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健康教育处方内容健康教育处方内容 广州紫荆医院 健康教育处方 冠心病 1、合理饮食,少吃动物脂肪和胆固醇含量高的食物,如蛋黄、鱼子、动物内脏等。少吃肉,多吃鱼和豆制品,以及富含维生素的蔬菜、水果。 2、节制饭量,控制体重。 3、限制钠盐的摄入,每日10克以下为宜。 4、不吸烟,节制饮酒。 5、生活要有规律,避免过度紧张和情绪波动。保持大便通畅、睡眠充足。 6、可做轻微的体育活动,如打太极拳、做广播操、散步等。 7、如有高血压应在医师指导下长期服用降压药物,使血压保持在正常或较低水平。要治疗高血脂症、糖尿病等可能加重冠...

健康教育处方内容 广州紫荆医院 健康教育处方 冠心病 1、合理饮食,少吃动物脂肪和胆固醇含量高的食物,如蛋黄、鱼子、动物内脏等。少吃肉,多吃鱼和豆制品,以及富含维生素的蔬菜、水果。 2、节制饭量,控制体重。 3、限制钠盐的摄入,每日10克以下为宜。 4、不吸烟,节制饮酒。 5、生活要有规律,避免过度紧张和情绪波动。保持大便通畅、睡眠充足。 6、可做轻微的体育活动,如打太极拳、做广播操、散步等。 7、如有高血压应在医师指导下长期服用降压药物,使血压保持在正常或较低水平。要治疗高血脂症、糖尿病等可能加重冠心病的疾病。 、常备缓解心绞痛的药物,以便随时服用。若有持续疼痛或服药不能缓解,应8 立即到就近的医院急诊。注意控制情绪,过度喜怒哀乐,易诱发冠心病人心脏猝死。 高血脂 1、人体中的脂肪大部分从食物中来,所以高脂血症的人饮食应有节制,主食中应搭配部分粗粮,副食品以鱼类、瘦肉、豆及豆制品、各种新鲜蔬菜、水果为主。少食精制食品、甜食、奶油、巧克力等。 2、海带、紫菜、黑木耳、金针菇、香菇、大蒜、洋葱等食物有利于降低血脂和防治动脉粥样硬化,可以常吃。饮牛奶宜去奶油,不加糖。蛋类原则上每日不超过1只。 3、烹调时避免用油炒、油煎。少吃花生,因其中含油甚多,但可以食用核桃肉、瓜子仁、果仁等。 4、胆固醇过高者应少食蛋黄、肥肉、动物内脏、鸡鸭皮、虾皮、鱼子、脑等含胆固醇量高的食物。甘油三酯过高者要忌糖、忌甜食,并限制总食量。 5、饮食治疗应持之以恒,降脂药物应在医生指导下服用。 6、积极参加体育锻炼,并坚持不懈,以利于脂肪的消耗。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 高血压 1、饮食宜低盐饮食,食盐每天不超过5—10克,不吸烟,不喝酒。 2、选择对体力负担不大的运动,如步行、慢跑、打太极拳等。也可按摩头面部,促使血管平滑肌放松, 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 为先搓热两手,再用手反复按摩头面部20—30次。 3、动态监测血压变化,定期检查血脂,控制高脂肪饮食,不吃动物的内脏及其制品,可常食用鱼类、豆制品、黑木耳、山楂等。肥胖者需控制体重。 4、从卧位到立位时不能太快,以防止发生直立性低血压。 5、降压药、降血脂药物应遵医嘱服用。避免突然停用降压药而导致“停药反跳现象”。 6、保持大便畅通。 7、培养稳定而乐观的情绪,避免紧张、激动和焦虑,保证充分的睡眠。 中风 1、预防中风关键在中年,避免发胖,不吸烟,不饮酒,不吃脂肪含量高的动物食品。饮食宜清、淡、熟、软。保持情绪稳定,生活要有规律,保持大便通畅。急性期应绝对卧床休息,忌搬动,特别是头部。 2、已发生中风的病人常有偏瘫。偏瘫后肢体功能恢复甚为重要。关键在病情稳定后早期进行康复治疗。可先由人帮助推拿,以后逐步自主活动,争取自理生活。采取循序渐进的方法进行肢体功能锻炼。理疗,针灸也可同时进行。 3、积极治疗高血压、糖尿病等,以防止中风的再度发作。 4、增强自信心,要相信经过努力,中风的后遗症会减少到最少及最小程度。 慢性萎缩性胃炎 1、所食食品要新鲜并富于营养,保证有足够的蛋白质、维生素及铁质摄入。按时进食,不暴饮暴食,不吃过冷或过热的食物,不用或少用刺激性调味品如鲜辣粉等。 2、节制饮酒,不吸烟,以避免尼古丁对胃粘膜的损害;避免长期服用消炎止痛药,如阿斯匹林及皮质激素类药物等,以减少胃粘膜损害。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 3、定期检查,必要时作胃镜检查。 4、遇有症状加重、消瘦、厌食、黑粪等情况时应及时到医院检查。 胃、十二指肠溃疡 1、急性发作期应注意休息,要劳逸结合,避免精神紧张及情绪不稳定。 2、停止进食一切对胃有刺激的食品,如油煎食品、辛辣食品、浓茶及咖啡等。避免食入过甜的食物。 3、戒烟、戒酒。烟酒可延迟胃炎的好转和溃疡的愈合。 4、进餐应有规律,忌暴食,“少吃多餐”,可在餐间加吃些饼干和糕点。 5、不宜过多饮用豆制饮料等,因此类食品容易引起胀气。 6. 在医生指导下,按时按量服用各类药物。禁用损伤胃粘膜的药物,如阿斯匹林、消炎痛、保态松等。 7. 定期检查,遇有症状突然加重或明显变化,应及时就诊检查。 传染性肝炎 1、肝炎病人在急性期或慢性活动期要充分休息,如有条件应住院隔离治疗。 2、康复期须注意劳逸结合,合理安排工作、学习和休息,适当参加体育锻炼,不能过度疲劳。 3、饮食要注意食物富含营养、新鲜并易于消化。多吃含高蛋白、高维生素、适量脂肪和糖的食物,烹调宜清淡可口,以增进食欲,以助消化、吸收。 4、适当服用保肝药,但不滥吃补品。 5、不要外出用餐,必要时应自备餐具,以避免再次感染另一种肝炎的机会。 6、预防感冒、腹泻等感染因素,切忌饮酒,以防止复发或加重。 7、有临床症状时适当服用保肝药,不滥吃补品,避免长期服用损肝药物。 8、定期到医院检查肝功能。一旦出现疲乏、食欲减退、腹胀、肝区不适等症状,要随时就医检查。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 乙型肝炎 1、乙型肝炎是由HBV病毒引起的传染病。病毒多存在于病人及乙肝病毒携带者的血液。 2、主要通过输血、注射和母婴胎盘传染,也可能通过接触病人的唾液、精液等分泌物传播。一般日常生活接触不会传播。 3、乙肝常会转化为慢性肝炎、肝硬化、并可能转化为肝癌。因此,其危害远大于甲肝。 4、加强预防宣传,不使用未经检验的血制品,不公用牙刷、剃须刀等,不要纹身、穿耳洞。 5、注射乙肝疫苗是预防乙肝的重要手段,除乙肝病毒携带者外,都要尽可能注射乙肝疫苗。注射后,有效保护期为3—5年。 6、乙肝病人或乙肝病毒携带者不得献血,患病时,要主动使用一次性的各类医疗用品,防止将乙肝病毒传染给他(她)人。乙肝病毒携带者,可3—6月复查二对半和肝功能。 肝血管瘤 1、肝海绵状血管瘤大多为先天性疾病,有单个的,也有多个的。对人体健康一般没有什么影响,病员不必紧张。 2、较小的多发性肝血管瘤在作B超或CT检查时会时多时少,这是因为检查仪器灵敏度的限制或检查者的仔细程度不一所致。少一个不一定是好,多一个也不一定是坏。 3、关键在于诊断的可靠性,如若诊断已肯定为血管瘤,只需要定期,如半年或一年复查一次就可以了。 4、过大的血管瘤有压迫肝脏或周围器官的,或影响血液循环的,应该作手术切除。没有这些情况的不必作手术切除,也没有药物可以治疗——事实上本不需要治疗。 5、可以工作,可以运动,在生活上没有什么要特别注意的地方,除非过大的血管瘤要当心不要受到外伤或挤压,以致把它弄破。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 6、肝海绵状血管瘤不会变癌。 胆囊炎、胆石症 1、病人应少吃含高脂肪、高胆固醇的食物,如肥肉、奶油、蛋黄、蟹黄、动物内脏等食品。不吃油煎、油炸食品。忌酒。 2、如有右上腹隐痛不适,应素食,右侧卧位,应遵医嘱服用解痉和消炎利胆类药物。 3、如发生右上腹剧痛,并向右肩部放射痛,伴有恶心、呕吐、发热甚至出现黄疸应到医院检查,查明原因,不要自己随便服用“止痛药”。 4、B超是诊断胆囊炎、胆石症的主要手段,可根据自身病情定期复查。 5、反复发作的胆囊炎、胆石症,应尽早接受手术切除治疗。防止出现心绞痛、胆囊坏死穿孔等并发症。 6、胆石症的治疗有多种多样,有的可用药物治疗,有的可用震波治疗,有的可作腹腔镜手术,有的则需剖腹手术治疗,应按医师的指示选择合适的治疗方法。 乳房疾病 1、学会自我检查的方法并经常作乳房自我检查是早发现、早诊断、早治疗乳房疾病的关键。 2、每月应作一次双侧乳房的自我检查,方法:躺平,手指平放在乳房一侧,挨次摸整个乳房。正常乳房是软的、无肿块、无结节或触痛。特别注意乳房的外上角伸向腋窝方向的部位,不能遗漏;腋窝也要检查,看有无肿大的淋巴结。检查时不要抓捏乳房。 3、产后哺乳,可预防乳腺病变的发生。 4、非哺乳期妇女乳头有液体流出或胸罩、衬衣上有渍斑,或检查时挤压乳晕附近,如有结节或乳头溢液,应去医院检查。 5、月经前乳房胀痛不适,经后消失,可选用中、西药调治,以减轻症状,避免疾病恶化。 6、40岁以上妇女,家族中有乳房癌病史的更应每年进行一次妇科检查,以便及早发现病变,及时治疗。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 7、乳房有肿块应就医检查,常常需要作手术将肿块切除并作病理切片才能明确诊断。 8、乳腺癌患者应尽早手术,术后一年内要每月复查一次。 贫血 1、贫血的原因很多,应仔细检查病因才能对症下药,不要自己随便吃"补血药"。 2、贫血病人不可偏食,注意经常进食含铁及叶酸丰富的食物,如绿色蔬菜、蛋、肉、鱼、水果等。 3、小儿生长发育期和妇女妊娠期、哺乳期造血物质需要量大,应加强营养,如食物补充不够,可在医生指导下口服铁剂和叶酸。 4、月经量过多的妇女也要及时补充铁剂,其查明有否妇科疾病,先治好妇科病,堵住出血漏洞,贫血才能恢复。有痔疮出血或钩虫病的病人,应及时治疗,否则长期慢性出血也会导致缺铁性贫血。 5、胃、小肠手术后病人,慢性胃炎胃酸减少者会引起造血因子缺乏,应注意检查,如发现有贫血应积极治疗。 、老年人发生贫血一定要去医院查清病因,以防遗漏肿瘤性疾病。 6 前列腺肥大 1、中老年男性有夜尿增多、排尿用力、尿后滴沥症状应首先考虑到有前列腺肥大的可能。 2、少喝酒,冬天注意保暖,因为饮酒、劳累、感冒等因素易导致前列腺充血水肿而加剧排尿困难症状。 3、一有尿意即排尿,不要因开会或不方便等各种原因而憋尿。膀胱过度膨胀可导致急性尿潴留。 4、前列腺肥大可引起尿路梗阻,继发感染,严重者可使肾盂积水,导致肾功能严重受损。所以应该积极治疗,包括手术治疗。 5、前列腺肥大还容易和前列腺癌混淆,所以有前列腺肥大症状的老年人应及时到医院检查、治疗,以免延误。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 6、使用阿托品、654—2等药物可致尿潴留。前列腺肥大的病人遇有腹痛、胃痛等不适,就医时,应主动告诉医生,以避免应用此类药物。 7、药物可能暂时缓解症状,并无防止前列肥大的作用。有排尿困难症状时可去泌尿科诊治。 泌尿系统结石 1、有尿路结石要积极处理,否则可能反复发生绞痛、感染,甚至引起尿路积水,导致肾功能减退。 2、直径0.5厘米左右的尿路结石可通过多饮水、服用排石冲剂和增加跳跃活动等 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 排出体外。 3、直径1.5厘米以下的单颗结石病例,可以通过体外震波碎石方法治疗。 4、每天应超过2000毫升饮水量。避免饮用高硬度水,可饮用磁化水。根据结石成份,适当调节饮食。如患草酸盐结石的病人宜少吃菠菜、辣椒等;磷酸盐结石的病人,宜用低磷酸钙饮食;患尿酸盐结石,宜少吃动物内脏、豆类等食物,少吃糖。 5、有排尿不畅,前列腺增生伴膀恍结石则需手术治疗。 糖尿病 1、饮食控制是各型糖尿病治疗的基础,病员应按医师指导的食谱进食,定时定量进餐,不食甜食,少吃水果,多吃新鲜蔬菜和粗植物纤维类食品。 2、学会自测糖尿病,了解自己经常服用的降糖药物或注射胰岛素的相关知识,牢记用量和用药时间。测量结果和用药情况要加以记录。 3、接受专科医师指导,不宜随意停用或任意改变降糖药或胰岛素的用量。识别并防止低血糖反应。 4、注意皮肤清洁,常洗澡,预防感染,禁烟,禁酒,监测体重,适当参加体力活动,宜饭后慢走,晨练不宜空腹。保证充足睡眠。 5、避免精神刺激,保持乐观情绪。 6、病程较长者并发皮肤感觉障碍、微血管病变时,所穿鞋袜不宜过紧,要经常活动肢体,防止外伤,采取措施防止过冷过热。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 7、如有发热、咳嗽、尿频、疖疮等疾病情况应及时就诊,以免感染播散。 8、定期到医院随访,作血糖和心、肾、眼底等的功能测定,及时防治各种并发症。 9、若出现发热、咳嗽、尿频等现象,应及时就诊。 高尿酸血症 1、高尿酸血症不一定都会造成痛风发作。 2、不食含嘌呤量高的动物内脏、肉类、海鲜、贝壳类食物。尽量选择嘌呤量低的蛋、奶、米、麦、新鲜瓜菜等食物。采用少油的饮食和烹调方法。不要摄食肉汤。每日饮水在2000ml以上,增加尿量,促进尿酸排泄。不饮酒,尤其是啤酒。避免饥饿。 3、保持适量运动, 但不宜参加剧烈运动,维持理想体重。 4、避免促使尿酸盐形成结晶的诱因:受寒、劳累、关节受伤等。 5、遵医嘱服药。 更年期综合症 1、端正认识,解除顾虑,需知更年期是妇女一生中必须的生理阶段,自身出现的一些症状乃性激素减少所致,经过一段时期后将逐渐适应而自愈。 2、注意劳逸结合,睡眠必须充足。夜晚可在医生指导下服用安定等镇静剂助眠。 3、适当参加体育文娱及社交活动,以陶冶心情、锻炼身体。 4、性生活可照常,无需忌讳。 5、服用雌激素制剂如尼尔雌醇等者,应遵医嘱定期检查,若出现子宫流血,必须及时就诊。 白内障 1、白内障是眼内透明晶体,由于“老化”逐渐变得不透明,造成视力减退,甚至看不见。但是经手术治疗,完全可能重见光明。 2、白内障发病缓慢,手术之前应定期到医院检查。需要手术时,要听从医生指导及手术。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 3、有糖尿病、高血压、呼吸道疾病、心脏病等影响白内障手术的疾病要积极治疗。 4、白内障手术后相当一段时间要注意休息,少用眼,并要定期随访检查。 5、白内障术后又有视力下降,要到眼科检查有无其他影响视力的眼病。 心律失常 1、戒烟、酒,不饮浓茶或咖啡及其它兴奋剂。 2、保持情绪稳定,避免精神紧张、情绪激动及恐惧感,以免诱发及加重心律失常。 3、生活要有规律,避免劳累,剧烈运动。病重时要卧床休息,并保证充分的睡眠。 4、心律失常须进行持续心电监测以利诊断及指导治疗。 5、遵医嘱服药,不可自行停药。定期门诊复查心电图。 支气管炎 、保持室内空气清新,经常开窗通风换气。 1 2、注意保暖,避免受凉加重病情。 3、高热出汗时应多饮水,夏季要防止虚脱、中暑。急性期每3—5天复诊一次,病重应住院治疗。 4、出现高热或全身酸痛症状时,应尽量卧床休息,少活动。 5、注意营养,多食富含维生素C的易消化的食物。 6、平时要加强体质锻炼,提高机体免疫力。 7、过敏体质的患者要避免接触致敏原。 脂肪肝 1、造成脂肪肝的原因很多,最常见是由于长期高脂高糖饮食导致肥胖伴有脂肪肝。其次是代谢疾病,尤以糖尿病为突出,50%糖尿病人伴有脂肪肝。再次为中毒因素,长期饮酒所致的酒精中毒最多见。患肝炎后由于营养过于丰富亦可造成一过性脂肪肝。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 2、除酒精性脂肪肝外,一般不会发展为肝硬化,去除脂肪肝的病因后可使脂肪肝消失。调整饮食是脂肪肝治疗的重要环节,饮食宜高蛋白、适量脂肪和适量糖类,全忌脂肪和糖饮食是目前饮食习惯常见的二种误导。 3、平时应多运动,减轻体重。 4、合并肝功能不良时,应住院治疗,充分休息。肝功能恢复正常后,应劳逸结合,合理安排作息,不能过度疲劳。 5、戒酒,预防感冒、腹泻。避免长期服用损害肝功能的药物。 6、定期检查肝功能。 骨质疏松症 1、戒烟、戒酒、戒饮浓茶、浓咖啡。 2、注意节制饮食,防止过饱,饮食要清淡,少盐饮食为宜。 3、多吃瘦肉、鱼虾、豆制品、牛奶、海带、紫菜、芝麻、花生、核桃、瓜子、芹菜、油菜、荠菜、苹果、香蕉等食品。 4、适当参加体育锻炼,循序渐进增加运动量,常做载重式的运动,如慢跑、骑自行车等。每周3—4次,每次30分钟。 5、宜多到户外活动,经常晒太阳。 6、已绝经的妇女要在医生指导下服用少量雌激素,遵照医嘱口服维生素和钙剂,老年人一定要慎用利尿剂、异烟肼、强的松等药物。 7、防止各种意外伤害,尤其要防止跌倒。 牙周病 1、坚持早晚刷牙,每次刷牙至少3分钟,饭后注意漱口。 2、采取正确的刷牙方法:牙刷在龈缘处颤动,将牙刷紧贴牙面呈45度角,上牙从上往下刷,下牙从下往上刷。咬牙合面来回刷。 3、牙刷应选用头小,磨毛的保健牙刷。定期更换牙刷,最好三个月换一把,牙刷头朝上放,以保持牙刷的干燥。 4、正确使用牙线,去除嵌塞物及邻面菌斑。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 5、多吃含维生素A、D、C及钙磷丰富的食物,如新鲜蔬菜、水果、动物肝脏、牛奶、禽蛋。 6、叩齿及用舌头舔牙龈有利锻炼牙周组织和按摩牙龈。 7、牙周病患者每半年至一年应该去医院做全口洁治(洗牙),彻底清除隐藏的牙结石。 颈椎病 1、长期进行脑力劳动者,要坚持劳逸结合,避免长时间低头、伏案或在电脑前工作。并注意活动颈椎关节。经常进行与日常工作姿势相反的动作或运动,加强颈椎功能锻炼。 2、要保持乐观情绪,颈椎病治疗期间少做或不做颈部旋转运动。 3、寒冷季节注意颈肩部保暖,避免受风寒。 4、经常双手交替揉捏颈椎及周围肌肉,用力适度;每天工作期间做双手交叉按压肩部和颈椎左旋、右旋转后伸动作数次。 5、经常做双手抓空拳练习。 慢性咽炎 减少粉尘对鼻腔及咽、喉部的刺激: 1、充分利用电脑多媒体教学,尽可能减少粉笔书写;2、改善教室通风条件,背对空气流向讲课;3、增加教室空气湿度,降低空气中的粉尘; 科学合理用声: 1、严格遵守嗓音卫生,在上呼吸道感染、用嗓费力、月经期不宜用嗓。在太冷太热、噪音太大和空气污染严重的环境最好少用嗓。 2、正确掌握发音技巧,避免用嗓时间过长或过强。 3、积极治疗易诱发职业性声嘶的疾病,如急、慢性鼻或鼻窦炎,扁桃体炎及咽部炎症等。 4、戒除不良嗜好,如抽烟、饮酒、过多食用辛辣刺激性强的食物。 5、定期进行检查,以便早期发现和治疗声带病变。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,
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