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申请教育网个人主页空间(教学设计)申请教育网个人主页空间(教学设计) 申请教育网个人主页空间教学设计 汪振财 2008年11月26日 [教学目的与要求] (1) 申请教育网个人主页空间。 (2)上传自己的个人网站。 (3)掌握用网页展示自己的方法,学习利用Internet学习和交流的技巧。 (4)发挥学生的创造力,激发他们展示自我的热情。 (5)鼓励他们为自己的班级制作一个班级主页,培养和增强合作学习的能力。 [课时安排] 1课时,有条件的建议两课时,其中一课时为学生练习。 [教学重点与难点] (1)重点:申请教育网个人主页空间...

申请教育网个人主页空间(教学 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ) 申请教育网个人主页空间 教学设计 散步教学设计免费下载洗衣歌教学设计免费下载汽车材料教学设计下载爱护水资源教学设计下载一师一优课教学设计下载 汪振财 2008年11月26日 [教学目的与要求] (1) 申请教育网个人主页空间。 (2)上传自己的个人网站。 (3)掌握用网页展示自己的方法,学习利用Internet学习和交流的技巧。 (4)发挥学生的创造力,激发他们展示自我的热情。 (5)鼓励他们为自己的班级制作一个班级主页,培养和增强合作学习的能力。 [课时安排] 1课时,有条件的建议两课时,其中一课时为学生练习。 [教学重点与难点] (1)重点:申请教育网个人主页空间,上传自己的个人网站。 (2)难点:根据自己所做的网页申请空间,并给自己的网站取个好名字。 [教学准备] 多媒体投影仪或多媒体网络教室。 [教学过程] 一、激趣导入 我们前几节课已经学会了如何做网页,很多同学也已经做好了漂亮的网页,那如何让 别人看到我们所做的网页呢,这节课我们就来学习如何申请空间及上传个人网站,利用 Internet,让世界的人都能看到我们制作的网页。你们想把你们制作的网页展示给全世 界的人吗, 二、新课讲授 教师:我们的教育网为我们提供了免费的个人主页空间,我们可以通过它来展示自己 制作的网页,首先我们要知道如何去申请个人主页空间。 1(申请教育网个人主页空间 (1)首先打开浏览器进入教育网埔上中学首页: id=2&unitid=10000014 。 网址不好记,我们可以先到顺昌教育网: 再从数字校园中 选择埔上中学即可,注意不要选错学校,否则申请不能通过,因为不同学校个人主页的 申请由各校的网管员分别管理审核。 (2)如下图,到了埔上中学主页后,拖动滚动条至页面的底部,点击左边导航栏中的 “个人主页管理”按钮进入个人主页相关页面。 if the experiment requires a higher degree of precision, you also need to pipette calibration. 3. volumetric flasks volumetric flask is a liquid measure instrument for preparation of accurate concentration of solution, it set out in volume within the time lines for certain temperature dimensions: General capacity is 10mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1000mL, 2000mL and other specifications. Grinding capacity bottles and plastic plug two, and is used as follows: (1) check if the stopper is leaking? Added some water in a bottle, plugged the plug left hand bottles, right hand against the stopper, bottle upside down, see if the Cork has leakage or seepage? without leakage or seepage, the Cork is rotated 180 ? and then plugged, repeat, without leakage or seepage, this bottle is available. (2) – potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid wash, tap water and distilled water capacity Wash bottle and stopper.AA small hole), tucked in tight in the piston Groove of the piston, rotary piston, making contact with the Groove of the piston is transparent and piston flexible rotation so far. If contact has opaque drawing, oiling is required. Put rubber bands on, protect the piston sliding frontier Groove. (2) check for leaks water into the burette to zero on the scale near the vertical stage in titration, observe the buret is drop of gap between piston and slot leakage? if it is not leaking, piston is rotated 180 ? and check again, if it is not leaking on to the next step, if leaks need to apply vaseline, then check again. (3) cleaning method: pour sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate (3)如下图,如果要申请新的主页,则点击左侧红色的“个人主页申请”按钮。 ,申请教育网个人主页空间 3 (4)阅读并接受服务条款,继续申请步骤。 if the experiment requires a higher degree of precision, you also need to pipette calibration. 3. volumetric flasks volumetric flask is a liquid measure instrument for preparation of accurate concentration of solution, it set out in volume within the time lines for certain temperature dimensions: General capacity is 10mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1000mL, 2000mL and other specifications. Grinding capacity bottles and plastic plug two, and is used as follows: (1) check if the stopper is leaking? Added some water in a bottle, plugged the plug left hand bottles, right hand against the stopper, bottle upside down, see if the Cork has leakage or seepage? without leakage or seepage, the Cork is rotated 180 ? and then plugged, repeat, without leakage or seepage, this bottle is available. (2) – potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid wash, tap water and distilled water capacity Wash bottle and stopper.AA small hole), tucked in tight in the piston Groove of the piston, rotary piston, making contact with the Groove of the piston is transparent and piston flexible rotation so far. If contact has opaque drawing, oiling is required. Put rubber bands on, protect the piston sliding frontier Groove. (2) check for leaks water into the burette to zero on the scale near the vertical stage in titration, observe the buret is drop of gap between piston and slot leakage? if it is not leaking, piston is rotated 180 ? and check again, if it is not leaking on to the next step, if leaks need to apply vaseline, then check again. (3) cleaning method: pour sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate (5)在出现的个人主页申请表单中如实填写,其中有*号的为必填,其余为选填,请如实填写学生证号与姓名,否则申请不能通过。 ,申请教育网个人主页空间 5 (6)填写站点名称,从所属单位中选择“埔上中学”,点击申请,刚个人主页空间申 请成功。 if the experiment requires a higher degree of precision, you also need to pipette calibration. 3. volumetric flasks volumetric flask is a liquid measure instrument for preparation of accurate concentration of solution, it set out in volume within the time lines for certain temperature dimensions: General capacity is 10mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1000mL, 2000mL and other specifications. Grinding capacity bottles and plastic plug two, and is used as follows: (1) check if the stopper is leaking? Added some water in a bottle, plugged the plug left hand bottles, right hand against the stopper, bottle upside down, see if the Cork has leakage or seepage? without leakage or seepage, the Cork is rotated 180 ? and then plugged, repeat, without leakage or seepage, this bottle is available. (2) – potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid wash, tap water and distilled water capacity Wash bottle and stopper.AA small hole), tucked in tight in the piston Groove of the piston, rotary piston, making contact with the Groove of the piston is transparent and piston flexible rotation so far. If contact has opaque drawing, oiling is required. Put rubber bands on, protect the piston sliding frontier Groove. (2) check for leaks water into the burette to zero on the scale near the vertical stage in titration, observe the buret is drop of gap between piston and slot leakage? if it is not leaking, piston is rotated 180 ? and check again, if it is not leaking on to the next step, if leaks need to apply vaseline, then check again. (3) cleaning method: pour sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate 2(管理个人主页 (1)登录个人主页,如第一步所示,进入个人主页管理页面,输入用户名与密码,进入个人主页管理页面。左上角会提示登录用户信息。在这里可以修改用户的姓名(不是用户名),密码,也可以用文件管理上传个人主页,修改上传文件等,还可以设置是否让自己的主页可见 ,申请教育网个人主页空间 7 (2)上传自己的个人主页。在个人网站全部完成后,进入网站所在目录,将所有文件打包压缩,压缩成ZIP或者RAR文件,注意不能将整个网站目录打包,否则上传后网页将无法显示。如果要加入计数器,则需要在主页中加入相应代码,在个人主页管理页面有有详细说明及相关代码。 登录个人主页管理页面后,进入文件管理页面,点击“文件上传”按钮,进入文件上传页面,点浏览,找到压缩文件,并钩选自动解压,文件上传后则会自己解压并显示你的主页,而覆盖同名文件刚主要是针对第二次修改后的上传。 if the experiment requires a higher degree of precision, you also need to pipette calibration. 3. volumetric flasks volumetric flask is a liquid measure instrument for preparation of accurate concentration of solution, it set out in volume within the time lines for certain temperature dimensions: General capacity is 10mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1000mL, 2000mL and other specifications. Grinding capacity bottles and plastic plug two, and is used as follows: (1) check if the stopper is leaking? Added some water in a bottle, plugged the plug left hand bottles, right hand against the stopper, bottle upside down, see if the Cork has leakage or seepage? without leakage or seepage, the Cork is rotated 180 ? and then plugged, repeat, without leakage or seepage, this bottle is available. (2) – potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid wash, tap water and distilled water capacity Wash bottle and stopper.AA small hole), tucked in tight in the piston Groove of the piston, rotary piston, making contact with the Groove of the piston is transparent and piston flexible rotation so far. If contact has opaque drawing, oiling is required. Put rubber bands on, protect the piston sliding frontier Groove. (2) check for leaks water into the burette to zero on the scale near the vertical stage in titration, observe the buret is drop of gap between piston and slot leakage? if it is not leaking, piston is rotated 180 ? and check again, if it is not leaking on to the next step, if leaks need to apply vaseline, then check again. (3) cleaning method: pour sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate 3(学生练习以pszx07(密码:pszx07)用户来进行上传练习,个别同学作品较为优秀的可以自行申请,每个班级由班长负责,为自己班级制作一个班级主页,用户名为 ,申请教育网个人主页空间 9 pszx070*,如一班为pszx0701 六班为pszx0706,密码与用户名相同,便于记忆。也方 便其他同学进行管理。 三、课堂 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 今天,我们学习了个人主页申请及主页上传展示,同学们来谈一谈你们的感受。 利用网络教室系统的讨论功能,让学生利用文字进行交流,一来可以交流上网的感 受,也可以锻炼学生文字输入的能力,为能更好的利用网络获取知识垫定基础。 if the experiment requires a higher degree of precision, you also need to pipette calibration. 3. volumetric flasks volumetric flask is a liquid measure instrument for preparation of accurate concentration of solution, it set out in volume within the time lines for certain temperature dimensions: General capacity is 10mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1000mL, 2000mL and other specifications. Grinding capacity bottles and plastic plug two, and is used as follows: (1) check if the stopper is leaking? Added some water in a bottle, plugged the plug left hand bottles, right hand against the stopper, bottle upside down, see if the Cork has leakage or seepage? without leakage or seepage, the Cork is rotated 180 ? and then plugged, repeat, without leakage or seepage, this bottle is available. (2) – potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid wash, tap water and distilled water capacity Wash bottle and stopper.AA small hole), tucked in tight in the piston Groove of the piston, rotary piston, making contact with the Groove of the piston is transparent and piston flexible rotation so far. If contact has opaque drawing, oiling is required. Put rubber bands on, protect the piston sliding frontier Groove. (2) check for leaks water into the burette to zero on the scale near the vertical stage in titration, observe the buret is drop of gap between piston and slot leakage? if it is not leaking, piston is rotated 180 ? and check again, if it is not leaking on to the next step, if leaks need to apply vaseline, then check again. (3) cleaning method: pour sulfuric acid-potassium dichromate
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