首页 2013年社会保险法考试试题及答案



2013年社会保险法考试试题及答案2013年社会保险法考试试题及答案 总共45 题 共100分 通过分数:60 考生得分:88 全部显示 错题显示 一.判断题(共10题,共20分) 1.用人单位的社会保险登记事项发生变更或者用人单位依法终止的,应当自变更或者终止之 日起三十日内,到社会保险经办机构办理变更或者注销社会保险登记。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:正确 考生答案:正确 本题得分:2 试题解析: 2.失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,停止参加职工基本医疗保险,不享受基本医疗保险待遇。 (2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:...

2013年社会保险法 考试试题 高中音乐教师业务考试试题学前班考试试题docoffice办公软件考试试题班组级安全教育考试试题及答案银行业从业资格考试试题 及答案 总共45 题 共100分 通过分数:60 考生得分:88 全部显示 错题显示 一.判断题(共10题,共20分) 1.用人单位的社会保险登记事项发生变更或者用人单位依法终止的,应当自变更或者终止之 日起三十日内,到社会保险经办机构办理变更或者注销社会保险登记。(2分) 正确 错误 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 答案:正确 考生答案:正确 本题得分:2 试题解析: 2.失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,停止参加职工基本医疗保险,不享受基本医疗保险待遇。 (2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:错误 考生答案:错误 本题得分:2 试题解析: 3.个人账户不得提前支取,记账利率不得低于银行活期存款利率,免征利息税。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:错误 考生答案:正确 本题得分:0 试题解析: 4.基本养老保险基金出现支付不足时,政府给予补贴。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:正确 考生答案:正确 本题得分:2 试题解析: 5.国家建立和完善城镇居民基本医疗保险 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。城镇居民基本医疗保险实行个人缴费和政府 补贴相结合。享受最低生活保障的人、丧失劳动能力的残疾人、低收入家庭六十周岁以上的 老年人和未成年人等所需个人缴费部分,由政府给予补贴。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:正确 考生答案:正确 本题得分:2 efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation 试题解析: 6.用人单位应当自成立之日起三十日内凭营业执照、登记证书或者单位印章,向当地社会保 险经办机构申请办理社会保险登记。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:正确 考生答案:正确 本题得分:2 试题解析: 7.国家建立和完善新型农村合作医疗制度。新型农村合作医疗的管理办法,由各省、自治区、 直辖市人民政府规定。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:错误 考生答案:错误 本题得分:2 试题解析: 8.用人单位应当按照本单位在岗职工基本工资的比例缴纳基本养老保险费,记入基本养老保 险统筹基金。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:错误 考生答案:错误 本题得分:2 试题解析: 9.基本养老保险基金仅由用人单位和个人缴费组成。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:错误 考生答案:错误 本题得分:2 试题解析: 10.国家建立基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险、生育保险等社会保险制 度,保障公民在年老、疾病、工伤、失业、生育等情况下依法从国家和社会获得物质帮助的 权利。(2分) 正确 错误 标准答案:正确 考生答案:正确 本题得分:2 试题解析: 二.单选题(共25题,共50分) 11.一部分职工的基本养老金由基础养老金、个人账户养老金、过渡性养老金和综合性补贴 组成。其中基础养老金按职工退休时上一年全省职工月平均工资的( )计算。(2分) efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation A.20% B.60% C.1/120 D. 1.3%—1.4% 标准答案:A 考生答案:D 本题得分:0 试题解析: 12.用人单位未按规定申报应当缴纳的社会保险费数额的,按照该单位上月缴费额的( )确 定应当缴纳数额;缴费单位补办申报手续后,由社会保险费征收机构按照规定结算。(2分) A.120% B.110% C.100% D.80% 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 13.社会保险运用( )法则,在社会范围内分散劳动者和用人单位的风险。(2分) A.大数 B.平均 C.经济 D.金融 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2 试题解析: 14.中华人民共和国( )的用人单位和个人依法缴纳社会保险费。(2分) A.所有 B.管辖 C.境内 D.成立 标准答案:C 考生答案:C 本题得分:2 试题解析: 15.社会保险经办人员因渎职而造成社会保险基金损失的,应( )(2分) A.予行政记过处分 B.予行政开除处分 C.予行政处罚处分 D.予承担赔偿责任 标准答案:D 考生答案:D 本题得分:2 efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation 试题解析: 16.社会保险经办机构在本统筹地区设立分支机构和服务网点,须经()审批。(2分) A.同级社会保险行政部门 B.同级社会保险行政部门和机构编制管理机关 C.同级社会保险行政部门和上级机构编制管理机关 D.上级社会保险行政部门 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 17.社会保险运用( )法则,在社会范围内分散劳动者和用人单位的风险。(2分) A.大数 B.平均 C.经济 D.金融 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2 试题解析: 18.基本养老保险基金应存入( )(2分) A.商业银行 B.信用社 C.非银行金融机构 D.国有商业银行 标准答案:D 考生答案:D 本题得分:2 试题解析: 19.退休人员死亡后,其个人账户储存额余额()(2分) A.全部可以继承 B.不可以继承 C.继承个人缴费部份本金 D.继承个人缴费部分本息 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2 试题解析: 20.( )在中国境内就业的,参照社会保险法规定参加社会保险。(2分) A.外国人 B.进城务工的农村居民 C.没有取得就业证的外国人 D.取得就业证的外国人 标准答案:A 考生答案:A efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation 本题得分:2 试题解析: 21.城镇居民基本医疗保险实行个人缴费和政府补贴相结合。享受最低生活保障的人、丧失 劳动能力的残疾人、低收入家庭六十周岁以上的老年人和未成年人等所需个人缴费部分, ( )。(2分) A.可以适当减免 B.可以暂缓缴纳 C.由政府给予补贴 D.由财政给予补贴 标准答案:C 考生答案:C 本题得分:2 试题解析: 22.( )在社会保险管理、监督工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予处分。(2 分) A.国家工作人员 B.审计机构人员 C.社会保险行政部门人员 D.社会保险经办机构人员 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2 试题解析: 23.国家设立全国社会保障基金,由中央财政预算拨款以及国务院批准的其他方式筹集的资 金构成,用于社会保障( )。(2分) A.基金的全国统筹 B.支出的补充、调剂 C.基金的投资运营 D.支出的增加、均衡 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 24.某统筹地区基本医疗保险政策规定单位缴费费率为7%,个人缴费费率为2%,在实际操 作过程中在职职工个人缴纳的医疗保险费为( )。(2分) A.本人上年度工资收入总额的6% B.单位上年度在职职工工资总额的6% C.本人上年度工资收入总额的2% D.单位上年度在职职工工资总额的2% 标准答案:C 考生答案:C 本题得分:2 试题解析: 25.用人单位不办理社会保险登记的,由社会保险行政部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的, efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation 对用人单位处应缴社会保险费数额一倍以上( )以下的罚款(2分) A.一倍 B.二倍 C.三倍 D.四倍 标准答案:C 考生答案:C 本题得分:2 试题解析: 26.因工伤发生的( )费用,按照国家规定由用人单位支付。(2分) A.一至四级伤残职工按月领取的伤残津贴 B. 五级、六级伤残职工按月领取的伤残津贴 C.五级、六级伤残职工的一次性伤残补助金 D.七级至十级伤残伤残职工的一次性伤残补助金 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 27.用人单位应当及时为失业人员出具终止或者解除劳动关系的证明,并将失业人员的名单 自终止或者解除劳动关系之日起( )内告知社会保险经办机构。(2分) A.十日 B.十五日 C.三十日 D.六十日 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 28.失业保险金的标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定,不得低于( )标准。(2分) A.城市居民最低生活保障 B.下岗人员基本生活费 C.基本养老金 D.当地最低工资 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2 试题解析: 29.社会保险基金按照( )设立预算。社会保险预算按照()分别编制。(2分) A.统筹地区、社会保险项目 B.统筹层次、险种 C.统筹地区、险种 D.统筹层次、社会保险项目 标准答案:D 考生答案:D efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation 本题得分:2 试题解析: 30.参加基本养老保险的个人,按照国家规定符合正常退休年龄即( ),累计缴费满十五年 的,按月领取基本养老金。(2分) A.男年满55周岁、女年满50周岁 B.男年满60周岁、女年满50周岁 C.男年满60周岁、女年满55周岁 D.男年满65周岁、女年满55周岁 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 31.下列哪种情形不能认定为工伤或视同工伤()(2分) A.在上班途中,发生机动车事故伤害的 B.因战、因公负伤致残,已取得革命伤残军人证,到用人单位后旧伤复发的 C.工作中突发疾病治疗后有后遗症的 D.因履行职责遭受人身伤害的 标准答案:C 考生答案:B 本题得分:0 试题解析: 32.( )可以参加职工基本医疗保险,由个人按照国家规定缴纳基本医疗保险费。(2分) A.有雇工的个体工商 B.无雇工的个体工商户 C.城镇居民 D.农村居民 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 33.( )以上人民政府在社会保险基金出现支付不足时,给予补贴。(2分) A.乡级 B.县级 C.市级 D.省级 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 34.年满( )的农村居民可以参加新型农村社会养老保险(2分) A.16周岁 B.18周岁 C.20周岁 D.22周岁 efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2 试题解析: 35.各级( )听取和审议本级人民政府对社会保险基金的收支、管理、投资运营以及监督检 查情况的专项工作报告,组织对本法实施情况的执法检查等,依法行使监督职权。(2分) A.人民代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 大会 B.人民代表大会常务委员会 C.人民代表大会专门委员会 D.人民代表大会常务委员会和人民法院、检察院 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2 试题解析: 三.多选题(共10题,共30分) 36.符合基本医疗保险(),按照国家规定从基本医疗保险基金中支付。(3分) A.药品目录 B.诊疗项目 C.医疗服务设施标准 D.急诊、抢救的医疗费用 标准答案:ABCD 考生答案:ABCD 本题得分:3 试题解析: 37.失业人员在领取失业保险金期间有()情形之一的,停止领取失业保险金,并同时停止 享受其他失业保险待遇。(3分) A.重新就业的 B.移居境外的 C.享受基本养老保险待遇的 D.因患疾病住院治疗的 标准答案:ABC 考生答案:ABC 本题得分:3 试题解析: 38.社会保险经办机构提供社会保险服务,负责( )等工作。(3分) A.个人权益 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 B.社会保险登记 C.社会保险待遇支付 D.社会保险政策制定 标准答案:ABC 考生答案:ABC 本题得分:3 试题解析: 39.全国社会保障基金应当定期向社会公布收支、管理和投资运营的情况。国务院()对全 efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation 国社会保障基金的收支、管理和投资运营情况实施监督。(3分) A.财政部门 B. 国有资产管理行政部门 C.社会保险行政部门 D.审计机关 标准答案:ACD 考生答案:AD 本题得分:0 试题解析: 40.《社会保险法》确立的我国社会保险制度框架,把城乡各类劳动者和居民分别纳入相应 的社会保险制度,努力实现( ),使全体人民在养老、医疗等方面有基本保障,无后顾之忧。 (3分) A.制度无缺失 B.覆盖无遗漏 C.衔接无缝隙 D.监督有措施 标准答案:ABC 考生答案:ABD 本题得分:0 试题解析: 41.社会保险费征收机构擅自更改社会保险费()导致少收或者多收社会保险费的,由有关 行政部门责令其追缴应当缴纳的社会保险费或者退还不应当缴纳的社会保险费;对直接负责 的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。(3分) A.缴费基数 B.费率 C.缴费单位 D.比例 标准答案:AB 考生答案:AB 本题得分:3 试题解析: 42.个人有权( ),要求社会保险经办机构提供社会保险咨询等相关服务(3分) A.查询社会保险缴费记录 B.查询企业社会保险缴费人数 C.查询个人社会保险权益记录 D.查询同一企业他人缴费基数 标准答案:AC 考生答案:AC 本题得分:3 试题解析: 43.失业人员在领取失业保险金期间死亡的,参照当地对在职职工死亡的规定,向其遗属发 给( )。所需资金从失业保险基金中支付。(3分) A.经济补偿金 B.一次性丧葬补助金 efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation C.抚恤金 D.一次性就业补助金 标准答案:BC 考生答案:BC 本题得分:3 试题解析: 44.下列哪些人员可以参加基本养老保险,由个人缴纳基本养老保险费 ( )(3分) A.无雇工的个体工商户 B.未在用人单位参加基本养老保险的非全日制从业人员 C.其他灵活就业人员 D.被个体工商户雇佣的雇工 标准答案:ABC 考生答案:ABC 本题得分:3 试题解析: 45.工会依法维护职工的合法权益,有权(),对与职工社会保险权益有关的事项进行监督。 (3分) A.参与社会保险重大事项的研究 B. 参加社会保险监督委员会 C. 审议社会保险基金的收支、管理、投资运营情况 D.组织执法检查 标准答案:AB 考生答案:AB 本题得分:3 试题解析: efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation
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