首页 激励机制的对于公司的意义和影响



激励机制的对于公司的意义和影响激励机制的对于公司的意义和影响 公司针对每天或每月的工作重点,进行考核和评比后,会用员工激励来激励员工。激励机制是为了激励员工而采取的一系列方针政策、规章制度、行为准则、道德规范、文化理念以及相应的组织机构、激励措施的总和。通过这一机制所形成的推动力和吸引力,使员工萌发实现组织目标的动机,产生实现目标的的动力,引起并维持实现组织目标的行为;并通过绩效评价,得到自豪感和响应的奖酬,强化自己的行为。员工激励是人力资源管理中最重要的一个组成部分,只有激励了,这个人才能留住,所以激励是企业能否留住员工的一个关键。 张经...

激励机制的对于公司的意义和影响 公司针对每天或每月的工作重点,进行考核和评比后,会用员工激励来激励员工。激励机制是为了激励员工而采取的一系列方针政策、规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、行为准则、道德 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、文化理念以及相应的组织机构、激励措施的总和。通过这一机制所形成的推动力和吸引力,使员工萌发实现组织目标的动机,产生实现目标的的动力,引起并维持实现组织目标的行为;并通过绩效评价,得到自豪感和响应的奖酬,强化自己的行为。员工激励是人力资源管理中最重要的一个组成部分,只有激励了,这个人才能留住,所以激励是企业能否留住员工的一个关键。 张经理是 A 公司以业绩为导向型的企业里的人力资源部负责人, 近段时间他却烦恼透顶, 两位他所看重的公司业 务骨干要走.主要原因是该员工认为他现在所做的贡献远大于回报,而且事实的确如此.而 公司则认为他们所取得的成绩是因为有公司作后盾, 离了公司他们什么也不是, 又怎么会有 作为?相持之下两人一气走之. 在一个以业绩为导向型的企业里,员工的收入是跟其贡献直接挂钩的。任何一个企业都是20%的人才创造80%的财富,对这20%员工的薪酬当然不能少了。现在市场竞争很激烈,人才争夺很激烈,争夺的焦点就是一些高级管理人才和高级技术人才,因为这些人才可以为公司做出重大贡献。 联想还培养了后备干部,对于被淘汰的人所在的岗位,马上就有人可以顶上,这是一个合理的闭环。确实,在it企业必须每个人都时刻要有危机意识,不进则退,跟不上形势就要被淘汰,企业如此,个人亦如此 其中多层次激励机制的实施是联想创造奇迹的一个秘方,联想集团始终认为激励机制是一个永远开放的系统,要随着时代、环境、市场形式的变化而不断变化。这首先 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现在联想在不同时期有不同的激励机制,对于80年代第一代联想人公 司主要注重培养他们的集体主义精神和物质生活基本满足;而进入90年代以后,新一代的联想人对物质要求更为强烈,并有很强的自我意识,从这些特点出发,联想制定了新的、合理的、有效的激励 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,那就是多一点空间、多一点办法,根据高科技企业发展的特点激励多条跑道:例如让有突出业绩的业务人员和销售人员的工资和奖金比他们的上司还高许多,这样就使他们能安心现有的工作,而不是煞费苦心往领导岗位上发展,他们也不再认为只有做官才能体现价值,因为做一名成功的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 员和销售员一样可以体现出自己的价值,这样他们就把所有的精力和才华都投入到最适合自己的工作中去,从而创造出最大的工作效益和业绩。联想集团始终认为只激励一条跑道一定会拥挤不堪,一定要激励多条跑道,这样才能使员工真正能安心在最适合他的岗位上工作。其次是要想办法了解员工需要的是什么,分清那些是合理的和不合理的;那些是主要的和次要的;那些是现在可以满足的和是今后努力才能做到的,总之联想的激励机制主要是把激励的手段、方法与激励的目的相结合,从而达到激励手段和效果的一致性。而他们所采取的激励的手段是灵活多样的,是根据不同的工作、不同的人,不同的情况制定出不同的制度,而决不能是一种制度从一而终。 由此可见,企业要根据不同的类型和特点制定激励制度,而且在制定激励机制时一定要考虑到个体差异:例如女性员工相对而言对报酬更为看重,而男性则更注重企业和自身的发展;在年龄方面也有差异,一般20-30岁之间的员工自主意识比较强,对工作条件等各方面要求的比较高,因此“跳槽”现象较为严重,而31-45岁之间的员工则因为家庭等原因比较安于现状,相对而言比较稳定;在文化方面,有较高学历的人一般更注重自我价值的实现,既包括物质利益方面的,但他们更看重的是精神方面的满足,例如工作环境、工作兴趣、工作条件等,这 是因为他们在基本需求能够得到保障的基础上而追求精神层次的满足,而学历相对较低的人则首要注重的是基本需求的满足;在职务方面,管理人员和一般员工之间的需求也有不同,因此企业在制定激励机制时一定要考虑到企业的特点和员工的个体差异,这样才能收到最大的激励效力。 企业家的行为是影响激励制度成败的一个重要因素 ,企业家的行为对激励制度的成败至关重要,首先是企业家要做到自身廉洁,不要因为自己多拿多占而对员工产生负面影响;其次是要做到公正不偏,不任人惟亲;要经常与员工进行沟通,尊重支持下属,对员工所做出的成绩要尽量表扬,在企业中建立以人为本的管理思想,为员工创造良好的工作环境,最后是企业家要为员工做出榜样,即通过展示自己的工作技术、管理艺术、办事能力和良好的职业意识,培养下属对自己的尊敬,从而增加企业的凝聚力。总之企业家要注重与员工的情感交流,使员工真正的在企业的工作得到心理的满足和价值的体现。当然在激励中也不能忘记对企业家的激励,最近国家出台对企业家的年薪制就是要充分调动企业家工作的积极性,进一步推动企业向前发展。 但是因为企业的性质各不相同,管理者在运用激励机制的时候切不可生搬硬套,只有根据企业自身的特点量体裁衣,选择适合的体制,这样才能达到事半功倍的效果。最后一点,管理人员应该了解,像工作专门化、控制跨度、正规化、集权化的结构变量,是组织研究者能够测量的客观变量。我们在本章所提供的研究发现和结论实际上是这些研究者们工作的直接结果。但是,员工们往往不能客观地来测量这些结构特征。他们以一种不太科学的方式来看待自己周围的一切,然后形成他们自己隐含的组织结构模式。为得到在公司中工作的机会,自己必须接受多少人的面试,自己那个工作部分一共有多少人,公司有政策手册吗,如果有,每个人都容易得到一份吗,公司员工都严格按照手册要求办事吗,公司及其管理人员在新闻媒介中的形象如何,员工对于这些管理所得到的答案,结合他们自己的经历及同事的看法,会形成员工对组织结构的主观印象。当然,这种印象可能与组织的客观结构格格不人。 作为外资企业,各公司就十分注重培养员工个人的成就感,以员工的满意度为工作重点,鼓励员工充分发挥创造性和自主性,提升员工的团队精神。公司的这一 体制正是赫兹伯格双因素理论的具体体现。赫兹伯格认为使员工感到不满意的因素与使员工感到满意的因素是不同的,前者往往是由外界的工作环境所引起的(即保健因素),而后者通常是由工作本身所产生的(即激励因素)。员工在工作上的成就感,责任感,得到的认可和赞赏,都属于激励因素。对于一个公司来说,使员工意识到他们有潜力不断进步比制定目标更重要。因为只有当员工发挥了主动性,为公司出谋划策,才能使公司以最快的速度发展。因此,对于管理者来说,要让员工明白他们是受重视的,以及他们对于公司的重要性,各公司良好的团队合作氛围,“各价值观”卡就是这一理论很好的应用。每个人都希望自己能在一个开明的公司工作,各公司的这些制度使员工们感觉到他们是一个成功团队的一部分,同时自己也为着这个团队的成功献出的每一份贡献也都是可以预见的到回报的。激励因素的改善,往往能够给员工以很大的激励,产生工作的满意感,有助于充分、有效、持久地调动员工的积极性。 联想还培养了后备干部,对于被淘汰的人所在的岗位,马上就有人可以顶上,这是一个合理的闭环。确实,在it企业必须每个人都时刻要有危机意识,不进则退,跟不上形势就要被淘汰,企业如此,个人亦如此。 参考文献 [1] 孙彤. 《组织行为学》. 高等教育出版社 .2000(3) [2] 作者不详. 《各公司的员工激励体制》. 中企人力资源网,2006(7) [3] 作者不详. 《联想靠文化解决:不同背景、不同收入员工》. 中企人力资源 网2006 [4] 鲁直(《人类功效学》(华大学教育研究,1999年第一期 [5] 作者不详.《public relations》,British library cataloguing-in-publication data ,1999 [6] (法)让-雅克?拉丰,(法)大卫?马赫蒂摩著(《激励理论》(, 2002(5). [7] Frederic S. Mishkin(The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (Forth Edition) [M](USA : Harper Collins College Publishers , 1995. Incentives for the company's significance and impact Company for the daily or monthly focus, assessment and appraisal, will use certain material incentives, spiritual motivation, honor incentives or work incentives and other ways to motivate staff. Material incentives, including prizes, bonuses, travel (employees travel abroad is the system the most effective way to motivate employees is one), and promotion and so on. Because of these incentives is used properly, greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the staff work. Spiritual motivation, including leadership motivation, example motivation, recognition and other incentives, which the company has played a huge incentive. Honor is the motivation of employees in their work, if made significant achievements, the company will be praise and encouragement, public recognition in the company to promote their achievements, so that they respected and loved by colleagues; they were awarded for different levels of the honorary title such as "sales leaders" and the "golden key model", etc., to motivate them to make greater contributions to the company. Work incentives and means of work, the company assigned to employees with challenging, innovative work, and take effective measures to improve their motivation. Employees with a strong sense of accomplishment in itself, make them want to work in extraordinary achievement. The required distribution with challenging and innovative work, it is their urgent desire. Therefore, in the company, work incentives are frequently used, it is because of its material and spiritual incentives inspire irreplaceable features - the role of effective and sustainable produce. Staff motivation is the most important human resource management is an integral part, only encouraged, in order to retain this person, so the incentive is a company the ability to retain key employees. Incentives to encourage employees to take a series of policies, regulations, codes of conduct, ethics, culture, philosophy and the appropriate organizational structure, incentives combined. Formed through this mechanism the driving force and attraction, so that employees germination motivation to achieve organizational goals, resulting in power to achieve goals, lead and maintain the behavior to achieve organizational goals; and through the performance evaluation, and response of the award to be proud pay, and strengthen their own behavior. Lenovo is a performance-oriented company, Bu academic abilities, Bu re-qualification results. Many Lenovo executives actually work in the company time is not long, from the general staff rose to the highest management, not because of whom have any relationship, but depends on performance. Why do some fairly level foreign managers are willing to think of work is valued this. Different people at different levels of income is very natural, but the association is not aristocratic tendencies cadres. Lenovo moderate proportion of cadres, middle managers have more than 200 people, and all of the company more than 11,000 employees (including staff of about 5,000 people). In fact, think of the size of each division, it is equivalent to a medium-sized business, these managers also receive higher incomes as it should be. Of course, from the salary structure, the fixed wage component, managers with staff level differences are not huge. Lenovo employee's income is divided into three, fixed salary, performance bonus at the end of the floating and, in a performance-oriented enterprises, the income of employees is directly linked with its contribution. 20% of any business is to create 80% of the wealth of talent, 20% of these of course can not pay employees less. Now the market is very competitive, very intense competition for talent, is the focal point of a number of senior management and senior technical personnel, because these people can make a significant contribution to the company. In the association, not only do ordinary employees a promotion of the road managers, managers can take the titles do not do the road. Technical backbone of treatment with the corresponding income managers no difference. Before the end of this year, Lenovo ability to complete the review system, to make the company's management at all levels know each employee's capabilities, their social competitiveness at what level, whether the people post match, is not the most suitable person on the most suitable location. This can be done to achieve three objectives: the company's ability to clear the level of staff in charge of his staff's ability to clear the level, the staff know their ability level, people really do make the best use, without causing waste of talent. To highlight the performance-oriented effects, Lenovo in the performance evaluation system in the implementation of elimination, if the employee entered in the assessment of the last level, you enter the elimination area. Therefore, regardless of which level of people have stress, middle management pressure is great, if the appraisal came in at last, will become unqualified staff. Lenovo has also trained a reserve cadres, for being out of position is located immediately on top of some people can be, this is a reasonable closed-loop. Indeed, everyone in it are always companies must have a sense of crisis, fall behind, keep up the situation will be eliminated, so businesses and individuals is also true. Lenovo Group's incentive model can give us a lot of inspiration, including the implementation of multi-level incentive mechanism is a miracle recipe Lenovo, Lenovo Group has always believed that incentive mechanism is a system that is always open to as times, changes in the market in the form The constantly changing. This is first reflected in the association at different times have different incentives, for the first generation of the 1980s who mainly focus on Lenovo to develop their collective spirit and to meet their basic material; and into the 1990s, a new generation of people think of the material requirements more intense, and has a strong self-awareness, from these characteristics, the association developed a new, reasonable, effective incentive program, that is a little more space, more ways, according to the characteristics of high-tech business development incentives more runway: for example, to have outstanding performance of the business and sales staff salaries and bonuses is higher than many of their superiors, so that they can ease the existing work, rather than taking great pains to develop leadership positions, they are no longer that only an official order to reflect the value, because it is a successful designer and salesman can still demonstrate their value, so they put all their energy and talents are put to best suit their work, thereby creating a maximum work efficiency and performance. Lenovo Group has always believed that Zhi will inspire a crowded runway, we must encourage more runway, so as to enable employees to really feel at ease in his best on the job. Second, employees need to find a way to understand what it is to distinguish those who are reasonable and unreasonable; those are the major and minor; who is now to meet and strive to do in the future, in short, think of the incentive mechanism is mainly to encourage the means, methods, combined with the purpose of motivation, incentives and effects to achieve consistency. And they have the means to take the incentive is flexible and is based on different work, different people, different situations develop different systems, and must not be a system of single-mindedness. Thus, the enterprises according to different types and characteristics of the development of incentive system, but also in the development of incentive mechanisms must take into account individual differences: for example, female workers relative to the reward is more valued, while men are more focused businesses and their own development; There are also differences in age, generally between the ages of 20-30 employees a stronger sense of self, other aspects of working conditions required relatively high, so the "quit" is more serious, and employees between the ages of 31-45 the more complacent because of family and other reasons, is relatively stable; in culture, higher education and the general pay more attention to self-realization, both material interests, but they pay more attention to the spiritual meet, such as work environment, interest in the work, working conditions, it is because of their basic needs can be pursued on the basis of protection to meet the spiritual level, and relatively less educated people are the primary focus is to meet basic needs; In the discharge of his functions, between managers and general employees have different needs, so companies in the development of incentive mechanisms must take into account the characteristics of enterprises and individual differences of employees, so as to receive maximum incentive effect. Impact stimulate entrepreneurial behavior is an important factor in the success of the system, the behavior of entrepreneurs crucial to the success of the incentive system, the first entrepreneurs to do their own clean, not because he took too much of the more negative impact on staff ; second is to achieve fair and impartial, not cronyism; to regularly communicate with employees, respect for supporting subordinates, made to employees in recognition of achievements as far as possible, in the enterprise to establish a people-oriented management philosophy, and employees alike work environment, and finally the entrepreneurs to set an example for employees, that is by showing their work skills, the art of management, professional competence and good sense, to develop respect for their subordinates, thereby increasing the cohesion of the enterprise. Overall entrepreneurs should pay attention to emotional communication with employees so that employees work in the enterprise really get psychological satisfaction and value expression. Of course, the incentives also can not forget the incentive for entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, recently promulgated by the state salary system is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs working to further promote the business forward.
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