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2011电大大学英语B网考统考全版(打印版)2011电大大学英语B网考统考全版(打印版) 1. Before I got to the cinema, the film O 一、交际用语 had begun . 1.,Oh, sorry to bother you.C. That’s A 2. Before she left on the trip, she had 1.Afternoon, sir. Where to?A. Please okay trained hard. get me to the airport W 3. Be sure to br...

2011电大大学 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 B网考统考全版( 打印版 阿拉伯数字110描红新概念第二册词组弟子规全文打印版免费自己打印弟子规全文打印版弟子规打印版免费 ) 1. Before I got to the cinema, the film O 一、交际用语 had begun . 1.,Oh, sorry to bother you.C. That’s A 2. Before she left on the trip, she had 1.Afternoon, sir. Where to?A. Please okay trained hard. get me to the airport W 3. Be sure to bring your wife when 2.Are you sure about that? D. Oh, yes. 1. --Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?C. Of course I’m absolutely positive you come here this evening. not C C 2. ,Would you like to have dinner 1.,Can you turn down the radio, 1---Can I get you a couple of with us this evening? B. Sorry, but this please?A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it tea? That’s very nice of you evening I have to go to the airport to was that loud D meet my parents 2.— Can I help you to get it 1.Don‘t worry, your watch is being 3. — Would you like to see the down? C. Thanks. It’s so nice of repaired and you can have it in no menu? A. No, thanks. I already time. you know what to order 3. Could you tell me where Mr. Lake 2. Don’t worry. There is enough 4. — Would you mind if I open the is?B. At the office room for all your books here. window for a better view?D. Of course D E not 1. — Do you think the exam will be 1. Everything would have been 5. – Well, Mary, how are you?C. I’m put off?C. Not likely destroyed if Albert hadn‘t called the fine E fire brigade. 6. — What if my computer doesn‘t 1. — Excuse me, would you lend me H work?B. Ask Anne for help your calculator?A. Certainly. 1. He keeps looking at himself in the 7. — What‘s the problem, Harry? D. I Here you are. mirror. can’t remember where I left my 2. –Excuse me,how can I get to the 2. He is the man whose dog bit me. glasses nearest 3. He was over the moon about his 8. — What kind of TV program do you supermarket?D.Sorry,sir.I’m a new job. like best?C. It’s hard to say, actually stranger here myself. 4. He, as well as I, is a student. 9( --What would you like, tea or H 5. Hardly had I got home when it coffee?B. Coffee, please 1.,Hello, may I talk to the headmaster began to rain. 10. --What about going for a walk?A. now?C. sorry, he is busy at the 6. Her parents died when she was Why not? A good idea moment very young, so she was brought up 11. — What subjects are you 2. – Hello, could I speak to Don please? by her aunt. studying? C. I’m studying B. Who’s speaking? 7.He kept the light in his room philosophy 3. — How‘s the movie? Interesting?B. 12. — Which language do you speak at burning the whole night. Far from. I should have stayed home home?D. English, most of the time 8. He has been in danger in watching TV 13. –What kind of TV program do you hospital for a month. 4. — Hello, Sally. How‘s everything?D. like best?A. It’s hard to say, actually Just so-so 9. He spends a quarter of the day 14.—Will you go on a picnic with us I sleeping . tomorrow,B.Sorry,I have an 1. — Is this the motel you mentioned? I appointment with Dr.Brown. A. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expected 1. I prefer classic music to pop 二、词汇与结构 2. -- I think the Internet is very music. helpful.A. Yes, so do I 2. I have lived here since 1997. A.完整版电大大学英语B 计算机 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 3.I have an appointment with Dr. 3. I‘m tired. I have been working 库请联系QQ1479940435 Johnson.C. Please wait for minute. He very hard. 1. Ancient Greece is the origin of is busy now 4. I broke my leg when I was skiing western civilization. 4.— I’m trying to call Marie, but in America. 2. All the team members tried their best. there’s no answer.D. Really? Maybe 5. It happened on a winter night. We lost the game,. However. 6. It is very convenient living here. she’s out 3. A lecture hall is one where 7. If the man is to succeed, he must 5. — I don‘t like the spots programs on students attend lectures. work as hard as he can. Sundays.B. Neither do I 4. A new hotel is being built in the 8. I‘d rather stay at home than take a 6. — In my opinion, you‘d better take a center of town at the moment. walk. couple of days off. A. I’ll take your 5. At present, the most important thing 9. I don‘t want you to make any trouble, advice is that Britain needs _ to do more to on the contrary , I urge you to solve L improve the relationship with the USA. the problem. 1. --Let‘s take a walk.C. Yes,please 6(After checking the shopping 10. In the fifties last century many new 2. — Let‘s take a walk. A. Yes, let’s list, I found that I forgot to buy cities grew up in the desert. M salt. 11. If you won’t stop smoking, you 1. --May I know your address?A. Sure. 7(After winning the bid, major Here you are can only expect to have a bad construction began in Beijing. 2. -- May I help you, madam?D. Yes, cough. I’d like 2 kilos of oranges 8. Ann is studying politics at 12. It’s not safe playing in the 3. — Must we hand in our homework university. street. now? C. No, you needn’t 13. I don’t suppose he will attend N B the meeting, will he ? 1. — Nice weather, isn‘t it?C. Yes, it is 5. The big man has always been eating The advantage to the education in North 14. I think all these are main on the go, so he has got America, 7 on the other hand, is points being worthy of much stomachache. that students learn to think by attention. themselves. The system prepares them 6. Time is money! We should make 15. I have given up eating meat. for a society that values 8 good use of our time.16. I know it isn’t important but new ideas. There is, however, a 7. They watched the train until it I can’t help thinking about it. disadvantage. When students graduate disappeared in the distance. L from high school, they haven‘t 8. That’s all settled. It needn’1. Let me look into the case memorized 9 as many basic rules t be talked about. carefully before I draw a conclusion. and facts as students in other countries W 2. Linda offered him her have . 101. When we were having a meeting, the congratulations on his passing the Passage 2 director was told the bad news by college entrance exams A study has shown that fitness is the telephone. key 1 to long life, irrespective of M 2. – What‘s happened to Tom? -- He’s body shape 2 or even smoking 1. More and more people in China now been taken to hospital. habits. Researchers discovered that drive to work regularly. 3. Why is the old block of flats people who exercise live longer 2. Mary forgot to write a letter to her being demolished next month? than 3those who do not , even if mother, so she wrote to her just now. 4. We have our house cleaned every they are overweight and smoke. 3.Mother was busy. Although she was week by a cleaner. The study found that 4 the least fit of not watching the basketball on TV, she 5. Which do you like better, real the 6,000 middle-aged men in the study was listening to it on the radio. movies or cartoons? I prefer were five times more likely to die 4. Mr. Smith played a most cartoons to real movies. within six years of the start of the important part in the development of research than the fittest. This was our city. 6. What a fool I have been! Why true 5 whether or not the men had 5. Mr. White has a wife and three didn’t I think of that before? heart problems, smoked or were children to raise. 7. We must make a difference overweight. Scientists concluded that it N between spoken language and was better 6 to be fat and active than 1. Not always can people do what written language. skinny and sedentary. Dr Ken cooper, a they want (to). 8. We used to swim every day when fitness expert, said, ― You are better off 2. Not only I but also Jane and we were children. smoking a packet of cigarettes a day Mary are tired of having one Y and exercising regularly than 7 examination after another. 1. You ought to lock the door at being a non –smoker and sedentary.‖ O night. Although he adds, ―But don‘t 1. On his first sea voyage , he was 2. You must explain to us how they misunderstand me. I am not still quite young but showed great succeeded in the experiment. endorsing 8 smoking , I am trying courage to face the storm. 3. You look tired. What have you to tell you how dangerous it is to be 2. Our plane took off from London at sedentary.‖ been doing? 7:00 yesterday evening. The British Government is putting 空白 3.Of all the stories here,I like pressure 9 on manufacturers to 1. Bidding for the Olympic Games reduce high levels of sugar in food and this one worst.It’s not begin about ten years in advance. to restrict the hard-sell of junk food to interesting at all. 2. What he said is quite right. children in order to improve the P 3. Leave it with me and I’ll see nation‘s health. But the new study 1. Please stop shouting . It cannot help what I can do. suggests the Government should the situation. 4. What fine weather it is! encourage more people 10to S exercise 1. Silk has been used by Chinese Passage 3 三、英语完型填空 for thousands of years now. More and more people 1 have to Passage 1 2. She was convicted of murder. install burglar alarms in their houses if There are advantages and disadvantages 3. She owes her success to hard they want to get insurance. Insurance to 1 both Asian and Western word and strong will. companies 2 have been asking educational methods. For example, one 4. Sadam was married for 25 years. people in certain areas to install the advantage 2 to the education in 5. She’s unlucky, and she’s always alarms before they will give them Japan is that students there learn much suffering ill luck one after insurance for the fast year. This is 3 more math and science 3 another. due to increasing crime in some than American students. They also 6. She has lived here for three parts of the country. This can be a study more hours each day than years. problem for people 4 who are Americans 4 do . The study is T difficult, but it 5 struggling to make 5 – ( 不填) ends 1. The difinition leaves much prepares students for a society that meet. The alarms, 6 which can be very room for disagreement. values discipline and self-control. There expensive, need to be installed by an 2. The sun heats the earth, which is is, however, a disadvantage. electrician. It is 7 estimated that 20% very important to living things. Memorization is an important learning of homes have alarms installed, and that 3. The patient acted on the doctor‘s method in Japanese schools, 6 another 20% of people plan 8 to have advice and finally recovered. yet many students say that after an them installed but have not installed 4. The bedroom needs decorating . exam, they forget much of the them 9 yet . The insurance companies information that they have memorized. told people 10 to install the alarms 1 have been sold in India in the last been 2 invented but he describes an on all doors and windows. twelve months, and about twice that underwater ship very like a modern many used cars have been traded. submarine. The captain of the Passage 4 The country's 35 million submarine, called Captain Nemo, and Peter Blake is a successful businessman, motorcycles and scooters make it the his men have many strange adventures to be very poor. He but he 1 used world's largest two-wheel market. But and find many strange things 3 at the had nowhere to live because there are still big bottom of the ocean. He was a very and 2was working in a pub when differences 2 in people's incomes, good 4 story-teller. His characters he 3decided to start his own the roads are full of a whole variety often did surprising and sometimes business. Peter had always 4 been of 3 vehicles , lots of them not impossible things, but they always interested in plants and flowers, 5 motorised. real people. seemed 5 to beso he decided to set up a company 6 A ride 4 with a taxi driver in New In another book, “Around the World in which cared for the plants in big offices. Delhi gives a flavour of a typical At first he worked on his 7own , Eighty Days”, Jules Verne creates Mr. Indian-style traffic with all kinds of but soon he took 8 on two people to Fogg, the hero, 6. who made a bet that vehicle held up in city streets or in long help him. The company has been he would travel around the world in lines 5 on narrow country lanes. growing 9.-- for the last ten years. eighty days. Nowadays this may seem Cars, lorries and buses back up behind a Peter is now very rich, 10 7 easy to you, but in those days there by one animal or cart 6 pulledbut he complains that now he were no planes or even cars. Mr. Fogg another. "India has everything on the doesn‘t work with plants but with a and his servant traveled in many roads," the taxi driver says. "You have computer every day! different 8 ways , even on an elephant to 7 watch out for pedestrians, Passage 5 at one time! If you want to know their bicycles, carts, cows, donkeys and even Although international travel is usually result, you should read the book. elephants. Three things 8are an 1 exciting and pleasant In all his books Jules Verne used his recommended to drive here, a horn, experience, travellers should take steps scientific knowledge 9 as well as his brakes and good luck." Just then we to ensure that their health does not imagination in describing future were stopped 9 by a young boy and suffer either 2from…in…fromtheir inventions. 10 Sometimes he was his cow. time _____ the air or ______ their time wrong, of course, but often the accuracy Given the hazards, it's not abroad. of his descriptions is very clever. surprising 10 that special Before you go, check with your doctor .完整版电大大学英语B 计算机题ceremonies are held for new car owners or local travel clinic 3 in which the steering wheel and the 库请联系QQ1479940435 which injections are necessary for driver are both blessed. 英语阅读 the areas you are travelling 4to . Passage 7 Allow sufficient time to have these 短文1 Most workers spend eight hours on the injections before you 5 People all over the world today are job a day on 1 workdays . They work leave because they may take time to beginning to hear and learn more and because they need money for necessities. become effective. Be sure that the more about the problem of pollution. They spend about one third of their information on health is up-to-date. Pollution is caused either by man‘s lives at work, but hate it. By contrast, Check on the Internet if you are not release of completely new and often some people actually 2 enjoy work. sure. artificial (人造的) substances into the They spend 3extra hours on the job Don‘t go to bed late the day 6 before environment, or by releasing greatly each week and often take work home you fly. increased amounts of a natural with them. They are called Your body has a natural daily sleep substance (物质),such as oil from oil “workaholics(工作狂)” as they are pattern. It takes time to adjust to a new tankers into the sea.~~~~~~~~Pollution time zone. There are many different 7 addicted to their job as other people and waste combine to be a problem effects of jet lag: you may not be able are 4 to alcohol. everyone can help to solve by cutting to sleep, you may not want to eat or you Workaholics would 5 rather work out unnecessary buying, excess use and may feel sick and tired. You may not be than do anything else and this can be careless disposal (处理) of the products able to concentrate for some days after most important to their life. we use in our daily lives. you arrive. Workaholics are often 6 under stress. 1. The main cause of pollution is There are several things you can do They can’t relax and feel tense. 7 As a ___.A. the release of artificial or to 8 lessenthe effects of jet lag: result they may easily lose temper. natural substances into the , Do your 9 best to relax during Their work therefore has serious impact environment the flight; on their relationships and family life. 2. Much of the pollution could be Typical workaholics pay little attention , Sleep as much as you can on the controlled if only _____.C. all sides to families. They spend 8 little time flight. Use a mild sleeping pill if concerned would make more efforts with their children and their marriages necessary; 3. Food packages, bottles and tins for may 9 end in divorce. Their , Drink as much water as you can; drinks can cause ___. B. both a litter inability to relax may cause 10 , Don‘t drink alcohol and caffeine; problem and a waster of resources health problems, such as high blood 4. Which of the following can not help , Take mild sleeping pills 10 pressure. solving the problem of pollution? C. for the first few days in the new time Passage 8 Eating. zone if you need them. Jules Verne’s most famous book is 5. What does the underlined word Passage 6 “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the ―litter‖ mean in paragraph 2? Traffic in India means a mixture of all C. industrial pollution Sea”. (A “league” is an old word 1 kinds of vehicles on the road. About 短文2 meaning about three miles.) In those 700,000 new cars days submarines (潜水艇) had not A funny thing happened on the way to 5. The passage mainly deals with 4. Which of the following is nearest the communication revolution: we _________.C. the cultural diversity in (closest) in meaning to “rough” in the stopped talking to each other. Londonsentence “One night the sea was very I own a mobile phone, an ATM F 1. London is a nation. rough „” in Para. 5?C. not smooth card, a voice-mail telephone, and an T 2. The city of London was founded because of huge waves e-mail account. Giving them up isn‘t a by the Romans. 5. The last paragraph suggests that choice. They are great for what they are F 3. All African population live in _____.A. the qualities she needed for intended to do. It‘s their unintended London. the trip were the same as those for a results that make me upset. What good F 4. 39% of the total population of dancer is all this gee-whiz technology if there London are Chinese. 短文 6 is no one in the room to hear you crying NG 5. Old people are also “skilled Did you know there are some very out ―Gee whiz‖? cross-cultural travelers”. special dogs doing good work in our 1. The author‘s experience of walking 短文4 hospital wards? These are PAT 2 (Pets in a park with a friend recently made In the last 500 years, nothing about As Therapy) dogs. Doctors and nurses him feel ______. A. unhappy people – not their clothes, ideas, or are recognising the benefits of pets 2. According to the author, human more and more — particularly for languages – has changed as much as contact in a park means ____________. children, people with mental illnesses what they eat. The original chocolate C. both A and B and elderly people who are separated drink was made from the seeds of the 3. According to the author, the more from their own pets or have had to give cocoa tree by South American Indians. connected we get in communications up their pets. ~~~~Once, she saved my ~~~~~According to an Arabic legend, technology, the ___ we are. B. more life. I am a diabetic and one day my coffee was discovered when a goatherd disconnected blood sugar level dropped, and when I name Kaldi noticed that his goats were 4. What are the examples the author was going into a coma she went next attracted to the red berries on a coffee gives to explain his idea that every door and she alerted my neighbour. He bush. He tried one and experienced the advance in communications technology gave me an insulin injection.‘ “wide-awake” feeling that one-third is a setback to the closeness of human 1. Doctors and nurses think pets are of the world’s population now starts the interaction? C. All of the above. particularly helpful for ______ D) day with. 5. What is the unintended result of all of the above people 1. According to the passage, which of communication technology, according 2. Today __________ people in hospital the following has changed the most in to the author?B. It actually creates a get the help of dogs and cats and the last 500 years? A. Food distance between people instead of their owners. C) 100,000 2. “Some” in “Some still exist bringing them together. 3. Alan got the dog from _______B) 短文3 today” means ____. C. some shops the charity Benjamin Disraeli, the famous 3. Thousands of Irish people starved 4. Which of the following that Tess nineteenth century prime minister, during the “Potato Famine” because CAN NOT help Alan do? D) buy said, ―London is not a city, - it is a ____.D. the potato harvest was bad newspaper from the shop nation.‖ Today this is an understatement; 4. Coffee originally came from___. 5. When Alan was going to a coma, London, with its vast range of different C. Ethiopia Tess went to his _______‘s home for ethnic groups, is a world. ~~~~~They 5. The Arabic legend is used to prove help. A) neighbour themselves often have several different that ____.D. coffee drinks were first 6.which of the following statement is ethnic identities since their parents and made by Arabs true accord ing to the passage?Bonly grandparents may come from several 短文5 some special dogs can help the different backgrounds and their friends An Extraordinary Change of patients feel better and partners do also. They are ―skilled Direction 7.pets are particularly beneficial to the cross-cultural travellers‖ without Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a following except C.children leaving their home-town. mother for many years when she 8.the first sentence of P2 suggests____- 1(Why does the writer think that decided to sail round the world to raise D. people feel relaxed and hopeful Benjamin Disraeli‘s statement is an money for charity. ~~~She says, when ~~~a pet understatement? “Sometimes I ask myself, what did I 9.the dogs helps Alan do the following Because he thinks London is EXCEPT___ D. She picks up the do? How did I do it? But then I think, _________.A. a miniature world phone for her it’s the same as being a dancer. Before I thanks to its great cultural diversity 10.the sentence "when i was going to a left on the trip, I had trained hard. I had 2. London is regarded as the most comma"means that ____D.when I fell got very fit and had prepared myself culturally diverse city in the world due down on the floor completely. Then on the trip I was to the following facts EXCEPT that 短文7 simply a good team member.” _________. B. many young people are There have been changes in all sorts 1. What does the word “extraordinary” immigrants from different of different areas of British society. In mean in the title? B. very unusual and backgrounds recent years in the UK we have had a surprising 3. Ethnic minority groups will make up very large increase in the number of 2. The sentence “„my husband _________ of the London population in couples who get divorced. thought I was bored „” in Para. 4 the future. B. 40% After 1969 and the Divorce Law meant that my husband thought I 4. The last paragraph mainly tells us in Reform Act we had a very rapid felt_________. A. dissatisfied because London ___.A. young people feel at increase in the number of divorces. I had nothing better to do at home ease with a large number of ~~~~~There are quite a large number of 3. The word “section” in Para. 4 most diversified cultures lone parent families, 90 per cent of probably means here _________. C. part of the route of sail these are headed by a woman rather prestige to the country. Thousands and 3.The word “naked” (in para. 3) could than a man. thousands of visitors come to the games be replaced by which of the following? and the host cities are permanently 1. What does the passage mainly D.bare improved. 4.The order of coming into being on the discuss?C. The increasing divorce 1. Bidding for the Olympic Games island is ___.A.soil, plants and rate in the UK. usually starts ____________ before the animals 2. During the last ten years, games are really held. C. ten years 5. According to the passage, which of __________.A. the marriage rate has 2. Beijing was one of the _______ the following is TRUE ?C.Insects gone down more rapidly in the UK bidders for the 2008games. A. could not live on the island without 3. According to the passage, the five plants. cohabitation rate in the UK tends to 3. The World Cup 2002 was held in 短文12__________.A. soar (急剧上升) _____________. C. A and B Crime Prevention Initiatives 4. According to the passage, which of 4. What construction projects did The chances that you will be a victim of the following statements is NOT true? Beijing start after winning the bid? D. violent crime are low. But you can B. The highest divorce rate was All of the above avoid risk in the following ways. around 1969. 5. Why do countries want to host the AT HOME You should make sure 5. The last paragraph tells us Olympic Games?D. All of the above. your house or flat is secure. Always __________.B. the birth rate in the 短文10 lock the door from the inside at night, UK is decreasing rapidly now Once the king of India fell ill and sent but you must keep the key nearby, so for his doctor. The doctor came, that you can use it to get out quickly if 短文8 examined him and said, “You will be there is a fire.~~~~~~Always carry your Some people think they have an bag close to you, but carry your house well again in a few days if you take answer to the troubles of automobile keys in your pocket so that you can The king was very bull’s milk.”crowding and dirty air in large cities. open the door quickly. If someone surprised, for he had never heard of a Their answer is the bicycle, or attacks you - remember your safety is bull that gave milk. “How is it “bike”.~~~~~~~The city government more important than your property. possible?” he asked~~~~~The king has not yet decided what to do. It wants 1. This passage mainly focuses on to keep everyone happy. Only on smiled and said, “You must be Gulbo’________.A. how to avoid the crimes weekends, Central Park is closed to cars, s daughter. Go and tell your father that both at home and in the street and the roads may be used by bicycles he may keep the bull’s milk for his 2. If you want to guarantee you are only. But Bike for a Better City says baby.”secure at home, you should that this is not enough and keeps 1. According to the doctor in the story, _________.B. never leave the keys to fighting to get bicycle lanes the king’s illness can be cured by workmen since they can easily make downtown. ______. B.drinking bull’s copies 1. According to the passage, bicycles milk ____________.C. are the solution to 2. The doctor told the king to ask Gulbo 3. Based on the passage, if you notice some city problems to find bull’s milk because he ______. 2. The idea of special bicycle lanes is someone following you, it’s better for B. hated Gulbo very much most favored by ____________. you to _________. B. go to public 3. How did Gulbo feel after getting the B. some bike riders places king’s order?A. He was 3. ―Bicycle lanes‖ in the third 4. Why should you have a telephone in upset. paragraph probably means the bedroom? C. Because it’s ___.C. special parts of the road for convenient for us to report to the 4. Why did Gulbo’s daughter wash bicycle riders only police in case there is a burglary. 4. Which of the following is not true clothes below the king’s bedroom 5. From the passage, we can infer that according to the passage?A. In New window at night? D. Because she we might be victims if _________. A. York City, many people use bikes as wanted the king to notice her. we cannot part with the money when they have special lanes 5. From the dialogue between the king being attacked 5. The best title for this passage is and the girl, we know that after hearing 短文13 ____________.C. Solution to Traffic the girl’s story, the king ______. D. I was 15 when I walked into Problem in New York understood the girl’s meaning McCarley Bookstore and began to 短文9 look over the titles of the books on the 短文11 Who will stage the games? shelves. ~~~~~Today it‘s the same. Thousands of years ago, in the middle Preparing for the Olympics Games is a NBC news pays me the salary. But I of an ocean, miles from the nearest huge undertaking.~~~~Beijing was feel that I work for the viewers, helping island, an undersea volcano broke out. chosen for the 2008 games from five them make sense of the world. My T~~~~~~~Insects couldn’t stay until bidders — Osaka, Paris, Toronto and working experience in McCarley there were plants for them to eat. So 2Istanbul. Bookstore helped me find a good sense plants had to be the pioneer life on Why does it take so long to prepare? of the world, and most importantly, it this new island. Building the infrastructure costs huge helped me find a good sense of myself. 1. The passage centers on ___. D.how amounts of money. ~~~~By planting 1. How did the author get the job in life began on a volcano-produced trees and creating parks, the city McCarley Bookstore? A. He island becomes more attractive for tourists. happened to walk into the shop and 2.According to the passage, the island Why do countries want to host the got it by chance. got its first soil from ____.C.its own Olympic Games? 2. According to the author, selling rock Hosting the games has a major effect on books was one of the most satisfying the economy and brings international job experiences, because ____________.B. it helped him cultures have different meanings role in the world’s packaging understand the world and himself about some facial expressionsindustry 3. After he helped the fearful lady 3. From the passage, we can conclude 5. The letter is written to looking for books on cancer, the author that ____________.A. gestures can be ____________.A. its customers in was ______. D. proud of himself used to express feelings the States and abroad 4. The author decided to help the poor 4. In the same culture, people boy by _______.B. persuading his ____________.D. may have different 正误1 boss to let him do the story on TV abilities to understand and express The ancient Olympic Games were part 5. The main reason that the author feelings of a religious festival in honour of the thinks his present job is the same as the 短文16 Greek god Zeus, the father of all Greek one in the bookstore is gods and goddesses. The festival and We walked in so quietly that the ____________.C. it helps people nurse at the desk didn’t even lift her games were held in Olympia, a make sense of the world eyes from the book. Mum pointed at a religious sanctuary. ~~~~~The Olympic 短文14 big chair by the door and I knew she flame was first carried in the 1932 Paper was invented by the Chinese in wanted me to sit down. While I watched, Olympic Games in Los Angeles. There the first century AD. Paper was not mouth open in surprise, Mum took off was no torch relay in the ancient made in southern Europe until about the her hat and coat and gave them to me to Olympic Games. The first torch relay in year 1100. Scandinavia - which now hold. She walked quietly to the small the modern Olympic Games was staged makes a great deal of the world‘s paper room by the lift and took out a wet mop. in Berlin in 1936. - did not begin to make it until 1500. ~~~~―Of course. I told her about the F 1. The ancient Greeks held the first Most paper is made from wood. hospital rules, and she will not expect Olympic Games in 617 BC. ~~~~All over the world, trees are being us until tomorrow. Dad will stop F 2. The ancient Greeks held the cut down faster than they are being worrying as well. It‘s a fine hospital. Olympic Games for 393 years. planted, so there may be a serious need But such floors! A mop is no good. T 3. They did not allow women to for paper at the beginning of next You need a brush.‖ compete in the ancient Olympic Games. century.~~~~ Each year, more and more 1. When she took a mop from the small T 4. They first used the Olympic flag in things are made of paper. Now we hear room what Mum really wanted to do 1908. that chairs, tables, and even beds can be was ______. C. to see a patient NG 5. Both the Olympic Games and the made of paper. But the latest in paper 2. When the nurse talked to Mum she Marathon Race are very popular for old thought Mum was a ______.D. cleanermaking seems to be paper houses. and young people in many countries of 1. Where was paper invented?A. In 3. After reading the story what can we the world. China. infer about the hospital?B. It has 正误2 2. Scandinavia began to make paper __. strict rules about visiting hours. Lily is 70 years old and she takes care 4. Why did Mum go to see Kate in the C. in 1500 of her 91-year-old mother. 3. Every four hundred copies of a hospital? D. To find out how she was. ~~~~~~Sally, the nurse, comes to see forty-page newspaper will need ____. B. 5. Which of the following words best mum regularly. My next-door describes Mum?D. Clever. one tree neighbour, Jack, often calls in. In the 4. All over the world, trees are being cut 短文17 evening we usually watch TV and we down ____________ than they are sometimes play cards. Mum is fantastic 10th August, 2004Dear being planted.D. Faster Sirs,Headquartered in Chicago, for her age. But I can never decide to go 5. The latest things made of paper are Illinois, PMC Company is a major anywhere spontaneously. I always have ____________.D. Houses producer of technically advanced to plan it, so I feel a bit trapped. But machinery and chemicals for industry what is the alternative? An old people‘s 短文15 and agriculture.~~~~~~~We believe home? I couldn‘t do that to my mother. We often use gestures to express our PMC to be one of the leaders of the T 1. Lily wakes before her mother. feelings, but the problem is that the packaging industry both in the U.S. and T 2. Joan sometimes spends the day gestures can be understood in different abroad. Through our own research, with Lily‘s mother. ways.~~~It is true that ~~~?he went development and engineering efforts, NG 3. Tilly is satisfied with her pale and began to tremble‘ suggests that we believe we are able to exchange hairdresser. the man is either very afraid or he has views on and discuss the latest technical F 4. Lily‘s brother comes to visit every just got a very big shock. However, ?he aspects of the industry.PMC‘s three weeks. opened his eyes wide‘ is used to F 5. Lily and her mother play cards packaging expertise (专长) is mainly in suggest anger in Chinese whereas in more than they watch TV. the following areas:— Packaging and English it means surprise.~~~?they paper box making machinery— stretched out their tongues!‘ 正误3 Wrapping machines for varying ―Stretching out your tongue” useFaithfully yoursGeneral Manager “Get up, the water is coming.” Yan i~~~Other studies show that older PMC Co. Ltd. Xinzhi, director of the neighborhood people usually find it easier to 1. The company wants to sell committee of Chaoyang Street, Taiyuan, recognize or understand body language ____________. D. machinery and capital of Shanxi Province, ~~~~~~Niu than younger people do. chemicals Maosheng, Minister of Water 1. Which of the following is true 2. Where is the Head Office of the Resources, told China Today that more according to the passage?D. It is company?C. In Chicago, Illinois. than 300 cities nationwide lack water; difficult to tell what people’ gestures 3. When did the company‘s annual sales in 108 cities the situation has become really mean sometimes. exceed $2 billion?B. In the year of critical. The annual deficit of water has 2. People‘s facial expressions may be 2000. reached 6 billion cubic meters, leading misunderstood in different cultures 4.The company thinks to a loss of RMB 200 billion because ___.D. people from different ____________.C. it plays a leading (approximately US $24 billion) in F 4. The author‘s grandfather and his everyday life, we are bound to keep industrial output. friend fed the dog cakes to make it healthy. T 1.As neighborhood committee strong. 写作范文三:T 5. The author‘s grandfather and his director, the major part of Yan Xinzhi’1、接受邀请下星期到英国观光旅游 friend bet on a dog which didn‘t win.s job was to wake up her neighbors at 2、希望对方能到机场接你3、 告诉正误6 midnight to get water. 对方你抵达的日期和航班号等 F 2.The passage reveals that all the Joan Evans was born in Dear Robert, cities in China suffer from water Liwerpool,England in 1928,but she I’m very pleased to accept the kind shortage. didn’t live there for very long. invitation you extended in your last F 3.The passage is written by a water F 1.Joan‘s father bought a house in email. I’m planning to spend my expert. Calcutta. holiday in Britain next week. Since this T 4.The lack of water has lead to a loss T 2.It wasn‘t easy for Joan to find a job is my first visit to your country, I hope of US $24 billion in industrial output. in India. you will be able to meet me at the NG 3.Joan had wanted to work with NG 5.Xi’an is another city with water airport. children since she was a little girl. in short supply. My flight details-the plane leaves F 4.Joan started the charity because she 正误4 Beijing at 12:30 next Thursday and wanted a better job. People who cannot tell all colors arrives in London at 14:30 (local time). T 5.The charity helps children in apart are said to be color blind. Most The flight number is CA1347. several cities. color-blind people can see yellow and Thank you and looking forward to 英语写作参考范文 blues, but confuse reds with greens. It is meeting you in London. 写作范文一: very rare for a person to be blind to all Wcolors, but they may see everything in 1(有一种观点认为:城市生活比乡村ith best wishes, shades of black, white, and 生活好。2(你对这种观点的看法3、 Zgray.~~~~~~ Color blindness is thought 你的结论 hang Lin to be inherited (遗传). And although Some people believe that town life is 写作范文四: doctors have thought up tests to better than country life. I don’t agree 1、哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式2、determine(测定)color blindness, there with this. Town life can be convenient 阐述你的理由3、作出结论 is no cure to treatment for it. to us in many aspects. For example, you In a modern city, there are many F 1.A color-blind person can tell can move around easily, shopping can means of transportation, such as subway, correctly red and be more fun in a big shopping mall and taxi, bus and so on. But my favorite green. you can enjoy a more colorful nightlife. means of transportation is by bike. T 2.Many color-blind people are But there are also many disadvantages. First, riding a bike is good for keeping unaware (没意识到) that they are It is much noisier than in the country. healthy. I spend one hour riding a bike color-blind. Air pollution is more serious. It is not to my office on my working day, and I F 3.It’s especially dangerous for a easy to park your car. It costs more to think it is a good form of physical color-blind person to cross a street live in town. To name but a few is exercise. Secondly, it is money-saving. when there are no traffic lights at the enough. Therefore, I prefer country life. Recently the private car drivers always cross of the streets. 写作范文二: complain the price of gas is higher and NG 4.A person who is color-blind is not it is necessary to keep a balanced higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost allowed to drive. you nothing. Thirdly, it is beneficial for diet/had better/it is important to F 5.Up to now, doctors have found a protecting the environment, so it is a do regular exercises/it is way to free a person from his color “green” form of transportation. essential to keep high mood/renew blindness. Therefore, although it has some our spirits and release our disadvantages, I like riding a bike best. 正误5.完整版电大大学英语B 计算stress/be bound to keep healghy 写作范文五: 机题库请联系QQ1479940435 1保持身体健康的重要性2、保持身体1你最喜欢的电视节目是什么2、你最My grandfather was a very 健康的方法3、重申保持身体健康的喜欢它的理由3、作出结论 interesting man. He died when I was 意义 CCTV today offers a great variety of 11, but I remember he used to tell me How to keep healthy programmes to meet different needs and stories about his early life. He told me Nowadays, more and more people know tastes. For example, the weather one about how he used to race dogs. the importance of keeping healthy. forecast, serials, films, sports and so on. ~~~~~On the day of the race, my Without a healthy body, we can do My favorite programme, however, is grandfather and his friend fed the dog nothing. For me, there are three main the news. lots of cakes so it wouldn‘t want to run. ways to keep healthy. First, it is There are several points that are Then they took it for a long walk so it necessary to keep a balanced diet, worth mentioning. For one thing, it was tired. They bet on another dog, but which is the basis of good health. It is covers news about important events when the race was run, my better for us to have more fruit and both at home and abroad. Besides, the grandfather‘s dog won anyway, so they vegetables everyday. Secondly, it is news it provides is timely and reliable. lost all their money and didn‘t win important to take regular exercises, such Finally, it broadcasts in the evening anything! as swimming, jogging and so on. Last during the so-called “golden time”. It T 1. The author‘s grandfather doesn‘t but not least, it is essential to keep in a saves me much time reading through tell stories now. good mood. Relaxation and F 2. His dog always won when it raced. newspapers for current affairs. entertainment are ways to renew our NG 3. The author‘s grandfather usually In short, watching the news on spirits and release our stress. When we won lots of money. CCTV has become part of my daily life. make healthy habits a part of our 写作范文六: Dear Sirs,my wife and me. It seems quite 1、你理想的工作是什么2、你的理由My name is Wuhua, born on July spacious because we have little 3、 如何实现你的理想 6th, 1965 in Changchun, Jilin Province, furniture. We sleep, prepare lessons and Everybody has his dream for his China. I am a journalist and have generally relax there. I think my home career in the future. He or she might already had eleven years of working is cozy and I like my home. want to be a teacher, a doctor, a experience. I can speak Japanese and 写作范文十二 scientist, a sportsperson and so on. To Germany besides English and of course There have been many changes in my tell you the truth, my ideal job is in I’m good at operating computer. business. The idea came into being life/be better off /preserved I graduated from Journalism when I was a child. pickles Department of Beijing University in With the development of market Cramped and gloomy room to a big 1990 and then worked as a journalist in economy, there are many prosperous and bright flat/getting around Shenzhen Daily till December, 1996. I opportunities in business. I like reading 我的生活有了很多变化/生活会更好/studied in BBC from 1997 to 1998 and stories about some successful 腌制泡菜since I came back in January, 1999, I businessmen such as Bill Gates, Li Changes in Life have been head of the news section . Jiacheng, etc. I believe I will be a man Over the recent years, great changes I will be very lucky if I can work in like them some day. have taken place in our life. We used your newspaper---- The 21st Century. Now, I am majoring in to live in a cramped and gloomy room, And I think I have abilities to do the job Computering. I must study hard to get but now we have moved into a big new well. myself qualified for my future job. three-room apartment. My parents Yours Sincerely, uhua 写作范文七: contacted others mainly by sending 写作范文十: 1、在北京见闻2、接下来两天的活动them letters in the past. But now we call 假设你是深圳广播电视大学学生会主安排3、 返回的具体时间 long distance at home. And once my 席,贵校要举办一次英语讲座。请根Dear Mary, parents listened to the radio for news 据下面提示,用英文写一份书面通知。This morning we went to Tiananmen and other information. But now we get Square. There were many tourists 全篇字数:100词左右。时间:2004the news by watching TV. In short, our walking around and it was very 年5月5日,星期六晚7:30~9:30。 life has become comfortable and crowded. We then visited the Forbidden 地点:文化中心大厅 主讲人:深圳convenient. City. It is very large and there are many 电大美籍教授Iycidro. interesting things to see. We all enjoyed 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 :美国印第安人与美国历史。 写作范文十三 the tour.8 注意事项:可邀请朋友或校外同学参Be engaged in long distace Tomorrow we are going to the 加,不要迟到。听完报告后,要求用education,wed-based courses,Great Wall and the day after we will 英文写一篇感想。 join online discussion forums,visit the Summer Palace. We are coming back on Tuesday afternoon. The NOTICE send our homework to the tutor,plane will take off at 4.35pm and arrive There will be an English lecture on solve the difficulties and puzzles at 7.10pm. American Indians and America History in tutorial Sby Miss Iycidro, an American professor My TV university life ee you then. from Shenzhen TV University . It will I am studying at Jiangsu Radio Jbe given in the hall of the Culture and TV University. This university ohn Centre in our university on Saturday offers variety of open and distance evening from 7:30 to 9:30, May 5, 2004. 写作范文八: courses for adult learners. The students Those who are interested in it are 1、远程学习的对象2、远程学习的好can use computers to learn the courses welcome . And you may also invite 处3、 你自己的学习情况 at home or in the offices. However, they your friends from other schools to Distance learning is for those who also can go to the classroom buildings attend it . cannot study full time for some reasons. to have face-to-face lessons. Be sure not to be late . After the Many of them have a job, and some I come here to study once a week. lecture , please write a report about it in have to take care of a family. But they In fact , the knowledge in every subject English . can study and meanwhile work or do is hard for me, because I don’t have so other things. They can study with the much time in teaching myself in the Student Union help of a tutor and contact the tutor or spare time . I have to work on the other learners when having difficulties. weekdays. May 4, 2004 They can study at any time and Thanks to the teaching methods 写作范文十一: anywhere. For example, I work in a of the TVU, it makes a little easier for 1.描述你家的位置2( 各个房间的功company during the day, but I am me to understand the contents of the 能3( 表达你对你们家居条件的态度 taking a course in law in the evening. I subjects. The coaching teachers are find distance learning is suitable for me. My Home always caring for us in studying here. It My home is a newly-built house in the 写作范文九:假设你是王华,想去北is really good for busy adults. It will be north of the city. We have three rooms a very interesting and exciting learning 京21st Century 报社应聘,请根据in addition to the kitchen and bathroom. experience to study at this university. 下面表格写一封80-90词左右的应聘The first room is the main room or living room. It is for having meals, 写作范文十四 姓名 吴华 职业 记者 工 11 年 relaxing , reading, watching television 1童年的梦想 2目前的情况 3 对未龄 and so on. It is the busiest room in the 来的希望 出生1965年7出生地 中国吉林 house. The second room is my Dear Ann, 日期 月6日 长春 daughter’s bedroom. She sleeps and How are you these days? dresses there. The third room belongs to 信。 In you last letter you told me your ambitions and dreams. And in return I would like to share my dreams with you too. When I was a young girl, I hoped one day I would be able to travel a lot all around China even all over the world. In the past 24 years I have visited Beijing, Dalian, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hangzhou and other tourist t got the cities. It is a pity that I haven’ chance to travel abroad. Luckily my finance is also a travel fun, and he even told me of it is possible we may spend our honeymoon in Hawaii. Fantastic! I would like to visit at least one famous scenic spot every year. What do you think of it? Please give my regards to your parents. Best wishes, Kate
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