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黄金太阳2图文攻略(1)黄金太阳2图文攻略(1) 故事开始于金星之塔将要点燃的时候。走出金星之塔,拉里贝落镇的人前来阻挡, 一番剧情过后艾力克斯赶走了他们。向西走,沿途遇到恶棍,使用精神力火舌一招 解决。苏哈拉山道爬下树藤,战胜3个恶棍后进入山洞。山洞内有一能量水晶可以 补充PP值。 水之试练-坎德拉寺:到左面使用旋风进入,爬上去进入寺内。一段剧情过后进入洞 窟。 走出山洞后会发生剧情,最终到达一片新大陆。不必管艾力克斯,他已先行找船去 了。因陀罗大陆 临海之村-德里 村内没有理想的物品,走出德里获得金星精灵-回 声,如果你没...

黄金太阳2图文攻略(1) 故事开始于金星之塔将要点燃的时候。走出金星之塔,拉里贝落镇的人前来阻挡, 一番剧情过后艾力克斯赶走了他们。向西走,沿途遇到恶棍,使用精神力火舌一招 解决。苏哈拉山道爬下树藤,战胜3个恶棍后进入山洞。山洞内有一能量水晶可以 补充PP值。 水之试练-坎德拉寺:到左面使用旋风进入,爬上去进入寺内。一段剧情过后进入洞 窟。 走出山洞后会发生剧情,最终到达一片新大陆。不必管艾力克斯,他已先行找船去 了。因陀罗大陆 临海之村-德里 村内没有理想的物品,走出德里获得金星精灵-回 声,如果你没有玩过1代,那么就让精灵来教你如何使用。 前方箱子是一只箱子怪,沿路走去。注意石柱遮挡住的位置,过去到达小和尚倒地 处。沿线路走走过去上梯子跳石柱。以右-右-下-右-上-右-上-左-左-上-右-上通过后 进入。 向南走一小段,岔路口向西南方。遇第1个桥不过,走第二个通往东面的桥向东北 方走去到达坎德拉寺。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 将木柱压到左面,然后到达另一段被水流冲上去后按一下上。获得转职道具神秘卡 片。然后返回,同理压右面从左面上去即可通过。 使用移动精神力将木柱移动过去,推过去堵住水流然后通过绳索。 到达水流处按B键跑上去。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 前方可以跳过去。暂时先不管水精灵。 棕色大猩猩 HP-155 PP-0 攻击-44 防御-11 速度-20 运气-24 每回合行动次数-1 技能-巨爪拍击 战斗之舞 地 水 火 风 力量 100 80 70 80 耐性 48 48 25 72 战斗胜利后上梯子,沿路走去发生剧情。最后获得牵引之石,在道具 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 里装备上即 可学会牵引。返回之前看到水精灵的地点,使用牵引上去抓水星精灵-云雾,最后返 回大师的房间进左面,然后从滑坡处下去。走出坎德拉寺。 沿路走去,到达前方使用移动精神力移动开类似锅的东西。前方有3只棕色大猩猩。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 返回德里,到达德里东面的海神祠,使用牵引救人。沿路走去遇到木星精灵,一路将火台推到中间堵住木星精灵逃跑路线,然后抓到木星精灵-呼吸。左面有蓝色水滴追赶过去。 暂且牢记心中,以后需要再来。使用加西亚返回精神力,走出海神祠。 岔路口向右走沿路走去到达德坎高原,有裂缝的地方只可以走一次。首先从洞口掉 下去。下面出去可以获得全金属护甲,沿路走去。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 从已经完全裂开的洞口跳过去。最上面一个洞口掉下去可以加到薄荷糖。 沿路走去,掉下去。追赶火精灵,掉下洞。一直追过桥,因火精灵已经将路线破坏, 只好返回桥左面,爬下树藤。 两次来回跳将石柱踩塌加到正义之斧,然后切换场景一切重来。 沿线将木柱推过去,爬下树藤,继续追赶火精灵。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 踩塌石柱绕到右面,使用移动精神力将木柱移向左。 不要到火精灵面前,进入右下。 从这里掉下去,正好砸在火精灵,掉出拍击之石。拍击之石看似像浮在空中,其实 是在那一格上,可以加到。过去加拍击之石,装备上学会拍击。 将木柱推下去,再使用移动精神力推向左,再上去跳过去。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 使用拍击断了火精灵的退路,然后捕捉到火星精灵-加农炮。 有一只雷姆利亚的船暂不可用,向西南沿路走去进入因陀罗山洞获得1地1火石碑。 然后向右爬上树藤,走出德坎高原。 沿路走桥,到达马德拉附近。来回走遇到金星精灵,战斗后收服金星精灵-铁。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 从左上进入,使用移动精神力将木柱向自己方面拉过来铺路通过。 阳光之城-马德拉市:镇中左下下梯子进入监狱发生剧情获得许可,另读心可了解皮 卡德。马德拉地下墓穴入口有两边,容易发现的是有小女孩的那变,在右面还有另 一条路。 进入,下梯子沿路走去获得震动之石 装备上学会震动。马德拉地下墓穴暂且无法 深入,以后学会透视后再来。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 出马德拉,进入东北的马德拉吊桥。 向东南方走去到达扬毕沙漠。 到奥瑟尼亚悬崖,有个海盗剑。然后走出悬崖。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 前方拍击有个守护戒指,前面遇到一些人暂且无视继续前进。 连续跳过木桩过去抓风精灵 首先砸掉最左面的木桩 再走过去砸右面的木桩 抓到木星精灵-闪电战,最后从右下滑下通过 砸掉挡住梯子的木桩后爬上去 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 加能量水晶[全员pp全恢复],拍击爬上去,右面的木桩跳过是返回的路线. 最后走上去,它会用挖掘一起掉入洞内随后与你战斗。 继续向上走可看见沙地里王者之蝎不断行动。拍击将它导入右面随后跟着过去。如 果你掌握不好时机它就会被困在那无法被引到正确位置,这时则需要切换场景重 来。 王者之蝎 HP-1064 PP-0 攻击-101 防御-32 速度-39 运气-40 每回合行动次数-1 技能-剧毒之尾 沙之气息 沙漠喘息 双重剪切 邪恶之尾 地 水 火 风 力量 95 85 90 85 耐性 72 72 48 100 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 战胜后得到挖掘之石装备上对着中间使用挖掘喷出水源踩上去跟着上去。 顺着流沙冲刷的方向跑过去,再按B跑过去。宝箱里的是坚硬果。按B继续冲向上 返回来时有一群人那块的下方,挖掘下梯子。沿路走去,爬过去发生剧情后继续前面,使用拍击后进去加到狂暴狼牙棒。 进。 沿路走去,先下来,到右面爬上去。向左走,然后被冲下来,加转职道具训兽鞭。 中间挖掘可获得金钱。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 港都-亚拉福拉:整备好后到亚拉福拉东部船上进入发生剧情后与帕亚亚姆战斗。 帕亚亚姆 HP-984 PP-0 攻击-129 防御-29 速度-76 运气-42 每回合行动次数-1 技能-二重切割 号角呼喊 地 水 火 风 力量 100 100 100 100 耐性 100 100 100 100 如果你觉得他们的攻击打掉你太多血,就到商店买东西提升防御。胜利后到船下面 使用移动移开木箱进入使用震动加大面包。 再次爬上去,从右面下去。走出沙漠。向上进入亚拉福拉,刚进入不久长老等人也 随后跟来了发生剧情... North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 船虽可修一部分,但最后一步的精神力尚未获得。使用移动然后跳过去推下石头, 再将木桩也推下去。 顺着桅杆下去将石推下去后使用移动将木箱也推下去。顺着绳索上去并跳过使用牵 引,爬下去后使用拍击。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 顺着拍击的石柱踩着连续跳过,使用移动将木箱暂移一格. 然后连续跳过爬上去再将大面包交给哭泣的小男孩,在道具表里找到大面包点使用就可以了。 重走一变路线。最后将木箱推下去铺路发生剧情,因没有爆炸精神力,暂且修复到 此结束。 他父亲会因感激而让你进入亚拉福拉洞穴。右面暂不可入,下面使用拍击、牵引后 加到宝箱[金币、幸运徽章、伊克西翁护甲]。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 再到扬毕沙漠顺着人物的路线往下,被流沙冲下去进洞,走出顺着路线过桥到达风风之岩地图 对着石块使用旋风,旋风就会吹开沙堆. 之岩。 从刚刚吹开的路过去,岔路口走左下方,使用旋风 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 返回之前的岔路走上方,一直沿路走. 再返回岔路口走右下方,吹开沙堆. 岔路口走右边,右上方吹开沙堆. 再返回上一条路口到左边去. North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 一路返回最初的路口走右边. 过去使用旋风吹开左边的沙堆. 到下方吹开沙堆.使用2次将上边的沙堆也吹开. 回到刚进风之岩那里,走左边吹开沙堆. 到上边从刚才吹开路通过,一直到上边对着巨大紫色旋风使用旋风精神力. North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 向左 爬上去 然后滑坡处滑下来 下来站着等待吐风机将你吹过去 从这里下去可以加到风暴之剑 被吹过去 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 继续爬 然后到右面爬下去被吐风机吹往左 连续爬上,注意不要被吐风机吹的风刮走。滑下可加宝箱[催眠弹],随后被吐风机 吹上去。往右走切换场景。 将木柱往左移动 将木柱推下去被吹往左面 然后上去继续前进 再到下一层从滑坡处下去 再被吹上去 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 将木柱往右拉,再返回刚才的场景走下面 将木柱移动左面 然后跳过去从滑坡处滑下去被吹上去 然后通过 爬上去使用旋风吹开迷雾。然后继续前进 返回右面上去可以获得藤棘之盾。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 最后到最上面使用旋风进入风之岩内部。 对着右边石柱使用拍击,随后将木桩移到原来石柱的位置上 首先你会看到有巨大旋风、吐风机、木柱、宝箱,但这些都暂时不可进行,不用管 直接进入。右面进入 在将左边木桩移动好跳过去 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 最后通过 过去到下边使用旋风,然后返回从石柱上掉下来到上边再使用旋风 首先将木柱推向左即可通过 将木柱往右移动 再推向左 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 通过/石碑暂不可获得。 将木柱推过去 然后跳过去 向左走,进入。 使用旋风 然后从通道过去 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 最后进入 沿路走去 使用旋风 在绕到上面 使用旋风 再通过 再通过后 使用旋风然后通过 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 最后沿路走去 进入 出来后走到中间使用旋风,然后被吹上去。 下梯子,进入有水晶的房间。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 上去后再使用旋风 再次进入右面 最后将木柱推下去 过去加1地2风石碑 到达有石碑的那个房间,将木柱位置摆好 然后到上面被吐风机吹过去使用旋风 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 这次从左面进入 首先将木柱往左移,然后被吐风机吹往左。 再移动回来将自己吹到左面。 然后到左下将木柱移动开,最后进入 踩木柱跳过去将吐风机移动上去 加宝箱[透明头环]。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 下楼梯沿路走去进入 岔路口先走左面将吐风机移动过去 再走右面通过。 从左往右使用旋风 再从上往下使用旋风吹下吐风机 最后加宝箱后通过 下梯子,被吹到右面去 然后爬上去进入 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 离开风之岩向西南走去,进入前方的加罗村。 深处学到透视精神力,使用透视 以后类似6个围起来的地方都是使用透视的 最后 用返回精神力走出风之岩 满月下的狼人村-加罗村:一路推木柱、滑坡到达上面,看见狼人过剧情。一路前进 在村子右上看到狼人逃了进去,使用透视跟着进去。 一路追向狼人过剧情,在旅馆睡了一觉后再次到达狼人那里,他会送你一只木星精 灵-大气。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 进入,透视通过。 出村向南走过桥,再过桥。 向西北走,处来回遇敌可遇一只水星精灵-腐败。 沿路走去加到睡眠之剑,最后走出加罗村。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 向西走进入米喀萨拉,使用挖掘下梯子过去收复火星精灵-闪光。 上方不远就是奥瑟尼亚山洞,挖掘后进入。获得1火1风石碑。 最后一直向西北走,返回奥瑟尼亚悬崖,返回马德拉。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 稍做整理后沿南边一直往西走,到达冈多瓦那悬崖。 跳过去,往上爬,从中间掉下去。 使用挖掘 站在水上面跳过去。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 将木桩推下去。然后滑下去, 随后连续跳过石子。 向左跳过去,爬下去。 往上爬,暂时无视水滴,先抓火星精灵-闪烁。最后返回绳索那走过去 走出悬崖。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 2次过桥,在冈多瓦那大陆西南有只水精灵,战斗后收服水星精灵-寒意。向北进入 尼里村 原始之村-尼里:村中可占卜暗示你。旋风+透视加到宝箱[麒麟之戒] North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 向上走到达奇澎波山脉:不要让他们发现你,首先移动木箱然后跳过。接着爬上去。 看准时机将箱子推下去扣住守卫,加力量面包。 下来将木箱再推过去,加宝箱[盘斧]然后用牵引继续向前。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 使用震动震下骨头引开小狗,右面吹开树藤进入,沿路走出木星精灵暂不可收服。 下面有一泪之石[打造的物品都在可做船后到雅拉姆进行打造]。(也可以用上面的 木柱将狗隔开) 异教之村-奇澎波:首先牵引,踩柱子过去。 踩矛屋过去,发生剧情,与皮卡德相遇。使用移动拉下柱子帮助皮卡德,随后他会 加入。 刚波玛神像:右面挖掘进入刚波玛神像 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 沿路走去 有一骨质护腕,加完上梯子。 暂且无视地精灵,继续向上。 牵引固定住齿轮,然后总两红色齿轮中间穿过上梯子继续前进。 到达有许多齿轮的房间你将看到一只老鼠跑出来,它是用来提示你上齿轮的。先到 左面。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 下梯子,使用拍击。再返回之前有许多齿轮的房间。 沿路走去使用拍击,再次返回有许多齿轮的房间。 从右面上红色的齿轮然后往前面蓝色齿轮上跳。连续跳过下梯子。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 有两个粉红齿轮的地方,走上左边的粉红齿轮掉下去。 沿路走去,到达电路部分,过剧情。中间拍击是将图版打出,然后左右旋转,适合 过去收服金星精灵-钢,然后用牵引过去。 位置对着图版拍击。只要蓝、红能到达中间就行。之后发生剧情。如果失误打错了 就拍击中间石柱重来。完成好后等他再次祈祷时就会出现剧情。 再次到达有许多齿轮的房间,上梯子。 从两个红色齿轮中间走过去 上梯子。 过剧情,跟着阿卡夫布进入拿黑宝石,继续过剧情。魔法书我们暂时也拿不到,先 返回奇澎波山脉。对着水使用皮卡德精神力的冰霜。然后踩着冰跳过去。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 将地精灵给别人,使用生长精神力。 返回冈多瓦那悬崖,抓火星精灵前有水处使用冰霜,跳过去。滑下去,第二个滑坡 先不要滑,沿路走去先加治愈蘑菇. 最后爬上去获得木星精灵-吹动。 最后返回马德拉,到市长加发生剧情后得到风暴之眼。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 从有小女孩的入口进入马德拉地下墓穴。 将治愈蘑菇送给他们,他们会答谢你一只火星精灵[烧焦]。 透视开启机关,冰霜、移动、加宝箱[苹果]然后过去牵引滑坡。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 然后出来加宝箱[薄雾之剂]滑下去,进入。 最后进入,使用震动将宝箱弄下去。 中间进去加废墟钥匙然后从右面进入下楼梯对着门使用过去加2水1风石碑。里面 还有个幸运徽章。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 打败蓝色乌贼后就会出现水可用冰霜 若你继承1代通关数据那么出马德拉后将遇到3个盗贼 战斗胜利后获得黄金靴 因陀罗东海岸:到因陀罗东海岸(德坎高原右下)进入皮卡德的船内。 将所有蓝色乌贼全部打败并冰霜,移动木箱然后通过。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 将蓝色乌贼打败冰霜顶住然后通过 有船就方便多了,将船开到德里上面下船. 中间调查,所有蓝色乌贼汇集成绿色九头蛇 到德里教堂使用冰霜加海神之泪 绿色九头蛇 HP-2776 PP-70 攻击-173 防御-38 速度-63 运气-44 每回合行动次数-1 技能-惊涛 三重牙刺 狂暴洪水 沸腾毒液 剧毒唾液 地 水 火 风 力量 95 115 85 95 耐性 100 175 25 100 绿色宝箱暂不可加,下梯子推到雨滴处使用雨水一直走去发生剧情 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 流水之塔-海神祠:接着到达海神祠抓木星精灵的左面冰霜后通过 中间使用透视然后使用海神之泪,最顶处加到右叉。 连续跳过将木柱推下继续前进。断桥有2个,其中一个可加腐蚀的仗。段桥掉下去 顺着飘到下面,上去进入。 刚波玛地下墓穴:再到奇澎波下梯子进入刚波玛地下墓穴。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 返回上一场景,再到左上使用风暴。 使用风暴后冰霜 然后过去。 装备风暴之眼使用风暴。收服金星精灵-泥浆 六块草丛的地方透视进入。 穿过急流 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 深处得到改变职业的聚合[改变职业道具都是以后3地、3火、3风、3水配出最高, 每人代表自身属性5点,也就是佩带其他属性的精灵各3只即可,当等级47可召 唤领主] 之后返回船上。到地图东北方的出云村 使用风暴后冰霜然后从下面爬梯子跳上去进入。 传说之地-出云村:到出云村房间内得到节日盛装。上面还可跳过去加生命之水。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 准备好后再到下方的地之岩去。 到右面爬上去。 首先我们先从左面爬上去。然后从右面下去,再到左面通过。 加到宝箱后 从滑坡滑下去。 继续向上走来到左面。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 吐风机只是用来提示你对树藤使用旋风。使用旋风,然后抓着树藤过去。 切换场景后向下爬,然后再向上爬。 通过,然后一路前进,切换场景。 将木柱移开,返回下面一条路上去。 向上爬,注意障碍。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 返回入口处进入,对着祭坛使用人偶。 到达最上面后,先不推,自己踩木柱跳过去加宝箱苹果,然后将木柱移动到下面, 然后跳过去。 进右面,沿路走去,草丛处使用风暴。 最后使用透视加人偶。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 返回入口再走左面。跳上浮版。 然后继续前进,下面进入。将人偶放上去。 沿路走去下楼梯,使用风暴引入光束。再将人偶放上去。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 再爬过去,小心障碍。 返回入口走中间,移动开木桩。 进入,对着草丛网使用风暴。然后从滑坡下去。将人偶放上去引入第4道光束。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 将金星精灵给别人调出生长,对着中间的树苗使用会指引你方向,到达八歧大蛇那 里发生剧情后做好准备挑战八歧大蛇。 到左上的屋子,将人偶给她,获得火星精灵-煤炭。出来的时候须佐说的那把剑我 们已经拿到了。 八歧大蛇 HP-3536 PP-160 攻击-249 防御-76 速度-135 运气-46 每回合行动次数-3/2 技能-超级地震 石南 全力治愈 黑冰 剧毒气息 暴力压迫 地 水 火 风 力量 110 95 95 90 耐性 152 100 100 48 战斗胜利后学会沙化,使用沙化过去,在大蛇尾部的水流调查获得天从云剑 右上将木柱移动往右组合成6方阵后用透视下梯子进入出云村废墟。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 用沙化到另一侧,冰霜后通过。 左面因没有烘烤暂不可进行,右面跳过加[幻影护甲]。 先走右面使用拍击、沙化过去移动木柱铺路然后再走左面下梯子。 再开船到地图东南方的吉板岛 吉板岛:村子中间使皮卡德精神力雨水,目标指向雨之岩。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 村子下方使用沙化过去,滑下来进入。 再做船到下方的雨之岩。 使用旋风进入过去加木星精灵-阴霾。 先到左面爬上去,小心被水冲到。将木柱移动到右面堵住吐水口。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 从右面的梯子爬上去,然后被图中的水冲下去。 然后从刚才吐水口吐的水冲下来。 沿路走去再使用雨水。 加完宝箱后继续被冲下去,然后爬下来 使用雨水使它吐水。 从左面的梯子爬上去,然后被带到上面。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 再次使用雨水,爬下梯子过去,进入中间的旋涡。 将石头推过去,然后通过。 先到左面冰霜,再到右面爬上去跳过。上面跳过可加宝箱[迷雾之刃],最后跳过去,向右走,沿路走去。将木柱先堵水口然后自己过去后再用移动精神力推到适当位置爬下去。 跳过去加宝箱。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 将水口堵住冰霜通过。 先不要使用雨水,先下去将图版石柱指向连接后再上去对吐水口和蓝色雨滴使用雨 水。 岔路口向下过去只可加冰晶粉末,然后继续前进使用雨水后通过。 沿路走去,从上面被冲下去,迅速跑到对面。将木柱移过去加泪之石,然后通过。 岔路先走左面将木柱移动过去阻挡水源,然后通过。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 走左面,并牢记这里,因为这里有多条路一会要再回来的。 走上面 使用雨水通过。 过绳子下梯子进下面。 有个石头,它有3格移动空间,将它移动中间可加宝箱[生命之水] 然后将它移动将图版石柱指向正确位置然后使用雨水通过。 最左处即可通过。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 沿路走去,有个宝箱其实是只箱子怪。 返回之前牢记有多条岔路的地方进入使用水瓶之心并进入。 通过有水晶的房间到达蓝色水滴处使用雨水。随便选择左右任意路线过去加水瓶之 心。 向下走,进左下。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 深处学会烘烤精神力,随后水出现就使用烘烤走出。 进入,然后从上面冲到对面爬梯子过去使用烘烤。 出来使用烘烤下梯子得到生绣的剑 右面进入。上梯子。 水干后上去收服水星精灵-水汽,最后走出雨之岩 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 返回出云村废墟,使用烘烤后下梯子进入获得2火2水石碑 寒冰之塔-南大陆塔:首先南大陆塔左面有只木星精灵-喘息,接着进入南大陆塔。 将船开到下边,下船。往西步行。 首先使用烘烤左右的水然后先进入右面。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 一路走去岔路口先进下面 有3处可进,先进入左面用拍击可加两宝箱[冰晶粉末、硬坚果]。 按白色路线左-下-左-上-右-上-右加宝箱,然后出去走上面。 再进入中间滑下去,按左-上-右-上-左-下-右-上-右加火星精灵-逆流。 然后回去,走右面。将左面的木柱使用移动精神力按左-上-右移动,右面用拍击砸先加宝箱然后顺着冰过去 按白色线路右-上-左-下-右-上-左上梯子进入。 掉后面两个石柱。将右上的木柱按下-左-上移动。推开木柱进门。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 下面使用爆裂,可以掉下去。 返回入口,这次走左面。对着冰墙使用爆裂。下面加两个宝箱[幸运徽章、疾风之 羽]右面加两个宝箱[闪电之剑、治疗药水] 使用透视通过。上梯子,加到爆裂胸针。 最后返回入口从中间进入,砸开冰块拿到中叉。最后回船上。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 接着到右面不远处的南大陆东部小岛。跳过移动冰块后上去将木条推下去铺路。 锻冶之村-雅拉姆:把船开进雅拉姆附近跳下船进入 滑下去将企鹅推过去获得漂亮石头。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 左上角晴光的房间可打造物品,将需要打造的物品拿去打造。将物品交给他后,进 出神殿、进出村子、睡觉后再去找他妻子拿打造好的物品。村子左边有一宝箱暂不 可获得。 最左面吹开进入用挖掘可以获得泪之石。 从村子上面走出去一直到塔博沼泽。 然后利用气泡按路线通过,左下的梯子过去加一个曲奇饼。 吹开后进入。 将木桩拉下来。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 趁水口不冲水的时机冲过去,顺便将木柱堵住水口 离开洞里,到外面使用生长爬上去。吹开后进入。 绕到右面,将木柱堵住水口,将精灵冲下去。 沿路走去,当水刚冲完后立刻使用雨水。然后再立刻使用冰霜,从上面跳过去。 然后从左边第2个滑坡下去。收服金星精灵花卉 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 无视右面那堆水,往下走。 一直按住B键往上跑,趁水刚冲完立刻往右跳。 继续前进到达炎热的地方,首先用雨水降低石头温度,然后再移动下去。 到下面,同样先用雨水冷却后再移动下去。 雨水冷却石头移动开跳过去向上前进。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 有大石头的地方用震动 将船开到奥瑟尼亚左上,进入亚拉福拉。到亚拉福拉东部船上。过去完成最后一步, 使用爆裂炸开石头。下船,自然会出现剧情。从市长家出来后再到帆船这过剧情。 冷却石头移动后进入。 深处发光的地方挖掘到星际陨石。最后返回船上。 亚拉福拉洞穴右面可加3个宝箱[能量水晶、金币、治疗药剂],然后返回船上。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 向上开,到达安加拉东南小岛。 将读心设置成快捷键,对着小鸟读心,用漂亮石头交换红围巾。 先把最上面的木箱推下来。再把两个木箱摞起来。然后冰霜爬上去。 再将船往下开到奥瑟尼亚北边小岛。 沙化过去对牛读心获得牛奶。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 再将船开到因陀罗大陆和冈多瓦那大陆之间的因陀罗西边小岛。 再开船到魔之海右下的魔之海小岛。 从楼梯下去,对小狗读心获得小乌龟。 对乌龟读心,将小乌龟给它,它会带你进入秘密基地。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 进入小岛山洞,左面可加到海龟靴。然后到右面,抓金星精灵-混合。再往里腐蚀黄沙之塔-安科尔遗迹:左右两边的宝箱都已空。吹开中间进入,进入后先走左面。 的杖,出来对乌龟读心离开小岛。 走下面 将船开到安加拉大陆右下,进入安科尔遗迹 沙化过去加怨念狼牙棒,然后向上进入将石像拼完整。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 往下走,沿路走去岔路口先往左面将木柱移动过去,再返回加宝箱[治疗药水]。 返回刚才的岔路走左面,吹开后进入。 向右走,踩机关后用最快的速度跑到另一边去踩机关,然后通过。 加完力量面包后沙化过去,沿路走去。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 沿路走去从中间滑坡下去。 往右走,将木柱推过去。 拼好石像,然后走上面。 然后回来,爬下去进入,沿路走去返回入口。 这次走右面,沿路走去。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 左面吹开进入获得生命长袍,然后继续前进。 同样从右面以最快速度跑过去踩机关。 往左边跳过去,爬上去进入。 沿路走去,最右面吹开可获得治疗药剂。继续前进,最后将石像拼完整。 使用沙化过去,左面吹开进入获得疾风之羽。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 一路返回石像前,使用沙化躲开石像。然后从上面沙化过去。 返回,来到石像流沙下面,使用沙化上去。爬到右面进入。 沿路走去,使用透视,将石像推下去。 沿路走去,再用沙化上去。到最上面获得左叉。 继续前进,然后将石像拼完整。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 胜利后将搜集到的三叉戟部件左叉、右叉、中叉交给老婆婆。 再到左面不远处的姜帕村 。 海盗之村-姜帕村:如果你继承了1代的通关数据,将碰到1代人物柯蓝发生剧情去雷姆利亚,但要先经过魔之海.世界地图中间大雾地带 后获得黄金戒指。使用透视加宝箱里的维京头盔。 向上走碰到帕亚亚姆,看见他逃走,一路追过去。与老婆婆的火蜥蜴战斗。 红色蜥蜴 HP-3792 PP-87 攻击-281 防御-89 速度-94 运气-41 每回合行动次数-2 技能-终极爆列 守卫 削弱 火之气息 星矿 炎热晕眩 地 水 火 风 力量 95 85 115 95 耐性 100 25 175 100 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 其实雅拉姆右面孩子们的游戏就是过魔之海的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,你需要围绕山口转圈急流会退 去一阵. 海神 HP-4905 PP-162 攻击-302 防御-100 速度-185 运气-47 每回合行动次数-2 点击查看 具体路线全景地图 技能-冰弹 洪水 全力祈祷 台风侵袭 海洋之拳 潮湿坟墓 逆流侵袭 首先向上穿过两个旋涡,围绕山口转两圈,看准时机冲过去.再向右穿过一个旋涡,地 水 火 风 然后向上穿过三个旋涡围绕山口转三圈冲过去到达星星图案处.再向左穿过三个旋力量 95 115 85 95 涡围绕山口转两圈看准冲过去.向右,再向下,再向左穿过旋涡围绕山口转三圈冲过耐性 100 175 25 100 去到达 月亮的图案.再向下穿过两个旋涡围绕山口转二圈冲过去.最后向上穿过六战斗后沿路将船开进雷姆利亚. 个旋涡围绕山口转三圈通过. 先进入船内使用烘烤加宝箱[薄雾之剂] 然后通过急流出现海神战斗,在战斗中首先要使用三叉戟破海神立场才可以. North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 下船,沿路走去,移动女神像后过剧情.到宫殿前发生剧情后,随处看看类似有蝴蝶到右面,使用生长爬下去用风暴可以获得坚硬果. 飞舞处可挖掘出一些物品。 再用牵引上去进入.下楼梯过剧情. 到幸运水池前和前面的人对话他会让开,进入后就可以仍幸运徽章吧.可以获得3风 2水石碑.幸运水池还可以恢复HP和PP. 进入左侧的房子过剧情.暂时不管皮卡德. North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 进入最上方的宫殿,过剧情.随后加宝箱里的研磨之石,给地属性人物加西亚装备上将船开过去,进入古老的雷姆利亚.左下角使用风暴,发现水精灵.然后使用震动. 就可以学会研磨了. . 抓到水星精灵-白霜 返回船上,与史古雷塔对话开船,过剧情.再次进入雷姆利亚到左面使用研磨. North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 返回魔之海,左边使用研磨通过,被急流冲出去,离开. 使用研磨后通过,到世界地图的西边去。 再将船开到冈多瓦那和因陀罗之间的那条缝隙海路,途经因陀罗西边小岛往下行首先将船开到世界地图西南,进入东南小岛。将木柱推下去,再将上面的箱子也推驶。从海路进入冈多瓦那悬崖。 下去,过去加龙鳞。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 再将船开到阿缇卡大陆左下,步行下去到达中间。 再去赫斯珀里亚大陆,从下面的河口进入。 来回走,遇火星精灵-核心,战斗后收服。 下船进入山洞。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao 进入山洞后向左走,不要管其他的,直接走出萨满村山洞。一直进入萨满村。 通灵者之村-萨满村:到村子左上角过剧情。使用萨满权杖,然后发生剧情到试练之 路。 North Gate Station and all the long distance Intercity, TRANS-province lines; North Gate Station currently runs the original counties, rural routes; Simon, station main, Yibin city, across the city, across the province and to the West of range line. Yibin city highway main station distribution table 3.1-6 station name grade accounted for to area (m2) Gao
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