首页 党的历次全国代表大会知识竞赛试题



党的历次全国代表大会知识竞赛试题党的历次全国代表大会知识竞赛试题 党的历次全国代表大会知识竞赛试题 ,注:此为手机版试题~答题请登录wap.dushujingsai.com, 1.党的第一次全国代表大会于,C,在上海开幕。这次大会宣告了中国共产党的正式成立。 A.1919年5月4日 y92868984426 B.1921年7月1日 C.1921年7月23日 2.党的二大第一次提出党在现阶段反帝反封建的民主革命纲领。其内容是消除内乱~打倒军阀~建设国内和平,推翻国际帝国主义的压迫~达到中华民族完全独立,, B,。 A.组织民主联合战线 ...

党的历次全国代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 大会知识竞赛试题 党的历次全国代表大会知识竞赛试题 ,注:此为手机版试题~答题请登录wap.dushujingsai.com, 1.党的第一次全国代表大会于,C,在上海开幕。这次大会宣告了中国共产党的正式成立。 A.1919年5月4日 y92868984426 B.1921年7月1日 C.1921年7月23日 2.党的二大第一次提出党在现阶段反帝反封建的民主革命纲领。其 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 是消除内乱~打倒军阀~建设国内和平,推翻国际帝国主义的压迫~达到中华民族完全独立,, B,。 A.组织民主联合战线 B.统一中国为真正的民主共和国 C.实现共产主义 3.1923年6月12日至20日~党的第三次全国代表大会在,B,召开~确定了国共合作的方针。 A.上海 B.广州 C.北京 4.,C,的召开~标志着第一次国共合作的正式形成。 A.党的三大 B.党的四大 C.国民党一大 5.在党的第, C ,次全国代表大会上~第一次明确提出无产阶级在民主革命中的领导权问题。 A.二 B.三 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe C.四 6.为严肃党的纪律~抓好党风建设~在党的第, B ,次全国代表大会上~第一次设立了专门的监察机构——中央监察委员会。 A.四 B.五 C.六 7.中国共产党在莫斯科召开的全国代表大会是, C ,。 A.党的四大 B.党的五大 C.党的六大 8.确立毛泽东思想为全党的指导思想是, A ,。 A.党的七大 B.党的八大 C.党的九大 9., B ,年是党领导人民取得了社会主义改造全面胜利的一年~中国由此进入开始全面建设社会主义的新的历史时期。 A.1949 B.1956 C.1978 10.党的八大宣布社会主义改造取得决定性胜利之后~我国国内的主要矛盾是, C ,。 A.无产阶级同资产阶级之间的矛盾 B.人民内部矛盾 C.人民对于建立先进的工业国的要求同落后的农业国的现实之间的矛盾、人民对于经济文化迅速发展的需要同当前We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 经济文化不能满足人民需要的状况之间的矛盾 11.1978年12月~, B ,及时果断地作出把党和国家工作中心转移到经济建设上来、实行改革开放的历史性决策。 A.党的十一大 B.党的十一届三中全会 C.党的十二大 12.1982年9月~邓小平在党的十二大, A ,中明确提出:“把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来~走自己的道路~建设有中国特色的社会主义。” A.开幕词 B.报告 C.闭幕词 13.1987年10月25日至11月1日召开的党的十三大提出并系统阐述了, B ,。 A.社会主义商品经济理论 B.社会主义初级阶段理论 C.社会主义本质理论 14.“三步走”发展战略规定的第二步目标是, B ,。 A.解决人民的温饱问题 B.人民生活达到小康水平 C.基本实现现代化 15.党的十四大明确我国经济体制改革的目标是建立, A ,。 A.社会主义市场经济体制 B.计划与市场相结合的社会主义商品经济体制 C.社会主义有计划的市场经济体制 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 3 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 16.党的十五大把, A ,写入党章~确立为党的指导思想。 A.邓小平理论 B.“三个代表”重要思想 C.科学发展观 17.党的十六大把, B ,确立为党必须长期坚持的指导思想~并写入党章。 A.邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论 B.“三个代表”重要思想 C.科学发展观 18.江泽民同志在, B ,报告中~第一次提出全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。 A.党的十五大 B.党的十六大 C.党的十七大 19.党的十七大将科学发展观写入党章。科学发展观~第一要义是发展~核心是, C ,~基本要求是全面协调可持续~根本 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 是统筹兼顾。 A.解放思想 B.与时俱进 C.人为本 20.胡锦涛同志在党的, C ,报告中~第一次明确提出和科学阐释了中国特色社会主义理论体系这个科学概念。 A.十五大 B.十六大 C.十七大 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 党的历次全国代表大会知识竞赛试题 ,注:此为网络版试题~答题请登录www.dushujingsai.com, 1.近代中华民族面临的两大历史任务是, A ,。 A.实现民族独立和人民解放~实现国家富强和人民富裕 B.推翻帝国主义在中国的统治~推翻封建主义的统治 C.实现人民解放~实现人民富裕 2.标志着中国新民主主义革命伟大开端的事件是, C ,。 A.辛亥革命 B.新文化运动 C.五四运动 3.党的第一次全国代表大会于, C ,在上海开幕。这次大会宣告了中国共产党的正式成立。 A.1919年5月4日 B.1921年7月1日 C.1921年7月23日 4.党的一大起草和通过了, CC ,两份重要历史文件。 A.《中国共产党第一个纲领》和《中国共产党章程》 B.《中国共产党第一个决议》和《中国共产党的任务》 C.《中国共产党第一个纲领》和《中国共产党第一个决议》 5.党的二大第一次提出党在现阶段反帝反封建的民主革命纲领。其内容是消除内乱~打倒军阀~建设国内和平,推翻国际帝国主义的压迫~达到中华民族完全独立,, B ,。 A.组织民主联合战线 B.统一中国为真正的民主共和国 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 5 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe C.实现共产主义 6.党的第二次全国代表大会决定中共正式加入, A ,~成为它的一个支部。 A.第三国际 B.赤色国际工会 C.青年共产国际 7.党的第二次全国代表大会依据马克思主义的建党学说和列宁的建党原则~通过了, A ,~对党员、党组织等六个方面作了规定。 A.《中国共产党章程》 B.《中国共产党加入第三国际决议案》 C.《关于“民主的联合战线”的议决案》 8.1923年6月12日至20日~党的第三次全国代表大会在, B ,召开~确定了国共合作的方针。 A.上海 B.广州 C.北京 9.党的第, A ,次全国代表大会制定的党章~首次规定了新党员有候补期的 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~并根据候补党员不同的社会职业~规定了不同的候补期。 A.三 B.四 C.五 10., C ,的召开~标志着第一次国共合作的正式形成。 A.党的三大 B.党的四大 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe C.国民党一大 11.在党的第, C ,次全国代表大会上~第一次明确提出无产阶级在民主革命中的领导权问题。 A.二 B.三 C.四 12.党的四大通过的党章~第一次明确规定以, B ,作为党的基本组织。 A.党小组 B.支部 C.党委 13.全国范围的大革命高潮~是从1925年爆发的, A ,开始的。 A.五卅运动 B.省港大罢工 C.中山舰事件 14.1927年4月27日至5月9日~党的第五次全国代表大会在, A ,召开。 A.武汉 B.上海 C.北京 15.为严肃党的纪律~抓好党风建设~在党的第, B ,次全国代表大会上~第一次设立了专门的监察机构——中央监察委员会。 A.四 B.五 C.六 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 7 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 16.党的五大闭幕后不久~中共中央政治局会议通过了, C ,~第一次明确提出“党部的指导原则为民主集中制”~并重申历届党章中少数服从多数的条文~为贯彻民主集中制提出了一些措施。 A.《中国共产党第一次修正章程决案》 B.《中国共产党第二次修正章程决案》 C.《中国共产党第三次修正章程决案》 17.中国共产党在莫斯科召开的全国代表大会是, C ,。 A.党的四大 B.党的五大 C.党的六大 18.党的六大指出~当前中国的政治形势是, A ,~革命的发展具有不平衡性。 A.处在两个革命高潮之间~即低潮时期 B.处在两个革命低潮之间~即高潮时期 C.处在革命高潮的前夜 19.党的六大提出的党的总路线是, A ,。 A.争取群众~准备起义 B.立即举行全国性的起义 C.实现土地革命 20.1945年4月20日~党的六届, C ,中全会原则通过《关于若干历史问题的决议》~对党的若干重大的历史问题作出结论~肯定了以毛泽东为代表的正确路线。 A.五 B.六 C.七 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 21.确立毛泽东思想为全党的指导思想是, A ,。 A.党的七大 B.党的八大 C.党的九大 22.党的七大提出的政治路线~阐明了全党全国人民的奋斗目标。这个目标是, B ,。 A.放手发动群众~壮大人民力量 B.打败日本侵略者~建立一个新民主主义的中国 C.废止国民党一党专政~建立民主联合政府 23.党的七大总结历史经验~把党在长期奋斗中形成的优良传统作风概括为三大作风~即理论和实践相结合的作风、, C ,、自我批评的作风。 A.廉洁自律的作风 B.全心全意为人民服务的作风 C.和人民群众紧密地联系在一起的作风 24., B,年是党领导人民取得了社会主义改造全面胜利的一年~中国由此进入开始全面建设社会主义的新的历史时期。 A.1949 B.1956 C.1978 25.党的八大宣布社会主义改造取得决定性胜利之后~我国国内的主要矛盾是, C ,。 A.无产阶级同资产阶级之间的矛盾 B.人民内部矛盾 C.人民对于建立先进的工业国的要求同落后的农业国的现实之间的矛盾、人民对于经济文化迅速发展的需要同当前 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 9 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 经济文化不能满足人民需要的状况之间的矛盾 26.中国共产党第一次明确系统地提出实行党的代表大会代表常任制是在党的, C ,大上。 A.一 B.七 C.八 27., B ,年4月1日至24日~党的第九次全国代表大会在北京召开。 A.1968 B.1969 C.1970 28.林彪事件的发生~在客观上宣告了“文化大革命”在理论和实践上的, A ,。 A.破产 B.中断 C.结束 29., B ,年8月24日至28日~党的第十次全国代表大会在北京举行。 A.1972 B.1973 C.1974 30., B ,年10月6日~中共中央政治局执行党和人民的意志~采取断然措施~一举粉碎“四人帮”。 A.1975 B.1976 C.1978 31., B ,政治报告宣布~以粉碎“四人帮”为标志~We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe “文化大革命”宣告结束。 A.党的十大 B.党的十一大 C.党的十二大 32.1978年12月~, B ,及时果断地作出把党和国家工作中心转移到经济建设上来、实行改革开放的历史性决策。 A.党的十一大 B.党的十一届三中全会 C.党的十二大 33.1981年6月~党的十一届六中全会通过, B ,~标志着党在指导思想上拨乱反正任务的完成。 A.《关于若干历史问题的决议》 B.《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》 C.《关于党内政治生活的若干准则》 34.1982年9月~邓小平在党的十二大, A ,中明确提出:“把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来~走自己的道路~建设有中国特色的社会主义。” A.开幕词 B.报告 C.闭幕词 35.改革开放自党的十一届三中全会开始起步~在, A ,之后全面展开。 A.党的十二大 B.十二届三中全会 C.党的十三大 36.1987年10月25日至11月1日召开的党的十三大提 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 11 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 出并系统阐述了, B ,。 A.社会主义商品经济理论 B.社会主义初级阶段理论 C.社会主义本质理论 37.党的十三大阐述了“一个中心、两个基本点”的基本路线。“一个中心”指的是,A ,。 A.以经济建设为中心 B.以阶级斗争为中心 C.以改革开放为中心 38.“三步走”发展战略规定的第二步目标是, B ,。 A.解决人民的温饱问题 B.人民生活达到小康水平 C.基本实现现代化 39.党的十四大明确我国经济体制改革的目标是建立, A ,。 A.社会主义市场经济体制 B.计划与市场相结合的社会主义商品经济体制 C.社会主义有计划的市场经济体制 40.党的十四大提出20世纪90年代中国经济发展速度的目标是每年增长,C ,。 A.6% B.9% C.8%—9% 41.1982年9月~党的十二大选举产生中央顾问委员会~作为中央领导层新老交替的过渡性机构。党的, B ,决定不再设立中央顾问委员会。 A.十三大 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe B.十四大 C.十五大 42.党的十五大把,A ,写入党章~确立为党的指导思想。 A.邓小平理论 B.“三个代表”重要思想 C.科学发展观 43.党的十五大报告系统论述了党在社会主义初级阶段的, A ,。 A.基本纲领 B.基本政策 C.基本方针 44.党的十五大报告中指出:国有经济控制国民经济命脉~对经济发展起主导作用~主要体现在, B ,上。 A.影响力 B.控制力 C.领导力 45.党的十六大把, B ,确立为党必须长期坚持的指导思想~并写入党章。 A.邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论 B.“三个代表”重要思想 C.科学发展观 46.江泽民同志在, B ,报告中~第一次提出全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。 A.党的十五大 B.党的十六大 C.党的十七大 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 13 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 47.党的十六大提出:21世纪头20年~对我国来说~是一个必须紧紧抓住并且大有可为的, B ,。 A.重大风险期 B.重要战略机遇期 C.快速发展期 48.党的十七大将科学发展观写入党章。科学发展观~第一要义是发展~核心是, C ,~基本要求是全面协调可持续~根本方法是统筹兼顾。 A.解放思想 B.与时俱进 C.以人为本 49.胡锦涛同志在党的, C ,报告中~第一次明确提出和科学阐释了中国特色社会主义理论体系这个科学概念。 A.十五大 B.十六大 C.十七大 50.党的十七大修改通过的党章把党的基本路线中的奋斗目标~表述为把我国建设成为富强民主文明,A ,的社会主义现代化国家。 A.和谐 B.科学 C.法治 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 党的历次全国代表大会知识竞赛试题 ,注:此为纸质版试题~纸质答题卡报送平庄煤业党委政工 部后统一寄送, 1.近代中华民族面临的两大历史任务是, A ,。 A.实现民族独立和人民解放~实现国家富强和人民富裕 B.推翻帝国主义在中国的统治~推翻封建主义的统治 C.实现人民解放~实现人民富裕 2.1915年9月~陈独秀在上海创办,A ,~掀起了一场提倡民主与科学的新文化运动。 A.《青年杂志》 B.《每周评论》 C.《向导》周报 3.1917年俄国十月革命爆发后~, A ,率先在中国大地上举起马克思主义的旗帜~并和陈独秀约定分别在北京和上海着手建党的准备工作。 A.李大钊 B.杨匏安 C.李汉俊 4.标志着中国新民主主义革命伟大开端的事件是, C ,。 A.辛亥革命 B.新文化运动 C.五四运动 5.中国共产党的早期组织是在, B ,首先建立起来的。 A.北京 B.上海 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 15 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe C.武汉 6.到1921年春~中国国内先后有, B ,个城市建立起共产党早期组织。 A.8 B.6 C.4 7.党的第一次全国代表大会于, C ,在上海开幕。这次大会宣告了中国共产党的正式成立。 A.1919年5月4日 B.1921年7月1日 C.1921年7月23日 8.出席党的第一次全国代表大会的代表有, B ,人。 A.15 B.13 C.10 9.出席党的第一次全国代表大会的共产国际代表是, A ,。 A.马林和尼克尔斯基 B.马林和维经斯基 C.马林和鲍罗廷 10.党的一大起草和通过了, C ,两份重要历史文件。 A.《中国共产党第一个纲领》和《中国共产党章程》 B.《中国共产党第一个决议》和《中国共产党的任务》 C.《中国共产党第一个纲领》和《中国共产党第一个决议》 11.党的一大选举, C ,组成中央局。 A.陈独秀、李大钊、李达 B.陈独秀、张国焘、毛泽东 C.陈独秀、张国焘、李达 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 12.1921年8月~中国共产党在上海成立了, B ,~作为领导工人运动的第一个公开机构。 A.工人联合会 B.中国劳动组合书记部 C.中华全国总工会 13.1922年5月~在, B ,举行的中国社会主义青年团第一次全国代表大会~宣告了中国社会主义青年团正式成立。 A.上海 B.广州 C.北京 14.党的第二次全国代表大会于, C ,在上海召开。 A.1922年8月 B.1922年5月 C.1922年7月 15.党的第二次全国代表大会通过的, A ,~提出了党的最高纲领和最低纲领。 A.《中国共产党第二次全国代表大会宣言》 B.《关于“国际帝国主义与中国和中国共产党”的决议案》 C.《关于共产党的组织章程决议案》 16.党的二大第一次提出党在现阶段反帝反封建的民主革命纲领。其内容是消除内乱~打倒军阀~建设国内和平,推翻国际帝国主义的压迫~达到中华民族完全独立,, B ,。 A.组织民主联合战线 B.统一中国为真正的民主共和国 C.实现共产主义 17.党的第二次全国代表大会决定中共正式加入, A ,~成为它的一个支部。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 17 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe A.第三国际 B.赤色国际工会 C.青年共产国际 18.党的第二次全国代表大会依据马克思主义的建党学说和列宁的建党原则~通过了, A ,~对党员、党组织等六个方面作了规定。 A.《中国共产党章程》 B.《中国共产党加入第三国际决议案》 C.《关于“民主的联合战线”的议决案》 19., B ,~孙中山会晤苏俄政府全权代表越飞并发表《孙文越飞联合宣言》~标志着公开确立了国民党的联俄政策。 A.1922年12月 B.1923年1月 C.1923年2月 20.中国共产党关于国共合作政策由党外合作到党内合作的转折点是, C ,。 A.党的二大 B.党的三大 C.西湖会议 21.1923年6月12日至20日~党的第三次全国代表大会在, B ,召开~确定了国共合作的方针。 A.上海 B.广州 C.北京 22.党的第, A ,次全国代表大会制定的党章~首次规定了新党员有候补期的制度~并根据候补党员不同的社会职业~规定了不同的候补期。 A.三 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe B.四 C.五 23.党的三大制定了, B ,~在党的历史上第一次用法规条文的形式明确规定了党中央组织结构和工作制度。 A.《中国共产党章程》 B.《中国共产党中央执行委员会组织法》 C.《中国共产党第三次全国大会宣言》 24.党的三大决定采取, A ,形式~同国民党建立联合战线~共产党党员以个人身份加入国民党。 A.党内合作 B.党外合作 C.党员合作 25., C ,的召开~标志着第一次国共合作的正式形成。 A.党的三大 B.党的四大 C.国民党一大 26.1925年1月11日至22日~党的第四次全国代表大会在, C ,举行。 A.广州 B.武汉 C.上海 27.在党的第, C ,次全国代表大会上~第一次明确提出无产阶级在民主革命中的领导权问题。 A.二 B.三 C.四 28.党的四大通过的党章~将党的中央执行委员会的“委员长”职务改称为, B ,~总理全国党务。 A.书记 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 19 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe B.总书记 C.第一书记 29.党的四大通过的党章~第一次明确规定以, B ,作为党的基本组织。 A.党小组 B.支部 C.党委 30.全国范围的大革命高潮~是从1925年爆发的, A ,开始的。 A.五卅运动 B.省港大罢工 C.中山舰事件 31.1926年7月~国民革命军誓师北伐并迅速取得惊人的战绩。到1926年年底~已先后歼灭, A ,两部主力~控制了江苏、浙江、安徽以外的南部各省。 A.吴佩孚、孙传芳 B.段祺瑞、张作霖 C.陈炯明、孙传芳 32.1927年4月27日至5月9日~党的第五次全国代表大会在, A ,召开。 A.武汉 B.上海 C.北京 33.1927年年初~毛泽东撰写了著名的, A ,~主张把农民组织起来~武装起来~进行减租减息、分配土地等斗争。 A.《湖南农民运动考察报告》 B.《中国革命中之争论问题》 C.《无产阶级与小资产阶级》 34.党的五大较为深刻地批判了陈独秀和鲍罗廷的We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe “, B ,学说”~明确提出在南方“建立革命的民主政权”~确立了在东南发展革命的思想。 A.西南 B.西北 C.东南 35.为严肃党的纪律~抓好党风建设~在党的第, B ,次全国代表大会上~第一次设立了专门的监察机构——中央监察委员会。 A.四 B.五 C.六 36.党的五大闭幕后不久~中共中央政治局会议通过了, C ,~第一次明确提出“党部的指导原则为民主集中制”~并重申历届党章中少数服从多数的条文~为贯彻民主集中制提出了一些措施。 A.《中国共产党第一次修正章程决案》 B.《中国共产党第二次修正章程决案》 C.《中国共产党第三次修正章程决案》 37.大革命失败后~中国共产党领导的打响武装反抗国民党反动派第一枪的起义是, A ,。 A.南昌起义 B.秋收起义 C.广州起义 38.中国共产党在莫斯科召开的全国代表大会是, C ,。 A.党的四大 B.党的五大 C.党的六大 39.民主革命时期党的历次代表大会中形成文件最多的 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 21 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 一次代表大会是, B ,。 A.党的五大 B.党的六大 C.党的七大 40.党的六大指出~当前中国的政治形势是, A ,~革命的发展具有不平衡性。 A.处在两个革命高潮之间~即低潮时期 B.处在两个革命低潮之间~即高潮时期 C.处在革命高潮的前夜 41.党的六大提出的党的总路线是, A ,。 A.争取群众~准备起义 B.立即举行全国性的起义 C.实现土地革命 42.在中国共产党的历史上~第一部关于中央委员选举的党内法规~是党的, C ,大上制定的。 A.八 B.七 C.六 43.1945年4月20日~党的六届, C ,中全会原则通过《关于若干历史问题的决议》~对党的若干重大的历史问题作出结论~肯定了以毛泽东为代表的正确路线。 A.五 B.六 C.七 44.1945年4月23日至6月11日~党的第七次全国代表大会在, A ,举行。 A.延安市杨家岭 B.子长县瓦窑堡 C.平山县西柏坡 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 45.确立毛泽东思想为全党的指导思想是, A ,。 A.党的七大 B.党的八大 C.党的九大 46.在党的历史上~会期最长的一次党的全国代表大会是, B ,。 A.党的六大 B.党的七大 C.党的八大 47.党的七大提出的政治路线~阐明了全党全国人民的奋斗目标。这个目标是, B ,。 A.放手发动群众~壮大人民力量 B.打败日本侵略者~建立一个新民主主义的中国 C.废止国民党一党专政~建立民主联合政府 48.党的七大总结历史经验~把党在长期奋斗中形成的优良传统作风概括为三大作风~即理论和实践相结合的作风、, C ,、自我批评的作风。 A.廉洁自律的作风 B.全心全意为人民服务的作风 C.和人民群众紧密地联系在一起的作风 49., B ,年是党领导人民取得了社会主义改造全面胜利的一年~中国由此进入开始全面建设社会主义的新的历史时期。 A.1949 B.1956 C.1978 50.1956年4月25日~毛泽东在中央政治局扩大会议上作, B ,报告。 A.《论人民民主专政》 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 23 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe B.《论十大关系》 C.《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》 51.党的八大是中国共产党执政后召开的, A ,。 A.第一次全国代表大会 B.第一次全国代表会议 C.第一次中央全会 52.“虚心使人进步~骄傲使人落后”是, A ,提出的。 A.毛泽东在党的八大开幕词 B.刘少奇在党的八大作的政治报告 C.邓小平在党的八大作的关于修改党章的报告 53.党的八大宣布社会主义改造取得决定性胜利之后~我国国内的主要矛盾是, C ,。 A.无产阶级同资产阶级之间的矛盾 B.人民内部矛盾 C.人民对于建立先进的工业国的要求同落后的农业国的现实之间的矛盾、人民对于经济文化迅速发展的需要同当前经济文化不能满足人民需要的状况之间的矛盾 54.中国共产党第一次明确系统地提出实行党的代表大会代表常任制是在党的, B ,大上。 A.一 B.七 C.八 55.“中央委员会认为有必要的时候~可以设立中央委员会名誉主席一人”是, B ,增加的。 A.九大党章 B.八大党章 C.七大党章 56.到1968年9月~全国29个省、市、自治区都经过夺权之后建立起新的政权机构——, C ,。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe A.文革小组 B.军管会 C.革命委员会 57., B ,年4月1日至24日~党的第九次全国代表大会在北京召开。 A.1968 B.1969 C.1970 58.林彪事件的发生~在客观上宣告了“文化大革命”在理论和实践上的, A ,。 A.破产 B.中断 C.结束 59.1971年10月25日~第, C ,届联合国大会以压倒多数的票数通过决议~恢复我国在联合国的合法席位。 A.24 B.25 C.26 60., B ,年8月24日至28日~党的第十次全国代表大会在北京举行。 A.1972 B.1973 C.1974 61., C ,年10月6日~中共中央政治局执行党和人民的意志~采取断然措施~一举粉碎“四人帮”。 A.1975 B.1976 C.1978 62.1977年7月~, A ,在北京召开。这次会议最重要的 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 25 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 成果是邓小平再次复出~并全部恢复他在“批邓、反击右倾翻案风”时被撤销的职务。 A.党的十届三中全会 B.党的十届二中全会 C.党的十届一中全会 63., B ,政治报告宣布~以粉碎“四人帮”为标志~“文化大革命”宣告结束。 A.党的十大 B.党的十一大 C.党的十二大 64.1978年12月13日~邓小平在中央工作会议上作了题为, C ,的讲话~实际上成为随后召开的十一届三中全会的主题报告。 A.《民主和法制两手都不能削弱》 B.《党和国家领导制度的改革》 C.《解放思想~实事求是~团结一致向前看》 65.1978年12月~, B ,及时果断地作出把党和国家工作中心转移到经济建设上来、实行改革开放的历史性决策。 A.党的十一大 B.党的十一届三中全会 C.党的十二大 66.1980年2月~党的十一届五中全会决定撤销八届, A ,中全会强加给刘少奇的种种罪名和有关的错误决议~使新中国成立以来最大的冤案得到平反。 A.十二 B.十 C.九 67.党的十一届五中全会~决定重新设立, B ,~以We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 加强党的集体领导。 A.中央纪律检查委员会 B.中央书记处 C.中央政法委员会 68.1981年6月~党的十一届六中全会通过, B ,~标志着党在指导思想上拨乱反正任务的完成。 A.《关于若干历史问题的决议》 B.《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》 C.《关于党内政治生活的若干准则》 69.1982年9月~邓小平在党的十二大, A ,中明确提出:“把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来~走自己的道路~建设有中国特色的社会主义。” A.开幕词 B.报告 C.闭幕词 70., A ,通过的党章~首次规定党中央不设主席只设总书记。 A.党的十二大 B.党的十三大 C.党的十四大 71.改革开放自党的十一届三中全会开始起步~在, A ,之后全面展开。 A.党的十二大 B.十二届三中全会 C.党的十三大 72.党的十二届三中全会通过的, A ,~为全面经济体制改革提供了新的理论指导。 A.《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》 B.《中共中央深化经济体制改革的总体 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 27 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe C.《进一步加快改革经济体制的步伐》 73.1987年10月25日至11月1日召开的党的十三大提出并系统阐述了, B ,。 A.社会主义商品经济理论 B.社会主义初级阶段理论 C.社会主义本质理论 74.我国从, B ,开始~进入社会主义初级阶段。 A.1949年新中国成立 B.20世纪50年代中期社会主义改造基本完成 C.1978年党的十一届三中全会 75.党的十三大阐述了“一个中心、两个基本点”的基本路线。“一个中心”指的是, A ,。 A.以经济建设为中心 B.以阶级斗争为中心 C.以改革开放为中心 76.“三步走”发展战略规定的第二步目标是, B ,。 A.解决人民的温饱问题 B.人民生活达到小康水平 C.基本实现现代化 77.党的十三大提出~建设有中国特色的社会主义道路~是马克思主义与中国实践相结合的, B ,历史性飞跃。 A.第一次 B.第二次 C.第三次 78.邓小平在1992年南方谈话中指出:“社会主义的本质~是解放生产力~发展生产力~消灭剥削~消除两极分化~最终达到, C ,。” A.人类解放 B.社会和谐 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe C.共同富裕 79.党的十四大确立, A ,在全党的指导地位。 A.邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论 B.“三个代表”重要思想 C.邓小平理论 80.党的十四大明确我国经济体制改革的目标是建立, A ,。 A.社会主义市场经济体制 B.计划与市场相结合的社会主义商品经济体制 C.社会主义有计划的市场经济体制 81.党的十四大提出20世纪90年代中国经济发展速度的目标是每年增长, C ,。 A.6% B.9% C.8%—9% 82.1982年9月~党的十二大选举产生中央顾问委员会~作为中央领导层新老交替的过渡性机构。党的, B ,决定不再设立中央顾问委员会。 A.十三大 B.十四大 C.十五大 83.1994年9月~党的十四届, B ,中全会作出《关于加强党的建设几个重大问题的决定》~把党的建设提到新的伟大工程的高度~明确提出党的建设的总目标和总任务。 A.三 B.四 C.五 84., A ,年~我国经济提前实现原定2000年比1980年翻两番的目标。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 29 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe A.1995 B.1996 C.1997 85.1997年6月30日午夜至7月1日凌晨~, C ,两国政府香港政权交接仪式在香港隆重举行。 A.中荷 B.中葡 C.中英 86.党的十五大把, A ,写入党章~确立为党的指导思想。 A.邓小平理论 B.“三个代表”重要思想 C.科学发展观 87.党的十五大报告系统论述了党在社会主义初级阶段的, A ,。 A.基本纲领 B.基本政策 C.基本方针 88.党的十五大报告中指出:国有经济控制国民经济命脉~对经济发展起主导作用~主要体现在, B ,上。 A.影响力 B.控制力 C.领导力 89.2001年我国加入, A ,~对外开放进入新阶段。 A.世贸组织 B.世界银行 C.国际货币基金组织 90.近些年来~我国农村综合改革逐步深化~到, B ,年~全面取消了屠宰税、农业税、牧业税和特产税。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe A.2004 B.2006 C.2007 91.党的十六大把, C ,确立为党必须长期坚持的指导思想~并写入党章。 A.邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论 B.“三个代表”重要思想 C.科学发展观 92.贯彻“三个代表”重要思想~关键在坚持与时俱进~核心在, C ,~本质在坚持执政为民。 A.立党为公 B.坚持全心全意为人民服务 C.坚持党的先进性 93.江泽民同志在, B ,报告中~第一次提出全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。 A.党的十五大 B.党的十六大 C.党的十七大 94.党的十六大报告强调~走, A ,道路~坚持以信息化带动工业化、以工业化促进信息化。 A.新型工业化 B.信息化 C.工业化 95.党的十六大提出:21世纪头20年~对我国来说~是一个必须紧紧抓住并且大有可为的, B ,。 A.重大风险期 B.重要战略机遇期 C.快速发展期 96.党的十七大将科学发展观写入党章。科学发展观~第 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit 31 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 一要义是发展~核心是, C ,~基本要求是全面协调可持续~根本方法是统筹兼顾。 A.解放思想 B.与时俱进 C.以人为本 97.党的十七大报告对我国改革开放的伟大历史进程和巩固发展社会主义的宝贵经验作了, A ,的精辟概括。 A.十个结合 B.八个结合 C.六个结合 98.胡锦涛同志在党的, C ,报告中~第一次明确提出和科学阐释了中国特色社会主义理论体系这个科学概念。 A.十五大 B.十六大 C.十七大 99.中国特色社会主义理论体系~就是包括邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想以及, B ,等重大战略思想在内的科学理论体系。 A.社会主义和谐社会理论 B.科学发展观 C.社会主义荣辱观 100.党的十七大修改通过的党章把党的基本路线中的奋斗目标~表述为把我国建设成为富强民主文明, A ,的社会主义现代化国家。 A.和谐 B.科学 C.法治 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe
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