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Vocab Test Template_基本词根词汇_寄托天下


Vocab Test Template_基本词根词汇_寄托天下 Root 1 A. R1 A without *R2 AB/ABS (abduct) off, away fr., apart, down *R3 AC/ACR sharp, bitter *R4 ACT/AG (action) to do, drive, force, lead R5 AD to, toward, near R6 AL/ALI/ALTER other, another R7 AM love *R8 AMB to go, to walk R9 AMBI...

Vocab Test Template_基本词根词汇_寄托天下
Root 1 A. R1 A without *R2 AB/ABS (abduct) off, away fr., apart, down *R3 AC/ACR sharp, bitter *R4 ACT/AG (action) to do, drive, force, lead R5 AD to, toward, near R6 AL/ALI/ALTER other, another R7 AM love *R8 AMB to go, to walk R9 AMBI/AMPH both, more than 1, around *R10 ANIM of body, mind, and soul R11 ANNUI/ENNI year R12 ANTE before R13 ANTHRO/ANDR human, man R14 ANTI against *R15 APO (apology) away *R16 ARCH/ARCH/ARCHY chief, ruler, principal R17 AUTO self B. R18 BE to be, to have a particular quality, to exist R19 BEN/BON good R20 BEL war R21 BI twice, both Vocab 2 A. *B1 Abate to reduce in amount, severity, degree *B2 Aberrant deviate fr. norm/expected B3 Abscond to leave silently B4 Abstain to choose not to do sth B5 Abyss deep hole B6 Adulterate to make impure B7 Advocate to speak in favor of B8 Aesthetic re apprec. Beauty B9 Aggrandize to inc power, rep., influence *B10 Alacrity speed, willingness *B11 Alleviate to make more bearable B12 Amalgamate to combine B13 Ambiguous uncertain/doubtful, >1 interp *B14 Ameliorate to make better, improve *B15 Anachronism out of place in time B16 Analogous alike or same; equiv to B17 Anomaly dev. fr. norm B18 Antagonize to annoy/provoke to anger *B19 Antipathy extreme dislike *B20 Apathy w/o emotion/interest *B21 Apocryphal q. authority/authenticity *B22 Approbation praise, approval B23 Arbitrary det. by chance/impulse B24 Arbitrate to judge resoln btw 2 parties B25 Archaic ancient; old fashioned B26 Ardor intense passionate feeling B27 Articulate speak clearly/expressively *B28 Assuage to make unpleasant situation less severe *B29 Attenuate to reduce in force/degree; weaken *B30 Audacious fearless, daring B31 Austere severe or stern in appearance; undecorated B. B32 Banal expected, cliché, boring B33 Bolster to support, propr up *B34 Bombastic pompous behavior/speech B35 Burgeon to grow and flourish B36 Burnish to polish Root 3 C. *R22 CAD/CID (cascade) to fall/ happen by chance R23 CANT/CENT/CHANT to sing *R24 CAP/CIP/CEPT (capture) to take, to get R25 CAP/CIPT/CIPIT head, headlong R26 CARD/CORD/COUR heart R27 CARN flesh *R28 CAST/CHAST cut *R29 CED/CEED/CESS (proceed, access) to go, yield, stop R30 CENTR centre *R31 CERN/CERT/CRET/ CRIM/CRIT decide, judge, separate, distinguish R32 CHRON time R33 CIRCU around, on all sides R34 CIS cut *R35 CLA/CLO/CLU close/shit R36 CLAIM/CLAM to shout, cry out R37 CLI (recline) to lean twds R38 CO/COL/COM/CON together, with *R39 COUR/CUR running, a course *R40 CRE/CRESC/CRET to grow R41 CRED believe/trust R42 CRYP hidden *R43 CUB/CUMB to lie down R44 CULP blame D. R45 DAC/DOC to teach *R46 DE (depart) down, away fr., completely, reverse R47 DEM ppl R48 DI/DIA (dichotomy) apart, w/o R49 DIC/DICT/DIT to speak, tell, use words R50 DIGN (dignity) worth *R51 DIS/DIF (disperse, disparate) apart, away fr., reversal, not R52 DOG/DOX opinion *R53 DOL suffer pain R54 DON/DOT/DOW (endow) to give R56 DUB doubt *R57 DUC/DUCT (conduct) to lead *R58 DUR (endure) hard R59 DYS abnormal, faulty Vocab 4 C. B37 Cacophony harsh, jarring noise *B38 Candid impartial + honest in speech B39 Capricious changing mind quickly/often B40 Castigate punish/criticize harshly B41 Catalyst sth change sth else B42 Caustic biting in wit B43 Chaos confused situation, great disorder B44 Chauvinist person prejudiced in favor of group B45 Chicanery deception craft/guile B46 Circumspect cautious, aware of potential consequences B47 Coalesce to bring together to form single whole B48 Cogent well-reasoned, convincing B59 Condone pardon, overlook, disregard B50 Connoisseur person w/ expert knowledge or discrim taste B51 Convoluted complicated, intricate B52 Corroborate supporting evidence B53 Credulous too trusting, gullible B54 Crescendo inc. volume/force D. B55 Decorum appropriate conduct/speech, propriety B56 Deference respect, courtesy *B57 Deride to speak/treat w/ contempt; to mock *B58 Desiccate to dry out completely *B59 Desultory disconnected, jumping fr. on thing to another B60 Diatribe abusive, condemnatory speech *B61 Diffident w/o self-confidence B62 Dilate to expand, enlarge *B63 Dilatory intended to delay *B64 Dilettante person w/ amateur/ superficial interest in topic B65 Dirge funeral song/mournful spch *B66 Disabuse to set right, free fr. error B67 Discern to perceive/recognize B68 Disparate entirely/fund. Different *B69 Dissemble present false ap; disguise true intent/nature B70 Dissonance harsh/disagreeable combo B71 Dogma firmly held opinion (religion) B72 Dogmatic dictatorial in 1’s own opinion B73 Dupe deceive 1 easily deceived Root 5 E. *R60 E/EF/EX (evade) out, out of, from, former, completely R61 EPI (epilogue) upon R62 EQU equal *R63 ERR (errant) to wander *R64 ESCE (adolescent) becoming R65 EU good, well R66 EXTRA beyond, outside F. *R67 FAB/FAM (fable) speak *R68 FAC/FIC/FIG/ FAIT/FEIT/FY to do/make R69 FER (offer) to bring, carry, bear R70 FERV (effervescent) to boil, bubble R71 FID (fidelity) faith R72 FIN end R73 FLAG/FLAM burn R74 FLECT/FLEX bend R75 FLU/FLUX flow R76 FORE before R78 &9 FORT (x2) chance/strength R80 FRA/FRAC/ FRAG/FRING to break R81 FUS (profuse) to pour G. R82 GEN birth, creation, race, kind R83 GN/GNO know R84 GRAD/GRESS (egress) step R85 GRAT (grateful) pleasing H. R86 HER/HES (adhere) to stick R87 H(ETERO) different R88 H(OM) same R89 HYPER over, excessive *R90 HYPO under, beneath, more than Vocab 6 E. B74 Eclectic selecting or made fr. wide variety of sources B75 Efficacy effectiveness B76 Elegy mournful speech B77 Eloquent moving/persuasive (spch) B78 Embellish add orna/fictitious details B79 Emulate to copy; try equal/excel *B80 Enervate to reduce in strength *B81 Engender to produce, cause, bring abt B82 Enigma puzzle/mystery B83 Enumerate count, list, itemize B84 Ephemeral lasting a short time *B85 Equivocate to use expressions w/ double meaning to mislead B86 Erratic wandering, unpredictable B87 Erudite learned, bookish, scholarly B88 Esoteric known/understood by few *B89 Estimable admirable B90 Eulogy speech in praise *B91 Euphemism use inoffensive wd/phrase in place of distasteful one B92 Exacerbate to make worse B93 Exculpate to clear fr. blame; prove inn. *B94 Exigent urgent, req. imm. Action B95 Exonerate to clear fr. blame B96 Explicit clearly stated/shown; forthright in expression F. B97 Fanatical act w/ excess enthusiasm; filled w/ extreme, unquestioning devotion. B98 Fawn to grovel *B99 Fervid feverish; intensely emotional *B100 Florid exc. embellished/ornate *B101 Foment incite, arouse B102 Fortuitous happen by chance/fortunate B103 Frugality cheap/thrifty G. *B104 Garrulous outgoing, sociable *B105 Gregarious tending to speak a lot B106 Guile deceit, trickery B107 Gullible easily deceived H. B108 Homogenous of a similar kind Root 7 I. R91 IDIO one’s won *R92 IM/IN/EM/EN in, into R93 IM/IN not, w/o R94 INTER between, among J. R95 JECT (eject) to throw, thrown down R96 JOIN/JUNCT meet, join R97 JUR to swear L. R98 LAV/LUT/LUV to wash R99 LECT/LEG select, choose R100 LEV (levitate) lift, light, rise R101 LOC/LOG/LOQU word, speech R102 LUC/LUM/LUS light *R103 LUC/LUS to play M. R104 MAG/MAJ/MAX big *R105 MAL/MALE bad, wrong, evil, ill R106 MAN hand R107 MIN small *R108 MIN to project, hang over R109 MIS/MIT (transmit) to send R110 MISC mixed R111 MON/MONIT to remind/warn R112 MORPH shape R113 MORT death R114 MUT change N. R115 NAT/NAS/NAI to be born R116 NIC/NOC/NOX harm *R117 NOM rule, order R118 NOM/NYM/ NOUN/NOWN name R119 NOUNC/NUC announce R120 NOV/NEO/NOU new Vocab 8 I. B109 Iconoclast 1 who opposes est. customs, beliefs and institutions B110 Imperturbable not capable of being disturbed B111 Impervious impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected B112 Impetuous quick to act w/o thinking B113 Implacable unable to be calmed down or made peaceful *B114 Inchoate not fully formed; disorganized B115 Ingenuous show innocent, child-like simplicity *B116 Inimical hostile, unfriendly B117 Innocuous harmless *B118 Insipid w/o interest/flavor *B119 Intransigent uncompromising; refusing to be reconciled B120 Inundate to overwhelm, cover w/ water *B121 Irascible easily made angry L. *B122 Laconic using few words B123 Lament to express sorrow/grieve *B124 Lassitude a state of dim. energy B125 Latent potential not readily app B126 Laud to give praise/glorify B127 Lavish extremely generous/ extravagant; to give unsparingly B128 Lethargic acting in indifferent/slow, sluggish manne B129 Loquacious talkative B130 Lucid clear + easily understood B131 Luminous bright, clear, glowing M. *B132 Malinger to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill B133 Malleable capable of being shaped B134 Metaphor figure of spch comparing 2 diff. things; a symbol B135 Meticulous ext. careful abt details B136 Misanthrope a person who dislikes others B137 Mitigate to soften, lessen B138 Mollify to calm/make less severe B139 Monotony no variation; tediously same N. B140 Naïve lack sophist/experience Root 9 O. *R121 OB/OC/OF/OP to, towards, against, over R122 OMNI all P. R123 PAC/PEAC peace R124 PAN everyone R125 PAR equal R126 PARA next to, beside R127 PAS/PAT/PATH feeling, suffering, disease R128 PAU/PO/POV/PU few, little, poor R129 PED child R130 PED/POD foot R131 PEN/PUN (penalty) to pay/compensate *R132 PEND/PENS (depend, stipend) to hang, weight, pay *R133 PER (persistent) completely R134 PERI around *R135 PET/PIT (petition) to go, seek, strive R136 PHIL love R137 PLAC (placate) to please R138 PLE (plethora) to fill *R139 PLEX/PLIC/PLY to fold, twist, bend, tangle R140 PON/POS/POUND (repository) to place R141 PORT to carry R150 POST after R151 PRE before *R152 PREHEND/PRISE to take, seize, get R153 PRO much, for, a lot *R154 PROBE to prove, test R155 PUG to fight R156 PUNC/PUNG/ POIGN to point; to prick Q. R157 QUE/QUIS (query) to seek R158 QUI quiet Vocab 10 O. *B141 Obdurate hardened in feeling; resistant to persuasion *B142 Obsequious overly submissive/eager to please B144 Obstinate stubborn, unyielding B144 Obviate to prevent/make unnecessary *B145 Occlude to stop up; prevent passage of B146 Onerous troublesome/oppressive; burdensome B147 Opaque impossible to see through; prevent passage of light *B148 Opprobrium public disgrace B149 Ostentation excessive showiness P. B150 Paradox contradiction/dilemma B151 Paragon model of excellence, perfection *B152 Pedant person who shows off learning *B153 Perfidious willing to betray one’s trust B154 Perfunctory done in routine way/indiff B155 Permeate to penetrate B156 Pervasive to be present throughout/permeate B157 Philanthropy charity; desire/effort to promote goodness *B158 Phlegmatic calm/unemotional in temperament B159 Placate to soothe/pacify B160 Plastic capable of being molded, shaped or bent P161 Plethora excess P162 Pragmatic practical *P163 Precipitate to throw violently, bring about abruptly, lacking deliberation *P164 Prevaricate to lie, deviate fr. truth P165 Pristine fresh/clean; uncorrupted P166 Probity complete honesty/integrity *B167 Proclivity nat. inclination/predispos. B168 Prodigal lavish, wasteful P169 Proliferate to inc. in no. quickly *P170 Propitiate to conciliate, appease P171 Propriety acting in proper manner; obeying rules/customs P172 Prudence wisdom, caution, restraint P173 Pungent sharp/irritating to senses Q. *B174 Quiescent motionless Root 11 R. R159 RID/RIS (risible) to laugh R160 ROG (interrogate) to ask S. R161 SACR/SANCT/SECR sacred R162 SAL/SIL/SAULT/SULT to jump/leap R163 SCI to know R164 SCRIBE/SCRIP to write R165 SE (separate) apart R166 SEC/SEQU to follow *R167 SED/SESS/SID (preside) to sit/be still; to plan/plot R168 SENS/SENT to feel/be aware *R169 SOL (dissolve) to free/loosen R170 SPEC/SPIC/SPIT (perspective) to look/see R171 STA/STI to stand; be in place R172 SUA smooth R173 SUB/SUP under R174 SUPER/SUR over T. R175 TAC/TIC (tacit) R176 TAIN/TEN/TENT/TIN (obtain) to hold *R177 TEND/TENS/ TENT/TENU to stretch/thin R178 THEO God *R179 TRACT (tractor) to drag, pull, hold R180 TRANS across U. R181 US/UT to use V. *R182 VEN/VENT (convene) to come/move fwd R183 VER (veracity) truth R184 VERD green *R185 VERS/VERT (revert) to turn R186 VI (vivacity) life R187 VID/VIS (vision) to see R188 VIL base, mean R189 VOC/VOK (vocation) to call R190 VOL to wish R191 VOR to eat Vocab 12 R. *B175 Rarefy to make thinner/sparser B176 Repudiate to reject validity of *B177 Reticent silent, reserved B178 Rhetoric effective speaking/writing S. B179 Satiate to satisfy fully/overindulge *B180 Soporific causing sleep/lethargy *B181 Specious deceptively attractive; seemingly plausible but fallacious B182 Stigma mark of shame/discredit *B183 Stolid unemotional, lacking sensitivity B184 Sublime lofty/grand T. *B185 Tacit done w/o using words *B186 Taciturn silent, not talkative B186 Tirade long, harsh speech/verbal attack B187 Torpor extreme physical/mental sluggishness B188 Transitory temporary, lasting a brief time V. *B190 Vacillate to physically waver or be indecisive B191 Venerate to respect deeply B192 Veracity filled w/ truth & accuracy B193 Verbose wordy B194 Vex to annoy B195 Viscous thick & adhesive like slow flowing liquid B196 Volatile easily aroused/changeable; lively or explosive W. B197 Waver to fluctuate btw choices B198 Whimsical acting in fanciful or capricious manner, unpredictable Z. B199 Zeal passion, excitement Additional Vocab 13 A. E1. Abase to humble/disgrace E2. Abash to embarrass E3. Abject miserable, pitiful E4. Abjure to reject/abandon by formal means E5. Abnegate to reject/denounce E6. *Abolitionist p. who rejects slavery E7. Abrogate to abolish/invalidate by authority E8. Absolve to free from blame E9. *Abstemious mod in appetite E10. Abstruse difficult to understand E11. Abut in touch/be in contact w/ E12. Acidulous sour in taste/manner E13. Acme highest point, summit E14. Acuity sharpness E15. Adage old saying/proverb E16. Adroit skillful, accomplished, highly competant E17. Adulation high praise E18. *Adumbrate to sketch, outline in shadowy way E19. Adventitious accidental E20. Aerie nook/nest built high in air E21. Agrarian re farming/agri matters E22. Alacrity cheerful willingness, eagerness, speed E23. Allusion indirect ref E24. Allusiveness qual of making indirect ref E25. Altruism unselfish conc for ors’ welfare E26. Ambulatory itinerant; re walking @ E27. Amenable agreeable, cooperative E28. Amorphous having no definite form E29. *Amortize dim by install p’mts E30. Anachronistic outdated E31. *Analgesia sth that lessens pain w/o losing consciousness E32. *Anathema ban/curse; sth shunned/disliked E33. Ancillary accessory, subord, helping E34. *Anodyne sth that soothes/calms pain E35. Antepenultimate 3rd from last E36. Anthropomorphic human qualities E37. *Apace done quickly E38. *Aperture an opening/hole E39. *Aphelion plc planet’s orbit farthest fr. sun E40. Aphorism old saying/short pithy stmt Additional Vocab 14 E41. Apostate (n) p. renounces rel faith E42. *Apothegm short, instructive saying E43. *Apotheosis glorification, glorified ideal E44. Arable (adj) suitable for cultivation E45. Arboreal re trees/living in trees E46. Arboretum place where tree displayed/studied E47. Arcane secret, obscure, known only to few E48. Archipelago grp of islands E49. Arid ext dry; deathly boring E50. Arrogate to demand, claim arrogantly E51. Arsenal ammunition storehouse E52. *Artless open and honest E53. Ascetic (adj) self-denying, austere, abstinent E54. Asinine lacking intel/sound j’mt E55. Askance scornfully E56. Askew tilted/crooked E57. Asocial unable/unwilling to interact socially E58. *Asperity harsh, rough E59. *Aspersion false rumor, damaging report, slander E60. Assail to attack/assault E61. Assay to analyze/estimate E62. *Asseverate to affirm positively/earnestly E63. Assiduous hardworking, diligent, persistent E64. *Assignation a ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt for lovers’ meeting; assignment E65. Astral re the stars, elevated position E66. Asunder (adv) in different parts E67. Atrophy (v) to waste away, wither fr. disuse E68. Auspicious having favorable prospects, promising E69. Autocrat dictator E70. Avarice greed E71. Axiom premise, postulate, self-evident truth Ain own Arsenide containing arsenic Additional Vocab 15 B. E72. Baleful harmful, w/ evil intent E73. Balk (v) to shirk, refuse, prevent E74. Bastion fort/stronghold E75. Beatific saintly, angelic E76. Becalm to calm down; to keep motionless by lack of wind E77. Becloud to confuse; dark w/ clouds E78. Beguile to deceive/mislead; charm E79. Belfry bell tower E80. Belie to misrep; expose as false E81. Bellicose warlike, aggressive E82. Bemuse to confuse, stupefy; plunge deep into thought E83. Benighted unenlightened E84. Benison blessing E85. Besmear to smear E86. Betoken to indicate, signify, to give evidence of E87. Bilious bad-natured E88. Bilk to cheat/defraud E89. Billet board lodgings for troops E90. Biped two footed animal E91. Blandish to coax w/ flattery E92. Blight (v) to afflict/destroy E93. Blithe joyful, cheerful; w/o app thought E94. Bluster to boast/make threats loudly E95. Bonhomie good natured geniality; atmos of gd cheer E96. Bromide dull commonplace p/idea E97. Bursar treasurer E98. Byway back/side road Additional Vocab 16 C. E99. Cabal secret grp to overturn sth E100. Canard a lie E101. Canny smart; based on common sense E102. *Canting affectedly or hypocritically pious or righteous E103. Capacious spacious, roomy extensive E104. Capitulate to submit completely, surrender E105. Careen to lean to one side E106. Carom strike & rebound E107. Carp (v) to find fault w/; complain constantly E108. Cartography art of making maps E109. *Catechism book of instruction; formal questions E110. Caulk watertight E111. Cavalcade a procession E112. *Cavalier (adj) happy, carefree; w/ lordly disdain E113. *Cavil to raise triv objs E114. Censorious severely critical E115. Centripetal moving/heading twds centre E116. *Cephalic re the head E117. Chagrin shame, embarrassment, humiliation E118. Champ (v) to chew noisily E119. Chary watchful, cautious, extremely shy E120. Chicanery trick, fraud, decept E121. Chimerical impossible, visionary, fanciful, imaginary E122. *Choleric short tempered, easily angered E123. Chromatic re color E124. Churlish rude E125. Circumvent to go around, avoid E126. Clement mild E127. *Cloying indulging to excess E128. *Cognomen name, nickname E129. Colloquy dia, conv, conf E130. Commodious spacious, roomy E131. Compendious sum compl/brief E132. Complaisant agreeable, friendly E133. Compunctious feeling guilty or having misgivings E134. Compunction feeling of
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