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帕丁顿熊2中英对照剧本帕丁顿熊2中英对照剧本 帕丁顿熊2Paddington.2中英对照剧本 Dialogue:最后一个雨季Our last rainy season. Dialogue: 想想看 帕斯图佐Just think, Pastuzo, Dialogue: 下个月这时候我们就在伦敦了this time next month we'll be in London. Dialogue: 流淌着果酱的河流Where the rivers run with marmalade Dialogue: 面包铺成的马路and the ...

帕丁顿熊2中英对照剧本 帕丁顿熊2Paddington.2中英对照剧本 Dialogue:最后一个雨季Our last rainy season. Dialogue: 想想看 帕斯图佐Just think, Pastuzo, Dialogue: 下个月这时候我们就在伦敦了this time next month we'll be in London. Dialogue: 流淌着果酱的河流Where the rivers run with marmalade Dialogue: 面包铺成的马路and the streets are paved with bread. Dialogue: 你读那本关于伦敦的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 了吗Did you read the book about London? Dialogue: 粗略看了一下I skimmed it. Dialogue: 哦 帕斯图佐你呀Oh, Pastuzo. Dialogue: 读书只会让我瞌睡Well, reading makes me sleepy. Dialogue: 我觉得能搞出一本自己的书的城市But any city that can come up with this Dialogue: 应该还不错is all right by me. Dialogue: 天呐 帕斯图佐 快看Ooh, Pastuzo, look! Dialogue: 是只小熊It's... It's a cub. Dialogue: 露西Lucy! Dialogue: 放绳吊我下去Lower me down. Dialogue: 小心点Be careful. Dialogue: 低一点 帕斯图佐 再低一点Lower, Pastuzo. Lower. Dialogue: 露西Lucy? Dialogue: 露西Lucy! Dialogue: 恐怕我们去不了伦敦了I'm afraid we're not going to London after all. Dialogue: 为什么Why not? Dialogue: 我们有一只小熊要抚养了We've got a cub to raise. Dialogue: - 他长什么样 - 很小- What's he like? - Rather small. Dialogue: 还很喜欢打喷嚏And rather sneezy. Dialogue: 但他喜欢这个果酱But he likes his marmalade. Dialogue: 不错That's a good sign. Dialogue: 是的 帕斯图佐Oh, yes, Pastuzo. Dialogue: 如果我们收留他 我有预感他将来前途远大If we look after this bear, I have a feeling he'll go far. Dialogue: 亲爱的露西婶婶Dear Aunt Lucy. Dialogue: 祝愿家里退休熊熊们一切安好I hope all is well in the Home for Retired Bears. Dialogue: 我这个夏天在伦敦的生活太棒了Life in London has been better than ever this summer. Dialogue: 我终于习惯了这里的生活方式I've really got to grips with how things work. Dialogue: 好像每天都有新事物And it seems there's something new to do every day. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 你知道吗- Guess what, Paddington? - Hmm? Dialogue: 蒸汽博览会今晚来伦敦The steam fair is coming to town. Dialogue: 我今天晚上I'm going along tonight to write about it Dialogue: 要在报纸上写关于这个的报道- in my newspaper. - Ooh. Dialogue: 谁会读那些啊Who's going to want to read about that? Dialogue: 大家都会读的 他们乘着老式蒸汽火车世界巡展Everyone. They travel the world in an old steam train. Dialogue: - 我还以为你喜欢蒸汽火车 - 我是喜欢- I thought you'd love it. - I do. Dialogue: 别告诉其他人行吗 一点都不帅气Don't tell anyone, okay? Not cool. Dialogue: - 不如我们一起去 - 好主意- Why don't we all go? - Good idea. Dialogue: 你爸爸可擅长玩掷球击倒椰子游戏呢Your father's a dab hand at the coconut shy. Dialogue: 以前大家都叫他"神球手布朗"呢"Bullseye Brown" they used to call him. Dialogue: 现在不了 打椰子是年轻人玩的Not anymore. Coconuts are a young man's game. Dialogue: 我觉得你是同龄人身材保持得很好的Well, I think you're in great shape for a man your age, Dialogue: - 布朗先生 - 谢谢你 帕丁顿- Mr. Brown. - Ah, thank you, Paddington. Dialogue: 等等 你以为我几岁Hang on, how old do you think I am? Dialogue: 大概八十Oh, er, about . Dialogue: - 八十岁 - 最少八十- ? - At least. Dialogue: 等一下 小熊- Just a minute, young bear. - Hmm? Dialogue: 说过让你洗洗耳朵后面的Thought I told you to wash behind your ears. Dialogue: 我洗了 伯德女士 我Oh, but I did, Mrs. Bird. I... Dialogue: 这个怎么跑到那里去的I wonder how that got in there. Dialogue: 温莎花园就像我的家I really feel at home in Windsor Gardens. Dialogue: 早上好 小姐Bonjour, Mademoiselle. Dialogue: 早上好 帕丁顿Good morning, Paddington. Dialogue: - 我给你带了早饭 - 谢谢- I brought you breakfast. - Thank you. Dialogue: 你的三明治总能带给我好心情Your sandwiches always put me in a good mood. Dialogue: 早上好 杰弗里医生Morning, Doctor Jafri. Dialogue: 你没忘带钥匙吧You haven't forgotten your keys, have you? Dialogue: 钥匙 我的钥匙Keys? Keys! Dialogue: 真险Well caught. Dialogue: - 谢谢你 布丁顿 - 不客气- Thank you, Paddington. - You're welcome. Dialogue: 今天天气真好 上校Glorious day, Colonel. Dialogue: 是啊 我兴奋的不得了呢Is it? How absolutely thrilling. Dialogue: 基茨小姐 约会进展如何了How was your date, Miss Kitts? Dialogue: 他不太合适 但你也懂的Well, he wasn't the one, but you know what they say. Dialogue: - 天涯何处无芳草 - 没错- Plenty more fish in the sea. - Exactly. Dialogue: 谢谢Thank you. Dialogue: - 早上好 帕丁顿 - 早上好 巴尔内斯先生- Morning, Paddington. - Morning, Mr. Barnes. Dialogue: - 拜拜 帕丁顿 - 拜拜 小姐- Bye, Paddington. - Au revoir, mademoiselle. Dialogue: 来 考考我Right, test me. Dialogue: 从贝克街到大本钟 走哪条路最快What's the quickest way from Baker Street to Big Ben? Dialogue: 简单Ah, an easy one. Dialogue: 在波特曼广场右转Turn right onto Portman Square... Dialogue: 每个人对我都很好很热情Everyone has been so kind and welcoming Dialogue: 即便有时候他们很忙even though they're very busy. Dialogue: 布朗太太 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 游泳去法国Mrs. Brown is planning to swim to France. Dialogue: 选择哪一种交通工具似乎很费事It seems an awful lot of hard work Dialogue: 因为坐船 坐飞机 甚至是坐火车when you can go by boat Dialogue: 貌似都可以 但这些都不是重点or plane or even train. But that's not the point. Dialogue: 她花了一整个夏天She's been cooped up all summer Dialogue: 为系列冒险 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt 做插画illustrating a series of adventure stories Dialogue: 最终决定亲身实践一个and has decided she wants one of her own. Dialogue: 朱迪失恋了 很难过Judy has been suffering from a broken heart. Dialogue: 你说我被甩了 你才是被甩的那个 托尼I'm dumped? I think you'll find you're dumped, Tony! Dialogue: 她一开始想出家做修女Her first reaction was to become a nun. Dialogue: 但她马上放弃了But she soon got over that Dialogue: 她有一项新爱好 她在学校里发现了and has thrown herself into a new hobby. Dialogue: 一架旧印刷机并办了一份报纸She found an old printing press at school Dialogue: 禁止男生参与and is starting a newspaper with no boys. Dialogue: 现在我们就差些新闻啦Now all we need is some news. Dialogue: 乔纳森今年Jonathan is joining her Dialogue: 上高中了at big school this year. Dialogue: 他花了一整个暑假He spent the holidays Dialogue: 做出了一辆可正常运行的蒸汽火车building a fully-working steam engine, Dialogue: 他不打算跟别人说but I'm not supposed to talk about that Dialogue: 因为他觉得这不酷as it's "not cool." Dialogue: 他完全换了副打扮He's got a whole new look, Dialogue: 如果有人问 他就会说他现在是嘻哈歌手猎狗and if anyone asks, he's now called J-Dog, Dialogue: 而且不喜欢蒸汽车and he's definitely not into steam trains. Dialogue: 布朗先生是最忙的那一个But Mr. Brown has been busiest of all. Dialogue: 最近 他的工作给了他一个意外He recently had a surprise at work. Dialogue: 我很高兴地向大家宣布I am delighted to announce, Dialogue: 我们新任首席风险评估师是our new Head of Risk Analysis will be Dialogue: 史蒂夫 维斯比先生Mr. Steve Visby. Dialogue: 他就像伯德小姐说的那样And this has prompted Dialogue: 遭遇了"全面中年危机"what Mrs. Bird calls "a full-blown midlife crisis." Dialogue: 他会搅拌食物It involves blending his food, Dialogue: 还会染头发painting his hair, Dialogue: 还参加了麦伦瑜伽运动and engaging in a process called "Chakrabatics." Dialogue: 打开心灵 你的腿也随之打开Open your mind and your legs will follow. Dialogue: - 谢谢你 帕丁顿 - 继续加油哦- Thank you, Paddington. - Keep up the good work. Dialogue: 露西婶婶 你送我到伦敦来让我找个家Oh, Aunt Lucy, you sent me to London to find a home, Dialogue: 我找到了而且过得很好and it's worked out better than I ever imagined. Dialogue: 我的新家人很棒I have a wonderful family. Dialogue: 我交了各式各样的朋友And have made friends in all sorts of places. Dialogue: 来这 伙计Here, boy. Dialogue: 乖 路飞There you go, Wolfie. Dialogue: 如果你亲眼看到我的生活 你一定会高兴的I do hope if you could see me, you'd be pleased. Dialogue: 爱你的 帕丁顿Lots of love from Paddington. Dialogue: 格鲁伯先生在吗Mr. Gruber? Dialogue: 布朗先生啊 快进来Ah, Mr. Brown, come in. Dialogue: 我刚刚从科兹洛娃夫人I just had a visit from Madame Kozlova Dialogue: 办的博览会上回来who runs the fair. Dialogue: 是吗Oh, yes? Dialogue: 他们清理了一下 找到了这个旧箱子They were having a clear out and found all these old crates Dialogue: 这里面有他们本以为stuffed full with memory-bilia they thought Dialogue: - 再也找不到的收藏品 - 真的吗- had been lost forever. - Oh! Dialogue: 她问我能不能趁他们在镇上停留She asked me if I would sell it Dialogue: 把它们卖出去for them while they're in town. Dialogue: 我就想到这里可能有适合And it struck me there might be something in here Dialogue: 为你婶婶庆生的东西for your auntie's birthday. Dialogue: 说的不错Oh, good idea. Dialogue: 看看这个Ah, look at this! Dialogue: 这个很棒 格鲁伯先生 但是It's very nice, Mr. Gruber, but... Dialogue: 我懂 我懂 要完美的礼物I know, I know, it has to be perfect. Dialogue: 帕斯图佐叔叔去世之后Well, since Uncle Pastuzo died, Dialogue: 我就是她唯一的亲人了I'm the only relative she's got left. Dialogue: 熊的一百岁大寿是很重大的And it isn't every day a bear turns . Dialogue: 是的Quite so. Ah! Dialogue: 这双轮滑鞋怎么样How about these rolling shoes? Dialogue: 拜托 格鲁伯先生 能不能认真点Please, Mr. Gruber, be serious. Dialogue: 可能你婶婶已经不玩滑轮了Perhaps your auntie's rolling days are behind her. Dialogue: 我也这么认为I think you might be right. Dialogue: 这是什么Oh, what's this? Dialogue: 一本立体绘本Ah, that must be the popping book. Dialogue: 很有趣的Very interesting. Dialogue: 真的吗Really? Dialogue: 科兹洛娃夫人的曾祖母You see, Madame Kozlova's great-grandmother, Dialogue: 她开创这场博览会who started the fair, Dialogue: 也是一位杰出的艺术家was also a brilliant artist. Dialogue: 她每来到新的城市And every time they visited a new city, Dialogue: 就会做一本立体绘本she made a popping book to remember it by. Dialogue: 这本就是关于伦敦的And this is London. Dialogue: 格鲁伯先生 这太棒了Oh, Mr. Gruber, it's wonderful. Dialogue: 露西婶婶一直想来伦敦Aunt Lucy always dreamed of coming to London Dialogue: 但是她一直没机会来and never had the chance. Dialogue: 但如果她看到了这本绘本But if she saw this, Dialogue: 那就像是她亲自来到了伦敦it would be like she were finally here. Dialogue: 露西婶婶 露西婶婶Aunt Lucy! Aunt Lucy! Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington! Dialogue: 跟我来 露西婶婶Come with me, Aunt Lucy. Dialogue: 好的 我想四处看看Oh, yes, please. I want to see everything. Dialogue: 这儿有最新的赛马新闻Get all your racing news right here. Dialogue: - 觉得如何 - 太棒了- Well, what do you think? - It's wonderful. Dialogue: 请上车All aboard. Dialogue: - 一只成年熊带一位老年熊 - 小心台阶 夫人- One and a half bears, please. - Mind your step, madam. Dialogue: 这年轻人真有礼貌What a polite young man. Dialogue: 小鸽子们也很有礼貌What a polite young pigeon. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 谢谢你 我很开心Oh, Paddington, you've made an old bear so very happy. Dialogue: 简直完美This is perfect. Dialogue: 但有个问题We have a snag. Dialogue: 什么Do we? Dialogue: 这本书是独一无二的You see, this popping book is the only one of its kind, Dialogue: 他们可是要价很高的and they want rather a lot of money for it. Dialogue: 今早伯德小姐在我耳朵里发现了这个Oh, well, Mrs. Bird found this coin in my ear at breakfast. Dialogue: 可能还能找到更多Perhaps there's more. Dialogue: 要比这多得多 布朗先生It would take more than an earful, Mr. Brown. Dialogue: 恐怕得要几千个硬币呢I'm afraid you would need a thousand of those coins. Dialogue: 再看看这个猴子吧Let's take another look at the monkey. Dialogue: 我觉得这个很好I think he's super-duper. Dialogue: 我会修好的I can fix that. Dialogue: 谢谢你的好意 格鲁伯先生That's very kind, Mr. Gruber, Dialogue: 但是露西婶婶 为把我抚养成熊劳心劳力but Aunt Lucy did so much for me when I was a cub, Dialogue: 我想送她这个绘本来报答她and this could be my way of saying thank you. Dialogue: 我要去打工攒钱 买下它I'm going to get a job and buy that book. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 我几分钟后回来Back in a few minutes, Paddington. Dialogue: - 拜拜 - 再见 朱塞佩先生- Ciao ciao. - Ciao ciao, Mr. Giuseppe. Dialogue: 下午好 欢迎光临朱塞佩美发沙龙Good afternoon. Welcome to Giuseppe's grooming salon. Dialogue: 先生请问您需要什么服务What can I do for you today, sir? Dialogue: 刮脸 上发油A shave? A light pomade? Dialogue: 还是只梳头Or is it just a brush? Dialogue: 理发师 快速修剪一下即可Quick trim, barber. Dialogue: 我不是理发师 我只负责收拾Oh, I'm not the barber. I just tidy up. Dialogue: 我也就只是想收拾头发一下而已That's all I want. Dialogue: 只剪后面和侧面 头顶不剪Tidy up the back and sides, nothing off the top. Dialogue: 好的 但是Yes, but... Dialogue: 没有但是 来吧小伙子 剪头发No buts. Come on, man, chop-chop. Dialogue: 好的 先生If you say so, sir. Dialogue: 是朱塞佩美发沙龙么Giuseppe's? Dialogue: 我待会给您回电话好吗Would you mind if I call you back? Dialogue: 我现在需要给客人理发I think I may be about to shave a customer. Dialogue: 哦 谢天谢地Oh, thank goodness. Dialogue: 请您稍等一下Just putting you on hold. Dialogue: 但是我不想去But I don't want to. Dialogue: 只是剪个头发而已 纳尔逊It's only a haircut, Nelson. Dialogue: 根本没什么好怕的There's nothing to be afraid of. Dialogue: 请进 随便坐Come in. Take a seat. Dialogue: 我们还是去别的地方剪吧We'll go somewhere else. Dialogue: 天哪 这看起来可不太好Oh, that's not good. Dialogue: 不No. Dialogue: 只是给您用一下我们的产品 先生Just giving you some product, sir. Dialogue: 非常好Ah, jolly good. Carry on. Dialogue: 完成了All done. Dialogue: 我不得不承认它比我想象中的更棒I must say, it's turned out a lot better than I expected. Dialogue: 这是什么鬼What... What the devil's that? Dialogue: 这是果酱It's, er, marmalade. Dialogue: 果酱Marmalade? Dialogue: 护发果酱Hairy marmalade. Dialogue: 什么玩意 把它清理干净Well, get it off! Dialogue: 是的 先生 马上就好Yes, sir. Right away, sir. Dialogue: 你到底在干嘛Oh, yuck! What is the matter with you? Dialogue: - 帕丁顿 - 朱塞佩先生 我可以解释- Paddington! - Mr. Giuseppe. I can explain. Dialogue: 其实没有看上去这么糟糕It's really not as bad as it looks. Dialogue: - 您被解雇过吗 布朗先生Have you ever been fired, Mr. Brown? Dialogue: 没有 但是 你确定Well, no, but are you quite sure Dialogue: 准备好工作了吗 帕丁顿you're ready for the workplace, Paddington? Dialogue: 外面的世界竞争非常激烈It's a tough, competitive world out there, Dialogue: 我很担心像你这样单纯善良的小熊and I worry a good-natured little bear Dialogue: 会被人欺负might get trampled underfoot. Dialogue: 他是对的 你不能相信任何人He's right, you know? You can't trust anyone. Dialogue: 这就是我创办自己报纸的原因That's why I'm doing my newspaper alone. Dialogue: 亲爱的 创办报纸和托尼有关吗Darling, is this about Tony? Dialogue: 没有No! Dialogue: 什么东西都和托尼有关Everything is about Tony. Dialogue: 没人愿意帮你办这份报纸And the only reason no-one's helping with your paper Dialogue: 因为这太傻了is because it's so lame. Dialogue: 至少我没有假扮成Well, at least I'm not pretending Dialogue: 别人to be someone I'm not. Dialogue: 我也没有 - 密探Nor am I. G-Man. Dialogue: - 猎狗 - 闪光侠- J-Dog. - Spud bounce. Dialogue: 但是露西婶婶说But Aunt Lucy said, Dialogue: 如果我们温和善良彬彬有礼的话 世界也会变美好"If we're kind and polite, the world will be right." Dialogue: 终于有人说句正常的话了At least someone's making sense. Dialogue: 你很善良 布朗先生 所以您就成功了Sorry. You're kind, Mr. Brown, and you made it to the top. Dialogue: 我离成功很可不了 上坡路走到一半I'm nowhere near the top. I peaked in the middle. Dialogue: 头发花白Now my hair's gone grey, Dialogue: 肚子变得圆滚滚的 我已经开始变老了my belly's popped out, and I've started to creak. Dialogue: 这不是住在街角大房子里的那个人吗Oh, doesn't that man live in the big house on the corner? Dialogue: 那是布坎南先生It's Phoenix Buchanan. Dialogue: 老爸的名人客户Dad's 'celebrity' client. Dialogue: 他是我们的白金客户He's one of our Platinum Club members. Dialogue: 而且是一个非常有名的演员And a very famous actor. Dialogue: 可惜过气了Or used to be. Dialogue: 现在只能卖卖狗粮Now he just does dog food commercials. Dialogue: 伯德太太不喜欢他 因为Mrs. Bird doesn't like him Dialogue: 他永远都记不住她的名字because he can never remember her name. Dialogue: 别鼓掌了 别鼓了Now then, simmer down, simmer... Dialogue: 好吧 再鼓一下All right, little bit more. Dialogue: 可以了That's enough. Dialogue: 很抱歉 我今晚的状态不太好I'm sorry, I'm at my worst tonight. I really am. I am Dialogue: 非常荣幸tickled the deepest shade of shrimp Dialogue: 今晚可以站在这里to have been asked here tonight Dialogue: 为奇妙无比的科兹洛娃蒸汽博览会揭幕to open this wonderful old steam fair. Dialogue: 但是各位知道But you know, Dialogue: 多年以前 科兹洛娃夫人when Madame Kozlova created this thing Dialogue: 创建这个展会时all those years ago, Dialogue: 她心里想的肯定不是she most certainly was not thinking of people like me, Dialogue: 我这样的人whatever I am, Dialogue: 特权阶层 社会名流 我讨厌这些'VIP, ' 'celebrity.' I hate all that stuff. Dialogue: 不 不 对了 西部传奇No, no... 'West End legend, ' Dialogue: 还有这个外号that's another one. Dialogue: 不 她心里想的是你们No, no, she was thinking of you guys, huh? Dialogue: 普罗大众们The ordinary people. Dialogue: 所以我将会挑选你们So, I'm gonna ask one of you to Dialogue: 其中一位来为展会揭幕come up here and open the fair. Dialogue: 谁想担任这个角色呢Volunteers? Anyone. Dialogue: 我 我Me. Me. Dialogue: 点啊点 点到谁Eeny, meeny, miney... Dialogue: 熊...bear! Dialogue: 让我们热情欢迎这只小熊Let's have the young bear. Why not? Dialogue: - 好极了 来吧 小熊 - 谢谢- Come, come, young ursine. - Thank you. Dialogue: 上来吧 我毛茸茸的朋友 非常好 非常好Up here, my furry friend. Very good, very good. Dialogue: - 你叫什么名字 - 帕丁顿 布朗- Now, your name is? - Paddington Brown. Dialogue: 对我想起来了 你是我的新邻居Oh, well, of course it is. You are my new neighbor. Dialogue: 和你住在一起的有You live with Dialogue: 亨利 玛丽还有了不起的那什么夫人Henry and Mary and the great Mrs... Dialogue: 我猜你一定认识我对吧Now then, I suppose you know who I am? Dialogue: 是的 你是一个非常有名的演员Oh, yes, you're a very famous actor. Dialogue: - 谢谢 - 虽然早就过气了- Oh, pooh. - Or used to be. Dialogue: 现在你在做狗粮生意Now you do dog food commercials. Dialogue: - 人总是要混口饭吃的 - 吃什么 狗粮吗- Well, a man has to eat. - What, dog food? Dialogue: 非常非常有趣Very, very funny. Dialogue: 人们都说蒸汽博览会Anyway, they do say that at Madame Kozlova's, Dialogue: 就是你美梦成真的地方all your dreams come true. Dialogue: 所以你今晚有什么心愿想要完成呢So, if you had one wish tonight, what would it be? Dialogue: 我的愿望很简单Oh, that's easy. Dialogue: 我想要送给露西婶婶一个生日礼物I'd like to get my Aunt Lucy a birthday present. Dialogue: 我看中了一本- Aww. - Aww. Darling. Dialogue: 伦敦的立体绘本I've got my eye on an old pop-up book of London. Dialogue: 正是科兹洛娃夫人做的 很巧吧Made by Madame Kozlova, as it happens. Dialogue: 唯一的问题是那本书太贵了The only problem is it's rather expensive. Dialogue: 所以我需要存很多很多钱So I need to get my paws on an awful lot of money. Dialogue: 虽然我们没有办法满足你的这个愿望Well, I'm not sure that we can offer you that. Dialogue: 但是我们可以给予你But we can of course offer you Dialogue: 无穷无尽的欢乐oodles of fun. Dialogue: 你是否愿意将你的爪子借我一用呢So, if you would like to lend me a paw, Dialogue: 现在我们正式宣布we now declare Kozlova's Steam Fair Dialogue: 开幕open! Dialogue: 谢谢 非常感谢Thank you, thank you very much. Dialogue: 妙极了 谢谢大家Wonderful, thank you. Dialogue: 布朗先生 请稍等一下- Mrs. Brown? - Just one moment. Dialogue: 悄悄地问一句- A word in your ear. - Hmm? Dialogue: 刚刚你提到那本立体绘本This, er, this pop-up book. Dialogue: - 你也知道它吗 - 我当然知道了- Do you know it? - I know of it. Dialogue: 但是 他们告诉我它丢了But I was led to believe it was lost. Dialogue: 你是在哪找到它的Where on earth did you find it? Dialogue: 在格鲁伯先生的古董店Oh, at Mr. Gruber's Antique Shop. Dialogue: 他答应先帮我留着He's keeping it to one side for me, Dialogue: 但是我要找份工作but I really need a job. Dialogue: 也许你有什么建议 有吗I don't suppose you have any advice, do you? Dialogue: 不 不No. No. No. Dialogue: 我认为你只能先从I imagine you just have to Dialogue: 底层做起start at the bottom of the ladder Dialogue: 一点一点往上爬and work your way up. Dialogue: 你知道吗 布坎南先生Do you know what, Mr. Buchanan? Dialogue: 你刚刚给了我一个绝妙的建议You've just given me the most brilliant idea. Dialogue: 是么Have I? Dialogue: 我要成为一名窗户清洁工I'm going to be a window cleaner. Dialogue: 天哪Oh... Oh, dear. Dialogue: 你好 有人吗Hello? Anyone? Dialogue: - 你好 需要窗户清洁工么 - 不了 谢谢- Hello? Window cleaner. - No, thank you. Dialogue: 上校 你确定吗 它们实在是太脏了Sure, Colonel? They're awfully dirty. Dialogue: 我不在乎 反正我不会付钱的I don't care and I'm not paying. Dialogue: 即使如此我也要把它擦干净Perhaps I'll do them anyway. Dialogue: 下午好 上校 你知不知道Good afternoon, Colonel. Dialogue: 在你的房顶上有一头熊Are you aware there's a bear on your roof? Dialogue: 我知道 他说他要帮我擦窗户Yes, he seems to be cleaning my windows. Dialogue: 我可以清理您的排水槽吗Shall I do your gutters while I'm up here? Dialogue: 当然可以 谢谢Um, yes. Thank you. Dialogue: 当然了 上校 或许我不该说Well, of course it's not for me to say, Colonel, Dialogue: 但是我不喜欢有一头熊but I wouldn't care to have an undesirable Dialogue: 在屋顶上爬来爬去crawling all over my premises. Dialogue: 而我作为社区防卫委员会的工作人员And as Commander of your Community Defense Force... Dialogue: 那是官方任命的吗 库里先生Is that an official position, Mr. Curry? Dialogue: 或者 你只是给自己买了一件黄色外套Or have you just bought yourself a yellow coat? Dialogue: 我盯上你了 小熊Got my eye on you, bear. Dialogue: 天哪 对不起Oh. Sorry. Dialogue: 露西婶婶 再过几天就可以了One more day, Aunt Lucy. Dialogue: 格鲁伯先生Mr. Gruber? Dialogue: 你不是格鲁伯先生You're not Mr. Gruber! Dialogue: - 滚蛋吧 - 你不是- Clear off! - Oh, no, you don't. Dialogue: 站住 小偷Stop! Thief! Dialogue: 把那本书还回来Come back with that book! Dialogue: 格鲁伯古董店遭到抢劫Robbery in progress at Gruber's Antiques. Dialogue: 犯罪嫌疑人是一只Suspect is a small bear wearing Dialogue: 带红色帽子穿蓝色外套的小熊a red hat and blue duffle coat. Dialogue: 停下Stop! Dialogue: 回来Come back! Dialogue: 不No! Dialogue: 加油 路飞Come on, Wolfie. Dialogue: 你 放开那本书- Oi! Get off it! - Give that back! Dialogue: 不No! Dialogue: - 想得美哦 小熊 - 停下 路飞- Nice try, bear. - Whoa, Wolfie. Dialogue: 加油 小家伙Come on, boy. Dialogue: 抱歉 借过 哦 天哪Excuse me. Coming through. Who are you? Dialogue: 老天啊Oh, dear. Dialogue: 我的天 真能追啊Strike a light! Oh! Dialogue: 这本书 已经预定给露西婶婶了That book is reserved for Aunt Lucy! Dialogue: 你好 亲爱的Hello there. Dialogue: 快停下来Oh! Ow. Not the snout! Dialogue: 路飞Wolfie! Dialogue: 多谢了 加油 小伙子Thank you, Wolfie. Come on. Attaboy. Dialogue: 好吧 你们抓到我了All right, all right. You got me. Dialogue: 交出那本书~Hand over that book. Dialogue: 这个恐怕我办不到'Fraid I can't do that. Cheerio. Dialogue: 但是But Dialogue: 他躲哪儿去了where did he go? Dialogue: 站在那里不许动Hold it right there. Dialogue: 谢天谢地你终于来了 长官Oh, thank goodness you're here, Officer. Dialogue: 举起你的...熊爪Put your... paws in the air. Dialogue: 可 可我不是小偷啊But I'm not the thief. Dialogue: 我是在抓小偷 然后他 他I was chasing the thief. And then he... He... Dialogue: 消失在烟雾中了Disappeared in a puff of smoke? Dialogue: 是这样的Well, yes. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 天呐- Paddington! - Oh, no! Dialogue: - 怎么回事 - 别靠近 别靠近- What's going on? - Hold it there. Dialogue: 慢着 这只熊被拘留了Hang on. Hang on. We're taking him into custody. Dialogue: - 你们肯定搞错了 - 没搞错 先生- There must be some mistake. - No mistake, sir. Dialogue: 发生什么了What's happened? Dialogue: 他被当场抓获 什么- Caught red-handed. - What? Dialogue: 他抢劫了鲁伯古董店Robbing Gruber's Antiques. Dialogue: 看吧 终于真相大白了Well, well, well. The truth is out. Dialogue: 我们向那只熊敞开心扉We opened our hearts to that bear, Dialogue: 打开家门we opened our doors. Dialogue: 哦 是你们打开了 我可是按照家居安全指导Well, you did. I kept mine triple locked Dialogue: 给家门上了三道锁in accordance with the guidelines. Dialogue: 结果呢 他却到头来抢劫你And all along, he was robbing you blind. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington! Dialogue: 别走 帕丁顿 帕丁顿- Oh, no! - Paddington! Dialogue: 满载而归 无懈可击A nice little haul, and no mistake. Dialogue: 运气还真是好Turned out to be quite a stroke of luck, Dialogue: 那只熊出现的正好that bear turning up when he did. Dialogue: 警察认为是他干的 我们完全没有嫌疑Coppers think he done it. We're in the clear. Dialogue: 正是如此 马格韦契Indeed, Magwitch. Dialogue: 我和你可真是演了出好戏And we gave quite a performance, you and I. Dialogue: 就像以前那样Just like the old days. Dialogue: 为什么哭丧个脸 哈姆雷特Why the lemon face, Hamlet? Dialogue: 想说什么If you have something to say, Dialogue: 尽管说I beg you, share it with us all. Dialogue: 这样做是不会有好下场的It is not, nor it cannot come to good. Dialogue: 你用你蠢透了的良心Oh, really. You and your dreary conscience. Dialogue: 告诉我 要是你 你会怎么选择呢Tell me this. Which would you rather? Dialogue: 你甘心躲在这里沾染灰尘That you stand here, gathering dust Dialogue: 而我在电视里while I humiliate myself Dialogue: 扮狗丢人现眼in a spaniel's costume on television Dialogue: 还是重拾往日的辉煌or that we all return in glory Dialogue: 演绎一场伦敦西区in the greatest one-man show Dialogue: 最伟大的独角戏呢the West End has ever seen? Dialogue: - 太棒了 - 谢谢大家Oh, thank you, my darlings. Thank you. Thank you. Dialogue: 谢谢 祝福你们所有人Blessings upon you all. Deepest of bows. Thank you. Dialogue: 谢谢 我知道你在想什么I know what you're thinking, Scrooge. Dialogue: 吝啬鬼 那要花很多钱It will cost a fortune, Dialogue: 如果我所料没错but if I'm right, Dialogue: 这本书正好能带给我很多钱that is exactly what this book will provide. Dialogue: 这可不是一般的老古董This is no dusty antique. Dialogue: 每一页Hidden on every page, Dialogue: 那位女士都留下了宝藏的线索a little lady pointing to a clue. Dialogue: 如果我们找齐了所有的线索 我们就重返富人圈了Find all the clues, we're rich again, Dialogue: 我再也不用拍狗粮广告了and our dog food days are done. Dialogue: 晚餐已经准备好了 主人Dinner is served, Master. Dialogue: 谢谢 西姆金斯Thank you, Simkins. Dialogue: 如果您的狗像我一样品味很高If, like me, your doggie likes to maintain standards, Dialogue: 那我推荐给您哈雷牌美味狗粮can I recommend Harley's Gourmet Dindins. Dialogue: 更美味 更健康More taste, more goodness, more, Dialogue: 可以说 更高级dare one say, class. Dialogue: 哈雷牌美味狗粮Harley's Gourmet Dog Food. Dialogue: 主人不要偷吃哦- Woof. - Not to be consumed by humans. Dialogue: 全体起立Court will rise. Dialogue: 深呼吸 帕丁顿 记住布朗先生的话Deep breath, Paddington. Remember what Mr. Brown said. Dialogue: 你还小 你没做坏事 不会有事的"You're young. You've done nothing wrong. You'll be fine. Dialogue: 只要法官公正"So long as you get a fair-minded judge." Dialogue: 肃静 肃静Order! O... Order. Dialogue: 天呐Oh, dear. Dialogue: 我们接下来审判帕丁顿?布朗的You'll now hear the case of the Crown versus Paddington Dialogue: 案件Brown. Dialogue: 他喜欢那本书Oh, yes, he loved the book. Dialogue: 很想要得到它His heart was set on top of it. Dialogue: 你有告诉过它那本书很贵吗So you discussed how expensive it was? Dialogue: 告诉了 但他在努力赚钱Yes, but he was earning the money. Dialogue: 我不相信小布朗先生I refuse to believe that young Mr. Brown Dialogue: 会抢劫我的古董店would ever burglarize my shop. Dialogue: 没错Exactly. Dialogue: 爪印出现在Paw prints were found Dialogue: 这里 这里 还有这里here, here, and here. Dialogue: 还有一个物证 经鉴定是 果酱And a substance, later identified as marmalade, Dialogue: 出现在这里was found here. Dialogue: 跟这个是同一种果酱吗And is this the same marmalade? Dialogue: 是的Yes, it is. Dialogue: 菲尼克斯 布坎南 你能否发誓Phoenix Buchanan, do you swear to tell the truth, Dialogue: 据实作证 毫无虚假the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Dialogue: 如有作假 不得好死May my entrails be plucked forth Dialogue: 我发誓and wound about my neck should I deceive. Dialogue: 我知道 坐牢可不是闹着玩的I do. Prison is no laughing matter. Dialogue: 毕竟我出演了三年的悲惨世界And I should know, I spent three years in Les Misé rables. Dialogue: 布坎南先生 你是否与被告Mr. Buchanan, you live on the same street Dialogue: - 住在同一条街上 - 是的- as the defendant? - I do. Dialogue: 你是否当晚亲眼目睹了盗窃案的发生And you were an eye witness to the events that night? Dialogue: 是的Indeed I was. Dialogue: 当时我还没睡 突然听到街上I was up late, when I became aware of a hullabaloo Dialogue: 传来吵闹声in the street below. Dialogue: 我走进一间陈列奖项的屋子 那是间很大的屋子I went to my awards room, which is a large room Dialogue: 从那里俯瞰报刊亭overlooking the newspaper kiosk, Dialogue: 我看到and I saw young Paddington Dialogue: 帕丁顿正骑着一只非常难看的狗riding a rather disreputable-looking hound. Dialogue: 玛丽 布朗根据被告的描述Mary Brown drew this Dialogue: 把帕丁顿自称当时在追的人based on the bear's description Dialogue: 画了下来of the man he claims he was chasing. Dialogue: 当晚你是否在街上也看到了这个人Did you see him on the street that night? Dialogue: 这个人还长得挺帅的Oh, a handsome devil, isn't he? Hmm? Dialogue: - 迷人的眼睛 - 是的 但你看到他了吗- Dazzling eyes. - Yes, but did you see him? Dialogue: 您的回答会决定 被告是否有罪Your answer will tell us whether the bear is guilty. Dialogue: 你看到他了么Did you see this man? Dialogue: 很遗憾Alas, Dialogue: 我没有I did not. Dialogue: 也许他已经跑掉了But perhaps he'd already vanished. Dialogue: 可怜可怜他吧 他只是个孩子啊I beg you, have mercy on him. He is but a cub. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 布朗Paddington Brown. Dialogue: 罪名盗窃 十年有期Ten years for grand theft... Dialogue: 但是...我Oh, but, I... Dialogue: 以及严重的理发伤害...and grievous barberly harm. Dialogue: 跟着我Follow me. Dialogue: 布朗夫人通常会给我讲睡前故事Mrs. Brown usually reads me a story before bed. Dialogue: - 你可以给我讲吗 - 不好意思I don't suppose... Dialogue: 监狱没有睡前故事Sorry, son. No bedtime stories in here. Dialogue: 亲爱的 露西婶婶Dear Aunt Lucy. Dialogue: 上封信寄出后 发生了好多事A great deal has happened since I last wrote. Dialogue: 你的礼物出现了点意外There's been a bit of a mix-up with your present, Dialogue: 我必须得搬离and the upshot is I've had to leave Dialogue: 温莎花园Windsor Gardens and move Dialogue: 去别的地方住了somewhere else. Dialogue: 虽然不如布朗家好It isn't quite as charming as the Browns' house, Dialogue: 但也不是很糟糕but it's not all bad. Dialogue: 这里的建筑有些年代了It's a period property. Dialogue: 是伦敦维多利亚时期的In fact, it's one of the most substantial Dialogue: 建筑之一Victorian buildings in London, Dialogue: 安全也是and the security arrangements Dialogue: 很有保障的are second to none. Dialogue: 我每月能见一次布朗家的人I'm only allowed to see the Browns once a month. Dialogue: 真想知道他们在做什么I wonder what they're doing now. Dialogue: 我希望他们不要忘了我I do hope they don't forget me. Dialogue: 当然不会的 帕丁顿Of course they won't, Paddington. Dialogue: 布朗家的人不会那样的This is the Browns you're talking about. Dialogue: 他们会解决所有的问题 然后我就能回家They'll sort everything out, Dialogue: 拿到送您的礼物and I'll be able to go home and get your present, Dialogue: 然后一切完美如旧and everything will be right as rain. Dialogue: 我只需要坚持下去I just need to hold on till then. Dialogue: DD. Dialogue: 寻宝开始The hunt begins. Dialogue: {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs} \N, , ... Dialogue: 加油 帕丁顿 要有礼貌Here goes, Paddington. Manners. Dialogue: 集合Fall in. Dialogue: 早上好Good morning. Dialogue: 你想办一个园艺社吗How would you like to start a gardening club? Dialogue: 你想被埋进很深的洞里吗How would you like to be buried in a very deep hole? Dialogue: 您先请After you. Dialogue: 斯普纳 去车间Spooner, R. Workshop. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 布朗 去洗衣间Brown, P. Laundry duty. Dialogue: 好的 洗衣服Right, laundry. Dialogue: 衣服 衣服Laundry, laundry? Dialogue: 啊 洗衣服Ah! Laundry! Dialogue: 就一只红袜子Oh, it's only one red sock. Dialogue: 能出多大事啊What's the worst that can happen? Dialogue: 下午好 各位Afternoon, chaps. Dialogue: 要我说的话 粉色把整间屋子都点亮了If you ask me, the pink really brightens the place up a bit. Dialogue: 要我说的话 你最好坐下If you ask me, you should pipe down and enjoy your dinner, Dialogue: 好好享受你的晚饭 这可能是最后一顿了because it might be your last. Dialogue: 好的Okay. Dialogue: 别担心 我之前做过餐厅点评Don't worry. I used to be a restaurant critic. Dialogue: 这没有看起来那么糟糕- It's not as bad as it looks. - Oh. Dialogue: 是更糟糕It's worse. Dialogue: 这是什么鬼What is this? Dialogue: 没有人知道 这玩意儿Nobody knows. Dialogue: 我们一天三顿But we've been eating it three times a day Dialogue: 吃了十年了for the past ten years. Dialogue: 为什么没人Why doesn't someone have Dialogue: 和厨师反映问题a word with the chef? Dialogue: 你是说和铁拳吗With Knuckles? Dialogue: 记住两件事情 如果你想在监狱生存下去Two things to remember if you want to survive in here. Dialogue: 别管闲事 以及 别和铁拳说话Keep your head down and never talk to Knuckles. Dialogue: 谢谢Thank you. Dialogue: 我觉得这是个好主意Well I think it's a great idea. Dialogue: 要我说 小子Tell you what, son, Dialogue: 如果你能让铁拳改变菜单you get Knuckles to change the menu and Dialogue: 我们就可以原谅你we might forget about you making us Dialogue: 把我们变成了粉红色的火烈鸟look like a bunch of pink flamingos. Dialogue: - 好的吧 我试试 - 别去- All right then, I will. - You don't wanna Dialogue: 露西婶婶说过了- do that. - Aunt Lucy said, Dialogue: 你总能在一个人的身上发现好的一面"If you look for the good in people, you'll find it." Dialogue: 那她肯定是没有见过铁拳了She obviously never met Knuckles. Dialogue: 打扰一下Um, excuse me. Dialogue: 铁拳先生Mr. Knuckles? Dialogue: 有事吗Yes? Dialogue: 关于餐食I just wondered if I could have Dialogue: 我们能谈一谈吗a quick word about the food? Dialogue: 派个医生来餐厅Send a medic to the canteen. Dialogue: 你想要You want to Dialogue: 抱怨吗complain? Dialogue: 我觉得也称不上抱怨Oh, no, I wouldn't say complain. Dialogue: 那太遗憾了Oh, that's a shame. Dialogue: 因为我还蛮喜欢听人抱怨的Because I just love it when people complain. Dialogue: - 真的吗 - 当然- Really? - Oh, yeah. Dialogue: 既然这样 我想说食物黏糊糊的Well, in that case, it's very gritty. Dialogue: 都结块了- Oh. - And lumpy. Dialogue: 至于面包And as for the bread... Dialogue: 还用我多说吗 我觉得Need I say more? Dialogue: 我们需要把菜单彻底地改一下I think we need to completely overhaul the menu. Dialogue: 我知道餐厅预算紧张Now I know we're working to a tight budget, Dialogue: 但至少可以加点酱汁but we could at least add some sauce. Dialogue: 抱歉 我只是...Oh. Sorry about that. I'll just... Dialogue: 我来帮你 好像越抹越渗进去了Hmm. No, that's just rubbing it in. Dialogue: 别担心 我知道怎么去掉番茄汁Don't worry. I know what gets ketchup stains out. Dialogue: 等等 这是芥末酱Hang on, was it mustard? Dialogue: 不行No. Dialogue: 更糟了That's just made it worse! Dialogue: 有人知道怎么去掉番茄汁吗Does anyone know what works on ketchup? Dialogue: 各位Chaps? Dialogue: 不用请医生来了 请个牧师吧Forget the medic. Better send a priest. Dialogue: 听好了 你个小毛熊You listen to me, you little maggot. Dialogue: 我听着Listening. Dialogue: 没有人敢批评我做的食物Nobody criticizes my food! Dialogue: - 好的 - 没有人- Right. - Nobody Dialogue: 敢往我的围裙上喷酱汁squirts condiments on my apron. Dialogue: - 好的 - 没有人- Got it. - And nobody Dialogue: 敢用长棍面包敲我的头bonks me on the head with a baguette. Dialogue: 我不敲了No bonking. Dialogue: 我会彻底改变菜单的I'll overhaul the menu all right. Dialogue: - 真的吗 - 想知道是什么吗- Really? - Dish of the day. Dialogue: - 是什么 - 熊肉派- Yes? - Bear pie. Dialogue: 这个我不喜欢I don't like it. Dialogue: 这是什么What is this? Dialogue: 果酱三明治It's a marmalade sandwich. Dialogue: 果酱Marmalade? Dialogue: 露西婶婶教我做的My Aunt Lucy taught me to make them. Dialogue: 你是说 你也会做这个You mean, you can make this? Dialogue: - 是的 - 站一边去- Well, yes. - Stand aside. Dialogue: 给我从地上站起来 胆小鬼们Get up off the floor, you bunch of yellow-bellies! Dialogue: 给我听好了Listen to me. Dialogue: 从现在起This bear is now Dialogue: 这只熊我罩着了- under my protection. - Oh. Dialogue: 任何人想要动它一根熊毛Anyone who touches a hair on his back Dialogue: 先问问我铁拳同不同意will answer to Knuckles McGinty. Dialogue: 看看我这双铁拳That's Knuckles with a capital 'N.' Dialogue: - 谢谢你 麦金蒂先生 - 先别急着谢我- Thank you, Mr. McGinty. - Don't thank me yet. Dialogue: 我不会无缘无故谁都帮的I don't do nothin' for no one for nothin'. Dialogue: 什么意思Beg your pardon? Dialogue: 我罩着你 作为交换You get my protection Dialogue: 你为我做果酱 成交么so long as you make that marmalade. Deal? Dialogue: 成交Deal. Dialogue: 早晚会有人认出这个人的Somebody's got to recognize him sooner or later. Dialogue: 没事吧 格鲁伯先生You all right, Mr. Gruber? Dialogue: 这件事我怎么There's something about this whole business Dialogue: 都想不明白that has been tickling my brainbox. Dialogue: 什么What is it? Dialogue: 抢劫案发生当晚On the night of the robbery, Dialogue: 布朗先生喊出声的时候when young Mr. Brown called out, Dialogue: 小偷拔腿就跑 顺着楼梯the thief took to his heels and ran down the stairs. Dialogue: 穿过商店来到前门Came straight through the shop Dialogue: 触发了警铃and out the front door, setting off the alarm. Dialogue: 就是这里 他没有直接穿过Ah. But that's the thing. He didn't go straight through Dialogue: - 商店 - 嗯?- the shop. - No? Dialogue: 而是跑到这里He came all the way over here Dialogue: 拿走了立体书to get the popping book. Dialogue: 为什么他不拿走珠宝或者花瓶呢Why not some jewelry or a vase? Dialogue: 它们离得更近也更值钱They're much closer. Far more valuable. Dialogue: 难道他不懂古董吗He can't know much about antiques. Dialogue: 不太可能No. Dialogue: 除非Unless Dialogue: 他知道那本书别有洞天he knows something about that book that we don't. Dialogue: 可能您很难相信 科兹洛娃夫人You may find this hard to believe, Madame Kozlova, Dialogue: 但帕丁顿是无辜的but Paddington is innocent. Dialogue: 我们认为真正的小偷And we think that the real thief Dialogue: 闯入古董店may have broken into Mr Gruber's Dialogue: 就是为了偷走您曾祖母的立体绘本just to steal your great-grandmother's pop-up book. Dialogue: - 立体绘本 - 我们知道这听起来有点扯- The pop-up book? - I know it sounds far-fetched. Dialogue: 您能跟我们讲讲这本书的故事吗But is there anything you could tell us about that book? Dialogue: 任何事情都可能有用Anything at all could be helpful. Dialogue: - 那说来话长了 - 是吗- That's quite a story. - Oh, really? Dialogue: 跟我来Come with me. Dialogue: 我带你们看看故事开始的地方I'll show you where it all happened. Dialogue: 你们知道 我的曾祖母 开创了这个博览会You see, my great-grandmother, who started this fair, Dialogue: 她是当时最优秀的马戏团女演员was the finest show woman of her generation. Dialogue: 她能驯狮子 喷火焰 吞长剑She could tame lions, breathe fire, swallow swords, Dialogue: 但她最著名的是高空秋千but she was most famous for the trapeze. Dialogue: 他们叫她 飞舞的天鹅They called her the "Flying Swan." Dialogue: 无论她走到哪里 都有人送她昂贵的礼物Wherever she went, she was showered with gifts, Dialogue: 赚了很多钱and made a fortune. Dialogue: 但有财富的地方 总会招人嫉恨But where there is a fortune, there is also jealousy. Dialogue: 有个魔术师 想要独吞所有的财富The magician wanted it for himself. Dialogue: 飞舞的天鹅And the "Flying Swan"... Dialogue: 就变成了垂死的天鹅...became the "Dying Swan." Dialogue: 魔术师溜进她的拖车 打开保险箱He went to her caravan and opened her strongbox. Dialogue: 没有找到财富But instead of her treasure, Dialogue: 只发现了 我曾祖母做的一本立体绘本all he found was one of her pop-up books: Dialogue: 书里有伦敦的个景点Twelve Landmarks of London. Dialogue: 他被逼到绝境时突然消失了They had him cornered, but he vanished. Dialogue: 无论是他 还是宝藏And neither he, nor the treasure, Dialogue: 都再没人听说过了were ever heard of again. Dialogue: 我就知道那本书I knew there was something special Dialogue: 有什么特别之处- about that pop-up book. - Hmm? Dialogue: 要不然她锁在保险箱里干嘛Well, why else would she have kept it in her strongbox? Dialogue: 你不会真的相信她那些鬼话吧You're not telling me you believed all that guff, are you? Dialogue: 科兹洛娃夫人 在书里画了伦敦十二地标Madame Kozlova drew London landmarks in that book. Dialogue: 所以呢Yes? Dialogue: 如果那不仅是地标呢 如果是Well, what if they're not just landmarks. Dialogue: 我也不知道 也许是线索呢What if they're... I don't know... Dialogue: 线索- ...clues! - Clues? Dialogue: - 神秘宝藏的线索 - 你是说 藏宝图- To where she hid her fortune. - You mean a treasure map? Dialogue: 是的Exactly! Dialogue: 所以小偷才会去古董店里偷书And that's why the thief took it from Mr Gruber's. Dialogue: 明天我们就去书里的那些地标First thing tomorrow we need to go to every landmark in that book, Dialogue: 说不定我们能发现什么可疑之处see if we can sniff out anything suspicious. Dialogue: 你这是看多了探险书吧Too many adventure stories, Mary. Dialogue: 什么What? Dialogue: 她是个算命的She's a fortune-teller. Dialogue: 故事是她编的 她就是做这个的She spun you a yarn. It's what they do. Dialogue: 亨利 你最近太保守了Honestly, Henry, you're so close-minded these days. Dialogue: 你这话什么意思What's that supposed to mean? Dialogue: 我嫁的那个男人哪儿去了What happened to the man I married? Dialogue: 是他就会相信我He'd have believed me. Dialogue: - 他吗 他已经消失了 - 什么- Oh, him. He's gone. - What? Dialogue: - 恐怕你老公现在I'm afraid your husband's just a creaky old man, Dialogue: 就只是个糟老头子 不再是神球手了he's not Bullseye Brown. Dialogue: 我疯起来谁都怕I'm crazy like a fool Dialogue: 怎么样 老爹酷吧What about Daddy Cool? Dialogue: 老爹酷吧Daddy, Daddy Cool Dialogue: 老爹酷吧Daddy, Daddy Cool Dialogue: 神球手Bullseye. Dialogue: 亨利Oh, Henry. Dialogue: 她为老爹疯狂She's crazy about her daddy Dialogue: 亨利 亨利Henry? Henry! Dialogue: 总之 我们不能像Anyway, the point is, Dialogue: 无头苍蝇似的乱撞we're not going to help Paddington Dialogue: 这样是帮不了帕丁顿的by going on a wild goose chase. Dialogue: 我们要找的是这个小偷We're looking for this scruffy chancer, Dialogue: 而不是像探险故事里的海盗not some swashbuckling pirate Dialogue: 一样去找宝藏hunting for buried treasure. Dialogue: 事情不是那么简单I think there's more to him than meets the eye. Dialogue: 我觉得他知道I think he somehow knew the story Dialogue: 宝藏的故事of the Kozlova fortune Dialogue: 现在 他正在外面 到处寻宝and is out there right now trying to find it. Dialogue: 好了 爷爷Well, Grandfather, Dialogue: 今晚我们去寻找第二处线索tonight we go in search of clue number two. Dialogue: 坐标 圣保罗大教堂The setting, St. Paul's Cathedral. Dialogue: 怎样才能溜进去呢But how to slip in unobserved? Dialogue: 装成伊莎贝拉修女进去Enter Sister Isabella. Dialogue: 醒醒 醒醒Wakey-wakey. Dialogue: 果酱时间到了Marmalade time. Dialogue: 去吧 兄弟们 祝你们好运There you go, lads. Good luck. Dialogue: - 麦金蒂先生 - 干嘛- Um, Mr. McGinty... - What do you want? Dialogue: 事实上 我是无辜的 我在想你是否Well, the thing is, I'm actually innocent. Dialogue: 有什么建议 我想证明我的清白And I wondered if you had any advice Dialogue: - 毕竟现在我们是朋友了 - 朋友on how to clear my name? Now that we're friends. Dialogue: 我是你的上司 不是你的朋友Friends? I'm your boss, not your buddy. Dialogue: 您先请Oh. Well, after you. Dialogue: 为什么 等你给我背后来一刀吗Why? So you can stab me in the back? Dialogue: 不 因为这是礼貌No. Because it's polite. Dialogue: 露西婶婶说过 只要我们友善待人Aunt Lucy said, "If we're kind and polite, Dialogue: 世界就变得美好"the world will be right." Dialogue: 你一会儿在前 一会儿在后You were ahead of me and now you're behind. Dialogue: 就像个傻子一样That makes you a sap. Dialogue: 原料都在那边- Ingredients are over there. - Um... Dialogue: - 你不帮忙吗 - 不帮 你快干活吧- Aren't you going to help? - Nope. Now get on with it. Dialogue: 但是有个犯人等着开饭呢But there's hungry prisoners coming for breakfast, Dialogue: 所以我们需要个橙子so we'll need , juicy oranges and... Dialogue: 第一条规矩 不许说话Oh, and rule number one: no talking. Dialogue: 第二条规矩Rule number two: Dialogue: 不许哼歌- no humming or singing... - But... I... Dialogue: 还有唱歌 也不许以任何方式表现好心情...or any other expression of bonhomie. Dialogue: 好沉啊Ooh, that's heavy. Dialogue: 加油 你可以的Come on, put your back into it. Dialogue: 救命Help. Dialogue: 这些袋子太沉了These sacks are awfully heavy. Dialogue: 那就一个一个的来Well, take them one at a time, then. Dialogue: 好的 一个...一个的来Right. One at a... time. Dialogue: 一个鲜橙子One juicy orange. Dialogue: 两个鲜橙子Two juicy oranges. Dialogue: 三个鲜橙子Three juicy oranges. Dialogue: - 现在你又在做什么 - 一次一个呀- Now what are you doing? - Taking them one at a time. Dialogue: 一次一袋One sack at a time! Dialogue: 不好意思 这个工作环境让我感觉压力很大I'm sorry, I'm finding this a very stressful working environment. Dialogue: 露西婶婶说Aunt Lucy said... Dialogue: 露西婶婶 我受够了你的露西婶婶了Aunt Lucy! I've had it up to here with Aunt Lucy! Dialogue: 听起来像个She sounds like Dialogue: 傻老太婆a proper old bag to me. Dialogue: 你说什么I beg your pardon? Dialogue: 我说I said, Dialogue: 你的露西婶婶 听起来像个 幼稚可笑your Aunt Lucy sounds like one of the most naive, Dialogue: 满脑子浆糊的gullible, mushy-brained... Dialogue: 你怎么了What's going on? Dialogue: 你为什么这么盯着我Why are you looking at me like that? Dialogue: 这里真热 你热吗It's awful hot in here. Are you hot? I'm hot. Dialogue: 我没关烤箱吗Did I leave the oven on? Dialogue: 这叫做熊瞪It's called a hard stare. Dialogue: 露西婶婶教我的Aunt Lucy taught me to do them Dialogue: 当人们忘记礼貌的时候就这么瞪着他when people had forgotten their manners. Dialogue: 你不用解释You don't have to tell me about hard stares, Dialogue: 我知道怎么瞪人I practically invented them. Dialogue: 但我承认 你的熊瞪还蛮厉害的Pretty good for a bear though, I'll give you that. Dialogue: 麦金蒂先生Now, Mr. McGinty, Dialogue: 我可能看起来像个罪犯I may look like a hardened criminal to you, Dialogue: 但我真的是无辜的but I really am innocent. Dialogue: 如果你不能帮我洗脱罪名And if you're not going to help me clear my name, Dialogue: 至少可以帮我做果酱you could at least help me make this marmalade. Dialogue: 好吧 我帮All right, I'll help. Dialogue: 谢谢Thank you. Dialogue: 但也帮不上什么大忙Not gonna be much use to you though. Dialogue: 这双手可不是用来做饭的These weren't exactly made for cooking. Dialogue: 不一定Oh, I don't know. Dialogue: 我倒觉得Looks to me like you've got yourself Dialogue: 你这双手很适合挤橙汁a fine pair of orange squeezers. Dialogue: 挤橙汁Orange squeezers? Dialogue: 好Good. Dialogue: 不行No. Dialogue: 很好Better. Dialogue: 番茄Tomato. Dialogue: 很好Lovely. Dialogue: 是的 很完美Yes. Spot on. Dialogue: 用刀时要小心Now, we have to be very careful with knives. Dialogue: 露西婶婶说一只细致的熊Aunt Lucy said that sensible bears... Dialogue: 你在哪儿学的这么好的刀工Where on earth did you learn to use a knife like that? Dialogue: 你不会想知道的You don't wanna know. Dialogue: 真的太棒了Well, it's jolly good. Dialogue: 现在下吗Now? Dialogue: 下Now. Dialogue: - 现在该放糖了 - 好的- Right, it's time for the sugar. - Okay. Dialogue: 这样果汁就会变成果酱That's what turns the juice into marmalade. Dialogue: - 放多少 - 多来点- How much? - Ooh, a lot. Dialogue: 再来点Same again. Dialogue: 挤点柠檬汁A squeeze of lemon. Dialogue: 一点肉桂粉A pinch of cinnamon. Dialogue: 再多来点糖And just a bit more sugar. Dialogue: 好了吗Well, is it good? Dialogue: 现在还说不好Oh, it's too soon to tell. Dialogue: 等做好了我们才知道We'll only really know once it's set. Dialogue: 克里斯托弗 雷恩爵士 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 Designed by Sir Christopher Wren, Dialogue: 圣保罗大教堂是St. Paul's Cathedral is Dialogue: 伦敦的著名景点one of London's most famous landmarks. Dialogue: 遗憾的是 大穹顶今天不对外开放Sadly the Great Dome is closed to visitors today Dialogue: 因为昨晚发生的一起离奇事件as one of its statues Dialogue: 雕像被破坏了was destroyed in a bizarre accident last night. Dialogue: 请跟我来这边But if you follow me... Dialogue: 发生什么事了Excuse me? What happened here? Dialogue: - 有个修女发疯了 - 真的吗- A nun went berserk. - Really? Dialogue: 这种事时有发生It happens. Dialogue: 警方把她们叫过来问问题The police have rounded them all up for questioning. Dialogue: 别动 修女 探长下令之前Hold it there, Sister! Dialogue: 你们都不能离开You're going nowhere till the detective says so. Dialogue: 请转过身去Spin it around! Dialogue: 要我说Mind you, if you ask me, Dialogue: 真正的罪犯肯定早跑了the real culprit slipped the net. Dialogue: - 为什么这么说 - 因为What makes you say that? Dialogue: 我看到她了Because I saw her, that's what. Dialogue: 当时我正在穹顶巡逻I was on patrol in the Upper Dome, Dialogue: 俯瞰修女们排队行进watching the nuns parade far below, Dialogue: 然后怪事发生了when something caught my eye. Dialogue: 有个修女擅自离队One of them broke free from the herd Dialogue: 一个人去了回音廊and made her way to the Whispering Gallery. Dialogue: 天知道他去那里干嘛Only the good Lord knows what she was doing up there. Dialogue: 是C"C." Dialogue: 但是他休想逃掉But she was never gonna get away with it. Dialogue: 只要我还是保安队长Not while I'm Vice Deputy Head of Security. Dialogue: 各单位注意 一个非常漂亮的修女Attention all units. An unusually attractive nun Dialogue: 蓄意破坏穹顶is causing mayhem in the cathedral dome. Dialogue: 启动紧急预案 制止她Activate emergency protocol. Stop that stunning Sister. Dialogue: 我飞速行动I set off at lightning speed. Dialogue: 但是当我们封锁了现场But by the time we'd locked the place down, Dialogue: 她已经消失了she'd vanished into the night. Dialogue: - 晚上好 孩子 - 晚上好 阁下- Good evening, my son. - Oh, good evening, Your Grace. Dialogue: 晚上好Good evening. Dialogue: 很久没见过这么美的女人了Most beautiful woman I've seen in a long time. Dialogue: 你能描述一下吗Do you think you might be able to describe her? Dialogue: 乐意之至It would be my pleasure. Dialogue: 先生们 今天的早餐Gentlemen. For breakfast this morning, Dialogue: 主厨麦金蒂为大家提供橘子果酱Chef McGinty would like to propose an orange marmalade Dialogue: 夹在一片热乎乎的烤面包served on a bed of warm crustless bread, Dialogue: 和另一片热乎乎的烤面包之间topped with another piece of warm crustless bread. Dialogue: 祝你有个好胃口Bon appetit. Dialogue: 爱吃就吃 不吃拉倒Two choices: take it or leave it! Dialogue: 你还好吗 铁拳Are you all right, Knuckles? Dialogue: 我很好Yes! Dialogue: 那你为什么不和大家一起吃呢Why don't you come and join the others? Dialogue: 不想去吃Don't want to. Dialogue: 害怕他们的反应吗Are you scared what they might think? Dialogue: 没有No! Dialogue: 他们觉得怎么样 他们喜欢吗 他们有说什么吗What do they think? Did they like it? Dialogue: 他们说了什么Did they say anything? What did they say? Dialogue: - 好吧 - 他们不喜欢吃 我就知道- Well... - They hated it! I knew it! Dialogue: 我爸总说我什么都干不成My father always said I'd amount to nothing, Dialogue: 他说对了and he was right! Dialogue: 铁拳 铁拳Knuckles. Knuckles! Dialogue: 干嘛What? Dialogue: 出来看看Come and look. Dialogue: 来吧Come on. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington. Dialogue: 我感到胸膛涌上来一股奇怪的暖意I've a strange, warm tingle in my tum-tum. Dialogue: 我想那应该叫做自豪吧 铁拳I think that's called pride, Knuckles. Dialogue: 我可不喜欢Well, I don't like it. Dialogue: 你们还有什么好吃吗Um, have you got anything else? Dialogue: - 什么What? Dialogue: - 就是 布丁之类的You know, for, um, pudding? Dialogue: - 没有 - 行吧- No! - Fair enough. Dialogue: 很抱歉我们只会做橘子果酱I'm afraid we only know how to make marmalade. Dialogue: 但如果你们有食谱的话But if you have any recipes... Dialogue: 这些家伙 你这样是在浪费时间 帕丁顿This lot? You're wasting your time there, Paddington. Dialogue: 他们连果胶和辣椒都分不清They wouldn't know their pectin from their paprika. Dialogue: 我祖母会做好吃的巧克力酥卷Well, my grandmother used to do a lovely chocolate roulade. Dialogue: 我想我还记得食谱I think I can remember the recipe. Dialogue: 隆隆查理会做烤苹果奶酥Charley Rumble makes a mean apple crumble. Dialogue: 我会做草莓意式奶冻And I can make a strawberry panna cotta Dialogue: 上面浇了石榴汁的with a pomegranate glaze. Dialogue: 听起来就很不错 铁拳 你觉得呢Oh, I like the sound of that. Don't you, Knuckles? Dialogue: 是挺好的Yeah! Dialogue: 那来吧 我们开始烹饪吧Come on then, let's get cooking. Dialogue: 有句俗话If this little proverb Dialogue: 你会明白其中道理You will understand Dialogue: 请向他人伸出援手You will lend your brothers a helping hand Dialogue: 巧克力卷不错Ooh, nice roulade, Spoon. Dialogue: 谢谢你 菲布斯Thank you, Phibs. Dialogue: - 好了 帕丁顿 - 铁拳- There you go, Paddington. - Ooh, Knuckles. Dialogue: 快把小蛋糕准备好I want those petit fours now! Dialogue: #不管你是同意 还是不同意So whether you agree Or you shall disagree Dialogue: #都没法忽视这其实是真理#You cannot disregard the truth of this philosophy Dialogue: #欢唱的生活更轻松 时光过得更飞快#Singing life will be easier Time would be breezier Dialogue: #只要爱你身边的人#If you love your neighbor Dialogue: - 不好意思 教授 露西婶婶说过什么来着Excuse me, Professor. What would Aunt Lucy say? Dialogue: - 要用刀叉 - 这就对了- "Always use a cake fork." - Well then. Dialogue: - 尝尝吧 监狱长 - 谢谢你 帕丁顿- Care for a taste, Warden? - Thank you, Paddington. Dialogue: #如果你想要天堂般的聚会#So if the choice of a heaven you wish to party Dialogue: 牛油糖Mmm! Butterscotch! Dialogue: #这就是你应该仿效的例子#This is an example you should try to emulate Dialogue: #抵制所有的诱惑 也不要争吵#Resist all temptation, restrain from strife Dialogue: #我努力活得正直又诚实#I try to live a normal and an upright life Dialogue: #你还要学会物尽其用#And this too you must learn Make the best of what you earn Dialogue: #别人的东西不能动#Strictly learn to leave your brothers' property alone Dialogue: #欢唱的生活更轻松 时光过得更飞快#And life will be easier, time will be breezier Dialogue: #只要爱你身边的人#If you love your neighbor Dialogue: 他们最后发现"...and it turns out the monster Dialogue: 怪物并不是怪物"wasn't such a monster after all, Dialogue: 然后他们成为了最好的朋友"and they all became the best of friends. Dialogue: 故事结束了"The end." Dialogue: 该睡觉了 大家Uh! Time for bed, you lot. Dialogue: 睡个美容觉 明天是探监日哦You need your beauty sleep. It's visiting day tomorrow. Dialogue: 探监日Visiting day. Dialogue: 真希望你们能带来好消息I do hope you have good news. Dialogue: 一个月来In the past month, Dialogue: 有人目击到这三个神秘人these shadowy individuals have all been seen Dialogue: 在三个伦敦著名景点游荡snooping round London landmarks. Dialogue: 我们觉得那个小偷We think the thief you saw Dialogue: 是来自一个犯罪团伙is part of a criminal gang. Dialogue: 那本书实际上是藏宝图Using the pop-up book as a treasure map. Dialogue: 那只是你们的猜想Well, it's a theory. Dialogue: 你们找到他们是谁了吗Have you found out who they are? Dialogue: 还没Not yet, dearie. Dialogue: 可以让我看看吗Maybe I should take a look. Dialogue: 抱歉 这是私人谈话I'm sorry, this is a private conversation. Dialogue: 没关系的 布朗先生Oh, it's all right, Mr. Brown, Dialogue: 这是我的朋友 铁拳 -this is my friend, Knuckles. Dialogue: - 这是菲布斯 勺子 飞贼吉米And this is Phibs. Spoon. Jimmy the Snitch. Dialogue: 丁骨 教授 高音皮特T-Bone. The Professor. Squeaky Pete. Dialogue: 低音鲍勃 农夫杰克 疯狗Double Bass Bob. Farmer Jack. Mad Dog. Dialogue: 提款机约翰尼 杰佛利威尔克特爵士Jonny Cashpoint. Sir Geoffrey Wilcott. Dialogue: 请投我一票I hope I can rely on your vote. Dialogue: 还有隆隆查理And Charley Rumble. Dialogue: 认识你们真是太好了Oh, it's so wonderful to meet you all. Dialogue: 见到帕丁顿有了这么多好朋友I must say, it's a great relief to know that Dialogue: 我很欣慰Paddington's already made such sweet friends. Dialogue: 请稍等片刻Would you excuse us a moment? Dialogue: - 你在干什么 - 和这些好心人说话啊- What are you doing? - Talking to the nice men. Dialogue: 好心人 玛丽 我们不能相信他们"Nice men"? Mary, we can't trust these people. Dialogue: 看看吧I mean, look at them. Dialogue: 这简直就是罪犯相片陈列室 真是骇人听闻Talk about a rogues' gallery. Hideous. Dialogue: 再看看中间那个大胡子狒狒And as for that bearded baboon in the middle, Dialogue: 根本没脑子he's hardly got two brain cells to rub together. Dialogue: 我们听得到的 布朗先生We can still hear you, Mr. Brown. Dialogue: 是的 你关掉的是灯That was the light you turned off. Dialogue: 麦克风开关在左边The microphone is on the other side. Dialogue: 上面写着麦克风It's got "microphone" written on it. Dialogue: 先生们 如果我以任何方式冒犯了你Gentlemen, if I have offended you in any way... Dialogue: 别担心Don't worry about it. Dialogue: 我们喜欢这小家伙We're fond of the little fella. Dialogue: 情况是这样And let's face it, Dialogue: 如果说谁能认出罪犯团伙 那就是我们了if anyone can recognize a criminal gang, it's us. Dialogue: 任何帮助我们都非常感谢We'd be grateful for any help. Dialogue: 拜托了Please. Dialogue: 怎么样 铁拳Well? Knuckles. Dialogue: 我认不出 你们呢I'm afraid I don't recognize any of them. Lads? Dialogue: 不能No. Dialogue: 我恐怕提供不了什么什么有用信息I'm afraid I couldn't possibly comment. Dialogue: 抱歉Sorry to say it, kid, Dialogue: 但我觉得你朋友走错方向了but your friends are barking up the wrong tree. Dialogue: 修女 伦敦塔守卫 国王A nun, a beefeater and a king? Dialogue: 听起来更像个化装舞会 而不是什么犯罪团伙Sounds more like a fancy dress party than a criminal gang. Dialogue: 那Then, Dialogue: 我们现在怎么办what are we going to do now? Dialogue: - 看着点路 - 对不起对不起- Watch where you're going. - So sorry. Sorry. Dialogue: 我也很抱歉 我没吃早饭 心情很糟糕Sorry, I get grumpy when I haven't had breakfast. Dialogue: 钥匙 钥匙 钥匙Keys. Keys. Keys! Dialogue: 该死Bottoms! Dialogue: 你不能停在这You can't park here! Dialogue: 我没停车 我在清理垃圾I'm not parked, I'm doing the bins. Dialogue: 你才没有在清理垃圾呢 年轻人You're not doing the bins, sunshine, Dialogue: 你在学习 工作时间学习you're studying on council time. Dialogue: 我要告发你I'm gonna report you. Dialogue: 还有你的帽子And your hat. Dialogue: - 早 凯茨小姐 还有上校 - 早 布朗夫人- Morning, Miss Kitts, Colonel. - Oh, morning, Mrs Brown. Dialogue: 朱迪让我把报纸带给你Judy asked me to drop these off to you. Dialogue: 你这是非法宣传Propaganda! Dialogue: 发放那东西是浪费时间You are wasting your time trying to peddle that rubbish. Dialogue: 这里谁都知道就是你家熊做了那件事Everyone round here knows it was your bear that done it. Dialogue: 这地方没了他可清净多了And this street is a far, far better place without him. Dialogue: 你说什么What? Dialogue: 是那条癞皮狗 别跑Oh, it's that mangy dog! Dialogue: 我要把你扔进野狗收容所You are going to the pound, my son. Dialogue: 敢在居民区乱叫Barking without a license in a built-up area. Dialogue: 给我吧 玛丽Give them here, Mary. Dialogue: 因为他我们只能偷偷卖I have to sell them under the counter, Dialogue: 但是有很多人买呢for obvious reasons, but people are buying them. Dialogue: 真的吗Really? Dialogue: 这报纸办得很好It's a bloomin' good read. Dialogue: 很多人都开始重新考虑Made a few people round here Dialogue: 你家小熊的事了think twice about your young bear. Dialogue: 你们只要抓到小偷You just need to find that thief. Dialogue: 我们在努力Oh, we're trying. Dialogue: 说不定你知道他在哪呢 是吧 菲泽斯Don't suppose you know where he is, do you, Feathers? Dialogue: 在你身后He's behind you. Dialogue: 不好意思 你说什么Sorry, what? Dialogue: - 玛丽 - 你好 菲尼克斯- Mary? - Oh, hello, Phoenix. Dialogue: 上来坐坐吧Why don't you come on in? Dialogue: 我想知道案子的最新进展I want to hear all about the investigation. Yeah? Dialogue: 镇上一直在发生怪事Mysterious things have been happening all over town. Dialogue: - 怎么说 - 奇怪的人- Oh, yes? - Strange characters Dialogue: 出现在书上的每一处景点turning up at every landmark in that book. Dialogue: 是吗Are they? Dialogue: 我也不知道I don't know. Dialogue: 也可能只是巧合吧Perhaps it's just a coincidence. Dialogue: 亨利总说我想象力太过丰富了Henry says I let my imagination get the better of me. Dialogue: 你是个艺术家 玛丽 像我一样Well, you're an artist, Mary, like me. Dialogue: 我们的想象力自由驰骋 就像草原上的野牛Our imaginations run free like bison upon the plain. Dialogue: 但是要我说的话 我觉得这件事上But can I just say, in this particular case, Dialogue: 亨利说的是对的I think dear old Henry might have a point. Dialogue: 你真这么觉得吗Do you? Dialogue: 但是 我确实有个好消息But I do have a little bit of good news Dialogue: 可能让你眉头舒展that might turn your frown upside down. Dialogue: 是什么Oh, yes? Dialogue: 当当当It looks, fingers, fingers, fingers, Dialogue: 我的独角戏as though the funding may be coming through Dialogue: 要得到赞助了for my one-man show. Dialogue: 哦 好Oh. Right. Dialogue: 一整晚的独白和独唱It's an evening of monologue and song, Dialogue: 演出我最著名的角色featuring some of my better known characters. Dialogue: 我先给你来一小段怎么样Would you like a little preview? Dialogue: 想想看这样的场景 一片黑暗 突然聚光灯射向我Picture this scene. Darkness, then suddenly spotlight, me, Dialogue: 听雨落在屋顶上Listen to the rain on the roof Dialogue: 滴答滴答滴答go pit pitty pat, pit pitty pat sit... Dialogue: 玛丽 你看起来不太开心 你不喜欢音乐剧吗Oh, Mary, you look sad. You don't like musicals? Dialogue: 没有没有No. No, no, no. Dialogue: 只是觉得不太公平I suppose it seems so unfair Dialogue: 帕丁顿在牢里Paddington is in prison and yet Dialogue: - 然而生活还在继续 - 我理解- life carries on. - Oh, I know. Dialogue: 要接受小偷全身而退这个事实真的很难It must be so hard to accept that he won, Dialogue: 那个拥有漂亮蓝眼睛的男人that man with the dazzling blue eyes. Dialogue: 你刚说什么I beg your pardon? Dialogue: 就是海报上那个男人啊 你画得特别好The man in the poster. Your wonderful drawing. Dialogue: 对 但你怎么知道他眼睛是蓝色的Yes, but... how do you know he had blue eyes? Dialogue: 只是一幅铅笔素描画It's just a pencil sketch. Dialogue: 那我可能是给它们填上色了吧Well, then I must have colored him in. Dialogue: 菲尼克斯 布坎南Phoenix Buchanan? Dialogue: 伪装大师He's a master of disguise. Dialogue: - 她疯了 - 想想看吧 亨利- She's gone mad. - Think about it, Henry. Dialogue: 他知道科兹洛夫夫人的财富吧 对吧Someone out there knows about the Kozlova fortune, right? Dialogue: 所谓的财富Alleged fortune. Dialogue: 铁拳说我们不是在找犯罪团伙And Knuckles said we weren't looking for a criminal gang. Dialogue: 铁拳Knuckles? Dialogue: - 因为根本没有什么犯罪团伙 - 一直就是那一个人- Because there was no gang. - It was one man. Dialogue: 菲泽斯早就知道了Feathers knew all along. Dialogue: 菲泽斯 那又是谁- Feathers? Who's Feathers? - Hmm? Dialogue: 报亭的那只鹦鹉The parrot at the newsstand? .. Dialogue: 不是No. Dialogue: 我们就不能正常点吗Can we just return to Planet Earth for a moment? Dialogue: 菲尼克斯布坎南Phoenix Buchanan is Dialogue: 是受尊敬的 获过大奖的演员a highly respected, award-winning actor, Dialogue: 还是我们公司的白金会员and a member of our Platinum club. Dialogue: - 他不可能是小偷 - 先别急 亨利- He is not a petty thief. - Hang on a minute, Henry. Dialogue: 假设我是错的But let's just assume I'm wrong, shall we? Dialogue: 然后算命的And that the fortune-teller, Dialogue: 职业罪犯 和鹦鹉倒是对的career criminal and parrot are right. Dialogue: 我能告诉你你根本没有证据吗May I remind you that you don't actually have any proof. Dialogue: 别找我了 我去贴海报了Now, if anyone wants me, I shall be putting up posters. Dialogue: 他说得对He's right. Dialogue: 但我相信你 玛丽Well, I believe you, Mary. Dialogue: 演员绝对是地球上最邪恶狡诈的Actors are some of the most evil, devious people Dialogue: 人群之一on the planet. Dialogue: - 真的吗 - 他们以欺骗为生- Are they? - They lie for a living. Dialogue: 天啊Crikey. Dialogue: - 如果要对付演员 - 是的- If we're gonna catch one... - Yes? Dialogue: 我们得计划得万无一失...we're gonna need a foolproof plan. Dialogue: 帕丁顿- Paddington? - Oh. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington. Dialogue: 铁拳Knuckles? Dialogue: 小熊 有件事跟你说Got a proposition for you, kid. Dialogue: 我们商量了Me and the boys have been talking, and Dialogue: 我们觉得seems to us, Dialogue: 如果你想要洗脱罪名if you're gonna clear your name, Dialogue: 就需要我们帮忙you're gonna need our help. Dialogue: 布朗一家可能是好意The Browns may mean well, but... Dialogue: 但只有小偷 才能抓住小偷It takes a thief to catch a thief. Dialogue: 那么 如果我们能想办法逃出去Now, if we could figure a way out of here Dialogue: 四处搜索and hit the streets, Dialogue: 肯定很快就能抓到他we'd find this guy soon enough. Dialogue: 但是 那就要越狱了But that would mean... escape. Dialogue: 当然要 我们有个计划It certainly would. And we got a plan. Dialogue: 但是得四个人参与 我们需要你帮忙But it's a four-man job, so we need your help. Dialogue: 你觉得怎么样What do you say, kid? Dialogue: 铁拳 谢谢你的好意It's very kind of you, Knuckles, Dialogue: 但我觉得 露西婶婶but I don't think Aunt Lucy would like Dialogue: 不会希望看到我越狱the idea of us breaking out of prison. Dialogue: 布朗一家会找到真凶的The Browns will find the real thief. Dialogue: 我只需要耐心等待I just need to be patient. Dialogue: 小熊 你可能不愿意听You may not wanna hear this, kid, Dialogue: 但早晚有一天 布朗一家but sooner or later the Browns, well, Dialogue: 他们会忘了你they'll forget you. Dialogue: 他们都是这样They always do. Dialogue: 先是一次探视没来 然后两次They'll miss one visit. Then two. Dialogue: 不知不觉地Before you know it, Dialogue: 你已经无家可归了you won't have a home to go back to. Dialogue: 你错了 铁拳 你们都错了You're wrong, Knuckles. You're all wrong. Dialogue: 布朗一家不会那样The Browns aren't like that. Dialogue: 他们明天会来 会带来好消息的They'll come tomorrow and they'll have good news, Dialogue: 等着瞧you'll see. Dialogue: 哪位Hello? Dialogue: 我是 波多贝罗快报 的朱迪?布朗It's Judy Brown from the Portobello Express. Dialogue: 请进Come in. Dialogue: 你们找我有什么事 是校报吗So what's this for, darlings? School newspaper? Dialogue: 是的 采访大名鼎鼎的 菲尼克斯 布坎南的经纪人Yes. We thought the agent of the Phoenix Buchanan Dialogue: 一定很有意思would be really interesting. Dialogue: 这倒是真的 但我只有两分钟时间And you'd be right. But I've got two minutes, Dialogue: 所以我们长话短说so we better make it snappy. Dialogue: 这还是看在你们And I've only given you that Dialogue: 送来了早餐的份儿上 我才接受采访because you've brought breakfast. Dialogue: 小点心做得还不错Nice buns, by the way. Dialogue: 他过来了Here he comes. Dialogue: 你好 乔 今天可真巧啊Hello, Joe. What a surprise. Dialogue: 你来这儿干什么What are you doing here? Dialogue: 我送信啊Oh, you know, posting letters. Dialogue: 帕丁顿还好吗How's Paddington? Dialogue: 小熊很坚强的Oh, he's a tough wee bear. Dialogue: 没错 他很坚强 代我向他问好Yeah, he is. Well, send him my best. Dialogue: - 好的 我会的 - 谢谢你 乔 再见Yes, I will. Thank you, Joe. Bye-bye. Dialogue: 布坎南先生的Mr. Buchanan. Dialogue: 那么布坎南先生什么时候重返舞台呢So, when can we expect to see Mr. Buchanan back on stage? Dialogue: 你说菲尼克斯么 可别抱太大期望Phoenix? Oh, I wouldn't hold your breath, darling. Dialogue: 不 别误会了No, no, no, don't get me wrong. Dialogue: 他是个非常棒的演员He's a terrific actor, Dialogue: 但是有那么一点儿小问题but there is a teensy little problem. Dialogue: 是吗Really? Dialogue: 他不愿意和别人同台演出He won't work with other people. Dialogue: 认为他们妨碍他施展才华Thinks they dilute his talent. Dialogue: 范肖小姐Miss Fanshaw. Dialogue: 我得走了Oh, I must scoot. We're having lunch Dialogue: 午餐我们约了百老汇著名制片人with a big Broadway producer. Dialogue: - 你们去哪吃 - 去丽兹酒店- Oh, where are you going? - The Ritz, darling! Dialogue: 小点心 棒极了Really nice buns. Dialogue: 好大一箱 进来吧Well, good heavens. Come. Dialogue: 包裹已经送到了The package has been delivered. Dialogue: 再说一遍 包裹已经送到了Repeat, the package has been delivered. Dialogue: 巴克里奇大礼包Barkridge's, no less. Dialogue: 今天的运气可真好Lucky, lucky Phoenix. Whoo! Dialogue: 您好 菲尼克斯- Hello? - Phoenix. Dialogue: 费莉西蒂 真是难得啊Felicity! What a lovely surprise. Dialogue: 我以为你把我的电话号码弄丢了呢I was beginning to think you'd lost my number. Dialogue: 我只有两分钟 所以我们长话短说I've got two minutes, so we better make it snappy. Dialogue: 好的Okay. Dialogue: 午餐我们约了百老汇的著名制作人We're having lunch with a big Broadway producer. Dialogue: 好极了 好的 我们去哪儿吃Well, wonderful news. Yes, yes. Where does one go? Dialogue: 去丽兹酒店The Ritz, darling! Dialogue: 那我马上出门I am on my way. Dialogue: 小点心做得还不错Nice buns, by the way. Dialogue: 你说什么I beg your pardon? Dialogue: 小点心棒极了Really nice buns. Dialogue: 多谢提醒Thank you, darling. Dialogue: 这次我一定会小心谨慎I've never had any complaints Dialogue: 决不错过这个机会about Mr. and Mrs. Botty-cheek. Dialogue: 太好了Yes. Dialogue: 手套 钥匙Gloves. Keys. Dialogue: 可以出门了And exit. Dialogue: 玛丽Mary? Dialogue: *(文字:菲尼克斯?布坎南的便签周六: 你的美梦能成真) 你的美梦能成真 打 开窗户 好的Open the window. Dialogue: 亲爱的 你这是疯了吗- Hello, darling. - Have you gone insane? Dialogue: 一定是菲尼克斯干的 我要找到证据I know it's Phoenix and I'm going to prove it. Dialogue: 你这是非法入侵This is breaking and entering. Dialogue: 我们不会搞破坏的We haven't broken anything. Dialogue: 菲尼克斯偷一本破书干什么Why would Phoenix want to steal a pop-up book? Dialogue: 他是个大富豪He's a millionaire! Dialogue: 这你可想错了That's where you're wrong. Dialogue: 他欠了一屁股债 你看He owes money all over town. Look. Dialogue: 就是几份账单而已 你说谁没有个So he's got a few bills. I mean, everyone... Dialogue: 我的天哪 他买面霜花了这么多钱Good grief, the man spends a lot on face cream. Dialogue: 他名下一分钱都没有He hasn't got a penny to his name. Dialogue: 快来 我们去找那本书 然后离开这里Now come on. Let's find that book and get out of here. Dialogue: 领巾Cravat. Dialogue: - 怎么样 - 没找到- Well? - Nothing. Dialogue: 一定是我们漏掉了什么We must be missing something. Dialogue: 或许根本就不在这儿Unless there's nothing to find. Dialogue: 我们还是走吧Now can we please go? Dialogue: - 亨利 你看 - 什么- Oh. Look, Henry. - What? Dialogue: 地毯The carpet. Dialogue: - 是很漂亮 - 回去我给你买Yes, it's lovely. I'll order a swatch. Dialogue: 托我一把- Give me a leg-up. - Oh... Dialogue: 快点 快点Quick, quick, quick. Dialogue: 碰到了Yes! Dialogue: - 一间密室A secret room. Dialogue: - 那是阁楼 - 神秘的阁楼- It's an attic. - Secret attic. Dialogue: 只是普通的阁楼It's an ordinary attic. Dialogue: 这条街上谁家里都有Every house in the street has one. Dialogue: 听我说 有阁楼是很正常的I mean, look, it's just a perfectly normal... Dialogue: 我的天 这家伙有怪癖啊Oh, my God, he's a weirdo. Dialogue: 看 亨利 修女 小偷 国王Look, Henry. The nun. The thief. The king. Dialogue: 我们猜对了We were right! Dialogue: 什么 我们Sorry. "We"? Dialogue: 那个 我是说 我从没Well, I mean, I never... Dialogue: 快 下去 下去- Quick! - Get down. Get down. Dialogue: 我简直就是万人迷Quite frankly ravishing. Dialogue: 谁啊Hello? Dialogue: 谁在哪儿Who goes there? Dialogue: 快点出来Reveal yourself. Dialogue: 亨利Henry? Dialogue: 你好 菲尼克斯Hello, Phoenix. Dialogue: 你来这里干什么What on earth are you doing here? Dialogue: 那你来这里干什么I might ask you the same thing. Dialogue: 我住这里 这是我的家Well, I live here. It's my house. Dialogue: 我来检查你的家And I Dialogue: 这个是白金会员的福利 我们每年insure it. And for our Platinum Club members, Dialogue: 都会给房屋免费检查we perform an annual free home inspection Dialogue: 确保你家安保措施安全可靠to verify your security arrangements. Dialogue: 穿着睡衣检查In your pajamas? Dialogue: 还带着老婆With your wife? Dialogue: 一切看起来都很安全So that all seems pretty secure. Dialogue: - 你好 菲尼克斯 - 玛丽- Oh, hello, Phoenix. - Mary. Dialogue: 没有听到你进来啊Didn't hear you come in. Dialogue: 忙的时候 我会叫上她帮忙She helps out when we're busy. Dialogue: 这听上去真的很有道理Oh, well, that sounds entirely plausible. Dialogue: 是吗 好极了 我们检查后发现你的家里Does it? Great. Well, I'm delighted to say Dialogue: 一切都好that everything seems tickety-boo. Dialogue: 太好了Wonderful. Dialogue: 我这就回公司叫人So, I'll nip back to the office Dialogue: 尽快把 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 打印出来and get the boys to type that up ASAP. Dialogue: 我们下次再见And we'll hope to see you soon. Dialogue: 再见Indeed. Dialogue: 希望下次 不要再穿睡衣了Perhaps next time not in your pyjamas? Dialogue: - 他总是出洋相 - 再见- He's such a silly one. - Ciao, now. Dialogue: 谢谢老天 它还在Oh, thank Larry it's there. Dialogue: 感谢老天 约翰和这条街的所有幽灵Thank Larry, Johnny and all the ghosts of the avenue. Dialogue: 是啊 刚才真是太险了Yeah, well, that was close, Dialogue: 你觉得呢- weren't it? - Aye! Dialogue: 对 确实太惊险了Too close, if you ask me. Dialogue: 保持镇定 麦克白Hold your nerve, MacBeth! Dialogue: 拿出点勇气Screw your courage to the sticking place! Dialogue: 我们就快成功了We are so nearly there. Dialogue: 我已经跟着这位女士走遍了伦敦I have followed this lady through the whole of London Dialogue: 找到了她留下的每一条可爱的小线索and collected every one of her clever little clues. Dialogue: 对 但这是什么意思Aye. But what do they mean? Dialogue: 就是几个简单的字母吧It's just a jumble of letters, ain't it? Dialogue: 那些根本不是字母Uh-huh. They are not letters at all. Dialogue: 它们是美妙的音符They are musical notes. Dialogue: 说得对 侦探波罗 而且我还知道Indeed, Poirot. And I believe I know Dialogue: 去哪里弹奏它们just where to play them. Dialogue: 停Hold it! Dialogue: 这真是个精彩的故事That is an amazing story. Dialogue: 但是 你们这样只能证明But all you can actually prove Dialogue: 菲尼克斯 布坎南收藏了几套戏装is Phoenix Buchanan keeps his old costumes. Dialogue: 请提供可靠的证据Bring me some hard evidence. Dialogue: 把那本书找来 只要有他的指纹Bring me the book with his fingerprints on, Dialogue: 我们就会立案and then you've got a case. Dialogue: 否则的话 我们也无能为力 对不起But until then, there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry. Dialogue: 她要去哪儿 她怎么走了Where is she go... Where's she going? Dialogue: 我们现在怎么办What do we do now? Dialogue: 我不知道I don't know. Dialogue: 至少我们能告诉帕丁顿 我们已经搞清楚到底是谁干的了Well, at least we can tell Paddington we know who did it. Dialogue: - 不 - 怎么了- Oh, no. - What? Dialogue: 我们错过了探视- We've missed visiting. - Oh! Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington! Dialogue: 露西婶婶Aunt Lucy? Dialogue: 露西婶婶 帕丁顿- Aunt Lucy! - Paddington. Dialogue: 你在这儿干什么 我以为你在家What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at home. Dialogue: 恐怕我现在已经没有家了I'm afraid I don't have one anymore. Dialogue: 您看 我进了监狱You see, I'm in prison. Dialogue: 连布朗一家都把我忘了And even the Browns have forgotten me. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington? Dialogue: 铁拳Knuckles. Dialogue: 就是今晚 午夜行动Tonight's the night. We leave at midnight. Dialogue: 你想要洗脱罪名 机会只有一次You wanna clear your name, it's now or never. Dialogue: 你来不来You in? Dialogue: 我来I'm in. Dialogue: 好了 今晚就这样吧Right. Time to call it a night. Dialogue: 反正也不会出什么事Not much going on here anyway. Dialogue: 最近个个都规矩得不得了They've been good as gold recently. Dialogue: 关灯了Lights out. Dialogue: 有三明治Oh, sandwiches. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 快来Paddington. Dialogue: 我来了Coming. Dialogue: 小熊 祝你好运Good luck, little bear. Dialogue: 这才是人生啊This is the life, lads. Dialogue: 自由了Freedom! Dialogue: 准备下降 勺子Bring her down, Spoon. Dialogue: 就在那边 离开就靠它了There she is, boys. Our ticket out of here. Dialogue: 什么意思 我们要去哪儿What do you mean? Where are we going? Dialogue: 应该告诉他 铁拳Might as well tell him, Knucks. Dialogue: 告诉我什么Tell me what? Dialogue: 不是要给我洗脱罪名吗Aren't we going to clear my name? Dialogue: 抱歉 孩子 计划有变Sorry, kid. Change of plan. Dialogue: 什么What? Dialogue: - 我们要离开英国 - 跟我们一起走- We're leaving the country. - And you're coming with us. Dialogue: 但是 你们骗我But... you lied to me. Dialogue: 你看 不是你想的那样Oh, hey, now, it wasn't like that. Dialogue: 我们想帮你个忙We were doing you a favor. Dialogue: 如果我们讲实话 你就不会来了If we told you the truth, you'd never have come along, Dialogue: 而且这样更好and it's better this way. Dialogue: 因为 你可以和我们一起做很多果酱We are gonna make marmalade together. Dialogue: 可我不想这样 铁拳But I don't want to, Knuckles. Dialogue: 我想洗脱罪名 然后回家I want to clear my name and go home. Dialogue: 你说你要帮我的 你答应过的And you said you'd help. You promised. Dialogue: 对不起 孩子Sorry, kid. Dialogue: 帮不了你No can do. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington! Dialogue: 让他走Let him go. Dialogue: 如果他想被逮住If he wants to get himself arrested, Dialogue: 那也是他自己的选择that's his choice. Dialogue: 你好Hello. Dialogue: 这里是布朗家You've reached the Brown residence. Dialogue: 家里没人We're not here now... Dialogue: 有事请留言...but leave a message. Dialogue: 你好 是我 帕丁顿Hello, it's me. Paddington. Dialogue: 希望你们不介意我打来I hope you don't mind my calling. Dialogue: 我只是想告诉你们I just wanted to let you know Dialogue: 我越狱了I've broken out of prison and, well, Dialogue: 所以 我现在是逃犯了I suppose I'm on the run. Dialogue: 我不是故意的I didn't really mean to, Dialogue: 但是 铁拳说如果我们越狱but Knuckles said that if we broke out Dialogue: 他能帮我洗脱罪名he'd help clear my name, Dialogue: 这样我就能回家了and then I could come home. Dialogue: 可是他走了 我要靠我自己了But he's gone now and I'm on my own. Dialogue: 我也不知道I don't really know why Dialogue: 为什么要打电话I'm calling. Dialogue: 或许是因为我想说I suppose I just wanted to say... Dialogue: 再见...goodbye. Dialogue: - 你好 - 帕丁顿吗- Hello? - Paddington? Dialogue: 是的 是我帕丁顿Yes. Yes, it's Paddington. Dialogue: 对不起我越狱了I'm so sorry I escaped, Mrs. Brown, Dialogue: 因为我以为你们忘了我but I thought you'd forgotten on me. Dialogue: 我们永远不会忘了你的 帕丁顿We'd never forget you, Paddington. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 我们是一家人- Paddington? - You're family. Dialogue: 我们知道小偷是谁了And we know who the thief was. Dialogue: 是菲尼克斯 布坎南It's Phoenix Buchanan. Dialogue: 布坎南先生Mr. Buchanan? Dialogue: 但是他每次都凭空消失了But he's disappeared into thin air. Dialogue: 我们去过书里的每一个景点找他We've been looking for him at every landmark Dialogue: 全都找遍了- in that book. - Every last page. Dialogue: 你的美梦都能成真的地方"Where all your dreams come true." Dialogue: 你说这个干吗Why do you say that? Dialogue: 这是立绘本的最后一页上写的Oh, it was written on the last page of the pop-up book. Dialogue: 让我想起了我的露西婶婶Always made me think of Aunt Lucy. Dialogue: - 这可奇怪了 - 怎么了- Very bizarre. - Is it? Dialogue: 我在菲尼克斯家里的便签上I found that exact same phrase Dialogue: 也看到了同样的话on a scrap of paper in Phoenix's house. Dialogue: 真的吗Really? Dialogue: 我肯定在哪儿见过I'm sure I've seen that before. 美梦成真的地方Look. "Where all your dreams come true." Dialogue: 看 Dialogue: 那个管风琴The organ? Dialogue: 科兹洛娃夫人的财宝一定藏在那儿That must be where Madame Kozlova hid her fortune. Dialogue: 我们这就去Let's get to the fair. Dialogue: 来不及了 他们今天就离开了It's too late. They're leaving today. Dialogue: 点From Paddington Station. Dialogue: 从帕丁顿站离开At :. Dialogue: 还来得及There's still time. Dialogue: 帕丁顿 去火车站Paddington, head for the station. Dialogue: 如果我们找到菲尼斯克和书If we can find Phoenix and get hold of that book, Dialogue: 他的指纹会证明一切his fingerprints will prove everything. Dialogue: 但那里好远 布朗先生 我要怎么But that's miles away, Mr. Brown. I'll... Dialogue: 我们火车站见I'll see you there. Dialogue: 都让开Clear the road. Dialogue: 有垃圾需要紧急处理This is a refuse emergency. Dialogue: 对不起Sorry! Dialogue: 街坊邻居们 我刚刚收到消息Fellow citizens, I've just received intelligence. Dialogue: 那头熊已经越狱 可能正往这里赶来The bear has escaped and may be heading this way. Dialogue: 我已将社区恐慌等级提升至I have raised the neighborhood panic level Dialogue: 歇斯底里级to "wild hysteria." Dialogue: 请你让开 库里先生Get out of the way, Mr. Curry! Dialogue: 帕丁顿没有往这里来Paddington's not coming this way! Dialogue: 他会洗脱罪名He's gonna clear his name. Dialogue: 我们再带他回家And we're gonna bring him home! Dialogue: 我们不欢迎他We don't want him here. Dialogue: 你当然不欢迎 你从来没欢迎过No, of course you don't. You never have. Dialogue: 你从看他第一眼As soon as you set eyes on that bear, Dialogue: 就对他有偏见you made up your mind about him. Dialogue: 可是帕丁顿和你不一样Well, Paddington's not like that. Dialogue: 他会在我们身上寻找善良的一面He looks for the good in all of us, Dialogue: 而且总能找到and somehow he finds it. Dialogue: 所以他走到哪儿都能交到朋友It's why he makes friends wherever he goes. Dialogue: 所以只要有他在And it's why Windsor Gardens is a happier place Dialogue: 温莎花园就是个幸福的地方whenever he's around. Dialogue: 如果我们需要帮助他会毫不犹豫He wouldn't hesitate if any of us needed help. Dialogue: 所以请你让开 库里先生 我们要冲过去了So stand aside, Mr. Curry, because we're coming through! Dialogue: 你想得美 布朗Nice try, Brown. Dialogue: 你的计划烂透了Your plan seems to have stalled. Dialogue: 和你的车一样Like your vehicle. Dialogue: 踩油门 踩啊 使劲儿踩Try the choke. Go on, try the choke. You're flooding it. Dialogue: - 踩离合 挂二挡 布朗先生Clutch down, second gear, Mr. Brown. Dialogue: 什么What? Dialogue: - 倒数三下 三 二 - 怎么回事- After three. Three. - What's going on? Dialogue: 你们竟敢在公共道路上非法闲逛You are illegally perambulating on a public highway. Dialogue: 大家加把劲Put your backs into it. Dialogue: 不许推那辆车Do not push that vehicle. Dialogue: - 带帕丁顿回家 - 谢谢你- Bring Paddington home. - Thank you. Dialogue: 好了 帕丁顿 蹲着 你要记住 你是垃圾桶Right, Paddington, stay low, and remember, you're a bin. Dialogue: 我是一个垃圾桶You're a bin. You're a bin. Dialogue: 只是一个垃圾桶 出来散散步Just an ordinary bin going for a walk. Dialogue: - 谢谢你 - 不客气- Thank you. - You're welcome. Dialogue: 没什么可看的 警官 垃圾桶而已Nothing to see here, Officer. Just a bin. Dialogue: 当垃圾桶挺不错的Quite good being a bin. Dialogue: 先生们Gentlemen. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington! Dialogue: - 帕丁顿 - 布朗先生 快点 他在车上Mr. Brown! Quickly, he's on board. Dialogue: 别担心 我自己去搞定Don't worry, I'll handle it myself. Dialogue: 我们一定要追上那趟车We've gotta catch up with that train. Dialogue: 怎么追But how? Dialogue: 我有个主意I've got an idea. Dialogue: 早上好 女士 先生 欢迎乘车Good morning, madam. Sir. Welcome on board. Dialogue: 早 谢谢Morning. Thank you. Dialogue: 可以为您倒杯香槟吗May I offer you a glass of champagne? Dialogue: 好 服务很周到 谢谢你Oh, thank you so much. That's very kind. Dialogue: 非常感谢Very civilized, yes. Dialogue: 好极了 总算能休个假Nice to have a break after all I've been through Dialogue: 不用再想那头烦人的熊with that beastly bear. Dialogue: 锅炉压力Boiler pressure, . Dialogue: 水 半杯 气阀 关闭Water, half a glass. Air brake, off. Dialogue: 干得好 猎狗Nice work, J-Dog. Dialogue: 我的名字不叫猎狗My name's not J-Dog. Dialogue: 叫乔纳森 布朗 我就喜欢蒸汽机车It's Jonathan Brown. And I like steam trains. Dialogue: - 这是干什么 - 真是抱歉- Oh, for goodness' sake. - I'm so sorry. Dialogue: - 住手 别擦了Get off. Stop it. Dialogue: 你嘘什么嘘 格特鲁德Don't shush me, Gertrude. Dialogue: 刚刚那服务生把冰水泼了我一脸I have just been spilled upon by a chilled liquid. Dialogue: 杰拉德 我想要你安静Gerald, I want you to shush. Dialogue: 好的 格特鲁德Yes, Gertrude. Dialogue: 早上点...seven o'clock. Dialogue: 早上点 欢迎收听BBCHere's the news from the BBC. Dialogue: 昨晚波多贝罗监狱Four convicts made a daring escape Dialogue: 有四名囚犯大胆越狱from Portobello Prison last night. Dialogue: 逃犯们凭空消失The prisoners all appear to have vanished Dialogue: 无迹可寻without a trace... Dialogue: 只有帕丁顿?布朗...except Paddington Brown, Dialogue: 出现在一列开往布里斯托的火车上who was seen boarding a fair train bound for Bristol. Dialogue: 警方已展开追捕Police are closing in Dialogue: 相信不久就会有所收获and expect to make an arrest soon. Dialogue: 可怜的小家伙Poor little fella. Dialogue: 也不知道这会儿躲在下面哪儿Must be somewhere down there right now. Dialogue: 我们要不要帮帮他 铁拳Shouldn't we help him, Knuckles? Dialogue: 怎么帮 我们要是下去了How? We go back down there, Dialogue: 被抓住就再也出不来了they won't just lock us up, they'll throw away the key. Dialogue: 我知道 可是 他是我们的朋友I know but he's our friend. Dialogue: 照原计划来Stick to the plan. Dialogue: 我不会无缘无故地帮助别人I don't do nothin' for no one for nothin'. Dialogue: 好了 爷爷Well, Grandfather, Dialogue: 该揭晓真相了the moment of truth. Dialogue: DD. Dialogue: DD. Dialogue: AA. Dialogue: AA. Dialogue: 那本书The book. Dialogue: - 他在干什么 - 我不知道- What's he doing? - I don't know. Dialogue: - 帕丁顿 - 他听不到的- Paddington! - He can't hear us. Dialogue: 这车能开的再快点吗Can this thing go any faster? Dialogue: 可以试试 但需要更多煤炭I can try but I need more coal. Dialogue: - 我来搞定I'm on it. Dialogue: 靠近那辆车 我要跳过去Pull alongside. I'm going across. Dialogue: - 我要跟你一起去 - 朱迪- I'll come with you. - Judy... Dialogue: 看你拦不拦得住我Just you try and stop us! Dialogue: 跟我来吧Come on then! Dialogue: 准备 好- Ready? - Yep. Dialogue: 跳Go! Dialogue: 打开心灵Open your mind Dialogue: 四肢自会舒展and your legs will follow. Dialogue: 布朗先生Mr. Brown! Dialogue: 伯德夫人Mrs. Bird. Dialogue: CC. Dialogue: 最后是EAnd finally E. Dialogue: 它动起来了It works. Dialogue: 你好Hello. Dialogue: 你太美了Aren't you pretty. Dialogue: 伦敦西区上流社会 我来了West End here I come. Dialogue: 早啊Morning. Dialogue: 不No! Dialogue: 是什么来着 D FWhat was it? D. F. Dialogue: DD. Dialogue: 把书还给我Come back with that book. Dialogue: 你想去哪儿啊 小熊Where do you think you're going, bear? Dialogue: 这是火车 总有到头儿的时候 就像人生一样It's a train. It comes to an end, like all of us alas. Dialogue: 著名的演员追着越狱的熊Exit bear, pursued by an actor. Dialogue: 菲尼克斯 布坎南Phoenix Buchanan. Dialogue: 伯德夫人Mrs. Bird? Dialogue: 现在你记得我了Oh, so now you remember me? Dialogue: 我从没有忘记 你们就是救兵吗Well, I never. The cavalry. Dialogue: 老太婆 小姑娘 还有卖保险的An old crone, a little girl and an insurance man. Dialogue: 我该怎么办What am I going to do? Dialogue: 我来告诉你我会怎么办I'll tell you exactly what I'm going to do. Dialogue: 我会用拳头- Mmm? - I'm going to bloomin' well Dialogue: 揍得你鼻青脸肿biff you on the nose. Dialogue: 这可不是好主意Not a very good idea. Dialogue: 舞台格斗 四级Stage combat, level four. Dialogue: 要是照我的经验 小子Well, where I come from, laddie, Dialogue: 刀剑舞得再好你也快不过我的子弹they teach you never to bring a knife to a gunfight. Dialogue: 我想这把枪里只有吸盘飞镖I think you'll find that fires plastic darts. Dialogue: 看来是的So it does. Dialogue: 但是这把剑 看起来很锋利呀Whereas this sword looks very sharp. Dialogue: 到后面去 都给我退后Back you go. All of you, back. Dialogue: 这是您要的 超大份甜点And for you, sir, the jumbo pavlova. Dialogue: 请慢用- Ah. - Enjoy. Dialogue: 法官大人 您的发型很棒Oh, hello, Your Honor. The hair is looking lovely. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington! Dialogue: 布朗夫人Mrs. Brown! Dialogue: 我有个主意I've got an idea. Dialogue: 好 很好 棒极了 该去找毛毛熊了Good. Good. Excellent. Now for your furry friend. Dialogue: 减速 乔纳森Slow down, Jonathan. Dialogue: 小熊这么聪明啊What a clever little bear. Dialogue: 别担心 我知道Don't worry. I know a wee trick Dialogue: 大魔术师哈里 胡迪尼的一门绝招Harry Houdini used to do. Dialogue: 跳 帕丁顿 我接着你Jump, Paddington! I'll catch you. Dialogue: 不No! Dialogue: 再见 小熊Bye-bye, bear. Dialogue: 神球手就是我Bullseye! Dialogue: 快停车 乔纳森Stop the train, Jonathan! Dialogue: 伙计们 上Let's go, lads. Dialogue: 铁拳 你回来了Knuckles, you came back. Dialogue: 我一个人也做不了果酱啊Can't make marmalade on my own now, can I? Dialogue: 谢谢你们Thank you, everyone. Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington? Dialogue: 他发烧了He's burning up. Dialogue: 快让他躺下休息 好的Better get the little fella to bed. Dialogue: 妈妈 帕丁顿- Mom! - Paddington! Dialogue: 他不太好He's not well. Dialogue: 别担心 会好起来的Don't worry, he's gonna be fine. Dialogue: 是吧 小家伙Aren't you, little buddy? Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington! Dialogue: - 我在哪儿 - 放松一点- Where am I? - Take it easy now. Dialogue: 你吓了我们一大跳 但现在你回家了You gave us a wee scare, but you're home now. Dialogue: - 回家 - 是啊 你看- Home? - That's right. Look. Dialogue: 警方意识到他们犯了严重错误The police realized they'd made a terrible mistake. Dialogue: 菲尼克斯 布坎南被捕了Phoenix Buchanan has been arrested, and, Dialogue: 恐怕他再也不是我们公司的白金会员了I might add, is no longer a member of our Platinum Club. Dialogue: 所以 你现在是只自由的小熊了- Then... - You're a free bear. Dialogue: - 我睡了多久 - 三天三夜- How long have I been asleep? - Three days. Dialogue: 三天三夜 也就是说Three days! But that means... Dialogue: 今天你婶婶过生日It's Aunt Lucy's birthday. Dialogue: 我却没有送她礼物And I never sent her anything. Dialogue: 没关系 帕丁顿It's all right, Paddington. Dialogue: 不 有关系 布朗夫人But it isn't all right, Mrs. Brown. Dialogue: 知道吗 小时候 露西婶婶为我付出很多You see, Aunt Lucy did so much for me when I was a cub. Dialogue: 要不是她 我也来不了伦敦Without her I'd never have come to London. Dialogue: 我也许 我只想让露西婶婶And I suppose all I ever really wanted Dialogue: 能以我为荣was to make her proud. Dialogue: 但她今天醒来却发现But now she's going to wake up on her birthday Dialogue: 我没有给她生日礼物with no present Dialogue: 她会对我彻底失望的and think I've let her down completely. Dialogue: 你这个小傻瓜 她不会那么想的Oh, you great goose, she won't think that at all. Dialogue: 不会吗Won't she? Dialogue: 跟我们来Come with us. Dialogue: 他来了Here he is! Dialogue: - 你们怎么都来了 - 我们想过来谢谢你- What are you all doing here? - We wanted to say thank you. Dialogue: 谢谢我Thank you? Dialogue: 感谢你们所做的一切For everything you've done for us. Dialogue: 因为你 我们才会相遇If it wasn't for you, we'd never have met. Dialogue: 你还帮我通过了考试You helped me pass my exam. Dialogue: 没有你 我永远都打不开家门I would be permanently locked out of my house. Dialogue: 你做了很多值得骄傲的事情I'd say you've rather a lot to be proud of. Dialogue: 警方说他们需要And when we heard that the police wanted Dialogue: 留下立体绘本作为证据the popping book for evidence, Dialogue: 我们就想给露西婶婶再准备一份礼物we thought we'd find Aunt Lucy another present. Dialogue: 所以我们凑了点儿钱So we all clubbed together. Dialogue: 我找了几个空军的老朋友们帮忙I pulled in a few favors from my old Air Force chums. Dialogue: 你婶婶一定会喜欢And we think she's going to love it. Dialogue: 那是什么礼物But... what is it? Dialogue: 你送书就是You wanted to get that book Dialogue: 为了让她看看伦敦 对吗so Aunt Lucy could see London, didn't you? Dialogue: 那是她的梦想It was always her dream. Dialogue: 我们就想 何必在书上看呢Well, we thought, why look at London in a book Dialogue: 亲自来不是更好when she could see the real thing? Dialogue: 你还不快去开门Why don't you go and answer that? Dialogue: 帕丁顿Paddington. Dialogue: 生日快乐 露西婶婶Happy birthday, Aunt Lucy.
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