首页 XXX公司员工入职培训方案含表格(作业)



XXX公司员工入职培训方案含表格(作业)XXX公司员工入职培训方案含表格(作业) XXX公司员工入职培训方案 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no ...

XXX公司员工入职培训 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 含表格(作业) XXX公司员工入职培训方案 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 为适应本公司发展的需要~提高员工的综合素质及企业的核心竞争力~现根据公司的实际情况与自身需求~特制订此员工入职培训方案。 一、培训目的 使新进人员了解公司概况及公司规章制度~掌握基本工作技能~以便新进人员能更快胜任未来工作。 二、培训部门: 人力资源部。 三、培训对象: 新进入公司参加工作的全体员工。 四、培训阶段: ,一,对于新入职员工的职前培训~按工作环境与程序可以分为三个阶段: 1、基础培训, 2、专业技术培训,包括内部培训和外部培训,, 3、实地培训。 ,二,公司基础培训最重要的是获得知识并使受训者了解下列各点: 1、公司的基本状况与行业介绍, 2、公司的组织结构、部门职责、岗位特征和工作沟通, 3、公司的基本人事政策, 、公司的企业文化、工作礼仪, 4 5、公司的简单工艺流程和安全守则。 ,三,专业技术培训~重点组织外部培训~兼顾内部培训。 ,四,实地培训即为实习期~是在一位较为资深员工的指导下去实践未来所负担的工作。实地培训应尽量让受训者实际练习~指导者仅是在旁边协助~待受训者做完某项工作再告诉他应该改进的地方。 五、培训形式: ,一,讲授, ,二,幻灯片演示, ,三,讨论, ,四,示范教学, 六、培训师资: 内部培训师资由人力资源部安排~外部培训师由人力资源部联系并组织。 七、培训安排: ,一,内部基础培训安排, 年 月 日- 年 月 日,: 日期 时间 内容 培训方式 培训地点 受训人 培训人 第一日 08:30-10:15: 致欢迎词~介绍公司相关情况。 10:30-11:50: 组织填写员工登记表,见附录1,~说明上班及就餐注意事项~相互介绍。 12:00-13:00: 午餐休息。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 13:00-14:45: 对与公司相关的行业进行介绍。 15:00-17:00: 让员工对新参加工作内容做应有的心理准备。 第二日 08:30-10:15: 公司组织结构、岗位介绍和工作沟通。 10:30-11:50: 公司人事政策及职业发展。 12:00-13:00: 午餐休息。 13:00-14:45: 企业文化和工作礼仪。 15:00-17:00: 考核。 ,二,专业技术培训安排, 年 月 日- 年 月 日,: 日期 时间 内容 培训方式 培训地点 受训人 培训人 专业技术培训包括公司内部培训和外部培训两部分~分组同时坚信~各组负责人由各部门负责人担任。 ,三,实地培训安排, 年 月 日- 年 月 日,: 日期 时间 内容 培训方式 培训地点 受训人 培训人 实地培训是在一位较为资深员工的指导下去实践未来所负担的工作。实地培训应尽量让受训者实际练习~指导者仅是在旁边协助~待受训者做完某项工作再告诉他应该改进的地方。 八、培训费用预算,见附录2,: ,一,内部培训费用预算, ,二,外部培训费用预算, ,三,实地培训费用预算。 九、培训准备 ,一,培训工具: 1、白板、白板笔、板擦, 2、投影仪、笔记本电脑、电源、屏幕、相关PPT文件, 3、员工学习笔记本、中性笔, 4、培训教材,由各项目培训人编写~人力资源部审核, 5、员工手册, 6、培训考核试卷。 ,二,培训表单 1、培训 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 ,包含携带体检表、个人物品、相关证书和培训安排,, 2、培训组织事项检查表, 3、员工培训 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 执行记录,见附录3,: of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 4、员工培训考核表,见附录4,, 5、员工培训档案, 6、培训效果反馈表,见附录5,, 7、现场培训工作记录, ,三,场地布置 1、红色横幅, 2、讲台、桌布、桌牌, 3、受训者桌椅, 4、矿泉水, 5、麦克风、音响, 6、现场联络及应急处理。 ,四,入职表单 1、要求员工在入职第一天提交体检表, 2、员工登记表, 3、廉洁协议, 4、劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 , 5、员工胸牌, 6、员工档案袋, 7、保险福利工作关系统计表。 ,五,其他 1、培训教师时间安排和相关通知, 2、外出培训的培训安排、路程安排、培训地联络, 3.现金准备和财务支援, 4、就餐人数统计和通报, 5、参观行程和路线, 6、通勤车辆安排。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 附录 附录1: 员工信息登记表 基本信息 姓名 性别 出生日期 年龄 民族 籍贯 政治面貌 ? 党员 ? 团员 ? 群众 婚姻状况 ? 未婚 ? 已婚 ? 丧偶 手机号码 身份证号码 户口所在地地址 现居住地地址 固定电话 毕业学校 所学专业 毕业时间 最高学历 ? 学士(大学本科) ? 专科 ? 高中 ? 初中 ? 其他: 紧急联系人姓名 与本人关系 紧急联系人电话 工作信息 所属部门 职位 入职时间 家庭状况及主要社会关系(包括父母、配偶、子女等) 姓名 年龄 与本人关系 工作单位 居住地址 电话 学习经历(请从高中开始填写~包括所受过的重要培训) 学习时间 学校(学院)名称 学历 起 止 工作经历(如工作经历很多~请填写主要的) 工作时间 单位名称 工作岗位 最终薪金 起 止 注意:1、请使用正体规矩填写~不要使用连笔 2、“户口所在地和居住地址”两栏:请详细填写到街道号码 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 附录2: 表4-2 培训项目中可能产生的必要费用项目 基本流程 子流程 可能产生的费用项目 调查问卷设计、印 刷 培训需求调查 访谈提纲设计 调查实施产生的费用 培训前期工作 培训课程开发 课程开发费用 提案制作费 培训提案 提案印刷费 学习风测试费 培训人员调查 培训准备 管理风格测试费 性格倾向测试费 培 训 准 备 场地租赁费 场地与器材 设备租赁费 必要器材购买 易耗品购买 基本流程 子流程 可能产生的费用项目 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 与教材准备 讲义制作费 培训准备 视频教材制作费 其他 笔记本、记录笔 讲师与助手费用 差旅住宿费、讲课费 学员费用 往返交通费、学员住宿费用 培训实施 其他必要开支 茶点、餐饮费、奖品或小礼品 培训后期 培训评后期培训效果追踪与工作指 估 导 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 表4-3 单次培训项目的费用预算表 培训项目名称: 地点: 时间: 费用科目 必要性说明 支付对象 费用预算 实际开支 差异 备注 合 计 表4-4 培训计划和预算汇总表 培训内容 培训对象 建议课程 授课方法 课 时 课程来源 预算 备注 序号 ,内部/外部, 金额 必要性说 明 支付对象 费用预算 实际开支 差异 备注 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 附录3: 新员工入职培训考核评价表(新员工到职后一周内评价) 部门: 姓名: 日期: 一、公司理念 项目 评定(满分5分) 了解公司经营理念 1 2 3 4 5 能随口说出公司理念 1 2 3 4 5 对经营理念很认同 1 2 3 4 5 以公司理念为荣 1 2 3 4 5 能就公司理念写出深刻的感想 1 2 3 4 5 二、公司价值 项目 评定 了解公司存在的意义 1 2 3 4 5 了解公司的社会使命 1 2 3 4 5 了解公司利益与社会利益的关系 1 2 3 4 5 了解创造公司利益的重要性 1 2 3 4 5 了解自己的利益与公司利益的关系 1 2 3 4 5 三、公司概况 项目 评定 能画出公司组织设计图 1 2 3 4 5 了解各部门的工作职能 1 2 3 4 5 了解公司产品 1 2 3 4 5 了解公司产品特征、优点 1 2 3 4 5 能说出公司资产、收入等基本数据 1 2 3 4 5 四、公司历史 项目 评定 了解公司历史 1 2 3 4 5 了解创业者的信念和创业历程 1 2 3 4 5 认同公司优良传统 1 2 3 4 5 了解并接受公司标准色、标志和标准字 1 2 3 4 5 热爱公司 1 2 3 4 5 五、行业知识 项目 评定 能说出公司所处的行业 1 2 3 4 5 了解行业概况 1 2 3 4 5 了解公司在行业中的地位 1 2 3 4 5 了解公司在行业中的奋斗目标 1 2 3 4 5 能对提高公司在行业中的地位提出建议 1 2 3 4 5 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 六、工作流程 项目 评定 了解工作流程的意义 1 2 3 4 5 学会上下合作、横向合作 1 2 3 4 5 了解同志和睦的重要性 1 2 3 4 5 团队精神明显增强 1 2 3 4 5 做事有始有终 1 2 3 4 5 七、对指令的认识 项目 评定 了解指令的重要性 1 2 3 4 5 立即记下指令 1 2 3 4 5 正确理解指令 1 2 3 4 5 未发生遗忘指令的行为 1 2 3 4 5 严格执行指令 1 2 3 4 5 八、工作态度 项目 评定 提前上班 1 2 3 4 5 珍惜时间,不提前下班 1 2 3 4 5 整理现场后方离开 1 2 3 4 5 态度端正 1 2 3 4 5 精神饱满,充满干劲 1 2 3 4 5 九、报告与复命 项目 评定 了解及时报告和及时回复命令的重要 1 2 3 4 5 报告时条理清楚、思想清晰 1 2 3 4 5 能及时报告和复命 1 2 3 4 5 对工作中的困难能主动提出解决办法 1 2 3 4 5 勇于承担责任 1 2 3 4 5 十、执行能力(着重) 项目 评定 务实的信念 1 2 3 4 5 严谨认真的工作作风 1 2 3 4 5 以业绩衡量人 1 2 3 4 5 积极坦诚的对话 1 2 3 4 5 事事以身作则 1 2 3 4 5 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 十一、学习以及领悟能力(着重) 项目 评定 勤于学习,经常反省 1 2 3 4 5 深刻理解书中精髓,能够举一反三 1 2 3 4 5 善于观察,勤于思考 1 2 3 4 5 遇事能够换位思考 1 2 3 4 5 善于逻辑思维,思路清晰,观点明确 1 2 3 4 5 十二、其他 项目 评定 仪表整洁 1 2 3 4 5 重视礼节 1 2 3 4 5 同事和睦 1 2 3 4 5 会客不胆怯 1 2 3 4 5 能虚心接受批评 1 2 3 4 5 部门经理评分: 办公室评分: 总经理评分: of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 附录4: 新员工培训记录表 时 间 授课人 授课地点 课 时 备 注 人力资源部培训内容 1、公司的历史与愿景、公司的组织机构及主要业务, 2、人事制度:作息时间、休假、请假、考勤、培训、奖惩及为员工提供的其他福利等, 3、行为规范和礼仪知识:保守商业秘密、工作纪律、员工仪表、电话礼仪等知识, 4、安全教育:安全制度和程序~消防设施的正确使用~安全卫生、劳动保护。 受训人签认 部门经理 时 间 授课人 授课地点 课 时 备 注 部门培训内容 5、本部门的概况介绍:人员的引见、本部门承担公司的主要工作~带领员工现场参观 6、工作流程介绍:包括物料的摆放、技能要求 7、部门制度:包括工作安排、服从分工、提案建议、劳动纪律要求 8、安全、卫生工作:包括安全常识、防护知识、注意要点、典型案例教育~ 9、知识培训:讲解本岗位的理论知识 10、技能培训:确定培训指导人、学习期限、技能要求、培训进度等 受训人签认 部门经理 制 表: 审 核: of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 附录5: 表4-6 新员工岗位培训反馈表 ,到职后一周内由新员工填写, 部门: 新员工姓名: 1(你是否已了解部门的组织架构及部门功能 是? 否 ? 2。你是否已清晰了解自己的工作职责及岗位描述 是? 否 ? 3(你是否已熟悉公司大楼的情况 是? 否 ? 4。你是否已认识部门里所有的同事 是? 否 ? 5。你是否觉得部门岗位培训有效果 是? 否 ? 6(你今后在工作中遇到问题~ 是否知道如何寻求帮助 是? 否 ? 7(你是否已接受了足够的部门岗位培训~并保证可以很好地完成任务 是? 否 ? 8(在岗位培训中~ 可以改进的地方 9(在今后的工作中~ 希望接受更多以下方面的培训 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled
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