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宪法学案例[1]宪法学案例[1] unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training,...

宪法学案例[1] unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 案例分析一:生存权与安乐死案 安乐死是指针对在医学上的不治之症并濒临死亡的疾病,根据患者本人、近亲属的要求或者医生的建议,为了避免患者承受痛苦及耗费巨额金钱,缩短或提前自然死亡,使患者安乐地脱离病苦,结束其生命。 安乐死是1980年以来医学上出现的一个新现象。目前,只有个别国家在法律上许可安乐死,并作了具体的规范。1993年,荷兰国会通过了有关安乐死的法案。规定安乐死手术的实施必须获得病人本人或其亲属的同意,并且经医生确认所患疾病为医学上的不治之症而濒临死亡,需要借助于实施安乐死手术,避免患者承受不可忍受的痛苦。 生存权是自然人要求国家、社会和他人对自己的生命予以尊重的权利,国家应当保障人民生存发展的权利。而安乐死则涉及自然人是否享有决定结束自己生命的“死亡权”,即人格尊严所要求的生存权的特殊体现。 在我国,学术界对安乐死有争论。在司法实践中,尽管尚未出现认可有关安乐死权利的案例,但已有认可医生在特定情况下为患者实施安乐死,虽属故意剥夺公民生命权利的行为,但情节显著轻微,危害不大,不构成犯罪的案例。总体上,法学界与司法实践中对安乐死案件通常认定为故意杀人。1986年,陕西省汉中市发生一例安乐死案件。医生蒲连升应患者女儿王明成之请求,为濒临死亡的患者夏某实施了安乐死,当地检察院以涉嫌故意杀人罪批准逮捕。此案引发了国内对安乐死的理论讨论。1992年,汉中地区中级人民法院终审认为:“被告蒲连升在王明成的再三要求下,同其他医生先后向重危病人注射促进死亡的药物,但用药量属正常范围,不是造成夏素文(本案死者)死亡的直接原因,其行为虽属故意剥夺公民生命权利的行为。但情节显著轻微,危害不大,故不构成犯罪。”《南方日报》1992年10月16日报道。 案例分析二:受教育权案 在1997年9月27日薛淑琴诉山西省吕梁地区行政公署招生考试委员会办公室侵犯其受教育权一案中。原告被山西省高等学校招生委员会录取为离石师范学校定向生。被告根据该市监察局未经核实的关于原告的住所地不在小神头,取消其预选资格的建议。向离石师范学校发出了暂缓录取原告的通知。9月20日,离石师范学校新生报到日期已到。原告要求被告撤销其暂缓录取通知,被告予以拒绝。为此,原告以被告侵犯其受教育权为由,向山西省离石市人民法院(基层人民法院)提起行政诉讼。 离石市人民法院在审理过程中认为,被告发出的暂缓录取原告的通知书,已经构成对原告受教育权的侵犯,应当承担侵犯公民受教育权的法律责任。鉴于此,被告遂作出准许原告入学的决定,并通知了离石市师范学校和原告。原告鉴于其诉讼请求已经实现,申请撤诉并获得受案法院的许可。 在此案中,离石市人民法院之所以裁定受理并审理,其法律依据是《行政诉讼法》第2条: “公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政机关和行政机关工作人员的具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益,有权依照本法向人民法院提起诉讼。”故可以行政案件予以受理。但是,如果我们认真地研究,就会发现本条的法律意义是定义行政诉讼与民事诉讼和刑事诉讼在法律上的区别,而不是人民法院受理行政案件的范围。因此,本案不属于人民法院主管的行政案件的范围,同样也不属于人民法院主管的民事案件的范围,而是侵犯公民受教育权的宪法案件的范围。 齐玉苓诉陈晓琪等以侵犯姓名权的手段侵犯宪法保护的公民受教育的基本权利纠纷案在《中华人民共和国最高人民法院公报》2001年第5期发布的《齐玉苓诉陈晓琪等以侵犯姓名权的手段侵犯宪法保护的公民受教育的基本权利纠纷案》中,最高人民法院公报第一次直接在“案由”中,确定是宪法基本权利纠纷案件。在该案的审理过程中,山东省高级人民法院认为,上诉人齐玉苓所诉被上诉人陈晓琪、陈克政、济宁商校、滕州教委侵犯姓名权、受教unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 育权一案,存在着适用法律方面的疑难问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,因此依照《中华人民共和国人民法院组织法》第33条的规定,报请最高人民法院进行解释。山东省高级人民法院根据最高人民法院的解释进行讨论后认为,本案被上诉人陈晓琪、陈克政、山东省济宁市商业学校、山东省滕州市第八中学、山东省滕州市教育委员会的行为侵权,各被上诉人应承担侵犯原告宪法基本权利的民事责任。判决书指出:“最高人民法院对本案研究后认为,当事人齐玉苓主张的受教育权,来源于我国宪法第四十六条第一款的规定。根据本案事实,陈晓琪等以侵犯姓名权的手段,侵犯了齐玉苓依据宪法规定所享有的受教育的基本权利,并造成了具体的损害后果,应当承担相应的民事责任。据此,最高人民法院以(2001)法释25号司法解释批复了山东省高级人民法院的请示。”“从形式上表现为侵犯齐玉苓的姓名权,其实质是侵犯齐玉苓依照宪法所享有的公民受教育的基本权利。各被上诉人对该侵权行为所造成的后果,应当承担民事责任„„山东省高级人民法院依照宪法第四十六条、最高人民法院(2001)法释25号批复以及《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第一百五十三条第一款第三项的规定,于2001年8月23日判决。 女大学生怀孕开除案 学生状告母校索赔百万(北京青年报) 1998年11月20日,本报以《偷尝禁果引来麻烦》为题,报道了西南某学院两名大学生因早恋导致怀孕而被学校开除一事。近日,两名学生以“定性错误,于法无据”为由,将母校西南某学院告上法庭,要求学校撤销作出的勒令退学的行政处分决定,并以侵犯隐私权、名誉权为由要求学校赔偿损失100万元。重庆市南岸区人民法院已正式立案审理此案。 昨天下午,记者致电南岸法院。法院的同志说,去年11月24日,两名学生就向法院递交了行政起诉书和民事赔偿诉状。在此后的一个多月里,法院做了大量的协调工作,希望该事件能够和解,避免诉讼。去年12月25日,在法院的主持下,学生和校方进行了面谈。对于调解的情况,两名学生的代理律师说,双方在法院的调解下达成如下意向:1.可不在媒体上声明,但须在网上致歉;2.接受留校察看处分,使孩子继续学习完成学业;3.放弃诉讼。然而,调解的第二天下午,两名学生的家长接到法院通知,转达了学校最后的条件:1.学生学位不可能授予;2.学生可以不在报纸上声明,但家长必须在两家全国性主要媒体上(其中有北青报)声明致歉;3.致歉必须明确承认孩子的行为是不正当的性行为,学校的处分是正确的。至此,调解最终失败。 去年12月31日,重庆市南岸区人民法院的立案通知书送达给了被告,同时送达了法院关于暂停执行学院344号勒令退学处分决定的司法建议书。记者致电西南某学院要求采访时遭到对方的拒绝。 张静与李军是西南某学院大学二年级的学生,两人相恋一年多。去年暑假期间,二人外出旅游时同住了一晚,发生了性关系。去年10月1日,张静突感腹痛,便到校医院看病,被诊断为宫外孕,旋即自费住进了地方医院并施行了手术。10月15日,张静手术刚刚出院,即被通知要写检查交待发生性行为的时间、地点、次数、对象等,并承认自己犯有“品质恶劣、道德败坏”,发生“不正当性行为”的错误。两个学生不同意学校的这种说法。10月30日,学校以学生对错误“认识不到位”、“狡辩”为由,将二人处以勒令退学处分。然而,二人却不服学校的处理决定,准备将母校西南某学院告上法院。1999年,最高人民法院审判委员会在北京市海淀区人民法院裁判的田永诉北京科技大学拒绝颁发毕业证、学位证行政诉讼案中,认可了人民法院管辖宪法受教育权案件的判例。其可视为对《行政诉讼法》第11条关于行政案件受案范围的补充,即确定了人民法院管辖宪法基本权利(受教育权)案件。同年北京市海淀区人民法院(1999)海行初字第103、104号,北京市中级人民法院一中行终字第43、45号审结刘燕文诉北京大学颁发博士学位证案。2000年江西省高级人民法院(2000)赣行终字第16号王纯明诉南方冶金学院不授予学士学位证书 行政纠纷上诉案。还有江苏电视台也报道江苏某大学学生同居被开除不服案以及武汉大学学生档案丢失引发诉讼案。 平等权案 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 如果说,侵犯受教育权案是人民法院以行政案件的形式,间接地给予受害人被侵害的宪法上的基本权利(受教育权)以法律救济,那么,侵犯男女平等权案,则是人民法院在审理民事案件的过程中,直接地适用宪法原则并赋予宪法原则在司法实践中直接法律效力的典型案例。 《宪法》第48条规定:“中华人民共和国妇女在政治的、经济的、文化的、社会的和家庭的生活等各方面享有同男子平等的权利。”这表明,男女平等权是宪法规定的基本权利的重要内容,也是法律面前人人平等宪法原则的体现。 在四川省新津县人民法院(1995)新民初字第118号原告王玉伦、李尔娴诉被告五津镇蔬菜村村委会侵犯男女平等权案中,原告在与一外村村民结婚后,没有依照村规民约关于本地出嫁女子必须迁出户口,否则不享受本村村民的一切待遇的规定,未将其户口迁到男方的所在地。后原告所在村的土地被征用,本村其他村民都分得土地转让费,原告只因其女儿婚后未迁出户口,没有分得土地转让补偿费,原告不服被告的决定而提起诉讼。 受案法院经审理认为:“村规民约在性质上属于民事协议,而应符合宪法,涉讼条款要求妇女结婚后就必须迁走户口,系对妇女的歧视性对待,有悖于男女平等的宪法原则,因而无效,原告分得土地转让费的诉讼请求应予支持。”被告鉴于合议庭的意见自觉地履行了给付二原告各5000元土地转让费的义务。 虽然,本案是以民事案件予以受理并作出裁判的。然而,此案并不是一般意义上的平等主体之间的财产权与人身权方面的争议。究其法理依据来看,本案事实上并不能适用民法。被告蔬菜村村民委员会为了控制本村人口增长,不要求已婚的男子迁走户口,而仅仅要求出嫁的女子迁走户口,否则,不给任何待遇,它违反的恰恰是男女平等的宪法原则——即不得因为性别不同而区别对待,它直接侵犯的不是王玉伦、李尔娴的民法上的财产权。因为原被告之间不是民事法律关系。 故本案与民法无关,不能适用民法有关规定进行处理。同时,本案也不能适用1992年4月3日通过的《妇女权益保障法》进行处理,因该法规定妇女享有的平等权,包括政治权利、文化教育权利、劳动权益、财产权益、人身权利、婚姻家庭权益。而此处的妇女享有与男子平等的财产权益,根据本法第29条至第32条的规定,是指在婚姻家庭,农村划分责任田、口粮田等,批准宅基地,财产继承权方面发生的平等权受侵害,本案的情形显然不属此类平等权受侵犯的情形,不能直接适用妇女权益保障法的有关规定确认被告行为的违法性。因此,本案实际上是在民事领域内,宪法原则具有直接法律效力的体现。 此外,在湖南长沙市雨花区、益阳市赫山区也多次出现侵犯出嫁女权益的案件。 王勇等诉成都粗粮王家家快餐有限公司侵犯平等权案 2000年5月17日,四川大学法学院1998级学生王勇、陈青松、李红卒三人到成都“粗粮王家家快餐有限公司粗粮王红光店”就餐。粗粮王红光店门口的灯箱广告中写明:“每位18元,国家公务员每位16元;1(3米以下儿童9元;当天过生日者凭身份证免费就餐一次。”原告就餐后在付款时,发现被告对其比公务员就餐每人多收取2元,认为被告的行为对非公务员消费者就餐构成身份歧视,侵犯了公民享有的宪法赋予的平等的权利,给其心理造成伤害。为此,起诉到法院。请求赔礼道歉、退还多收的每人2元;撤销被告侵犯宪法平等权的违法广告。一审判决原告败诉。原告不服,上诉到成都市中级人民法院。在二审审理过程中,被上诉人主动撤销了被诉的广告。二审判法院判决维持原判,诉讼费用由上诉人和被上诉人各自承担50元。附起诉书如下: 民事起诉书 原告:王勇,男,22岁,汉族,系四川大学法学院98级二班学生,住四川大学(东区)四舍附楼602 李红卒,男,22岁,汉族,系四川大学法学院98级二班学生,住四川大学(东区)四舍附楼601 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 陈青松,男,21岁,汉族,系四川大学法学院98级二班学生,住四川大学(东区)四舍附楼601 被告:成都家家快餐有限公司粗粮王红光店住所:成都市八宝街67—69红光大厦底楼 诉讼请求: 一、判令被告返还多收的每人两元人民币,共计六元整。 二、判令被告撤除广告中对消费者的歧视对待,并对原告赔礼道歉。 三、判令被告承担本案的诉讼费用。 事实和理由: 2000年5月17口下午,原告到被告处用餐,每人交用餐费18元。后发现该店门口的告示中写道,公务员每人16元,其他每人18元。原告认为,被告对消费者依其公务员的身份与否,作不同的收费依据,对非公务员消费者构成身份歧视,对原告心理造成巨大伤害。被告这一行为,违反了《宪法》第33条第2款关于“中华人民共和国公民在法律面前一律平等”的规定。为维护宪法平等权和消费者合法权益,诉请人民法院依法判令被告承担相应的民事责任。 此致 成都市青羊区人民法院 具状人:王勇 李红卒 陈青松 2000年5月18日 附:1(起诉状副本一份; 2(用餐消费的收据复印件。 2002年1月21日《南方周末》的成都“身高歧视案”附起诉状 行政起诉状 原告:蒋韬,男,汉族,大学文化,四川大学法学院1998级学生,住四川大学东区学生 宿舍620室。 委托代理人:周伟,男,汉族,四川大学法学院教师。 被告:中国人民银行成都分行。住所:成都市二环路南昌二段十五号。 请求事项:在2000年1月11日之前,依法审结并判令: 1(被告在2001年12月23日在发布的招录行员广告中,限制男性身高不到168公分、女性身高不到155公分不属招录对象的具体行政行为违法,责令被告停止发布该广告并公开更正。 2(被告承担本案的诉讼费用。 事实与理由: 被告在2001年12月23日出版的《成都商报》第1版头条显著位置,刊登“中国人民银行成都分行招录行员启事”。其中第1项规定招录对象为“男性身高168公分、女性身高155公分以上”。原告为2002届普通高等院校法律专业毕业生,身高未到被告规定的高度,符合被告规定的其他条件。仅仅由于身高的原因,被被告拒之招录报名对象的范围之外。原告认为,被 告招收国家公务员这一具体行政行为,违反了《宪法》第33条关于“中华人民共和国公民在法律面前人人平等”的规定,侵犯了原告与其他身高不同的公民享有的平等担任国家机关工作人员的平等权,剥夺了原告平等担任国家机关公职的资格,应当承担相应的法律责任。 综上,本案社会影响重大,涉及我国占人口比例40,左右168公分以下的男性、30,左右身高155公分以下女性的劳动权利和担任国家机关公职的合法权利,适用法律困难,判决效果影响全国类似的案件。为了公正地裁判该纠纷,及时纠正被告将原告排斥在报名参加招录考试人员之外的违法行为,切实救济原告请求参加招考行员报名考试的合法权益。保证原告is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 在被告招考工作人员规定的报名考试期间即2002年1月17日期间内及时参加报名,根据《最高人民法院关于执行〈中华人民共和国行政诉讼法〉若干问题的解释》第8条第2项、第4项之规定,请求人民法院依法在2002年1月1l日被告开始接受报名之前审结此案。 此致 成都市武侯区人民法院 具状人:蒋韬 2001年12月25日 附:被告2001年12月23日发布的违法广告复印件。 案例分析四: 婚姻自主权案 婚姻自由权属于宪法基本权利中的一项十分重要的基本权利。结婚与离婚,依照法律规定,可由当事人进行协商或者向人民法院提起民事诉讼处理。但是,宪法意义上的婚姻自由权这项基本权利受到侵犯,也由人民法院通过行政案件的审理给予受害人以司法救济,实际上确认了人民法院审理此类案件的管辖权。 在福建省永定县人民法院受理的原告林晓荣诉永定县坎市镇人民政府离婚登记侵犯其合法权一案中,原告认为被告违反法律规定的程序进行离婚登记,要求撤销。福建省永定县人民法院认为。婚姻权利属于公民的人身权利,根据《行政诉讼法》第11条第1款第8项“关于认为行政机关侵犯其他人身权、财产权”提起的诉讼规定,确认行政机关违法登记侵犯公民婚姻自由权的行为,属于人民法院受理行政案件的范围。类似的案例还有,1993年吉林省双阳县人民法院受理的杨淑华诉双阳县奢岭镇人民政府办理离婚证侵犯其人身权利案,被告违反规定的程序制发离婚证的行为侵犯了原告的婚姻自由权;1997年江苏省启东市人民法院受理的褚静婷诉启东市近海乡人民政府撤销婚姻登记案;1996年四川省古蔺县人民法院受理的李家志诉古蔺县民政局宣布婚姻关系有效侵犯婚姻自由权案。 实际上,在上述三个案例中,受案人民法院都不能直接地援引《婚姻法》第5条关于“结婚必须男女双方完全自愿,不许任何一方对他方加以强迫或任何第三者加以干涉”之规定保护原告的婚姻自由权,也不能直接地援引行政法。即《婚姻登记管理条例》第29条关于“当事人认为符合婚姻登记条件而婚姻登记管理机构不予登记的,或者当事人对处罚不服的,可以依照行政复议条例的规定申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以依照行政诉讼法的规定提起诉讼”之规定,以支持原告的主张,而是根据被告的行为侵犯了原告人身权的理由受理案件并作出裁判的。然而,行政诉讼法此处规定的“人身权”,显然是指与人身相联系或不可分割的没有直接财产内容的权利,这种人身权在民法理论上表现为人格权和身份权。在民法理论上,人身自由不包括婚姻自由。婚姻自由权与人身自由权的关系,是相互联系又彼此有别的一种权利。此案如果适用《行政诉讼法》第11条规定的人身权予以受理,不能包括婚姻自由权,则显然应当以侵犯基本权利之理由进行审理。 基于这个理由,人民法院以国家机关侵犯婚姻自由权的具体行政行为之案由,作为侵犯人身权的案件予以审理,在法理上应当视为是对侵犯宪法基本权利的审理。故其直接法律依据,不是现行的民事法律或者行政法律规范,相反,应当是宪法基本权利被侵犯的结果。 案例分析五:人身自由权案 在1992年北京市朝阳区人民法院受理的倪培路、王颖诉中国国际贸易中心侵犯名誉权案中,原告认为,其在被告所属的超级市场购物时,被告的营业员因怀疑原告偷拿市场的物品,强迫原告解开衣扣、打开手提包进行检查。原告认为被告的行为侵犯了其名誉权,向人民法院提起诉讼。 被告认为,该市场门口贴有“收银员受公司指示,对顾客带入铺内之袋(包括塑料袋)必须检查。请将袋打开给收银员过目”的公告。原告进入市场购物被视为接受被告此公告,双方unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 形成契约,故被告不构成侵犯名誉权。 受案人民法院认为:“权利是指法律赋予公民或法人可以行使的一定行为和可以享受的一定利益。公民或法人行使某一行为,如果没有法律的依据或者不符合法律规定,都不能自认为有权利行使这样的行为。法律从未赋予市场工作人员有盘问顾客和检查顾客财物的权利,因而被告无权张贴要求顾客将自己的提包打开供被告工作人员查看的公告。尽管此公告张贴在市场门口,但由于没有法律依据,因而是无效的,顾客有权不执行公告的规定。” 在本案中,即使根据法律授权的原则,仍不足以推翻市场公告对顾客的拘束力,只有根据《宪法》第37条之规定始得确认该公告因违宪而无效。 案例分析六:选举权案 1999年《中国律师》发表中国第一例侵犯选举权案:1998年10月,北京民族饭店为王春立等16名员工进行选民登记。11月20日,选区核发了选民证。11月30日,民族饭店与34名职工解除了劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 关系。在12月15日举行的选举投票日,这34名人员没有获得选民证,也没有接到参加选举的通知。1999年1月11日,王立春等16名下岗职工,以选举权被侵害,诉原单位民族饭店,1999年1月21日,北京市西城区人民法院(1999)西民初字第825号《民事裁定书》指出:“本院认为王春立等人要求民族饭店承担其未能参加选举的法律责任并赔偿经济损失的要求,依有关规定,应由有关行政部门解决,本案不属法院受理范围。”1月22日,王立春等人诉至北京市中级人民法院。上诉状称:“公民的选举权是宪法规定的政治权利,民族饭店对王立春等人的选举权的侵犯是一种严重的政治侵权行为。为了使我国民主法制的神圣性得到体现,宪法规定的公民的权利地位如何,现实性如何,法院是否受理此案,是对人民最直接的答复。如果法院不受理此案,我们将无处去申诉,对宪法的严肃性和权威性将造成极大的损害。公民最神圣的权利将成为儿戏。因此,我们恳请法院为了维护国家的利益,为了维护法律的尊严,受理此案。”1999年4月,北京市中级人民法院作出裁定,不予受理。 案例分析七:劳动权案 1988年最高人民法院在(88)民他字第一号《最高人民法院关于雇工合同“工伤”概不负责是否有效的批复》中指出: “天津市高级人民法院:你院(1987)第60号请示报告收悉。据报告称,你市塘沽区张学珍、徐广秋开办新春青年服务站,于1985年6月招雇张国胜(男,21岁)为临时工。招工登记表中注明‘工伤概不负责’。次年11月17日,该站在天津碱厂撤除旧厂房时,因房梁折落,造成张国胜左踝关节挫伤,引起局部组织感染坏死,导致因脓毒性败血症而死亡。张国胜生前为治伤用去医疗费14151元。为此,张国胜的父母张连起、焦容兰向雇主张学珍等索赔,张学珍等则以‘工伤概不负责’为由拒绝承担民事责任。张连起、焦容兰遂向法院起诉。经研究认为,对劳动者实行劳动保护,在我国宪法中已有明文规定,这是劳动者所享有的权利。张学珍、许广秋身为雇主,对雇员理应给予劳动保护,但他们却在招工登记表中注明‘工伤概不负责’。这种行为既不符合宪法和有关法律的规定,也严重违反了社会主义公德,应属无效民事行为。至于该行为被确认无效后的法律后果和赔偿等问题,请你院根据民法通则等法律的有关规定,并结合本案具体情况妥善处理。” 显而易见,最高人民法院的这个司法解释,直接援引宪法基本权利,即劳动权。作为认定涉讼民事行为是否具有合法性的依据。 如果说,最高人民法院这个司法解释出现在劳动法颁布之前,以确认雇主与劳动者签订的有关劳动保护协议的法律效力,在劳动法颁布之后,即应适用劳动法的规定确认此类协议的法律效力,该司法解释因此而失效,那么,在1998年四川省眉山县人民法院受理的刘明诉铁道部第二十工程局二处第八工程公司(以下简称第八公司)、罗友敏工伤赔偿案中,最高人民法院则以案例的形式,进—步地肯定了人民法院直接适用宪法有关规定。作为确认民事协议是否具有法律效力依据的正确的做法。 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 1998年8月27日,被告第八公司的眉山106线项目部与本公司职工被告罗友敏,签订了工程承包合同,合同约定由罗友敏承包行车道板的架设安装,工程总价款26万元。费用包干,施工中发生伤、亡、残事故,由罗友敏负责。合同签订后,罗友敏即组织民工进行安装。9月2日,原告到被告罗友敏处打工,10月6日,在工作中因工致残,治疗费用共计5308(9l元。 四川省眉山县人民法院经审理认为: “《中华人民共和国宪法》第42条第2款规定:‘国家通过各种途径,创造劳动就业条件,加强劳动保护,改善劳动条件,并在发展生产的基础上,提高劳动报酬和福利待遇„„’该公司在与被告罗友敏签订的承包合同中约定‘施工中发生伤、亡、残事故。由罗友敏负责’,把只有企业才能承担的安全风险,推给能力有限的自然人承担,该条款损害了劳动者的合法权益,违反了我国宪法和劳动法前述有关规定,依照《中华人民共和国民法通则》第58条第1款第5项的规定,该约定应当属于无效条款,不受法律保护。第八公司对原告刘明的工伤事故,依法应当承担连带责任。” 第八公司与承包人的约定。虽然形式上符合《劳动法》关于保障劳动者的人身安全和财产安全的形式上的规定,但此规定的实质,是第八公司转移了只有企业才能够承担的对劳动者劳动安全风险给予保障的法定义务,从而损害了劳动者的合法权益。其形式虽然不违反劳动法,但究其实质,则违反了《宪法》关于公民享有劳动安全保障的基本权利。 龙建康诉中州建筑工程公司、姜建国、永胜县交通局损害赔偿纠纷案 在《中华人民共和国最高人民法院公报》2001年第5期发布的“龙建康诉中州建筑工程公司、姜建国、永胜县交通局损害赔偿纠纷案”中,云南省永胜县人民法院认为: “《中华人民共和国宪法》第四十二条第四款规定:‘国家对就业前的公民进行必要的劳动就业训练。’《劳动法》第4条规定:‘用人单位应当依法建立和完善规章制度,保障劳动者享有劳动权利和履行劳动义务。’《民法通则》第106条第2款规定:‘公民、法人由于过错侵害国家的、集体的财产,侵害他人财产、人身的,应当承担民事责任。’被告中州公司 是经国家批准有资格承包建设工程的企业,在用人时应当承担宪法和劳动法规定的提供劳动保护、对劳动者进行劳动就业训练等义务。中州公司通过签订《建设工程承包合同》,向被告交通局承包了过境线工程。作为该工程的直接承包者和劳动法规定的用人单位,中州公司在将该工程转交给被告姜建国具体负责施工后,没有履行宪法和劳动法规定的上述义务,也未对姜建国的工作情况进行监督管理,因而引起工伤事故的发生。对此,中州公司应当承担民事责任。中州公司在与被告姜建国签订的内部承包合同中约定:‘如发生一切大小工伤事故,应由姜建国负全部责任。’把只有企业才能承担的风险转给实力有限的自然人承担。该约定损害劳动者合法权益,违反了宪法和劳动法的规定,是无效约定,不受法律保护。” 在这个案例中,最高人民法院认可了人民法院可以援引宪法义务并结合普通法律确认涉讼行为合法性的适用法律原则,进一步认可并鼓励人民法院直接援引宪法条文作为审判民事案件的法律依据。以达到对被侵犯的宪法基本权利给予法律救济的目的。 案例分析八:吸烟者的受教育权案 1995年12月,浙江医科大学作出一则决定,从1996年起该校不招收吸烟学生,其理由是:吸烟是当今世界公认的三大不良生活习惯之一,为保护公共洁净环境和人类健康,应该积极提倡不吸烟,而培养健康卫士的医学院校更应带个头。这一消息被国内几家有影响的文摘报纸转载。在此后的1996年初在北京召开的第十届世界烟草和健康大会组委会上,大会发出了《在全国医学院校开展禁烟活动的倡议》,倡议从1996年开始医学院校不再招收吸烟的学生。 作出上述决定的决策者可能并没有意识到,虽然这一决定的愿望是良好的,积极提倡不吸烟的理由也是充分的,但这一决定的实质性内容——不招收吸烟学生——却是同宪法赋予unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 公民的受教育权利相冲突的,因为它以吸烟这一不良生活习惯为由而剥夺了这一类公民的受教育权。值得深思的是,对这一决定,国内新闻媒介、舆论及有关公民权利维护保障机构至今尚未作出反应。 概括地讲,这一决定带来以下一些法律问题:(1)当对一种有违“社会公德”的行为进行法律性制裁却又同宪法权利相冲突时,是维护宪法权利,还是为维护“社会公德”而剥夺宪法权利;(2)一个教育事业单位有无权力作出与宪法权利相冲突的决定,事业单位乃至行政机关的法定权限有哪些;(3)当一个行政的或非行政的决定明显地同宪法权利相冲突时,由哪一级哪一个权力部门对此进行宪法审查和纠正,等等。 案例分析九:公民的劳动权受侵犯的案 谯菲与其丈夫张德智是中国石油工程建设公司职工。1993年底,张向公司提出辞职,公司对其进行挽留,并阐明职工调动、辞职的有关规定:“男性职工申请辞职,如系双职工,夫妇二人应一并提出申请,方可按程序办理。”1994年1月21日,公司又发出《关于职工调动(辞职)补充规定的通知》,规定申请调出(辞职)的职工,如系双职工,夫妇双方应同时调出,3个月后不调出公司的,停发工资,收回住房。1994年7月4日,谯菲接到单位通知,说1994年3月24日公司已同意张德智辞职,同时限令她3个月内调离公司并交回住房。公司自7月5日起不再安排谯菲的工作,7月15日起停发她的工资和各种待遇。 面对这突如其来的厄运,谯菲开始向劳动部、全国妇联、全国总工会、公司上级主管部门等单位反映情况。在与单位调解未果后,谯菲于1995年2月底向北京市西城区劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁,仲裁委员会以公司依据内部规章制度作出对张、谯的处理决定并无不妥之处为由,判谯菲败诉。谯对仲裁不服,于1995年7月13日起诉至北京市西城区人民法院,西城区人民法院于1995年8月30日作出一审判决,认为“被告根据本企业特殊性,为了稳定队伍,加强管理制定的规章制度,符合国家的法律、政策,予以维护。”谯认为被告不按规定批准张的辞职是违法的;在男职工辞职后对同单位女职工采取的株连行为是违反国家劳动法律和劳动管理政策的,故对西城区人民法院的判决不服,于1995年9月11日上诉至北京市第一中级人民法院。北京市第一中级人民法院第二审判决:中国石油工程建设公司应张德智的请求将其妻谯菲由四川接收到该公司工作,张德智辞职时曾书面保证其妻3个月后将调离该公司。该公司依张德智的书面保证及该公司的有关规定所作出的对谯菲按自动离职处理的决定,是建立在双方权利义务一致的基础上的决定,该决定没有违背国家的有关法律政策,不构成株连。谯菲要求撤销该公司对其的处理决定,理由不足,法院不予支持。对此案的判决结果,有关方面发表了看法:谯菲的律师指出,判决书对劳动争议的关键问题之一的即企业所作的“夫妇双方男方辞职,女方也须一同调离或辞职”规定的合法性避而不谈,而完全依据其夫张德智的书面保证作出判决,其性质与丈夫立字据即可卖妻无异;劳动部劳动关系司劳动争议处表示:中油建公司有关职工辞职的规定及补充规定不合法,部分违反了劳动部68号文件。一个与国家政策相抵触的规章,在诉讼中不能作为法律依据。北京市高级法院的两位女法官听取了谯菲一案审理过程后表示,从法律上来讲,此案判决确有与现行法律相违背的地方,但在市场经济条件下此类争议也还有争论。并告知谯菲,对二审判决不服可向终审法院再申诉。这是一个比较典型的案例,并且此类事例在全国并不鲜见。此案暴露出的问题是:该企业作出的这种“夫妇双方应同时调出”的规定明显地同宪法权利、劳动法、妇女权益保障法等相冲突,这样的企业规章竟能够连续得到劳动争议仲裁委员会和一审法院、二审法院的支持。法院的判决理由中所提到的企业制定的这种“规章制度符合国家的法律、政策,予以维护”,认为企业的决定“没有违背国家的有关法律政策”,这其中的“国家法律、政策”指的是什么样的法律和政策?人民法院对企业规章制度进行司法审查时,依据什么 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 来进行?企业在行使企业自主权时,如果制定的规章制度同宪法、法律相冲突时,怎么办?企业自主权的行使是否可以超越国家法律?丈夫是否可以代替妻子处置其劳动权,丈夫的书面保证对妻子有无效力?等等。 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 案例分析十:酒店员工手册的司法审查案 比起上一案例中的谯菲,上海希尔顿酒店原员工王芳就幸运得多,她通过法律诉讼争回了自己的应有权利。王芳原就职于上海希尔顿酒店,后离开了该酒店,应聘于另外一家公司,恰巧这家公司的办公地点就在她原就职的希尔顿酒店内。当她欲前往公司上班而踏进该酒店时,却遭到了该酒店的拒绝。该酒店在其员工手册第9条中规定:“辞职、退职员工,6个月内不得以任何理由进入该店。”这一规定显然侵犯了员工的合法权利,与我国法律相悖。而她新应聘的公司要求她在规定的期限内上班,如不能前来上班,应聘将失效。在这种情况下,被逼无奈的王芳诉至上海静安区人民法院,指控该酒店侵犯了她的人身权利。在经过一段审理之后,静安区人民法院对此案作出一审判决:希尔顿酒店应排除对王芳进入该酒店的妨碍。此案审判长吴裕华认为,“希尔顿”违法之处是它限制了当事人的劳动就业权,其员工手册第9条应该取消。 “王芳事件”的胜诉,是公民运用法律维护自身合法权利的一个案例,也是司法机关运用国家司法权力维护公民合法权利的一件典型案件。此案审理的首要前提便是对希尔顿酒店员工手册第9条规定进行司法审查,只有在对此规定作出肯定或否定的司法评价后,才能进而对该酒店的行为作出裁决。问题的实质在于:究竟根据什么来对此(员工手册第9条)进行司法评价?是根据国家宪法、法律及其他法律性文件,还是根据别的什么标准。在这种评价过程中,行使司法权的法官们的法治意识就不像人们平时所理解的那样抽象和不可捉摸,而是实实在在的直接影响案件公开合理合法裁决的重要因素。 案例分析十一:成立工会遭拒绝案 1995年初,广西南宁市二轻医院职工要求成立工会,并通过院党支部书记请示市总工会组织部,组织部答复:“有80,以上的职工申请,就打报告来。”但此一合乎宪法权利的合理要求遭到该医院院长及轻工局局长、书记的反对,他们召开大会轮流对广大职工进行指责,并当众宣布:职工们要求成立工会,是要“取消共产党的领导”、“是非法组织”、要“坚决 取缔”。职工们对此不服,派代表一次次到上级有关领导部门反映,奔波呼号近一年,医院的上级领导、南宁市二轻局就是不批准。职工要求成立工会,既是宪法权利,又符合工会法,但竟被这些手里拥有某些权力的人视为“非法”,并扣上“取消共产党的领导”的政治帽子。这样的权力掌有者连基本的法律意识都不具备。这样的权力掌有者虽然在我们社会中不占多数,但他们对公民权利的享有和实现却构成极大的威胁 案例分析十二:湖北鹤峰县人大依法监督政府撤销一违法文件案 1998年9月9日,鹤峰县人民政府以鹤政文(1998)94号文件作出一项决定,撤销县物价局提高县城有线电视收视费标准的文件。这是人民政府及时认真办理人大代表议案的实际行动,代表表示满意,社会反响很好。 1998年6月10日,县物价局出台了一份鹤价字(1998)29号文件,“关于调整县城有线电视收视费标准的通知”,将县城有线电视收视费由原来的每月每户8元提高至12元。引起了广大县城居民的强烈反响。7月22日,县人大代表王学讲等10人联名向县人大常委会提交一份“要求撤销县物价局提高县城有线电视收视费标准的文件的议案”。7月23日,县人大常委会就此召开第76次主任会议,会议对县人大代表的议案进行了认真讨论。会议认为:鹤价字(1998)29号文件,是在今年5月1日正式实施《中华人民共和国价格法》不久出台的一份文件。《价格法》第23条规定:“制定关系群众切身利益的公用事业价格、公益性服务价格、自然垄断经营的商品价格等政府指导价、政府定价,应当建立听证会制度,由政府价格主管部门主持,征求消费者、经营者和有关方面的意见,论证其必要性、可行性。”县物价局未依照价格法有关规定举行听证会,征求各方面的意见。这是严重违背法定程序的,产生的文件unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 应予撤销。主任会议决定将人大代表王学讲等10人联名所提的议案原案提请县人大常委会审议是否立案。7月29日,县人大常委会第37次会议审议通过了主任会议的提请。决定将人大代表王学讲等10人联名所提的议案交县人民政府办理。县人民政府对办理代表议案高度重视,召开会议研究办理代表议案,作出了撤销违背法定程序的行政行为产生的文件的决定。 案例分析十三:公民名誉权利案 首先有必要将这两个疑难案件情况及背景作一简单介绍。《秋菊打官司》摄制组在陕西宝鸡进行纪实性摄影时,摄下了一位在场卖棉花糖的公民贾桂花的形象。贾氏本人自称因“生理缺陷”(贾氏患过天花,脸上有麻子)从来“连照相都不愿”。影片公映后,贾氏形象公之于众大约四秒钟左右(但并不能明显看出患天花的痕迹)。有熟人嘲弄贾氏“成了明星”、“长得那样还上电影”;其子在校也遭人戏谑;这使贾氏极为痛苦。为此,贾氏经律师代理在北京市海淀区人民法院向《秋菊打官司》剧组所属的北京电影学院青年电影制片厂提出诉讼,认为《秋菊》剧组以盈利为目的(因电影是商业发行的)侵犯了她的肖像权,要求影片摄制者向其公开赔礼道歉,剪除影片拷贝上贾氏的镜头,同时赔偿贾氏精神损失费人民币8000元。此案经过审理,海淀区法院于1994年12月8日作出了一审判决,认为《秋菊》剧组的行为不构成侵权,驳回贾氏的诉讼请求。 此案判决似乎获得了文学艺术界和新闻界的好评,认为这一判决是公正的、实事求是的。在此案初审判决的同一天,中央电视台《焦点访谈》就采访报道了这一事件。报道中,赞同此案判决的人指出,如果这种摄影行为构成侵权的话,那么“以后电影(电视剧、纪录片、新闻报道)没法拍了”。尽管该采访报道是相当公允的,但主持人敬一丹在结语中评论说,此案的决定表明“个人利益应当服从社会利益”。 然而,此案的判决、特别是电视主持人的评论,引起了一些人的不满。在私下论及此案时,许多人包括一些法学界的同仁,都倾向于认为《秋菊》剧组事实上给贾氏造成了伤害,因此,应当给予贾氏赔偿。他们认为,尽管这种赔偿也许会给以后的文学艺术、新闻报道带来一些不便,但在市场经济发展、人民的权利意识增长的今天,同时考虑到中国社会长期以来过分强调个人利益服从社会利益,应当侧重于保护公民、特别是普通公民的权利。 与此案相联系,近年还发生了多起有轰动效应的侵犯名誉权案。其中之一是1995年2月北京市中级人民法院二审终结的邱氏鼠药案。邱满囤是河北省的一位农民,声称发明了一种诱杀老鼠的特效药,在这一技术的基础上,邱氏创建了一个颇有名气的老鼠药工厂。五位科学家根据他们的经验和一般的科学原理,在未对邱氏鼠药进行实证研究的情况下,在科技报纸上对邱氏鼠药和邱氏鼠药的宣传提出了批评;他们认为邱氏鼠药中含有某种或某些对生态有害而为国家法令严格禁止使用的有毒化学物质,认为科技界和新闻界应当严肃认真对待这种科学的或涉及科学的问题,防止伪科学的泛滥。邱氏因此对这五位科学家提出诉讼,认为科学家的批评违背了真实,侵犯了邱满囤本人和邱氏鼠药工厂的名誉权。 此案一审的中心问题是邱氏鼠药中究竟有没有为国家严格禁止使用的有毒物质。据称经6次实验检验,结论是一半对一半;在没有结论性实验报告的情况下,一审法院判决邱氏胜诉。科学家们不服提出上诉。二审判定科学家的批评没有侵犯邱氏的名誉权,但对邱氏鼠药中究竟是否含有违禁物质未作判决。 这一案同样自始至终引起了一定的争论。科学界人士一般认为,这五位科学家的言论没有侵犯邱氏的名誉权。但此案之所以能够立案审理,并有一审判决,显然是认为在此案中科学家有侵犯邱氏名誉权之嫌疑;而且二审的判决似乎也留下了一个尾巴,没有对邱氏鼠药中是否含有违禁物品作出决定。在习惯于强调“以事实为根据”的我国法学界,一些学者和律师在私下曾认为,此案的关键问题是邱氏鼠药究竟有没有违禁物质,因此重要的是查清这一事实;无论什么人,包括科学家,都必须对他的言论的真实可靠性负责。 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 案例分析十四:马伯里诉麦迪逊案 1801年3月,亚当斯总统任职到期,卸任前,他将当时担任国务卿的马歇尔任命为联邦最高法院的首席大法官,又根据1801年司法法任命了16名巡回法院的法官。自然,包括马歇尔在内的所有的法官都是联邦党人。按规定,亚当斯的法官任命书必须由国务卿签字,然后送达被任命人手中。在亚当斯政府的最后一天,国务卿马歇尔忙到半夜才将所有的法官任命书签署完毕,并加封盖印,但他来不及将任命书发出去,就匆匆离开国务卿的办公室,到最高法院去上任去了。新任国务卿麦迪逊第二天早晨来接任时,发现了这些未寄出的任命书。(民主)共和党人本来就十分反对“午夜法官”的做法。麦迪逊自然不将这些任命书送达给那些联邦党人的“午夜法官”。在马歇尔的支持下,被亚当斯政府任命为哥伦比亚特区联邦法院法官的威廉•马伯里向联邦最高法院起诉,要求法院发出命令书,令麦迪逊按照法律程序将委任书送交给他。 这个案子为马歇尔建立司法审查的原则提供了一个极好的机会。马歇尔代表最高法院宣布对此案的判决。他首先肯定马伯里有权得到他的委任书,理由是当一份联邦政府的委任书在被签署和贴封之后就已完成了必要的法律程序,被委任的人因而“也获得了由此产生的获得职位的法律权利”;如果政府不将已成为法律的委任书送交给被委任人,就等于政府侵犯了被委任人正当的法律权利;而“被委任人的国家必须为他受损的权利进行补偿或补救”。其补救办法是:最高法院虽无权命令一个联邦官员履行他职权以外的责任,但有权命令他履行法律规定的责任;也就是说,最高法院有权命令国务卿将委任书送交被委任人,因为这是国务卿的职责。根据普通法,法院可向国务卿发出传令,命令他将委任人送达被委任的人;而且国会在1789年通过的《司法法》第十三款中明确指出最高法院有权发出传令。不过,马歇尔又认为:最高法院不能对国务卿发出传令,因为1789年《司法法》在允许最高法院发出传令时已经越出了宪法授予的权力。宪法第三条规定最高法院的原始司法权只限于受理上诉的案件,并不包括向国务卿发出传令;国会通过的司法法在规定最高法院有权向政府官员发出命令书的时候,实际上将联邦宪法规定的原始司法权扩大了。既然司法法中关于最高法院有权发出命令书的规定“在宪法上找不到根据”,最高法院也就不能发出这样的法院命令。 针对司法法与宪法的冲突,马歇尔宣布:违宪的法律不是法律。他说:当一条联邦法律和宪法发生冲突时,最高法院必须就其合法性作出裁决。决定什么是法律以及哪一条法律是法院必须依循的最终根据和准则,“毫无疑问是联邦最高法院的权力和职责”;如果一个联邦法和宪法用于同一案件而两者之一必须被实行的话,最高法院的决定当然是以宪法为准。因此,在马伯里案中,最高法院不能依1789年司法法的规定向国务卿发出命令,因为宪法并未明确地将这种权力授予最高法院。马歇尔进一步推论,如果宪法没有明确规定,那么国会是否有权授权法院去发布传令呢,他认为是没有的,理由是联邦政府的权力来自人民,是人民通过宪法让与的,宪法的目的就是在于限制政府的权力,而如果宪法所设的限制可以任意被忽视的话,宪法还有何用,宪法还有什么权威可言,他宣布,1789年的《司法法》的第13条是违宪的。 案例分析十五:弹劾总统案 林肯遇刺突然去世使联邦重建的重任落在副总统安德鲁•约翰逊的肩上。1865年5月起,约翰逊宣布了一连串的新的总统重建 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,但是坚持认为联邦政府无权规定各州公民的选举权资格,拒绝在保护黑人权利的问题上采取行动,他甚至认为南部各州并没有退出联邦,重建根本就不必要。对南方各州宽松的政策使完全由白人选民组成的政治机构在制定州宪法时,完全没有考虑给予黑人选举权,更有甚者,南部各州的新政府还相继通过了一系列称之为“黑人法典”的地方和州法来限制解放了的黑人的行动。约翰逊的重建计划本身就使国会的共和unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 党人有受骗之感,而且南部的黑人法典更使他们震惊。 国会于是在1865年3月建立了联邦自由民局,专门对战后南部的公民事务进行管理。1866年2月,国会根据第十三条宪法修正案第2条的原则,通过了延长联邦自由民局期限的法案,提出要将联邦各州黑人的民权置于联邦政府的保护之下。与此同时,国会共和党人又通过了一个《公民权利法案》。这是自1791年建立《权利法案》以来美国建立的第一个公民权利法案。它宣布,所有在美国出生的人(除印第安人)外,只要不受任何外国法律的管辖,都是美国公民。国会里的共和党人认为自由民局法案与公民权利法案可以弥补早期总统重建 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的不足,也认为约翰逊总统会批准这两个法案。不料约翰逊却断然否决了这两个法案。 约翰逊的否决使国会各派共和党人异常失望,尤其是原来一些支持约翰逊的温和派共和党人更是有被出卖的感觉。南部前奴隶主政治势力死灰复燃,三K党的猖獗,加上约翰逊的固执己见,使得国会的共和党人深感联合起来制定新的重建政策的必要。1866年4月,重建领导权开始从总统手中转移到国会手中,国会先以三分之二的多数重新通过了公民权利法案,于7月重新通过了自由民局法案,为南部黑人提供了暂时的权利保障。为了联邦对公民权利的保护长期化和永久化,防止将来南部的反扑和约翰逊政府的反对,共和党人决定通过一条新的宪法修正案,将1866年公民权利法案的基本内容用宪法形式固定下来。经过讨论,国会于1866年6月通过了新的宪法修正案,即宪法修正案第十四条。当第十四修正案在两院通过后,国会又要求南方各州必须批准此案后才可回到联邦,在原来的回归前提条件上又加上了一条。但是前邦联的其他10个州拒绝批准,他们期待1866年保守势力击败国会。约翰逊本人也有同样的期待,他甚至鼓励南方各州不要急于批准第十四修正案,并四处散布言论,攻击共和党人的重建政策和第十四宪法修正案。与此同时,南方发生多起政治骚乱迫害黑人。 1866年国会中期选举共和党人获得国会两院三分之二以上的席位,牢牢控制了国会的控制权。选举胜利鼓舞了国会共和党人。1867年3月2日,国会又通过了《重建法案》,全面推翻了约翰逊总统的重建计划,宣布南部“激进重建”开始。约翰逊和南方白人势力表示强烈反对。根据宪法,约翰逊总统应执行国会通过的重建法案。起初,约翰逊虽然执行计划,但非常不得力。更令国会感到愤怒的是,他将那些支持和同情国会重建计划的官员和将领解职或调离,代之以对国会反对的人,以阻挠重建法案的实施。 约翰逊对国会重建的抵制和蓄意破坏引起了国会激进共和党人的极大愤怒,1867年初他们开始讨论弹劾总统。他们认为,约翰逊的做法已经违背宪法精神,国会有权对其进行弹劾。但保守的共和党人和民主党人却认为,联邦官员只能在违反了可在刑法上定罪的罪行的情况下才能被弹劾。但是,没有想到,约翰逊执意要与国会对抗而引火烧身,很快为激进派再次 提出弹劾制造了机会。1867年8月,约翰逊下令将支持和同情国会重建的国防部长艾德温•斯坦顿解职,任命格兰特接替。12月,国会拒绝他的命令并恢复斯坦顿的职务。1868年2月21日约翰逊再次将其解职,立即招致了国会的愤怒回应。部分保守的共和党人此时也加入了激进派行列,向众议院提出了弹劾约翰逊的决议。次日,共和党控制的众议院以128:47的压倒多数通过了弹劾约翰逊的议案,这是美国历史上第一次对弹劾总统的表决。 根据宪法第2条第4款,总统和其他官员可因叛国、贿赂或其他重罪和轻罪而受到弹劾。弹劾的程序是沿袭英国传统,由众议院投票决定是否对指控犯有罪行的官员进行弹劾,然后由参议院决定对其实施赦免或定罪,如果三分之二的参议员认为被弹劾的官员有罪,参议院可对其进行弹劾,解除其担任的联邦职务。1868年3月30日,弹劾审判在参议院开庭,由最高法院首席大法官蔡斯主持。审判首先要决定的问题是参议院的司法位置,即参议院应该是一个法院或是一个政治机构,如是前者,弹劾案的审理将按普通法院的程序,而且不能审判政治敌人;如果是政治机构,对约翰逊的审判就是一种政治审判,可以不按正常的法律程序。这是一个重要的宪政问题,以前从来没有出现过,决定这个问题可以直接影响弹劾审判的结果,所以约翰逊的辩护班子和担任诉方的国会激进共和党派在这个问题上展开了一轮“斗智”。最后,参议院在5月26日对约翰逊是否有罪进行表决。按理说,共和党在参议院占有is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 绝对优势,取得三分之二的多数应不是问题,但表决结果是35对19票,赞成有罪的人数仅以一票之差而未能达到三分之二的多数,约翰逊被宣布无罪。有7名保守和温和共和党人加上民主党人,投了反对票,使约翰逊免遭弹劾。 弹劾约翰逊的失败再次说明共和党人内部在重建方向上有分歧,也说明即便在拥有多数的情况下政党意志的作用也不可能是万能的,党内利益的分歧本身形成了对党的意志的钳制。民主党人虽为少数,但只要共和党内的极少数人背离党的旨意,少数派便可葬送多数派的政治计划。此次总统弹劾审判之后,弹劾总统的事情等到一百多年之后的1974年和1998—1999年才出现。 1974年8月,在调查水门事件的过程中,民主党人控制的众议院曾通过了对尼克松的弹劾案,但未等参议院开始行动,尼克松便主动辞职了。1998年12月,美国国会众议院司法委员会(共和党控制)投票决定,以伪证和妨碍司法程序等四项罪名向众议院提出弹劾克林顿总统的法案。众议院大会通过了司法委员会提出的议案。1999年2月,对克林顿的弹劾审判在参议院进行。经过两周的辩论,众议院提出的弹劾罪名没有一项得到三分之二参议员的赞同,弹劾失败。但克林顿却因此成为美国历史上第三位涉及弹劾的总统。 案例分析十六:申克诉合众国案 案情介绍 申克诉合众国案发生于1919年。申克是美国社会党总书记,在第一次世界大战期间,申克与其友人共同向应征男子散发反对征兵的传单,不但抨击征兵为违宪,而且还煽动应召男子维护他们的权利,抵制征召。这种言论被政府当局认为企图在军队中引起反抗情绪,阻挠征兵,显然直接而危险地妨碍国会征兵的权力,因而对其提出控诉。联邦区法院判决申克违反1917年的侦察法,构成犯罪。 侦察法是美国国会继1798年的危害治安法以后制定的第二个管制言论的法律,经1918年的修正,规定了12项对言论的管制情况,其中第2项和第3项涉及到征召兵员和煽动反叛的言论管制。申克辩称侦察法违背宪法第1条修正案对公民言论自由的保护,不应适用于本案,因而上诉到联邦最高法院。 法官判决 联邦最高法院在审理本案时,则全体一致认为申克有罪,支持原判决。首席大法官霍姆斯在判词中,首次提出衡量公民言论自由的“明显而即刻的危险”标准。他这样写道:“平时,被告在其传单中所讲的内容是在宪法权利的允许范围内,但是每一个行为的性质依其环境情势而定。最严格的对言论自由的保护也并不保护一个人在剧场不真实地呼喊失火并引起惊慌。 一切与言论自由有关的诉讼案件,其问题是要判断使用的话语是否发生这样的环境情势中并具有这样的性质,以致造成明显而即刻的危险,而造成国会有权防止的实质性罪恶。如果具有这种危险,那么国会便有权予以防止。而这是一个是否迫切和程度的问题。当国家在战争期间,许多平时可以容许的言论因其妨碍作战,不能不予以限制„„” 案例分析十七:赫恩凳诉劳里案 案情介绍 赫恩凳诉劳里案发生于1937年。安吉洛 赫恩凳是佐治亚州的黑人,一位共产党的组织者。他召开了三次吸收新党员的会议,会上他散发了传单,要求失业救济和紧急救济。警察在他逗留的旅馆房间里发现了主张在美国境内建立的黑人共产主义共和国的文件,并逮捕了他。地方法院判处他18年至20年徒刑。赫恩凳向最高法院提出上诉。 法官判决 最高法院裁决指出,依照“明显而即刻”的标准。赫恩凳携带共产党员名册及存在有该党宣传书刊,既不能证明他有散发的行为,亦不能证明其赞成或具有鼓吹暴动而立即建立黑人共产主义共和国的企图。书中所设计的计划纲领不过是一种幻想式的最后的理想,并没有unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 导致实际祸害的明显而即刻的危险。而他所主张的失业救济、紧急救济以及黑人平等,在表面上都不是罪行。宪法第1条修正案赋予赫恩凳的权利应予保护,其有罪的判决应予撤销。 案例分析十八:索恩希尔诉亚拉巴马州案 案情介绍 本案是所谓的罢工纠察消息案的一例。在美国社会经常发生劳资纠纷而劳方实施罢工以示抗争。各个行业的工会为了罢工能顺利进行,常常派遣罢工纠察以司巡察,劝导会员参加罢工而劝阻其进入工厂工作。而一些州政府则制定一些法律作出对应。亚拉巴马州法律就禁止罢工纠察活动。 1940年索恩希尔因为违反这一规定而被州政府控诉,上诉法院判决其有罪。 法官判决 最高法院大法官莫菲在判决书中指出:传播有关劳资纠纷的消息,应视为属于宪法保障的言论自由范围„„只有在其引起实际危害的明显危险情况急迫时,才可以给予剥夺„„亚拉巴马州法律规定限制劝导罢工,旨在保障社会安宁、生命与财产不受暴力破坏。而索恩希尔以和平的方式劝导罢工,并没有构成破坏社会安宁与生命财产的明显而即刻的危险。所以上诉法院的有罪判决应予撤销。 案例分析十九:坎特韦尔诉康涅狄格州案 案情介绍 本案是所谓的传教自由案的一例。美国康涅狄格州法律规定,任何人非经行政机关许可,不得在街上传教或散发宗教书刊或劝人奉献金钱等有价物品。如果违反规定,则处以罚金或监禁。1940年,坎特韦尔未经当局许可,在街上传教并用留声机解说宗教书册教义,劝人奉献购买,因而被控。康州当局宣称该法旨在防止借传教之名行诈骗的罪行,属于警察权之正当行使。而坎特韦尔则指责该法剥夺了宪法所保障的宗教及言论自由,因而上诉至最高法院。 法官判决 最高法院在判决中表示:根据《宪法》第1条和第14条修正案的规定,宗教自由有两种意义,即信仰的自由和行其所信的自由。前者为绝对的,而后者的自由是相对的。对于相对的自由来说政府可以作适当的限制但应当是事后的限制。而康州的法律规定人民行其所信的传教活动应事先获得当局有关机关特许,显然违宪而无效。而坎特韦尔在大街上向行人播放留声机等行为,既不能证明其骚扰居民,妨碍交通,或侵犯他人权利以及公共利益,也没构成对公共和平与秩序的明显而即刻的危险。所以州法院的有罪判决显属不当,应予撤销。 案例分析二十:强迫向国旗敬礼案 案情介绍 第二次世界大战前夕,美国的一些州制定措施,强迫公立学校师生于每日升旗典礼时,向国旗敬礼并宣誓效忠。1940年4月,最高法院对迈纳斯维尔校区诉戈比蒂斯案进行审理。这一案件起因于“耶和华见证教派”力图捍卫他们的非正统的信仰,即不主张偶像崇拜,因此不让他们的孩子在学校向国旗敬礼。宾夕法尼亚州的迈纳斯维尔校区董事会要求师生向国旗致敬,而学生莉莲•戈比蒂斯和威廉•戈比蒂斯拒绝参加。学校因而开除了他们。他们的父亲提出诉讼,要求校区尊重教派的信仰,废除学生参加升旗仪式作为上学的条件。 法官判决 费利克斯•弗兰克福特法官代表最高法院多数法官的意见,宣读了裁决书,支持宾州地方教育当局强迫公立学校的学生向国旗敬礼合宪,认为那是助长及唤起国民团结情操意识的适当手段,其目的在于鼓励爱国主义,而不在于对信仰和言论自由有所偏袒或限制。 而法官哈伦•斯通提出异议。他认为校区的规定违宪。他认为,国家的统一是需要的,但宪法第1条修正案绝对禁止政府强迫年轻人放弃他们的宗教权利。他说,保障自由权利,而is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 非强制性的国家统一,是国家安全的基础。 1943年,在类似的涉及国旗敬礼案——西弗吉尼亚州教育委员会诉巴尼特案中,最高法院适用“明显而即刻的危险”标准否定了迈纳斯维尔校区案中的判决。大法官杰克逊在判词中采纳了 哈伦• 斯通的观点,指出,这里问题关键在于个人权利与州政府权力的冲突。西弗吉尼亚州法律的规定是要确认一种精神的信仰和态度。但是公民个人对于信仰和态度的自决,虽然不是一种绝对的权利,但是要予以抑制和处罚,则不应是只有在意见表现了一种“明显而即刻危险”的时候,才能被容忍,同时也不容许强迫一个人表明他并不信仰的东西或他心中所不存在的信仰。 案例分析二十一:布里奇斯诉加利福尼亚州 案情介绍 本案是所谓的蔑视法庭案的一例,发生于1941年。布里奇斯是美国西海岸工业组织会议的主席,他在给劳工部长的一封电报中,对加州法院的一项劳工诉讼案予以批评,并表示将举行罢工以示抗议。这封电报被报刊所披露,布里奇斯被加州法院判处蔑视法庭罪。州法院的依据是1789年《司法法》,该法规定,法院对于一切侮辱或妨害司法的言行,有权处以罚金或监禁。 法官判决 最高法院大法官布莱克在判决中特别引述申克诉合众国案中“明显而即刻的危险”标准。他强调法院固然有权对妨害司法审判以及破坏法庭秩序的言行加以处罚,但是这种权力的行使必须有一定的限度,否则将足以压制所有关于诉讼案件的言论。言论须具有对法庭秩序和司法审判构成实质而严重的“明显而即刻的危险”时法院才能将其处罚。而本案诉告的言论,显然并未构成上述危险,所以州法院的有罪判决应予撤销。 案例分析二十二:托马斯诉科林斯案 案情介绍 本案是所谓的公共集会演说案中的一例。20世纪三四十年代,美国工人运动有所发展,工会组织日益壮大。政府当局为求压制采取了一些措施,如得克萨斯州的一项法律规定工会的组织者若在州内发展会员必须事先经过当局登记许可。托马斯是一工会的主席,他未经登记获准,就在工人集会上发表演说,号召工人加入该工会以支持全国的劳工运动。托马斯的行为违反了州当局事前颁发的禁令,因此被州法院判处监禁及罚款。 法官判决 最高法院采取“明显而即刻的危险”标准,否决了州法院的有罪判决。法院认为:言论自由乃是权利的保障而不是限制。如果要予以限制,则必须证明被限制的言论,对于显然的社会公共利益具有明显而即刻的危险。托马斯演说的场合是在于一种完全和平的集会,而且他的言论本身既没有煽动不法行为的倾向,而且对于公共利益也没有“明显而即刻的危险”的因素。 案例分析二十三:丹尼斯诉合众国案 案情介绍 丹尼斯诉合众国案与史密斯法有关。史密斯法于1940年6月28日被美国国会通过,又名外侨登记条例。它的主旨是与间谍活动作斗争,用以对付“处在外国控制下”,并从外国(原指德、意、日)取得财政援助、指示的个人或团体。规定禁止用武力或暗杀政府官员手段以推翻或破坏美国各级政府;禁止出版或散布号召推翻政府的材料;禁止组织宣传推翻美国政府的任何社团或个人联合。该法原是对付战时法西斯的间谍活动,但是在战后却成了镇压进步力量的工具。1948年7月,美国政府依据史密斯法逮捕了丹尼斯等美国共产党中央委员会委员,控告共产党散布了那些教唆和鼓吹用武力推翻和破坏美国政府的煽动性言论,把共产unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 党说成是“阴谋组织”,把共产党员说成是“阴谋”的参加者。联邦地区法院和联邦上诉法院对丹尼斯等人处以高额罚款和监禁。丹尼斯等人认为他们并没有任何主张以武力颠覆政府的实际阴谋并且指责史密斯法禁止马列主义学术讨论乃是违反了宪法第1条修正案对言论自由的保护。 法官判决 联邦最高法院驳回了丹尼斯的上诉书,并认定史密斯法符合宪法,维持了下级法院的有罪判决。首席大法官文森代表多数人的意见在判决中宣称:“凡是言论对于完成法律所禁止的罪行具有巨大潜在的祸害的可能时,就应当予以制止。„„‘明显而即刻危险的标准’并不意味着政府必须等待,直到暴乱发生,直到计划制订完毕,专等发出信号就要行动。”他认为,政府可以采取行动反对颠覆政府的阴谋和企图,尽管这些企图从一开始就注定要失败。共产党的言论虽无明显而即刻的危险,但他们的言论对于国家安全已有巨大而潜在的危险,政府有充分的实际理由予以限制。 根据这个判例,从1951—1957年期间,司法部引用史密斯法,在各地对大约150多名共产党领袖提出控诉,其中大部分被法院判罪。 案例分析二十四:明镜杂志社案——出版自由与国家秘密 《明镜》杂志是联邦德国影响甚大的一份刊物,在世界上和英国《泰晤士报》、美国的《时代周刊》同负盛名。1962年10月10日,《明镜》杂志以《有限的防御能力》为题,刊载了一则封面故事,报道德国及北约组织当时的军事状况和计划。文章暗示,包括德国武装部队在内的北约组织的军事力量尚不足以抵御来自东部的威胁。这一报道在德国引起轩然大波,许多德国人为此震惊不已。联邦检察官认为《明镜》杂志社的发行人和部分编辑犯有刑法第99第1项及第100条第1项叛乱罪的嫌疑,并且为了查明杂志社自什么渠道获得这一消息,依刑事诉讼法第102条及第105条规定,向联邦法院(以下简称原审法院)申请核发搜查令,对《明镜》杂志社位于汉堡和波恩的办公室和档案室展开为期数周的搜查。其中《明镜》杂志社位于汉堡的办公室117个房间全部遭到搜查并有大批编辑材料被扣押。《明镜》杂志社的发行人和部分编辑也被羁押。1964年10月15日,联邦检察长以叛乱罪嫌疑对《明镜》杂志的发行人提起公诉。但联邦法院刑事庭以证据不足而裁定不予审理。事后《明镜》杂志社的发行人认为以上搜查和扣押措施侵害其出版自由而向宪法法院提起宪法诉愿。联邦宪法法院以4票对4票的表决结果认为以上这些行为都没有违宪。 案例分析二十五:通讯自由限制案 案情简介 1968年6月24日,原联邦德国通过了第17号修宪法律,该法第1条第2款内容是这样规定的:为保护自由民主的基本秩序或确保德国的存立而限制通讯自由时,法律可以规定这种限制无须通知被限制人,并且可以由民意代表组成的机构以及辅助机关来代替一般司法机关对这种限制的合法性进行审查。这条规定被增订进了基本法第10条,作为第2款。1968年8月15日联邦众议院依据这一条款制定了《秘密通信、通邮及通话限制法》(以下简称《秘密通讯限制法》),其中第5条第5款及第9条便是对前款内容的具体化。 黑森州政府认为该修宪法律及《秘密通讯限制法》与基本法第1条、第19条第4款、第20条、第79条第3款的规定相抵触,申请联邦宪法法院对此作抽象审查,另外还有一群法官和律师则对该修宪法律直接提起宪法诉讼,请求宪法法院确认该修宪法律违宪。 法院判决 联邦宪法法院通过审理对本案作出如下判决: ?修宪法律并不违宪。 ?《秘密通讯限制法》第9条所规定的委员会审查制度,符合法定条件而不违宪。 ?《秘密通讯限制法》第5条第5项,与基本法第10条第2款的基本精神相违背,构成is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 违宪。 ?《秘密通讯限制法》第2条第2款规定接受检查的对象包括嫌疑人,与嫌疑人有联系、接头的人,以及被嫌疑人所利用的第三人的规定并不违宪。 案例分析二十六:重罚杀害尊亲属违宪案 诉讼经过及争议焦点 被告人XX因不堪忍受亲生父亲的长期的胁迫、虐待,杀死生父后自首,被检察官根据专门规定杀害尊亲属罪的刑法第200条起诉。二审法院根据刑法第200条作出判决。被告人认为日本刑法第200条关于杀害尊亲属,即本人及配偶的父母及配偶加重处罚的规定违反宪法第14条第1款关于全体国民在法律面前一律平等的规定,上告到最高法院。 最高法院的判断 上告审主要对杀害尊亲属罪是否违反宪法第14条进行审议,最高法院在判词中认为:“刑法第200条的立法目的在于在高度的社会道义上谴责晚辈或其配偶杀害尊亲属,并对此行为处以比普通杀人罪更为严厉的处罚,以便严格禁止这类行为的发生。”如果考虑这一点,杀害尊亲属比普通杀人更应该受到高度的社会道义的谴责,对此类行为作出更为严厉的处罚也未必没有道理。即使进一步将此类型化,作为法律上刑罚的加重要件来规定,也不能立刻就断定这种差别待遇就缺乏合理的根据,因而也就不能说违反宪法第14条第1款。然而,在有些情况下也可能会根据加重刑罚的程度不同而否认这种差别的合理性。即,加重程度极端,作为达到立法目的手段显著失去均衡,不能找出使其正当化的根据时,就必须认为其差别明显不合理,这种规定也就违反宪法第14条第1款而无效。” 刑法第200条仅将杀害尊亲属罪的法定刑局限于死刑和无期徒刑,远远超过了实现其立法目的所需要的必要限度,与有关普通杀人罪的第199条的法定刑相比明显存在不合理的差别待遇,违反宪法第14条第1款,应该无效。因此,杀害尊亲属也只能适用刑法第199条。 案例分析二十七:自卫队违宪诉讼案——惠庭案件 案件概要 从日本北海道的千岁机场向札幌行进的途中,在札幌东南约20公里处有一名为惠庭的小镇。这里有一个陆上自卫队的岛松训练基地。紧临该基地经营牧场的野崎健美和野崎健晴兄弟因演习的噪音使牛奶产量激减,受胎率下降而多次提出抗议,并与自卫队之间约定每次演习前必须事先通知。然而,自卫队经常无视约定进行演习。终于忍无可忍的两兄弟在1962年12月11日开始的为期3天的无通知实弹演习期间,用钳子剪断了多处演习用通信线路以此作为抗议手段,并希望成为再次商谈事前通知的契机。对此,千岁警察署以违反刑法第261条的破坏器物罪(处3年以下有期徒刑或2 5万日元以下的罚金)开始调查,其后札幌地方检察院以违反自卫队法第121条的破坏防卫用器物罪(处5年以下有期徒刑或5万日元以下的罚金)起诉。由于本案件是日本第一例国民因违反自卫队法而受到起诉的案件,而且又涉及到自卫队是否违反宪法的问题,自然受到了各界的瞩目。特别是平时就对自卫队抱有违宪疑问的宪法学者和律师,热情高涨,很快就组成了300多人的辩护团,使本案成为一个万众瞩目,具有极大政治色彩的案件。 审判经过及争论的焦点 审判自1963年9月27日开始,其间,由于被告人野崎兄弟承认剪断通信线路的事实,所以在法庭上真正展开的只是依据自卫队法而存在的自卫队是否违反宪法的争论。在如何解释宪法第9条的问题上,检察方和辩护方的主张针锋相对。 检察方面主张: ?防卫权是主权国家固有的对外主权的核心,宪法并没有放弃之。宪法的和平主义并不意味我国无防备、无抵抗,而是宣布以推进国际和平为政治的指针,对不法的侵略要实行保卫国家安全的积极的和平主义。 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader ?宪法第9条放弃的是“作为解决国际纠纷手段”的战争,并没有否定为自卫而维持和使用实力。自卫权是针对不当行使武力在必要且相当限度内被允许的,称之为“防卫力”。这与威胁国际和平的“战争力量不可同日而语”。 ?为了这种防卫,我国用何种方法、具备何种程度的实力,是应由国会、内阁的政治性裁量来决定的政策问题。因此,对国会、内阁判断为合宪而制定的自卫队法的合宪或违宪的法律上的判断,除非一看就明显违宪的以外,就不适合于成为司法审查的对象。 ?维持和行使自卫的实力和方法、程度、范围,有国会、内阁的控制手段,而且自卫队法本身具有制约其无限制扩大的法律保障,这种自卫队法符合宪法。 对此,辩护方1967年1月12日开始的7天的最终辩论中,由39名辩护人从自卫权论、宪法第9条的解释,自卫队的实际状态、法院的违宪审查权等所有角度反驳了检察方的主张,主要论证自卫队违宪。 ?以往日本的侵略战争大多以自卫的名义进行。根据这一事实,宪法规定连自卫战争力量都不保持。这从宪法制定过程中也能得到明确结论。 ?日本的和平主义原理,是正如从宪法前言中所见到的“不发生战争惨祸”,这里没有侵略与防卫的区别,说明宪法第9条放弃的是指所有的战争力量,这也是日本和平宪法的意义之所在。 ?具有高度政治性的国家行为不适合民事法审查的观点是站不住脚的,因为宪法审判就是特别从审理政治性质较浓的法律上的决定角度而创设的制度。 ?维持和行使自卫和实力,虽有国会、内阁的控制,但在其方法、程度和范围方面并没有法律上的保障。 ?自卫队的演习侵犯了被告的生活权,无视和平生活权。 总之,辩护方的结论为自卫队是违宪的存在,剪断其演习用的通信线路无罪。 审判经过。审判开始后,1966年6月3日法官就诉讼进行中的基本见解指出“要明确宪法第9条的内容,就要在宪法前言中的和平主义理念的关联上,采取严格忠实的理论解释”。接着,在8月1日辩护方说明自卫队的实际状况而申请证人出庭时,法院以“即使不调查实际状况,也可以根据宪法和自卫队法的理论解释来判断”,拒绝了证据调查。另外,在检察官要求对被告人量刑时,法官拒绝了检察官的要求,并不顾检察方的多次反对,指出“因本法庭具有宪法审理的特殊性质,不限制辩论”。鉴于法官的这种积极态度以及法庭辩论结束时审判长“不回避宪法判断,作出学者和舆论欢迎的判决”的发言,人们都认为法院将作出“自卫队违宪,被告人无罪”的判决,甚至防卫厅都作好了败诉后上告到最高法院的准备。然而在宣布判决时,法院却回避了对自卫队是否违宪作出判断,判决“被告人剪断通信线路行为因通信线不属于自卫队法第121条的防卫用品”,无罪。 案例分析二十八:“羞示”案件——表达自由的法律界限 案件简介 杰克•埃里克•羞示,生于1927年1月18日,住在奥斯陆林迪里恩16B•1487号,是个退休人员。在1995年初,作为政党“白色选举联盟”(停止移民和帮助外国人回家)的负责人,他在奥斯陆向报纸散发白色选举联盟参与1997年大选的纲领,该纲领提到: ?我们让被收养的儿童继续呆在挪威,条件是他们自身必须绝育。 ?这同样也适用于具有种族间联姻关系的人。如果他们不想分手或者是离开挪威,具有种族间联姻关系的外方必须绝育,这也包括因他们的联姻关系所生养的子女。 ?只要人呆在挪威,他或者是她就必须保证他们100,的绝育,如果尽管采取了措施仍碰巧怀孕,必须流产。 1996年3月8日由奥斯陆国家检察署根据挪威刑法典第135条之一的规定向奥斯陆城市法院提起指控。理由是基于该纲领所表现的形式、词语和一般内容,意味着主要是另一种族以及来自于一个外国文化的移民和被收养的儿童,因他们的种源而受到威胁或者是仇视或者是is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 轻蔑。 在1997年2月21日所作出的一份判决中,奥斯陆城市法院裁决如下:羞示因为违反了刑法典第135条之一第1款第1段以及第2款的规定,被判处60天的监禁。根据刑法典第52条的规定,刑罚可以缓期两年执行。并被处以2万挪威克郎的罚款,或者是他如果不交纳此罚款,判处30天的监禁。 判决的依据是该政党纲领中关于收养儿童的声明,即上文所列举的该纲领内容的第一点。奥斯陆城市法院认为上文所列举的该纲领内容的第二点和第三点没有违反刑法典第135条之一的规定。 羞示向最高法院提起了上诉。1997年11月28日,最高法院通过投票以12:5驳回了羞示对奥斯陆城市法院根据刑法典第135条之一所作出的有罪判决而提起的上诉。 1998年5月22日,羞示又向欧洲人权法院提起上诉。他在上诉中声称,挪威最高法院违宪和不合法地对他作出了判决,该判决既伤害了宪制政府,又伤害了民主。目前,该案仍在受理之中。 “羞示”案件的主要问题集中在下列问题上,即在政党纲领中的声明受到法律保护的程度以及包含在这样的政党纲领中的有关种族歧视的声明是否在一个民主的社会中能够获得法律的豁免。上述问题在奥斯陆城市法院和挪威最高法院中引起了很大的争论。这些问题不仅涉及到表达自由的保护,而且还涉及到现代宪法和国际人权法的作用。 案例分析二十九:里奇诉鲍文案 案情简介 原告里奇于1956年起担任英国布莱顿郡的警察局长,1957年10月与属下两名警官一起被指控妨碍司法公正。经审判,里奇被宣判无罪,但他的两名下属被定罪判刑。法官说他们受了里奇坏榜样的影响,里奇本人也承认了许多对自己不利的事实,这些在报纸上都作了报道。1958年3月,该镇的警察委员会根据以上这些情况一致同意按照1882年制定的《城市 公团法》的规定开除里奇的公职,结果,既没有事先通知里奇,也没有听取他的意见。 里奇不服警察委员会的决定,向内政大臣提出申诉,但内政大臣支持该委员会的决定。里奇于是向法院提起诉讼,控告该委员会各成员,要求确认开除他公职的决定无效,并让郡当局续付薪金,否则就要付退休金,还要赔偿损失。但法院判处里奇败诉。里奇不服上诉到上诉法院但也败诉。最后里奇上诉到上议院。上议院的法官以4:1的多数判决警察委员会的决定无效。 法院和上议院判决理由 里奇提起诉讼和上诉的理由是警察委员会在决定开除他的公职之前,没有给予他通过听证为自己辩护的权利。 一审法官认为警察委员会的行为确应遵循自然正义原则。但对里奇这一决定已没有必要,因为委员会从报刊的报道中已经完全了解了案件事实。 上诉法院没有采纳一审法院的理由。上诉法院认为,法庭没有证据证明警察委员会的成员是否读了报纸的报道,以及这些报道是否含有可资佐证自己行为的事实,也没有证据表明这些报道准确与否。上诉法院认为警察委员会的决定没有必要遵守自然正义原则。1882年的《城市公团法》规定,警察委员会有权开除“他们认为玩忽职守或因其他原因不适合该职”的任何警察,因而警察委员会开除里奇是在自由裁量权范围内的行为,其性质是行政性的,不受自然正义原则的约束。 上议院的法官认为根据自然正义的原则,要革除一个官员的职务,必须先告诉他到底犯了什么事,听他解释,然后才作决定,他的解释可能证明他没有犯罪动机,也可能说出若干事实,可作减轻处分的理由,无论如何,听他解释可以避免在仓促中犯先入为主的毛病。警察委员会的做法违背了自然正义原则的要求,所以应予撤销。 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader
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