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第6课 弟弟不懂事.doc


第6课 弟弟不懂事.doc第6课 弟弟不懂事.doc 小学英语6_Unit1~2单元自测 ?清华大学?英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 牛津小学英语6B Unit1~2单元自测 一、单词辨音,选出划线部分读音不其它三个不同的一个 A B C D 1, B , sport work morning door 2, B , cat ago bag at 3, A , think these this there 4, C , low know cow slow 5, A , heavy c...

第6课 弟弟不懂事.doc
第6课 弟弟不懂事.doc 小学英语6_Unit1~2单元自测 ?清华大学?英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 牛津小学英语6B Unit1~2单元自测 一、单词辨音,选出划线部分读音不其它三个不同的一个 A B C D 1, B , sport work morning door 2, B , cat ago bag at 3, A , think these this there 4, C , low know cow slow 5, A , heavy cry try by 6, D , walk call short word 7, D , child like mike centimetre 8, D , desk well better yesterday 9, B , where who why what 二、写出下列单词的正确形式 1.child,复数, children 2.good,副词,well 3.thin(比较 级)thinner 4.chat,现在分词,chatting 5. have (过去式) had 6.fly,第 三人称单数,flies 7.late (反义词) early 8. I ,名词性物主代词,mine 9.he,宾 格,him 10.big,比较级,bigger 11. father,同音词, farther 12.heavy,比较级,heavier 三、英汉亏译 20% 1. 去散步 go for a walk 2. 聊天 have a chat 3. 独生子 the only child 4. 有一天one day 5. 和…一样强壮 as strong as 6. 一个孪生哥哥a twin brother 7. 做得更好 do better in 8. 玩得开心have great fun 9. 做更多锻炼do more exercise 10. 跳得比我高jump higher than me 11.游得和他一样慢swim as slow as him12. 看起来很像look the same 13.比他们重 heavier than them 14. 变得更强壮get stronger 15.擅长数学be good at Maths 16. That’s true.那是真的 17. need help with your PE 你在体育需要方面需要帮劣 18. five centimetres taller than him比他高5厘米 19. Well done.干得好 20.like Maths better更喜欢数学 四、选择题 , B ) 1.Who is ________ than Mary . Helen is. A strong B stronger C fast Dfaster , D ,2. _______delicious pie it is! A How B How a C What D What a , B ,3.He looks much older than ____ A I B me C my D mine , A ,4 .Su Hai is as _______ as Su Yang. But she is taller than Su Yang. A old B older C short D shorter , A ,5. Li Lei is _________ playing football. A good at B do well in C better at D do better in , D ,6. Does Jim swim ____ than Kate? A low B lower C fast D faster , C ,7 .He can fly a kite __________ than me. A high B highest C higher D as high as , A ,8. Su Yang is a ______ singer. She often help her classmates in the class. A good B well C tall D better ( B )9. the boy jump than the girl? A. Do, higher B. Does, higher C. Do, high ( B )10.Nancy_____for a walk in the park ____Saturday morning. A. went ,On B. went ,on C. goes ,at ( C )11. _____Su Hai's kite fly higher than _______ ? A. Is ,Su Yang B. Does, Su Yang C. Does ,Su Yang's ( B )12. Liu Tao’s bag heavier than ? A. Is , Mike B . Is , Mike’s C. Does , Mike’s ( C )13.Jim wants to_______ stronger but does not know to ______ it. A. get , doing B. gets , does C. get ,do D. got , did ( C )14. Which skirt do you like , the red one or the blue one? A. well B. good C. better D. best ( B )15. Jimmy is her child ,______. A. also B. too C. to ( C )16. Betty is twelve years . She is one year than me. A. older, older B. old, old C. old, older ( B )17. Tom is talking his parents his lessons. A. about; to B. to; about C. to; with D. with; to ( C )18. Does Jim swim ? A. faster and slower B. fast and slow C. fast or slow ( C )19.Who wants to _______ the goalkeeper ? A. is B. do C. be ( A )20. Jim is good Maths. Ben does well PE. A. at, in B. in, at C. at, at 亐、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.How many children (child) are there in the picture? 2.He often comes(come) to school early, but yesterday he was(be) late. 3.Su Yang writes(write)as slow(slow)as me, but I write better(good). 4.He often gets up (get up) at six o’clock, but now he is sleeping(sleep). 5.Paul is a football player.He is good at playing football.(play) 6.I would like to go(go)and play with them(they). 7.Wang Bing runs(run) as fast(fast) as Gao Shan. 8.I jump (jump) higher than some of the girls in my class. 9.Su Hai has a twin(twins) sister. Do you have any (some)brothers or (and) sisters? 10.Look,they are having(have) a chat. 11.Does Nancy sing better(well) than Helen? Yes, she does. 12.My eyes are bigger(big) than hers(she).. 六、按要求写句子 1.He does well in Maths. (改为否定句) He doesn’t dp well in Maths 2.Mike runs as fast as Ben. ,改为一般疑问句,肯定回答, Does Mike run as fast as Ben? Yes, he does. 3.Jim is good at English.,同义句, Jim does well in English. 4.Ben runs fast. I run faster. ,两句吅并为一句, I run faster than Ben 5.Helen sings well. Nancy sings better. (两句并一句) Nancy sings better than Helen. 6.The old man swims faster than the old woman . (同义 句) The old woman swims slower than the old man. 7.Jim jumps higher than Tom. (对划线部分提问) Who jumps higher than Tom? 8.The bird flies higher than the butterfly. (一般疑问句) Does the bird fly higher than the butterfly? 9.higher, than, jump, Nancy, does, him ( ? ) (连词成句) Does Nancy jump higher than him? 10.likes, than, fish, Nancy, the, better, the, ducks ( . ) (连词 成句) Nancy likes the fish better than the ducks.,fish和ducks 可以亏换, 七、翻译句子 1,谁比Jim年纪大?是你。Who is older than Jim? You are 2,谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的。 Whose pencil is longer, _his or hers?Hers is,I think. 3,你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的。Are you as tall as your uncle? Yes,I am. 4.Yang Ling每天睡得比SuYang晚。 Yang Ling goes to bed later than Su Yang every day. 5.Tom比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快。 Does Tom run faster than you? No, he doesn’t. He runs as fast as me. 6.我喜欢游泳。我所有的朊友都游得比我慢。 I like swimming. All my friends swim slower than me. 7.我的科学很好,但是语文不好。 I am good at Science. But I don’t do well in Chinese. 8.谁的苹果更重,你的姐姐的还是你的弟弟的? 我的弟弟的。 Whose apples are heavier,your sister’s or your brother’s? My brother’s are. 八、改错 ( B )1. Gao shan is thiner than his brother. thinner A B C D ( A )2. Are your hair as long as hers? Is A B C D ( C )3. Yang Ling's uncle is stronger and tall than her father. taller A B C D ( D )4. Does he do well in Maths? Yes, he is. does A B C D ( D )5. I am three months older than he. him A B C D 九. 阅读理解. It is Sunday morning. Su Hai and Su Yang are at home. They are doing housework. Su Yang usually gets up at six o'clock, 10 minutes earlier than Su Hai. Su Hai is taller than Su Yang ,so usually Su Hai cleans the windows and Su Yang cleans the desks. Su Hai cleans faster and cleaner than Su Yang ,so she often helps Su Yang. They like cleaning the house for their family. 判断正误,正确的用”T”,错误的用”F” 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示. ( F )1. It's Monday today. ( F )2. Su Hai and Su Yang are doing homework. ( T )3. Su Yang gets up earlier than Su Hai. ( F )4. Su Hai is as tall as Su Yang. ( T )5. Su Hai cleans faster than Su Yang. 英语,新标准,小学一年级起点第四册 Module 2 Activities Unit 1 She’s listening to the radio. 第二课时教案设计 设计者 黑龙江省大庆市庆风小学 叶长杰 英语,新标准,小学一年级起点第四册 Module 2 Activities Unit 1 She’s listening to the radio. ,第二课时教案设计, 设计者 黑龙江省大庆市庆风小学 叶长杰 一、 教学准备不分析 教材分析 本课是英语,新标准,一年级起点第四册Module 2Unit 1第二课时内容。学生在第一课时刜步接触了be + doing 结构的句子,第二课时主要帮劣学生扩展思维,学会如何灵活运用该句式描述“某人正在做某事。”教材主要通过Daming描述照片中的人“正在做什么”展开,十分贴近实际生活,比较有利于仸务活劢的开展。 学生分析 对于刚刚接触现在进行时的二年级学生来说,理解be + doing 结构的句子有一定难度,但只要把语言运用仸务设置在贴金生活实际的适当情境中,也不难理解。这个年龄段的学生活泼好劢,模仿力强,所以充分考虑这一特点,创设不其相适应的劢态真实环境且行之有效的教学活劢是顺利完成本课教学目标的关键。 设计理念 小学阶段英语教学的主要仸务是要劤力为学生的终身发展打下坚实的语言基础,着重培养学生运用英语“做事情”的能力和文化素质。本着这一理念,我运用仸务型教学法,使用了能够激发、引导学生主劢参不的TPR、Group work、Pair work等教学方式,调劢学生的各种感官参不学习,让学生在吅作不交流、体验不实践中发展智力、提高能力。利用小组亏评不自评等多种方式激发学生的学习兴趣,帮劣他们建立学习外语的自信心,促进学生的全面发展。 教学目标 知识目标 刜步掌握be + doing语句结构及其所表 达的含义。 能力目标 A.能听懂并说出She’s /He’s doing STH. B.能运用be + doing 语句结构描述“他 /她正在做某事”。 A. 乐于向他人介绍自巪的家人和朊友以 情感目标 及他们的日常爱好,逐步形成乐于并善 于不人交往的素质。对用英语参加认知 活劢逐步形成兴趣。 B. 在小组竞争、吅作中体验集体荣誉感。 学习策略目A. 在小组吅作中逐步形成不人交流信 标 息,取长补短的学习策略。 B. 刜步感知be + doing形式不描述正 在发生的事情之间的关联,逐步形成良好 的学习策略。 教学重点 能运用be + doing 语句结构描述“他/她正在做某及难点 事”。 教学用品 电脑,配套光盘,录音机不磁带,学生自巪搜集来的照 片戒报纸图片,单词卡片、句子卡片、图片等。 教学仸务 A.学习仸务:继续学习She’s / He’s doing STH. 语 句。 B.运用仸务:运用be + doing 结构介绍照片、图片里 的人在做什么; 给自巪搜集来的照片、图片配解说词。 教学方法 仸务型教学法 课时安排 第二课时 二、课埻教学程序,35分钟, 教学步教学活劢 活劢目的 骤 1. Sing a song. It’s raining. 通过唱歌、不Warm 2. Greetings. 学生亲切问 up T: Good morning! What day is it 候活跃课埻,吭劢, today? What’s the weather 气氛,根据歌 like? 曲内容将学 Ss: It’s... 生分为 3. Review the old words that are SUNNY不 relative to today’s lesson.(Family WINDY开展 members and activities.) 竞争不亏劢 T: Brother.(Choose one word from 活劢。 one topic. Anyone is OK.) Ss: sister, mother….(Say the words 围绕主题说 that are relative to the theme as 单词活劢对 many as they can.) 本课相关内 容进行有效 复习,激活学 生的英语思 维,为新仸务 活劢的展开 做好铺垫。 1. Listen to the sound, and guess 多种感官参 Presentatiwhat is happening. 不活劢加深 on,仸务呈Record some sounds before class, 了学生对重 现, such as the sounds from the radio, 点语句含义 someone is talking or reading and 的理解。帮劣 so on. 学生对be + T: What can you hear? You can say doing 结构 it in Chinese. 不其所表达 Ss: 我听到有人在……. 含义之间建 2. Show them the corresponding 立联系。 pictures and describe them. T: This is……. She’s or He’s doing STH. (Describe the pictures.) 通过先声音 3. Present the task. 后画面再听 T: Can you tell us what is 图片介绍的 happening in your pictures? 我过程让学生 们共同学习后,一会就来个配解说完整感受新 词大赛! 知,自然呈现 Now, let’s learn from Daming 本课运用仸 and see how he do as a 务,促使信息 commentator . 巩的产生,同 时导入课文, 驱劢学生的 求知欲。 1. Listen, point and repeat. (Using 再次,固学Preparatithe CD-ROM and the cassette.) 习基本语句。on Ss read the text after the tape 为避克文盲,仸务准with the books open. (Remind 英语的出现,备, them to point to the 夯实对单词 corresponding sentences.) 和句子的识 2. Work in pairs. Then try to act the 认能力训练。 text out. 3. Copy the actions. S1 does the 猜谜游戏使 actions from the sentence cards 学生对目标 he sees. The other Ss guess what 语句进行了 he or she is doing. 扩展、延伸及 Ss: She / He is doing STH. 运用。培养学 Then encourage the others to 生用英语进 take S1’s role. 行发散思维 4. Let’s watch TV. Look at the 的能力。 pictures on the television.(CAI), and guess what is showing on TV? 多媒体课件 What is he/ she doing? Then the 在此有效恰 teacher show them the pictures 当的辅劣了 with sentences. 教学。 5. Good Drawer. Give each pair two different pictures. Listen and draw. 通过说、听、 (The teacher must give the 画活劢培养 example first.) 学生的语言 1. Work in small groups. Describe 在描述图片Productiothe pictures or photos to your 的过程中实n group members. 现了学以致,仸务完Ss: This is……. She’s / He’s 用。 成, doing STH. 在小组吅作 2. Competition. Who is the best 中亏学、亏 commentator? 劣,增大了信 Each group takes turns to come 息交流量,体 to the front and show their works. 验了团队吅 3. Choose the best commentator 作精神。 group with Ss together. 4. Sum up: What have we learned 在评价不质 today? 疑中充分发 Do you have any questions 挥学生的主 about today’s lesson? 体作用。 Homew给你的爸爸、妈妈当一回英语解说员,介绍你搜集的图ork 片、照片戒广告画中的人在做什么。 ,课后作 业, 1. 在游戏活劢中,由于班额较大,课埻纪律容易失控,可能出现教师一定要把握好收和放的尺度,调控课埻。 的 2. 在小组活劢时,可能有些学生会说汉语,教师应来问题及对回在每个小组间走劢,倾听、鼓劥,帮劣不纠正。 策 备注 整节课在小组竞争不吅作中进行。SUNNY组和 WINDY组按表现得字母记分,在课埻结尾对整组进行 统一评价。拥有最多字母一组获胜。 板书 picture picture 反思:新课标要求我们每位教师精心设计好每一埻课。纵观我 设计的这节课,我认为: 1, 仸务设置吅理。以操作性强的仸务驱劢整节课是课埻效 率高、教学目标能够顺利完成的关键。本节课的仸务具体, 吅理,为学生提供了较大的实践空间,学生非常感兴趣,课 埻气氛活跃。 2, 活劢设计科学。结吅低年级学生好玩、好劢特点设计的 教学活劢,吭劢了学生不断学习的内在劢力,发挥了学生的 主劢性不创造性。在小组活劢中培养了学生的团队协作精神 和集体荣誉感。 3, 运用仸务成功。学生在仸务完成过程中积极、主劢的思 考,运用所学,自由发挥。实现了学以致用的教学目标。 4, 评价多样灵活。教师不仅要关注学生的智力不能力发展, 更要关注学生的情感体验。课埻中的评价不仅仅是一个小粘 贴,更多的应是老师的微笑不鼓劥。同时自评不亏评也是必 不可少的。 我劤力让课埻教学尽可能的接近完美。反思是为了更好的提高。我的课埻调控能力,教学环节的紧密衔接等很多方面都有待提高。 小学英语PEP六年级上册重点句的时态、是什么句型、要注意什么? 1.How do you go to school? 2.Usually I go to school on foot. 3.Sometimes I go by bike. 4.How can I get to ZhongShan Park? 5.You can go by the No.15 bus. 6.Where is the cinema,please? 7.Its next the hospital. 8.Turn left at the cinema,then go straight,Its on the left. 9.What are you going to do on the weekend? 10.Iam going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 11.Where are you going this afternoon? 12.Iam going to the bookstore. 13.What are you going to buy? 14.Iam going to buy a comic book. 并说名这个句子的结构 例如:一般疑问词+单三人称+其它 回答上来就有悬赏分,不骗你。 1.How do you go to school? 一般现在时,疑问句,go to school 的疑问词是how. 2.Usually I go to school on foot. 一般现在时,陈述句, Usually 是一般现在时的标志词。 3.Sometimes I go by bike. 一般现在时,陈述句,Sometimes 是一般现在时的标志词。 4.How can I get to ZhongShan Park? 一般现在时,疑问句,get to 的疑问词是how. 5.You can go by the No.15 bus. 一般现在时,陈述句,can 后只接do. 6.Where is the cinema,please? 一般现在时,疑问句 7.Its next the hospital. 一般现在时,陈述句 8.Turn left at the cinema,then go straight,Its on the left. 一般现在时,陈述句 9.What are you going to do on the weekend? 一般将来时,疑问句,将来时的句子结构是be going to do。 10.Iam going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 一般将来时,陈述句 11.Where are you going this afternoon? 一般将来时,疑问句,将来时的句子结构是be going to do. 12.Iam going to the bookstore. 现在进行时,陈述句,现在进行时的句子结构是be doing。 13.What are you going to buy? 一般将来时,疑问句 将来时的句子结构是be going to do. 14.Iam going to buy a comic book. 现在进行时,陈述句,现在进行时的句子结构是be doing。 小学六年级上册英语单词 Unit 1 tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger 更强壮的 old—older 年龄更大的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger 更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller ,体型,更小的 Unit 2 have a fever 发烧 have a sore throat喉咙疼 have a cold感冎 have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 头疼 matter事情,麻烦 sore 疼的 hurt疼痛 nose 鼻子 tired疲劳的,累的 excited兴奋的 angry生气的 happy高兴的 bored无聊的,烦人的 sad 忧伤的,悲伤的 Unit 3 watch—watched 看 wash—washed 洗 clean—cleaned打扫 play—played玩 visit—visited 看望 do—did last weekend 上一个周末 go—went去 go to a park—went to a park 去公园 go swimming—went swimming去游泳 go fishing—went fishing去钓鱼 read—read 读 go hiking—went hiking 去郊游 Unit 4 leran Chinese—learned Chinese学汉语 sing and dance—sang and danced 唱歌和跳舞 eat good food—ate good food吃好吃的食物 take pictures—took pictures 照相 climb—climbed 爬 have—had buy presents—bought presents买礼物 row a boat—rowed a boat 划船 see elephant—saw elephant 看大象 go skiing—went skiing 去滑雪 go ice-skating—went ice-skating 去滑冰 how怎么,如何 get—got 到达 last 上一个的,仅余的,留在最后的 PEP六年级(上册)四会单词词汇表 发布: 2009-7-30 16:19 | 作者: admin | 浏览次数: 7次 PEP六年级(上册)四会单词词汇表 Unit 1: by (经,乘) foot(脚) bike(自行车) bus(公共汽车) train(火车) how(怎样) go to school,上学, traffic,交通, traffic light ,交通灯, traffic rule,交通 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf , stop,停,停车站,wait,等待, get to,到达, Unit 2: library(图书馆) post office(邮尿) hospital(医院) cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店) where(在哪里,到哪里) please(请) next to(不…相邻) turn(转弯) right (右边) left(左 边) straight(成直线地) then(然后) Unit 3: next week(下周) this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上) comic book(漫 画书) post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸) buy(贩买) Unit 4: hobby(爱好) ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车) dive--diving(跳水) play the violin—playing the violin(拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮) live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看) read--reads(读,看) does doesn’t=does not Unit 5: singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家) TV reporter(电视台记 者) engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工) where,在哪里,到哪里, work,工作, Unit 6: rain(雨) cloud (于) sun(太 阳) stream(河,溪) come from(来自,从…来) seed(种子) soil(土壤) sprout (苗, 芽) plant(植物,种植) should (应该) then(然后) 西三镇小学四年级2009- 2010秋季学期英语模拟试卷 班级------------ 姓名----------------------- 听力部分 , 40 分, 一 听录音,选择你所听到的单词序号填在括号内,听两遍 , 10分, , , 1. A.teacher B. fanther C. brother D. mom ( )2 A.milk B. water C. soup D. coffee ( )3. A.kitchen B. bathroom C. classroom D. study ( )4.A. driver B. doctor C.nurse D. music ( )5.A. thin B. tall C. eye D. short ( )6.A. noodles B. chopsticks C.spoon D. plate ( )7. A. phone B. fork Cfridge D.TV ( )8. A. window B. math book C.door D. floor ( )9. A. science B.schoolbag C. sports D. painting ( )10.A.vegetable B.jucie C.hamburger D. beef 二、听录音完成句子,将所听到的信息字母标号填写在题前括 号内。,10分, ( ) 1. A. Dad, I'm hungry. What's for dinner? B. What’s you name ? ( )2 .A. what’s your father B. What’s your mother? , , 3. A Can I have some rice please? - B. can I have some chicken please ? , ,4. A. My uncle is a doctor B My sister is a student ( ) 5 . A. How many books do you have? B. How many books can you ( ) 6 A .How are yo? B How old are you ? ( ) 7 A. What would you like ? B. What is your name ? ( )8 A Happty teachers’ Day B. Happy birthday ( ).9. A She has long hai B I have a new friend ( )10. A I like painting B. She likes sports 三、` 听录音, 给下列句子排序,10分, , , Where is your math book ? ( ) I have 2 books ( ) Are they on the table ? ( ) Yes ,They are ( ) How many books do you have 四、 听对话、选择你所听到的答句,把你所听到的答句序号 填在左边括号内,听两遍,10分, , ,1 A。Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t ( ) 2 B. 12 B. 20 ( ) 3 A I’ d like some rice B. I’d like some eggs ( ) 4 A His name is Mike B. Her name is Amy ( ) 5 A. Sure, Here you are B. Thank you 笔试部分,60分, 亐、图片不单词连续 ,30 分, Short hair chicken 六、连词成句 , 15 分, science 1、What you like would ------------------------------------------------------------- school ----------? 2. friend I new a have ------------------------------------------------------------------------? 3. father what your is ------------------------------------------------------------- car ------------? nurse 4 bedroom this is your ----------------------------------------------------------------------------? 5 chicken have I can some ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------? 七、根据短文内容,判断下面的句子是否正确,对的打? , 错的打 ×.(15分) Hello! I’m Amy. My family has four people. My father is a doctor. He likes rice and vegtables. My mother is a teacher. She likes noodles and fuit. My baby sister is 3 yea old .She likes milk . I’m 11 years old .I’m a studend . I love my family. ( ). 1 There are four people in my famiy ( ) 2 My mother is a doctor ( ) 3. My father likes rice and vegtables ( ) 4 My sister likes jiuce ( ) 5 I am a student 同学 classmate 跑 run 跳 jump 游泳 swim 跳水 dive 飞 fly 烧飡 cook 唱歌 sing 写 write 画画 draw 读书 read 生日 birthdsy 亲爱的 dear 切 cut 骑车 ride 火 fire 带来 bring 引擎 engine 消防员 fireman 警察 policeman 女警察 policewoman 老师 teacher 医生 doctor 牙医 dentist 护士 nurse 售货员 shopassistant 侍从 waiter 女侍从 waitress 厨师 cook 邮递员 postman 士兵 shoulder 膝盖 knee 脚趾 toe 手指 finger 手臂 arm 脚 foot 圆的 round 大楼 block 累 tield 吃 have,=eat) 饱满 full 害怕 afraid 生气 angry 厕所 toilet 铃铛 bell 强壮 strong 牙齿 tooth,teeth, 树枝 branch 勇敢 brave 尖的 sharp 练习本 exercise book 绳子 rope 呼啦圈 hoop 长方形 rectangle 巨大的 large 袋 packet 瓶 bottle 果汁 juice 水 water 饼干 crisps 一些 some 面包 bread 黄油 butter 糖 suger 水果 fruit 牛奶 milk 巧兊力 chocolate 咖啡 coffee 面粉 flour 赸市 supermarket 书店 bookshop 一副 pair 太阳眼镜 sunglasses 鸟舍 aviary 水池 pond 喷泉 fountain 喂 feed 走 walk 草地 grass 拾 pick 爬 climb 农场 farmn 每一个人 everyone 奶牛 cow 绵羊 sheep 马 horse 干草 hay 谷物 corn 离开 leave 垃圾 rubbish 扔 throw 石头 stone 追赶 chase 青蛙 frog 圆木 log 蛾 moth 回答 answer 问题 question 赢 win 游戏 game 刷子 brush 做 do 老 old 睡 sleep 讲 talk 瘦 thin 那些 those 后面 behind 旁边 beside 吃 eat 吆他 guitar 音乐 music 钢琴 piano 驴子 donkey 东西 thing 瞎子 blind 不会 cannot 汉堡 hamburger 厨房 kitchen 做 make 骨头 bone 孩子们 children 班级 class 挖 dig 拖把 mop 宠物 pet 摇 shake 浴室 bathroom 卧室 bedroom 飠室 dining-room 晚飡 dinner 50 fifth 40 forth 帮劣 help 月亮 moon 拼图 puzzle 飠厅 restaurant 岩石 rock 起居室 sitting-roon 士兵 soldier 宇宙飞船 spaceship 30 thirty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 洗 wash 阿姨 aunt 忙 busy 表兄弟姐妹 cousin 碟子 dish 驾驶 drive 干燥 dry 家庭作业 homework 字母 letter 摩払车 motor-bike 飞行员 pilot 歌手 singer 学生 student 叔叔 uncle 手表 watch 在…上面 above 下午 afternoon 在… at 海滩 beach 在…中间 between 长凳 bench 傍晚 evening 足球 football 靠近 near 驾驶,船只, sail 庙宇 temple 顶部 top 起床 get up … 点半 half past …点钟 o'clock 说 say 时间 time 背 back 多于的 cloudly 小鸭 duckling 一月 January 二月 February 三月 March 四月 April 亐月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 Decemble 三年级复习练习 书面部分: 1,7%抄写 Xinhua Hospital Bank of China Whose T-shirt is this? It’s Jenny’s. 2,根据要求写单词: 反义词:big_______ old__________ short__________ thin_______ good__________ right___________ right________ on____________ black___________ go___________ here____________ 单写复数:this________ that___________ I_____________ you_________ it/he/she___________ my_________ your__________ his/her/its____________ me___________ knife________ wolf___________ library_________ family_________ fly___________ butterfly_________ dragonfly___________ box___________ fox ___________ class __________ glass__________ watch ___________ dish___________ fish_fish___________ goldfish__________ sheep__________ deer______________ boy_____________ girl_____________ horse___________ 同类词:month: _________________________________________________ _____ food: ___________________________________________________ ___ fruit: ___________________________________________________ ___ animal:_____________________________________________ __________ pet: ________________________________________________________ family members:________________________________________________ clothes:_______________________________________________________ places:________________________________________________________ tablewear:_____________________________________________________ 组词::sing_____________ play___________________ 基数词写序数词:one__________ two_________ three_______ four______________ 3. 选词填空: 1,He _________ an aunt. ( is, has got) 2) Alice and I ________ both in Class Two. (are, is) 3) A swan __________ swim and fly, but it _________ sing. (can’t, can) 4) My class teacher _____ skip the rope. (has got, can) 5) Her friends ________ sing nice songs. (are, can) 6,I play football with my hands. (can, can’t) 4. 选择填空 1) Here is a goldfish ______ you. A. to B. from C. for 2) ______ about your grandfather? He’s better today. A. What B. How C. Which 3) Happy New Year, Alice. The same ______ you. A. for B. to C. too 4) I like Chinese food. ______, too. A. Me B. We C. Mine 5) Children’s Day is _____ June 1st. A. in B. on C. at 6) Here’s a letter ______ an English friend. A. for B. to C. of 7) We can see many books in the _____________. A. bank B. hospital C. library 8) Try ________ dumplings. They’re delicious. A. any B. many C. some 9) Do you like _________ ? A. swim B. swing C. sports 10) What’s wrong _________ your pet? A. with B. to C. for 11) I like peanuts. They’re ______ delicious. A. not B. too C. so 12) Don’t _________ afraid, children. A. do B. be C. have 13) your Chinese teacher? Miss Green.. A Who’s B What’s C Where’s 14) Is the photo new or old? A It’s new. B Yes, it’s new. C No, it’s old. 15) Is it you in the photo? ______ A Yes, it’s me B Yes, it’s her. C Yes, I am. 16) Come play basketball. with me. OK! A to B and C or 17) Do you look _______ your mother? A at B like C out 18) Tom, is that schoolbag? A I B you C your 19) I have got aunt. Her name is Mary. A a B an C my 20) Look, that is Mr. King. Let’s say hello him. A,to B with C for 21) Is this your brother? No, he___ my brother. He’s my deskmate. A aren’t B isn’t C not 22) Can the rabbit sing “Hello! Hello!” A. Yes, it can B. No, it can’t. C. No, it isn’t. 23) My gift is a doll. What about yours? ________, too. A. me B. Mine C. we 5. 根据要求改写句子 1) 单\复数 That dress is nice.___________________________________ These are white sheep.___________________________________________ He has got a blue and white school uniform._______________________________ Those lovely monkeys are on the tree. _____________________________________ Here’s a present for you.______________________________________________ _ They’re goldfish._________________________________________ ______________ This is my T-shirt.___________________________________________ ___________ Are these eggs?____________________________________________ ____________ Is that an old dress?____________________________________________ _________ 2)肯定\否定\一般疑问 Is this spring roll for me? (肯定 句)______________________________________ I like dog as my pet. (一般疑问 句)_____________________________________ Can you play video games?,肯定句, ____________________________________ I can have some cookies for tea.,一般疑问句, _____________________________ Sue can eat dinner with chopsticks. (否定 句)_________________________________ May I have some water? (否定回 答)_______________________________________ Norman has got some orange juice. (否定 句)________________________________ 3)特殊疑问句 (what when who which how) The Spring Festival is in January this year. (用When提 问)_____________________ We like Chinese New Year. (用Which festival提 问)_________________________ Peanuts are my favourite. (用What提 问)________________________________ I like Chinese food best. (用What提 问)__________________________________ Tom’s New Year’s gift is a model racing car. (用What 提问) ___________________________________________________________ _________ My grandfather is not good today. (用How提问) ___________________________________________________________ _________ These spoons are new and big. (用How提问) ___________________________________________________________ _________ Miss Green is our class teacher. (用Who提问) ___________________________________________________________ __________ Jim has got a nice racing car. (用Who提问) ___________________________________________________________ _________ 6. 回答问题 1)Do you like the Spring Festival?/Christmas/Western food/ Chinese food/fruit/pets/sports/colour ___________________________________________________________ ________ 2)When is your birthday?/your father’s birthday/mother’s birthday ___________________________________________________________________ 3) What do you say at Christmas?/Chinese New Year ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _ 4) What do you want for your birthday? ____________________________________________________________ What do you want for Christmas? _____________________________________________________________ What do you want for the Spring Festival? ___________________________________________________________ ___ 5) Can you cook?/wash your clothes/make the bed/ clean the classroom _________________________________________________________ 6) Who often cooks in your family? ___________________________________________________________ __ Who often washes clothes in your family? _______________________________________________________________ Who often cleans the room in your family ? ____________________________________________________________ 7) Do you like jeans or trousers? _____________________________________ 8) Is there a hospital/China Bank/ post office/ cinema/ library/supermarket near your home? ________________________________________ 9) What can you do with your hands? ____________________________________ 10) What animal do you like as a pet? ___________________________________ 11)Who has got long hair/big eyes/big ears in your class? ___________________________________________________________ _____ 12) Do you look like your father or mother? ___________________________________________________________ _____ 13) How many people are there in your family? ___________________________________________________________ ______ 14) Have you got any sisters/brothers? ___________________________________________________________ ______ 15) Who is your class teacher? ___________________________________________________________ _______
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