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湄洲妈祖英语导游词湄洲妈祖英语导游词 湄洲妈祖文化导游词 各位游客朋友们,大家好~我代表旅行社欢迎来到湄洲妈祖祖庙参观朝拜妈祖。先做一下自我介绍,我是中国旅行社的专职导游,我姓陈,名**,大家可以叫我小陈或陈导。今天的妈祖朝圣之旅就由我来为大家服务,希望小陈的服务能让大家满意,也提前预祝大家旅途愉快~ 来到湄洲岛就不得不介绍一下妈祖了,据明朝的《天妃显圣录》记载,妈祖原来是湄洲湾畔港里村人,父亲叫林愿,愿望的愿,已经生有一男五女了,老两口一直希望再生个儿子,于是天天向观音菩萨祷告,直到宋朝建隆元年,(公元960年)农历三月二十...

湄洲妈祖英语导游词 湄洲妈祖文化导游词 各位游客朋友们,大家好~我代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 旅行社欢迎来到湄洲妈祖祖庙参观朝拜妈祖。先做一下自我介绍,我是中国旅行社的专职导游,我姓陈,名**,大家可以叫我小陈或陈导。今天的妈祖朝圣之旅就由我来为大家服务,希望小陈的服务能让大家满意,也提前预祝大家旅途愉快~ 来到湄洲岛就不得不介绍一下妈祖了,据明朝的《天妃显圣录》记载,妈祖原来是湄洲湾畔港里村人,父亲叫林愿,愿望的愿,已经生有一男五女了,老两口一直希望再生个儿子,于是天天向观音菩萨祷告,直到宋朝建隆元年,(公元960年)农历三月二十三日傍晚,乡里人看到一道红光直射林家,照耀的周围的石头都发红了,此时呢,怀胎十月的林母产下了一个女婴,因为妈祖从出生到满月都没哭过,父母便给她取名“默”。林默从小聪明伶俐,过目不忘。她父亲是当年的海上巡检司,因此她可以博览群 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,特别是有关海洋气象方面的书,也有机会跟随父亲出海,渐渐的学会了掌握水性,观测天象,她能预测海上气候变化,告诫出海的乡亲避凶就吉,还经常奋不顾身的抢救遇难的渔船,商船。她又精通医理,能用草药为人治病,教人消疫防灾。妈祖一生行 1 善济世,只用过人,因此留下了许多神话传说。有说她13岁即受玄通老道点化,授以“玄微妙法”,16岁时,照装于井,忽见一神人手捧铜符一面,涌井而上,奉送与他,从此法力神通,能预知未来,还能乘席渡海,力挽狂澜,因此被人们成为神女,灵女。宋雍熙四年(公元987年),九月九日,年仅28岁的林默为抢救海难而英勇献身。 为什么一个普通的女子会被这么多的人景仰,朝拜呢,大致说来有这么几个原因,一是由于她一生行善济世,智勇过人,受到了民间的尊敬,后来传说明朝郑成功七次下西洋的时候曾多次受到妈祖的庇佑,回来后便向朝廷请求封赏,施 琅将收复台湾的时候,在海上行军也说见过妈祖显灵,所以前后下来,共被朝廷加封了64次之多 ,由原来的“灵慧夫人”封爵为“圣妃”,再到“天妃”“天后”等等。由此可见,妈祖在中国历史中的地位,还有中国的台湾同胞非常信奉妈祖,很多人都到湄洲朝圣,捐献香火,也使得妈祖的香火这么旺盛~ 说了这么多,我们也已经到山门前面了,这是寺庙的第一道门即为山门,这座山门造型特别,为皇家城阙形制,这是因为妈祖的封号是天上圣母,是至高无上的女神。山门内供奉的是千里眼和顺风耳。由于今天岛上的游客较多,请大家注意保管好自己的行李物品,以防遗失。 好的,现在我们顺着山门往上走,我们眼前的这道门称仪 2 门,大家可以看到上面有个竖匾,写着“圣旨”二字,因此这道门又称“圣旨门”,是台湾大甲镇澜宫捐建,谕示妈祖曾经受历代帝王各种褒封。仪门内的这个大广场,是每次祭奠时大型乐舞表演的地方。 前方左右为钟鼓楼,每次祭祀鼓响三通则祭奠开始,敲钟则礼终。 再走过一个山门,我们就到了 “太子殿”,也就是清朝福建总督姚启圣所建的“正殿”,因为姚启圣曾任太子少保兵部尚书,所以取名“太子殿”。姚启圣原想以此作为正殿,使正殿按一般寺庙建筑风格位于中轴线上,但民间习惯上仍愿意遵循古制,只认定旁边的这座最原始的正殿。现在请大家随我前去参观。 好了,这就是妈祖亿万信徒心中的圣地了。大家可别小看了她啊~她可是世界三千多座妈祖庙的祖庙啊~而且这里的香火非常旺盛,也非常灵验。大家待会可以在这里烧烧香,拜拜妈祖,祈求家人平安幸福~不过先请大家随我看门柱上的这幅对联,上联为十个“齐”字加个“斋”字,下联为十个“朝”字加个“音”字。这究竟是什么意思呢,原来,这是巧妙的运用古汉语通假字的特点,即“齐”与“斋”、“朝”、 与“潮”均可通假而作。可读作“齐斋,齐斋,齐齐斋,齐齐斋戒;朝潮,朝潮,朝朝潮,朝朝潮音”。什么意思呢,我们先来看上联“齐齐斋戒”这是说信徒在朝拜妈祖之前要先淋浴,斋戒;下联的“朝潮”是说朝拜的盛况就像长流不息的 3 湄洲潮水一样常年不断。由此可见信徒的虔诚与妈祖的影响了吧~传说这副对联是明朝莆田才子戴大宾所作。 现在大家随我进殿参拜参观,这座殿堂分上下殿,中间以天井相连。正梁悬挂的“神昭海表”匾额是清雍正皇帝御笔颁赐,命福建总督膜制三块分挂于湄洲祖庙及厦门、台湾两座分灵庙。后来,这四字题匾几乎为所有妈祖庙所复制。我们看殿前蹲坐的这尊妈祖神像,她神态安详,雍容华贵,这尊是“出巡妈祖”,是木雕软木的,也就是四肢可以活动的,这尊像曾在1997年赴台湾巡游一百天,引起了台湾地区极大的轰动。在出巡妈祖像后还有一尊妈祖像,是木雕硬身的镇殿妈祖。当软身的妈祖出巡是,镇殿妈祖就留在庙中接受信众朝拜。大家看两边神龛中的都是妈祖的陪神,称十八阙仙班,其中有的是古代其他地方奉祀的海神,有的是被妈祖收服的海妖水怪。大家在这可以烧香、拜拜妈祖 祈求一下家人平安。 好,现在我们去参观妈祖升天的地方,这里也是立庙供奉妈祖的地方。参观完升天古迹,大家继续跟着我登高去朝天阁看一下,这里是中轴线的最高点,里面供奉的妈祖与别的殿里有什么不同呢,细心地朋友应该发现了,妈祖的面相是黑色的。这里呢有个传说,据说当年台湾信众把妈祖分灵回去途中,在海上航行数月,日夜焚香膜拜,虔诚的烟火熏黑了妈祖的脸,于是台湾妈祖宫供奉的是黑面妈祖,因为朝天 4 阁是台湾的朝天宫捐建的,里面供奉的妈祖自然也是黑脸的 了。 好的前面 就是“妈祖公园”了。大家请随我一起来瞻仰一 下妈祖的石像。这尊 妈祖的石像是由厦门大学的教授于1990年设计的,像高 14.35米,用365块花岗岩石雕砌的,象征着妈祖一年365 天天天保佑着14.35平方公里上的居民平安幸福。有意思的 是在台湾的鹿港朝天宫有一尊一模一样的妈祖石像与之隔 海相望,共同维护两岸的和平与安宁。 好啦,朝拜妈祖之行到此就要结束了,希望我的讲解能令 大家满意,不周之处还请大家谅解。谢谢各位嘉宾。 篇二:英语导游词:武夷山+妈祖+火山岛 Zhangzhou Seashore Volcanic National Geo-park Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Xiamen. Let me introduce our team first. Mr. Zhang is our driver. He has ten years of driving under his belt, so you are always in safe hands. I am David Chung, your tour guide from Xiamen U-young Travel Company. I have been a guide for more than three years. On behalf of U-Young Travel Company and my colleagues, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and wish you have a good stay in 5 Xiamen. If you have any problems and requirements, please do not hesitate to tell me, you are always welcomed. Today we will go to visit Zhangzhou Seashore Volcanic National Geo-park. It will take us about 1.5 hour to reach it from Xiamen. Zhangzhou is located on the lower reaches of the Jiulong River in the southeast of Fujian Province. It was one of China‘s chief ports for foreign trade in early times and is still a distribution center for commercial cargoes on the Jiulong River. The area around the city is rich in oranges, tangerines, bananas, shaddocks, longans, litchis, pineapples, and many others fruits. Zhangzhou has a developed food-processing industry. Today‵s Zhangzhou is not only famous for fruit and flower, but also for its volcanic Geo-park. Ladies and gentlemen, it has become a common way in the world to set up national parks to efficiently protect important and unique geological heritages, which have been formed during the long history of the earth. By now, 44 national geo-parks have been established in China, which are famous for their peculiar geological buildups. 8 national geo-parks are applying for World Geo-parks among 6 them. They present some features of national geo-parks of China, expecting that people all over the world will understand and enjoy them. These national geo-parks are vast in territory and complex in geological and geographical features. Many unique landscapes have been created during the long earth history. In east China, there is the so-called Volcanic Museum of China - the beach volcanic scenic sites in Zhangzhou of Fujian province. It covers an area of 318.64 square kilometers. The park, located in southeast Chinas Fujian Province, is characterized by the ancient Niutoushan crater in the East China Sea, one of only several intact elliptical craters on the seabed in the world. The diameter of this crater is several dozen meters, and its central part is sunken slightly. According to experts, this volcano has erupted three times, and the latest eruption took place 22 million years ago. The magmatic rocks around the crater have been eroded by waves into piles of reeves that are various in shapes and closely interlocking. More exciting and attractive are the numerous 7 2-feet-high basalt pillars located on the seabed near the shore. Covering an area of nearly 7000 hectares, these pillars angle towards the deep sea, and are reminiscent of the famous terra-cotta warriors and horses of the Qin Dynasty (BC221-BC207). The volcanic park is composed of several parts such as Linjin Islet, Xiangshan Tourism Area, Nanding Island Stone Pillar Forest and etc. Don‵t worry, David will introduce all these beautiful palaces to you. Wuyi Mountain (Mt. Wuyi) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Wuyishan. Let me introduce our team first. Mr. Zhang is our driver. He has ten years of driving under his belt, so you are always in safe hands. I am David Chung, your tour guide from Wuyishan U-young Travel Company. I have been a guide for more than three years. On behalf of U-Young Travel Company and my colleagues, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and wish you have a good stay in Wuyishan. If you have any problems and requirements, please do not hesitate to tell me, you are always welcome. Today I am glad to lead you to visit Wuyi Mountain. It is 8 about 15 kilometers south of Wuyishan City in Fujian Province. It will take us half hour to reach it from center of Wuyishan City. With its stunning scenery and wealth of cultural relics, in December 1999, Wuyi Mountain was put on the list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage by the UN World Heritage Committee, thus becoming the fourth in China after Mt. Taishan, Mt. Huangshan, and Mt. Emei. Mount Wuyi is one of the most outstanding subtropical forests in the world. It is the largest, most representative example of a largely intact forest encompassing the diversity of the Chinese Subtropical Forest and the South Chinese Rainforest. It acts as a refuge for a large number of ancient, relict plant species, many of them endemic to China and contains large numbers of reptile, amphibian and insect species. In 1988 it was listed as one of the worlds biosphere protection areas. The rive line landscape of Nine-Bend Stream (lower gorge) is also of exceptional scenic quality in its juxtaposition of smooth rock cliffs with clear, deep water. Besides, human settlement on the slopes of Mount Wuyi can be traced back 4,000 years by archeological remains. 9 During the Western Han Dynasty, the ancient city of Chengcun was the capital of the Minyue kingdom. In the 7th century, the Wuyi Palace was built for emperors to conduct sacrificial activities. The mountains were an important center of Taoism and later Buddhism. Remains of 35 academies erected from the era of the Northern Song to the Qin Dynasty and more than 60 Taoist temples and monasteries have been located. At that time, Mount Wuyi was the cradle of Neo-Confucianism, a doctrine that played a dominant role in the countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Asia for many centuries and influenced philosophy and government over much of the world. Thanks to the superlative craftsmanship of nature, Wuyi Mountain has attracted an endless flow of tourists since ancient times. The most famous tourist attractions include the Jiuqu (Nine-Bend) River, Tianyou Peak, Waterfall Cave, Huxiao (Roaring Tiger) Rock, Wuyi Palace, Skyline (Yixian Tian) and so on. Nine Bend (Jiuqu) Stream It would be a wonderful experience to drift down this river on a bamboo raft through the whole 9 twists and 18 bends. Each bend has its own unique landscape. The water is 10 so clear that you can see the stones at the bottom. Floating on a bamboo raft along the stream, you may raise your head to appreciate the towering mountains, and lower it to listen to the flowing water, and touch it with your hands. This spectacular landscape with water and hills has given the area the reputation of being the unparalleled scenic wonder in Southeast China. Suspended planks and boat-shaped coffins can still be seen on the precipices on both banks of the Nine Bend Stream and on the northern side of the mountains. Water Curtain Cave With an area of 17 square kilometres, the Water Curtain Cave is the largest rock cavern in Wuyi Mountain. The cave is 100 meters high and wide. It is very spacious and bright inside the cave, where altars were built for memorizing three outstanding literates of the Song Dynasty. In front of the cave, bubbles formed in a clear stream resemble a collection of white pearls being tossed over the rapids. Sometimes gusts of wind sweep up water droplets moving in all directions and forming a beautiful curtain of water. For more than 1000 years, literates have flocked here to write poems and prose praising the place for its enchanting beauty. 11 Tiger Howling Rock Tiger Howling (Huxiao) Rock rises straight from the ground. It is imposing and powerful. One may feel puzzled about the name of the rock. A legend has it that once a supernatural being passed the rock astride a tiger. Every time the tiger got on the rock, he heard an orotund sound of a tiger roaring. He felt puzzled and wanted to find where the sound generated, but he got no answer. However, today this mystery has been unveiled. In the middle of the rock there is a huge cave. When the wind blows through the cave it makes a sound like a tiger roaring. Sometimes the mountains seem to be shaking. ,,,, Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Putian. Let me introduce our team first. Mr. Zhang is our driver. He has ten years of driving under his belt, so you are always in safe hands. I am David Chung, your tour guide from Putian U-young Travel Company. I have been a guide for more than three years. On behalf of U-Young Travel Company and my colleagues, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and wish you have a good stay in Putian. If 12 you have any problems and requirements, please do not hesitate to tell me, you are always welcome. Today we will go to visit Mazu Temple in Mezhou Island. It will take us about 1.5 hours from city center of Putian. On the way to Meizhou Island, I like to share some information about Mazu and Mazu culture. Over 1,000 years ago, a beautiful young girl by the name of Lin M, was born at the Xianliang Port of Meizhou Bay in Putian, Fujian Province. Clever, brave and kindhearted, Lin Mu could forecast the weather and was happy to help fishermen in distress at sea. She encouraged the people to conquer nature and defeat evil, so she was much loved and esteemed by the people in her hometown. Unfortunately she died an early death at only 28. As the legend goes, she ascended to heaven and became an immortal at Meizhou Bay located opposite to the Xianliang Port. For more over 1,000 years, she has been living, with a composed and tender smile, in the hearts of the people. The people pay homage to her, respectfully calling her fairy, the daughter of dragon, goddness, the mother or Mazu (a title of respect for an aged woman): rulers of past dynasties upheld her and granted her the titles of Lady, Heavenly Queen and 13 Holy Mother; the times have bestowed her a series of loveable and respected names such as Goddess of the Sea, Goddness of the the Straits and Goddess of Peace of the Straits. She is none other than the world-renowned Mazu, goddess of the sea, of Fujian, China. The respect for Mazu has turned into a wide-spread belief with the passage of time. Following the footprints of sea merchants and overseas Chinese, Mazu went out of Putian, out of Fujian and out of China, making her presence in many corners of Asia, America, Australia and Europe. Consequently, over 1,500 Mazu temples are found all over the world, where Muzu from Meizhou are consecrated. The belief in Mazu has become a sort of transnational folk belief with more than 100 million worshippers. However, different from a religion in the ordinary sense, is a special kind of ideology connected with chorology, religion, folklore, sociology as well as the history of sea communication overseas Chinese, culture and the development of Fujian and Taiwan. For geographical and historical reasons, the belief in Mazu at Taiwan has turned out to be a popular belief. 14 According to statistics, more than two-thirds of Taiwanese believe in Mazu, and more than 500 Mazu temples are scattered on Taiwan Island. In the wake of improving relations between both sides of the Straits, tens of thousands of Taiwan compatriots swarmed to the Meizhou Island to dedicate their piety at Mazu temples to fulfill their sincere wish which they had cherished for decades. The unique Mazu Pilgrim Tour will undoubtedly breakthrough the artificial hedge standing between the people on both sides of the Straits. Mazu Ancestral Temple After she passed away, a temple was built on Meizhou Island in 987 to offer sacrifices to and in memory of Mazu. It was the earliest Mazu Temple in the world, and enjoyed the honorific title of Ancestral Temple. The Ancestral Temple keeps the Mazu’s gold body of Song Dynasty, the stone statue of Mazu, stone-carved royal instruction and a seal presented by an emperor of Qing Dynasty, which reveal the profound historical origin of Mazu culture. For hundreds of years people have been burning incense at the Meizhou Mazu Temple, although it has been rebuilt 15 and extended many times. In recent years the temple has undergone further repairs and reconstruction and has now reached an unprecedented scale. Behind the temple gate is the Heavenly Ladder, a flight of 150 steep stone steps leading up to a huge stone ceremonial gateway. Behind the gateway, it is a large square with a platform in the centre and a Drum Tower and Bell Tower on either side. If you walk up the stone steps along the central axis between the two towers you come to the Main Hall of the temple. The magnificent Main Hall has a nine-ridged roof with upturned double eaves. On the front terrace of the Main Hall are two stone columns with exquisitely-carved coiling dragons, and inside the hall is a statue of Mazu. The Main Hall and the square are where the memorial ceremonies are held for Mazu every year. All kinds of activities such as performances, operas and acrobatics take place here. But the busiest place, the place where all worshippers come to burn incense, is Tianhou Hall, located just behind the Main Hall. Tianhou Hall, also known as Chamber Hall, enjoys paramount prestige in the minds of believers because it was 16 the first place where Mazu was ever worshipped. It is in fact the temples ancestral hall and holds two statues of Mazu. The one in front is known as Mazu Parading the Sky, as it can be carried in a parade; the one at the rear is a clay statue called Mazu Guarding the Hall, which is not removable. In front of the shrine is a Dark-faced Mazu statue brought from the 篇三:莆田湄洲妈祖导游词 莆田湄洲妈祖导游词 各位朋友,大家好~很高兴能跟大家一起游览“妈祖圣地, 海上明珠”的湄洲岛。我是你们此行的导游小王,今天的行 程由我为大家服务,希望大家能够满意,在此么预祝大家今 天能玩得开心、愉快。 首先我先向大家说说湄洲岛的概况吧。湄洲岛距离莆田市 区42公里,因形如人的眉毛,嵌于万顷碧波之中,所以得 名“湄洲”。湄洲岛素有“南国蓬莱”美称,有扣人心弦的湄屿 潮音、“东方夏威夷”黄金沙滩、“小石林”鹅尾怪石等风景名 胜,更有妈祖信众魂牵梦萦的妈祖祖庙,每年农历三月廿三 妈祖诞辰日和九月初九妈祖升天日期间,朝圣旅游盛况空 前,被誉为“东方麦加”。湄洲岛于1992年被国务院批准为 国家旅游度假区。先已发展成一个集海岛探幽、海上旅游、 海滨度假、海鲜美食的“海上乐园”。湄洲岛不仅是妈祖从小 17 生活的地方,而且也是闻名海内外的妈祖祖庙所在地。湄洲妈祖祖庙,是中华妈祖文化的发祥地,世界妈祖信众的朝圣中心。“灵妃一女子,飘香起湄洲”,“灵妃”就是妈祖。朋友们,湄洲岛到了,请带好随身携带的行李物品,随我下船,下船途中请注意安全。 “千年神女庙,长护海霞红”。大家请看,展现在我们面前的这座宏伟的建筑群是上世纪70至80年代,由各地的妈祖信众们筹资捐款,在原祖庙的基础上扩充修建的。整座庙宇分为五进,依山就势,建筑色彩依稀可见北宋痕迹。它的外形古朴庄重,气势非凡~这是祖庙的大牌坊,在这里可以仰望整个祖庙建筑群的全貌,非常的雄伟。 那么在这里就为大家简单介绍一下妈祖的生平。妈祖这位备 受世人敬仰的民间神祗,一生充满了传奇色彩。她姓林名默,又名“默娘”,出生于北宋建隆元年农历的三月廿三,因为从出生到满月都不曾啼哭,父母便给她取名“默”字。相传她八岁就能诵经,十六岁就能下海,经常奋不顾身在海上抢救遇难的渔船。而且她立志不嫁,一生要以行善救人为事。宋雍熙四年九月初九,林默为抢救落海的乡亲不幸遇难,年仅28岁。民间传说她是“白日飞升”,在湄峰羽化成仙。现在我们就去参观传说中妈祖升天的地方——升天古迹,这里也是最早立庙建祀妈祖的地方。 18 朋友们,请随我继续前行,我们到山顶的妈祖石雕像去看看。从这升天楼往上,要登99级台阶方可抵达。而且从山下妈祖祖庙的牌楼到山顶妈祖像整条轴线总长323米,大家猜猜看,这99级台阶、323米各代表什么,没错,99蕴含有妈祖九月初九升天之意,而323是为了纪念妈祖三月廿三的诞辰之日。好了,各位团友,这里就是妈祖山的最高点,在这里可以看到湄洲岛上的全景。眼前这尊仪态雍容,面部慈祥的妈祖造像,是由厦门大学艺术系李维杞教授于1990年设计的,像高14.35米,由365块花岗岩砌成,它象征着妈祖保佑这14.35平方公里湄洲大地上的居民,一年365天天天平安幸福。我们可以看到,妈祖头戴皇冠,身着霞披,手持如意,遥望着大海。海的那头正是祖国的宝岛——台湾。在台湾鹿港朝天宫有一尊一模一样的妈祖石像与之隔海相望,共同维护着台湾海峡的和平与安宁。 讲完了这尊妈祖石雕像,不得不讲另一尊妈祖像。大家都知道,上海世博会刚结束没多久,其中在我们福建馆内,有四件镇馆之宝,其中之一就是一座3.23米高,重达8吨的汉白玉妈祖雕像,这是祖国大陆最大的汉白玉妈祖雕像。这尊妈祖雕像采用整 块缅甸汉白玉雕成,形象与这座妈祖雕像站像相似。这尊汉白玉妈祖雕像经过两个多月才大功告成,现已成为上海世博会福建馆内一道亮丽的景观。11月10日,在上海世博会 19 福建馆供万人瞻仰184天之久的大陆最高汉白玉妈祖雕像,从上海荣归故里,也就是这里,莆田湄洲岛,万余名妈祖信众自发到码头夹道迎接汉白玉妈祖雕像,他们有的拈香跪拜,有的注目祈祷,场面壮观热闹。据悉,湄洲妈祖祖庙将择日决定在湄洲岛的安奉地点和开光日期。大家就拭目以待吧~ 现在展现在我们面前的是妈祖祖庙新殿。祖庙新殿金碧辉煌,宏伟壮观,被誉为“海上布达拉宫”。驻足广场,仰望凌空的牌楼,巍峨的殿阁,飞檐流丹,美轮美奂,大家拾级而上,能感受到皇家的豪华,天庭的气势~祖庙新殿高水平的设计,高品位的建设,体现了祖庙新殿新一轮创业的大气魄、大手笔。她将以现代文明与历史文化交相辉映的特色,屹立于世界名庙之林,真正成为全球两亿妈祖信众仰慕的“东方麦加”。 妈祖的民间信仰从产生至今已经经历了一千多年,它跨越时空,跨越地域,跨越人种,在全世界拥有两亿多的信徒。妈祖已经成为四海共仰的女神,成为慈爱与和平的象征。无论在大陆,还是在台湾、香港、澳门乃至巴黎、夏威夷以及世界各地的华人区,对于妈祖,实际上都是一种强烈的不忘祖先的意识。或许这就是妈祖信仰久传不衰的关键所在吧,朋友们,如果有机会,希望您再次光临湄洲,欢迎拜谒这位奇女子,到时候,请你的朋友一起来,到湄洲来做客。 20 朋友们,莆田湄洲岛的游览到此结束了,谢谢大家的配合~ 21
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