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神是以赞美为宝座(诗22:3)神是以赞美为宝座(诗22:3) 早禱信息 | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Honor the blood of Christ - Part 162 , 神是以讚美為寶座,詩22:3,,因此神的百姓一早起來就要讚美神,倘若你在生活中,遇見不順利的事,更要讚美,因為通常 人遇見問題就被挾制住了,然後魔鬼就用感覺來欺負你,但切記,神永遠住在讚美中,反之,魔鬼住在嫉妒、懷疑中,當你在 嫉妒、懷疑時,無形中懷疑愈來愈大,那就是告訴大鬼來住在你裡面,如果你愈讚美,黑暗就慢慢消失,而活在神的榮光中。...

神是以赞美为宝座(诗22:3) 早禱信息 | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Honor the blood of Christ - Part 162 , 神是以讚美為寶座,詩22:3,,因此神的百姓一早起來就要讚美神,倘若你在生活中,遇見不順利的事,更要讚美,因為通常 人遇見問題就被挾制住了,然後魔鬼就用感覺來欺負你,但切記,神永遠住在讚美中,反之,魔鬼住在嫉妒、懷疑中,當你在 嫉妒、懷疑時,無形中懷疑愈來愈大,那就是告訴大鬼來住在你裡面,如果你愈讚美,黑暗就慢慢消失,而活在神的榮光中。 讚美不一定要很大聲,好像我有時候大聲讚美,那是因為在叱喝魔鬼,五分鐘後開始恢復慢慢地禱告,注重靈的建造。禱告 時,你要保守你的喉嚨與你的心,讓你整天活在讚美中,讚美的時刻最好花一個小時,然後在空氣好的山頂上吶喊,那麼你可 以吸收美好的芬多精與空氣,邊走邊讚美,三十分鐘、一小時、甚至一個半小時,使聖靈在你裡面,那是有氧加上聖靈與神呼 召的運動。特別是當你要做重大決定時,一定要有此等禱告,每當我要決定 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 時,一定到山上禱告,禱告到我沒有絲毫人 意、嫉妒、懷疑,一直讚美,讓靈在我裡面,靈的建造使我強而有力,那麼神就會打開我的眼睛,如果你無法到山上禱告,那 麼你就關掉手機,找一個安靜的地方在家裡安靜地跟神有一個美好的約會,“Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3) God’s people need to praise Him as they get up in the morning. If things don’t go your way, you need to praise more. Normally, when people encounter problems, they will be stuck or bind by the problem. Devil in turn uses the opportunity to bully you. Remember, God lives in praises. Devil lives in jealousy and doubt, and this can grow bigger as the bigger evil spirit lives in you. However, as you praise and live in God’s glory, then the darkness departs. Praises doesn’t have to be loud. Sometimes I praise loudly is because I am rebuking the devil. After 5 minutes I go back to prayers as normal, and focus on the Spirit. Protect your throat and your heart so that you can live and praise daily. It is best to spend and hour outdoors on the mountain top to call to the Lord. This way, you can absorb fresh air. Walking and praising 30 min to 1 ? hour so the Spirit can be in you. It is great aerobic exercise combining with the Spirit. When you are about to make major decisions, you must have such prayers. Whenever I need to make decisions, I would go to mountains to pray, to the point my human wills, envy, and doubts are removed. I just keep on praising to let the Spirit work in me, to make me strong. God will then open my eyes. If you cannot pray in the mountains, just turn off your cell phone. Find a peace and quit place at home to have a date with God! 徒Acts 9:11-16 , 通常人有禱告就很感謝神了,但使徒行傳中的亞拿尼亞不僅是懂得禱告的人,而且他在靈裡看見異象中的異象,看見 他自己為掃羅禱告,這是一個非常道地的全備福音的禱告。神叫亞拿尼亞只管去,他就去,如果他跟神說,『再等二 個月,那麼掃羅就完了,』一個器皿的建造需要百般的順服,順服度若不夠,就會影響整個團隊,我們參與早禱會, 為是要讓神的話臨到我們,順服在神的預備,Normally, if a person prays, we are already thankful to God. In Acts, Ananias was not only a person of prayer, but he saw vision within visions. When he was in spirit, he saw himself praying for Saul. This was a prayer of the whole gospel. Ananias went as God commended him. If he told God to wait for 2 month, then Saul would have been finished. The vessel needs obedience in order to be built. If he or she cannot obey wholeheartedly, then it will affect the whole team. We come to prayer meetings to let God’s words come to us, so that we can be obedient to God’s preparation! 賽Isaiah 30:15 , 得救在乎,,1,歸回。歸回才能享受平安、安息,先知以賽亞特別告訴我們,若要有一種能力、榮耀可以勝過自己且 能幫助別人,那麼你一定要歸回,歸回聖經、歸回讚美,那麼你心裡的讚美能夠改造環境。切記,有歸回就有安息。 ,2,無論要得著福音、趕鬼的力量,必須平靜安穩,你的心要非常平靜,這樣神才會在當中顯明,而這種人不怕人、 也不怕環境,以賽亞會有此等教導,乃是對希西家王的一個警告,因為當時亞述王要打希西家,希西家懼怕了而跟埃 及妥協。但是,以賽亞告訴希西家不要懼怕,只要他歸回安息、平靜安穩,一人叱喝、千人逃跑,五人叱喝、他們全 跑光,剩下山頂上的旗子。這意思是當你在山上吶喊、禱告時,當你歸回到神,聽見神的聲音,你心裡平靜、安息, 然後看見神給你的計畫,以至任何人的話都無法攻擊你的心,你就插上得勝的旌旗,而這就是得力的秘訣,Salvation is determined by (1) repentance and return. Return, so that you can enjoy peace and rest. Prophet Isaiah tells us that there’s one kind of power and glory that can overcome oneself, and can help others: repentance and return. Return to the Bible, return to praises. The praises within can change situations. Remember, in repentance and rest is your salvation. (2) If you want to power to evangelize, to cast out demons, you must have quietness and trust. Your heart must be calm, so that God | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | Oct. 05, 2010 | 早禱信息 | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Honor the blood of Christ - Part 162 can reveal Himself. This kind of person is not afraid of people or surroundings. This passage serves as a warning to Hezekiah. Assyria was about to fight Hezekiah, in fear, Hezekiah went to Egypt for help. However, Isaiah told Hezekiah not to fear: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” “A thousand will flee at the threat of one; at the threat of five you will all flee away, till you are left like a flagstaff on a mountaintop, like a banner on a hill." This means that when you are crying out and praying on the mountains, as you return to God and hear His voice, you will have peace and rest. You will see God’s plan for you. No one can attack your heart with words as you put up the victory banner. This is the secret to receive power. 賽Isaiah 30:18 , 今天你的需要著急沒用,太忙如同無頭蒼蠅,飛東飛西也沒用,這星期我看見一人,剛從國外回來,他說,『牧師, 我剛從國外回來,我聽道時,很有得著,』我告訴他,『你要多禱告,你要歸到神的腳前,』一個不懂等候的人,無 法讓神建造。今天你在早禱會的等候,你裡面的力量何等大,而那力量從耶和華來,如果神不憐憫你的事業、身體, 祂為何要差派祂的聖子耶穌基督、萬王之王來到各各他為你釘十字架,耶穌的鞭傷要讓你得醫治,所以你一定要相 信,千萬不要以為耶穌要讓疾病磨練你。再者,你也要相信耶穌受極大的貧窮,為要使你受祝福。不是告訴你去賺很 多錢,乃是你要忠心、擺上、聽從神的話,金銀都在神手中,神會給你,而當你有錢時要拿來幫助人。當你有呼召 時,你前面的光景是對的,那麼你所做的也是對的,當然你所得到的也是神給你,不值得驕傲,享受跟神獨處。有些 時候你一個人在神面前要享受主恩,那真是好的無比,但問題要有神,否則,你無法過那種享受的生活,如果你懂得 歸回,每一件事都歸回聖經怎麼說,每一件事都安息、平靜,你就安穩、得力了,那時,你一叱喝,魔鬼就逃跑了, 今天我看見門徒心中的鬼都跑光了,但為何還不成功,因為他們還不能戰勝自己,因為一天到晚都盯著電腦。你一定 要遠離電腦,我每天只准師母用電腦一小時,超過一小時我就到她旁邊。電腦是用來幫助你的,但你為何要犧牲睡覺 時間而被電腦擄掠,你不是被鬼伏,乃要遠離你的生活習俗,戰勝自己,It’s useless to worry; busy like a fly without head is also useless. I saw someone this week that came back from abroad, he said: “Pastor, I just returned. The message was great.” I told him: “you need to pray more, to return to the feet of God!” God cannot build a person that doesn’t understand waiting. As you wait in prayer meetings, your power within is great, and this power comes from the Lord! If God does not have mercy on your career, body, why did He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, King of Kings to Golgotha to be crucified for you? By His stripes you are healed so you must believe it. Don’t ever think that God uses sickness to train or sharpen you. Furthermore, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” This is not saying that you should go out and make a lot of money. Just be faithful, sacrifice, listen to God’s words. Gold and silver is His, he will give it to you, but as you are rich you need to help others. When you have the calling, as your direction is correct, then the things you do will be right. Whatever you receive is from God, don’t be proud. Spend time with God alone. If you understand the meaning of “return,” and return everything to the direction of the Bible, then you will be in rest and have peace with strength. When this happens, as you rebuke the devil, they will flee. Today, I see the ghosts fled from the disciples. However, why are they still not successful? Because they cannot overcome themselves. They are on computers all day long. You need to stay away from computers. I only allow pastor’s wife to use computer for 1 hour daily. After 1 hour I will go next to her. Computer is to help you, but why are you bound by it and become restless and lack of sleep? You don’t have ghosts within, but you need to change your living habits, and overcome yourself! 賽Isaiah 50:4-5 , 你要讓神開通你的耳朵,使你能聽見,開你眼睛、讓你看見,好像亞拿尼亞在禱告時,看見自己為掃羅禱告,沒有一 個人能夠開你的眼睛、耳朵,只有你跪在神的面前,天天讓聖靈開你的眼睛、耳朵。當你的眼睛、耳朵開了,你必然 成功,因為神已經幫助你了,神選亞拿尼亞來幫助掃羅,他進入掃羅的房間為他禱告,告訴掃羅是那位他在路上遇見 的偉大的神叫他來。他一按手禱告,掃羅的眼睛立刻看見、煥然一新。這星期天我看見一個人很憂慮,我便叫他上 台。若不叫他出來禱告將憂慮減半。今天基督徒要救人擺第一,所以要將人帶到神的面前,然後為他們禱告將憂慮放 在神的腳前。因此,你要成為亞拿尼亞,Let God open your ears so you can hear; open your eyes and make you see. When Ananias was praying, he saw in the vision that he was praying for Saul. No one can open your eyes or ears, only God can. Kneel down before God; let the Spirit open your eyes and ears. When your eyes and ears are opened, you will be successful, because God has already helped you. God chose Ananias to help Saul. “Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | Oct. 05, 2010 | 早禱信息 | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Honor the blood of Christ - Part 162 again.” This week I saw someone that was troubled with worries. I told the person to come on the stage, to ease the worries with prayers. Today, Christian’s first priority is to save people. Bring people to God, pray for their worries and put it at the feet of God. Therefore, you need to become Ananias. | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | Oct. 05, 2010 | 早禱信息 | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Honor the blood of Christ - Part 162 | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | Oct. 05, 2010 |
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