ 并在主记后面加助记记do。如: Torture her as they did, the enemy got nothing out of her. 记然记人拷打~她没从她却有能嘴里得到什记。 注:但是~如果在记记情下~句中记记有副记修记~记副记放在况将as 之前。如, Again and again as he failed, he didn't lose heart. 他记然多次失记~但仍不灰心记。气 Much as I admire his courage,I don't think he acted wisely. 我记然佩服他的勇气~但是我记记他记记做是不明智的。 “条件”表示法记记 条即个况真件一记作或一记情记生或存在的前提~究其记记~有记 条虚条几条概件、记件之分。本文记记记常记的件记念表示法分记记述如下: 一、句从 常用来条从引记件句的记记有,if~unless~even if~in case~provided(that)~providing(that)~suppose,supposing,as long as~so long as~so far as~on condition that等。例如: If we fight resolutely,the enemy can be defeated. 如果我记记决争斗~记人是可以记记的。 I won’t go to the party unless I am invited. 要是人没会参会邀记~我是不去加聚的。 We wouldn’t lose heart even if we should fail ten times. 43 即使失记十次~我记也不灰心。 We’d better take our raincoats in case it should rain. 我记最好记着雨衣~以防下雨。 Providing(that)you let me know in good time,I’ll come. 要是你会来及记通知~我的。 Suppose (or Supposing) he does not come~what shall we do? 如果他不~我记记记记来怎? As long as we don't lose heart, we'll find a way to overcome the difficulty. 我记只要不灰心~就能到找克服困记的记法。 Granted that this is true, what conclusion can you draw? 就算记是记记情~又能得出什记记记况你呢? 二、分句 1.祈使句表示条件~记记句表示记果。例如: Come earlier tomorrow and you'll see him. (=lf you come earlier tomorrow,you'll) 明你来会天早点的记~就记到他。 Use your head, and you'll find a better way. (=lf you use your head,you'll)只要记记记筋~就你会来想出更好的记法。 2.由记折记记引记的分句可表示记记虚条件。例如: I was very busy today. Otherwise (= If I had not been very busy that day), I would have taken part in the discussion. 今天我很会参忙~否记~我加那次记记的。 He would have given you more help, but he was very busy (=If he had not been very busy).他要不是很会你忙~就记记更多的 帮助的。 3.有些记记中的省略句~记有表示没条条件的记记~也可表示件。 例如: Easy come~easy go.(=If money comes easily, it will go easily. ) 来得容易~去得快。 First come, first served. (=If one comes first, he will be served first.) 先先来招待。 44 三、名记记记 其作用相于一当个条从件句。例如: One step further, and you are lost. (=lf you take one step further,you)再往前走一步的 记~就你没命了。 Another half hour (= If another half hour should pass或If you should wait for another half hour), all doors would be locked. 再等半个小记~所有的记就记上了。 四、介记短记 其作用相于当条状从件记记句。例如: We could not have succeeded without your help(= If you had not helped us).如果有的没你帮会助~我记就不成功。 Many people believed that, for the spelling difficulties(=if there were not the spelling difficulties), English would be an easy language. 很拼写会学多人记记~要不是有困记~英记是一记容易的记言。 五、不定式短记 To look at him (=If you were to look at him ), you would think him a young man. 如果看一看~记得他你会很年记。 六、立主独构格记 Weather permitting, we'll have an outing tomorrow. 如果天气记可~我明天出去郊游。 All things considered,her paper is of greater value than yours. 从来她你各方面考记起~的记文比的记文更有价记些。 如何判断so that引记的 目的记句记果记记句状从与状从 so that后可既跟状从目的记句~也可记果记句。如何判记跟状从断, 下面的方法可帮你决助解记记。 一、表的含记是“记了”、“以当达状从便”记~记目的记记句~ 当达状从表的是“以至于”、“因此”含记记~记记果记记句。例如, 1.If you do know,answer in a loud enough voice so that all the class may hear.(目的记记句状从) 45 如果的你确声学听知道~记大回答~以便记全班生都可以记。 2.It rained hard the day before yesterday,so that she had to stay at home.(记果记记句状从) 前天雨下得大~因此很她呆只好在家里。 二、句的记记记记有情记记记当从can,could,may,might等记~是目的记句~句状从当从没里有情记记记~且记记记记是一般记在记;记去 记,、记在完成记等记记记~是记果记记句。例如,状从 1.We stopped at Salt Lake City so that we could(might)visit the monument to seagulls. (目的记记句状从)我记在记 湖城逗留~以便可以记记参海记修的记念碑。 2.They have walked a long way,so that we are all tired. (记 果记记句状从)他记走了记的很很路~所以都累。 三、句之前的当从so that可用in order that代替记~是 目的记句~状从状从反之~是记果记记句。例如, We now study hard so that we may work well in the future.(=We now study hard in order that we may work well in the future. (目的记记句状从)我记记在努力学将来记是记了更好地工作。 四、当so that之前有逗号状从记~是记果记记句~反之~是 目的记记句。例如,状从 The story is very interesting,so that I like it very much.(记果记状 从句)记部小记有很趣~因而我非常喜记。 Than后面的代记是用主格记是用记格? 下列两句中~than分记用了I和me~者都两确正, ?She is older than me.(口记中常用) ?She is older than I(am)(记正式文体常用) 但是~在有些句子中~用主格和用记格~句子会截然不同。 ?John likes Henry more than I. ?John likes Henry more than me. 我记知道~than用作记记~的后面它个省略了一比记(方式)记记状从 句。记在我记把以上句记充两完整。 ?John likes Henry more than I like Henry. ?John likes Henry more than he likes me. 看得出~第一句的意思是,记翰比我更喜记亨利。第二句的意思 是,记翰喜记亨利记记喜记我。那记~在什记情下~况than后面的人代记称 用主格,什记情下用记况格, 一、如果主句记记是不及物记记~than后面的人代记用主称格 或记格均可~且意记无记。例如,区 46 She draws better than I(me).得它画比我好。 要注意,如果人代记后面有称all记~人代记一般用记称格。 She draws better than them all. 二、如果主句记记是及物记记~且than后面的名记或代记又记与记记用记~than后面的人代记称只能用主格。例如, He loves the dog more than his wife does. 他比他的妻子更记记条狗。 三、如果主句记记是记系记记be,than后面的人代记用主称格或记格均可~且意记无记。例如,区 He is taller than I(me).他比我记得高。 四、如果主句记记是及物记记~特记是like,love,hate等及物记记~than后面的人代记用用主称格或记格均可~ 但句意不同。记记上~记些及物记记能人代记成“主记记系”~又能成“记既与称构构 记记系”。因此~用主格记~后面省去了主句中的记记和记记~用记格记省去了句子的主记和记记。例如, I like the boy better than she.=I like the boy better than she likes the boy. 我比她个更喜记那男孩。 I like the boy better than her.=I like the boy better than I like her. 我喜记那男孩记记喜记。个她 so和such都有“记记~记记”之意~记多同在学它使用记记容易混淆。记帮学助同记掌握和记记~记看下面一句记口溜, 名前such~形、副so~ 多多少少也用so。 little特属殊~ “小”用~“少”用。suchso 巧学装倒句 倒装学句是中英记记法重点~也是高考记记的记点。其用法记记记记。记了便于同记掌握记记~我记记记记记了以下“四要点”和“三口记”。学个个 希望记同记记记掌握记一学学与帮知记有所记助。 一、辨清构记记 就是要分是全部记是部分清装倒。可记以下记口溜, ??A,位置副记there句~ ? 全记句子保平衡~ ? neither,nor,so也如此~ 上述全部倒着行。 47 B. 部分倒装清要记。 ? 位置副记主人称~ ?? only~否定记放句首~ ??? 记步、记虚有感情。 记明,A.????情一般全部况装倒。?表示位置记系的副记 ;如here,there,out,in,up,down,away等,记记的句型。如, Out rushed the soldiers. ?there记记的固定倒装句型。如,There goes the bell. ?记了保持句子平衡~或强记表记或记记~一般用全部状装倒。如, Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island. ?“so(neither,nor)+助记记+主记”句型。如, He has never been to New York,neither have I. B.??????情下一般用部分况装当倒。?表位置记系的副记 记记的句子主记是人代记记~用部分称装倒。如, Here you are. ?only修记的副记、介记短记或记记句用于句首记。如,状从 Only in this way can you learn from the mistakes. ?表示否定意记的副记和记记(如no,not,never,little,hardly等)用于 句首记~用部分倒装构记记。如, Not a single mistake did he make. ?记步记句常用部分状从装倒记。如, Proud as these nobles are,they dare not see me. ?含有were,had,should的记虚条装件句~常用部分倒记而把if 省略。如, Had I had a knife,I would have lent it to you. ?感记句用部分倒装。如, What good news it is! 二、记牢引记 就是要记住哪装构些常用副记和记记常能引起倒记记。 中学教材常用到, ??9N2S和only, 记有little,hardly。 记明,?9N:no,not,never,neither,nor,not until,not only but also,no soonerthan,no matter。?2S:so,seldom。 三、注意位置 就是要注意在记合句或并列句中~要在何记 倒装。可记下列口记, ?only,NU主倒装~ ?NB前句也一记~ 48 ?NM前后不用管~ ?NN前后全倒装。 记明,?only+记记句和状从Not until+记记句位于句首记~状从只有 主句倒装从装~句不倒。如, Only when he told me did I know it. Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. ?Not onlybut also引记的并当列句。Not only位于句首记~前一分句个装倒。如, Not only did he come,but also he was very happy. ?No matter+记句~主句和句的主记记记状从从装均不倒记。如, No matter how busy he is,he always comes to help us. ?Neither,nor引记的并两两列句~若记均位于分句之前~前后 句记记记记均倒装。如, Neither do I know her name,nor does he. (1) 直接引记记记述句记记接引记口记 当直接引记记记述句~记成记接引记的“记口溜”是: 去掉引号加that~人记称灵化要活~ 记记向后退一步~记记状化按记定。 例如:She said~“My brother doesn’t want to go there.”?She said that her brother didn’t want to go there. (2)记直引记互记人记称化口记 一、直接引记记记记接引记的人记称化记律可记记记~ 一主、二记、三不记。 “一主”把直接即称引记中的第一人(如, I~me~my~mine~we~us~our~ours)记记主句的主记相一与致的人 称。如: She said to him, " I can get on well with my friends here." ?She told him that she could get on well with her friends there. “二记”指把直接引记中的第二人称(you~your~yours)记记和主句的记接记记(记人~如无记人~可即听听体会确根据上下文的人记定一 个称人)相一致的人。如称: "How did you find your way here?"he asked (her).?He asked (her) how she had found her way there. 49 “三不记”就是直接引记中的第三人称 (he~him~his~she~her~hers,it~its,they,their~theirs~them)记记记 接引记记~人不记。如称: You said to me, " He hasn't heard from his son for a long time."?You told me that he hadn't heard from his son for a long time. 二、上述人记与称称化相反~记接引记记记直接引记的人记化可记记记, 同主一 ~同记二~不记。异 “同主一”是指在记接引记记记直接引记记~记接当称与引记中的人 主句主记一致~记记记第一人。如称: They told you that they were preparing for their English evening then.?They said to you, " We are preparing for our English evening now." 此句中的 we~our也可用 they~their。如果记记 ~记原记接引记 中的 they主句中的与they就是指不同的方。直接两引记中用 we~our是 指原记接引记中的they,their主记中的与they于同一方。属 又如: She told you that she would fly to London the next week. ?She said to you, " I will fly to London next week. " “同记二”指记接引记中的人主句记接记记称与(记人听)一致~记记直 接引记记记记第二人。如称: I told her that she had to (must)stay at home and look after her grandma.?I said to her,"You must stay at home and look after your grandma." “不记”就是记接异称既与与引记中的人不主句主记一致~也不记 记一致~记记直接引记记记不记。如: I told him that she hadn't sent for a doctor the day before. ?I said to him," She didn't send for a doctor yesterday." 疑记句记记接引记有妙法 1,一记 二记 三记化 四记记 一般疑记句和特殊疑记句记记记接引记记要注意: (1)改记记述句记序。(2)人代记、记记等也要记称化。(3)主句记记记记记said记~记记asked。 “一记”即即改记记序~“二记”记said记asked~“三记化”人即 称即来、记记要记化~“四记记”原记一般记句记~记接引记中用whether或 if~原来来记特殊记句记~记接引记中仍用原的疑记记。如: 50 He asked,“Is it raining now?”?He asked whether/if it was raining then. He asked, “How can I go to the museum?” ?He asked how he could go to the museum. 2,口记记记 (1)直接引记记一般疑记句~记记接引记的口记是: 去掉引号加if(或whether)~记述记序要记住。 记记、人和记~小称状心记化记记虎。 (2)直接引记是特殊疑记句~记记接引记的口记是: 直接去引号~记述莫忘掉。 助记do(does)、did~一定要去掉。 祈使句记记接引记有方法 当直接引记是祈使句~记成记接引记的“记口溜”是: 去掉引号要加to~ask~order记记住~ 直引若是否定式~not加在to前部。 例如:The teacher said to her mother~“Please give me the book.”?The teacher told her mother to give her the book. 巧记强记句型与it作形式主记代替that引记的主记句从 1.强记句型的记志是“It is,was,,,that,,,”。如果去掉此记 志~句子记构仍然完整。如, It was in 1906that a terrible earthquake hit San Francisco,就在1906年金旧构山记生了大地震。;去掉强记句型记志后~句子记仍然 完整~,即A terrible earthquake hit San Francisco in 1906,, Was it at a theater that Lincoln was murdered,林肯是在一个 记院里遇刺的记,;去掉强记句型记志后~句子记构即仍然完整~, Was Lincoln murdered at a theater,, 2.it作形式主记记~去掉it~把that句从构个移至句首~可成一完 整的句子记。如, 构 It is suggested that we should hold the meeting another day, ;,That we should hold the meeting an- other day is suggested,,有人建记我记改天再记。 会 ,It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language ;,That English is being accepted asan international language is a ,,英记逐记成记记记国个言是一事记。fact 51 构 记 法 记言中记的记和成记记~构并乱但是记记不是一堆记无章、互不相记的群 体个体个构体与~而是一记密系~在记记的系中~记记记之记有着各记各记的 记系。英记中的记些记系的记律记记起来构构构就是记。英记中记的方法就是记 法。记法主要有合成法、记构构化法、派生法和记略法四记。掌握记法是迅 速记大记记量的重要方法之一。 第一记 合成法 合成法就是指由或以上的记记合成的记叫合成记。记记记方两个两个构 式主要有记,记合法、记合法。合成法主要是成合成名记和合成形容两构 记。 记合法成的记合记~记各记合的部分相构它个互记的记法记系是记密相记 的。如blackboard和darkroom都是形容记和名记形成的记~构writing desk是记记名记和名记形式的记。构 记合法形成的记是形记合成记~的记合是用一它个来起记接作用的中 记把或上以上的记来两个两根记素记记的记记在一起。如~用记音字母,s, 来两个构记全记根记素成的记有,salesman, townspeople等。 合成的方式常记的有如下记,几 一、合成名记 1、名记,代记,名记,woman-doctor, women-doctors, workship, spaceship, he-goat, coal fire, motorcycle, gas cooker, oil well, power plant, sil worm, gold mine, bottleneck, piano keys, telephone receiver, television screen, chairman, fireman, motorman, police-officer, postman, pine tree, girl friend, boy friend, goldfish, raindrop, birdcage, breakfast time, flowerbed, tearoom, 2、记记,名记,blowpipe, brakwater, flashlight, watchdog, call- girl, searchlight 3、形容记,名记,blacksmith, blackboard, supermarket, superman, darkroom, blackbird, highchair, hothouse, greenhouse, madman 4、记名记,名记,reading-room, sitting-room, classroom, schoolroom, dining room, building materials, dancing girl, cleaning women, flying machine, washing machine, working conditions, boilding point, drinking water, swimming pool, drinking cup, typing paper, writing desk, sewing machine, walking stick, 5、名记,记名记,machine-building, shoe-making, paper- correcting, book-keeping, dressmaking, letter-writing, story-telling, town-planning, handwriting, sun-bathing, horse riding, chrchgoing, daydreaming, 6、记记,副记,stand-by, take-off, cut-off, breakdown 7、副记,名记,downfall, rainfall, outhouse 8、记在分记,名记,running dog, running water, flying fish, 52 rising sun, burning stick, 9、名记,介记,名记,man-of-war, editor-in-chief, 10、名记,记记字母,名记,handiwork, nowadays 11、介记,副记,名记,afternoon, inland, overbalance 二、合成形容记 1、形容记,名记,ed,five-storeyed, one-eyed, double-faced, blue-eyed, 2、名记,名记,ed,honey-mouthed, 3、名记,代记,分记,man-made, heart-broken, self-educated, snow-covered, man-eating, peace-loving, paper-making, ocean-going, heartfelt, handmade, home-made, sunburnt, weather-beaten 4、名记,代记,形容记,color-blind, ice-cool, seasick, airsick, tax-free, grass-green, snow-white, rock-hard, sea-green 5、形容记,数记,名记,full-time, high-grade, second-hand, 6、形容记,数记,分记,ready-made, sleepy-looking, good-looking, 7、副记,分记,far-reaching, so-called, hard-working, far-reaching, well-meaning, newly-laid, well-meant, wide-spread 8、副记,形容记,ever-green, under-ripe, 9、形容记,形容记,dark-blue, red-hot, grey-green 10、介记,名记,downhill, overnight 三、合成副记 1、形容记,名记,sometimes, meanwhile 2、副记,名记,oftentimes, indoors, outdoors, overhead 3、介记,名记,alongside, beforehand 4、名记,形容记,skyhigh, stonestill, 5、副记,介记,nearby, upalong, 四、合成记记 1、名记,记记,overhear, underline 2、形容记,记记,moonwalk 3、副记,记记,white-wash, safeguard 五、其合成记它 1、合成代记,everybody, everyone, everything, anyone, anybody, anything 2、合成介记,outside, inside, throughout 第二记 记化法 不用借助构个从记记记~把一记记一记记记记另化成记一记记记的方法就是记化法。由于记记记化的记果~英记中就形成了大量外形相同但记记不同的记~即异几同形记记。记化主要有如下记记型。 一、名记起定记作用;记似名记记化记形容记,,space travel, television network, stone table, paper bag, water pipe, history teacher, college students 二、名记记化记记记,boat,go boating, dust,to dust the desk, 53 film,to film this story, mail,to mail, ship,to ship the goods, train,to train the passagers, 三、形容记记化记记记,slow,to slow down a little bit, dry,to dry your hands, wrong,to wrong sb, free,to free the slaves, narrow,to narrow the street, 四、记记记化记名记,to act,an act, to dress,a good dress, to doubt,without any doubt, to guide us,a local guide, to smell,a terrible smell, to love,love of one’s country, to taste,a good taste, to demand,a demand for more equal rights 五、形容记记化记名记,chemical,dangerous chemicals, daily,China Daily, final,a maths final, native,a native 第三记 派生法 派生法又叫记记法~在一记记前或其后加上记记~成新的记记。即个构 中英记中以学个学派生法生成的记记占整中记记记量的25,。 一、前记 一般记前记不来会个改记一记的记性。 1、否定前记 (1) un- a. un +形容记,unfit, unhappy, unfair, unlucky, unfortunate, unkind, unimportant, unnecessary, uncomfortable, unselfish, unusual, uncommon, unexpected, unknown, unthinkable, unbelievable, unseen, unforgettable, unwise, unhealthy, unpleasant, unable, untrue b. un+副记,undoubtedly, unexpectedly, unfortunately, unusually, unhappily, unluckily 由un,形容记成的记构除了unknown, unseen, unfit等记之外~ 其记都可记记加它-ly的副记;记形容记尾个需要记记,。 c. un,记记,uncover, untie, unlock, undress, undo, unpack (2) im,形容记,impossible, impolite (3) in,形容记,incorrect, incomplete, invisible, independent (4) ir,形容记,irregular (5) mis,记记,misspell, misunderstand, mistake (6) dis- a. dis,名记,dishonour, disease, discomfort b. dis,形容记,dishonest, discouraged c. dis,记记,disappear, dislike, discover, disclose, disagree, discomfort, dismiss 2、表示空记、位置记系的前记 (1) a,~大多加在音记记少的名记或不及物记记上成新记~表示构 “在……之上、向……、记于……状记”,ahead, abroad, aside, alive, awake, above, about等。 (2) fore,~表示“在……前面”,forehead, foreground, 54 forearm, foreleg (3) in, il, im, ir表示“向……内在……内”,inside, include, import (4) inter,~表示“在……记、相互”,international (5) intro,~表示“在;向,……内”,introduce (6) out,~表示“向外”,outside, outlook, outdoors, outflow (7) over,~表示“在上面的、在外的”,overhead, overlook, overcoat, overcome, overtime, overgrow (8) pre,~表示“在前”,prefix, preposition (9) pro,~表示“在;向,前”,progress, programme (10) sur,~表示“在……上”,surface, surround (11) trans,~表示“记移”,translate (12) under,~表示“在……下”,undergraound, underline (13) up,~表示“向上”,upward, upset, upstairs (14) be,~表示“在~靠近”,before, behind, below, between, beyond (15)ex,~表示“向外~从来……出”,exchange, export (16) tele,~表示“记”,telephone, television, telegram, telegraph 3、表示记记、序列记系的前记 (1) fore,~表示“在前~记先”,foreword, foresight, foretell (2) mid,~表示“中记”,midnight, midsummer, midautumn (3) post,~表示“在……后”,postwar, postlistening (4) re,~表示“重记”,review, retell, rewrite, replace, return, rebuild (5) extra,~表示“格外、超越”,extraordinary (6) over,~表示“超记”, overcome, overeat, overpass (7) super,~表示“、极超”,supermarket, superpower, superman, superpower 4、表示共同、相等记系 (1) com,;在b, m, p前,~col,~con,~cor,;com在g, l, r及其记它音前,,company, cnnect, correct (2) co,,cooperate, coexist (3) sym,,sympathy, symphony 5、表示整个、完全记系 (1) al,,alone, almost, altogether (2) over,,overall, overflow, overfall 6、表示“、记”离离 (1) a,,arise, away, apart (2) de,,depart, dewater, decolour (3) se,,separate, select (4) for,,forget, forgive 7、记记记记作用的前记 55 (1) en,,em,,enable, enlarge, enrich, enclose, empower (2) ad,~ac,~af,~ag,~an,~ap,~ar,~as,~at ,~;ad,在c, f, g, I, n, p, r , s, t前的记,,体adapt, across, affect, appear, arrange, assist, attend, attract 8、表示加强意记 (1) a,,ashamed, arouse, amuse (2) ad,,address, admire, advise, advance (3) be,,belong, believe 9、表示特殊意记 (1) arch,~表示“首位、主要”,architect (2) auto,~表示“自记”,automobile, autobiography (3) magni,~表示“大”,maginificent (4) micro,~表示“微小”,microscope, Microsoft, microcomputer (5) bi,~表示“数量”,biweekly, bicycle, bimonthly (6) mini,~表示“小型”,minibus, miniskirt, mini-factory, mini-market 二、后记 后记是指在一记的尾部加上一记记成新的记。后记个个构会往往记改记一 个记的记性。常用后记大记有96个~大致可分记五记。 1、名记后记 (1) 成表示人的名记后记构 a. 记记,er表示人,traveller, hunter, reader, worker, keeper, driver, listener, discoverer, reporter, owner, speaker, weaver, winner, buyer, leader, runner, swimmer, ruler, viewer b. 名记,er表示人或物,villager, prisoner, geographer, farmer, lawyer, cooker c. 形容记,er表示人,foreigner, stranger, southerner d. 记记,or表示人,actor, director, inventor, operator, governor, professor, conductor, visitor, sailor e. 名记,eer表示人,engineer, volunteer, mountaineer, pioneer f. 名记;记记,,ress表示女性,actress, waitress, authouress, millionaires, tailoress, tigeress g. 名记,cian,mathematician, physician, politician, musician h. 名记,ese,Chinese, Japanese, Portugese, Taiwanese, Cantanese i. 名记,an,American, Australian, Austrian, Canadian, Hungarian, Indian, Italian, Russian j. 名记;或,al记尾的形容记,,ist,artist, communist, novelist, physicist, violinist, pianist, naturalist, socialist, scientist, typist (2) 成构与抽象名记集合名记的后记 a. 记记,age,package, marriage, carriage, postage, storage, luggage, baggage, percentage 56 b. 记记,ure,failure, pleasure, pressure, mixture, fixture c. 形容记,ity,majority, electricity, activity, equality, possiblility, ablility d. 记记,ment,argument, judgement, achievement, astonishement, development, excitement, encouragement, movement, government, punishment, treatment, statement, department, enrichment e. 记记,ion/sion/ation/action/cation/ition,education, graduation, translation, separation, operation, celebration, congratulation, action, invention, attraction, connection, election, collection, devotion, pollution, decision, division, attention, description, production, redution, revision, permission, examination, explanation, consideration, invitation, imagination, pronunciation, satisfaction, addition, repetition, competition f. 名记,形容记,记记,ery/ry,bravery, discovery, machinery, slavery, chemistry g. 形容记,记记,y, difficulty, honesty, safety, activity, injury, unity, discovery h. 记记,al,arrival, survival, burial, proposal, disapproval, refusal i. 名记,形容记,ship,friendship, leadership, hardship, citizenship, comradeship, professorship, warship, memberhip j. 名记,hood,boyhood, girlhood, childhood, neighbourhood, manhood k. 记记,ance/ence,appearance, entrance, guidance, difference, reference l.. 形容记,记记,th,truth, length, youth, strength, depth, wealth, warmth, width, growth m. 形容记,名记,dom,wisdom, freedom, kingdom n. 形容记,名记,ism,communism, socialism, Marxism, imperialism o. 记记,ing,building, feeling, dancing, meeting p. 形容记,ness,kindness, illness, sickness, brightness, selfness, correctness, happiness, darkness, weakness, carelessness 2、形容记后记 (1) 名记,记记,able/ible,valuable, reasonable, comfortable, countable, enjoyable, horrible, terrible, responsible (2) 名记,al/ia/ual,cultural, agricultural, natural, physical, musical, practical, national, technical, industrial, material, actual (3) 名记,ic/ical,electric, basic, electric, atomic, plastic, magic, scientific, electrical, historical, medical, chemical, physical (4) 名记,ish,foolish, childish, womanish, Spanish, British, English 57 (5) 名记,记记,ful,careful, powerful., tearful, beautiful, hopeful, wonderful, fearful, thankful, harmful, useful, frightful (6) 名记,记记,less,careless, hopeless, useless, harmless, homeless, wireless, endless, selfless, powerless, fearless, valueless (7) 名记,ar,regular, particular, (8) 名记,ary,revolutionary, extraordinary, contrary (9) 名记,形容记,ly,friendly, motherly, brotherly, monthly, weakly, wooly, lovely, lively, lonely (10) 名记,en,wooden, woolen, golden, (11) 名记,ern,eastern, western, northern, southern (12) 名记,y,cloudly, sunny, shiny, windy, rainy, snowy, lucky, salty, hilly, funny, healthy, sleepy, foggy, dusty, lucky, muddy, wealthy, noisy, easy, dirty, thirsty, angry, hungry, smoky, sandy (13) 名记,ous/ious,dangerous, famous, nervous, poisonous, serious, curious, various, mountainous, homourous (14) 名记,记记,some,handsome, troublesome, tiresome (15) 记记,ant,pleasant, excellent (16) 记记,ive(atove),active, expensive, talkactive, comparative, relative (17) 记记,ed,excited, learned, tired, interested, surprised, pleased (18) 记记,ing,interesting, moving, exciting, tiring, surprising 3、副记后记 (1)形容记,ly,badly, nearly, mostly, quickly, roughtly, quietly, sliently, sadly, slowly, commonly, softly, frequently, rapidly, deeply, slightly, lightly, fairly, smartly, certainly, excitedly, curiously, firmly, sliently, constantly, seriously, particularly, coldly, suddenly, freely, highly, lately, finely, politely, completely, widely, immediately, unfortunately, surely, closely, truly, wholly, probably, simply, possibly, impossibly, getly, terribly, easily, busily, happily, heavily, angrily, prettily, hungrily, shyly, dryly, carefully, finally, usually, actually, really, naturally, beautifully, dully, fully, scientifically, phsically (2)名记,介记,ward/wards,northward, southward, eastward, westeward, downward, upward, backward, forward, toward, afterwards 4、记记后记 (1) 形容记,名记,en, deepen, broaden, widen, darken, weaken, sharpen, blacken, redden, whiten, tighten, stengthen, lengthen, heighten (2) 形容记,名记,fy,beautify, satisfy, electrify, purify, terrify 58 (3) 名记,形容记, ize/ise,realize, modernize (4) ,ate,由外来构记记成,libreate, educate, operate, translate, graduate, separate, celebrate, congratulate (5) ,ish,由外来构记记成,finish, publish, astonish (6) 形容记,en,enable, enlarge, enrich 5、记后记数 (1) 基记数,teen,thirteen, fourteenk fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen (2) 基记数,ty,twenty, thirty, forty, fifty (3) 基记数,th,fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth 三、中记 在英记有些记在记合记~需要有一中记的个起记接作用的中记~记记记记不多~常记的中记是字母―s―。如,salesgirl, salesman, townspeople, townsman。 第四记 记略法 记略法是把原有的记记通记记短~在记音和法一写呈记新的形式~记记构很几来随学记方式用得普遍~特记是近年~着科技记的记速记展~记生了很构几多新的记略记。记略法记主要有如下记。 一、剪切法;clipping, 剪切法的含记是某记的从个个完整形式中记除一或更多音记~记记方法成的记记构往往记记是非正式的。 1、剪切原记的记始部分,omnibus---bus, bicycle---cycle, airplane/aeroplane---plane, taxicab---cab, telephone---phone 2、剪切原记的末尾部分,advertisment---ad, examination---exam, photograph--- photo, taxicab---taxi, laboratory---lab, public house---pub (3) 剪切原记的中记部分,foot/feet---ft, half---hf, Greek---GK, yard---yd, year---yr, continued---contd (4) 剪切原记的两端部分, 保留中记的部分字母,infludenza---flu, refiderator---fridge 二、混成法 (blending) 混成法是由记两个个混合或记记而成记一记合记的方法。记记记合记都保 留了原来两个体属记的一部分~其后半表示主~前半部分表示性。 breakfast,luch, brunch smoke,fog, smog motor,hotel,motel boat,motor,botor news,broadcast,newscast television,braodcast,telecast cheese,hamburger,cheeseburger beef, hamburger,beefburger European,television,Eurovision 三、用首字母记略;acronym, 大量的记略记是其所含各成分的第一个个个构字母或多字母成的~由记记方式记成的记叫做首字母记略记 (acronym)。 59 (1) 按首字母拼记的记略记,British Broadcasting Corporation---BBC, European Economic Community---EEC, United Nations---UN, Unidentified Flying Object---UFO, Very Important Person---VIP, Do-it-yourself---DIY, World Tread Organization---WTO (2) 象记记一记记的首拼字母记略记,North Atlantic Treaty Organization---NATO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization---UNESCO, lightwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation---laser, acquired immunity deficiency syndrome---AIDS 附记二: 常用不记记记记表 所有记记都按原形、记去式、记去分记形式排列。 60 I.A,A,A型 burst?burst?burst cast?cast?cast cost?cost?cost cut?cut?cut hit?hit?hit hurt?hurt?hut let?let?let put?put?put set?set?set shut?shut?shut split?split?split spread?spread?spreadthrust?thrust?thrustupset?upset?upset II.A,A,A同记又可A,B,B型bet?bet?bet bet?betted?bettedbroadcast?broadcast?broadcast broadcast?broadcasted? broadcasted forecast?forecast?forecastforecast?forecasted?forecasted rid?rid?rid rid?ridded?riddedspit?spit?spit spit?spat?spat wed?wed?wed wed?wedded?weddedwet?wet?wet wetted?wetted III. A,B,A型 become?became?becomecome?came?come overcome?overcame?overcome run?ran?run IV. A,B,B型 bend?bent?bent bind?bound?bound bleed?bled?bled bring?brought?broughtbuild?built?built buy?bought?boughtcatch?caught?caught 61 cling?clung?clungcreep?crept?creptdeal?dealt /dealt/ ?dealt /dealt/dig?dug?dug feed?fed?fed feel?felt?felt fight?fought?foughtfind?found?foundflee?fled?fled foretell?foretold?foretold hang?hung?hung hang?hanged?hangedhave?had?had hear?heard?heardhold?held?held keepkept—?kept lay?laid?laid lead?led?led leave?left?left lend?lent?lent lose?lost?lost make?made?mademean?meant /ment/?meant /ment/ meet?met?met mislead?misled?misledpay?paid?paid red?read /red/?read /red/say?said?said seek?sought?soughtsell?sold?sold send?sent?sent shoot?shot?shot sit?sat?sat sleep?slept?sleptspend?spent?spentspin?spun?spun stand?stood?stoodstick?stuck?stucksweep?swept?sweptswing?swung?swungteach?taught?taughttelltold—?told think?thought?thoughtunderstand?understood?understood 62 uphold?upheld?upheldweep?wept?wept win?won?won V.A,B,B或A,A-ed,A-ed型awake?awoke?awoke awake?awaked?awakedbless?blest?blest bless?blessed?blessedburn?burnt?burnt burn?burned?burned dream?dreamt/dreamt/?dreamt/dremt/dream?dreamed/dri:md/?dreamed/dri:md/dive?dove?dove dive?dived?dived forget?forgot?forgot (forget?forgotten?forgotten)get?get?gotten(get?got?gotten)kneel?knelt?knelt kneel?kneeled?kneeledlean?leant?leant lean?leaned?leaned leap?leaped?leaped learn?learnt?learnt learn?learned?learnedlight?lit?lit light?lighted?lightedprove?proved?proved(proven a.) shine?shone?shone shine?shined?'shined slide?slid?slid slide?slid?slidden smell?smelt?smelt smell?smelled?smelledspeed?sped?sped speed?speeded?speededspell?spelt?spelt spell?spelled?spelledspill?spilt?spilt spill?spilled?spilled spoil?spoilt?spoilt strike?struck?struck(stricken a.) sweat?sweated?sweatedsweat?sweat?sweat swell?swelled?swelled(swollen) 63 whip?whip?whip whip?whipped?whippedwrap?wrapt?wrapt wrap?wrapped?wrappedand?wound?wound wind?winded?winded VI.A,B,C型 begin?began?begun drink?drank?drunk(drunken a.) ring?rang?rung sing?sang?sung sink?sank?sunk(sunken a.) spring?sprang?sprungswim?swam?swum blow?blew?blown draw?drew?drawn fly?flew?flown grow?grew?grown know?knew?known overthrow?overthrew?overthrown throw?threw?thrown withdraw?withdrew?withdrawnarise?arose?arisen beat?beat?beaten break?broke?broken choose?chose?chosen drive?drove?driven eat?ate?eaten fall?fell?fallen forbid?forbade?forbiddenforbid?forbad?forbiddenforgive?forgave?forgivenfreeze?froze?frozen give?gave?given hide?hid?hidden hide?hid?hid mistake?mistook?mistakenrewrite?rewrote?rewrittenride?rode?ridden rise?rose?risen shake?shook?shaken speak?spoke?spoken stall?stole?stolen take?took?taken 64 undertake?undertook?undertaken wake?woke?woken wake?waked?waked weave?wove?woven write?wrote?writtenbear?bore?borne (born a.) swear?swore?sworn tear?tore?torn wear?wore?worn be/am/is/are?was/were?beendo?did?done foresee?foresaw?foreseengo?went?gone lie?lay?lain(躺) lie?lied?lied ;撒记, saw?sawed?sawn saw?sawed?sawed see?saw?seen sew?sewed?sewn sew?sewed?sewed show?showed?shown show?showed?showedsow?sowed?sown sow?sowed?sowe 65
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