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TPO11 Orientation and Navigation


TPO11 Orientation and Navigation Paragraph 1: 1. Which of the following can be inferred about bird migration from paragraph 1? ○ Birds will take the most direct migratory route to their new habitat. ○ The purpose of migration is to join with larger groups of birds. ○ Bird migration generally...

TPO11  Orientation and Navigation
Paragraph 1: 1. Which of the following can be inferred about bird migration from paragraph 1? ○ Birds will take the most direct migratory route to their new habitat. ○ The purpose of migration is to join with larger groups of birds. ○ Bird migration generally involves moving back and forth between north and south. ○ The destination of birds' migration can change from year to year. 2. The word perplexed in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ defeated ○ interested ○ puzzled ○ occupied Paragraph 3: 3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. ○ Experiments revealed that caged starlings displayed a lack of directional sense and restless movements. ○ Experiments revealed that caged starlings were unable to orient themselves in the direction of their normal migratory route. ○ Experiments revealed that the restless movement of caged starlings had no clear direction. ○ Experiments revealed that caged starlings' orientation was accurate unless the weather was overcast. 4. The word preposterous in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ unbelievable ○ inadequate ○ limited ○ creative 5. According to paragraph 3, why did Kramer use mirrors to change the apparent position of the Sun? ○ To test the effect of light on the birds' restlessness ○ To test whether birds were using the Sun to navigate ○ To simulate the shifting of light the birds would encounter along their regular migratory route ○ To cause the birds to migrate at a different time than they would in the wild 6. According to paragraph 3, when do caged starlings become restless? ○ When the weather is overcast ○ When they are unable to identify their normal migratory route ○ When their normal time for migration arrives ○ When mirrors are used to change the apparent position of the Sun Paragraph 4: 7. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about Kramer s reason for filling one food box and leaving the rest empty? ○ He believed the birds would eat food from only one box. ○ He wanted to see whether the Sun alone controlled the birds' ability to navigate toward the box with food. ○ He thought that if all the boxes contained food, this would distract the birds from following their migratory route. ○ He needed to test whether the birds preferred having the food at any particular point of the compass. Paragraph 5: 8. According to paragraph 5, how did the birds fly when the real Sun was visible? ○ They kept the direction of their flight constant. ○ They changed the direction of their flight at a rate of 15 degrees per hour. ○ They kept flying toward the Sun. ○ They flew in the same direction as the birds that were seeing the artificial Sun 9. The experiment described in paragraph 5 caused Kramer to conclude that birds possess a biological clock because ○ when birds navigate they are able to compensate for the changing position of the Sun in the sky ○ birds innate bearings keep them oriented in a direction that is within 15 degrees of the Suns direction ○ birds' migration is triggered by natural environmental cues, such as the position of the Sun ○ birds shift their direction at a rate of 15 degrees per hour whether the Sun is visible or not Paragraph 6: 10. According to paragraph 6, how did the birds navigate in the planetarium's nighttime environment? ○ By waiting for the dome to stop rotating ○ By their position on the planetarium floor ○ By orienting themselves to the stars in the artificial night sky ○ By navigating randomly until they found the correct orientation 11. Which of the following best describes the author's presentation of information in the passage? ○ A number of experiments are described to support the idea that birds use the Sun and the night sky to navigate. ○ The author uses logic to show that the biological clock in birds is inaccurate. ○ A structured argument about the importance of internal versus external cues for navigation is presented. ○ The opposing points of view about bird migration are clarified through the study of contrasting experiments. Paragraph 7: 12. The word accumulating in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ new ○ increasing ○ convincing ○ extensive 13. Look at the four squares [■]that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. He arranged the feed boxes at various positions on a compass. Where would the sentence best fit? 14. Gustave Kramer conducted important research related to the ability of birds to orient and navigate. Answer Choices ○ Because caged birds become disoriented when the sky is overcast, Kramer hypothesized that birds orient themselves according to the Sun's position. ○ In one set of experiments. Kramer placed the box containing food at the same point of the compass each time he put food boxes in the birds’ environment. ○ Kramer demonstrated that an internal biological clock allows starlings to compensate for the Sun's movement. ○ After several studies. Kramer surmised that an internal biological clock allows some species of birds to navigate at night ○ The role of environmental cues in birds' navigation is clear, for on overcast days, birds use objects besides the Sun to orient themselves. ○ Kramer showed that night-migrating birds use the sky to navigate by the stars. Orientation and Navigation To South Americans, robins are birds that fly north every spring. To North Americans, the robins simply vacation in the south each winter. Furthermore, they fly to very specific places in South America and will often come back to the same trees in North American yards the following spring. The question is not why they would leave the cold of winter so much as how they find their way around. The question perplexed people for years, until, in the 1950s, a German scientist named Gustave Kramer provided some answers and. in the process, raised new questions. Kramer initiated important new kinds of research regarding how animals orient and navigate. Orientation is simply facing in the right direction; navigation involves finding ones way from point A to point B. Early in his research, Kramer found that caged migratory birds became very restless at about the time they would normally have begun migration in the wild. Furthermore, he noticed that as they fluttered around in the cage, they often launched themselves in the direction of their normal migratory route. He then set up experiments with caged starlings and found that their orientation was. in fact, in the proper migratory direction except when the sky was overcast, at which times there was no clear direction to their restless movements. Kramer surmised, therefore, that they were orienting according to the position of the Sun. To test this idea, he blocked their view of the Sun and used mirrors to change its apparent position. He found that under these circumstances, the birds oriented with respect to the new "Sun." They seemed to be using the Sun as a compass to determine direction. At the time, this idea seemed preposterous How could a bird navigate by the Sun when some of us lose our way with road maps? Obviously, more testing was in order. So, in another set of experiments, Kramer put identical food boxes around the cage, with food in only one of the boxes. The boxes were stationary, and the one containing food was always at the same point of the compass. However, its position with respect to the surroundings could be changed by revolving either the inner cage containing the birds or the outer walls, which served as the background. As long as the birds could see the Sun, no matter how their surroundings were altered, they went directly to the correct food box. Whether the box appeared in front of the right wall or the left wall, they showed no signs of confusion. On overcast days, however, the birds were disoriented and had trouble locating their food box. In experimenting with artificial suns, Kramer made another interesting discovery. If the artificial Sun remained stationary, the birds would shift their direction with respect to it at a rate of about 15 degrees per hour, the Sun's rate of movement across the sky. Apparently, the birds were assuming that the "Sun" they saw was moving at that rate. When the real Sun was visible, however, the birds maintained a constant direction as it moved across the sky. In other words, they were able to compensate for the Sun's movement. This meant that some sort of biological clock was operating-and a very precise clock at that. What about birds that migrate at night? Perhaps they navigate by the night sky. To test the idea, caged night-migrating birds were placed on the floor of a planetarium during their migratory period. A planetarium is essentially a theater with a domelike ceiling onto which a night sky can be projected for any night of the year. When the planetarium sky matched the sky outside, the birds fluttered in the direction of their normal migration. But when the dome was rotated, the birds changed their direction to match the artificial sky. The results clearly indicated that the birds were orienting according to the stars. There is accumulating evidence indicating that birds navigate by using a wide variety of environmental cues. Other areas under investigation include magnetism, landmarks, coastlines, sonar, and even smells. The studies are complicated by the fact that the data are sometimes contradictory and the mechanisms apparently change from time to time. Furthermore, one sensory ability may back up another. Paragraph 4:So, in another set of experiments, Kramer put identical food boxes around the cage, with food in only one of the boxes. ■The boxes were stationary, and the one containing food was always at the same point of the compass. ■However, its position with respect to the surroundings could be changed by revolving either the inner cage containing the birds or the outer walls, which served as the background. ■As long as the birds could see the Sun, no matter how their surroundings were altered, they went directly to the correct food box. ■Whether the box appeared in front of the right wall or the left wall, they showed no signs of confusion. On overcast days, however, the birds were disoriented and had trouble locating their food box.In experimenting with artificial suns, Kramer made another interesting discovery. If the artificial Sun remained stationary, the birds would shift their direction with respect to it at a rate of about 15 degrees per hour, the Sun's rate of movement across the sky. Apparently, the birds were assuming that the "Sun" they saw was moving at that rate. When the real Sun was visible, however, the birds maintained a constant direction as it moved across the sky. In other words, they were able to compensate for the Sun's movement. This meant that some sort of biological clock was operating-and a very precise clock at that. TPO11 Orientation and Navigation 1. 以下哪项可以从第一段中关于鸟迁徙的内容推出? (Inference Question) a) 鸟会采用最直接的迁徙路线飞到它们的新居。 b) 迁徙的目的是加入更大的鸟群。 c) 鸟迁徙通常涉及到在南北之间来回。 d) 鸟迁徙的目的可以随着年份改变。 解析:第一段前三句:对于南部美国人来说,robins每年春天都往北飞。对于北部美国人来说,robins每年冬天都去南方度假。不仅如此,它们飞到美国南边特定的地方并且会在来年春天飞到美国北部院子的同一个枝头上。所以,选项三明显正确; 2. 与单词perplexed在文中意思最接近的是 (Vocabulary Question) a) Defeated (打败) b) Interested (使……感兴趣) c) Puzzled (迷惑) d) Occupied (占领) 解析: If something perplexes you, it confuses and worries you because you do not understand it or because it causes you difficulty. If something puzzles you, you do not understand it and feel confused. 释义来自柯林斯高级学习词典。 3. 以下哪一项能表达出高亮句子的精华核心含义?错误选项改变重要含义或者遗漏精华信息。 He then set up experiments with caged starlings and found that their orientation was, in fact, in the proper migratory direction except when the sky was overcast, at which times there was no clear direction to their restless movements. 然后他开始用把starlings放到笼子里做实验,发现它们的方向感与正常的迁徙方向一致。但当天空被乌云遮蔽时,迁徙的方向就发生改变,在这个时候,它们焦躁不安的运动方向就没有一个清晰的方向了。 a) 实验显示出笼中的starlings显示出方向感的缺乏和焦躁不安的运动。 b) 实验显示出笼中的starlings不能调整他们的方向到正常的迁徙路径。 c) 实验显示出笼中的starlings焦躁不安的运动没有一个明确的方向。 d) 实验显示出笼中的starlings的方向是精确地,但当乌云密布时就不行了。 4. 与单词preposterous在文中的意思最接近的是 (Vocabulary Question) a) Unbelievable(难以置信的) b) Inadequate (不充分的) c) Limited (有限的) d) Creative (有创造力的) 解析:preposterous:very foolish or ridiculous;释义来自剑桥高级学习词典;回到段落原文“At the time, this idea seemed preposterous. How could a bird navigate by the Sun when some of us lose our way with road maps?”意思是:那时候觉得这种想法特别荒谬,鸟儿怎么可能靠着太阳航行而我们人带着地图都会走丢?preposterous在这里就是要表达一种难以置信的语气。比如,NBA比赛中林 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 豪最后绝杀的,那一刻播音员都在喊“unbelievable, that’s ridiculous!!!”稍微有点文采的播音员就会喊“This is preposterous!!!” 5. 根据第三段,为什么Kramer用镜子来改变太阳的明显位置?(Factual Information Question) a) 测试光对鸟的烦躁不安的影响 b) 测试鸟是否用太阳导航 c) 模拟鸟在正常迁徙路线中会遇到的光照转移 d) 引起鸟在与野外不同的时间迁徙 解析:段落第四句“Kramer surmised, therefore, that they were orienting according to the position of the Sun. To test this idea, he blocked their view of the Sun and used mirrors to change its apparent position.”意思是:Kramer因此猜测它们可能是按照太阳的位置来确定方向的。为了测试这个想法,他挡住太阳并且用镜子改变它明显的位置。 6. 根据第三段,笼中的starlings什么时候变得焦躁不安? (Factual Information Question) a) 当天空乌云密布时 b) 当他们不能确定他们正常的迁徙路线时 c) 当他们正常迁徙时间到达时 d) 当镜子被用来改变太阳的明显位置时 解析:段落第二句“Furthermore, he noticed that as they fluttered around in the cage, they often launched themselves in the direction of their normal migratory route.”意思是:不仅如此,他还注意到当它们开始在笼子里面骚动的时候,它们通常准备朝正常迁徙路线移动。既然准备朝迁徙路线移动,那肯定是到了迁徙的时候了。所以选项三正确。 7. 以下哪项能从第四段中推出关于Kramer在一个盒子里放食物而其他盒子放空的原因? (Inference Question) a) 他认为鸟只会吃一个盒子里的食物。 b) 他想看看是否是仅仅是太阳控制了鸟朝装有食物的盒子飞行。 c) 他认为如果所有的盒子都包含食物,这样会干扰鸟按照它们迁徙路线飞行。 d) 他需要测试鸟是否喜欢吃罗盘任何方向的食物。 解析:Kramer把环境变得可以控制,也就是说装有食物的盒子与空盒子之间的位置是可以变换的,所以在不遮挡住太阳的时候,变动其他的因素,用以确定太阳是否是唯一影响鸟迁徙的影响。段落最后一句说阴天的时候,也就是没有太阳的时候,鸟就找不到装食物的盒子。 8. 根据第五段,当太阳可见的时候,鸟是如何飞行的? (Factual Information Question) a) 他们保持恒定飞行方向。 b) 他们以每小时15°的方式改变飞行方向。 c) 他们保持向太阳飞行。 d) 他们和那些看到人工太阳的的鸟飞行的方向一样。 解析:段落第四句“When the real Sun was visible, however, the birds maintained a constant direction as it moved across the sky.”意思是:然后当真正的太阳是可见的时候,鸟在空中保持一个恒定的飞行方向。 9. 第五段中描述的实验使Kramer得出结论:鸟有一个生物钟因为 (Factual Information Question) a) 当鸟航行的时候,他们能够补偿太阳在空中位置的改变。 b) 鸟天生的方位感保证他们能够朝着太阳方向15°之内飞行。 c) 鸟的迁徙是由自然环境线索引起的,比如太阳的位置。 d) 不管太阳可不可见,鸟都会每小时改变15°。 解析:段落第二句“If the artificial Sun remained stationary, the birds would shift their direction with respect to it at rate of about 15 degrees per hour, the Sun’s rate of movement across the sky.”意思是:如果人工太阳保持静止,鸟会按照每小时15°(太阳在空中移动的速率)的速率调整方向。段落倒数后两句“In other words, they were able to compensate for the Sun’s movement. This meant that some sort of biological clock was operating-and a very precise clock at that.”意思是:换句话说,他们能够补偿太阳的运动。这就意味着一种生物钟在操作而且是一个非常精确的钟。 10. 根据第六段,鸟在天文馆的夜晚环境中是如何导航的? (Factual Information Question) a) 通过等待穹顶停止转动 b) 通过他们在天文馆中的位置 c) 通过调整他们与人工夜晚天空星星的位置 d) 通过随机导航知道找到正确的方向 解析:段落最后三句话“When the planetarium sky……according to the stars.”意思是:当天文馆的天空与真正的天空一致时,鸟会按照他们正常的方向拍动翅膀。但是当屋顶转动时,鸟会改变他们的方向来与人工天空相对应。结果明显表明鸟根据星星寻找方向。 11. 以下哪项最能概括作者在文中展示信息的方式? (Organizational Question) a) 描述了一系列的实验来支持一种想法:鸟使用太阳和夜晚的天空导航。 b) 作者用逻辑显示出鸟的生物钟是不精确的。 c) 展示了一个关于内在线索和外在线索对导航的重要性的结构化讨论。 d) 通过研究对照试验来澄清关于鸟迁徙的相反观点。 解析:文章第三段开始描述Kramer的实验,先是把starling放到笼子里,然后观察反应,发现与太阳出现与否有很大关系。然后第四段为了验证鸟是否只靠太阳来导航,把环境布置成很多相同的盒子,其中只有一个装有食物,鸟在有太阳的情况下,不管相对位置如何改变都能找到有食物的盒子,如果是阴天太阳被遮蔽,那么就找不到,因此证明了以太阳为指南针的理论。接着第五段,在实验中发现,鸟会补偿太阳移动的方向。然后第六段又把鸟放到天文馆中做实验。最后一段做出总结。 12. 与单词accumulating在文中意思最接近的是 (Vocabulary Question) a) New (新的) b) Increasing (增加的) c) Convincing (令人信服的) d) Extensive (广泛的) 解析:accumulate:to gradually increase in number or amount;释义来自剑桥高级学习词典。 13. Look at the four squares ■that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. He arranged the feed boxes at various positions on a compass. 他把装有食物的盒子放在指南针的各个不同位置上。 解析:看到插入的句子应该能够确定的是He代指Kramer,feed boxes代指放了事物的盒子,那么第一次出现Kramer和Feed boxes就是段落第一句,那么第一个插口是可以的。第二个插口不行,因为打断了后一句its position中的its对前一句one containing food的反指。第三个插口不行,打断了后一句their surroundings were altered对前一句surroundings could be changed的反指。第四个插口也不行,打断了后一句they对前一句birds的反指。因此, 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 就是第一个插入口。 14. Gustave Kramer conducted important research related to the ability of birds to orient and navigate. GK做了与鸟类定向和导航有关的重要试验。 a) 因为当天空被遮蔽的时候笼中鸟会变得失去方向,Kramer推测鸟类是通过太阳的位置来定向的。 b) 在一个实验中,Kramer每次放装有食物的盒子放到鸟的环境中时,总是放在指南针的同一点 c) Kramer证明出一个内部的生物钟使得starlings能够补偿太阳的运动。 d) 几次研究过后,Kramer猜测内置的生物钟使得一些鸟类物种在夜晚航行。 e) 环境线索对鸟类的导航是很明显的,因为在阴天鸟使用太阳之外的物体来定向。 f) Kramer显示出夜晚迁徙的鸟类使用天空中的星星导航。 解析:选项一对,第三段的主要内容; 选项二错,因为这是第四段中的一个细节; 选项三对,第五段的主要内容; 选项四错,夜晚航行时鸟类靠的是天空中的星星; 选项五错,鸟类白天导航靠太阳,要是没有太阳了就会失去方向,因此环境线索没用; 选项六对,最后一段的内容,原文虽然没直接说是Kramer做的实验,但是整篇文章一直都在讲Kramer做的实验,最后一个实验也并没有提到其他科学家的名字,所以就默认为应该是Kramer做的实验。 因此,答案是:1,3,6;
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