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房地产销售部规章制度房地产销售部规章制度 销售部规章制度 二00八年七月二日 目 录 总 则 ................................................................................................... 4 管理体系 .............................................................................................. 6 销售部岗位职责制 .........

房地产销售部规章制度 销售部规章制度 二00八年七月二日 目 录 总 则 ................................................................................................... 4 管理体系 .............................................................................................. 6 销售部岗位职责制 ............................................................................. 8 行 为 规 范 ...................................................................................... 10 资 料 管 理 ...................................................................................... 18 合 同 及 预 定 单 的 管 理 ..................................................... 21 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 总 则 一、根据公司加强部门内部管理的要求,特制定销售部 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 。 二、本制度制定的原则是:公正、公平、对己对人、对上对下。 三、本制度制定的依据是《管理之道》、《众信和诚公司基本制度》和销售部现状。 四、本制度的内容包括:管理架构、岗位责任、各类管理细则、考 核制度等。 五、制度的目的是为了提高工作效率、规范工作流程,使每个人的 才能得到充分的发挥。 六、本制度为试行草案,尚有不尽完善与不尽合理之处,在正式制度 出台之前,销售团队成员必须服从和遵守。 七、本制度自制定之日起开始执行。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 管理体系 一、 指挥系统 1.销售部实行经理负责制。 2.指挥的原则 (1)服从的原则 下级须服从上级的指挥,没有服从,就没有管理。 (2)一个上级的原则 每个岗位、每个人只有一个上级,只服从一个上级的指挥,只向一个上级报告。 (3)逐级的原则 上级对下级可以越级检查,不能越级指挥(特殊情况除外)。 下级对上级可以越级申诉,不能越级报告。 3.指挥的形式 (1)口头指挥 (2)书面指挥 (3)通过会议指挥 不管采取何种形式,指挥的内容必须完整:某人去做、做什么事、完成时间、地 点、行动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 、怎样控制和评估。 二、 联络(沟通)系统 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 1.加强联络,加强人员之间的沟通,保证信息的畅通。 2.要保证良好的联络,首先要求每个人要各尽其职、各负其责。 3.要树立相互服务、相互制约的意识。 4.正式的联络主要通过工作流程来实现。 5.非正式的联络通过举办一些活动、民主生活会等来实现。 6.创造一种团结协作、互相帮助的氛围。 销售部岗位职责制 销售部是公司前沿窗口,体现着公司的形象,也担负着实现公司各项目利润的重任,需要从经理到主管、到销售代表各个环节的人员精诚团结,尽心尽责地努力工作。 销售部组织机构图 销售经理 销售主管 销售助理 销售代表 销售代表 一( 销售经理 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 1.密切掌握销售动态,参与设计、策划的工作,使销售信息更好地服务于设计、 策划,设计、策划的成果更好地促进销售;参与公司对项目定位的讨论及其他一些决策。 2.部门内部的人事管理;掌握部门工作人员的思想动态,调动其工作的积极性,使部门成为积极、向上、团结的整体,并完成公司下达的各项任务。 3.协调本部门与其他部门的关系,做好与工程、财务、办公室、物管各部门的工作衔接。项目开盘前在公司领导处落实小区内外环境配套、使用的材质、在工程部落实所售房屋的总平及户型、落实将出售房屋的面积;力求在房屋销售时能尽量给客户较为肯定的答复,避免因各部门工作衔接不够使设计、修建的房屋达不到预期的销售状况。 4.培养销售人员的专业技能及销售队伍的凝聚力,力求组建一支业务能力极强、高素质的销售团队,以便能出色完成公司下达的销售任务。 5.安排主管的工作,充分调动其工作积极性,并逐步培养其独立工作的能力。 6.采取相应措施,尽最大可能地掌握客户资源并提高成功率。 二(主管 1.完成公司、经理交给的各项任务,并能积极主动、有预见性地解决工作中遇到或可能遇到的问题。 2.准确的掌握项目的销售状况及回款情况,当状况不佳时,能及时准确地发现原因,并告之相关部门,以便及时作出调整。 3.安排销售助理的工作,督促其对资料的完整收集、规范整理、及时归档,随时向上级提供准确的销售信息、销售回款信息。 4.负责督促销售代表严格遵守本规章制度,提高仪态、仪表、服务质量,服务意识。 5.掌握销售助理、销售代表的思想动态,充分调动其工作积极性,帮助其调节好心理状态,使他们以最佳的精神面貌、最高的热情投入到工作中。 6.监管和改善售楼处、销售办公室的环境卫生、物品摆放,发现问题及时与相关部门衔接,并负责解决。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 7.布置销售助理、销售代表的工作,并每天检查他们的工作完成情况。不定期 地对购房客户进行回访并向经理报告,以促进工作的提高和改进。 8.主持每天部门内部的早会,总结前一天工作中存在的问题同时布置当天的工作内容。了解销售代表在工作日志中所提问题,并及时给予回复。 9.作好“上情下达、下情上表”工作。使员工能理解公司的举措与政策,同时也关心员工的利益,让员工能真正地将自己融入到公司。 10.类整理相关政策法规,方便大家的日常学习及必要时给客户出示有力证据。 一般一天的工作流程: 主持早会——会后检查值班销售代表的工作——检查销售代表的仪态仪表、服务质量,就当日《工作日志》的内容请各部门配合解决。 一般一月的工作流程: 总结当月的工作情况——对次月的工作做计划——接财务的催款通知单后安排销售代表催款。 三(销售助理 1.销售助理是主管的助手,协助主管做好管理工作,同时要充分发挥主观能动性,站在主管的位置考虑问题,培养和提高独立工作能力。 2.负责部门的资料管理(详细内容见《销售部的资料管理》)。 3.建立相应的数据库,随时为销售部提供准确的房源,并及时准确地将销售情况反映在“销售状况一览表”。 4.每天下班前进行工作日志汇总、将当天的定、退、换房情况及销售代表和客户的意见汇总后给销售经理、主管。 5.每一月作一次有关销售量、退房量、客户来访量、余房数量等相关数据的统计,交与主管作完分析报告后上报经理。(情况特殊时每周可作一次) 6.将购房合同中的相关资料及时、准确的录入电脑(同时作复核),以便能随时查到某客户的姓名、性别、联系方式、具体购房区位、价格等资料;同时还应在财务的协作下将客户的交款情况录入电脑,便于销售部在掌握客户的应交、已交款情况后及时催款。 7.将所有已签合同及附件、部门之间的衔接函、公司下发资料等规范整理并妥善保管。还应掌握售楼相关资料(即合同、补充协议、按揭协议等)的使用情况,以便regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 及时补充。 8.作好销售所需资料的入库登记,避免资料重复印刷造成浪费。 9.完成项目开盘前的所有准备工作,如:准备房屋价格明细表、户型图、认购书及合同、按揭相关资料、各种附件资料等。 10.作好销售代表的轮休安排(尽可能兼顾生日休息),服装安排,销售代表的候客顺序。 通常的工作流程:早会中核对前一日《销售日报表》——汇总前一日《销售日报表》——会后打开电脑转制数据——录入汇总《工作日志》交销售经理——录入当日意向书、合同——整理部门资料、销售数据——汇总当日的《工作日志》。 项目发售前的准备工作:制作价格一览表、明细表——制作销售情况一览表——录入房源表——准备合同文本、合同补充协议、合同编号、工程变更单等。 项目交房前的准备工作:查验老合同资料,制作《交房核查表》——组织销售代表填写 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 合同或交房资料——与财务部核对该项目的销售资金的回笼情况。 销售情况的准确、及时把握是公司决策的首要前提,而销售情况来源于每一天每 一套房屋的信息反馈,因此,销售情况的录入必须当天完成,且准确无误。 四(销售代表 销售代表是销售的前沿窗口,直接面向客户,服务于客户,要随时保持良好的仪态、仪表,良好的服务意识和服务质量,充分展现优秀企业的窗口形象。 通常的工作流程如下: 对客户的售前服务——《客户记录表》的登记——客户决定下定单前报告主管——为客户签单(包括意向书、预定单、主合同、补充协议、《客户档案》)——销售情况的记录——填写《销售日报表》——交合同给销售助理——填写《工作日志》——对客户的售中服务——对客户的售后服务。 1.对客户的服务。包括:a.售前服务(客户下定单之前)。客户的接待,环境、配套、户型的诚恳介绍,;b.售中服务(客户购房之后,入住之前)。反映和解答客户提出的疑问,征求客户对公司、对自己的意见、建议,向客户通报工程进度,与客户分享公司和自己取得新成绩后的喜悦,邀请客户参加公司举办的活动;c.售后服务regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com (客户入住之后)。积极向相关部门反映客户入住后的想法、困难,配合物管公司向 客户解释和解决客户的困难,邀请客户参加公司举办的活动,与客户分享公司和自己取得新成绩后的喜悦。 2.对客户的服务应主动、热情、诚恳、讲礼貌、有分寸;对房屋的介绍从大环境到小环境,到户型,从公司到公司领导应娓娓道来,详简得当,语言规范、高雅,条理清楚,特别要避免由于简单从事或经验主义而流失客户。 3.《客户记录表》的填写。销售代表在初次接待客户时要填写《客户记录表》,注明客户姓名、联系方式、咨询事项、来访日期等,以备日后查询。《客户记录表》应依次填写、不留空格。 4.销售代表在客户做出购买决定时要及时以书面形式报告销售助理,关于客户姓氏、预定或合同、户型、位置等情况,核实无误以后,销售代表才能与客户签定的定单或合同,办理相关的手续,由销售助理变更《售房状况一览表》,并及时告知其他销售代表。 客户是否购、退房以定单(定金)为准,或由主管视具体情况调节,《售房状况一览表》由主管或销售助理掌握,销售代表不得擅自改动。 5.签单。包括意向书、预定(订)单,合同,补充协议、客户档案,签单由销售代表签订,销售助理接单后进行最后复核。 6.《销售日报表》的填写。销售代表在给客户办理完定、退、换房手续的当天要填写《销售日报表》,详细载明客户姓名,定、退、换房的位置,定、退、换房单的形式(预定,合同,或预定换合同),已签定合同的要载明合同金额,付款方式(包括付款方式的改变),以便销售助理做销售统计。 7.销售情况的记录。销售代表应非常清楚自己的客户情况及销售情况,以便对客户进行售后服务,销售代表必须自己拟定一套完整的客户档案,包括客户姓名、合同编号、订房的位置、付款方式、定金数额、房款数额、缴纳日期等等。 8.《工作日志》的填写。销售代表每天下班前填写好《工作日志》,注明当天个人定、退、换房情况、新客户的信息来源、客户的意见、个人的建议,并将《工作日志》交给销售助理。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 《工作日志》的填写及录入中有关定、退、换房的内容不得有误。 9.工程变更。 工程变更包括两种情况:情况一.尚在设计阶段的项目的变更;情况二. 进入施工阶段的项目的变更。 时间要求:变更所涉及的内容仅限于工程尚未进行的部分,或在签定合同的一周以内。如果客户在此时间内提出,但由于销售代表的原因导致变更要求未及时记录,及时反馈给工程部,由此造成的损失(包括变更费用)由该销售代表承担。 程序: 客户提出变更——销售代表填写《变更单》,必要时附图——客户签字确认,留下联系方式——经办销售代表签字——工程部签字确认是否同意变更内容、计算费用——销售经理签字——销售代表通知客户领取《变更单》,同时注意合同内容要与变更内容相符(否则该销售代表承担一切责任),如果变更不被同意要好言向客户解释;并让客户确认是否接受变更费用,若接受此费用,在财务部交清此费用后《变更单》方生效——工程部留存一份、销售部留存一份、客户留存一份。 《变更单》一式三份,由销售代表详细记载客户的要求,分别由工程部、销售部、客户各执一份,每份均须有客户、各相关部门的经办人和负责人的签字认可。销售代表在未得到相关部门书面认可前不得承诺客户(包括口头上),有违背者将自行承担一切经济责任。 10.保持工作环境的卫生、有序。保持售楼处、销售办公室的环境卫生,是销售代表的重要工作之一,要随时注意在送走客户后清理纸杯,将桌、椅、资料等办公用品归位,摆放整齐有序,当日值班代表还要负责维持桌面、地面、沙盘、烟缸等的清洁,发现模型有歪、斜等现象时,应及时整理。 11.销售代表有义务为客户做好售后服务,包括带客户上工地参观,介绍公司发展情况,催交房款,带客户到财务部交款等。任何销售代表不得以不是自己的客户为由拒绝为客户服务,一经发现情节恶劣者将予以处罚。每逢节日、客户生日,销售代表须对客户表示祝福和问候。 12.向客户催收房款是销售代表的重要任务之一。月末主管接到财务部催款通知单后要及时通知各销售代表,由销售代表选择适当时机用电话或其它方式委婉通知客regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 户。 销售代表应在接到催款通知的当天与客户取得联系。客户用支票付款时,销售代表应告知客户在银行回单一联用铅笔注明客户姓名、房款、气费金额,客户用电汇、信汇方式付款时,销售代表应告诉客户在汇款的同时把汇款复印件寄给自己,并在接到复印件时立刻将之交给财务部便于核查帐目。 13.销售业绩是衡量一位销售代表工作成绩的重要指标,每一位销售代表都应尽力提高个人销售技能,主管有责任组织其他的销售代表帮助业绩滞后者,如果长期业绩滞后由主管报请经理召开经理、主管、销售助理会议,决定是否劝其辞职,再报请总经理同意后执行。 行 为 规 范 一(言行举止 在工作场合要保持严谨、高雅、得体的言行举止,仪态仪表。 1.接待客户的一般流程:看见客户将进门做接待前的准备(站立,微笑,文件夹侧放胸前)——为客户开门——请进——问好——介绍(根据客户反应一一介绍)——客户离开前请客户填《客户记录表》——送客户至大门——为客户开门——欢迎下次光临。 2.在客户未到来前,服务台的销售代表应对下批新客户的接待人员达成一致意见(但不得让客户听见),客户进门时不允许有观望,推诿情形发生,也不得有同时接待客户的争抢情形发生。 3.接待新客户严格按照候客顺序执行,但如果候客销售代表动作迟缓,为不怠慢客户,其他销售代表有权前往接待。 4.本着“客户第一,客户是上帝”的客户理念,本着“团结合作”的集体精神,任何一位客户都是公司的客户,都是每一位工作人员的客户,任何人不得以不是自己的客户为由拒绝、怠慢客户,也不得以自己的客户尚未接待完毕而不管不问。 5.工作人员间要提倡团结、协作精神,严禁挑拨离间、拉帮结派,甲地销售代表regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 给乙地销售代表介绍客户等情况发生,严禁欺负新来的销售代表,争抢新销售代表的 客户。 6.在接待两批以上客户时要尽量全面兼顾,若不能,应以来客的先后顺序,或客户的特殊情况予以先后接待,并向其他客户讲明缘由,求得理解。如请他们看看报纸,倒些水,坐一坐,多致歉,告之还有若干分钟就完毕,等等,切忌给客户留下受到怠慢、轻视、甚至公司以貌取人的感觉。 7.销售代表如果在客户进门时或客户提问时正在接听电话,应马上站立起向客户点头致意,并用手语向客户示意:请稍等,请那边坐。既不可怠慢电话咨询的客户,也不可怠慢面前的客户。 8.对待客户彬彬有礼,与客户狭路相遇请客户先行,主动为客户开关门,打断客户与他人的谈话前先致歉。 9.见到客户无论在何种场合应微笑点头致意,接待客户时眼光应真诚、亲切,满含笑意,不应四处游离,显得心不在焉,客户说到精当之处时应用眼光给以回应。 10.工作人员应站姿挺立,坐姿端正,走姿轻盈,举手投足要用甚至是挑剔的标准来要求自己,随时想到客户正用放大镜观察我们。 11.在服务台的站、坐,接听电话都要面向大厅,在服务台的站立尤其注意不要斜靠服务台。 12.工作人员不得在大厅内聚众闲聊,尤其在客户将会或正在场时。 13.销售代表接到客户的质疑时(到场或电话),应善言作答,无法立即回答的应作记载,向主管反映或与相关部门衔接解决,在客户约定的时间内回复客户(无论情况进展如何);如果该客户的销售代表不在,接待的销售代表也要认真作好记载,并及时转告销售代表。 14.对客户(甚至同行)的刁难,工作人员要把握分寸,本着礼貌、谦虚、不卑不亢的原则妥善处之,用礼貌、谦虚的态度使之感到受到了尊重,用不卑不亢的态度去赢得他对你的尊重,切忌与之发生正面冲突。 15.为保证客户和工作人员的安全,出入施工场地一定要佩戴安全帽。 16.对客户提出的优惠要求(时间或金额)销售代表只能正面告之公司没有优惠政regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 策,即使客户告之有这样或那样的铁的关系也要如此,措辞应肯定、坚决,但也应不 失礼貌,多肯定和感谢客户对公司和自己的支持,严禁有暗示客户通过某种渠道可能获得优惠,或告诉客户自己无权优惠(即是暗示客户有优惠)的情形发生。 17.工作人员之间的称谓符合公司的礼仪制度,在客户面前称呼销售代表一律为**先生/小姐,不得直呼小名或绰号。 18.售房成功时不得在客户在场时喜形于色,而应真诚地恭喜客户购到称心如意的房屋。 19.在工作场合看到非工作人员应礼貌询问“找哪一位”或“需要我帮忙吗”,如此既可使来我公司办事者得到帮助,体现良好素质,也可使居心叵测者心惊胆战。 20.在工作场合必须着统一的职业装、鞋子、袜子,佩带工作牌。 21.职业装的穿戴按照服装表执行,并由主管决定立即整改或在后厅上班;如临时变动须提前一天经主管同意,由前一日的值班销售代表通知各销售代表。 22.严禁在工作场合用餐,吃零食,翻阅与工作无关的报刊杂志。 23.在工作场合的交谈声音(包括电话)不宜过大,应保持在双方能听见的音量为宜,各销售代表应对此相互提醒。 24.请工作人员接听电话应通过话筒告之——“请**先生/小姐接听电话”或走到跟前对客户说——“对不起,这边有**先生/小姐的电话”,万万不可大声呼叫或随便地——“**,接电话”。 25.正在与客人交谈需短暂离开,应先向客户致歉,在征得客人同意后——“真对不起,请您稍候,我马上就来”再离去,返回时——“对不起,让您久等了”;如果离开的时间较长,应告诉客户——“真是对不起,我可能耽误的时间会较长,如果您不介意的话,我请**先生/小姐来为您继续介绍,他同样地会为您服好务”,然后将客户的需求交待给其他的工作人员,之后再离开。 26.不能对来访客人的来意妄加判断,即使发现对方是同业人员也不得态度生硬,应采取礼貌态度,表现得既礼貌、坦率又机敏。 27.不得对同行公司进行诽谤、诋毁,应采取客观、大度的态度。 28.接待客户时尽量使用普通话,接听咨询电话必须使用普通话。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 29.工作时间接打私人电话应长话短说,看到客户、公司领导到来应立刻停止。 30.遇到找领导的客人要妥善接待,安排休息、送上水、报纸,在了解来客姓名、来意后与领导联系,不要轻易将领导的电话、手机,特别是手机告诉客人。 31.遇到上级部门来访要立刻请示领导,同时妥善接待,不要轻易回答提问。 32.听到大厅门口的语音提示时,所有在大厅的工作人员无论正在做什么都要留意一下大门,不能充耳不闻。 33.公司尊重和保护客户的隐私权,严禁将客户购房的情况(包括是否购房)告诉他人,更不允许怀着个人的目的将客户档案告诉他人。 34.工作人员要有保密意识,涉及公司的经营机密、管理机密不得对外透露。 35.办公场所是每一个工作人员的生存场所,其一草一木都应受到我们的爱护,绝不允许有扫帚倒了没人扶的情形发生。任何人在看到如下情况能解决的都有责任和义务马上解决,不能解决的要报告主管:如东西掉了,资料未摆放整齐,资料不够了,水桶里有杂物,地面、天花、墙壁脏了,模型脏了、斜了,安全帽不干净,桌椅未归位,新纸杯不够,废纸杯未收拾,灯不亮了,电话出问题,窗帘脏了,沙发坏了,等等。 36.看到领导到来要起立、让座、倒水。 37.销售代表无权对合同内容作出更改、增加或减少的决定,无权对付款时间做违背公司规定的介绍或暗示。 二(礼貌用语 1.接听电话:“您好,某某项目”;电话结束语:“随时恭侯您的光临”,“谢谢”,“再见”,等。 2.见到客户步入销售大厅时:“先生/小姐,早上/下午/节日好”,“欢迎参观某某项目”,“您好,请问看房吗,”“您好,这边请”,“您请坐,先请看一下售房资料”,“您请喝水”,等。 3.与客户交谈时应常用:您、请、对不起、谢谢等。 4.当客户赞扬我方房屋时:“确实如此,您真有眼光”, “您真有眼光,这个商铺(或户型)是我们/最大的优点就是您讲的……”,“谢谢,我们将努力把工作做得regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 更好”,等。 5.当客户赞扬我们的工作做得好时:“您过奖了,这是我应该做的”,“您过奖了,还请您多给我们提意见,多帮助我们才好”, “非常感谢您的鼓励”,“谢谢,您的肯定更让我们更加感到一种责任,如果不把工作做好,对不起您的这份信任”,等。 6.当客户就我方房屋等某些地方提出质疑时:“您的担心我们能理解,实际情况是„„”,“不知道我讲清楚了没有,如果有不明白的地方欢迎您随时提出来”,“您清楚了吗,欢迎您对我们的工作随时监督、批评、指正”,“我们的愿望是一致的,都希望尽力把项目形象塑造得尽善尽美,欢迎您随时提出宝贵的意见、建议”,“对于您的建议和要求,在不违反有关规范的前提下,我们都将尽量地考虑和安排”,“待我们公司商议后,我们将及时给予您答复,好吗,” 7.当客户提出自己不熟悉的问题时:“对不起,这个问题我不太清楚,请您稍侯,待我咨询××主管或××部后再给您答复,好吗”,“对不起,××部(工程部)对这个问题最有解释权”,“对不起,请稍等一下”,“对不起,这个问题我也不是太清楚,我带您到工程部(或物管部)问一下专业人员,好吗,”,“您真得很细心,我还是第一次遇到这个问题,非常感谢您能替我们想到,请允许我向上级请示后再答复您,好吗”,等。 8.当客户提出不合情理的要求或对某项规定不愿履行时:“对不起,为了客户共同的利益,也是为了维护您的利益,请您能理解支持我们”,“请您放心,您提的这个问题我会向上级汇报的”,等。 9.当客户提出优惠时:“对不起,公司没有这方面的先例,请您理解,好吗”,“对不起,公司都是定价销售,也希望得到您的支持,非常感谢”,“对不起,不是我有没有这个权利,而是定价销售是我们的制度,请您支持我的工作,我也会用最好的服务来回报您,好吗”,“先生,如果您一定希望得到折扣,是否也希望我们在工程质量上给您同样的折扣呢,肯定不是,那何不如让我们用最好的工程质量、一流的售后服务、最漂亮的社区及商业环境来让您得到最大的实惠呢”,“我不得不很抱歉地告诉您不行”,“对不起,公司采用定价销售制对每一位客户都是公平的,这样您regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 也会住得放心,您不用担心有人花比您少的钱却和您拥有同样的位置,是不是”,等。 10.当客户提出某项问题,而公司也暂无明确规定时:“对不起,公司正就这个问题广泛收集客户意见,以便公司做出更符合大多数客户意愿的决定”,等。 11.当客户提出要看房时:“请稍等,为了您的安全,我给您(您们)拿安全帽”,等。 12.当需要主动要求客户看现场时:“请您到工地实地看一下吧,以便有更直接的感受”,“眼见为实,咱们一块到工地去看看,好吗,” 13.当请客户留下联系电话时:“请您留一个电话号码,以便我们能将最新的信息向您通报,好吗,谢谢”,“为了我们更好地为您服务,请您留一个电话号码,好吗,谢谢”,等。 14.当客户确定签协议时:(自己用时)“恭喜您”,“恭喜您,有了一个优秀的投资项目”,“恭喜您,购到了这样好一套房屋” “恭喜您,您真是一位关心儿女的慈祥长辈”。(为儿女购房时)“恭喜您,您的选择将给他们带来最终的满意和幸福”。(为儿女,为亲朋好友购房时)“您的选择,是我们的荣幸”。“感谢您的选择,我们将把工作做得更好,让您最终一定满意和放心”。“欢迎您随时到工地给我们提出批评、指正”。 “有空就来坐坐”。 15.请客户填《客户档案》时:“为了更好地对您跟踪服务,请您配合我们尽量详细填写这个表格,这张表格内容我们绝对保密,不对外宣传,不过如果您不愿透露之处也可以不填”,等。 16.当客户准备离开售楼处时:“您慢走”,“您走好”,“随时恭侯您再次光临”,等。 三、接听电话 1.主要由销售代表负责接听电话。 2.使用电话不得使用免提。 3.每一位工作人员都有义务接听咨询电话,不得以正在接待客户为由任由电话铃长响不接,在接听电话前应向正被接待的客户致歉,并取得他的同意。 4. 接听咨询电话使用普通话,在话机响过两声后——“您好,某某项目”,结束regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 电话前——“欢迎您的光临”或——“我们期待着您的光临”或——“再一次地祝您 周末(节日)愉快”等。 5.逢周末、节日、假日向客户说相应的祝福。 6.回答咨询电话的要点在于邀请客户到现场参观,不必在咨询电话中过多讲解,语言亲切、讲礼貌、有耐心,更多地体现是在为客户着想,如——“购房这么大一件事,先生/小姐为什么不亲自来看一看呢,我们这里有……”,“购房是一件大事,先生/小姐,您看,今天天气如此好,何不带上家人到我们这里来亲自来看一看呢”。 7.不能随便将公司领导的电话、手机号,尤其是手机号给客人。接到找领导的电话应礼貌、谨慎,先询问——“这位先生/小姐,可以告诉我您的姓名、工作单位,找**有什么事吗,我可以代为您转告”,如果客人执意要领导的电话、手机,可以这样回答——“很对不起这位先生/小姐,我也不知道**的电话、手机,不过,他几乎每天都会来我们售楼处,您可以留下您的联系电话,我见到他(她)就请他马上与您联系, 然后及时与领导联系,切记不可放在一边就忘了。 好吗”, 8.接到找其他销售代表的电话——“好的,请您稍候”,如果该销售代表不能立刻过来——“这位先生/小姐,**暂时不在,他(今天休息,带客户上工地去了,用餐去了),有什么事我可以帮忙或转告吗(您呆会儿挂来,行吗)”,切记一定要转告该销售代表。 四(售楼接待厅用品 大厅、后厅的物品应摆放整齐有序,各归其位。 1.办公桌上只能摆放资料、电话机、电脑,简单的办公用品。 2.个人用文件袋要保持整洁,除姓名标签外,不得在文件袋表面涂画及粘贴任何文字及图画。 3.个人用品如传呼机、书籍、文件夹、饮水杯等应放在个人文件柜中,文件夹小心保管,不得离身,不得遗失,不得让客户随意翻看。 4.纸杯是专供客户使用的,工作人员应使用统一的饮水杯,饮水杯应放在指定的地点。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 五.早会 时间:每天9:05,会议时间视当天的内容可长可短。 主持人:经理或主管。 内容: 1.检查各销售代表是否进入工作状态(文件夹、工作牌、衣服、鞋、袜、个人卫生、化妆)。如有违规,责令会后立即整改,并处以相应处罚。 2.核对前日的销售情况。 3.宣读公司下发的文件、通知。 4.就前一日的《工作日志》做问题的解答。 5.总结前一日的存在的问题。 6.销售代表发表意见、建议。 7.安排当天或近期的工作(包括当日值班者)。 注意事项: 1.早会是一天工作开始的标志,各工作人员应从此进入工作状态,不得在会后用早餐、化妆等。 2.早会是一天工作人员相对集中的机会,很多重要事情将在此宣布,各工作人员应携笔、笔记本专心参会,并做记录。如在早会中宣布,工作人员未执行,追究未执行者的责任。 六、值班销售代表岗位责任 (一)早会后20分钟内完成或检查以下各项工作,并在值班时间内随时保持。 大厅部分: 1.检查空调是否打开,温度是否调节合适,所有照明灯是否打开; 2.地面、墙面的清洁卫生。 3.桌椅、沙发的清洁及归位。 4.烟灰缸的清理。 5.饮水机的清洁,水桶的整齐摆放、无杂物,随时检查机上的水桶内是否有水。 6.领取纸杯,随时补充新的纸杯。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 7.模型的清洁、矫正。 8.清洁和矫正墙上悬挂的一切物品。 9.观察窗帘是否需要清洁,如果需要,向主管报告,随时维持窗帘均匀的关闭状态。 10.地毯的端正,并随时保持地毯的端正。 11.话机的清洁、端正。 12.准备当天所需的足够的资料,并随时保持摆放有序,如:售楼书、户型图、预订单、价格表、工作日志、变更通知书、销售日报表等。 接待台部分: 1.桌椅、地面、柜子的清洁,有序。 2.桌面上的资料、办公用品按照相关规定摆放整齐,清除不该摆放的东西。 3.抽屉里的各种资料应整齐摆放,包括户型图、预定单、工作日志及变更通书等。 4.安全帽的清洁、整齐,随时保持此状态。 5.复印当天报纸或杂志上有关房地产方面的信息、广告资料(销售助理完成)。 (二)注意事项 1.下班前值班代表要查看门、窗、电脑是否关闭,收拾桌椅,书籍杂志。 2.除当班的值班代表负有以上职责外,其他销售代表亦责无旁贷。 七、客户的归属 1. 各销售代表应以宽阔的胸襟对待客户的归属问题,彼此之间坦率、团结,以和为贵,遇到碰车的情况,先彼此将情况讲清楚,若不能达成共识,交由主管处理。原则上由第一次接待有记载的销售代表为准。 资 料 管 理 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 一、资料内容 文字部份: 1.送董事会资料。 2.公司下发文件。内容关于“某某项目”的通知、通告、指示、决定、决议等。 3.会议纪要。 4.内部资料。包括一般资料和重要资料(需长期保存)。 5.送其他部门资料。主要指部门衔接函。 6.其他部门送本部门资料。衔接函、落款为“**部”的通知、通报、决定等。 7.活动方案。包括公司内部及对外举办的各种活动细则,实施方案,请柬,门票样本等。 8.法律方面资料。主要指法律顾问的意见书、信函。 9.各项目售前资料。包括国土出让协议复印件、预售 许可 商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可 证复印件、固定资产投资许可证复印件、建设工程许可证复印件、建设规划许可证复印件 、项目总平图、户型图、铺面平面图、售楼资料、住宅和铺面价目表。 10.各项目售中资料。包括合同书、预定单、工程变更单、退房申请单及批复、按揭资料、客户档案。 11.各项目售后资料。主要指物管公司送来的,如客户住宅电话等资料。 12.销售代表档案。包括入司时间、生日时间、奖罚情况。 13.各项目《销售日报表》。 14.每天各销售代表的《工作日志》及每周、每月汇总。 电脑部份: 1.销售资料。主要指商品房合同摘要,车库购销情况,已售房、余房信息。 2.工作日志。 3.客户档案。 4.销售代表档案。 二(资料的管理 销售助理负责本部门的资料管理工作,主管进行监督和督促。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 销售助理作为资料的管理人,应及时做好资料的收集、整理、归档,确保资料的 完整、正确和安全。 1.文字资料。 报董事会资料。注明所上报的具体董事、时间。 公司下发文件。在收文的次日早会宣读,会后存档。 《销售日报表》。由经办的销售代表当日详细填写,销售助理每天早会检查,会上汇总(包括当日汇总、截止当日汇总),主管会后检查。一本填完后存档。 《工作日志》。由各销售代表每天下班前完成,销售助理当日汇总,次日提供给相关领导和相关部门。分项目销售时间存档。 合同书的管理。详见《预定单合同的管理》。 预定单的管理。详见《预定单合同的管理》。 工程变更单的管理。销售部保留的工程变更单应分项目长期保存。 项目售前资料。长期保存。 项目售中资料。长期保存。 项目售后资料。长期保存。 注意事项: ?每份资料编写目录,建立借阅签字制。 ?根据质量 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 规定执行文字资料的保存期限,特别注意以下资料的保存,如指与客户签署的易引起争议的书面资料,如 a、客户的更名、转让资料(见《更名、转让手续的办理》); b、优惠客户的情况说明; c、公司对客户的赔偿资料(含时间、原因、客户姓名、购房位置、赔偿结果、领导签字、经办人签字、客户获赔后的声明);d、退房资料(见《退房手续的办理》)。 2.电脑部分。 主管机要加密,定期需更换密码,除经理、主管、销售助理以外的人员使用需征得主管以上一级领导同意。 涉及保密的邮件要打印出来后妥善管理,邮件删除。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 合 同 及 预 定 单 的 管 理 一、填写 1.由经办的销售代表填写,如该经办人员不在,由主管安排人员填写,该被安排的工作人员有义务保质、保量地完成,否则将作为责任人受到处罚。 2.字迹要工整、清楚,使用黑色钢笔或签字笔。如有修改,使用涂改液或刀片后再填写。 3.合同内容的填写。 合同包括:主合同、附加补充协议、车库协议等。 严格执行规定的单价、付款时间、既定的条款,如出现金额的优惠,付款时间的延长,合同条款的修改,补充条款的增加等被视作特殊合同,特殊合同需做特殊合同评审。 合同金额四舍五入保留到元,并保证分项金额之和等于总金额,单价乘以面积等于总价。 合同中须注明定金金额,定金统一为一万元。 大写金额处有数据前的“零”可用“/”代替,数据中的“零”不得简写。 填写不得有空白栏,无内容填写应用“/”划去,否则造成后果者自行承担一切后果。 合同上一定要留有客户的身份证号、通讯电话、通讯地址。 4.合同签写的程序。 合同书先由销售助理按质量手册的要求做了标准合同评审,由经办销售代表按标准合同文本填写,原则上合同一式三份,客户、公司财务、销售各一份,销售保留的一份由销售助理核查后管理,核查的内容同上,根据实际情况合同份数可增减。 5.认购书内容的填写。 严格执行规定的单价、预定截止期限(从签预定单次日起3天),如有调整视作特殊预定单,单价的优惠由经理以上一级领导签字,预定截止日期的延长由主管以上一级领导签字。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid www.jzw980.com 填写不得有空白栏,无内容填写应用“/”划去,否则造成后果者自行承担一切后 果。单上一定要留有客户的通讯电话、通讯地址 特别注意单价与付款方式的对应一致,否则自行承担一切后果。 6.认购书签写的程序。 认购书一式二份,客户、销售部各一份,销售保留的一份由销售助理核查后管理,核查内容包括整个预定单及补充条款的每一条、每一款,特殊预定单是否有相关领导签字认可,如预定单出错参照合同出错情况处理。 预定金一般为一万元,特殊情况下主管可酌情考虑定金金额。 二、管理(此工作由销售助理承担,主管进行监督) 1.合同的管理。 时间:从客户签合同开始到移交给物管公司之前。 内容:分项目、分住宅和铺面;建立借阅签字制。 注意事项:应作为机密资料保存,不得遗失,不得将信息告诉他人;除公司领导、销售经理、销售主管、合同经办人员以外,其他人员查看合同须经主管同意,借阅须签字。 2.认购书的管理。 时间:根据质量手册的规定执行(从客户签单开始至签定合同后),一般情况该预定单无论是有效的、作废的、过期的都保存至交房时以备查。 内容:分项目、分已退房和未退房、分有效的和失效的。 regulations, construction scaffolding is safe and reliable, and climbing ladders, lifting Commander 1 established, full-time safety officer 1, responsible for checking the safety guarantee measures, echoed up and down, prevent accidents. 12) traffic pavement in accordance with requirements of the transport sector, and separated by closed isolation barrier, construction and non-construction with barrier isolation. 13) volunteer fire organizations, employees conducting fire prevention publicity and education of the knowledge, skills, and organizational implementation of fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plans and walkthroughs. 8.4.5 specific construction program for safety technology according to the Hebei provincial construction safety inspection rules for the implementation of requirements of the standard, a separate specific construction program for the following 1) scaffold erection, dismantling programme; 2) Foundation support schemes; 3) construction project of template engineering; 4) "three treasures", "four" protection scheme; 5) construction organization design of temporary power supply; 6) installation, demolition of a tower crane programme; 7) lifting operation plan. 8.5 8.5.1 environmental management goals of environmental protection, civilization construction without major environmental pollution accident, waste gas, waste water, noise, dust, solid
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