首页 正宗重庆火锅麻辣烫技术和配方



正宗重庆火锅麻辣烫技术和配方正宗重庆火锅麻辣烫技术和配方 重庆火锅的特点 一.麻辣为主.多味并存 二.讲究调味.善于变化 三.注重用汤.崇尚自然 四.刀工精细,变化灵活 五.选料广泛,独具一格 六.饮餐合一,随心所欲 重庆火锅原料及香料属性 1、郫县豆瓣 郫县豆瓣是用蚕豆.辣椒.盐酿制而成.是成都郫县的地方特产.其色泽红亮滋润.辣味浓厚;郫县豆瓣是红汤火锅中最重要得调味料,用在汤卤中能增加鲜味和香味.使汤汁具有温醇辣味和浓稠红亮. 2、豆豉 豆豉,是用大豆.食盐.香料酿制而成,其气味醇香.色泽黄黑.油润光滑.粑软散籽.味鲜回甜.以重...

正宗重庆火锅麻辣烫技术和配方 重庆火锅的特点 一.麻辣为主.多味并存 二.讲究调味.善于变化 三.注重用汤.崇尚自然 四.刀工精细,变化灵活 五.选料广泛,独具一格 六.饮餐合一,随心所欲 重庆火锅原料及香料属性 1、郫县豆瓣 郫县豆瓣是用蚕豆.辣椒.盐酿制而成.是成都郫县的地方特产.其色泽红亮滋润.辣味浓厚;郫县豆瓣是红汤火锅中最重要得调味料,用在汤卤中能增加鲜味和香味.使汤汁具有温醇辣味和浓稠红亮. 2、豆豉 豆豉,是用大豆.食盐.香料酿制而成,其气味醇香.色泽黄黑.油润光滑.粑软散籽.味鲜回甜.以重庆永川豆豉味上乘.豆豉用在汤卤中能增加咸鲜醇香的味道. 、干辣椒 干辣椒性辛温,能祛寒健胃,其色泽鲜红,辣味较重.干辣椒品种很多,3 有大金条.二金条,五叶椒,朝天椒,七星椒,大红袍和小米椒等. 火锅汤卤(锅底)中加入干辣椒,能去腥解腻压抑异味,增加香辣味色泽. 4、花椒 花椒,味辛性温麻味浓烈,能温中散寒,具除湿止痛的作用,花椒品种以陕西椒;四川茂汶椒.清溪椒为上乘. 花椒是火锅的重要调味料.用于汤卤中可压腥除异,增鲜香. 5、老姜 老姜性辛湿.含有挥发油姜辣素.具有特殊的辛辣香味.老姜用于红汤,清汤汤卤中,能有效的去腥压臊.可提香调味. 6、大蒜 大蒜喂辛辣气芳香.含有挥发油,二流化合物.大蒜主要用于调味增香,压腥味去异味. 7、醪糟 醪糟.是用糯米酿制而成,米粒柔软不烂,酒汁香醇.甘甜可口,稠而不混,酽而不粘. 调制火锅汤卤(底料)加入醪糟.能增鲜压腥去异味使汤卤产生回甜味. 8、食盐 食盐能解毒凉血,润燥止氧,在火锅中起定味调味提鲜解腻去腥作用. 9、冰糖 冰糖使复制品蔗糖,为结晶体味甘性平.益气润燥,清热. 在熬制火锅汤卤时,加入冰糖克使汤汁醇厚回甜,具有缓解辣味刺激的作用, 10、料酒 具有柔和的酒味和特殊香气. 料酒在火锅汤卤中主要作用是增香.提色,去腥,除异味, days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 11、味精 味精是从大豆.小麦.海带及其它含蛋白质物质中提取,味道鲜美, 在火锅中提鲜助香.增味作用 12、鸡精 鸡精是近几年使用较广的强力助鲜品,用鸡肉鸡蛋及麸酸钠精制而成,鸡精的鲜味来自动植物蛋白质分解出的氨基酸. 鸡精的作用是增鲜提味. 13、胡椒 味辛性温带浓烈的芳香气味,具温中散寒,健胃顺气的功效.在清汤火锅中用于去腥压臊.增香提味 火锅香料的作用及其用量 ,甘菘 在麻辣火锅汤料或卤菜中常用的一种毛绒绒、黑褐色的根状香料,成都人称为香草,重庆人称其为香菘,其实应该叫甘菘,又名甘菘香。甘菘气味辛香,近似强烈的松节油气味,具有理气止痛、开郁醒脾的作用,是被用作治疗胸腹胀痛、胃痛呕吐、食欲不振、消化不良的一味中药。在麻辣火锅汤料或卤水中加入此香料,其香味浓郁。不过要注意量的把握,一次用量不宜超过,克,否则香气“腻人”。 ,丁香 又叫公丁香、子丁香,为丁香的花蕾,烹调中常用的是干品,香味浓,尝之有刺舌、麻舌感,其性味辛温,有暖胃、止嗝逆、驱风、镇痛的作用。在烹调中的用量应在,,,克以内,千万不可多用。 ,八角 应叫八角茴香,又叫大茴香、大料、八月珠,这是人们较为熟悉的一味香料。其特点是闻之芳香,尝之微甜。其性味辛、温,有温中开胃,祛寒疗疝的作用。在烹调中无论是火锅、红烧、卤水均可使用。由于其香味是有人喜欢有人烦,故在使用中比较灵活,以,,,,克为宜。 ,小茴香 又叫茴香、香丝菜、怀香、野茴香。全国多数地区都有栽培,且为人们所熟悉,其鲜品茎叶在烹调中常见用于制作茴香胡豆、茴香馅饺子等。其成熟果实犹如小稻谷粒或孜然,有特异芳香气。作为香料使用,广泛用于红烧、卤水、麻辣火锅中。在火锅中可适当加大用量,比如,,,,,克或更多一些。在药用方面,其性味辛温,有行气止痛、健胃、散寒的作用。 ,草果 一种姜科植物草果的果实,尝之味怪,不好受。其药性温、味辛,有燥湿健脾、祛痰温中、逐寒抗疟疾的作用。烹调中可拍破或整粒使用,作为香料与牛肉同烧或同卤,其风味尤佳。草果在麻辣火锅和卤水中也不得多用,放,,,个较为合适。 ,砂仁 又叫春砂仁、阳春砂仁,系植物阳春砂的成熟果实,尝之涩口,闻之有香味,药性温,味辛。有行气宽中,健胃消食之功,药用于胃腹胀痛、食欲不振、恶心呕吐、肠炎、痢疾、胎动不安等症。用于火锅和卤菜中则不可过多,以,克以内为宜。 ,三奈 有的地方也叫沙姜、山辣,为根状茎。杂货店、中药店出售的为其干制切片,其味芳香。药性温、味辛,能温中化湿、行气止痛,主治急性肠胃days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 炎,消化不良,腹痛泄泻,胃寒疼痛,牙痛,风湿性关节炎,跌打损伤等。在烹调中多用于烧、卤、麻辣火锅,用量多在,,,,克之间。广东人把沙姜用于制作盐水鸡。近年来,四川江湖菜中有“三奈菜”的制作,即是说主料加上大量的三奈和干红辣椒、干花椒烹制而成。这道菜因其味芬香奇特,故受人称道,不过还未见有报道。 ,灵草 为近几年广泛用于火锅的一味香料。因为市场所售皆为干品,故不好辨认。经过多方请教,将干品拿给我校徐江普副教授验证:应叫灵香草,又名零陵香,为报春花科珍珠菜属植物。属多年生草本,有浓烈香气,性味甘平。在麻辣火锅中运用,一般用量不超过,克。市场上还有另外一种灵草,名罗勒,可代替上面一种,但属唇形科植物,也叫零陵香,又叫九层塔、香草、香佩兰、鸭头、雀头草等,其性味辛温。在药用方面,其性味辛温,有治风寒、感冒头痛等作用。 ,排草 与灵草一样,也是近年来在麻辣火锅中运用普遍的一味香料。前几天,我请熊四智教授帮助查找相关资料,很快得到结果:排草又叫排香,香排草,香羊,毛柄珍珠菜,也属报春花科植物,其性味甘平。具有治感冒、咳嗽、风湿病、月经不调等作用。在麻辣火锅中用量也不宜多,,,,克即可,也可在卤水中使用。 有人说,在麻辣火锅和卤水中,“灵草增香,排草防腐”,其实很多辛香味调料都不同程度地具有抑菌防腐作用。 又叫圆豆蔻,市场上或药店有写为百叩、叩仁的。口尝之有 ,,白豆蔻 涩味,因其药性味辛温,故有行气理气,暖胃消食,化湿止吐,解酒毒的作用。在麻辣火锅中加入,,,克即可。因其香味佳,故用量少。 ,,肉豆蔻 别名玉果。近年来在火锅中运用十分普遍,不过尝之味亦不好受,其药性味辛温,具有暖脾胃、涩肠、下气的作用。此物不可多用,,,,个即可。 ,,桂皮 又称肉桂。性味辛甘、热,有补元阳、暖脾胃、除积冷、通血脉的功效。主治肾阳虚衰、心腹冷痛、久泻等。油性大,香味浓烈。尝之味辛辣、回味略甜。在麻辣火锅和卤菜中运用很普遍,用量,,,,克为宜。 ,,孜然 别名阿拉伯小回香,安息茴香,属伞形科植物,孜然芹的种子,主要产于我国边域一带,果形呈椭圆形.两端细长约5毫米,宽3毫米,淡绿灰色,形同小茴香,使用时注意保存,尽量密封,以免跑味达不到效果 ,,香叶 即桂树之叶呈灰绿状,以体无霉癍,香气浓郁味上品.作用,增香去异味,促进食欲。 火锅底料配方及其炒制 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 一、小锅炒制法配方 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 配料: 牛油3斤 色拉油2斤 郫县豆瓣1斤 白酒50克 醪糟20克 滋粑海椒1,5斤 生姜1两 大蒜1两 花椒1.5两 豆豉15克 宜宾碎米牙菜15克 冰糖1两 上等辣椒面2两 大葱1两3寸段 香料配方: 白扣5克 草果5克 三奈3-5克 丁香3-5克 砂仁5克 香果5克 孜然5克 桂皮5克 甘草5克 枝子5克 排草5克 老扣5克 甘松5克 陈皮5克 筚拨5克 香茅草5-8克 八角5克 香叶5克千里香5克 小茴香8克 香草5克 炒制前先把香料剪成2寸长的节,用温水泡大约20分钟,花椒泡涨. 准备2口炒锅,一个里面放(豆瓣,大葱 生姜 醪糟 白酒25克 大蒜 碎米牙菜 豆豉冰糖)共9样拌匀. 另一口锅内加入3斤牛油熬化,然后加入色拉油烧到7-8成热,用勺子把油舀到和匀的豆瓣上面,边淋油边搅拌,以免豆瓣焦化.至到油淋完为止.然后将豆瓣置火上用中火熬制10分钟左右,豆瓣快干水气时下滋粑辣椒,改用大火炒制当油沸腾时,改用小火熬制,15分钟后加入白酒25克左右,继续炒制,直到各原料水分快干时加泡涨得香料继续炒制,直到各原料9分干时下泡涨得花椒,炒制5-10分钟即可. 吊汤 俗话说"无鸡不鲜,无鸭不香,无骨不浓"所以在吊制白汤时一定要注意原料得搭配,才能保证汤鲜味美. 其特点是:颜色乳白,味正,稠度较浓。 老母鸡一只 老母鸭一只 猪骨头15斤 鲫鱼4斤 (鲫鱼熬汤时一定要用纱布包好) 吊汤工序 1 原料汆水要汆透 2 凉水浸泡原料1个小时,使各原料内部各营养成分疑固,熬出得汤才鲜香味美.3 吊汤时加入姜葱料酒,胡椒颗粒.4一次性掺满水,如果水被熬干,只能加入开水冲到汤锅里,严禁往汤锅内加入冷水.5 勤打泡沫,才能保证汤汁乳白.大火烧开 用大火炖汤为浓汤即白汤,用小火炖汤为清汤.一定要注意. 对锅 一般推荐使用4:6锅 即4分清汤6分油. days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 对锅原料:生姜颗粒50克 大蒜颗粒50克 盐15克 味精50克 鸡精50克 胡椒粉5克 黄酒75克白糖15克 醪糟10克干辣椒40克 花椒25克 老油5斤鲜汤3斤. 记住:先把味道调好,再放母料.花椒和干辣椒把老油和母料放了再放. 清汤锅底 配方:鸡精30克 味精20克 盐10克 胡椒15克 大枣10克 枸杞5克 大蒜10克 姜片(取皮)5克 鸡油50克 西红柿4片 山珍20克 清汤4斤.猪油100克 山珍(羊血菌,牛杆菌.滑子菇等) 将当归和党参共20克剁成颗粒放到白汤锅底内效果特佳. 老油回收 1、客人吃完的锅底不准放任何味碟,以及烟头等垃圾,保证汤汁的卫生,严禁到入含有任何色素和有味道的东西.保证锅底清洁.将油倒入一干净的桶内. 2、自然沉淀一个小时后,轻轻取出面子上的油,然后放到灶台烧开即可. 洗油 由于油用久了或者处理不当,使之颜色发黑时,加入比例为1:2的水,烧开10分钟左右沉淀1个小时,轻轻取出面子上的油,烧开即可.如果颜色还黑就继续洗一到二次即可. 混汤的解决方法: 原因:1 油内含水分太重 2 汤和油的比例不当.3 客人食用不当引起混汤. 处理办法:将锅中的油打去大部分,换上厨房的辛老油即可 火锅调味与参汤要求: 1麻味不够:加炒制过的花椒与老油搅拌即可 2 麻味过重:加入白糖和醪糟搅拌加老油适量.3 辣味不够:加加炒香的滋粑辣椒和老油搅拌.注意滋粑辣椒炒制(色拉油10斤,滋粑辣椒5斤,泡小茴香适量,老生姜颗粒适量 炒制到半干时加白酒炒干即可)4 辣味过重:从锅中取出一部分老油,参入一部分清汤然后加入适量醪糟和白糖即可.5 咸味不够 将盐溶于清汤适量加入底锅即可6咸味过重:加入藕片和土豆片各一分即可,或者加入适量清汤也可以解决.(藕片和土豆有减咸的作用)7为了保证客人的卤莽行为而倒很多菜倒锅里影响锅底质量,请保持锅底8分满. days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow
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