首页 湖南工程学院“卓越计划”企业学习实践考核手册



湖南工程学院“卓越计划”企业学习实践考核手册湖南工程学院“卓越计划”企业学习实践考核手册 Hunan Institute of Engineering “卓越工程师教育培养计划” 实 施 学 院 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 学 习 企 业 校内指导教师 企业指导教师 校“卓越计划”办公室印制 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high s...

湖南工程学院“卓越 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ”企业学习实践考核手册 Hunan Institute of Engineering “卓越工程师教育培养计划” 实 施 学 院 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 学 习 企 业 校内指导教师 企业指导教师 校“卓越计划”办公室印制 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 填 写 说 明 1(本手册是我校“卓越计划”实施专业学生在企业学习阶段进行实 践教学、过程管理与质量评估的重要依据~学生须认真填写~不 得草率, 2(本手册涵盖卓越班学生第七学期和第八学期进入企业后将要开展 的教学环节, 3. 本手册除实习周记中的内容和所有资料中的教师评语需要手写 外~其它部分以打印形式填写, 4. 本手册适用于学校所有“卓越计划”专业的学生~各实施学院可 参照执行~相关内容由校“卓越计划”办公室负责解释。 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of2 前 言 “卓越工程师教育培养计划”,简称“卓越计划”,~是我国高等工程教育重大教学改革项目~作为工程教育改革的突破口和切入点~其实质是探索卓越工程师后备人才培养的中国模式~旨在培养造就一大批创新能力强、适应经济社会发展需要的高质量各类型工程技术人才~为国家走新型工业化发展道路、建设创新型国家和人才强国战略服务。 湖南工程学院2010年6月获批为教育部第一批“卓越计划”实施高校~成为全国包括“985”大学、“211”大学、省属本科院校在内的61所高校之一~也是湖南省唯一一所入选首批“卓越计划”的地方性本科院校。我校的“卓越计划”采取“3+1”校企联合培养模式~其中~企业学习时间为累计一年~包括实习和毕业设计。实习采取“轮岗制”和“项目制”。根据每家企业的具体情况~每位同学的企业学习计划将由校企双导师共同制订、经审批后执行。企业学习阶段~学生按模块进行的实践教学成绩考核由校企双导师共同完成。 “卓越工程师教育培养计划”《学习企业学习考核手册》主要介绍了“卓越计划”企业学习阶段的教学目的、要求和任务~并对各阶段需完成的教学环节及考核要求进行了说明。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of4 目 录 1. 综 述....... ......................... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .......... 1.1 学习目的.................................................................... 1.2 基本要求...................................................................... 1.3 教学安排...................................................................... 1.4 考核材料...................................................................... 1.5 成绩评定....................................................................... 2. “卓越计划”实施专业企业学习方案....... ..... ............... 3. “卓越计划”企业学习个人培养计划............................. 3.1 制订要求.................................................................... 3.2 填写须知.................................................................... 3.3 模板........................................................................... 4. 相关资料模板.................................................................. 4.1 模块1:企业安全生产教育与企业文化学习................. 4.2 模块2,模块4:轮岗实习报告及考核............................ 4.3 模块5:项目设计....................................................... 4.4 模块6:毕业设计......................................................... 4.5 模块7:企业学习周记................................................ saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of6 1. 综 述 1.1 学习目的 (1)详细了解企业的组织管理、企业文化、产品开发与市场销售等方面的知识和运作过程; (2)全面了解企业的生产过程和生产技术; (3)深入了解企业生产的产品、设备、工艺和工装等知识; (4)理论联系实践,学以致用,既使自己的专业知识与技能有全面的提高,又能为企业生产尽自己一份力量,体现个人的社会价值; (5)积累工作经验和社会经验,提高就业竞争力。 1.2 基本要求 (1)严格遵守岗位操作规程和安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,严防工作 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 事故以及人身安全事故的发生; (2)遵守企业的各项规章制度和劳动纪律,无故不得请假和擅离实习单位;确因特殊情况需请假或调换实习单位的,必须事先征得实习单位管理部门和学校指导老师的同意; (3)遵纪守法,实习期间不得从事违反法律法规、厂纪厂规的各项活动;遵守社会公德:,维护学校形象。 (4)与校内外指导老师保持经常联系,虚心学习,刻苦钻研,努力工作。 1.3 教学安排 “卓越计划”企业学习分校内前期学习和企业内实践与设计两个部分,前者安排在第六学期,后者为第七和第八学期,期间主要工作安排如表1所示。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 表1: “卓越计划”企业学习阶段主要工作安排 工作内容 主要工作安排 工作进程 完成时间 1. 校企双导师指导学生进行实 践环节的学习,有校企合作开发 课程教学的~通过检查学习报告、 答辩等形式~进行考核, 1. 企业学习, 暑假,8月中旬, 企业学习 2. 教务处,卓越办,、学工处、 2. 学生管理与就 第一阶段 实施学院学办和卓越班班主任做至第七学期第十周 业指导。 好学生相关管理工作,组织部和 团委做好学生党、团组织管理工 作,招就处负责学生的就业信息 网络发布和招聘组织工作。 1. 教务处,卓越办,组织毕业生 信息采集和第六学期的学生补第七学期 企业学习 毕业生信息采集第十一到第十二周 考, 第二阶段 等。 学生返校 2. 实施学院组织学生撰写实践 环节阶段性报告,其他工作。 1. 前期~校企双导师继续指导学 生进行实践环节的学习,后期~ 校企双导师结合企业生产与设计 工作~拟定学生毕业设计课题~ 报实施学院讨论、通过, 1. 继续企业学习~ 2. 实施学院根据企业学习计划~确定毕业设计课完成学生实践环节考核、成绩评企业学习 题, 第七学期 定及上报~并做好纸质和电子资第十三到第二十周 第三阶段 2(实践环节考核, 料的整理归档, 3. 学生管理与就3. 教务处,卓越办,、学工处、业指导。 实施学院学办和卓越班班主任做 好学生相关管理工作,组织部和 团委做好学生党、团组织管理工 作,招就处负责学生的就业信息 网络发布和招聘组织工作。 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of8 假期安排 寒 假 ,201 年 月 日 - 月 日, 1. 学生在校企双导师的指导下 进行毕业设计,对变更了企业的 学生~设计工作按调整后的进行, 1. 企业毕业设计, 2. 教务处,卓越办,、学工处、企业学习 第八学期 2. 学生管理与就实施学院学办和卓越班班主任做第一到第十周 第四阶段 业指导。 好学生相关管理工作,组织部和 团委做好学生党、团组织管理工 作,招就处负责学生的就业信息 网络发布和招聘组织工作。 1. 教务处,卓越办,、学工处、 实施学院学办和卓越班班主任做 好学生相关管理工作,组织部和 团委做好学生党、团组织管理工 1. 学生管理与就 作,招就处负责学生的就业信息 业指导, 网络发布和招聘组织工作, 企业学习 第八学期 2. 学生进行校内 2. 学生在校企双导师的指导下第十一到第十七周 第五阶段 的毕业设计和毕业 进行校内的毕业设计,实施学院 答辩, 专业教研室组织完成学生的毕业 3. 毕业生离校。 答辩~毕业设计资料整理、归档~ 以及优秀毕业设计成果展示, 3. 实施学院学办和卓越班班主 任做好学生安全离校工作。 备注:工作进程中的第二至第五阶段的主要工作安排,各实施学院可根据企业实 际情况,参照执行。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 1.4 考核材料 企业学习过程中,学生应依据企业学习计划完成企业阶段教学内容的学习,并认真完成学习考核。所有材料,经校企双导师考核评价、签字盖章后,由实施学院负责统一收集保管。 学生企业学习阶段的考核材料包括: (1)学校与企业进行安全生产教育与企业文化学习时的学习心得,各一篇; (2)轮岗实习模块对应的实习报告,共三篇,应选比较典型、印象深刻的内容撰写,每篇字数不少于2000字,打印,或者结合企业具体工作任务,撰写一份实习总结,字数不少于5000字,打印,建议附加照片等图片资料 (3)项目设计、毕业设计开题报告毕业设计说明书,各一份; (4)校企双导师布置的其它实习作业、思考题或书面考试等。 1.5 成绩评定 企业学习期间,学校指导老师通过现场指导、电话网络等方式,对学生学习过程进行全程跟踪指导;企业导师进行现场指导,对学生企业学习的各个实践教学环节进行指导。企业学习各环节完成后由学校导师与企业导师共同考核、评定成绩。 1(学生必须完成个人企业学习阶段计划中规定的的全部任务,且完成学习总结报告(或项目设计说明书)后方可参加考核,由校企双导师共同评定成绩; 2(企业学习各阶段的学生成绩评价,包括学习态度、创新精神、实践能力、实习报告和说明书质量、答辩情况等方面,通过笔试、答辩等形式进行综合评定。其中,毕业设计的成绩由校企双导师对学生毕业设计( 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 )进行评审、公开答辩后,由答辩委员会评定。 3(企业学习阶段成绩按五级分制计分,即优秀(90,100分)、良好(80,89分)、中(70,79分)、及格(60,69分)和不及格(不足60分)。 4(企业学习阶段考核不及格者 ,必须重修才能获得学分。 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of10 2. “卓越计划”实施专业企业学习方案 根据“卓越计划”的“3+1”培养模式要求,学校将企业学习教学安排分成“准备阶段”和“企业学习”两个部分,前者安排在第六学期期末,后者从第六学期后的暑期至第八学期结束。对企业学习方案各模块设置,建议如表2所示,各实施专业可参照执行。 表2: 各专业企业学习方案中的模块设置 序号 专 业 模块序号及课程名称 学习安排及课程内容 模块1:安全生产教育与企业文化学习(1) * 模块2:安全生产教育与企业文化学习(2) 内容有“电机结构与制造工艺,变压器结构与制造工艺,高低压电器结构与制造工艺,成套电器 电气工程结构与制造工艺,电力电子设备结构与工艺,电气设备运行与维护,电气产品技术服务,电力运模块3:企业专业实践(1) 1 及其自动行与维护,电力系统安装与调试”,等,选择2项完成。 模块4:企业专业实践(2) 化 以上必修环节为轮岗实习内容,根据企业具体情况确定,总计10周,10学分,在第七学期完成。 模块5:项目设计 内容为企业实际的工程项目,该环节为必修,6周、6学分,在第七学期完成, 模块6:毕业设计 该环节为必修,16周(含开题报告2周),16学分,在第八学期完成。 模块1:安全生产教育与企业文化学习(1) * 模块2:安全生产教育与企业文化学习(2) 模块3:企业专业实践(1) 内容有“设备运行与维护、品质管理、生产管理、文件制订与管理、产品技术服务、产品装配、机械设计仓储与物流”,7选3。 模块4:企业专业实践(2) 2 制造及其以上必修环节为轮岗实习内容,根据企业具体情况确定,总计6周,6学分,在第七学期完成。 模块5:企业专业实践(3) 自动化 内容有“设备运行与维护、品质管理、产品研发、工艺与制造、产品技术服务”, 5选1。 模块6:企业专业实践(4) 为企业定岗实习内容,该环节为必修,10周、10学分,在第七学期完成, 该环节为必修,16周(含开题报告2周),16学分,在第八学期完成 模块6:毕业设计 备 注: “*”对应的课程名称分别为《安全生产教育与企业文化学习(1)》和《安全生产教育与企业文化学习(2)》,于第六学期期末和第七学期开始前两周完成,前者包括“企业学习方法学习、入企前的安全教育和企业安全保险知识学习”三部分,后者由“入企后的安全生产教育”和“企业文化学习”两部分组成,分别为0.5学分和1.5学分,均由企业工程师负责教学辅导。学习形式主要采取讲座等形式,学生成绩可以从听课登记、撰写学习心得等多方面进行考核。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3、 企业学习个人培养计划 3.1 制订要求 卓越班学生的《企业学习个人培养计划》由校企导师依据“卓越计划”人才培养计划的企业培养方案共同制定,由实施学院初审、经校“卓越计划”办公室组织校内专家组审核后确定执行。 3.2 填写须知 1(《企业学习个人培养计划》包括《课程学习计划》、《分模块实践环节学习计划》和《审核意见》三部分,是开展“卓越计划”企业学习阶段实践教学安排、过程管理与质量评估的重要依据,须科学制定,并按要求填写。 2(该计划要求校企双导师在认真研究相关实施专业“卓越计划”人才培养计划,特别是企业培养方案中的“企业学习计划”之“总体安排”,结合实习企业的实际情况制订,包括课程培养计划、实践环节与毕业设计 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 ,各学习环节要求参照“卓越计划”培养计划的相关规定。 3. 培养计划一经确定,原则上不得变更,卓越班学生应按制订的企业培养计划进行企业学习,各实施专业要严格按照《企业学习个人培养计划》执行。列入企业培养计划的所有课程和环节,须经考核和审查通过后,方能申请毕业答辩。 4. 《企业学习个人培养计划》一律用A4纸正反面打印,一式三份(除“审核意见”外,一律以打印形式上交),由实施学院、企业管理部门、学生各一份,实施学院保存原件。 3.3 模板 《企业学习个人培养计划》模板如表1所示。 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of12 “卓越工程师教育培养计划” 企 业 学 习 个 人 培 养 计 划 学 习 企 业 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 校内指导教师 企业指导教师 二O 年 月 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 一、课程学习计划 考 核 学 总 课程 课程 方 式 课 程 名 称 课程编号 学 任课教师 性质 类型 分 时 考考 试 查 校企联合 开发课程 合 计 二、分模块实践环节学习计划 模块 考核 起止 学习内容 校企导师姓名 名称 形式 日期 模块1 安全生产教育与企业文化学习 模块2 模块3 模块4 设计课题为 模块5 毕业设计课题为 模块6 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of14 三、审核意见 校内指导教师意见: 企业指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日 实施学院专业责任人意见: 学位点负责人签名: 年 月 日 教务处(卓越办)审核意见: 教务处(卓越办)负责人签名: (加盖公章) 年 月 日 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 4、企业学习阶段相关资料的模板 按各个企业学习模块完成的先后顺序设计的模板如下,各实施学院可参照使用。 4.1 模块1:安全生产教育与企业文化学习 《安全生产教育与企业文化学习》分成“学校”和“企业”两个学习阶段,学习心得要求分别在学校和企业完成,完成时间为第六学期第20周和第七学期。 模板见P 4.2 模块2 , 模块4:企业学习阶段轮岗实习报告及考核 学生企业学习个人培养计划由校企双导师依据“卓越计划”人才培养计划的“企业培养方案”,结合企业实际情况共同制定、交实施学院初审、并经校“卓越计划”办公室组织校内专家组审核后,执行。其中,轮岗岗位不少于三个,学生需要结合期间的学习,撰写实习报告,双导师对其学习情况进行考核评价。要求在企业完成,完成时间为第七学期。 模板见P 4.3 模块5:项目设计 (一) 过程要求 (1) 项目设计在第七学期完成,期末学生需要提供项目设计报告。 (2) 项目设计课题由校企双导师共同确定,必须是工程实际课题(如工艺设计、产品设计、技术分析、测试与试验、市场调查等),要求“小、真、实、全”(如一个产品部件的设计)。项目设计的设计任务书由学校指导教师提供,其应该明确项目设计的内容与要求。 (3) 项目设计报告的正文要求是电子文档,由学校指导教师代为打印,并归档。项目设计的成绩评阅表先由企业指导教师评阅、给出成绩并盖企业盖章后,寄给学校指导教师继续进行评阅和给出成绩。此成绩评阅表需附在项目设计报告最后。 (4) 项目设计成绩主要根据项目设计报告确定,分优、良、中、及格、不及格。 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of16 (二)格式要求 项目设计报告文本的内容与装订顺序为: 1、项目设计封面; 2、任务书(封面,任务要求); 3、项目设计报告目录; 4、设计内容正文:根据需要,标题按1、1.1、1.1.1 、、(1)、?的顺序排版 7、参考文献; 5、总结与致谢; 8、附录(程序、图、表等),多个附录按“附录1、附录、„„”格式排列。 9、成绩评定表。 (三)排版格式 1. 用A4纸打印,上、下、左、右边距均为2.0cm; 2. 字体:题目,小二黑体居中,上下各空1行;1级标题3号黑体,2级标题(如1.1)小3号黑体;3级标题(如1.1.1)四号黑体,4级标题小四黑体,1,4级标题左顶格,上下各空0.5行(6磅);正文,用小四宋体,行距22磅。正文段首(包括4级以下的标题)空两个汉字; 3. 从正文第1页开始编制目录,目录到4级标题为止(可自动生成); 4. 页码下脚居中,格式-X—。 模板见P 4.4 模块6:毕业设计 4.4.1 毕业设计选题申报 模板见P 4.4.2 毕业设计任务书 模板见P 4.4.3 毕业设计开题报告 模板见P saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 4.4.4 毕业设计说明书(论文) (一) 要求 (1)“卓越计划”毕业设计要求在第八学期完成。学生必须在企业完成初稿,第八学期的五月初返校整理毕业设计(论文),进行毕业设计答辩。 (2)毕业设计课题必须是工程实际课题,课题由校企双导师共同确定,共同提供设计任务书,共同规定毕业设计内容与要求。毕业设计课题可以是工艺设计、产品设计、技术分析、测试与试验、市场调查等方面课题。 (3)要求每位学生进行毕业设计公开答辩,并邀请企业技术专家参加答辩会。 (二) 课题申报与任务书下达 1(学生毕业设计课题必须是一人一题,由校企双导师共同确定设计课题的题目、设计内容、设计要求。但选题申报书和任务书最终由学校指导教师提交。 2(选题申报书在第七学期第18周星期五前由学校指导老师提交给专业教研室主任(包括电子稿和纸质稿),由实施学院利用周末组织专家评审,在第19周星期一由专业教研室主任将课题汇总表提交校“卓越计划”办公室和实施学院,并将文档保存。 3(毕业设计任务书在第七学期第20周星期二之前下达,并交专业教研室主任存档。 模板见P 4.5 模块7:企业学习周记 撰写要求:每份学习周记的封面和成绩评定页用A4纸打印,报告内容手写,每周周记字数不少于500字。 学生需要在完成学习任务后的第二周,将周记送企业导师进行考核评价。所有的企业学习周记纸质材料于学期结束时,寄给学校指导教师保存,并装入学生企业学习资料袋中存档。 模板见P road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of18 “卓越工程师教育培养计划” 学 校 安全生产教育与企业文化学习心得 题 目 安全生产教育与企业文化学习(1) 院 部 专 业 班 级 学生姓名 学 号 学习企业 ___________________________________ 企业指导教师 学校指导教师 完 成 日 期 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 撰 写 要 求 一、正文应包括三个部分,即: 1、《企业安全生产教育学习心得》; 2、《企业学习方法的学习心得》; 3、《企业安全保险知识学习心得》。 二、文本格式 按论文格式撰写。 字体:题目,小二号、黑体、居中,上下各空1行;1级标题3号黑体,2级标题(如1.1)小3号、黑体;3级标题(如1.1.1)四号、黑体,4级标题小四号、黑体,1,4级标题左顶格,上下各空0.5行(6磅);正文,用小四号、宋体,行距22磅。正文段首(包括4级以下的标题)空两个汉字。 三、资料装订 统一用A4纸打印,并单独装订成册。 四、成绩评定 学习心得应在第六学期第20周内完成,学校任课教师完成学生的成绩考核评价及成绩上报。成绩评定按五级制评定成绩。本环节计0.5学分。 五、字数要求 2500字以上。 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of20 一、企业安全生产教育学习心得 ,可加页, saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 二、企业学习方法的学习心得 ,可加页, road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of22 三、企业安全保险知识学习心得 ,可加页, 校内指导老师 评语及成绩评定 评阅人签字 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized “卓越工程师教育培养计划” 企 业 安全生产教育与企业文化学习心得 题 目 安全生产教育与企业文化学习(2) 院 部 专 业 班 级 学生姓名 学 号 学习企业 ___________________________________ 企业指导教师 学校指导教师 完 成 日 期 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of24 撰 写 要 求 一、正文 应包括二个部分,即: 1、《企业安全教育学习心得》; 2、《企业文化学习心得》。 二、文本格式 按论文格式撰写。 字体:题目,小二号、黑体、居中,上下各空1行;1级标题3号黑体,2级标题(如1.1)小3号、黑体;3级标题(如1.1.1)四号、黑体,4级标题小四号、黑体,1,4级标题左顶格,上下各空0.5行(6磅);正文,用小四号、宋体,行距22磅。正文段首(包括4级以下的标题)空两个汉字。 三、资料装订 统一用A4纸打印,并单独装订成册。 四、成绩评定 企业的学习心得应在第七学期听取有关专题报告或讲座后完成,第七学期期末上交资料给企业指导教师完成成绩考核评定,按五级制评定成绩;完成后,资料转交学校指导教师。本环节为1.5学分。 五、字数要求 3000,4500字。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 一、企业安全教育学习心得 ,可加页, road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of26 二、企业文化学习心得 ,可加页, saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 企业指导老师 评语及成绩评定 评阅人签字 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of28 “卓越工程师教育培养计划” 企业学习阶段轮岗实习学习心得 题 目 模块k:轮岗实习学习心得 院 部 学生姓名 学 号 专 业 班 级 学习企业 ___________________________________ 企业指导教师 学校指导教师 完 成 日 期 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 撰 写 要 求 一、正文 应包括三个部分,即“模块k:轮岗实习学习心得”(k = 2、3、4),分三次撰写。 二、文本格式 按论文格式撰写。字体:题目小二号、黑体、居中,上下各空1行;1级标题3号黑体,2级标题(如1.1)小3号、黑体;3级标题(如1.1.1)四号、黑体,4级标题小四号、黑体,1,4级标题左顶格,上下各空0.5行(6磅);正文用小四号、宋体,行距22磅。正文段首(包括4级以下的标题)空两个汉字。 三、资料装订 统一用A4纸,并装订单独成册,随《企业学习实践考核手册》等资料装入文件袋中。 四、成绩评定 学习心得应在20周内完成,按等级制评定成绩,计1.5学分。 五、字数要求 3000字以上。 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of30 一、模块k:轮岗实习学习心得 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized ,可加页, 企业指导老师 评语及成绩评定 学校指导老师 评语及成绩评定 教研室意见 及评阅人签字 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of32 模块k:企业学习阶段轮岗实习考核表 姓名学号 专业班级 企业名称 实习岗位 企业导师 学校导师 实习时间 自 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 实习总结(学生填写): 综合评价(按优、良成、中、及格、不及格五级评定成绩): 企业指导教师签名 (单位盖章) 年 月 日 综合评价(按优、良成、中、及格、不及格五级评定成绩): 学校指导教师签名 (单位盖章) 年 月 日 总评成绩(专业教研室) 注:学生将实习内容及以上栏目填写后附在阶级实习报告之后~交电子稿给企业指导教师~企业指导教师评定后发电子稿给学校指导教师,请企业指导教师打印一份~签名并加盖单位公章后保留~集中交学校存档。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized “卓越计划”企业学习项目设计 项目名称 院 部 专 业 班 级 学 号 姓 名 企业名称 企业导师 学校导师 20 年 月 日 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of34 “卓越计划”企业学习项目设计 项目名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学号: 企业名称: 企业导师: 学校导师: 审 批: 任务下达日期:20 年 月 日 设计完成日期:20 年 月 日 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized “卓越计划”企业学习项目设计任务书 设计内容与设计要求 一、项目设计的目的 通过本设计环节,使学生掌握...................,培养.........能力。 二、设计原始数据 (一) ........(有关参数) 1、...... 2、...... (二) (三) 三、设计内容(以具体设计内容为准,以下仅供参考) 1、计算 2、性能验算 3、计算机优化设计 4、制图 (1) ... (可加页) road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of36 主要设计条件 如硬件设备、工程设计软件等 设计进度安排 1、......(项目设计不同的设计时间和内容安排); 2、...... 参考文献 [1]周茂祥. 低压电器设计手册[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社,1992; [2]王绍雄. 新触头材料AgSnO的发展和应用[J]. 低压电器,1992,2:15~20; 2 (可加页) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 专业 卓越班 项目设计评分表 考 核 内 容(分值) 企业导师评分 学校导师评分 学 习 态 度(0,5) 独立工作能力(0,5) 设计方案合理性(0,10) 设计的创新性(0,10) 设计说明书质量(0,20) 设计图纸质量(0,20) 答辩问题回答情况(0,10) 完成任务情况(0,20) 成绩评定等级(0,100) 教研室综合成绩评定 企业导师签名:____ ___ _____ 日 期:________________ 学校导师签名:__ ___ _____ 日 期:________________ 教研室主任签名:______________ 日 期:________________ road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of38 专业 卓越班 毕业设计选题申报表 毕业设计题目 企业指导教师姓名 技术职务 /职称 学校指导教师姓名 技术职务/职称 课题来源 设计周数 辅助设计资料与条件 设计内容简介 设计目标 教研室审核意见: 学院审核意见: ,经审核,同意该选题作为,经审核,同意该选题作为本专业毕业本专业毕业设计课题。, 设计课题。, 教研室主任: 学院教学院长: 年 月 日 年 月 日 注 意:“经审核,同意该选题作为本专业毕业设计课题”需要在审核同意后,才能填写。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 毕业设计(论文)任务书 设计(论文)题目: 姓名 院部 专业 班级 学号 学习企业名称 企业指导教师姓名 ____________________ 学校指导教师 教研室主任 一、基本任务及要求: 二、进度安排及完成时间: road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of40 毕业设计开题报告 (“卓越计划”学生用) 题 目: 学 院: 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 学习企业: ___________________________________ 企业指导教师: 学校指导教师: 201 年 月 日 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 撰写要求 1(开题报告包括“文献综述”和“开题报告”两部分,是毕业设计答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。此报告应在企业导师和学校导师的共同指导下,由学生在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,经企业导师和学校导师签署意见及所在专业审查后生效。 2(“文献综述”撰写要求 (1)“文献综述”的题目自拟(如“低压断路器技术发展综述”或“低压电器制造工艺综述”),内容需要结合毕业设计课题,查阅相关的技术文件或文献后完成,字数3000,4000。 (2)“文献综述”中的参考文献,应列出查阅的主要技术资料或文献;对未公开出版的资料,注明“内部资料”。 3(“开题报告”撰写要求 (1)以“开题报告”作为题目。 (2)其正文应包括:“一、课题的目的与意义;二、课题主要内容和要求;三、工作基础;四、课题的研究方法、步骤和措施;五、课题预期成果”。 4(文本格式: 按论文格式撰写。字体:题目小二号、黑体、居中,上下各空1行;1级标题3号黑体,2级标题(如1.1)小3号、黑体;3级标题(如1.1.1)四号、黑体,4级标题小四号、黑体,1,4级标题左顶格,上下各空0.5行(6磅);正文用小四号、宋体,行距22磅。正文段首(包括4级以下的标题)空两个汉字。 5(打印 统一用A4纸,并装订单独成册,随《毕业设计说明书》等资料装入文件袋中。 (属于企业保密的技术资料内容,不得出现在报告中。 6 7(开题报告应在毕业设计开始后的3周内完成,按等级制(优秀,良好,中等,及格,不及格)评定成绩。本环节计2学分。 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of42 一、(题目自拟) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized (可加页) road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of44 二、开题报告 一、课题的目的与意义 二、课题主要内容和要求 三、工作基础 四、课题的研究方法、步骤和措施 五、课题预期成果 (可加页) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 评审意见 1(企业指导教师评审意见 企业指导教师: 年 月 日 2(学校指导教师评审意见 学校指导教师: 年 月 日 所在专业教研室审查意见: 专业负责人: 年 月 日 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of46 密级 毕 业 设 计 (“卓越计划”学生用) 题 目: 院 部: 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 班级: ___________________________________ 学习企业: 企业指导教师: 学校指导教师: 完成日期: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized “卓越工程师教育培养计划” 院 部: 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 班 级: 学习企业: 企业指导老师: 学校指导教师: 学习时间: 年 月 日 - 年 月 日 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of48 “卓越计划”第 周 企业学习周记 1、学习时间: 2、学习岗位: 3、学习内容: (可加页) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 4、学习收获: 企业评语及成绩评定: 企业指导教师签名: 年 月 日 road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimizedtire r. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the enservice, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poo saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of50
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