首页 请教高手,镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板

请教高手,镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板


请教高手,镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板请教高手,镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板 请教高手,镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板 /覆铝锌板的区别(性能,外观,价格),在线等~ 有这个两种材质吗?我做了几年的钣金都没有听说过哦!(镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板),是不是写错字了. 我用过,两种的确不同,镀铝板是冷板表面覆盖了一层铝就如镀锌板一样,而覆铝锌板是板材表面覆了一层铝锌抗氧化层有花纹(花纹有点象镀锌板的花纹)有一定的装饰作用通常表面还有覆有保护膜,二者价格不同防腐性能也不一样,覆铝锌板要贵点 两种好象是一个定义的两种不同叫法吧~~~~都是在低碳钢板上镀铝和锌的吧 常用,电...

请教高手,镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板
请教高手,镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板 请教高手,镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板 /覆铝锌板的区别(性能,外观,价格),在线等~ 有这个两种材质吗?我做了几年的钣金都没有听说过哦!(镀铝锌板与 敷铝锌板),是不是写错字了. 我用过,两种的确不同,镀铝板是冷板表面覆盖了一层铝就如镀锌板一样,而覆铝锌板是板材表面覆了一层铝锌抗氧化层有花纹(花纹有点象镀锌板的花纹)有一定的装饰作用通常表面还有覆有保护膜,二者价格不同防腐性能也不一样,覆铝锌板要贵点 两种好象是一个定义的两种不同叫法吧~~~~都是在低碳钢板上镀铝和锌的吧 常用,电气设备中,高压柜用,覆铝锌板贵 敷铝锌板多用于高压开关柜。外形美观。但价钱贵。你说的镀铝锌板还真的没有听说过的。过来学习学习。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 有没有人熟悉钢材型号的,最好是镀锌板的型号, 还有一个问题:镀锌板的无锌花,小锌花,光整锌花是怎么区别的,是不是他们的型号不一样啊,,,,, 镀锌板的无锌花,小锌花,光整锌花是不是都有各自型号, 我刚接触这方面,所以大家能否给我解答的尽量详细点 先谢各位了~,~,~,~, power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 不锈钢的表面处理和缺陷 不锈钢具有独特的强度、较高的耐磨性、优越的防腐性能及不易生锈等优良的特性。故广泛应用于化工行业,食品机械,机电行业,环保行业,家用电器行业及家庭装潢,精饰行业,给予人们以华丽高贵的感觉。 不锈钢的应用发展前景会越来越广,但不锈钢的应用发展很大程度上决定它的表面处理技术发展程度。 1 不锈钢常用表面处理方法 1.1 不锈钢品种简介 1.1.1 不锈钢主要成分:一般含有鉻(Cr)、镍(Ni)、钼(Mo)、钛(Ti)等优质金属元素。 1.1.2 常见不锈钢:有鉻不锈钢,含Cr?12%以上;镍鉻不锈钢,含Cr?18%,含Ni?12%。 1.1.3 从不锈钢金相组织结构分类:有奥氏体不锈钢,例如:1Cr18Ni9Ti,1Cr18Ni11Nb,Cr18Mn8Ni5。马氏体不锈钢,例如:Cr17,Cr28等。一般称为非磁性不锈钢和带有磁性不锈钢。 1.2 常见不锈钢表面处理方法 常用不锈钢表面处理技术有以下几种处理方法:?表面本色白化处理;?表面镜面光亮处理;?表面着色处理。 1.3.1 表面本色白化处理:不锈钢在加工过程中,经过卷板、扎边、焊接或者经过人工表面火烤加温处理,产生黑色氧化皮。这种坚硬的灰黑色氧化皮主要是NiCr2O4和NiF二种EO4成分,以前一般采用氢氟酸和硝酸进行强腐蚀方法去除。但这种方法成本大,污染环境,对人体有害,腐蚀性较大,逐渐被淘汰。目前对氧化皮处理方法主要有二种: ? 喷砂(丸)法:主要是采用喷微玻璃珠的方法,除去表面的黑色氧化皮。 ? 化学法:使用一种无污染的酸洗钝化膏和常温无毒害的带有无机添加剂的清洗液进行浸洗。从而达到不锈钢本色的白化处理目的。处理好后基本上看上去是一无光的色泽。这种方法对大型、复杂产品较适用。 1.3.2 不锈钢表面镜面光亮处理方法:根据不锈钢产品的复杂程度和用户要求情况不同可分别采用机械抛光、化学抛光、电化学抛光等方法来达到镜面光泽。这三种方法优缺点如下: power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 不锈钢表面处理和缺陷2 表1 项目方法 优点 缺点 适用产品 备注 机械抛光 整平性好,光亮 劳动强度大,污染严重,复杂件难加工,光泽下降,投资及成本较高 简单工件,中、小产品,复杂件无法加工 整个产品光泽达不到一致,光泽保持时间不长 化学抛光 投资少,复杂件能抛,效率高,速度快 光亮度不足,抛光液要加温,有气体溢出,需要通风设备 复杂产品,光亮度要求不高的产品可选用 小批量加工较合算 电化学抛光 达镜面光泽,长期保持,工艺稳定,污染少,成本低,防污染性好 一次性投资大,复杂件要装工装,辅助电极,大量生产要降温 高挡中小件产品,要求长时间保持镜面光亮产品 工艺稳定,易操作,可广泛推广使用 1.3.3 表面着色处理:不锈钢着色不仅赋予不锈钢制品各种颜色,增加产品的花色品种,而且提高产品耐磨性和耐腐蚀性。 [ 本帖最后由 迷茫的猴子 于 2005-9-29 16:44 编辑] 不锈钢表面处理和缺陷3 不锈钢着色方法有如下几种: ?化学氧化着色法; ?电化学氧化着色法; ?离子沉积氧化物着色法; ?高温氧化着色法; ?气相裂解着色法。 各种方法简单概况如下: ?化学氧化着色法:就是在特定溶液中,通过化学氧化形成膜的颜色,有重铬酸盐法、混合钠盐法、硫化法、酸性氧化法和碱性氧化法。一般“茵科法”(INCO)使用较多,不过要想保证一批产品色泽一致的话,必须用参比电极来控制。 ?电化学着色法:是在特定溶液中,通过电化学氧化形成膜的颜色。 ? 离子沉积氧化物着色法化学法:就是将不锈钢工件放在真空镀膜机中进行真空蒸发镀。例如:镀钛金的手表壳、手表带,一般是金黄色。这种方法适用于大批量产品加工。因为投资大,成本高,小批量产品不合算。 ?高温氧化着色法:是在特定的熔盐中,浸入工件保持在一定的工艺参数,使工件形成一定厚度氧化膜,而呈现出各种不同色泽。 ? 气相裂解着色法:较为复杂,在工业中应用较少。 1.3 处理方法选用 不锈钢表面处理选用哪种方法,要根据产品结构、材质、及对表面不同要求,选用合适的方法进行处理。 2 不锈钢件产生锈蚀的常见原因 2.1 化学腐蚀 2.1.1 表面污染:附着在工件表面的油污、灰尘及酸、碱、盐等在一定条件转化为腐蚀介质,与不锈钢件中的某些成分发生化学反应,产生化学腐蚀而生锈。 2.1.2 表面划伤:各种划伤对钝化膜的破坏,使不锈钢保护能力降低,易与化学介质发生反应,产生化学腐蚀而生锈。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 2.1.3 清洗:酸洗钝化后清洗不干净造成残液存留,直接腐蚀不锈钢件(化学腐蚀)。 2 [ 本帖最后由 迷茫的猴子 于 2005-9-29 16:45 编辑] 不锈钢表面处理和缺陷4 .2 电化学腐蚀 2.2.1 碳钢污染:与碳钢件接触造成的划伤与腐蚀介质形成原电池而产生电化学腐蚀。 2.2.2 切割:割渣、飞溅等易生锈物质的附着与腐蚀介质形成原电池而产生电化学腐。 2.2.3 烤校:火焰加热区域的成份与金相组织发生变化而不均匀,与腐蚀介质形成原电池而产生电化学腐蚀。 2.2.4 焊接:焊接区域的物理缺陷(咬边、气孔、裂纹、未熔合、未焊透等)和化学缺陷(晶粒粗大、晶界贫铬、偏析等)与腐蚀介质形成原电池而产生电化学腐蚀。 2.2.5 材质:不锈钢材质的化学缺陷(成份不均匀、S、P杂质等)和表面物理缺陷(疏松、砂眼、裂纹等)有利于与腐蚀介质形成原电池而产生电化学腐蚀。 2.2.6 钝化:酸洗钝化效果不好造成不锈钢表面钝化膜不均匀或较薄,易于形成电化学腐蚀。 2.2.7 清洗:存留的酸洗钝化残液与不锈钢发生化学腐蚀的生成物与不锈钢件形成电化学腐蚀。 2.3 应力集中易于造成应力腐蚀。 总之,不锈钢由于其特殊的金相组织和表面钝化膜,使得它在一般情况下较难与介质发生化学反应而被腐蚀,但并不是在任何条件下都不能被腐蚀。在腐蚀介质和诱因(如划伤、飞溅、割渣等)存在的条件下,不锈钢也能与腐蚀介质发生缓慢的化学和电化学反应被腐蚀,而且在一定条件下的腐蚀速度相当快而产生锈蚀现象,尤其是点蚀和缝隙腐蚀。不锈钢件的腐蚀机理主要为电化学腐蚀。 因此,在不锈钢产品在加工作业过程中应采取一切有效措施,尽量避免锈蚀条件和诱因的产生。实际上,许多锈蚀条件和诱因(如划伤、飞溅、割渣等)对于产品的外观质量也有显著的不利的影响,也应该和必须加以克服。 [ 本帖最后由 迷茫的猴子 于 2005-9-29 16:45 编辑] 不锈钢表面处理和缺陷5 3 不锈钢产品加工过程中存在问题 3.1 焊缝缺陷:焊缝缺陷较严重,采用手工机械打磨处理方法来弥补,产生的打磨痕迹,造成表面不均匀,影响美观。 3.2 表面不一致:只对焊缝进行酸洗钝化,也造成表面不均匀,影响美观。 3.3 划痕难除去:整体酸洗钝化,也不能将加工过程中产生的各种划痕去掉,并且也不能去除由于划伤、焊接飞溅而粘附在不锈钢表面的碳钢、飞溅等杂质,导致在腐蚀介质存在的条件下发生化学腐蚀或电化学腐蚀而生锈。 3.4 打磨抛光钝化不均匀:手工打磨抛光后进行酸洗钝化处理,对面积较大的工件,很难达到均匀一致处理效果,不能得理想的均匀表面。并且工时费用,辅料费用也较高。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 3.5 酸洗能力有限:酸洗钝化膏并不是万能的,对等离子切割、火焰切割而产和黑色氧化皮,较难除去。 3.6 人为因素造成的划伤比较严重:在吊装、运输和结构加工过程中,磕碰、拖拉、锤击等人为因素造成的划伤比较严重,使得表面处理难度加大,而且也是处理后产生锈蚀的主要原因。 3.7 设备因素:在型材、板材卷弯、折弯过程中,造成的划伤和折痕也是处理后产生锈蚀的主要原因。 3.8 其他因素:不锈钢原材料在采购、储存过程中,由于吊装、运输过程产生的磕碰和划伤也比较严重,也是产生锈蚀的原因之一。 [ 本帖最后由 迷茫的猴子 于 2005-9-29 16:46 编辑] power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance
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