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史上最伟大的75位女性.doc史上最伟大的75位女性.doc The 75 Greatest Women of All Time Politicians, pop stars, Native American guides: A definitive list of the women who have shaped the world. Well, inasmuch as definitive can be completely arbitrary. 1. Sappho ()Σαπφ? [sap????] She and Homer ...

史上最伟大的75位女性.doc The 75 Greatest Women of All Time Politicians, pop stars, Native American guides: A definitive list of the women who have shaped the world. Well, inasmuch as definitive can be completely arbitrary. 1. Sappho ()Σαπφ? [sap????] She and Homer founded Western literature. But Homer never wrote like this: By the cool water the breeze murmurs, rustling Through apple branches, while from quivering leaves Streams down deep slumber (从19世纪末开始,萨福成为了女同性恋的代名词,“Lesbian”(意为女同性恋者)与形容词 “Sapphic”(女子同性爱的)等,均源于萨福。由此,萨福也被近现代女性主义者和女同性 恋者奉为鼻祖。) 2. Esther ??????? Hebrew queen and heroine. Prevented a genocide, then turned around and slaughtered the would-be killers. Set an example. (Esther is considered a prophet in Judaism, and is commemorated as a matriarch in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod on May 24.) 3. Joan of Arc Led an army, saved a people, died stoically, sainted rightfully. (圣女贞德,英法百年战争(1337年,1453年)时她带领法国军队对抗英军的入侵,支持 法查理七世加冕,为法国胜利做出贡献。最终被俘,被宗教裁判所以异端和女巫罪判处她火 刑。) She is considered a national heroine of France and a Catholic saint. A peasant girl born in eastern France who claimed Divine guidance, she led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War which paved the way for the coronation of Charles VII. She was captured by the Burgundians, sold to the English, tried by an ecclesiastical court, and burned at the stake when she was nineteen years old.Down to the present day, Joan of Arc has remained a significant figure in Western culture. From Napoleon onward, French politicians of all leanings have invoked her memory. 4. Queen Elizabeth I Led a people, saved a nation, governed wisely, respected globally. (她即位时不但成功地保持了英格兰的统一,而且在经过近半个世纪的统治后,使英格兰成 为欧洲最强大的国家之一。英格兰文化也在此期间达到了一个顶峰,涌现出了诸如莎士比亚、 弗朗西斯?培根这样的著名人物。英国在北美的殖民地亦在此期间开始确立。在英国历史上 在位时被称为“伊丽莎白时期”,亦称为“黄金时代”。) Sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana, or Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. The daughter of Henry VIII, she was born a princess, but her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed two and a half years after her birth, and Elizabeth was declared illegitimate. Elizabeth set out to rule by good counsel,[1] and she depended heavily on a group of trusted advisers led by William Cecil, Baron Burghley. One of her first moves as queen was to support the establishment of an English Protestant church, of which she became the Supreme Governor. It was expected that Elizabeth would marry, but despite several petitions from parliament and numerous courtships, she never did. The reasons for this outcome have been much debated. As she grew older, Elizabeth became famous for her virginity, and a cult grew up around her which was celebrated in the portraits, pageants, and literature of the day. Elizabeth's reign is known as the Elizabethan era, famous above all for the flourishing of English drama, led by playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, and for the seafaring prowess of English adventurers such as Sir Francis Drake. Some historians are more reserved in their assessment. 5. Sacajawea Showed Lewis and Clark the way. While carrying a baby on her back. For a thousand miles. 萨卡加维亚(Sacagawea, Sakakawea, Sacajawea, Sacajewea;) (c. 1787年 – 1812 年12月20日或1884年4月9日) 肖肖尼族印第安人(Shoshone Indian)妇女,曾背负 幼儿,随刘易斯与克拉克远征队跋涉蛮荒,进行考察,被誉为―鸟般的妇人‖的美国历 史上西部拓荒时期的传奇式女性。 She was a Lemhi Shoshone woman, who accompanied the Lewis and Clark Expedition, acting as an interpreter and guide, in their exploration of the Western United States. She traveled thousands of miles from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean between 1804 and 1806. Clark nicknamed her Janey. Reliable historical information about Sacagawea is very limited. She has become an important part of the Lewis and Clark mythology in the American public imagination. The National American Woman Suffrage Association of the early twentieth century adopted her as a symbol of women's worth and independence, erecting several statues and plaques in her memory, and doing much to spread the story of her accomplishments. 6. Maud Gonne Inspired this: Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, 若我有天国刺花的衣裳, 绣满金色和银色的光芒, Enwrought with golden and silver light, 夜晚、白昼和黎明, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths 蓝色灰暗和深黑的锦缎, Of night and light and the half-light, 我要把它们铺在你脚下: I would spread the cloths under your feet: 但我贫穷,只有梦; But I, being poor, have only my dreams; 我已把梦铺在你的脚下; I have spread my dreams under your feet; 轻轻踩啊,因为你踩的是我的梦。 Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.—William Butler Yeats, 1899 茅德?冈:女演员、爱尔兰独立运动战士。叶芝在1889年遇见并爱上了她,多次向 她求婚,但均遭拒绝。 7. Marie Curie Would've been on this list even if she had won only one Nobel prize. 玛丽?居里(1867.11.7—1934.7.4)。世界著名科学家,研究放射性现象,发现镭和钋(pō) 两种天然放射性元素,一生两度获诺贝尔奖(第一次获得诺贝尔物理奖,第二次获得 诺贝尔化学奖)。用了好几年在研究镭的过程中,作为杰出科学家,居里夫人有一般 科学家所没有的社会影响。尤其因为是成功女性的先驱,她的典范激励了很多人。 A towering figure in the history of chemistry and physics, Marie Curie is most famous for the discovery of the elements polonium and radium. Prohibited from higher education in her native Poland (then controlled by Russia), she moved to Paris in 1891 and studied at the Sorbonne. In 1895 Marie married Pierre Curie (who was by then a noted scientist), and together they began working on radiation experiments with uranium. (It was Marie who first coined the term "radioactivity" to describe the emission of uranic rays.) In 1898 the Curies discovered polonium and radium, and in 1903 they shared the Nobel Prize for physics with Henri Becquerel. When Pierre was killed suddenly in 1906, Marie took over his post as a professor at the Sorbonne, becoming the first woman to teach there. She was awarded a second Nobel in 1911 (this time for chemistry) for her work on radium and its compounds. 8. Dorothea Lange Showed us the truth. 摄影师桃乐?丝兰格(Dorothea Lange)出生于1895年新泽西州的霍博肯(Hoboken)。 兰格最为人所知的事迹是她用作品 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 了移民工人的贫困生活状况,这些移民是在 1920年代晚期及1930年代大萧条时期大批涌入加州的。而她的照片让外人注意到这 些移民的困境。兰格用她的照片来记录大萧条时期的艰困景象并希望藉由这些景象来 激发行政机构及个人采取行动来改善这些困境。有了她的照片,兰格能够捕捉并呈现 出大萧条及其他事件加诸在全国人民身上及心灵上的折磨。 She was an influential American documentary photographer and photojournalist, best known for her Depression-era work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA). Lange's photographs humanized the tragic consequences of the Great Depression and profoundly influenced the development of documentary photography. 9. Eleanor Roosevelt Co-president of the United States, 1933-1945. 美国第32任总统富兰克林?德拉诺?罗斯福的妻子——安娜?埃莉诺?罗斯福是一位 不同寻常的第一夫人,她不是以传统的白宫女主人的形象,而是作为杰出的社会活动 家、政治家、外交家和作家被载入历史史册的。埃莉诺?罗斯福之所以取得这么大的成 就,其关键因素之一是她与富兰克林?德拉诺?罗斯福的婚姻关系。 Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945. She supported the New Deal policies of her husband, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and became an advocate for civil rights. After her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt continued to be an international author, speaker, politician, and activist for the New Deal coalition. She worked to enhance the status of working women Active in politics for the rest of her life, Roosevelt chaired the John F. Kennedy administration's ground-breaking committee which helped start second-wave feminism, the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women. She was one of the most admired people of the 20th century, according to Gallup's List of Widely Admired People 10. Billie Holiday For "Don't Explain," which makes us men feel like real shitheels, and for "Lover Man," which makes life better again. And for all the rest. Billie Holiday(1915—1959)虽然贵为爵士乐坛的天后级巨星,但在billie有生的日子 里,生活却是动荡不安的,鲜少安定。出生在单亲家庭的billie holiday,因为父亲母 亲的不管不顾,令她从小一人长大,而这在她勇于冒险精神的同时,也让她形成自虐 倾向。十几岁在酒吧里唱歌的billie ,当时收入极为菲薄,二十岁正式开始自己的音 乐事业,并录制了爵士专辑后,开始有了名气的她因为肤色的缘故一直受着不平等的 待遇,以致她吸过毒,坐过监狱、又酗酒。在经过了1939-1949这十年间的鼎盛时期, 1950年,billie开始走下坡路,1959年孤独离开人世。 She was an American jazz singer and songwriter. Nicknamed "Lady Day" by her friend and musical partner Lester Young, Holiday was a seminal influence on jazz and pop singing. Her vocal style, strongly inspired by jazz instrumentalists, pioneered a new way of manipulating phrasing and tempo. Critic John Bush wrote that she "changed the art of American pop vocals forever." She co-wrote only a few songs, but several of them have become jazz standards, notably "God Bless the Child," "Don't Explain," "Fine and Mellow," and "Lady Sings the Blues." She also became famous for singing "Easy Living," "Good Morning Heartache," and "Strange Fruit", a protest song which became one of her standards and made famous with her 1939 recording. 11. Anaïs Nin Babysitter to big boys of American literature. Her diaries outshine, and out-scandalize, them all. 阿娜伊斯?宁(Anais Nin,1903年2月21日,1977年1月14日),出生在法国,兼 具西班牙、巴西、丹麦血统的美国传奇女作家。一个具有争议性和传奇色彩的女人, 因为她与著名作家亨利?米勒及其妻子琼的暧昧关系,因为她在当时大都市国际艺术圈 和社交圈的收放自如及飘忽神秘,因为她大胆开放的性意识,更因为她具有里程碑意 义的神秘日记,一直是西方文坛的主题。西方文坛一直传扬着这样一句话:阿娜伊斯?宁 的日记是20世纪最独特的一道文学风景线,我们在她的那不同凡响的日记中能看到 一个伟大的艺术时代。 She was an author, based at first in France and later in the USA, who became famous for her published journals, which span more than 60 years, beginning when she was 11 years old and ending shortly before her death. Nin is also famous for her erotica. Quotes , "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." , "Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing." , "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." , "If what Proust says is true, that happiness is the absence of fever, then I will never know happiness. For I am possessed by a fever for knowledge, experience, and creation." , "For me, the adventures of the mind, each inflection of thought, each movement, nuance, growth, discovery, is a source of exhilaration." , "It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before, to test your limits, to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." , "How wrong is it for a woman to expect man to build the world she wants, rather than set out to create it herself." , "Creation which cannot express itself becomes madness." , "Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself." , "Eroticism is one of the basic means of self-knowledge, as indispensable as poetry." , "Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." , "The only abnormality is the incapacity to love." , "I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing." , "Each friend represents a world in us, a world not possibly born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." , "I am an excitable person who only understands life lyrically, musically, in whom feelings are much stronger as reason. I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I cannot transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls." , "We don't have a language for the senses. Feelings are images, sensations are like musical sounds." , "The body is an instrument which only gives off music when it is used as a body. Always an orchestra, and just as music traverses walls, so sensuality traverses the body and reaches up to ecstasy." , "Something is always born of excess: great art was born of great terror, great loneliness, great inhibitions, instabilities, and it always balances them." , "Dreams are necessary to life." , "Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it." , "The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment with it, that was the miracle." , "Love is the axis and breath of my life." , "The role of of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say." , "The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery" 12. Ingrid Bergman Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walked into Rick's place in Casablanca. Lucky us. 英格丽?褒曼(瑞典语:Ingrid Bergman,1915年8月29日,1982年8月29日),生 于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,逝于英国伦敦,是一位著名的瑞典籍电影女演员,也是继葛丽 泰?嘉宝之后在好莱坞及国际影坛大放光芒的另一位瑞典巨星。褒曼曾获得过三次奥斯 卡金像奖,两次艾美奖以及一次托尼奖。1999年,她被美国电影学会选为百年来最伟 大的女演员第4名。英格丽?褒曼也以《卡萨布兰卡》(又名 北非谍影)中的演出而闻 名于世。 She was a Swedish actress who starred in a variety of European and American films.[1] She won three Academy Awards, two Emmy Awards, and the Tony Award for Best Actress. She is ranked as the fourth greatest female star of American cinema of all time by the American Film Institute. She is best remembered for her role as Ilsa Lund in Casablanca (1942), a World War II drama co-starring Humphrey Bogart. 13. Katharine Hepburn One half of Hepburn and Tracy, and that alone would be enough. But there's also Hepburn and Bogart, Hepburn and Grant, Hepburn and Poitier — in all, sixty-two years of the most intelligent acting ever to grace the big screen. Katharine Hepburn(译:凯瑟琳?赫本)),是一位美国电影女演员。她被认为是 美国电影与戏剧界的标志性人物、好莱坞的传奇:共获得过4次奥斯卡最佳女主角奖 ——现在的最高纪录;12次奥斯卡奖提名(全部为女主角)——很长一段时间内亦是 最多提名记录的保持者(2003年梅丽尔?斯特里普获得了她的第十三次提名,超过了 赫本)。美国电影学会将赫本评为美国影视史上最伟大的女演员。凯瑟琳?赫本也因 其的机敏风趣、举止高雅、桀骜不逊,深受观众与影评人推崇。 She was an American actress of film, stage, and television. Raised in Connecticut by wealthy parents, Hepburn turned to acting after graduation. Favorable reviews of her work on stage in 1932 brought her to the notice of Hollywood. Hepburn holds the record for the most Best Actress Oscar wins with four, out of 12 nominations. She won an Emmy Award in 1976 for her lead role in Love Among the Ruins, and was nominated for four other Emmys, two Tony Awards and eight Golden Globes. In 1999, she was ranked by the American Film Institute as the greatest female star in the history of American cinema. 14. Flannery O'Connor For scaring the schmaltz out of southern literature. And for being scary good. 当代美国南方女作家弗兰纳里?奥康纳(Flannery O'Connor,1925-1964)出生于佐治亚 州。1945年毕业于佐治亚州女子学院,之后,获得了研究生奖学金,进入著名的依阿华大 学作家 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 班。39岁时死于红斑狼疮。在其短暂的生命中,她创作了两篇长篇小说和 三十一篇短篇小说,1957年获欧?亨利短篇小说奖。 GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND 《好人难寻》 THAT RISES MUST CONVERGE 《水到渠成》 She was an American novelist, short-story writer and essayist. An important voice in American literature, O'Connor wrote two novels and 32 short stories, as well as a number of reviews and commentaries. She was a Southern writer who often wrote in a Southern Gothic style and relied heavily on regional settings and grotesque characters. O'Connor's writing also reflected her own Roman Catholic faith, and frequently examined questions of morality and ethics. Regarding her emphasis of the grotesque, O'Connor said: "anything that comes out of the South is going to be called grotesque by the northern reader, unless it is grotesque, in which case it is going to be called realistic." Her texts usually take place in the South and revolve around morally flawed characters, while the issue of race often appears in the background. One of her trademarks is foreshadowing, giving a reader an idea of what will happen far before it happens. Most of her works feature disturbing elements, though she did not like to be characterized as cynical. "I am tired of reading reviews that call A Good Man brutal and sarcastic," she writes. "The stories are hard but they are hard because there is nothing harder or less sentimental than Christian realism... when I see these stories described as horror stories I am always amused because the reviewer always has hold of the wrong horror."[ 15. Marilyn Monroe Not "Marilyn Monroe." The other one, the scared, honest one — the one in The Misfits. 玛丽莲?梦露(英文:Marilyn Monroe,1926年6月1日—1962年8月5日)是 美国20世纪最著名的电影女演员之一。她动人的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演风格和正值盛年的殒落,成为 影迷心中永远的性感女神性感符号和流行文化的代表性人物。1999年,她获美国电影 学会选为百年来最伟大的女演员第六名。另,艺术家沃霍尔创作的《玛丽莲 梦露双 联画》,它是波普艺术的代表性作品。还有以玛丽莲?梦露为名字的鸡尾酒,这款酒 将金巴利鲜红的色彩、微苦和甜味有机地融合为一体,似乎体现了玛丽莲?梦露那多 彩有复杂的一生。 She was an American actress, singer and model. After spending much of her childhood in foster homes, Monroe began a career as a model, which led to a film contract in 1946. Her early film appearances were minor, but her performances in The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve (both 1950) were well received. By 1953, Monroe had progressed to leading roles. Her "dumb blonde" persona was used to comedic effect in such films as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) and The Seven Year Itch (1955). Limited by typecasting, Monroe studied at the Actors Studio to broaden her range, and her dramatic performance in Bus Stop (1956) was hailed by critics, and she received a Golden Globe nomination. Her production company, Marilyn Monroe Productions, released The Prince and the Showgirl (1957), for which she received a BAFTA Award nomination and won a David di Donatello award. She received a Golden Globe Award for her performance in Some Like It Hot (1959). The final years of Monroe's life were marked by illness, personal problems, and a reputation for being unreliable and difficult to work with. The circumstances of her death, from an overdose of barbiturates, have been the subject of conjecture. Though officially classified as a "probable suicide", the possibility of an accidental overdose, as well as the possibility of homicide, have not been ruled out. In 1999, Monroe was ranked as the sixth greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute. In the years and decades following her death, Monroe has often been cited as a pop and cultural icon. 16. The Supremes "Where Did Our Love Go," "Come See About Me," "Stop! in the Name of Love," "Baby Love," "You Can't Hurry Love." 全球女子乐团的典范,也是最为畅销的单曲制造机,更是光荣进入名人摇滚殿堂、 并成为黑人音乐大本营Motown唱片旗下最引以为傲的女子兵团 The Supremes, an American female singing group, were the premier act of Motown Records during the 1960s. During the mid-1960s, The Supremes achieved mainstream success with Ross as lead singer. In 1967, Motown president Berry Gordy renamed the group Diana Ross & the Supremes, and replaced Ballard with Cindy Birdsong. Ross left to pursue a solo career in 1970 and was replaced by Jean Terrell, at which point the group's name reverted to The Supremes. After 1972, the lineup changed more frequently; Lynda Laurence, Scherrie Payne, and Susaye Greene all became members of the group during the mid-1970s. The Supremes disbanded in 1977 after an 18-year run. 17. Gloria Steinem Gained fame for going undercover as a Playboy Bunny. Earned the lasting respect of history for bringing women's equality into the mainstream. She is an American feminist, journalist, and social and political activist who became nationally recognized as a leader of, and media spokeswoman for, the Women's Liberation Movement in the late 1960s and 1970s. A prominent writer and political figure, Steinem has founded many organizations and projects and has been the recipient of many awards and honors. She was a columnist for New York magazine and co-founded Ms. Magazine. In 1969, she published an article, "After Black Power, Women's Liberation" which, along with her early support of abortion rights, catapulted her to national fame as a feminist leader. In 2005, Steinem worked alongside Jane Fonda and Robin Morgan to co-found the Women's Media Center, an organization that works to amplify the voices of women in the media through advocacy, media and leadership training, and the creation of original content. Steinem currently serves on the board of the organization. She continues to involve herself in politics and media affairs as a commentator, writer, lecturer, and organizer, campaigning for candidates and reforms and publishing books and articles. There is always one true inner voice. Trust it. —Gloria Steinem Sometimes it’s hard to know who you are and what you want and whom you like and why you like that person.The answers change because you’re changing. Growing. But deep inside, you are you.You were you as a baby, you were you as a kid, and you are you right now. “Let me listen to me and not to them,” wrote Gertrude Stein. It makes sense to consider the advice and opinions of other people. But don’t let their noise drown out your inner voice. And don’t let the way you sometimes talk or behave in front of others make you lose sight of who you are when you are alone, when you are most you. “You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself,” aviator Beryl Markham cautioned. Get acquainted with yourself. Tune in to the dreams you have by day and by night. Blend in when you choose to, but appreciate what sets you apart. “The more I like me, the less I want to pretend to be other people,” said Jamie Lee Curtis. Anybody can be one of the crowd. 总有一个真实的内在的声音。听从它。 ——葛萝莉亚?史丹能 有时很难想明白你到底是谁,你想要什么,你喜欢谁,你为什么喜欢这些人。你在变,在成 长,答案也在变。但在内心深处,你就是你。从婴儿到孩童,到现在,你就是你。“让我听 从自己的,而不是他们的 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 。”葛楚德?史坦如是写道。你可以参考别人的建议和观点。 但是不要让他们的意见盖过你内心的想法。 18. Nina Simone I Put a Spell on You," "Ne Me Quitte Pas," "Feeling Good," "Sinnerman." 妮娜?西蒙(Nina Simone;1933年2月21日,2003年4月21日),是一位美国歌手、 作曲家与钢琴表演家。原名尤妮斯?凯瑟林?伟蒙(Eunice Kathleen Waymon)、以艺名妮娜?西 蒙著称。虽然一般人认为她是一位优秀的爵士女伶、但妮娜不喜欢被这样归类。她的创作歌 曲类型主要包括有蓝调、节奏蓝调和灵魂乐。她的演唱方式则以富有情感、带有气息的变化 音(tremolo)为主要特色。她的名字有时也译做妮娜?席梦。 She was an American singer, songwriter, pianist, arranger, and civil rights activist widely associated with jazz music. Simone aspired to become a classical pianist while working in a broad range of styles including classical, jazz, blues, soul, folk, R&B, gospel, and pop. 19. Aretha Franklin Especially for the Columbia Records years. We'd take "One Step Ahead" over all her Top Tens combined. 艾瑞莎?弗兰克林(Aretha Franklin,1942年3月25日,),美国流行音乐歌手,生 于流行音乐圣城曼菲斯。出版歌曲跨越灵魂与流行音乐,有着“灵魂歌后”或“灵魂乐第一 夫人”(Lady Soul/The Queen Of Soul)的称号,1967年-1973年是她的演唱巅峰。艾瑞 莎是史上获得第二多格莱美奖的女艺人,一共19座,其中有11座来自“最佳节奏蓝调女演 唱人奖”(其中的8座更是连续8年获得)。除了格莱美奖之外,也为摇滚名人堂的首位入 选女性歌手。至今,她光是入billboard版的单曲就超过70张。在华语地区最为人所熟知 的是她演唱的I say a little prayer。 She is an American singer, songwriter and pianist. Although known for her soul recordings and referred to as the The Queen of Soul, Franklin is adept at jazz, blues, R&B and gospel music. Rolling Stone magazine ranked Franklin No. 1 on its list of The Greatest Singers of All Time. Franklin is one of the most honored artists by the Grammy Awards, with 18 competitive Grammys to date, and two honorary Grammys. She has scored a total of 20 No. 1 singles on the Billboard R&B Singles Chart, one of which also became her first No. 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100: "Respect" (1967). "I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)" (1987), a duet with George Michael, became her second No. 1 on the latter chart. Since 1961, she has scored a total of 45 "Top 40" hits on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. She also has the most million-selling singles of any female artist with 14. Between 1967 and 1982 she had 10 #1 R&B albums - more than any other female artist. In 1987, Franklin became the first female artist to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Aretha Franklin was the only featured singer at the 2009 presidential inauguration for Barack Obama. 20. The Bond Girl Twenty to forty years old. Sexually experienced. Loves bikinis. Good with firearms. 邦女郎,指曾在各集007系列电影中扮演与詹姆斯?邦德有着情感纠葛的女性角色。从 第一位“邦女郎”现身银屏的那刻起,“邦女郎”就成为了性感美丽的代名词,也奠定了“邦 女郎”在007电影中的重要地位,因为全世界的影迷都知道,只要詹姆士?邦德出现,就必 有美女相随。 A Bond girl is a character or actress portraying a love interest, or sex interest, of James Bond in a film, novel, or video game. They occasionally have names that are double entendres or puns, such as "Pussy Galore", "Plenty O'Toole", "Xenia Onatopp", or "Holly Goodhead". Bond girls are considered "ubiquitous symbol[s] of glamour and sophistication." Bond girls are often victims rescued by Bond, fellow agents or allies, villainesses, or members of an enemy organisation (most typically the villain's accomplice, assistant or mistress). Some are mere eye candy and have no direct involvement in Bond's mission; other Bond girls play a pivotal role in the success of the mission. Other female characters such as Judi Dench's M, and Miss Moneypenny are not typically thought of as Bond girls. 21. Katharine Ross in The Graduate The everlasting Miss America. Katharine Ross1940年1月29日出生,生于好莱坞,圣罗莎学院毕业,之后在旧金山戏剧工 作室学习表演。1965年进入电影界,以《烽火田园》首登银幕。1967年以《毕业生》声名 鹊起,获奥斯卡最佳女配角提名及好莱坞外国新闻记者协会授予的最有前途新人金球奖。 1969年再以《神枪手与智多星》、《告诉他们孩子威利在这里》两片获美国电影与电视学院 授予1970年最佳女主角奖;1976年以《苦海余生》获最佳女配角金球奖。其它主要影片还 有《恐怖太太团》、《冲天大蜂灾》、《核子母舰遇险记》、《红头怪客》等。 She is an American film and stage actress. Trained at the San Francisco Workshop, she is perhaps best known for her role as Elaine Robinson in the 1967 film The Graduate, opposite Dustin Hoffman, and her role as Etta Place in 1969's Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, opposite Paul Newman and Robert Redford. She has also established herself as an author, publishing several children's books. 22. Anne Bancroft in The Graduate The everlasting Mrs. America, which is, frankly, a lot sexier. 妮?班克罗夫特(Anne Bancroft) 1931-2005,美国好莱坞著名女演员,1931年9月17 日生于纽约布朗克斯,原名安娜?玛丽亚?路易斯?伊塔里亚诺,父母为意大利移民。 She was an American actress associated with the Method acting school, after studying it under Lee Strasburg. 23. Jane Fonda in Barbarella Lady Gaga before Lady Gaga was Lady Gaga. 简?方达为美国著名影星,她是著名演员亨利?方达的女儿,她出生于美国纽约。17 岁时和父亲参加了奥马哈社区剧团制作的舞台剧《乡下姑娘》。20世纪60年代晚期,她沉 迷于“反越战运动”,但对演出也没有放弃。1971年《花街杀人王》和1978年《荣归》为 她赢得两座奥斯卡最佳女主角金像奖。1981年由她策划的电影《金色池塘》,为父亲完成了 嬴得奥斯卡金像奖的心愿。 She is an American actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model, and fitness guru. She rose to fame in the 1960s with films such as Barbarella and Cat Ballou. She has won two Academy Awards and received several other awards and nominations. After 15 years of retirement, she returned to film in 2005 with Monster in Law followed by Georgia Rule two years later. She also produced and starred in several exercise videos released between 1982 and 1995. Fonda has been an activist for many political causes, one of the most notable and controversial of which was her opposition to the Vietnam War. She has also protested the Iraq War and violence against women. She describes herself as a liberal and a feminist. In 2005, Fonda worked alongside Robin Morgan and Gloria Steinem to co-found the Women's Media Center, an organization that works to amplify the voices of women in the media through advocacy, media and leadership trainining, and the creation of original content. Fonda currently serves on the board of the organization. Since 2001, Fonda has been a Christian. She published an autobiography in 2005. 24. Janis Joplin Passion trumps beauty “我是全美国最伟大的歌者,也是全世界最伟大的歌者” ——Janis Joplin 21世纪的我们,不晓得是否记得Janis Joplin(贾尼斯•乔普林),这位60年代的迷幻 女杰,曾以其自信、性感、直率、嘶哑、甚至邋遢肮脏的方式以及触电般的舞台表演,征服 了亿万观众,迄今无人能比,她被称为最伟大的白人摇滚女歌手和伟大的布鲁斯歌手. She was an American singer, songwriter and music arranger. She rose to prominence in the late 1960s as the lead singer of Big Brother and the Holding Company and later as a solo artist. Rolling Stone magazine ranked Joplin number 46 on its list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time in 2004, and number 28 on its 2008 list of 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. 25. Raquel Welch The least American American actress. 拉奎尔?韦尔奇出生在伊利诺伊州的芝加哥市,在加利福尼亚州长大,幼年时学过芭蕾 舞,14岁时赢得选美比赛冠军,18岁便结婚,生下两个小孩后于三年后离婚。后来进入圣 地亚哥州立大学戏剧系就读,并和地方团体合作一些戏剧表演。赚够生活费后,于1963年 进军好莱坞,在经纪人的协助下,以“性感女神”的形象接拍了不少电影,知名作有《蛮荒 世界》、《百支快枪》、《的士飚花》等。20世纪70年代之后出演了《三剑客》等多部古装片。 She is an American actress, author and sex symbol. 26. Mariel Hemingway Limited exposure: the price you pay for starring in a Woody Allen film. Even a masterpiece like Manhattan 27. Julia Child It's true: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If the trail happens to pass through the kitchen of an urbane, ebullient, bullshit-intolerant master of French cuisine — who en route, also happened to serve in the OSS during the war — well, now we're speaking the language of love. She was an American chef, author, and television personality. She is recognized for introducing French cuisine to the American public with her debut cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and her subsequent television programs, the most notable of which was The French Chef, which premiered in 1963 28. Cybill Shepherd As Jacy Farrow, in The Last Picture Show. Just a great memory to return to once in a while 斯碧尔?谢波德,是一位美国女演员和模特。 Betsy in Taxi Driver and as Phyllis Kroll in The L Word .她最著名的角色包括在《最后一场电影》饰演Jacy Farrow,在《出租车司机》中饰演的Betsy 和 在《桃色档案》中的Kiki Taylor 。 She is an American actress and former model. Her best known roles include starring as Jacy in The Last Picture Show, Maddie Hayes on Moonlighting, as Cybill Sheridan on Cybill, as Betsy in Taxi Driver and as Phyllis Kroll on The L Word. 29. Yoko Ono We loved her and didn't even know it. 小野洋子(1933年2月18日—)是日裔美籍音乐家、先锋艺术家,约翰?列侬(John Lennon) 的第二位妻子。她出生于东京的一个富有家庭,其先祖是日本战国时代九州柳川大名立花宗 茂的重臣,被赞称为日本七柱枪的小野镇幸。她的名字常错译为大野洋子。在日本,她的名 字与其他日裔人士一样通常以片假名オノ?ヨーコ表示。 She is a Japanese artist, musician, author and peace activist, known for her work in avant-garde art, music and filmmaking as well as her marriage to John Lennon. Ono brought feminism to the forefront through her music which prefigured New Wave music (whether she was a direct influence is still debated).She is a supporter of gay rights and is known for her philanthropic contributions to the arts, peace and AIDS outreach programs. 30. The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (1972-1973) They set the standard. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC) are the National Football League cheerleading squad for the Dallas Cowboys. Preparing for the 1970 season, Cowboys manager Tex Schramm decided to change the cheerleaders image to boost attendance. At first the main change was to create an all female squad and change the uniforms and style of cheerleading routines to be more towards dance and less like high school or college cheerleading squads. The ten local high school cheerleaders that were selected for the 1970 season were also involved in the task of totally redesigning the uniforms and creating new dance style cheer routines under Dee Brock's direction and with the help of the current choreographer. In 1971, the qualification rules changed to allow not only local female cheerleaders to compete for a spot on the squad, but also high school drill team officers. Then in 1972, Texie Waterman, a New York choreographer, was recruited and charged with auditioning and training an entirely new female squad which would all be over 18 years of age, searching for attractive appearance, athletic ability, and raw talent as performers. And since the 1972 squad consisted of adults, this allowed the possibility of again redesigning the uniforms to introduce the more revealing sexier look closer to what you see today. This group, The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, first appeared on the sidelines during the 1972–1973 NFL season. 31. Susan Sarandon Great looking at every age. Great actress at every age, too. She is an American actress. She has worked in films and television, since 1969, and won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in the 1995 film Dead Man Walking. She was nominated for the award for four films, before that, and has received other recognition for her work. She is also noted for her social and political activism for a variety of liberal causes. 32. Phylicia Rashad The perfect mother: She loved her kids, solved problems, had perfect mom hair, and occasionally said things that children shouldn't hear. Wonderful. She is an American actress and singer, best known for her role as Clair Huxtable on the long-running NBC sitcom The Cosby Show. In 2004, Rashād became the first African-American actress to win the Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Play, for her role in the revival of A Raisin in the Sun. She resumed the role in the 2008 television adaption of A Raisin in the Sun, which earned her the 2009 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special. 33. Toni Morrison For, among a shelf of masterworks, Song of Solomon. 托妮?莫里森(Toni Morrlson,1931,)美国黑人女作家。她所主编的《黑人之书》,记 叙了美国黑人三百年历史,被称为美国黑人史的百科全书。70年代起,她先后在纽约州立 大学、耶鲁大学和巴尔德学院讲授美国黑人文学,并为《纽约时报书评周报》撰写过3O篇 高质量的书评文章,1987年起出任普林斯顿大学教授,讲授文学创作。莫里森可以说是一 位学者型的小说家。 She is a Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist, editor, and professor. Her novels are known for their epic themes, vivid dialogue, and richly detailed black characters. Among her best known novels are The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon and Beloved. 34. Dolly Parton You know, after forty-one Top Ten albums, twenty-five number-one singles, and an acting career, it's something to realize that her best contribution is one you haven't heard about: the Dollywood Foundation, which promotes literacy in dirt-poor, opportunity-free Appalachian towns. The kind of town she grew up in. Dolly 在舞台上的形象,已成为歌坛独特的风景:浓密的假发,亮闪闪的服装。 她华丽 而略显夸张的装饰和1米54的矮小身材成为谐星们搞笑最爱的题材。 没有人能否认,Dolly 是乡村乐坛有史以来最富创造力的女歌手,就连男性也自叹不如: 超过五十张的畅销专辑,二十二首乡村排行冠军歌曲,十张金唱片与白金唱片销售纪录,多 次葛莱美奖得主,使这位杰出女性的名字几乎成为乡村乐最著名艺人的代名词。除了演唱事 业的骄人成绩外,Parton在音乐创作方面的作为同样为众人所称道。此外,她还主演过多部 电影,并曾担任过数次大型颁奖典礼的主持人 She is an American singer-songwriter, author, multi-instrumentalist, actress and philanthropist, best-known for her work in country music. In the four-and-a-half decades since her national-chart début, she remains one of the most-successful female artists in the history of the country genre which garnered her the title of 'The Queen of Country Music', with twenty-five number-one singles, and a record forty-one top-10 country albums. She has the distinction of having performed on a top-five country hit in each of the last five decades and is tied with Reba McEntire as the only country artists with No. 1 singles in four consecutive decades. She is known for her distinctive soprano, sometimes bawdy humor, flamboyant dress sense and voluptuous figure. 35. Bea Arthur Grandmas are the best. Earthy, profane, hilarious grandmas especially. We miss you, Bea. She was an American actress, comedienne and singer whose career spanned seven decades. Arthur achieved fame as the character Maude Findlay on the 1970s sitcoms All in the Family and Maude, and as Dorothy Zbornak on the 1980s sitcom The Golden Girls, winning Emmy Awards for both roles. 36. Golda Meir Respect. Meir,Golda 1898-05-03,基辅,1978-12-08,耶路撒冷 原名戈尔迪?梅厄森。以色列国 的创立者和第4任总理(1969,1974)。 She was the fourth Prime Minister of the State of Israel. Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel on 17 March 1969,[2] after serving as Minister of Labour and Foreign Minister. Israel's first and the world's third woman to hold such an office, she was described as the "Iron Lady" of Israeli politics years before the epithet became associated with British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Former prime minister David Ben-Gurion used to call Meir "the best man in the government"; she was often portrayed as the "strong-willed, straight-talking, grey-bunned grandmother of the Jewish people". 37. Karen Allen Animal House! Raiders of the Lost Ark! Our nine- and twenty-two-year-old selves just fell in love all over again. 1978年,她在《国家讽刺社动物屋》(1978年)中的首次亮相引起了好莱坞的注意。她 的下一个大的突破是在《夺宝奇兵》(1981)中扮演角色“马里昂雷文伍德”。卡伦也于1982 年通过《Monday After the Miracle, The》在百老汇首次亮相。经过几个小电影,其中包括 《underrated Until September 》(1984年),由理查德马昆德导演,和其他舞台演剧,她所取 得的成功的科幻电影《Starman》(1984年)。之后,她的电影生涯减弱,因为她喜欢在舞台 上工作。 1988年,她嫁给了芥兰布朗和尼古拉,她在1990年的第一个孩子。自从尼古拉 斯的诞生后,凯伦淡化了做电影角色和电视电影来集中精力抚养尼古拉斯。 She is an American actress known for her role as Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost [1]Ark (1981) and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). Allen has also had roles in films including National Lampoon's Animal House (1978), The Wanderers (1979), Cruising (1980), Starman (1984), Scrooged (1988), The Sandlot (1993), and Poster Boy (2004). 38. Goldie Hawn Laugh-In! Cactus Flower! Private Benjamin! We're still laughing. 美国女演员、导演、电影监制,在1969年凭《Cactus Flower》荣获奥斯卡最佳女配角和 金球奖最佳女配角奖。 戈尔迪?霍恩在1945年于美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区出生。她父亲爱德华?拉德利奇?霍 恩(Edward Rutledge Hawn)是不知名的乐队成员、爱德华?拉特利奇的后代,基督教新教长 老教会成员。她母亲Laura是珠宝店和舞蹈学校持有人、犹太裔匈牙利移民。她姐姐叫帕特 里夏(Patricia),长兄爱德华(Edward)在她出生前逝世。她在马里兰州Takoma Park长大。 可能对于中国人来说,戈尔迪?霍恩这个名字略显陌生。不过她的女儿kate hudson大家一 定很熟悉。 She is an American actress, film director, producer, and occasional singer. Hawn is known for her roles in Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, Private Benjamin, Foul Play, Wildcats, Overboard, Bird on a Wire, Death Becomes Her, The First Wives Club, The Banger Sisters, and Cactus Flower, for which she won the 1969 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She is also the mother of actors Oliver Hudson and Kate Hudson. Hawn has maintained a relationship with actor Kurt Russell since 1983. 39. Beverly D'Angelo (Coal Miner's Daughter through National Lampoon's Vacation.) Chevy Chase didn't deserve her. 40. Indira Gandhi You don't lead a country from crushing poverty to emerging power without making a few enemies. Richard Nixon considered her "an old witch," which can only fall in her favor. 英迪拉?普里雅达希尼?甘地(1917年11月19日—1984年10月31日),是印度独立 后首任总理贾瓦哈拉尔?尼赫鲁的女儿,是印度近代最为著名及存有争论的政治人物之一。 分别担任两届印度总理,在最后任期期间遇刺身亡。她一方面为印度在冷战时期的发展作出 了不少的贡献,但另一方面亦因政治管理上的方针而令其政绩上蒙上阴影。因其领导印度的 十六年间的政治方针相当硬朗、立场坚定,故后人亦称其为“印度铁娘子”。 She was the Prime Minister of the Republic of India for three consecutive terms from 1966 to 1977 and for a fourth term from 1980 until her assassination in 1984, a total of fifteen years. She is India's only female prime minister to date. She is the world's all time longest serving female Prime Minister. 41. Joan Jett "I Love Rock 'n Roll" changed the way we thought about music — especially how we thought about women making rock music. 艺人简介:她玩的是简单而纯粹的摇滚乐,她从不把自己的性别当一回事,她是几代摇 滚女性的偶像。 听过Joan Jett的人应该对她最著名的《I Hate Myself for Loving You》不会陌生, 没听过Joan Jett的人也应该对她的成名曲《I Love Rock n\" Roll》如雷贯耳,因为不知 多少人翻唱过这位纯粹的摇滚女将的经典作品,其中就包括后来大红大紫的Britney Spears.Joan Jett的形象叛逆,已经无需用极端女权主义突出女性摇滚的身份,她的音乐 简单,已经无需用另类或者非主流来为风格打上标签,在如此普普通通的主流摇滚中,Joan Jett翻开了摇滚历史上自己的一页。 Jett的音乐最明显的标志就是雪崩一样的音量和无法抵抗的钩子(指音乐中引人入胜的 细节),the Rolling Stones一样精力充沛的形象和节奏,AC/DC一样强大的和弦演奏。她 坚持摇滚乐的传统,但也不断有所突破——她玩的是经典的三和弦rock & roll,然而她也 喜欢某些被认为是垃圾的东西(比如Gary Glitter)。从他的第一支乐队the Runaways到他 在八十年代的金曲机器合作者the Blackhearts直至她在九十年代出人意料的成功复出,她 的音乐从未改变过,她用这种方式保证音乐的品质,并用这种方式创造了经典(“I Love Rock-n-Roll”)。 She is an American rock guitarist, singer, songwriter, producer and actress. She is best known for her work with Joan Jett & the Blackhearts including their hit cover "I Love Rock 'n' Roll", which was #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 from March 20 to May 1, 1982, as well as for their other popular recordings including "Crimson and Clover," "I Hate Myself for Loving You," "Do You Want to Touch Me," "Light of Day," "Love Is All Around," "Bad Reputation," and "Little Liar." Her musical and songwriting approach is heavily influenced by the hard-edged, hard beat-driven rhythms common to many rock bands of her native Philadelphia, often featuring lyrics surrounding themes of lost love, criticisms of insincerity, the quest for authenticity, the struggles and resolutions of the American middle class. She has 3 albums that have been certified Platinum or Gold, and she has been referred to as the "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll" many times during her career. In Venus Zine's 2010 "Queen of Rock" feature, Jett won the Readers' Pick in an online poll ahead of Stevie Nicks and Ann Wilson. 42. Meryl Streep Who always seems to know something we don't, and to find it amusing. We don't know if this is what's called "flirting with the audience," but it works. 梅丽尔?斯特里普(英语:Meryl Streep,1949年6月22日,)是一位美国女演员。 出生在新泽西州的萨米特。很多观众与评论家评价她为电影史最伟大的女演员,她迄今为止 获得过16项奥斯卡提名,为史上最多;分别获得第51届(1979年度)奥斯卡最佳女配角 奖与第54届(1982年度)奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。 She is an American actress who has worked in theatre, television and film. She is widely regarded as one of the most talented and respected actors of the modern era. Streep made her professional stage debut in 1971's The Playboy of Seville, before her screen debut in the television movie The Deadliest Season in 1977. In that same year, she made her film debut with Julia. Both critical and commercial success came quickly with roles in The Deer Hunter (1978) and Kramer vs. Kramer (1979), the former giving Streep her first Oscar nomination and the latter her first win. She later won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Sophie's Choice (1982). Streep has received 16 Academy Award nominations, winning two, and 25 Golden Globe nominations, winning seven, more nominations than any other actor in the history of either award. Her work has also earned her two Emmy Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, a Cannes Film Festival award, four New York Film Critics Circle Awards, five Grammy Award nominations, a BAFTA award, an Australian Film Institute Award and a Tony Award nomination, amongst others. She was awarded the American Film Institute's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004. 43. Rhea Perlman Even though her character on Cheers was a slut who wasn't all that good-looking. Because of it, actually. She is an American actress, best known for her role as Carla Tortelli on the sitcom Cheers. 44. Cher Remember when Nic Cage wasn't a joke? That's the power of Cher. 雪儿(Cher)一生从事过的三个职业都取得了让世人瞩目的成就.雪儿在音乐上的成绩主要是在二十 世纪60,70年代,她的歌曲风格从60年代女子组合的流行歌曲到Jackie Deshannon的民谣,再到 Dusty Springfield风格的流行乐。雪儿起初是60年代后期表演了她所在的Sonny &Cher组合的一个 作品,在电影《丝克伍事件》(Silkwood),《面具》(Mask)和《发晕》(Moonstruck)等影片中 饰演女主角,以她日渐精湛的演技获得了奥斯卡最佳女主角的奖项。 She is an American recording artist, actress, director, and record producer. Referred to as the Goddess of Pop, and well known deep contralto vocal range, she has won an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, an Emmy Award, three Golden Globes, a Cannes Film Festival Award, and a People's Choice Award for her work in film, music and television. Cher began her career as a backup singer and later came to prominence as one half of the pop rock duo Sonny & Cher with the success of their song "I Got You Babe" in 1965. She subsequently established herself as a solo recording artist, and became a television star in 1971 with The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour, a variety show for which she won a Golden Globe. A well received performance in the film Silkwood earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 1984. In the following years, Cher starred in a string of hit films including Mask, The Witches of Eastwick, and Moonstruck, for which she won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1988. Cher is the only female solo artist to reach the Top Ten of the Billboard Hot 100 in each of the previous four decades. Her hit dance single "Believe" is her biggest-selling recording and was the best-selling single of 1999, having sold over 10 million copies worldwide. She holds the Hot 100 record for the longest hit-making career span, with 33 years between the release of her first and most recent #1 singles, in 1965 and 1999. Cher ended her 3-year-long "Farewell Tour" in 2005 as the most successful tour by a female solo artist of all time. With a career lasting over 45 years, Cher has sold over 100 million records worldwide. After a three-year hiatus and retirement from touring, Cher returned to the stage in 2008 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas where she is currently performing her show Cher at the Colosseum. 45. Sharon Stone Basic Instinct changed what people could do in movies. Sliver changed what people expected. 莎朗?斯通(Sharon Stone) ,美国演员。1958年生于宾夕法尼亚州的一个小镇,在家 里四个孩子中排行老二。在1992年的法国戛纳电影节上,凭借在《本能》中的大胆演出, 被人们熟知。 1998年4月嫁于丈夫菲尔?郎斯坦,2008年日,美国演员莎朗?斯通在法国 戛纳电影节接受采访时,竟称四川大地震是一件有趣的事情,还没人性地称其为“报应”。 此言一出,引来民愤连连,立刻发出“抵制莎朗?斯通”的倡仪。这番言论还让她失去了和 迪奥中国的一份广告协议,并导致她的电影遭到封杀。 She is an American actress, film producer, and former fashion model. She achieved international recognition for her role in the erotic thriller Basic Instinct. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress and won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama for her performance in Casino. 46. Shirley Jackson You know "The Lottery," the short story every writer studies at some point in his life? It only took her an afternoon to write. She was an influential American author. A popular writer in her time, her work has received increasing attention from literary critics in recent years. She has influenced such writers as Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Nigel Kneale and Richard Matheson. She is best known for the short story "The Lottery" (1948), which suggests a secret, sinister underside to bucolic small-town America. In her critical biography of Jackson, Lenemaja Friedman notes that when "The Lottery" was published in the June 26, 1948, issue of The New Yorker, it received a response that "no New Yorker story had ever received." Hundreds of letters poured in that were characterized by, as Jackson put it, "bewilderment, speculation and old-fashioned abuse." In the July 22, 1948, issue of the San Francisco Chronicle Jackson offered the following in response to persistent queries from her readers about her intentions: Explaining just what I had hoped the story to say is very difficult. I suppose, I hoped, by setting a particularly brutal ancient rite in the present and in my own village to shock the story's readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general inhumanity in their own lives. Jackson's husband, the literary critic Stanley Edgar Hyman, wrote in his preface to a posthumous anthology of her work that "she consistently refused to be interviewed, to explain or promote her work in any fashion, or to take public stands and be the pundit of the Sunday supplements. She believed that her books would speak for her clearly enough over the years." Hyman insisted the darker aspects of Jackson's works were not, as some critics claimed, the product of "personal, even neurotic, fantasies," but that Jackson intended, as "a sensitive and faithful anatomy of our times, fitting symbols for our distressing world of the concentration camp and the Bomb," to mirror humanity's Cold War-era fears. Jackson may even have taken pleasure in the subversive impact of her work, as evidenced by Hyman's statement that she "was always proud that the Union of South Africa banned 'The Lottery,' and she felt that they at least understood the story".[ 47. Princess Diana Regardless of who she married, she still deserved to be called a princess. 戴安娜(Diana Spencer)王妃1961年7月1日出生于英国诺福克,是爱德华斯宾塞伯爵的 小女儿,1981年7月29日与威尔士亲王查理斯结婚。她是查尔斯的第一任妻子,亦是威廉 王子和哈里王子的亲生母亲。1987年6月,戴安娜将她所拍卖的79件服装所得350万英镑, 全部捐给慈善事业。她的品行深深地感动了普通人,尤其是苦难之中的人们。 1996年8月 28日解除婚约,戴安娜获准保留“威尔斯王妃”的头衔。1997年8月31日因车祸死于法国 巴黎,车祸发生时开车的司机保罗确属酒后超速驾驶,车上的人也未系安全带。 She was a member of the British royal family and international personality of the late 20th century as the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, whom she married on 29 July 1981. The wedding, which was held at St. Paul's Cathedral, was televised and watched by a global audience of over 750 million people. The marriage produced two sons: Princes William and Harry,currently second and third in line to the thrones of the 16 Commonwealth realms. A public figure from the announcement of her engagement to Prince Charles, Diana was born into an old, aristocratic English family with royal connections, and remained the focus of worldwide media scrutiny before, during and after her marriage, which ended in divorce on 28 August 1996. This continued following her death in a car crash in Paris along with her companion Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul on 31 August 1997, and in the subsequent display of public mourning a week later. Contemporary responses to Diana's life and legacy are mixed but popular interest in the Princess endures. Diana also received recognition for her charity work and for her support of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. From 1989, she was the president of the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. 48. Cheryl Tiegs Christie who? She is an American model and actress. 49. Madonna 1985 Madonna. Not 2010 Madonna. 「 世纪女皇」麦当娜,这位主宰全球流行文化的喜怒哀乐,超越四分之一世纪的音乐 女神。自1982年发行第一支单曲之後,麦当娜便展开她全面征服、无人能及的流行霸业王 朝。无论是歌手、音乐制作人、电影麦当娜早期照片(13张)制作人、演员、舞者、慈善家、 童书作者、女性主义家、母亲、或是设计师,她都能以这些不同身份,淋漓尽致地成功展现 出令人赞叹的多元色彩。麦当娜在全球的专辑累积销量,早已轻松突破两亿大关成为全球销 量最高女歌手,而每次推出新的音乐作品,也都能同时兼顾商业市场走向及音乐创新,成为 潮流尖端的出色指标。 She is an American recording artist, actress and entrepreneur. Born in Bay City, Michigan, she moved to New York City in 1977 to pursue a career in modern dance. After performing in the music groups Breakfast Club and Emmy, she released her debut album in 1983. She followed it with a series of albums in which she found immense popularity by pushing the boundaries of lyrical content in mainstream popular music and imagery in her music videos, which became a fixture on MTV. Throughout her career, many of her songs have hit number one on the record charts, including "Like a Virgin", "Papa Don't Preach", "Like a Prayer", "Vogue", "Frozen", "Music", "Hung Up", and "4 Minutes". Madonna has been praised by critics for her diverse musical productions while at the same time serving as a lightning rod for religious controversy. Her career was further enhanced by film appearances that began in 1979, despite mixed commentary. She won critical acclaim and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for her role in Evita (1996), but has received harsh feedback for other film roles. Madonna's other ventures include being a fashion designer, children's book author, film director and producer. She has been acclaimed as a businesswoman, and in 2007, she signed an unprecedented US $120 million contract with Live Nation. Madonna has sold more than 300 million records worldwide and is recognized as the world's top-selling female recording artist of all time by the Guinness World . According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), she is Records the best-selling female rock artist of the 20th century and the second top-selling female artist in the United States, behind Barbra Streisand, with 64 million certified albums. In 2008, Billboard magazine ranked Madonna at number two, behind only The Beatles, on the Billboard Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists, making her the most successful solo artist in the history of the Billboard chart. She was also inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the same year. Considered to be one of the "25 Most Powerful Women of the Past Century" by Time for being an influential figure in contemporary music, Madonna is known for continuously reinventing both her music and image, and for retaining a standard of autonomy within the recording industry. She is recognized as an inspiration among numerous music artists. 50. Joan Didion For fifty years of not letting America get away with its own self-delusions. If we have a national conscience, she is it. 琼?迪迪恩/琼?狄第恩(Joan Didion), 20世纪60年代步入文坛。她在文学创作上成绩斐 然,在美国当代文学中地位显赫,并在小说、非小说及剧本写作上都颇有成就。其作品中多 角度展现了新新闻主义、女权主义和后现代主义。代表作品有写实文学《奇思年代》(The Year of Magical Thinking), 《向伯利恒跋涉》(Slouching Towards Bethlehem), 《白色专辑》(The White Album),以及小说《顺其自然》 (Play It As It Lays)等。 主要奖项有1981年、2005 年两度获得“美国国家书卷奖”。 She is an American author best known for her novels and personalized, journalistic essays. The disintegration of American morals and cultural chaos upon which her essays comment are explored more fully in her novels, where the overriding theme is individual and social fragmentation. A sense of anxiety or dread permeates much of her work. New Journalism New Journalism seeks to communicate facts through narrative storytelling and literary techniques. This style is also described as creative nonfiction, intimate journalism, or literary nonfiction. Tom Wolfe, author of The New Journalism (1974), popularized this style and pointed to the fact that "it is possible to write journalism that would ... read like a novel." New Journalist writers tend to turn away from “just the facts” and focus more upon the dialogue of the situation and the scenarios that the author may have experienced. The style gives the author more creative freedom and blends elements of fiction, opinion, and fact. This can help to represent the truth and reality through the author's eyes. Exhibiting subjectivity is a major theme in New Journalism. Here, the author’s voice is critical to a reader forming opinions and thoughts concerning the work. Didion's Slouching Towards Bethlehem exemplifies much of what New Journalism represents as they explore the cultural values and experiences of American life in the 1960s. Didion includes her personal feelings and memories in this first person narrative, describing the chaos of individuals and the way in which they perceive the world. Here Didion rejects conventional journalism, and instead prefers to create a subjective approach to essays, a style that is her own. Writing style and themes Didion views the structure of the sentence as essential to what she is conveying in her work. In the New York Times article, Why I Write (1976) Didion remarks, "To shift the structure of a sentence alters the meaning of that sentence, as definitely and inflexibly as the position of a camera alters the meaning of the object photographed...The arrangement of the words matters, and the arrangement you want can be found in the picture in your mind...The picture tells you how to arrange the words and the arrangement of the words tells you, or tells me, what's going on in the picture." Didion is heavily influenced by Ernest Hemingway, whose writing taught Didion the importance of the way sentences worked within a text. Other influences include writer Henry James, who wrote "perfect, indirect, complicated sentences" and George Eliot. Because of her belief that it is the media that tells us how to live, Joan Didion has become an observer of journalists themselves. She believes that the difference between the process of fiction and nonfiction is the element of discovery that takes place in nonfiction. This happens not during the writing, but rather during the research. Like any writer, there are rituals that are a part of Didion's creative thought process. At the end of the day, Didion must take a break from writing to remove herself from the "pages." She feels closeness to her work; without a necessary break, she cannot make proper adjustments. Didion spends a great deal of time cutting out and editing her prose before concluding her evening. The next day, Didion begins by looking over her work from the previous evening, making further adjustments as she sees fit. As this process culminates, Didion feels that it is necessary to sleep in the same room as her book. In Didion's own words, "That's one reason I go home to Sacramento to finish things. Somehow the book doesn't leave you when you're right next to it." 51. Joyce Brothers In a house without cable and in a time before the Internet, her Good Housekeeping column was the closest thing to sexual enlightenment a kid could find and read before his mom got home from the grocery store. She is an American psychologist and advice columnist, publishing a daily syndicated newspaper column since 1960. 52. Gong Li First actual Chinese movie star we were exposed to. 53. Chrissie Hynde We can even forgive her obnoxious new animal activism. She is an American rock musician, best known as the leader of the rock/new wave band The Pretenders. She is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, and has been the only constant member of the band throughout its history.As a rare, successful female bandleader and style-setter in the early days of 1970s punk and new wave, Hynde had a major impact on the music scene. 54. Joan Rivers Before all this red-carpet garbage, a damn fine comedian She is an American comedian, television personality and actress. She is known for her brash manner, her loud, raspy voice with a heavy New York dialect, as well as her numerous cosmetic surgeries. Rivers's comic style relies heavily on poking fun at herself and other celebrities, mostly about their fashion sense. 55. Tina Turner She was forty-five when she walked down the sidewalk in a miniskirt, high heels, and a wig in the "What's Love Got to Do with It" video. It's like she was thirty then, and it's like she's thirty now. She is an American singer and actress whose career has spanned more than 50 years. She has won numerous awards and her achievements in the rock music genre have earned her the title The Queen of Rock 'n' Roll.Turner started out her music career with husband Ike Turner as a member of the Ike & Tina Turner Revue. Success followed with a string of hits including "River Deep, Mountain High" and the 1971 hit "Proud Mary". With the publication of her autobiography I, Tina (1986), Turner revealed severe instances of spousal abuse against her by Ike Turner prior to their 1976 split and subsequent 1978 divorce. After virtually disappearing from the music scene for several years following her divorce from Ike Turner, she rebuilt her career, launching a string of hits beginning in 1983 with the single "Let's Stay Together" and the 1984 release of her fifth solo album Private Dancer.. One of the world's most popular entertainers, Turner has been called the most successful female rock artistand was named "one of the greatest singers of all time" by Rolling Stone. Her records have sold nearly 180 million copies worldwide. She has sold more concert tickets than any other solo music performer in history. She is known for her energetic stage presence, powerful vocals, career longevity, and widespread appeal. In 2008, Turner left semi-retirement to embark on her Tina!: . Turner's tour became one of the highest selling ticketed 50th Anniversary Tour shows of 2008-2009. Turner was born a Baptist, but converted to Buddhism and credits the spiritual chants with giving her the strength that she needed to get through the rough times. 56. Jackie Joyner-Kersee As dominant as the UConn women's basketball team. With legs much better suited to shorts. She is a retired American athlete, ranked among the all-time greatest athletes in the women's heptathlon as well as in the women's long jump. She won three gold, one silver, and two bronze Olympic medals, in those four different events. Sports magazine voted Joyner-Kersee the Greatest Female Athlete Illustrated for Women of the 20th century, just ahead of Babe Didrikson Zaharias. 57. Katarina Witt It's hard to say which stuck with us more: Calgary, 1988, or Playboy, 1998. 特琳娜?维特(Katarina Witt,1965年11月3日—),德国著名花样滑冰运动员。 她 的运动生涯往往被 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 为“2,4,6,8”,即2届奥林匹克运动会花样滑冰比赛冠军(1984 年和1988年),4届世界花样滑冰锦标赛冠军(1984年、1985年、1987年和1988年),6 届欧洲花样滑冰锦标赛冠军(1983年到1988年),8届德意志民主共和国花样滑冰锦标赛冠 军(1981年到1988年)。因为比赛成绩极为优异,她被认为是有史以来最杰出的花样滑冰 运动员之一。 She is a German figure skater and model. In Germany she was commonly called "Kati" in the past, but today her full name is used more often. She won two Olympic gold medals for East Germany, first in the 1984 Sarajevo Olympics and the second in 1988 at the Calgary Olympics. She won the World Championships in 1984, 1985, 1987, and 1988, and six consecutive European Championships (1983–1988). Her competitive record makes her one of the most successful figure skaters of all time. 58. Winona Ryder We prefer to remember early-'90s Winona. Edward Scissorhands, Mermaids, Dracula, Reality Bites Winona. Charming Winona. 诺纳?赖德(Winona Ryder,1971年10月29日,),美国电影女演员。全名威诺纳?劳拉?霍 洛威兹(Winona Laura Horowitz)。1971年10月出生于明尼苏达州,父母是60年代的嬉皮 士——热爱自由,反对主流文化代表作剪刀手爱德华。 She is an American actress. She made her film debut in the 1986 film Lucas. Ryder's first significant role came in Tim Burton's Beetlejuice (1988) as a goth teenager, which won her critical and commercial recognition. After making various appearances in film and television, Ryder continued her career with the cult film Heathers (1989), a controversial satire of teenage suicide and high school life, which drew Ryder further critical and commercial attention. After playing diverse roles in numerous well-received films, Ryder won a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress and an Academy Award nomination in the same category for her role in The Age of Innocence in 1993, as well as another Academy Award nomination for Little Women the following year for Best Actress. In [2]2000, Ryder received a star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood, California. [3]Ryder's personal life has been widely reported by the media. Her relationship with actor Johnny Depp in the early 1990s was highly publicized and received much scrutiny by the media and tabloid press. A much talked about 2001 shoplifting [4]incident led to a four-year hiatus from acting. She has also revealed her personal [5]struggle with anxiety and depression, briefly checking into a clinic. In 2006, Ryder returned to the screen, and some media outlets called her performance "a remarkable [comeback" to acting. 59. Janet Jackson That Rolling Stone cover would have been enough. 珍妮-杰克逊是美国流行乐坛最著名的歌星之一,她以灵歌、劲舞为资本,在九十年代 与麦当娜、惠特妮-休斯顿、玛丽亚-凯莉并列为“四大天后”。 She is an American recording artist and actress. Born in Gary, Indiana, and raised in Encino, Los Angeles, she is the youngest child of the Jackson family of musicians. She first performed on stage with her family at the age of seven, and started her career as an actress with the variety television series The Jacksons in 1976. She went on to appear in other television shows throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, including and . Good TimesFame At age sixteen in 1982, she signed a recording contract with A&M and released her self-titled debut. She faced criticism for her limited vocal range, and for being yet another member of the Jackson family to become a recording artist. Beginning with her third studio album (1986), she began a long-term collaboration with Control record producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. Her music with Jam and Lewis incorporated elements of rhythm and blues, disco, funk, rock and rap with sample loop, triplet swing and industrial beats, which led to crossover appeal in popular music. In addition to receiving recognition for the innovation in her albums, choreography, music videos, and prominence on MTV, Jackson was acknowledged as a role model for her socially conscious lyrics. In 1991, she signed the first of two record-breaking, multi-million dollar contracts with Virgin Records, establishing her as one of the highest paid artists in the industry. Her debut album under the Virgin label, Janet (1993), saw Jackson develop a public image as a sex symbol as she began to explore sexuality in her work. That same year, she appeared in her first starring film role in Poetic Justice. By the end of the 1990s, she was named the second most successful recording artist of the decade. All for You (2001), became her fifth consecutive studio album to hit number one on the Billboard 200 album charts. In 2007, she changed labels, signing with Island Records and released her tenth studio album Discipline the following year. Why Did I Get Married (2007) marked a concentrated effort for her to return to acting, followed by its sequel and For Colored Girls in 2010. Having sold over 100 million records worldwide, Jackson is ranked as one of the [1]best-selling artists in the history of contemporary music. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) lists her as the eleventh best-selling female artist in [2]the United States, with 26 million certified albums. She has amassed an extensive catalog of hits, with singles such as "Nasty", "Rhythm Nation", "That's the Way Love Goes", "Together Again" and "All for You" among her most iconic. In 2008, Billboard released its list of the Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists, ranking her at number seven. In 2010, the magazine announced the "Top 50 R&B / Hip-Hop Artists of the Past 25 Years", ranking her at number five. Her longevity, records and achievements reflect her influence in shaping and redefining the scope of popular music. She has been cited as an inspiration among numerous performers. 60. Liz Phair Indie-rock chicks couldn't have a better mentor. She is an American singer, songwriter and guitarist. Phair began her career in the early 1990s by self-releasing audio cassettes under the moniker Girly Sound, before signing with the independent record label Matador Records. Her 1993 debut studio album Exile in Guyville was released to acclaim: by the turn of the 21st century, it had been ranked by Rolling Stone as one of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Ten years after the release of her debut, Phair's fourth album, Liz Phair, was released on Capitol Records and her music began to move in a more pop rock-oriented approach. Phair has sold nearly three million records worldwide. Her latest album, Funstyle, was released on July 3, 2010 61. Fiona Apple The only singer with that Lilith Fair vibe that it's okay for men to listen to. Adult Alternative Pop/Rock(成人另类流行/摇滚) Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流 行/摇滚) Singer/Songwriter(演唱者/歌曲作者) She is an American singer-songwriter. Her 1996 debut album Tidal received a Grammy Award for the song "Criminal". 62. Madeleine Albright First female secretary of state. Looked great in blue. 马德琳?科贝尔?奥尔布赖特是美国有史以来的第一位女国务卿,她身材矮小,体型 微胖,且喜欢身着红裙,这些连同其令人敬畏的政治声望,都使她在那个历来都由男 性主导的国际政治舞台上显得格外引人注目,而她的个人经历及日常生活也同样完全 可以用―政治‖一词来概括。 is the first woman to become a United States Secretary of State. She was appointed by U.S. President Bill Clinton on December 5, 1996, and was unanimously confirmed by a U.S. Senate vote of 99-0. She was sworn in on January 23, 1997. Albright now serves as a Professor of International Relations at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service. In addition to her PhD from Columbia University, she also holds Honorary Doctors of Laws awarded by the University of Washington in 2002; Smith College in 2003; University of Winnipeg in 2005; the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2007, and Knox College in 2008.[3] Secretary Albright also serves as a Director on the Board of the Council on Foreign Relations.[4] Albright is fluent in English, French, Russian, and Czech; she speaks and reads Polish and Serbo-Croatian as well. 63. Kim Basinger So beautiful. Almost enough to make up for how crazy she is. She is an American actress and former fashion model. She is known for her portrayals of Domino Petachi, the Bond girl in Never Say Never (1983), and Vicki Vale, the female lead in Batman (1989). Basinger received a Again Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture nomination for her work in The Natural (1984). She won an Academy Award, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in L.A. (1997). She also appeared in 9? Weeks (1986), and 8 Mile (2002). Also Confidential filmed in the 2010 movie Charlie St. Cloud as Claire St. Cloud, Charlie St. Cloud's mom. 64. Hope Sandoval A face just like her voice: sweet, enchanting, and emotional. She is an American singer-songwriter who is the lead singer for Mazzy Star and [1]Hope Sandoval & the Warm Inventions. During live performances, Sandoval prefers to sing in near darkness with only a dim backlight, playing the tambourine, harmonica, [2]glockenspiel or shaker. Cameras were not allowed during her recent tours, and she [3]is reputed to be "a woman of very few words". Some interpret Sandoval's self-consciousness as pretentious, and she has been criticized for being "willfully aloof", "hard to understand", "coy and child-like" and for "hiding behind her long, dark [4][5]hair" during performances. Sandoval has toured and collaborated with other artists, but of late, she states, "I like being alone and free to sing on my own and the time and vibe to create something. I get really, really anxious if I have to go into the studio with someone I don't know already." She sang vocals on Massive Attack's "Paradise Circus" (2010) and admired the "beautiful tracks" the band sent her, but they did not "meet up" for their [collaboration. 65. Angelina Jolie Before giving in to all this Brad Pitt, adoption nonsense. 66. Jennifer Aniston After giving in to all this Brad Pitt nonsense. 詹妮弗?安妮斯顿(英文名:Jennifer Aniston;英文昵称:JEN JENNY;中文昵称: 安妮,珍,安安,小珍,小安)生于1969年2月11日,美国著名演员,兼制片人、监制、 投资人。安妮斯顿于1990年开始从影,先后拍摄过几部电视剧,直到1993年她得到NBC 开拍的新剧《Friends》里Rachel的角色,从此一炮而红,成为炙手可热的大明星。 67. Serena Williams No woman will ever be as dominant. 68. Helen Mirren Extraordinary actor. Good sense of humor. Great competitor. 69. Britney Spears But only for a fleeting moment: just between her jailbait phase and when she sang with that snake on her neck. 70. Katie Couric Such a force. Until people started feeling sorry for her. 71. Judy Blume If only for the comedy-reference fodder of Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Oh, and Superfudge. 72. Kelly Clarkson The best voice in the history of pop music. 73. Jessica Rabbit Betty Boop didn't even come close. 74. Michelle Obama The perfect running mate. 75. Hillary Clinton Indispensable.
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