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托福TPO解析TPO24 Moving into Pueblos


托福TPO解析TPO24 Moving into Pueblos 1. The word traumatic meaning to A. Essential B. highly stressful C. highly unusual D. unwise 2. The word intense in the passage is closest in meaning to A. strong B. questionable C. obvious D. deliberate 3. According to paragraph 1, before the thirte...

托福TPO解析TPO24  Moving into Pueblos
1. The word traumatic meaning to A. Essential B. highly stressful C. highly unusual D. unwise 2. The word intense in the passage is closest in meaning to A. strong B. questionable C. obvious D. deliberate 3. According to paragraph 1, before the thirteenth century the people of southwestern North America lived in A. households that B. occupied dwellings that were built into the sides of cliffs C. were largely free to conduct their lives as they pleased D. enforced common standards of behavior and cooperative conduct within their communities 4. Which of the following best indicates the organization of paragraph 1? A. It presents the conditions that caused a change in a population' s living patterns and then explains why those conditions got worse. B. It identifies certain present-day cultural traditions and rules and then traces them to their roots in the thirteenth century. C. It casts doubt on one explanation of the move to pueblos and then introduces an alternative explanation that the passage will defend. D. It describes a major change in a population' s living patterns and then presents a number of problems that resulted from that change. 5. According to paragraph 3, which of the following was one of the consequences of increasing population densities? A. People were increasingly crowded into collections of large housing units. B. People stopped planting crops that have relatively low yields. C. Domestic buildings were pushed beyond the canyon limits. D. The natural landscape was destroyed. 6. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. A. Some scholars even claim that the intensification of farmers' various efforts during the 1200s led to further population growth and the consequent need for more arable land. B. Evidence of intensifying agriculture in the 1200s indicates a need to feed a larger population and so extends the argument that a growing population was the cause of the move to pueblos. C. ○During the 1200s, farmers met the demand for more arable land, but they also succeeded in cultivating existing land more intensively with the help of agricultural construction projects. D. ○Some scholars feel strongly that the construction of small dams, reservoirs, terraces, and field houses in the thirteenth century is independent evidence for growth in the number of people. 7. The word transition in the passage is closest in meaning to A. change B. climate C. decline D. problem 8. Why does the author state that "Growing food at these elevations is always difficult because of the short growing season"? A. To explain why the higher elevations were always relatively sparsely populated B. To suggest that any worsening of conditions would have significant consequences C. To emphasize how resourceful the people growing food at these elevations were D. To argue that farming was not the primary source of food at high elevations 9. According to paragraph 4, what did farmers do in response to falling temperatures during the Little Ice Age? A. Moved to areas away from Mesa Verde B. Moved closer to the northeastern part of Mesa Verde C. Began to cultivate crops adapted to a short growing season D. Gave up the cultivation of the highest-lying lands 10. According to paragraph 5, major ceremonial events were occasions for A. leaders to persuade people from the countryside to move into a pueblo B. farmers to collect information about where crops could be reliably grown C. people to develop better techniques for producing pottery and crafts D. people in the early Puebloan era to share farm and craft products 11. According to paragraph 5, which of the following was a reason people in the Mesa Verde area formed communal villages in the thirteenth century? A. The climate in the Mesa Verde area became more locally diverse. B. Individuals were no longer interested in exchanging pottery and food. C. Cooperation between people became more important for survival. D. Bad years of farming began to occur more frequently. 12. Paragraph 5 supports which of the following statements about cooperation among the people in the Mesa Verde area from the eleventh through the thirteenth century? A. Cooperation allowed many households to give up farming and to specialize in making pottery and crafts. B. People went from exchanging food and crafts they individually produced to sharing in a cooperative effort to produce as much food as possible. C. Overtime there was less cooperation as farmers competed with each other for trade with distant areas. D. Individuals stopped cooperating with each other because they did not have enough food for themselves. 13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Performing everyday household tasks required more effort. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. 14. In the thirteenth century, the people in the Mesa Verde area went from living in scattered independent households to living in large pueblos. Answer Choices A. Because the thirteenth-century inhabitants of the Mesa Verde area did not have the cultural expectations of today's city dwellers, they easily adapted to communal life. B. Even though living in pueblos had disadvantages, the population of the area had grown so large that there may have been no other arrangement that would have met its needs. C. From the eleventh century onward, farmers began to increase food production on existing farmland and started bringing more land under cultivation. D. A development that contributed to increasing population densities was a cooling climate that led many people to leave the coldest areas and crowd into climatically more favorable areas. E. The primary reason for moving to pueblos was the social benefits associated with communal life. F. People were brought together by the need to produce food cooperatively, as the use of food surpluses in one place to relieve shortages in another ended due to a change in climate. Moving into Pueblos In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos, often constructed at the edges of canyons, especially on the sides of cliffs. Abandoning small extended-family households to move into these large pueblos with dozens if not hundreds of other people was probably traumatic. Few of the cultural traditions and rules that today allow us to deal with dense populations existed for these people accustomed to household autonomy and the ability to move around the landscape almost at will. And besides the awkwardness of having to share walls with neighbors, living in aggregated pueblos introduced other problems. For people in cliff dwellings, hauling water, wood, and food to their homes was a major chore. The stress on local resources, especially in the firewood needed for daily cooking and warmth, was particularly intense, and conditions in aggregated pueblos were not very hygienic. Given all the disadvantages of living in aggregated towns, why did people in the thirteenth century move into these closely packed quarters? For transitions of such suddenness, archaeologists consider either pull factors (benefits that drew families together) or push factors (some external threat or crisis that forced people to aggregate). In this case, push explanations dominate. Population growth is considered a particularly influential push. After several generations of population growth, people packed the landscape in densities so high that communal pueblos may have been a necessary outcome. Around Sand Canyon, for example, populations grew from 5 -12 people per square kilometer in the tenth century to as many as 30 - 50 by the 1200s. As densities increased, domestic architecture became larger, culminating in crowded pueblos. Some scholars expand on this idea by emphasizing a corresponding need for arable land to feed growing numbers of people: construction of small dams, reservoirs, terraces, and field houses indicates that farmers were intensifying their efforts during the 1200s. Competition for good farmland may also have prompted people to bond together to assert rights over the best fields. Another important push was the onset of the Little Ice Age, a climatic phenomenon that led to cooler temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. Although the height of the Little Ice Age was still around the corner, some evidence suggests that temperatures were falling during the thirteenth century. The environmental changes associated with this transition are not fully understood, but people living closest to the San Juan Mountains, to the northeast of Mesa Verde, were affected first. Growing food at these elevations is always difficult because of the short growing season. As the Little Ice Age progressed, farmers probably moved their fields to lower elevations, infringing on the lands of other farmers and pushing people together, thus contributing to the aggregations. Archaeologists identify a corresponding shift in populations toward the south and west toward Mesa Verde and away from higher elevations. In the face of all these pushes, people in the Mesa Verde area had yet another reason to move into communal villages: the need for greater cooperation. Sharing and cooperation were almost certainly part of early Puebloan life, even for people living in largely independent single-household residences scattered across the landscape. Archaeologists find that even the most isolated residences during the eleventh and twelfth centuries obtained some pottery, and probably food, from some distance away, while major ceremonial events were opportunities for sharing food and crafts. Scholars believe that this cooperation allowed people to contend with a patchy environment in which precipitation and other resources varied across the landscape: if you produce a lot of food one year, you might trade it for pottery made by a distant ally who is having difficulty with crops—and the next year, the flow of goods might go in the opposite direction. But all of this appears to have changed thirteenth century. Although the climate remained as unpredictable as ever between one year and the next, it became much less locally diverse. In a bad year for farming, everyone was equally affected. No longer was it helpful to share widely. Instead, the most sensible thing would be for neighbors to combine efforts to produce as much food as possible, and thus aggregated towns were a sensible arrangement. In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos, often constructed at the edges of canyons, especially on the sides of cliffs. Abandoning small extended-family households to move into these large pueblos with dozens if not hundreds of other people was probably traumatic. Few of the cultural traditions and rules that today allow us to deal with dense populations existed for these people accustomed to household autonomy and the ability to move around the landscape almost at will. [■] And besides the awkwardness of having to share walls with neighbors, living in aggregated pueblos introduced other problems. [■] For people in cliff dwellings, hauling water, wood, and food to their homes was a major chore. [■] The stress on local resources, especially in the firewood needed for daily cooking and warmth, was particularly intense, and conditions in aggregated pueblos were not very hygienic. [■] TPO24 Moving into Pueblos 1. 与单词traumatic意思最接近的是 (Vocabulary Question) a) Essential (精华的,基本的) b) Highly stressful (压力山大) c) Highly unusual (非比寻常) d) Unwise (不明智) 解析:查字典:If an experience is traumatic, it causes you severe emotional shock and upset。释义来自剑桥高级词典。Severe emotional shock = 严重感情冲击;选项中只有压力山大highly stressful合适。 2. 与单词intense在文中意思最接近的是 (Vocabulary Question) a) Strong (强劲有力的) b) Questionable (有问题的) c) Obvious (明显的) d) Deliberate (深思熟虑的) 解析:查字典:Intense people are very serious, and usually have strong emotions or opinions;释义来自剑桥高级学习词典。 3. 根据第一段,十三世纪以前北美西南地区的人们住的家庭 (Factual Information Question) a) 与邻居共同完成日常家务 b) 占据建在峭壁边的居住区 c) 能自由随意控制他们的生活 d) 能在社区内实行一般行为准则和合作指导 解析:根据时间定位第一句“In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos, often constructed at the edges of canyons, especially on the sides of cliffs.”意思是:在古代北美西南的Mesa Verde地区,生活模式在十三世纪发生了改变,大量人群移居大型公社居住地,这种地方被称之为Pueblos,通常建造在峡谷边缘,尤其是在悬崖边。这句话没讲十三世纪前,只讲了十三世纪发生的改变。但可以反推选项二是错的。看下一句“Abandoning small extended-family households to move into these large pueblos with dozens if not hundreds of other people was probably traumatic.”意思是:放弃了小的广袤的家庭住处移居到这些大的Pueblos和很多人(不成百也有几十)在一起住肯定“压力山大”。从这句话只能退出十三世纪以前是小的扩散家庭住处。再往下看“Few of the cultural traditions and rules that today allow us to deal with dense populations existed for these people accustomed to household autonomy and the ability to move around the landscape almost at will.”意思是:现在帮助我们处理密集人口的文化传统与规则几乎不存在于这些习惯于独立家庭和随意在环境中迁移的人。这句话的后半截告诉了我们这些人在群聚之前都是什么习惯,而群聚发生在十三世纪,那么之前他们也应该是习惯这样。所以只有选项三符合。 Be accustomed to 习惯….; autonomy n.自治; dwelling n.居住区;at will 随意 4. 以下哪项最恰当 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明第一段的组织结构? (Factual Information Question) a) 它展现出了引起一群人生活模式改变的条件接着解释了为什么这些条件又恶化。 b) 它确定了一些当今文化传统和规则然后追本溯源到十三世纪。 c) 它对移居到Pueblos现象的一个解释提出质疑然后提出了另外一种解释,由文章提供支持。 d) 它描写了一个人群生活模式的重大改变然后给出了一些由此改变导致的问题。 解析:前两句描写十三世纪,MeseVerde地区的人从原来独立自由活动的家庭一起居住到了Pueblos。后面讲这样出现的问题:没有现在的文化传统和规则来应对密集人口,当地资源如柴火很紧张,环境也不卫生。 5. 根据第三段,以下哪项是人口密度增加导致的结果? (Factual Information Question) a) 人们不断涌入大型居住单位的集合。 b) 人们停止种植那些产量相对不高的农作物。 c) 当地建筑被推出了峡谷边缘。 d) 自然地貌被毁坏。 解析:根据densities 定位第二句“After several generations of population growth, people packed the landscape in densities so high that communal pueblos may have been a necessary outcome.”当人口增长了几代后,人们在环境中堆积使人口密度太高以至于公共的Pueblos成为了一个必然的结果。再往下看一句“Around Sand Canyon, for example, ….”明显是一个例子,跳过。再看下一句“As densities increased, domestic architecture became larger, culminating in crowded pueblos.”意思是:随着密度增大,当地建筑开始变大,最后变成拥挤的Pueblos。因此只有选项一符合。 6. 以下哪一项能表达出高亮句子的精华核心含义?错误选项改变重要含义或者遗漏精华信息。 Some scholars expand on this idea by emphasizing a corresponding need for arable land to feed growing numbers of people: construction of small dams, reservoirs, terraces, and field houses indicates that farmers were intensifying their efforts during the 1200s. 一些学者扩展了这个想法,通过强调一种对人口增长相应的耕地需求:小型水坝,蓄水池,梯田和田间房屋的建造都表明农民曾今在13世纪加倍努力 a) 一些学者甚至宣称农民在13世纪各种不同努力的加强导致人口进一步增加并且因此需要更多耕地。 b) 13世纪加强农业的证据表明一种需要满足更大人口的需求并且因此把主张扩展,认为增长的人口是导致移居Pueblos的原因。 c) 在13世纪期间,农民满足了对更多耕地的需求,但是他们也成功在现存土地上借助农业建设项目实行强度更大的种植。 d) 一些学者相信13世纪小水坝,蓄水池,梯田和田间房屋的建造是人口增长的独立证据。 解析:句子的主要意思是:学者认为为了应付人口增长,相应的增加了耕地,而证据是:小水坝,蓄水池,梯田和乡间房屋的建造。 选项一错,没讲这些努力会导致人口增加。 选项三错,根本没谈到农业建设项目。 选项四错,原句的主要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 丢失了,主要内容是:增加耕地应付人口增长。 7. 与单词transition在文中意思最接近的是 (Vocabulary Question) a) Change (改变) b) Climate (气候) c) Decline (下降) d) Problem (问题) 解析:查字典:Transitionis the process in which something changes from one state to another. 释义来自科林斯高级学习词典。 8. 为什么作者谈到“因为生长季节短,在这些高地种植食物总是很困难”? (Rhetorical Purpose Question) a) 为了解释为什么更高的海拔总是相对人群稀少 b) 为了表明任何情况的恶化都会有严重后果 c) 为了强调在这些高地种植食物的人多么有智慧 d) 为了主张农业在高海拔地区不是主要食物来源 解析:这句话之前主要讲小冰河时期的到来作为外部因素,住在Mesa Verde东北地区的人总是最先受到影响。本来在高地种植就很困难,若是再降温,那就更恐怖了。所以选项二是对的。 9. 根据第四段,农民们做了什么来应对小冰河时期的降温? (Factual Information Question) a) 迁移到远离Mesa Verde的地方 b) 迁移到离Mesa Verde东北部更近的地方 c) 开始种植能适应短种植季的农作物 d) 放弃在最高地土地的种植 解析:段落最后两句“As the Little Ice Age progressed, farmers probably moved their fields to lower elevations, infringing on the lands of other farmers and pushing people together, thus contributing to the aggregations. Archaeologists identify a corresponding shift in populations toward the south and west toward Mesa Verde and away from higher elevations.”意思是:随着小冰河时期的接近,农民很可能开始把田地转移到低地,侵入其他农民的土地,促使人们聚集,因此促进了群聚。考古学家确定人口向Mesa Verde东边和西边的人口转移以及远离更高海拔的转移。 选项一错,没有远离Mesa Verde,只是到了东边和西边。 选项二错,到了东边和西边不是东北。 选项三错,没谈到适应段种植季节的植物。 选项四对,符合最后away from higher elevations. 10. 根据第五段,重大宗教活动这种场合的目的是? (Factual Information Question) a) 领导劝人们从乡村迁居到pueblo b) 农民搜集关于农作物在哪里能安稳种植的信息 c) 人们开始为生产陶器和手 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 品发展新的技术 d) 人们在早期Puebloan时代分享农场和手工艺产品 解析:根据major ceremonial events 定位到第二句“Archaeologists find that even the most isolated residences during the eleventh and twelfth centuries obtained some pottery, and probably food, from some distance away, while major ceremonial events were opportunities for sharing food and crafts.”意思是:考古学家发现及时最隔绝的居民在11,12世纪从远距离获得陶器和食物,重大宗教活动为这种分享食物和手工艺品提供了机会。 11. 根据第五段,以下哪项是人们13世纪形在Mesa Verde地区形成公共村庄的原因? (Factual Information Question) a) Mesa Verde地区的气候变得区域多样。 b) 个人不再对交换陶器和食物感兴趣。 c) 人们之间的合作对生存变得更重要。 d) 农业歉收年开始出现的更频繁。 解析:根据段落第一句“In the face of all these pushes, people in the Mesa Verde area had yet another reason to move into communal villages: the need for greater cooperation.”意思是:在这么多推动力面前,Mesa Verde地区的人还有另一个原因使他们迁入公共村庄:更多合作的需要。所以选项三正确。 选项一错,Mesa Verde地区的气候应该是变得都差不多坏,没什么多样性。 选项二错,没谈。 选项四错,没谈歉收年是否更频繁。 12. 第五段支持以下哪项关于11到13世纪住在Mersa Verde区域的人们之间合作的陈述?(Factual Information Question) a) 合作使得很多家庭放弃农业开始专门制作陶器和手工艺品。 b) 人们从交换他们单独生产制作的食物和手工艺品到以一种共享合作努力的方式来生产尽可能多的食物。 c) 因为农民之间为了和偏远地区交易互相竞争,合作时间减少。 d) 因为他们自己都没有足够的食物,个体之间停止互相合作。 解析:根据段落最后两句“No longer was it helpful to share widely. Instead, the most sensible thing would be for neighbors to combine efforts to produce as much food as possible, and thus aggregated towns were a sensible arrangement.”意思是:广泛共享已经不再有益了。取而代之,更明智的是邻居们齐心协力生产尽可能多的食物,因此聚集的城镇是一个合理的安排。所以选项二符合。 选项一错,没谈; 选项三错,没谈到农民之间的相互竞争。选项四错,个体之间没有停止相互合作。 13. Look at the four squares ■that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Performing everyday household tasks required more effort. 每天做的家务需要更多劳力。 解析:插入句前后应该有谈到everyday household tasks,只有倒数第二句“For people in cliff dwellings, hauling water, wood, and food to their homes was major chore.”前一句“And besides the awkwardness of having to share walls with neighbors, living in aggregated pueblos introduced other problems.”意思是:除了必须和邻居公用墙壁的尴尬外,住在聚集的Pueblos中还带来了其他的问题。“More effort”应该就是带来的问题,因为如果不聚集居住可能不会需要这么多努力。所以答案应该是第二个插入口。 14. In the thirteenth century, the people in the Mesa Verde area went from living in scattered independent households to living in large pueblos. 13世纪,住在Mesa Verde地区的人从以前分散独立的家庭转移到了大型聚集的Pueblos。 a) 因为13世纪Mesa Verde地区的居住者没有现在城市居住者的文化期望,他们很容易就适应了公社生活。 b) 尽管住在Pueblos有缺点,那里的人口增长到没有其他更能满足需求的安排了。 c) 从11世纪开始,农民开始在现存农场土地上增加食物生产并且开始开垦更多的土地。 d) 促进人口密度增加的发展是变冷的气候,这使得很多人离开最冷的区域接着涌入气候更适宜的地区。 e) 移居到Pueblos的主要原因是与公社生活有关的社会福利。 f) 人们被合作生产食物的需要给带到了一起,因为使用一地的剩余食物来缓解另一地食物短缺的方法因为环境的改变而终结了。 解析: 选项一错,他们很不容适应那样的生活,都traumatic了,怎么可能容易。 选项二错,文章没有谈到Pueblos是否是最好的安排。 选项三错,没讲到开垦更多土地 选项四对,第四段重要内容。 选项五对,第六段主要内容。 选项六对,同样是第六段主要内容。 因此,答案是:4,5,6; 文章是现象解释说明文 第一段描写了十三世纪,MeseVerde地区的人从原来独立自由活动的家庭一起居住到了Pueblos。后面讲这样出现的问题:没有现在的文化传统和规则来应对密集人口,当地资源如柴火很紧张,环境也不卫生。 第二段讲群聚有这么多的不利因素,为什么13世纪人们还是移居到一起?考古学家认为有两大因素:pull factors(是家庭聚合的好处),push factors(外部威胁或是危机逼迫人们聚集)。Push因素的解释占优势。 第三段讲人口压力造成群聚。这明显是一个push因素。人口密度增大需要更多土地养活,竞争土地促使人们集合起来抢占有好的土地。 第四段讲气候变化,小冰河时期的到来。13世纪温度降低,导致在高海拔种植食物变得困难,本来就很困难了,温度再低就更困难了。 第五段讲另外一个促使他们群聚的原因是共享和合作。原来因为环境补缀,一个地方没有食物可以通过与另外一个有食物剩余的地方交易陶器和手工艺品来换取食物。可是慢慢这种locally diverse没有了,一个地方没有食物剩余,全都没有剩余。导致他们必须联合起来尽可能多的生产食物,所以群聚的城镇就是明知的选择。
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