首页 XXXX生态清洁小流域规划设计



XXXX生态清洁小流域规划设计XXXX生态清洁小流域规划设计 0 综合说明 1 项目背景 1.1 说明项目的来源,简要说明工程基本情况等。 1.2 设计依据:设计依据的标准、规范、规程,小流域综合治理及水土保持单项工程初步设计考虑主要因素等。 2 流域基本情况及分析 2.1 自然概况 2.1.1 流域概况: 概述流域区的地理位置及经纬度、流域面积、流域形状,所属地貌类型区,海拔高程,相对高差等。 2.1.2 地质地貌: (1) 说明流域地质构造、地表的地层岩性及其分布情况,重要单项工程的基础地质情况等。 2) 说明流域主要...

XXXX生态清洁小流域规划 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 0 综合说明 1 项目背景 1.1 说明项目的来源,简要说明工程基本情况等。 1.2 设计依据:设计依据的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、规范、规程,小流域综合治理及水土保持单项工程初步设计考虑主要因素等。 2 流域基本情况及分析 2.1 自然概况 2.1.1 流域概况: 概述流域区的地理位置及经纬度、流域面积、流域形状,所属地貌类型区,海拔高程,相对高差等。 2.1.2 地质地貌: (1) 说明流域地质构造、地表的地层岩性及其分布情况,重要单项工程的基础地质情况等。 2) 说明流域主要地貌单元及分布。小流域的特征与形态,主要包括小( 流域的面积、流域平均长度、流域平均宽度、流域形状系数、沟道比降、沟谷裂度、沟壑密度、地面坡度组成等。 2.1.3 气象、水文: (1) 说明流域多年平均降水量,最大年降水量,最小年降水量,降水年内分布,多年平均蒸发量,年平均气温,大于等于10?的年活动积温,极端最高温度,极端最低温度,年均日照时数,无霜期,冻土深度,年平均风速,主害风风向,大风日数; (,)简述流域所属流域、水系,地表径流量,年径流系数,年内分配情况,含沙量,地下水位等水文状况。 ,.1.4 土壤、植被: (1)说明流域地面组成物质,土壤类型及其分布,土壤厚度,土壤养分含量;根据工程需要,调查说明土壤质地,容重,孔隙率,有机质含量等要素。 (2) 说明流域主要植被类型,郁闭度(森林),覆盖度(草、灌木),主 要树种、灌木、草种。 2.1.5 其他:根据工程需要,可补充说明水资源、矿产资源等情况 2.2 社会经济情况 2.2.1 行政区划、人口与劳力。说明流域行政区划,说明人口总数、人口密度、人口自然增长率、农业人口、劳力总数。 2.2.2 土地利用现状。调查说明流域土地利用现状,分析流域土地利用存在的主要问题。 2.2.3 农村经济状况: (1) 简述流域农村经济状况,说明流域农村经济总收入及农村产业结构情况,人均粮食产量,农民人均纯收入。 (2) 简述农业、林业、牧业、渔业及工副业等生产现状,主要分析农业、林业、牧业的结构情况。 ,.2.4 农村基础设施建设情况: 1 简述流域交通路网等基本情况,重点说明田间道路(含机耕道)等情况。 2 简述流域水利设施现状,说明其数量、容量或长度、运行情况等。 ,.2.5 其它情况。 ,.3 水土流失状况 ,.3.1 水土流失现状。 不同土地单元的土壤侵蚀分析 利用USLE方程或土壤侵蚀分类分级标准,计算和评价不同土地单元的土壤侵蚀。 明确流域水土流失类型、土壤侵蚀模数、年土壤侵蚀量、水土流失面积及强度分布,以及有关山地灾害情况。 ,.3.2 水土流失成因分析。分析说明造成流域水土流失的自然因素和人为因素,重点说明人为因素。 ,.3.3 水土流失危害。说明流域水土流失对当地及下游生产生活和生态环境造成的危害。 ,.4 水土保持工作情况 ,.4.1 水土保持现状。简述流域已进行的水土保持措施的类型、分布、面积、is completed in time for said items taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the balance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall immediately report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth section outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the buret is added to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then according to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being measured, this kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known concentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standard solution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction points. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally included in the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: indicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring point isreservations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, because it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum absolute error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the, it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou second bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation in the, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digital bit number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relative error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0.0112 is three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analysis of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method number of digits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standard. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, refer to 98~100?; 2. hot water means 70~80?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 4. refer to 10~30? at room temperature; 5. cold water is 2~10?; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature. 保存情况,产生的效果,水土保持监督管理等情况。 ,.4.2 主要经验和存在问题。 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 流域水土保持的主要经验,分析流域水土保 持目前还存在的问题。 ,.5土地适宜性评价 2.5.1 评价原则 2.5.2 评价指标和评价方法 2.5.3 适宜性评价 3 流域规划布局 2.1 土地利用调整 3.1.1 土地利用调整的原则。根据土地利用现状分析结论,确定流域土地利用 调整的原则。 3.1.2 调整前后土地利用变化情况。说明流域调整前后土地利用变化情况,列 表对比现状和治理期末的土地利用变化。 3.2 规划布局 3.2.1 三道防线划分 3.2.2 建设目标和规模 4 工程设计 4.1 生态修复区措施 4.1.1 封育保护 4.1.2 封禁标牌 4.2 生态治理区措施 4.2.1 梯田 4.2.2 经济林 4.2.3 水土保持林 4.2.4 节水灌溉 4.2.5 挡土墙 4.2.6 村庄排洪沟 4.2.7 村庄美化 4.2.8 生活垃圾处置 4.2.9 污水处理 4.2.10 生产道路 4.3 生态保护区措施 4.3.1 沟道现状 4.3.2沟道治理设计 4.3.3 沟道清理… 4.3.4 护岸典型设计 5 小流域监测 5.1 监测内容和监测指标 5.2 监测点位布设和监测方法 6 施工组织与实施 6.1 工程量 6.1.1 汇总各类措施的数量及工程量。 6.1.2 工程措施的工程量调整系数按《水利工程设计工程量计算规定》(SL359,2006)执行,林草措施的工程量调整系数取1.03。 6.2 施工条件 6.2.1 阐述流域气候和水文条件对工程施工的影响。 6.2.2 阐述施工交通 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 6.2.3 阐述苗木(种籽)、建筑材料、施工用水、电、风、油等来源和供应方案。 6.3 施工工艺 钢筋砼化粪池施工工艺铝模施工工艺免费下载干挂石材施工工艺图解装饰工程施工工艺标准钢结构施工工艺流程 和方法 6.3.1 明确各类措施的施工工艺、施工方法及要求。 6.4 施工布置和组织形式 6.4.1 明确施工组织形式,主要包括具有资质的施工单位施工、专业队施工、农民施工或多种形式结合。 6.4.2 对于治沟骨干工程以及较大的拦沙坝、塘坝、泥石流排导等应提出施工is completed in time for said items taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the balance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall immediately report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth section outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the buret is added to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then according to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being measured, this kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known concentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standard solution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction points. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally included in the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: indicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring point isreservations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, because it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum absolute error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the, it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou second bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation in the, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digital bit number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relative error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0.0112 is three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analysis of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method number of digits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standard. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, refer to 98~100?; 2. hot water means 70~80?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 4. refer to 10~30? at room temperature; 5. cold water is 2~10?; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature. 总布置,主要包括土石方平衡、取料场、弃渣场、场内道路、施工场地等。 6.5 施工进度 基本确定工程施工进度安排。 7 环境影响评价 7.1 环境影响分析 7.2 措施 8投资概算与经济评价 8.1 投资概算 8.1.1 简述工程简况,包括工程建设地点、建设规模、措施数量、主要材料用量、施工总工期、估算总投资、静态总投资等。 8.1.2 说明投资概算的编制原则、编制依据、项目划分、计算方法、采用的定额和取费标准以及价格水平年。 8.1.3 分析计算基础单价和工程单价,概算分项投资、工程静态总投资及动态总投资,测算分年度投资。 8.1.4 利用外资工程的内外资投资概算应在全内资估算的基础上结合利用外资型式进行编制。报帐型(式)需根据全内资概算结果按当时汇率将人民币转换为相应外币并考虑由于利用外资增加的相关费用。 8.1.5 应按《水土保持工程概(估)算编制规定》编制投资概算附件。 8.2 资金筹措 根据可行性研究阶段确定的投资分摊方式,确定资金筹措方案。 8.3 国民经济评价 计算三个指标 9 效益分析 9.1 经济效益 明确效益计算方法、主要指标及参数,明确效益定额、实物效益、农民收益,得出经济效益计算结果并进行评价。 9.2 生态效益 9.2.1 调水保土效益 根据典型观测数据结合效益分析结果,确定各项措施的调水、保土定额,进而计算工程实施后的蓄水、保土效益并列表说明。 9.2.2 生态效益 说明生态环境改善状况,主要包括林草覆盖率、减灾等。 9.3 社会效益 说明调整农业产业结构、增加就业机会、提高群众生活水平、节能等方面的社会效益。 10 实施的保障措施 10.1 组织机构与管理保障 10.2 技术保障 10.3 资金管理保障 10.4 宣传 附图 附图1 小流域土地利用现状图 附图2 小治理措施布局图 附图3 小治理措施典型设计图 is completed in time for said items taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the balance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall immediately report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth section outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the buret is added to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then according to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being measured, this kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known concentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standard solution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction points. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally included in the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: indicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring point isreservations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, because it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum absolute error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the, it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou second bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation in the, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digital bit number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relative error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0.0112 is three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analysis of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method number of digits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standard. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, refer to 98~100?; 2. hot water means 70~80?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 4. refer to 10~30? at room temperature; 5. cold water is 2~10?; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature. is completed in time for said items taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the balance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails, without repair, shall immediately report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth section outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the buret is added to the solution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then according to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being measured, this kind of method called titration analysis method for quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known concentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standard solution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping happen to reaction points. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally included in the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: indicator color changes. End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring point isreservations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, because it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute error of the result must be comparable with the maximum absolute error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the, it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained decimal Hou second bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation in the, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digital bit number at least of for standard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relative error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0.0112 is three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall prevail, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analysis of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method number of digits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product standard. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, refer to 98~100?; 2. hot water means 70~80?; 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 40~50?; 4. refer to 10~30? at room temperature; 5. cold water is 2~10?; 6. ice bath refers to about 0 degrees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature.
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