首页 养成初中生良好的学习习惯



养成初中生良好的学习习惯养成初中生良好的学习习惯 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific resea...

养成初中生良好的学习习惯 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 养成初中生良好的学习习惯 首先,培养孩子学习的兴趣 1.体验成功的快乐:一个总是失败的人是体验不到成功的快乐的。既然总是不成功,也就再不去努力了,甚至会自暴自弃。所以,每次开始学习的时候,我们都可以先从简单的入手。让自己体会一些成功的欣喜,这对提高你的学习兴趣大有裨益。 2.自我激励:首先为自己树立一个明确的目标,激励自己努力去实现。其次要学会自我暗示,经常对自己说一句激励的话,如“我一定能成功”。再次是要摆脱消极情绪。 3.掌握正确的学习方法:我们在平时的学习中,必须自己提炼和归纳一些学习上的经验教训,并虚心向老师、其他同学请教学习的方法技巧。 4.每次学习时间不宜过长:不要沦为学习、学习、再学习的机器。如果只是坐在书桌前,而不管效率如何,那么学习时间再长也毫无意义。 5.阶段性总结:每隔一段时间总结学习上的经验教训,找出可取之处,保持下去,对遇到的阻力和困难,找出解决之道,使自己始终保持一个乐观的心态、自信的心理去投入学习之中。 6.别人的兴趣从哪里来:向成绩好的同学请教,他们的学习兴趣都是怎么来的,吸收一切可以借鉴的方法。 其次,要掌握科学的学习方法: (1)抓住课堂四十五分钟,学会听课。 (2)合理安排时间,有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 地进行学习。 (3)遵循记忆规律安排学习。 (4)形成适合自己的有效的各科学习方法,因“科”制宜。 大部分孩子天生有对学习的热爱和兴趣,家长应给与鼓励,可以赞扬他们那种对于新鲜经历的热情,让他们明白学习是极有价值的,切忌用没完没了的习题来轰炸学生的兴趣。兴趣是打开成功之门的钥匙,一个孩子只要有强烈的好奇心,对新事物感兴趣,上手快,对学习充满勇气和信心,才能有所收获。数学学科具有一定的抽象性,给学生学习带来一定的困难,尤其是基础薄弱的学生,更是望而生畏,产生畏惧心理,给正常的授课带来层层叠嶂。针对这一特点,在教学过程中常给差生做一些简单的题目,,让差生尝试成功的喜悦,并给予赞赏鼓励,并开展数学兴趣活动,如:开展一些数学游戏,做一些数学趣题,紧密联系生活实际,克服自卑心理,树立信心,多想一些高兴的事,激发学生求知愿望,提高勇气和信心。留足给学生空间与时间,树立良好的时间观念,充分利用好每一分钟、一小时、一天……让有限的时间有效的收获。学生良好的学习习惯培养应从大处着眼,小处着手,从点滴做起,在学生作业中,坚持经常性地纠正学生的不良习惯,如数字的书写、符号的书写,字迹的清晰度,计算的准确性,数学概念的准确性,解决生活中问题的分析思维习惯,这些都需要教师付出艰辛的努力,科学的方法,才能把小学数学提高一个新的台阶 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 一、课前预习习惯 提前预习课程,每天晚上和上课前,都要对将要学习的课程做简要的预习,了解课程的 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 、重点、难点,为课堂学习做好准备。 二、课堂学习习惯 课堂上认真接受教师指导,专心致志地参与探索,全身心地投入学习.积极踊跃发言,敢于提出自己的不同见解,对与自己不一致的见解要敢于争论,并不断修正、弥补自己的不足。说话完整,口齿清楚,声音洪亮,仪态端庄。 要善于合作学习,在进行分级实验、动手操作、课外考察等活动时互相帮助,共同提高。学习要善于举一反三,善于通过学科间的联系理解问题。 三、制订计划习惯 在家长、教师指导下制订生活、读书、实践活动计划,制订切合实际的每周、每月、每学期学习目标、学习计划,并认真执行。 四、阅读习惯 每天课外阅读时间累计不少于30分钟,每天观看少儿电视节目不少于10分钟,每周背诵古诗文不少于2首。善于运用网络资源有效完成学习任务。 五、书写习惯 做作业时要专心,不边玩边写,不边吃边写,书写时先想好再下笔。 六、记忆习惯 对当天学习的内容及时复习巩固,需要记忆的字词句篇、概念、公式以及单词、语句、名人名言等理解深刻,记忆准确。 七、作业习惯 当天的作业要当天完成,在做完老师布置作业的前提下,有余力的学生要养成自主设计和完成作业的好习惯。 八、纠错习惯 当作业本、练习本、试卷等发下之后,首先查看老师的批改,对老师指出的错误必须及时改正,不放过一个错字或错题。要建立错题集,做好错题 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ,找出错因,及时订正。 学习习惯是在学习过程中经过反复练习形成并发展,成为一种个体需要的自动化学习行为方式。良好的学习习惯,有利于激发学生学习的积极性和主动性;有利于形成学习策略,提高学习效率;有利于培养自主学习能力;有利于培养学生的创新精神和创造能力,使学生终身受益。以下介绍一些良好的学习习惯,以供同学们参考: 1(主动学习的习惯 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 别人不督促能主动学习,一学习就要求自己立刻进入状态,力求高效率的利用每一分钟学习时间。要有意识地集中自己的注意力用于学习,并能坚持始终。 2(及时完成规定的学习任务的习惯 要在规定的时间完成规定的学习任务。把每个规定的学习时间分成若干时间段,根据学习内容,为每个时间段规定具体的学习任务,并要求自己必须在一个时间段内完成一个具体的学习任务。这样做,可以减少乃至避免学习时走神或注意力涣散的情况,有效地提高学习效率。还可以在完成每个具体学习任务后,产生一种成功的喜悦,使自己愉快地投入到下一时间段的学习中去。 3(各学科全面发展,不偏科的习惯 现代社会迫切需要的是发展全面的复合型人才,所以要求中学生要全面发展,不能偏科。这就要求中学生对自己不喜欢的学科更要努力学习,在学习中不断提高兴趣。对不喜欢的学科或基础比较薄弱的学科,可以适当降低标准,根据自己的实际情况,确立经过努力完全可以实现的初期目标、中期目标、远期目标,然后要求自己去完成。这是克服偏科现象的有效方法。 4(预习的习惯 课前预习可以提高课上学习效率,有助于培养自学能力。预习时应对要学的内容,认真研读,理解并应用预习提示、查阅工具书或有关资料进行学习,对有关问题加以认真思考,把不懂的问题做好标记,以便课上有重点地去听、去学、去练。 5(认真听课的习惯 上课时,老师不仅用语言传递信息,还会用动作、表情传递信息,用眼神与学生交流。因此,中学生上课必须盯着老师听,跟着老师想,调动所有感觉器官参与学习。能否调动所有感觉器官学习,是学习效率高低的关键性因素。上课要做到情绪饱满,精力集中;抓住重点,弄清关键;主动参与,思考分析;大胆发言,展示思维。 6(上课主动回答问题的习惯 中学生应该成为学习的主人,在课上要认真思考每一个问题,积极回答问题可以促进思考,加深理解,增强记忆,提高心理素质,促进创新意识的勃发。回答问题要主动,起立迅速,声音宏亮,表述清楚。 7(上课主动回答问题的习惯 中学生应该成为学习的主人,在课上要认真思考每一个问题,积极回答问题可以促进思考,加深理解,增强记忆,提高心里素质,促进创新意识的勃发。回答问题要主动,起立迅速,声音宏亮,表述清楚。 8(多思、善问、大胆质疑的习惯 学习要严肃认真、多思善问。“多思”就是把知识要点、思路、方法、知识间的联系、与生活实际的联系等认真思考,形成体系。“善问”不仅要多问自己几个为什么,还要虚心向老师、同学及他人询问,这样才能提高自己。而且,还要在学习的过程中,注意发现问题,研究问题,有所创造,敢于合理质疑已有的结论、说法,在尊重科学的前提下,敢于挑战权威,要做到决不轻易放过任何一个问题。要知道“最愚蠢的问题是不问问题”,应该养成向别人请教的习惯。 9(上课记笔记的习惯 在专心听讲的同时,要动笔做简单记录或记号。对重点内容、疑难问题、关键语句进行“圈、点、勾、画”,把一些关键性的词句记下来。有实验表明:上课光听extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 不记,仅能掌握当堂内容的30,,一字不落的记也只能掌握50,,而上课时在书上勾画重要内容,在书上记有关要点的关键的语句,课下再去整理,则能掌握所学内容的80,。 10(课后复习的习惯 课后不要急于做作业,一定要先对每一节课所学内容进行认真的复习,归纳知识要点,找出知识之间的联系,明确新旧知识之间的联系,形成知识结构或提要步骤式知识结构。主动询问,补上没有学好的内容。对不同的学习内容要注意进行交替复习。 11(及时完成作业的习惯 按时完成老师布置的作业和自己选做的作业,认真思考,认真书写,一丝不苟,对作业中存在的问题,认真寻找解决的办法。作业写完后,要想一下它的主要特征和要点,以收到举一反三的效果。作业错了,要及时改过来。 12(阶段复习的习惯 经过一段时间的学习,要对所学的知识进行总结归纳,形成单元、章节知识结构,在大脑中勾画图式。这是使知识系统化,牢固掌握知识,形成学科能力的重要一环。 13(自觉培养创造性思维能力的习惯 创造性思维能力是人的智力高度发展的表现,是创新能力的内核,是实现未来发展的关键。中学生应该随时注意运用如下步骤培养创造性思维能力:(1)界定自己所面临的问题。(2)搜集相关问题的所有信息。(3)打破原有模式,从八个方面尝试各种新的组合。包括改变方向,改变角度,改变起点,改变顺序,改变数量,改变范围,改变条件,改变环境等等。(4)调动所有感觉器官参与。(5)让大脑放松,让思维掠过尽可能多得领域,以引发灵感。(6)检验新成果。以上六步是解决作业难题的有效方法。 学无止境,同学们在学习过程中要善于总结自己的学习经验,也要善于借鉴他们比较好的学习经验为己所用。聪明的你一定能找出适合自己的一套学习方法,乘风破浪,早日达到胜利的彼岸! 其实三年级是一个小学的中转站,既不能失去以前的轻松,也要加入未来的一些紧张生活。在这种情况下,老师要做到循序渐进。首先上课要活泼生动,不能让同学爱理不理,要多一些互动。其次可以多讲一些课外小知识,为以后的学习生活多一些铺垫。作业量可以慢慢加大,压力也要慢慢加。要让学生虽然有压力,却不觉得难受,这样就算是成功了。针对于数学来讲,就是要多做一些数学小游戏,开拓思维,对做题时很有帮助的。平时的练习题带一点点难度,加一到两道难题,上课前分析。最好是可以由学生做出来,请他们来讲。这样可以加深他们的理解,也可以营造良好的学习气氛,促使其他同学进步。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 在现实生活中,我们观察到有人学习数学学的很快,有人却学得既慢又辛苦,原因何在,关键是有没有获得数学的学习能力。 学习能力就是怎样学习的能力,就是在环境和教育的影响下形成的,概括化了的经验.学习能力是人的能力的一部分,也是非常重要的一部分.作者认为小学三年级数学学习能力包括逻辑运算能力,空间方位感知能力,熟练的口算估算能力以及善于分析问题的能力。小学三年级是一个特殊的学习阶段,他们学习的知识内容广泛了,这就对学生提出了更高的要求,基础必须扎扎实实的掌握,同时还要拓展孩子的思维,从不同角度去考虑问题。学习方面的改变还表现在课程内容增加了,思维空间更丰富了。也就是说这个年级的学习已经不同于一、二年级的那种单纯的接受性知识,更多的注重了学生的思维能力,以及综合应对能力的培养,这是一个开始阶段也是一个重点阶段,这一转变尤其在数学学习上体现得更为明显,因此作者就在小学三年级培养学生的数学学习能力谈几点看法: 一、 激发学习数学的兴趣,是培养数学学习能力的前提。 论语有云:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”在数学学习中,学习兴趣更凸显出了其重要性。我们常常发现如果现实中我们对哪门课程有兴趣,那我们就会投入极大的热情,锲而不舍地想要钻研它,有强烈获得这种能力的愿望。对于孩子,三年级的学生,更容易看到他们对某一种东西产生兴趣的那种极大热情,所以要抓住这一点,把兴趣成为让学生掌握数学学习能力的导火线。每一位数学教师都喜欢听到学生这样说,我最喜欢数学了,数学很好玩。学生说这句话的时候,说明已经对数学产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且的他的数学学习能力也在潜移默化地培养。例如,在教学三年级下《位置与方向》的时候,我设计了一个游戏,让学生站成四个方向,其中一个学生站中间,蒙住眼睛转一圈,然后让他来说说前后左右分别是什么方向,学生表现了极大的兴趣,就连平时算术能力很差的学生也参与了,而且也熟练掌握了,这一课我是成功的,因为在学生的兴趣中教学会让教师身心愉快,而且同时也教会了他们一种数学能力——空间方位感知能力。 二、 注重实践活动,培养学生运用数学的能力。 我们为什么要学习数学,最终目的是要能运用数学,而这种思想要让学生从小就要懂得,而且从小就要学会应用,这就必须在数学教学过程中加强实践活动,使学生有更多的机会接触生活和生产实践中的数学问题,认识现实中的问题和数学问题之间的联系与区别。例如,在教学三年级上《分数的初步认识》时,我先出示一些物体,水,苹果,蛋糕,让学生来分一分,学生在这种实践活动中,会自然而然地运用数学思想——平均分,当分到蛋糕的时候,学生会说分成两半,那么这个一半,怎么用数字表示呢,从而引出课题,学生会对这门课程产生浓厚的兴趣,因为是通过自己的实践活动,产生的数学问题,他们就会有强烈的探究的愿望。 三、 正确地掌握学习方法,是获得学习能力的关键。 当前学生中存在的一个重要问题,就是没有掌握学习方法,所以他们学起来很吃力,当学习方法运用自如的时候,才会自然而然地形成学习能力,所以,关键还是要让学生在小学三年级就养成良好的学习方法。任何题型都有特定的学习方法,例如在教学解决实际问题的时候,我会让学生做到以下几步; (1)读题,理解题意,找出已知和未知。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets (2)画图,小学生需要画图,是因为他们的学习还是以直观为主,所以画图对他们理解题意会有很大的帮助。 (3)列出数量关系。(以口头分析数学量关系为主,说出每一步求什么) 这是基本的学习方法,但又是很重要的学习方法。通过这种训练方法可以极大地促进学生逻辑思维能力及分析问题能力的形成。 三年级不仅语文要预习,数学也要注重预习。学会数学的预习方法,也会对培养学习的数学思维能力有很大的帮助。因此,培养自学能力,在老师的引导下学会看书,带着老师精心设计的思考题去预习。如自学例题时,要弄清例题讲的什么内容,告诉了哪些条件,求什么,书上怎么解答的,为什么要这样解答,还有没有新的解法,解题步骤是怎样的。抓住这些重要问题,动脑思考,步步深入,学会运用已有的知识去独立探究新的知识。 四、良好的学习习惯是获得学习能力的途径。 习惯是一个人在长时间里逐渐养成的、一时不易改变的行为或方式。好的学习习惯有助于巩固和发展学习能力,而且对将来工作和学习也有较大帮助。 良好的学习习惯应该从小养成,在 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 教学中,就应开始重视培养学生的学习习惯。在数学方面,学习习惯大致包括:(1)认真听讲,独立思考;(2)仔细观察,用心去记;(3)规范地写,准确地算;(4)及时检查,调节思路。例如,学生在学习三年级计算万以内的加减法时,错误率很高,这就要学生养成自觉验算的好习惯。发散到以后的学习中,都要有意识地让学生对学习过程进行自我监控,随时调整,不断完善。为此,在学习的过程中,教师还要注意经常提示学生自我提问:为什么要这样做,我这样做对吗,有没有其他的解决方法呢,哪一种方法最好,以后逐步让学生形成自我监控的意识,提高元认知能力。教师还要有意识地做到经常训练学生的口算以及估算,提高正确率。有意识地让学生养成这些良好的数学学习习惯。所有这些学习习惯之间有着密切的关系,应该融会贯通地加以培养。 小学三年级是个关键期是一个转变期,学生数学学习能力的培养对教师来说任重而道远。数学相对来说是一门比较枯燥的学科,教师要以美的感受,以极大的热情引领学习进入数学之门,让学生产生兴趣,真正想要掌握数学的学习能力。 引用联合国教科文组织终身教育局长保罗?郎格朗的那句话: 未来的文盲,不再是不识字的人,而是没有学会怎样学习的人! 数学教学中培养学生的学习能力势在必行 工欲善其事,必先利其器”,好的方法等于成功了一半。家长有时候让孩子好好学习的方法根本就不对,或者根本就没有。家长经常的做法是,第一,恫吓。“你要不好好学习,你长大以后就掏大粪扫大街,你没前途。”这话一点用没有。第二,机械监督。只要孩子在屋里,甭管他写什么,家长就放心了。你过去看看,他写呢;你走了,他看别的书,要不就听音乐。等你一进来,他又在那写。很多家长犯这毛病,最后造成什么呢,这孩子不但学习没上去,还养成了拖拉习惯,每天作业要写三小时。再比如吃饭教训孩子,拿孩子跟邻居的孩子比,总说:你special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 看人家孩子怎么怎么了,我告诉你……其实这些方法一概没用。 我觉得我们首先就得明确孩子良好的学习状况来自何方。孩子学习好,状态不错,主要原因是什么,我认为,一般情况下是三个原因: 第一个原因,学习动机,这是孩子学习的根本动力。 对于孩子来讲,所谓动机就是需要,需要就是欲望,小孩学习来源于什么,来源于两个愿望,第一是求知愿望。今天老师讲的课很有趣,人原来是从水里来的,爬上岸,变成你和哺乳动物了。这孩子就想知道,他上课就认真听讲。第二欲望。什么欲望呢,成功欲望。今天老师课上表扬他了,或者他考试考班里第一,他还继续努力,下回他还争取考第一。孩子要努力学习,一个很重要的欲望就是成功的欲望,他受到表扬,他获得成功,他就高兴。从内在动力来讲,这是孩子学习的最本质的动力,别的都不管用。说你考第一,我怎么着,我给你点吃的,那都不能解决他根本的动力,学习动机特别重要。 第二个原因,学习成绩要好,最根本的就是要有良好的学习习惯。 小学、中学的教学内容没有什么太难的,实际上孩子们的智力都是差不多的,你说“我这姑娘笨”,那是瞎说。学习成绩的好坏最关键的是看学习习惯,比如注意力、严谨的学习态度、紧张度、认真的精神,这一些都直接关系到孩子学习成绩的好坏。 现在有些孩子成绩不好,上课他就没听,坐那儿玩,老师说什么都不知道。他不注意听,回家付出双倍的劳动都不行,而且他养成了坏毛病:他从来不认真听,他以后也不能迫使自己认真地做事。 第三原因,良好的身心状态。 比如说他没有压力,比如说他跟同学关系不错,等等。孩子因为小,他的情绪经常会受到一些影响,如果他的身心状况不错,那么他的学习状态就特别好。 孩子上课不想听、不爱听,他就是没兴趣,这个没兴趣可能是多方面原因造成的,有的可能是老师的问题,有的可能是同学的问题,但是有一个不争的事实:你没兴趣,肯定你学习的程度就差远了。很难要求每一个学生对基础课都感兴趣,但是只要把兴趣和成功的强烈需求结合起来,它就能够互长。他如果没兴趣,但是他知道这个很重要,听完这个就考第一,那么在成功强烈的需求下,这两者就互相推动互相影响,就会起到很好的推动作用。 家长怎么辅导孩子学习呢,我认为家长只能做四方面的事,其他都没有用,骂孩子没用。 第一方面,提供合适的学习环境。 有的人天天带孩子去办公室,大人们在办公室里胡说八道,这个孩子就学不好。还有的家长让孩子在屋里做作业,她自己在那里看电视,还咯咯地乐,孩子一会儿出来了,她就说:“回去,做作业去。”孩子想:我妈看什么呢,她乐什么呢,这最大的毛病是会养成孩子不能专心学习的习惯,这对他以后影响巨大。但不是说为了孩子你就半年不看电视,你可能需要的是认真地训练孩子集中精力的习惯。话要跟他说清楚,有的时候在训练的最早期,你就得牺牲一些。你认为非常有意思的电视,等孩子做完作业睡觉你再看,这是可以的。通过你的训练,让孩子逐渐能明确:我要尊重父母的娱乐需求,他们有他们的需求,我有我自己的。但是让孩子小的时候形成这样一种观念是很难的,那么双方就可能需要互相妥协,慢慢形成这样的状态。你如果不注意,整天让孩子做作业,自己在那儿看电视,这对孩子内在学习品质的影响非常大。 什么是好的学习环境呢,我认为应该满足这五个条件: extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 第一个条件,光线充足,空气流通。这很简单,但是很重要,城市里很多家庭能达到,但是都不注意,不开窗户,屋子黑糊糊的。 第二个条件,安静,没有骚扰。你在外面看电视乐,那就是搔扰。有的爸爸从回家进屋就在电脑上斗地主,不下线,玩得高兴。孩子心里就想:你凭什么老坐那儿玩。所以这个没有骚扰,包括精神方面的,包括物质方面的的,包括很多方面。 第三个条件,有符合孩子年龄特征的合适的桌椅板凳。这是最基础的要求,保证了孩子身心的健康。 第四个条件,备有足够的文具用品。这个“备”不完全是家长备的,比如孩子坐那儿做作业,他就进入一种状态。孩子要对这种状态作好充分的准备,这对孩子影响特别大。 第五个条件,有放置个人学习物品的地方。孩子自己可以很整齐地放自己的学习物品,自己收拾。 第二方面,促进孩子身心健康的发展。 家长要让孩子保持很好的身心状态,这是学习的前提。那么家长应该怎么做呢,有五个具体方法: 第一个方法,不给孩子过分的精神压力。切忌说:“你回去复习功课,这回考虑你要再考上次那样的成绩,你等着,你小心,等你爸出差回来,我告状,你看着。”经常妈妈管不了孩子,就说这话,这就叫过分的精神压力。或者说:“你今年期末要考不到多少分,你等着,压岁钱我一分都不给你;你奶奶给你的,我也都得没收。”这么说根本不管用,而且它无端地给孩子增加了压力。 第二个方法,保证孩子适当的休息和充足的睡眠。那个晚上12点才睡觉,也做不完作业,第二天早上5点就起床做作业的孩子,他不可能有好的精神状态。 第三个方法,孩子每周一定要有固定的文体活动时间来舒展身心。要把这个作为制度,作为你们家的制度定下来。每周由父亲或者母亲带着孩子,比如到公园跑一次步,或者跟父亲在院子里踢球,放松心情。 第四个方法,在学习辅导中启发孩子自觉学习,不急躁,不替代。有的家长一着急就说:“笨死了,你都笨成什么样了,你看你。”这实际上真不管用,所以要不急躁,不替代。 第五个方法,用一切办法保证孩子在学习当中的轻松情绪。让他在学习过程中,保持一种轻松状态,这有助于调动他的积极性。孩子只有精神健康、身心健康,他才能好好读书。 第三方面,激发培养孩子积极的学习动机。 你得让孩子自己去学,怎么激发呢,我介绍八条建议: 第一条建议,不断表扬孩子在学习上的进步。哪怕这个进步特别微小,比如上回他考倒数第三,这次他考倒数第四,这也是进步,这也得表扬。再比如上次他考60分,这回也考60分,但这一次他因为马虎扣的分比上回少3分,这也是进步,也要表扬。这对孩子来讲太重要了,鼓励孩子要具体,这样他才能有学习的积极性。 第二条建议,与孩子订立短期的、孩子有能力达到的目标。家长不要动不动就说:这学期咱们努力,原来你考第20名,这回咱争取考前五名,前五名咱们就怎么着。这话没用,为什么,因为,第一,孩子的努力时间太长,孩子没那么大常性。第二,考不考前五名还取决于别人,这不是他能够做到的。所以要订短期的、孩子有能力达到的目标。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 比如孩子马虎,你就可以给他定一个目标,先以一周为限,两个人签一个协议:这一周如果你的作业没有因为马虎出现错误,那么你本来每周上网两小时,现在多给你半小时。其实孩子的思维很简单,他为了这半小时,一定就尽量不马虎了,这回他就不错了。这样训练一周,再一周,有三周的时间,他马虎的毛病一定就改了。 再比如孩子拖拉,一做作业就做三小时,你就跟老师沟通一下,看看作业量到底多大。如果老师说不会超过一个小时,那你就从一个小时训练起,你可以承诺孩子,两周时间内只要他在一个小时内完成作业,错误率不能超过多少,你就给他什么奖励。 家长要承诺,孩子做到,家长就要做到。我主张家长和孩子都签上字,贴在屋里一张,贴在父母房里一张,大家都遵守。这实际上就是让孩子主动去改变自己的过程。他能达到,他获得了,他成功了,他快乐了,下回他还努力。你老说他笨蛋,他就真笨给你看,他就笨了。 第三条建议,鼓励孩子,让他有信心去面对困难。少揪“辫子”,多指出路。 第四条建议,帮助孩子分析纠正失误,切忌劈头盖脸的责难和挖苦。如果孩子这次考差了,你要做的就是帮助他分析:你哪个地方不对,你的问题出在哪儿,而不要说那些完全没用的挖苦话。我记得小时候,我的班主任教数学,他老诬蔑我,还总挖苦我们班另一个同学,我印象特深。他说:“长得倒挺漂亮的,一肚子狗屎。”你想,孩子听了这话,能好好学习吗,挖苦一点用处都没有,你要帮助他分析到底哪里出了问题。 第五条建议,切忌过分挑剔和鄙视孩子的各种表现。所谓鄙视挑剔,就是贬低人格。很多家长容易犯这毛病,他们的口头禅就是“笨死了你”,这就是贬低人格,这对孩子的伤害很大的。 第六条建议,有计划地经常带孩子参观一些博物管、科技管,听一些音乐会,看一些演出。讲历史,讲现实,这会激发孩子对很多问题的兴趣,很多人的成功就在于不经意当中激发了他某一方面的兴趣。 第七条建议,你要有能力具体地直接地帮助孩子解决功课上的困难和问题,但不是替代他做。你要帮助孩子分析清楚他的问题在哪儿,帮助他解决。用这样的方法让孩子情绪振奋,处于一种学习的积极状态,这样才能谈到成绩慢慢变好,才有可能实现真正的学习成绩上的飞跃。否则真的很麻烦,你也觉得累。孩子也觉得累,孩子整天情绪低落,你也着急。我开玩笑地说:你家里有一个学习成绩好的孩子,你算落着了。家里要是有个学习成绩不好的孩子,家长就急死了。但是家长使用的方法常常不对,不对就一点用都没有。 第八条建议,培养孩子良好的学习习惯。怎么培养,我介绍三个具体的方法: 第一,跟孩子一起订立做功课和复习的时间表,每天监督孩子完成。要让孩子每天在时间表规定的时间内做完作业、复习好功课,下学后几点到几点干什么,几点到几点复习功课。你可以一月一月地定,如果孩子一个月坚定不移地做到了,那你要适当地奖励孩子,要实现承诺。 第二,用奖惩的方法训练孩子在指定的时间内集中精神完成作业。这个一定要训练,特别是对那些马虎、拖拉、磨磨唧唧做功课的孩子。比如家长跟孩子说:“一个月内,你要能做到每天回家做功课的时间在保证质量的前提下不超过一个小时,爸爸就带你去看一场足球寒,你觉得可不可以,”孩子如果说:“不可以,我不看。”那可以让他提别的要求:“我不看,我要买一个好的游戏。”“行。”extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 定下来之后,你看孩子能不能约束自己每天集中一小时把作业做完,应该能。这样经过一个月、两个月,你让他做三个小时作业,他也不写三个小时了。 第三,对于那些不能完成作业的孩子,家长在开始的时候要和老师建立联系制度,每天督促孩子当天完成作业。这段时间家长就咬着牙下功夫,天天督问,天天限制时间。但是同时,你一定让孩子能够得到一些东西来满足他的一些合理要求。你让他提要求,他做到,就实现他的要求,家长要给他一种期望。你如果说:“你就得这样,不这样我揍你。”这肯定不管用。 第四方面,培养、训练复习、预习的习惯。 这一点很重要,它能够帮助孩子把今天的知识和明天要学的融会贯通。有人说孩子提前知道明天上课要学的东西更不好,其实不是这样。当老师提问的时候,他有可能举手,因为他作准备了,但是他预习的书本的东西和老师讲的会有很大差别。逐渐地,他会用自己复习、预习的状态去对应老师的状态,这会提高他学习的自觉性和主动性。 另外,开始的时候,逐天询问孩子上课学习的内容和重点,这会推动孩子养成理解的习惯。很多孩子说不清楚,比如他听了我的课,回家你问他:“今天老师讲什么了,”有的孩子就说:“老师就讲点小玩笑。”这是不行的。这就是理解问题,究意我讲的核心东西是什么呢,家长如果每天跟他进行这样的训练,一段时间以后,就能够帮助他抓住他上课听的核心东西了。这对一个人的思维和能力,包括掌握知识至关重要,但是刚开始,家长得下点工夫,你要天天跟他讨论。 还有就是,用奖惩的方法训练孩子做作业的认真态度。认真做作业是一个重要的学习品质,有的孩子特认真,有的就很马虎随便,那么怎么训练呢,你先别说他对错,就以他不因为马虎犯错为标准,不错就鼓励。 这些都是很具体的方法,但是我个人认为,它对培养孩子的学习习惯,提高孩子的学习能力,甚至改变孩子学习的落后状态,都是有用的。关键是你要深下工夫,把这个工夫下到地方,避免没有用的、强制性的。我相信每个孩子的智力都是没有问题的,只要家长努力,谁都能培养出一个学习成绩好的孩子。 数学应用意识具体表现在:当学生面临着有待解决的问题时,能主动地从数学的角度,运用数学思想方法寻求解决问题的策略;而当学生接受一个新的数学知识时,又能主动地探索这一新知识的实际应用价值。 《数学课程标准》中认为学生的数学应用意识主要表现在:认识到现实生活中蕴含着大量的数学信息,数学在现实世界中有着广泛的应用;面对实际问题时,能主动尝试着从数学的角度运用所学知识和方法寻求解决问题的策略;面对新的数学知识时,能主动地寻找其实际背景,并探索其应用价值。 (一)激活生活经验,感受数学应用价值 在传统的小学数学教学中,教师很少讲知识的来源和实际应用,即使是应用题教学,也只是老师让学生去做的。因此,教师在教学中要让学生真正全面地体会到数学知识的价值。体会数学知识的价值,对提高学生的数学应用意识是很有帮助的。 著名数学教授严士健先生指出:“数学界要大力宣传数学的作用,在学校教育中同样要主要对学生宣传这一思想:学数学不是为了升学,要让他们认识到数special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 学本身是有用的,让他们碰到问题能想一想,能否应用数学解决问题,即培养他们的数学应用意识。”那么,教师在教学过程中,应该如何让学生来真正体会数学的价值呢, 1. 利用生活素材进行教学,使学生认清数学知识的实用性 心理学研究表明:当学习内容和学生熟悉的生活背景越贴近,学生自觉接纳知识的程度就越高。因此,教学中从学生熟悉的生活背景导入,让学生感受到数学无处不在,是培养数学应用意识的条件之一。教师要善于创设某种生活的情境,把数学的应用隐藏在情境之中,激发学生去积极地操作,发挥学生的主体作用,给学生提供足够的应用机会。使学生感受到数学就在自己的身边,使学生产生生活中“处处是应用之地,时时是应用之机”的意识。 数学知识的应用是广泛的,大至宏观的天体运动,小至微观的质子,中子的研究,都离不开数学知识,甚至某些学科的生命力也取决于对数学知识的应用程度。马克思曾指出:“一门学科只有成功地应用了数学时,才真正达到了完善的地步”。生活中充满着数学,作为数学教师,我们更要善于从学生的生活中抽象出数学问题,使学生感到数学就在自己的身边,认清数学知识的实用性,从而产生兴趣。 例如:有一位教师在教第九册“三角形的认识”一课时,就从学生生活中熟悉的红领巾,自行车车架,电线杆架,桥架等引出三角形,再让学生通过推拉等实践活动认识三角形的稳定性,并运用它来解决一些实际生活问题,如修补摇晃的椅子,学生会马上想到应用刚学过的“三角形稳定性”,给椅子加上木档子形成三角形,从而使椅子稳当起来。这样使学生学得容易且印象深刻,达到事半功倍的效果。 又如为什么自行车的轮子是圆形的,且车轮轴心在这个圆的圆心上呢,这些问题,便是数学在日常生活中的简单应用。在实际生活中,数、形随处可见,无处不有。教师可以根据教学的实际,让学生把所学知识和周围的生活环境相联系,帮助他们在形成知识,技能的同时,让学生感受数学应用范围的广泛性。 2. 收集应用事例,加深学生对数学应用的理解与体会 随着科学技术的飞速发展,数学的发展涉及的领域越来越广泛。数字化的家电系列,宇航工程,临床医学,市场的调查与预测,气象学……无处不体现数学的广泛应用。但是,小学生们并非能很好的理解这些应用。因此,教师在课堂教学中应该对数学知识在各方面的应用加以列举,让学生大开眼界,另外,教师也可让学生去搜集这些信息,这样既可以帮助学生了解数学的发展,体会数学的价值,激发学生学好数学的勇气与信心,更可以帮助学生领悟数学知识的应用过程。 例如:在统计的初步认识教学中,可以让学生搜集自家几个月用水的情况,通过收集,描述,分析数据(人口的多少,老人和孩子等诸多因素)的过程,得出了自家用水是否合理的判断,并做出今后用水情况的决策。既渗透了环保教育,又使学生感受到数学知识的应用。 此外,教师在课堂上,还应当针对某一知识来指出它的作用,重视我们为什么要学习这个数学知识,它在生活中有哪些应用,这样,学生学习数学知识目的便明确了,带着对所学的知识的作用来学习数学,相信学生的学习数学的兴趣也会有所提高。在今后的生活中,如果遇到问题便可以用所学过的知识来解决问题了,数学知识的应用也就得到了体现。 (二)联系生活实际,渗透数学应用意识,体验应用的价值 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 《数学课程标准》指出:“数学教学应遵循学生学习数学的心理规律,强调从学生已有的生活经验出发,让学生亲身经历将实际问题抽象成数学模型,并进行解释与应用的过程”。在数学教学中,就需要教师尽量从学生已有的生活经验出发,注重激活学生的生活经验,让学生学会思考问题。 小学数学中许多知识的产生源于生产、生活的需要。通过提供材料,创设情境,可以让学生在探索问题的过程中自然体会已有知识的不足和新知识产生的需求。培养学生的数学意识必须从小学入手,在低年级就有意识的加以渗透。 “兴趣是最好的老师。”小学生的思维以形象为主,而数学知识比较抽象,如何培养学生学习与应用数学的意识,调动学生主动解决实际问题的积极性。生活是数学的源泉,教师要引导孩子留心观察学校生活、社会生活、家庭生活、同时有目的地开展一些课外活动,为孩子提供观察生活的环境和机会,让孩子从中获得丰富的感性知识的积累。激发孩子热爱生活,养成留心生活的好习惯。在生活中感受数学,在意地把生活问题用数学方法来解决,渗透数学的应用价值。 教师引导学生在生活中寻找数学问题,是学生探索数学价值、培养数学应用意识的最基本的前提和条件。试想如果学生不会寻找数学问题,就不可能做到很好地应用所学的知识解决问题,这样,学生数学应用意识的培养就可能成为一句空话。 教师在引入新的知识点后,要加强具体实际应用的介绍,让学生学会思考怎样把所学的知识运用到实际,与实际生活有什么联系,让学生养成主动探索新知识的实际应用价值的习惯。 例如:在教《时、分的认识》时,教师为了让学生感受到1分钟时间的长短,可让学生欣赏一段一分钟的音乐,数一分钟拍几下皮球,一分钟做几道口算,数一分钟自己的脉搏跳动几下。 又如:教学圆柱的侧面积计算公式后,有的学生就提出“我们学习圆柱的侧面积可以用来计算什么呢,”学生通过联系实际讨论,知道在计算烟囱,通风管道,抽油烟机管道等的表面积时就要运用圆柱的侧面积知识。 教学中要通过联系生活实际,激发学生到生活中去寻找数学知识的兴趣,体验到知识应用的价值。 1(引导学生从日常生活中寻找数学问题。 日常生活中有大量的数学问题,可结合数学内容选择一些简单的问题加以分析、解决,这对从小培养学生的数学应用意识和数学观念尤为重要,同时也促进学生进一步理解所学的内容。教师要充分利用学生的生活经验,设计生动有趣、直观形象的数学教学活动。依靠学生对感性材料的直接兴趣,激发学生的学习兴趣,增强学生学好数学的信心。让学生在生动具体的现实情景中认识、体验、理解数学的应用意识。 2(引导学生从教材中发现数学问题。 新课程非常注重把教学内容与生活实际联系起来,教师要在教学中充分引导学生去感受教材所包含的数学问题、引导发现其中的数学知识、技能,感受数学的价值,培养学生应用数学的意识。 (三)引导学生发现数学问题,强化应用的意识 有的学生对数学知识的应用的范围狭窄,与学生不能很好的发现数学问题也是有关的。因为引导学生发现数学问题(包括生活中的数学问题和数学中的数学问题),是学生体会数学价值,培养数学应用意识的最基本的前提和条件。如果学生不会寻找数学问题,就不可能做到很好地应用所学的知识解决问题,这样,special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 学生数学应用意识的培养就可能成为一句空话。那么,在小学数学教学中,怎样引导学生去发现数学问题呢, 1. 引导学生从日常生活中发现数学问题 罗杰斯认为:“倘若要使学生全身心地投入学习活动,那就必须让学生面对他们个人有意义的或有关的问题。但我们的教育正在力图把学生与生活所有的现实隔绝开来,这种隔绝对意义学习构成一种障碍。然而我们希望让学生成为一个自由的和负责的个体的话,就得让他们直接面对各种现实问题。”日常生活中有大量的数学问题,结合数学内容选择一些简单的问题加以分析,解决,这对从小培养学生的数学应用意识和数学观念尤为重要,同时也促进学生进一步理解所学的内容。 例如:在三年级学生认识长方形的周长之后,让三四个学生为一组,量一量教室内门框,窗框,镜框等长方形的长与宽,并设计一下做这些物品需多少材料。最好再给每种不同的材料标上单价,让他们计算一下,选择怎样的材料,用什么 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,可以既经济实惠,又满足需要。 又如,在四年级学生学习了面积之后,有相当一部分的学生对面积的认识只停留在教师所教的范围内,离开这个范围就一问三不知。如他们知道家庭居住的面积是若干平方米(这是从家长那里知道的),但问他们这一数据是根据什么得出的,他们都摇头说不知道。这就需要教师的引导。在学生认识面积后,组织学生先讨论这样一个问题:“居住面积的大小是根据什么条件确定的”,接着布置一道作业题,让学生回家动手测量自己居室的面积。这时学生就要考虑房间的形状,要求出面积就必须测量哪几条边,怎样测量,用什么单位,怎样计算,是否取近似值等等。更为重要的是通过这些活动,让学生有解决数学问题的意识,并能解决一些简单问题。 另外,教师在教学过程中,也要注意让学生主动地提出与生活有关的数学问题,并对学生加以表扬,鼓励学生去做生活中的“有心人”,从生活中自主的发现问题解决问题。 2. 指导学生从数学内部发现数学问题 不仅生活中充满着各种数学问题,数学内部也充满着各种数学问题,虽然通过前人的多年努力,已经解决了很多问题,但是学生学习是再创造的过程,仍然会发现一些有价值的数学问题。在数学内部,学生接触最多的问题是解答习题,而解答习题是解决问题的一种特殊形式。因此,教师可以从问题的角度出发,指导学生对问题正确加以理解,明确已知的条件和要达到的目标,作出合理的假设,寻求通向目标的可能途径,确定最优的解决方案。要使学生从中养成习惯,形成技能,并迁移到其他方面,使他们拥有问题解决的意识,提高思维水平。 例如:计算12345+23456。这是一道多位数的加法,一位教师让学生计算后,改变了题目的形式,出题为“CROSS+ROADS=DANGER,已知O=2,S=3,求其他字母各代表几(不同的字母代表不同的数字)”。这显然为学生创设了一个问题解决的情景。解答用字母来表示两个加数的加法,对学生来说是一个没有遇到过的问题,而且解此题时不仅巩固了学生的加法知识,还锻炼了学生的假设能力和推理能力。 (四)注重实践活动,拓宽应用的渠道,提高数学应用能力 数学来源于实践,又服务于实践,数学应用与实践活动是密不可分的,应在“实践——创新——再实践”循环往复的过程中体现数学应用的价值,提高应用数学技能。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 《数学课程标准》中明确指出:数学教学是数学活动的教学,是师生之间、学生之间交往互动与共同发展的过程,创设有利于学生学习的情境,是课堂教学活动的主要环节。将生活实例引入课堂,是课堂情境模拟的重要途径,把教材内容与生活情境结合起来,把数学知识的学习渗透在生活情境之中,使学生感到数学问题亲近、好学。培养学生初步的应用意识和解决问题的能力,就要让学生参与一定的含有数学问题的实践活动,在解决实际问题的探索中应用数学,切实提高数学素质。 调查表明,学生应用数学知识的主动性比较低,也说明教师仍然要有意识去引导学生主动地应用数学知识解决实际问题。在数学教学中,教师不仅要引导学生从生活实际引出数学知识的学习,而且还要引导学生善于把课堂中书本上所学的知识应用到实际生活中去,把所学的知识和思维方法迁移到解决实际问题中来,形成解决具体实际问题的有效策略和能力,以适应社会发展的需要。那么,教师可以从哪些方面去引导学生运用所学的数学知识解决实际问题呢, 学生学习知识和运用知识构成了学习活动两部分。培养学生应用知识能力,光靠课堂教学还是不够的,还要向课外延伸。所以,适当开展一些数学活动,可以提高学生应用知识的意识,激发应用的兴趣。 例如:在学习了“认识人民币”后,可组织学生做模拟购物的游戏,让学生用自己的手中的钱,去买一些文具盒,彩笔,铅笔,皮球等。在教学“轴对称图形”知识后,开展“比一比谁的手最巧”的活动,请学生用自己学过的知识剪出自己喜爱的轴对称图形,学生能充分发挥自己的想象力和创造力,剪出了许多美丽的有创意的图案和数字等,使学生充分感受到生活和数学中的对称美。 通过这些活动,让学生体会到生活中处处都有数学,只有认真学习和应用书本上的知识,才能把现实生活中的实际问题转化为数学问题;从而提高学生学习数学的兴趣。 课堂不是培养学生数学应用意识的唯一途径。数学源于生活,寓于生活,用于生活。学生只有通过亲身去实践,去现实生活中应用数学,才能真正理解数学的作用,才能算真正地使用到数学,其数学应用能力才能得以体现。新课程改革以来,一直在提倡“数学生活化”,由此,许多教师在课堂上创设贴近学生生活的情境,将数学课堂生活化,想以此来激发学生的数学应用意识,培养学生的数学应用意识。 仅仅在课堂上培养学生的数学应用意识是十分有限的。毕竟,数学知识的应用更多的体现在生活上。而数学课堂上的数学题只是与解决实际问题有关的数学题,这些数学题都经过了数学处理,条件与问题都比较明显,告诉学生的是数学化了的,有效的条件,只要利用其中的几个条件,便可以将问题解决了。然而,真正的生活中的问题并非如此。所以教师要让学生到现实生活中去应用所学的数学知识,从生活中培养学生的数学应用意识。 “实践是认识的源泉”,实践对于知识的理解,掌握和熟练运用起着重要作用,只有亲身体验过的才会深刻地理解,用培养学生应用数学知识的意识,还要加强课外实践。在教学之余,教师可组织学生有目的地进行实地调查,取证,补充,调整所学的知识。 如学习“利息”这节课时,课前先让学生到银行调查,定期,活期的利率,让学生拿一些压岁钱,自己尝试着到银行存款,计算出自己存款所获得的利息。学生通过实际存款发现了课本的利率和当前银行的利率不同,为什么呢 原来这几年我国利率连续调整了很多次,而课本还是按往年的利率。学生还发现课本求“利special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets息公式是=现金×利率×时间”,而现在存款利息还得扣除利息税。使学生发现随着 社会的进步和发展,有的课本的知识与现实不相符合,要灵活地运用知识。 又如教学《数据的整理》可先让学生回去统计一些实际的数据,如本班同学 的体重,身高,家庭分布情况。学校各班同学的人数,兴趣小组的人数等。经常 组织学生通过多种渠道收集一些资料,信息。通过实践,使学生知道了知识来源 于生活,又必须服务生活。我们学习时不能一味地根据死记硬背的知识,要根据 实际的情况,灵活地解决实际的问题。真正达到学以致用的目的,教学中要增加 实践活动的机会,指导实践方法,促使学生在实践中提高能力,发展智力。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets
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