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防尘黑板擦 论文


防尘黑板擦 论文防尘黑板擦 论文 防尘黑板擦的研究专题报告 时间:2011年09月25日 作者:湟中一中高二(2)班冯俊斌 序 个人的身体健康在一定程度上取决于你所呼吸的空气的洁净程度。粉笔教具是目前教学的必备工具~用它来传授知识~是最原始和最传统的主要教学方法之一~粉笔其应用到现在已有几千年的历史~对人类的教育事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献~随着历史的进步和社会的发展~人类对粉笔教具的认识不断提高~即粉笔给人类教育事业带来进步和做出巨大贡献的同时~也给从事教育事业的教师及学生带来巨大的危害。根据全国和我省部分调研资料显示~随着...

防尘黑板擦 论文
防尘黑板擦 论文 防尘黑板擦的研究专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 报告 时间:2011年09月25日 作者:湟中一中高二(2)班冯俊斌 序 个人的身体健康在一定程度上取决于你所呼吸的空气的洁净程度。粉笔教具是目前教学的必备工具~用它来传授知识~是最原始和最传统的主要教学方法之一~粉笔其应用到现在已有几千年的历史~对人类的教育事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献~随着历史的进步和社会的发展~人类对粉笔教具的认识不断提高~即粉笔给人类教育事业带来进步和做出巨大贡献的同时~也给从事教育事业的教师及学生带来巨大的危害。根据全国和我省部分调研资料显示~随着社会进步和社会节奏的加快~教师职业病率呈逐年上升的趋势~职业病呈现多样化方向发展~其中粉尘引起的尘肺以及各种急慢性呼吸道疾病是中国目前职业病中最主要~危害最严重和最广泛的一种。学生近视患病率亦逐年上升~到了异常严重的程度。 所以~制作出防尘黑板擦成了刻不容缓的问题: 目录 结题报告 (1)课题提出的背景 (2)目的与意义 3)摘要 ( (4)研究过程 (5)制作过程 (6)小组成员感言 (7)导师评语 一、课题提出的背景 综观国内外教学界,普通常用的黑板擦只是将毛毡放人铁皮盒内,教师上课擦黑板时,飞扬在空中的粉笔灰尘被人吸人肺部,久而久之给师生的身体健康带来极大损害。随着科学技术的飞速发展,我们利用自己的创造力来研制一种防尘while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 黑板擦,把师生从充满粉笔灰的教室中解放出来就成了刻不容缓的问题。粉尘影响老师及学生的身体健康。并且值日生很难将粉尘清除干净。 一般黑板擦有以下弊端: (1)无法控制粉笔灰的污染; (2)无法使黑板擦拭干净; (3)无法清除黑板擦毛层上的粉笔灰; (4)一般黑板擦质量差,易坏。 二、目的与意义 运用所学的知识解决实际问题,培养科技创作的兴趣和技能,提高我们的物理水平和动手能力,在此基础上发表各自见解并提出问题,通过自己的研究去解决问题,无论成功与否我们都将获得非常大的收获。 改进后的黑板擦以防尘为主,在很大程上减少粉尘对健康的危害以及对环境的影响。再加上一些新的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,让新式防尘黑板擦使用方便,环保高效~ 三、摘要 我们研究小组通过上网和到 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 店查阅资料以及对专家的采访等方式,经过一番认真仔细的调查研究,掌握了基本原理,大致绘出了模型图示,最终将黑板擦成功制成。我们从中获得了大量知识,也吸取了许多经验教训,开阔了眼界,受益匪浅。 四、研究过程 我们小组在老师指导和帮助下制定了周密详细的任务计划,将小组成员的工作做了如下安排: (1)韩晶负责上网查询资料。 (2)旦增尼玛、马秀清负责到书店、厂家进行查阅和询问。 (3)赵占凯、李翠霞负责访问有关专家和专业人士。 以下是我们历时三周对防尘黑板擦进行的调查研究的过程。 第一周:了解以往防尘黑板擦的优缺点,对现有黑板擦进行详细查询,明确制造原理。 通过上网和去图书馆查询有关资料,经过我们小组成员讨论研究得出使用原始黑板擦擦黑板时,大量粉笔灰弥漫在空气中,严重影响着师生们的健康,现在已研制出的黑板擦,虽有一定改进,降低了粉尘,但是仍有种种缺点,如价格昂贵,不耐用,不方便使用,吸尘性能差等,所以没有面向市场。我们主要是为了克服以上缺点,去发明一种既经久耐用,又便宜省力的防尘黑板擦。根据这一要求以及调查结果,我们提出了两种设想,设定了初步研制计划。在第一周实施的过程中,并没有像想象中那样容易,碰到了许多困难,如:上网时,网上只能找到一些关于黑板擦的广告,而关于其优缺点则只字未提。在书店也很少有这一方面的资料,但我们并没有被眼前的困难所吓倒,我们仍然有充分的信心去完成。 第二周:采访专业人士和有关物理专家。 我们通过查询资料找到了一些专业人士,让我们来听听他们的看法: “你们所研究的课题的确很好,不仅是全国广大教育界面临的难题,而且是全国师生们的共同愿望,现在已有不少人士研制过,他们的成果虽已得到专利,while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 但尚有许多不足,因此并没有得到普及。所以我建议同学们充分发挥你们的聪明才智去探索、研究,一定会取得成功。” 第三周:收集材料绘制出大致模型图。 通过对以往所收集来的资料的整理和归纳,我们小组的成员一起制作了几套制作 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。以下就是各方案的具体介绍: 方案一: 毛毡 内含电动机 电动机开关 粉尘吸入口 粉尘出口 如图所示,这是我们组的第一个方案。这个黑板擦的内部是由一个电机、一个风扇、电池盒和粉笔盒组成的。风扇面对黑板,风扇周围的外壳上黏有毛贴,用来擦黑板,在擦的同时,用风扇吸尘。在黑板擦的背面用木板将电机封闭起来,电机上只在有风扇的那一面钻一个小孔,好让连接风扇的轴伸出,使风扇转动。粉笔灰随同被吸进来的风通过风扇下方的通风道,使得一同进入粉笔灰盒,然后在粉盒上开一个可以活动的小门,从那里可以倒出粉笔灰。 但后来我们发现,这种黑板擦的吸尘效果不是很好,吸不进来多少粉笔灰,50,粉笔灰都在黑板擦的四周,所以这种中心风扇的吸尘效果很差。 五、制作过程 经过我们小组所有成员的讨论,决定采取设计方案一和方案二。我们的工作进入了材料收集阶段,在此阶段中我们同样遇到了许多困难。 首先的问题就是用什么材料来制作外壳以及内部框架,首先我们想到的是用塑料壳,但却一直找不到合适大小的材料,而没有采用,之后我们又想到了木材,最后决定采用三合板,因为三合板的厚度适中,硬度好而且制作方便。 其次,就是结构的固定,由于我们采用的是三合板,因此如果用钉子固定,三合板会有裂开的现象。经过我们的尝试,决定采用万能胶固定内部结构,再用铁丝固定外部结构,之后用胶布对其进行密封防止出现漏风现象。 六、小组成员感言 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 寇裕善:作为一个小组的组成部份,我深刻地体会到小组的整体性与个人独特个性之间的协调,在小组中我感觉到了小组所特有的整体性、集体性、团结性,深深地融入了这个集体中,才感到我在这个小组,小组是我们的小组,我们是其不可缺少的部分。为这同一个目标作为整体,我们始终以小组利益为重,作为个体,我集思广益、海纳百川,努力寻求最佳的方案,正是应了孔子的那句话:“君子矜而不争,群而不党”。 马永强:研究性学习,最重要的就是团结,团结就是力量。通过不知的问题,大家一起讨论、研究。实践对于研究也起到重要作用,有利于研究事物的真实性。 从开始研究起,困难也遇到不少,虽说有点困难,但大家一起讨论过后,也只是时间的问题。我们的课题是研究黑板擦,对于它的功能也提出了多种看法,最重要的一点就是如何才能不让粉笔灰吸入鼻中,小组成员也一直奋斗着。 周锦霞:人总在经历中成长。这次活动,给了我们很多的启发,让我开始留心身边的琐事,锁坏了我会看看它里面的结构,了解它那部分坏了,再对症下药,也是因为这样,我们组对黑板擦产生了兴趣,通过这次活动我明白了生活中充满机遇的,只要你会发现,一切都变得简单,再加上团结的,我们会一往无前。 李玲玲:创新的道路不是那么平坦,困窘的处境可能屡屡相逢,不过只要有我们团结、团结、团结,一定能做出属于自己的成功,通过初期的合作,我明白我们不是最有能力的,但却是最负责任的,每人都有自己的长处,在一起的小组一定是最会成功的。 唐锦蓉:通过研究性学习,我不仅丰富了知识而且学会了一些学习方法,比如怎样获取资料,从哪里获取资料,怎样查寻这些资料等,并且在各组资料汇总时,我也学会怎样阐述自己的观点等,使我与其他同学的交流沟通能力有了很大提高,并学到了许多课本上未提及的知识,拓宽视野,增进同学友谊。交待的任务完成得很好~ 韩晶:对于这次研究课题,我们小组一致对黑板擦的危害反感至极,但是苦于找不到有效的方案而犯难,在多次的讨论实验后终于有了些进展,这使我发现团结的力量是强大的。在过程中,我们小组成员积极合作各自发挥专长,让我们合作很开心 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 赵占凯:研究性学习活动是一次艰巨的挑战。我曾多次想过放弃,但每当我看到其它组的同学都在一步一个脚印地努力前行之时,我都会重新燃起斗志。再试一次,试试看——不是面对峰回路转杂草丛生的前途枉自嗟叹,而是披荆斩棘举步探索。最终还是成功结束了这次活动。所以说,研究性学习是一门很必要的课程,希望广大师生能够更加关注这门课程,让它真正达到它所需要的目的~也希望校领导能够继续支持这门课程。最后,请允许我代表全体学生,感谢研究性学习~希望它能越做越好~谢谢~ 旦增尼玛:我们的小组成员都是各具有特色的同学,跟他们一起研究,我感到很高兴,正因为这些人,使我明白团队精神的重要性,对于我来说,我们的小组分工合作做得比较好,这使得我们的研究工作能有质量地完成,而我们所做的工作都是有意义的我感到和这群人去干一件事,要学会要作到的事很多,这就使得我们能够更全面地发展。 李翠霞:因为研究性学习活动才刚刚起步,所以我们还有很多的不足之处,但我们又会不断地进步、提高。使它发展得更加好。正是因为刚刚起步,我们才有更大的发展空间,我希望学校不要放弃实践这个研究性活动,要使得它更具有潜能,更具有特色。同时我也希望我们的研究课题能有一个好的结果带给人们一个好的结果带给人们一个精彩的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 。 马秀清:在我看来,研究性学习是个很有意义的学习活动,它能培养我们多方面的能力,提高了我们的社会实践水平。它能使我们认识到错误、改正错误、团结合作。我对于“研究性”这个词由比较肤浅的理解到有了较深的理解。我对它的理解正是由于它教育了我很多,也使我明白到更多课堂上没有明白的东西,正因为如此,我才会认真地做好研究性内的事情。 冯俊斌:作为组长,虽然很有压力,肩负着的责任很重,但是我却很快乐。 从整个活动下来,不免会遇到很多麻烦,如部分同学的不配合,在写调查总结时,因语言组织能力较弱,而经常不知所措„„研究性学习其实是一件非常有意义的活动。近年来,学校里都比较重视。搞研究性学习活动,其活动目的很明确:(—)培养学生的社会实践能力,它能够突破从书本知识学习到动手学习的while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 跨越,使学生不仅只是纯粹地学习课内知识,而且使学生的课外知识更丰富;(二)培养学生与社会的交流能力。它可以给学生一次与社会交流的平台、沟通的机会,并提高自己的胆量(三)加强学生的组织能力、团结合作能力。 总的来说,社会实践活动给我的感觉就是三个“难”。 “难得”首先我代表我们组感谢学校给我们这次机会,感谢学校给我们这次机会,感谢老师给我们热心的指导,感谢老师给我们多次的鼓励、支持、帮助、支持,我觉得很荣幸、很难得。 “艰难”做完并做好一件事情并不是随随便便、简简单单所能成功的。艰难是无可避免的,与其逃避不如大胆向前走,至少你还有很多机会获得成功。做成一件项目设计也是一样的。结果并不重要,重要的是过程,只要活动过程中有快乐,有价值,所有的付出都是值得的。 “难忘” 回想做社会实践的整个过程,一切的一切都使我记忆犹新,因找不到合适的资料,大家绞尽脑汁,因找不到合适的方案,大家苦思冥想 ,因找不到合适的制作材料,大家„„一切来之不易啊~无法忘记这次的研究性学习 七、导师评语 从选题、开题、实施、研究到结题,该小组同学积极主动地参与课题研究活动,能及时将自己的活动过程和情况反馈,与指导老师经常保持联系。该小组同学在组内成员能较好地分工合作,基本达到研究目的,取得了比较好的研究结果。 正如同学们所说的那样,研究性学习注重的学习过程中主动积极的参与和投入,从中发展自己的学习能力、研究能力和创新能力。很高兴地看到,我们小组同学能得到这样的活动结论和观点,希望在后续学习中再接再厉,取得更大成绩。 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application
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