首页 《网球王子》人物介绍



《网球王子》人物介绍《网球王子》人物介绍 越前龙马 本作主角,在网球方面天分极高,年纪小小就掌握了很多职网水平的技巧 (13岁哎……可能吗,)。因为身怀绝技,所以说话也总是很拽,很有种人小鬼大的感觉。 龙崎老师 青春学院网球部指导老师,也是龙马父亲的指导老师,给他们帮助颇多.龙崎老师年轻时也指导过龙马父亲,那时也算是美女呢~~~现在……真的是老太婆拉。 龙崎樱乃 龙崎老师的孙女,为龙马球技所吸引,暗地里喜欢龙马的可爱女生。 手塚国光 青春学院网球部社长,为实现前任部长交给他的成为青学支柱的愿望,宁可放弃自己成为职网的前途,也...

《网球王子》人物介绍 越前龙马 本作主角,在网球方面天分极高,年纪小小就掌握了很多职网水平的技巧 (13岁哎……可能吗,)。因为身怀绝技,所以说话也总是很拽,很有种人小鬼大的感觉。 龙崎老师 青春学院网球部指导老师,也是龙马父亲的指导老师,给他们帮助颇多.龙崎老师年轻时也指导过龙马父亲,那时也算是美女呢~~~现在……真的是老太婆拉。 龙崎樱乃 龙崎老师的孙女,为龙马球技所吸引,暗地里喜欢龙马的可爱女生。 手塚国光 青春学院网球部社长,为实现前任部长交给他的成为青学支柱的愿望,宁可放弃自己成为职网的前途,也要赢得全国大赛冠军。 大石秀一郎 青春学院网球部副社长,冷静沉稳,善于处理各种关系,是手塚的得力副手。 菊丸英二 青春学院网球部正选球员,虽然比较任性,但身体柔韧性非常好,在赛场上常常会以意想不到的杂技动作来回击。 不二周助 青春学院网球部正选球员,也是一个天才式的选手,一直把微笑挂在脸上的他球技在社中能与社长媲美。 乾贞治 青春学院网球部正选球员,喜欢以事先翔实的调查对手数据为基础来打网球。 桃城武 青春学院网球部正选球员,是个直爽不拘小节又有点孩子气的人,对低MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1716322181783_1也没什么架子,龙马和他真是互补呢。 海堂薰 青春学院网球部正选球员,绰号“蝮蛇”,样子看上去都像蛇一样,恐怖~~~ 越前南次朗 龙马的父亲,目前好像寄住在一个寺庙里,成天懒懒散散,不过事实他的实力极强呃 《网球王子》精彩剧照及剧情梗概 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 人物介绍, ,短球,社长手冢国光 (三年一班) 生日:十月七日(天秤座) 身高:179cm O型 惯用:左手 ,三种回球,社员(校队) 不二周助 (三年六班) 生日:二月二十九日(双鱼座) 身高:167cm B型 惯用:右手 ,黄金双打,副社长大石秀一郎 (三年二班) 生日:四月三十日(牡羊座)身高:175cm O型 惯用:右手 ,黄金双打,社员(校队) 菊丸英二 (三年六班) increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 生日:十一月二十八日(射手座)身高:171cm A型 惯用:右手 ,情报网球,社员(校队) 乾贞治 (三年十一班) 生日:六月三日(双子座)身高:184cm AB型 惯用:右手 ,斗志燃烧,社员(校队) 河村隆 (三年四班) 生日:十一月十八日(天蝎座)身高:180cm A型 惯用:右手 ,垂直扣杀球,社员(校队) 桃城武 (二年八班) 生日:七月二十三日(狮子座)身高:170cm O型 惯用:右手 ,蛇球,社员(校队) 海堂熏 (二年七班) 生日:五月十一日(金牛座)身高:173cm B型 惯用:右手 ,外旋发球,社员(校队) 越前龙马 (一年二班) 生日:十二月二十四日(山羊座)身高:151cm O型 惯用:左手 女子网球社 社员龙崎樱乃 (一年一班)(龙崎菫之孙女) 生日:一月十四日(山羊座)身高:151cm A型 惯用:右手 ,连续发球,网球社顾问龙崎菫 (58岁)(三年级的 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 老师) 生日:八月八日(狮子座)身高:168cm O型 惯用:右手 社员(非校队)荒井将史 (二年八班) 生日:三月二十九日(牡羊座)身高:169cm B型 惯用:右手 社员(非校队)林大介 (二年八班) 生日:十一月一日(天蝎座)身高:165cm AB型 惯用:右手 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 社员(非校队)池田雅也 (二年八班) 生日:七月十八日(巨蟹座)身高:162cm A型 惯用:右手 社员(非校队)堀尾聪史 (一年二班) 生日:九月二十五日(天秤座)身高:151cm O型 惯用:右手 社员(非校队)加藤胜郎 (一年五班) 生日:三月二日(双鱼座)身高:148cm A型 惯用:右手 社员(非校队)水野胜雄 (一年五班) 生日:四月七日(牡羊座)身高:158cm O型 惯用:右手 小坂田朋香(一年一班)(崇拜龙马的樱乃之友) 生日:四月十七日(牡羊座)身高:152cm B型 惯用:右手 [卡通短评] 这是一部以青春学园国中部为主体,其网球社之社员努力于网球这项运动,以夺得全国冠军为目标,奋力挥洒出一页页令人热血沸腾的故事。主角越前龙马是个曾在美国夺得青少年网球四连霸的网球高手,惯用左手,故事就从龙马进入青学之后,正式拉开了序幕。社长手冢国光、副社长大石秀一郎、天才球员不二周助、热血燃烧的河村隆、蛇球海堂熏、黄金双打之菊丸英二、垂直打法的桃城武、情报网球的乾贞治等人,能激出什么样的火花,实力坚强的青春学园何时能称霸全国, 这部至今已经连载到200多集的漫画可以说是继《灌篮高手》之后,又一部以运动为主题的成功漫画。《》一到十六集的漫画单行本,在日本也累积了超过二千二百万本increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 的销售成绩,与同是集英社旗下的人气漫画”棋魂”相比整整多了一千万套,也可显现””的魅力了。在漫画被改编成动画片播出后,日本一度掀起了网球热潮,2003三月三十日在东京著名的有明竞技场举办的”青春学园庭球祭 03 “,更号召了一万六千名的动漫迷参加,是近年来日本少见的 ACG 盛况。 网王最成功之处是对人物的性格刻画和让人眼花缭乱的网球技术,无论是对主要角色青学队员还是对其它学校网球队员的描写,作者可谓花尽心思,无微不至。而仔细审视这些人物,漫迷会发现他们是如此亲切,如此有共鸣。因为,所有的人物性格都来自身边,不同的脾性就是我们生活中每个人的缩影。当然,再加点夸张的笑料,一些平平淡淡的生活 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 就成了一部经典的校园成长录。让每个正在校园里成长的漫迷看到后感到激励无比,让每个已经长大的漫迷看到后感到丝丝美丽的单纯。 湛蓝晴空下,布满闪光汗珠的侧脸,仰首。微蹙的眉,遮于镜片后的紧闭双眼,隐忍的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 情。响起夏日的海涛声,不太澎湃,却足以淹没所有观者无从猜测的心绪。左肩的致命伤,最后一球的意外,输了比赛的手塚在想什么,沸腾的热血于此一瞬间凝结。 很单纯的故事,网球,一场接一场的网球。可又因为青学网球部那九人各自心中执着的网球梦想、坚定的决心、以及一根肠子通到底的固执个性,让这部动漫变得生动有趣。赛事紧凑的情节,不拖泥带水的心理活动,偶尔队员之间的搞笑……全都特属于年少轻狂的青春。 许斐刚是个不会掌握节奏的漫画家,为了等待漫画的创作速度而想尽办法加入原创情节竟出乎意料地画龙点睛。还记得《机动警察》张弛有度的剧情,虽然在与格里锋的明争暗斗,也一面表现特车二课轻松的点滴生活和平时的执法趣事,《》也是如此,对increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 学校生活的刻画如同锦上添花。 不要苛求,更不要有逆反心理。写实不卖座可是总有人奉为精品,商业化再成功也有人斥之媚俗。其实二者都值得肯定,可以不要听别人的称赞与非难,就只是轻松地去感受这一趟明媚的网球之旅。清新的风格、性格的人物、简单的青春和对梦想与胜利的无比执著,不需要更为深刻的内涵,也能够奏响内心向往的弦音。 那些怀着无数梦想的青葱岁月,那些激情汗水的肆意挥霍,那些不知天高地厚的懵懂少年,投入必然有收获,在蔚蓝的天空下迎着阳光跑,闻着泥土的芳香不停地奔跑,就这样,我们一生中最美好的回忆往往留在青春的年代里。 我们喜爱漫画,还陶醉于漫画里的青春,还沉醉于惬意的梦幻,还无法放弃梦想和生命。所以,望着那些球场上奔跑的身影,不可能不羡慕也不可能不向往,不需要寻找理由,那是你心里远方的延续… 《》剧情介绍及幕后花絮: 进入网球名校青春学园国中部就读的主人翁越前龙马,曾蝉连美国少年网球名人赛冠军四次,其父越前南次郎曾被喻为日本网球界的希望,是令网球界惊叹的梦幻人物,现已退隐江湖。或许遗传了父亲的网球天份,龙马在网球上的优异表现亦被喻为天才少年由于龙马很早就进入网球部,加上他的球技高超,个性冷酷,态度傲慢不羁,引起学长们的误会,并不得不接受来自网球部的一连串的挑战..。 []是由日本集英社所发行的【周刊JUMP】上所连载之热门漫画改编而成,属于运动类动画。这部动画主要是描述网球运动及青春校园的故事,剧中主人翁越前龙马的个性独特,不仅为此动画带来更多的活力,也为故事情节增添几分新鲜感。于日本推出时为全increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 日本带来一阵网球风于日本推出时为全日本带来一阵网球风。 这是一部运动类动画,不仅详细介绍网球运动的规则及技巧,也希望让观众在收看时能了解其中的运动精神。 人物简介, 越前龙马 本故事的男主角,球技高凡,虽然长得矮,但实力高强。曾夺得美国少年网球大赛4连冠,现为青春学园网球部一年生。懂得各种网球高招,最擅长的球技为外旋发球,B击球和单脚小碎步 手冢国光 青春学园网球部队长(三年级),为左撇子球员,「短球」是其知名绝技。严肃、帅气的外表令他得到很多少女的青睐。他的球技超高,实力已被外界肯定。但他的手曾受伤,这会否影响他的表现呢, 海堂 熏 青春学园网球部(二年级)学生,绰号「蛇牙」,个性暴躁易怒、眼神凶恶、不易服输,自豪于自己的绝活「蛇球」。 桃城 武 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 青春学园网球部(二年级)。冲动鲁莽的性格与龙马很投契,使他们经常同声同气,在队中只有他的性格与越前最相近。跳跃力与体力是桃城最自豪的。擅长垂直扣杀球,与海堂是死对头。 不二周助 青春学园网球部(三年级),网球界的奇迹,青学网球校队的第二王牌。实力令人无法估计,就连网球部的其它人也不知道他的实力… 菊丸英二 青春学园网球部(三年级),身手敏捷,能注意到许多别人所不及的细微处,与大石搭档默契十足,非常令人惊叹。他的动态视力令人不敢忽视,但这可能成为他的弱点… 大石秀一郎 青春学园网球部副队长(三年级),为人谦和、个性成熟稳重。与菊丸英二组成双打,号称「击不败的黄金组合」。 干 贞治 青春学园网球部(三年级),收集资料的能手。擅于收集情报、分析对手的球路、拿手绝活,再做出应对之策。他有一套如魔鬼般的训练,这套训练,常常令队员们吃不消。 龙崎樱乃 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 青春学园女子网球部(一年级),第一个认识龙马的女孩。对龙马一「撞」钟情,是网球 部顾问龙崎熏的孙女 龙崎 堇 青春学园网球部顾问 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal
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