首页 真空断路器工作原理和应用



真空断路器工作原理和应用真空断路器工作原理和应用 真空断路器工作原理 断路器(空气开关)常识简介 断路器,又称空气开关,也称自动开关,低压断路器。原理是:当工作电流超过额定电流、短路、失压等情况下,自动切断电路。 目前,家庭总开关常见的有闸刀开关配瓷插保险(已被淘汰)或空气开关(带漏电保护的小型断路器)。目前家庭使用DZ系列的空气开关,常见的有以下型号/规格: C16、 C25、C32、C40、C60、C80、C100、C120等规格,其中C表示脱扣电流,即起跳电流,例如C32表示起跳电流为32安,一般安装6500W热水器要用C32...

真空断路器工作原理和应用 真空断路器工作原理 断路器(空气开关)常识简介 断路器,又称空气开关,也称自动开关,低压断路器。原理是:当工作电流超过额定电流、短路、失压等情况下,自动切断电路。 目前,家庭总开关常见的有闸刀开关配瓷插保险(已被淘汰)或空气开关(带漏电保护的小型断路器)。目前家庭使用DZ系列的空气开关,常见的有以下型号/规格: C16、 C25、C32、C40、C60、C80、C100、C120等规格,其中C 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示脱扣电流,即起跳电流,例如C32表示起跳电流为32安,一般安装6500W热水器要用C32,安装7500W、8500W热水器要用C40的空开。 真空断路器工作原理与其他断路器相比之是灭弧介质不同罢了,真空不存在导电介质,使电弧快速熄灭,因此该断路器的动静触头之间的间距很少。该断路器一般用于电压等级相对低的厂用电配置中~随着电力系统的迅猛发展, 10KV 真空断路器在我国已经大批量地生产和使用。对于检修人员来说,提高对真空断路器的认识,加强维护保养,使其安全运行,成了一个迫在眉睫的问题。本文以 ZW27 — 12 为例,简要说明真空断路器的原理与维修。 一、真空的绝缘特性 真空具有很强的绝缘特性,在真空断路器中,气体非常稀薄,气体分子的自由行程相对较大,发生相互碰撞的几率很小,因此,碰撞游离不是真空间隙击穿的主要原因,而在高强电场作用下由电极析出的金属质点才是引起绝缘破坏的主要因素。 真空间隙中的绝缘强度不仅与间隙的大小,电场的均匀程度有关,而且受电极材料的性质及表面状况的影响较大。真空间隙在较小的距离间隙( 2—3 毫米)情况下,有比高压力空气与SF6 气体高的绝缘特性,这就是真空断路器的触头开距一般不大的原因。 电极材料对击穿电压的影响主要表现在材料的机械强度(抗拉强度)和金属材料的熔点上。抗拉强度和熔点越高,电极在真空下的绝缘强度越高。 实验表明,真空度越高,气体间隙的击穿电压越高,但在 10-4 托以上,就基本保持不变了,所以,要保持真空灭弧室的绝缘强度,其真空度应不低于 10-4托。 二、真空中电弧的形成与熄灭 真空电弧和我们以前学习的气体电弧放电现象有很大的差别,气体的游离现象不是产生电弧的主要因素,真空电弧放电是在触头电极蒸发出来的金属蒸汽中形成的。同时,开断电流的大小不同,电弧表现的特点也不同。我们一般把它分为小电流真空电弧和大电流真空电弧。 1、小电流真空电弧 触头在真空中开断时,产生电流和能量十分集聚的阴极斑点,从阴极斑点上大量地蒸发金属蒸汽,其中的金属原子和带电质点的密度都很高,电弧就在其中燃烧。同时,弧柱内的金属蒸汽和带电质点不断地向外扩散,电极也不断的蒸发新的质点来补充。在电流过零时,电弧的能量减小,电极的温度下降,蒸发作用减少,弧柱内的质点密度降低,最后,在过零时阴极斑消失,电弧熄灭。 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 有时,蒸发作用不能维持弧柱的扩散速度,电弧突然熄灭,发生截流现象。 2、大电流真空电弧 在触头断开大的电流时,电弧的能量增大,阳极也严重发热,形成很强的集聚型的弧柱。同时,电动力的作用也明显了,因此,对于大电流真空电弧,触头间的磁场分布就对电弧的稳定性和熄弧性能有决定性的影响。如果电流太大,超过了极限开断电流,就会造成开断失败。此时,触头发热严重,电流过零以后仍然蒸发,介质恢复困难,不能断开电流。 三、断路器的结构和工作原理 真空断路器的生产厂家比较多,型号也较繁杂。按使用条件分为户内( ZNx—**)和户外(ZWx—**)两种类型。主要由框架部分,灭弧室部分(真空泡),和操动机构部分组成。 断路器本体部分由导电回路,绝缘系统,密封件和壳体组成。整体结构为三相共箱式。其中导电回路由进出线导电杆,进出线绝缘支座,导电夹,软连接与真空灭弧室连接而成。 机构为电动储能,电动分合闸,同时具有手动功能。整个结构由合闸弹簧,储能系统,过流脱扣器,分合闸线圈,手动分合闸系统,辅助开关,储能指示等部件组成。 工作原理 真空断路器利用高真空中电流流过零点时,等离子体迅速扩散而熄灭电弧,完成切断电流的目的。 动作原理 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 储能过程:当储能电机 14接通电源时,电机带动偏心轮转动,通过紧靠在偏心轮上的滚子10带动拐臂9及连板7摆动,推动储能棘爪6 摆动,使棘轮11 转动,当棘轮11 上的销与储能轴套32的板靠住以后,二者一起运动,使挂在储能轴套上32 上的合闸弹簧21 拉长。储能轴套32 由定位销13 固定,维持储能状态,同时,储能轴套32 上的拐臂推动行程开关5切断储能电机14 的电源,并且储能棘爪被抬起,与棘轮可靠脱离。 合闸操作过程:当机构接到合闸信号后(开关处于断开,已储能状态),合闸电磁铁 15 的铁心被吸向下运动,拉动定位件13 向逆时针方向转动,解除储能维持,合闸弹簧21 带动储能轴套32逆时针方向转动,其凸轮压动传动轴套 30,带动连板29及摇臂27 运动,使摇臂27 扣住半轴25,使机构处于合闸状态。此时,连锁装置28 锁住定位件,使定位牛不能逆时针方向转动,达到机构联销的目的,保证了机构在合闸位置不能合闸操作。 分闸操作过程:断路器合闸后,分闸电磁铁接到信号,铁芯吸合,分闸脱扣器 19 中的顶杆向上运动,使脱扣轴16 转动,带动顶杆18向上运动,顶动弯板26 并带动半轴25 向反时针方向转动。 半轴25 与摇臂27 解扣,在分闸弹簧的作用下,断路器完成分闸操作。 四、断路器的调试 开距与超行程断路器的开距与超行程的测量可以根据图三所示,在分合闸状态测量出的 X 值之差为断路器的开距,Y 值之差为断路器的超行程。调整的方法为放长或缩短绝缘操作杆3 或机构与主轴的连杆。 分合闸机构调整 1、摇臂 27 与半轴25 的扣接量为1.5~2.5mm,可以通过调整螺钉24 来实现。 2、传动轴套 30 转动最大角时,摇臂27 与半轴间要有1.5~2mm的间隙,以保证传动轴套回落到合闸位置时,摇臂27 能自动扣接到半轴 25 上,可以通过螺钉31 的调节来实现。 3、辅助开关 2的转换应准确可靠,可以通过调整辅助开关2的拐臂3位置及位杆4 的长短来实现。 4、在储能过程中,当棘爪到达最后一个齿的最高点时,应能保证储能轴套 32 上的拐臂使行程开关的触点可靠切换,切断电机电源,可以通过调整行程开关5 的上下前后位置来实现。 5、调整分闸合闸弹簧的预拉长度,保证断路器的可靠分合,且分合闸速度达到 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 值。 五、断路器的控制回路 在我国的农网 35KV标准化变电站中,采用了控制母线和合闸母线分开的原则。 在短路器的辅助常闭接点与合闸线圈之间,把断路器储能行程开关的一对常开接点串联进控制回路。这样,在断路器未储能的情况下,将不能进行合闸操作。防止了在断路器未储能的情况下合闸,合闸回路保持,烧毁合闸线圈。 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 同时,在接线的过程中,要注意储能行程开关接点中合闸母线与控制母线的极性要一致,防止出现在开关蓄能时,合闸回路的电弧击穿行程开关,造成控制保险的熔断或控制空气开关的掉闸。 这一点在综合自动化变电站上要特别注意。 六 、运行维护与检修试验 真空断路器的燃弧时间短,绝缘强度高,电气寿命也较高,触头的开距与行程小,操作的能量小,因此,机械寿命也较高。在日常的运行中,维护工作量很小,主要检查机构的运动部件磨损情况,紧固件有无松动,清除绝缘表面的灰尘,在活动部位注入一些润滑脂等。 在春检预防性试验中,对开关的直流电阻测试要与历史数据进行比较,发现问题及时处理更换,对断口的工频耐压试验,是检验真空泡是否漏气的有效方法。(户内真空断路器可以借鉴断开负荷时,真空泡内闪光的颜色来初步判断真空泡的真空度,颜色暗红时表明真空度降低,颜色淡蓝时,表明真空度良好)保护定植校验时,对断路器做低电压掉合闸试验,检验开关在母线故障状态时,电压降低时动作是否可靠。 真空断路器的发展与表现 一、专用真空断路器 面临极其不同的开断任务,新的专用断路器应运而生。如果用于发电机保护断路器的特大容量真空断路器(短路开断电流高达63,80kA及以上),标准型真空断路器(短路开断电流25,50kA),经济型真空断路器(16,25kA),频繁型真空断路器(如操作次数5,6万次),超频繁型真空断路器(如操作次数 10,15万次)。如西门子公司的3AH系列断路器就按使用场合划分为5种型号,其中3AH1和3AH3型为标准型,操作10000次,3AHZ型为频繁型,操作6万次,3AH4为超频繁型,操作12万次,3AH5型为经济型,价格便宜。 二、低过电压型真空断路器 众所周知,真空断路器因截流会引起截流过电压,特别在开断小的感性负截如电动机时,一般情况下,为限制过电压而给真空断路器配过电压吸收装置如Sic RC 路,ZnO避雷器等,这使断路器结构庞大且复杂化,而且有的限制过电压不理想。 四、主要优点 EA9R漏电保护断路器,为预拼装式漏电保护断路器(断路器+漏电附件),是最大限度地避免了误拼装漏电附件的风险。可同时提供过载、短路、漏电保护功能。当发生漏电保护装置动作时,装置的正面有红色的机械指示可区别漏电故障与其它保障。 五、选择断路器(空气开关)安培计算法 1匹=735W?750W 1.5匹=1.5×750W=1125W 2匹=2×750W=1500W 2.5匹=2.5×750W=1875 W 此计算法以此类推。 (1)例:3匹空调 器应选择多少A的空气开关,(220V电压) 750W×3匹=2250W×3倍(冲击电流)=6750W?220V=30.68A?32A。 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over (2)例5匹空调应选择多少A的空气开关,( 380V电压) 750W×5匹=3750W×3倍(冲击电流)=1125W?380V=29.60?32A(功率?电压=安培) 注:空气开关在额定负载时平均操作使用寿命20000次。在了解了漏电开关,空气开关的原理、功能的情况下一般在为客户选配配电箱的过程中,应本着照明小,插座中、空调大的选配原则。可根据客户的要求和装修个性的差异性,结合实际情况进行灵活的配电 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。配电方案有无数种,以下就五种常用的配置方案特点、安装注意事项供客户参考。 六、说明要点 1.微型漏电器的漏电附件动作时间,有意识的延时是没有的,但是动作是有一个过程的,这个过程需要一定的时间,IEC10091中的5.3.8以及GB16917.1中的5.3.8条例中对此都有明确的限定,要求最大动作时间小于0.3秒,本产品基本上可以做到0.06秒; 2.漏电开关只有漏电保护功能,而漏电保护断路器有短路保护、过载保护和漏电保护功能; 3.采用条形码管理系统,可靠的条形码和防伪标签双保险系统,双重识别,双重保护。 七、断路器(空气开关)的极性和表示方法 单极 220V 切断火线 双极 220V 火线与零线同时切断 三级 380V 三相线全部切断 四级 380V 三相火线一相零线全部切断。 八、选购安装 现代家居用电应按照明回路、电源插座回路、空调回路、分开布线,当其中一个回路(如插座回路)出现故障时,其他回路仍可以正常供电。插座回路须安装漏电保护装置,防止家用电器漏电造成人身电击事故。 1、住户配电箱总开关一般选择双极32-63A小型断路器或隔离开关。 2、照明回路一般10-16A小型断路器。 3、插座回路一般选择16-20A的漏电保护断路器。 4、空调回路一般选择16-25A小型断路器。 5、采用双极或1P+N(相线+中性线)断路器,当线路出现短路或漏电故障时,立即切断电源的相线和中性线,确保人身安全及用电设备的安全 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over
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