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设备档案管理表格大全 2


设备档案管理表格大全 2设备档案管理表格大全 2 档案编号: 设备档案 设备名称: 设备编号: 使用部门: 填写日期: indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, me...

设备档案管理表格大全 2
设备档案管理 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格大全 2 档案编号: 设备档案 设备名称: 设备编号: 使用部门: 填写日期: indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 存档资料 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 卡 编号: 设备名称 规格型号 设备编号 生产厂家 设备用途 外形尺寸 制造日期 设备重量 进厂日期 出厂编号 使用部门 设备原值 设备技术资料 序号 资料名称 份数 存放处 第1页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 设备主要技术特性 设备名称 规格型号 设备结构 特点 基本参数 工作原理 第2页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 附属设备及计量仪表 序号 名称 型号 数量 生产厂家 用途 单位原值 备注 第3页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 设备易损件清单 名称 生产厂家 型号规格 材质 数量 单位价格 备注 第4页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 设备开箱检查验收单 编号: 设备名称 规格型号 制造厂商 出厂年月 参检部门 检查负责人 外包装检查: 设备外表检查: 随机附件检查: 电器检查: 随机资料检查: 工程设备部意见: 负责人: 备注: 第5页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 设备安装情况记录 设备名称 设备型号 安装位置 安装日期 安装图图号 安装图存放处 安装检查记录 结论 安装负责人: 检查人: 安装单位: 使用单位: 第6页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 设备调试验收单 编号 设备名称 规格型号 生产厂家 出厂时间 安装地点 参验部门 调试情况记录: 调试人: 年 月 日 试运行情况记录: 操作者: 年 月 日 结论: 负责人: 年 月 日 备注: 第7页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 设备运行情况 设备名称 规格型号 生产厂家 设备编号 所属部门 初次投入运行时间 每年运行情况 年 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 合计 第8页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 设备保养维修记录 设备名称 所属岗位 保养维修内容 操作人 日期 备注 第9页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget 设备事故 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 编号: 设备名称 设备编号 使用部门 操作/保养人 事故发生时间 事故责任人 事故发生原因: 事故造成损失: 事故后处理方法: 设备现运行情况: 工程设备部意见: 使用部门意见: 总经理意见: 负责人: 年 月 日 负责人: 年 月 日 负责人: 年 月 日 备注: 第10页 indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget indicate the direction of the arrow mark; a variety of emergency lights, emergency response time of not less than 45min. 5. protective grounding (1) electrical equipment for metal housings, metal frame, metal wiring pipes and accessories, cable protection tubes, metal sheath of the cable, such as charged bare metal parts shall be grounded or neutral. (2) electrical equipment and fittings of dedicated ground wire should be singled out and grounding line or the zero connection protection line (network) connected to electrical wiring work in the zero line should not be used as protective earthing wire. (3) electrical equipment and earthing connection, use multiple soft stranded wire, their copper wire minimum area shall not be less than 4mm2, vulnerable to mechanical damage of parts should be installed in protection tubes. (4) electrical device for armored cable and ground or neutral wire should be connected to the equipment grounding bolts inside, steel and metal casing should be connected to the equipment grounding bolt. (5) grounding bolts should have a locking device or petty, before fastening the grounding line, on its ground terminal and ... Project organization. Project organization is composed of three layers: the core layer, management and operational level. 1. core layer: formed by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, responsible for construction work, materials and equipment, management and coordination. 2. Management: engineering, technology, finance and budget
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