首页 2013浙江地理高考真题



2013浙江地理高考真题2013浙江地理高考真题 【目录名称】浙江 【目录ID】10753 【单选题】(2013浙江1)近年来~雾霾天气在我国频繁出现~空气质量问题已引起全社会高度关注。下图是气温垂直分布的4种情形。读图完成第1题。 图中最有利于雾霾大气污染物扩散的情形是() 【A】? 【B】? 【C】? 【D】? 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查对流层大气逆温对污染物扩散的影响。对流层气温随海拔高度升高而降低,海拔每升高100米,气温下降0.6?,大气以对流运动为主,有利于污染物的扩散;如果对流层出现气温随海拔高度升高...

2013浙江地理高考真题 【目录名称】浙江 【目录ID】10753 【单选题】(2013浙江1)近年来~雾霾天气在我国频繁出现~空气质量问题已引起全社会高度关注。下图是气温垂直分布的4种情形。读图完成第1题。 图中最有利于雾霾大气污染物扩散的情形是() 【A】? 【B】? 【C】? 【D】? 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查对流层大气逆温对污染物扩散的影响。对流层气温随海拔高度升高而降低,海拔每升高100米,气温下降0.6?,大气以对流运动为主,有利于污染物的扩散;如果对流层出现气温随海拔高度升高而升高现象,即为逆温现象,出现逆温现象,空气对流运动减弱,不利于污染物的扩散。图中???都出现了逆温现象,不利于污染物的扩散。图?气温随海拔高度升高而降低,对流运动显著,有利于污染物的扩散。所以本题选择A选项。 【点拨】 【考查点】 【本题结束】 【套题】(2013浙江2、3)近年来~我国东部沿海地区工业生产面临“用工荒”局面。根据相关知识~完成2、3题。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 【单选题子题】上图是4种工业的生产成本构成图,最有可能面临“用工荒”的是() 【A】? 【B】? 【C】? 【D】? 【答案】D 【解析】考查人口流动;工业区位因素;地理图 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的判读能力。我国东部沿海地区生产面临“用工荒”,主要原因是中西部地区流入民工减少,导致廉价劳动力指向型工业劳动力不足。根据三角形坐标图,图中?工业劳动力的投入成本最高,为廉价劳动力指向型工业,所以最有可能面临“用工荒”。所以本题选择D选项。 【子题结束】 【单选题子题】“用工荒”对沿海地区经济可能产生的影响是() 【A】劳动力回流第一产业,第一产业比重提高 【B】刺激科技创新,促进工业结构优化升级 【C】劳动力数量减少,平均工资下降 【D】资金投入减少,生产总值下降 【答案】 B 【解析】“用工荒”问题的产生,使劳动力的工资提高,廉价劳动力指向型工业生产成本增加,所以能够刺激东部沿海地区调整产业结构,发展新兴产业和第三产业,而廉价劳动力指向型工业逐步向中西部转移。所以本题选择B选项。 【子题结束】 【本题结束】 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 【单选题】(2013浙江4)我国钓鱼岛附近海域有丰富的渔业资源,其主要原因是() 【A】地处大陆架,生物光合作用强 【B】有寒流经过 【C】位于河流入海口,营养盐类丰富 【D】盛行上升补偿流 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查海洋生物资源;大陆架地区渔业资源丰富的原因。大陆架地区海水较浅,阳光充足,有利于生物的光合作用,所以鱼类的饵料丰富;大陆架地区位于河流入海口,营养盐类丰富;大陆架地区往往有寒暖流的交汇。钓鱼岛附近海域属于大陆架海域,但距离陆地较远,所以受入海河流影响较小;附近洋流为暖流。所以本题选择A选项。 【点拨】 【考查点】 【本题结束】 【单选题】(2013浙江5)图1为某河段景观素描图~图2为该河段河曲水流速度等值线分布,?,?,示意图。读图完成第5题。 有关河曲地段水流速度、外力作用和土地利用类型的组合,正确的是() 【A】甲——流速慢——沉积作用——仓储用地 【B】乙——流速快——侵蚀作用——住宅用地 【C】乙——流速慢——沉积作用——交通(港口)用地 【D】甲——流速快——浸蚀作用——水利设施(防洪堤)用地 【答案】D anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 【解析】本题考查外力作用与地貌。根据图2该河段河曲水流速度等值线分布,?处流速高于?处,?处附近为河流的凹岸,?处附近为河流的凸岸,所以凹岸受流水侵蚀作用显著,凸岸受流水沉积作用显著。图1中甲处为凹岸,流速快,主要为侵蚀作用,主要用于修筑堤坝;乙处为凸岸,流水沉积作用显著,泥沙淤积,不适合修筑港口。所以本题选择D选项。 【点拨】 【考查点】 【本题结束】 【单选题】(2013浙江6)某城市的土地利用形态分为甲、乙、丙、丁4种,图1,~城市的发展先后经历了?、?两个阶段,图2,。目前该城市的地价与土地利用形态和开发阶段有关~其关系如下表。读图表完成6题 该城市拟选择中等地价的地块建造超市,右图(图3)中符合要求的地块是() 【A】?? 【B】?? 【C】?? 【D】?? 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查地理图表的判读能力。解决本题需要通过图层的叠加。城市的发展先后经历了?、?两个阶段,目前应属于第?阶段。在第?阶段甲、乙、丁三地为中等地价,????anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership ??为中等地价,其中???位于第?阶段,不符合条件,所以符合条件的有???。所以本题选择B选项。 【点拨】 【考查点】 【本题结束】 【套题】(2013浙江7、8)拉萨河流域拥有丰富的物质文化和非物质文化资源,拉萨位于宽 阔的拉萨河谷地北侧。下图为拉萨7月降水量日平均变化图。完成7、8题 【单选题子题】有关拉萨7月降水日变化成因的叙述,正确的是() 【A】夜晚地面降温迅速,近地面水汽易凝结成雨 【B】夜晚近地面形成逆温层,水汽易凝结成雨 【C】白天盛行下沉气流,水汽不易凝结成雨 【D】白天升温迅速,盛行上升气流,水汽不易凝结成雨 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查影响降水的主要因素,热力环流。根据图中降水量的特征可以判断白天降水量小,夜间降水量大。根据热力环流的原理,山谷地带白天吹谷风,山谷气流上升,中间气流下沉(夏季白天拉萨河相对陆地气温较低,盛行下沉气流)水汽不易凝结成雨;夜间吹山风,谷地中央气候上升,(夜间拉萨河相对陆地气温较高,盛行上升气流)水汽容易凝结成雨。所以本题选择C选项。 【子题结束】 【单选题子题】近年来,当地开展拉萨河文化生态保护区规划工作。下列做法合理的有() ?提高文化生态景区的集聚性 ?利用河滩低地布局文化建筑 ?控制著名景区的旅客日流量 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership ?防治湿地退化 ?吸收外来文化,改造当地民俗 【A】??? 【B】??? 【C】??? 【D】??? 【答案】 B 【解析】本题考查文化的传承与保护。河滩低地生态环境脆弱,应注重保护,不应布局文化建筑;吸收外来文化,改造当地民俗,不利于传承和保护当地的文化特色。提高文化生态景区的集聚性,可以提高游览价值;控制著名景区的旅客日流量、防治湿地退化,可以保护当地的生态环境。所以本题选择B选项。 【子题结束】 【本题结束】 【套题】(2013浙江9、10)下图为1950-2010年世界及亚洲、欧洲、北美洲人口变化过程。根据相关知识~读图完成9、10题。 【单选题子题】有关世界人口变化过程的表述,正确的是() 【A】1950-2010年人口死亡率大于人口出生率 【B】1950-1970年人口死亡率下降幅度最小 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 【C】1990-2010年人口自然增长率基本不变 【D】1950-1970年人口自然增长率上升 【答案】D 【解析】本题考查地理图表的判读能力。根据图示:世界人口变化从1950-2010年,人口自然增长率大于0,所以出生率一直高于死亡率;1950-1970年,人口自然增长率上升,人口死亡率从25‰下降到10‰左右,出生率从45‰下降到40‰左右,所以出生率的下降幅度小;1990-2010年人口自然增长率呈下降趋势。所以本题选择D选项。 【子题结束】 【单选题子题】图中代表北美洲的是() 【A】? 【B】? 【C】? 【D】? 【答案】10.C 【解析】本题考查世界不同国家和地区人口增长模式的转变。欧洲人口自然增长率最低,北美洲人口自然增长率高于欧洲,低于亚洲和世界平均水平。所以本题选择C选项。 【子题结束】 【本题结束】 【单选题】(2013浙江11)晨昏圈上有5个等分点,若其中一点地方时正好为12时,则不相邻两点之间的球面最短连线可能() 【A】同时出现日落 【B】经过太阳直射点 【C】是纬度固定的一段纬线 【D】为两个日期的分界线 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查晨昏线的判读。根据题目叙述:其中一点地方时正好为12时,则其中一个点位于晨昏线纬度的最高点,晨昏线与经线不重合;不相邻两点之间的球面最短连线与晨昏线重合,晨昏圈上有5个等分点,不相邻两点可能同时位于晨线或昏线上,所以有可能同时出现日落。晨昏线太阳高度为0?,不可能经过太阳直射点;晨昏线不可能与纬线重合;晨昏线与anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 经线不重合,则不可能为日期的分界线。所以本题选择A选项。 【点拨】 【考查点】 【本题结束】 【简答题】(2013浙江36)根据下列材料,完成(1)-(3)题。(30分) 材料一:美国本土年降水量分布及棉花带范围图。 材料二:图中甲、乙两城市气温比较表。 (1)我国新疆棉花产区和美国棉花带相比,两者相似的自然条件是_______________、______________、______________。与美国棉花带相比,制约我国新疆棉花产区发展的主要农业经济因素有______________、____________________。(10分) (2)描述美国西部年降水量的空间分布特点,并分析其成因。(10分) (3)据表比较甲、乙两城市的气温差异,并解释其原因。(10分) 【答案】 (1)光照充足、地形平坦、生长期长等。交通运输、技术装备等 (2)分布特点:大致由沿海向内陆递减;西北部降水空间差异大。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 成因:西部南北走向的高大山脉阻挡来自太平洋的湿润气流,山脉西侧地处迎风坡,降水多;西部的山间高原盆地,水汽难以进入,降水稀少。 (3)甲城比乙城冬季(1月)气温高,夏季季(7月)气温低。甲城气温年较差小。 冬季:甲城有高大山脉阻挡,受北冰洋的寒冷气流影响较弱,气温较高。美国东部为低缓山地,乙城易受北方冷空气影响,气温较低。 夏季:甲城受寒流影响,气温较低。乙城受暖流和东南暖湿气流影响,气温较高。 【解析】 (1)本题考查影响农业区位的因素。影响农业的区位因素主要有自然条件、社会经济条件和技术条件。自然条件包括气候、地形、土壤、水源等。新疆为温带大陆性气候,降水少,日照时间长,地势较为平坦;美国棉花带纬度低,光热资源充足,位于平原地区,地势平坦。所以两者相似的自然条件是光照充足、地形平坦、生长期长等。社会经济因素包括市场、交通运输、政府政策、劳动力、土地价格等。我国新疆地处内陆,农业机械化水平较低,所以制约农业发展的主要因素是交通运输条件和技术装备等。 (2)描述降水量的空间分布特点应包含变化趋势及变化幅度等方面。美国西部南北走向的高大山脉阻挡来自太平洋的湿润气流,山脉西侧地处迎风坡,降水多;西部的山间高原盆地,水汽难以进入,降水稀少。所以空间分布的特点为由沿海向内陆递减;西北部降水空间差异大。 (3)本题考查地理图表的判读能力。根据表格的数据分析甲城比乙城1月气温高, 7月气温低。甲城气温年较差小。结合甲乙两地位置和地形特征进行分析:甲位于大陆西岸,位于地中海气候区,附近有加利福利亚寒流经过,夏季受寒流影响,气温较低,冬季该地受盛行西风影响,较为温暖,同时北部有高大山脉的阻挡;乙位于大陆东岸,为温带大陆性气候,附近有暖流流经,夏季受暖流影响,气温较高,冬季东部地区低矮山地不能阻挡北冰洋南下的冷空气,所以气温较低。 【点拨】 【考查点】 【本题结束】 【简答题】(2013浙江37)2013 年 1 月 17 日,国务院批复《浙江舟山群岛新区发展规划》,舟山群岛新区成为我 国首个以海洋经济为主题的国家级新区。根据下列材料,完成(1)-(3)题。(26 分) 材料一:据环境保护部 2013年 4 月 19日发布的第一季度74各城市空气质量检测结果~舟山空气质量居全国前列。舟山普陀山是我国四大佛教名山之一。舟山还具有阳光、沙滩、海浪等海洋旅游元素。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 材料二:图 1 为舟山群岛新区物流和旅游规划图。图 2 为舟山市 2007 年和 2010 年三次产业就业构成图。 (1)舟山空气质量居全国前列的主要原因是_____________、______________。舟山群岛新区可开发的特色旅游项目有______________、_______________、____________。(10 分) (2)分析舟山群岛新区成为我国铁矿砂等大宗商品重要中转基地的主要原因。(8分) (3)说出 2007-2010 年舟山市第二、三产业就业构成的变化特点,并说明其对推动城市化作用的差异。(8分) 【答案】 (1)大气污染物排放少;风力大,稀释自净能力强等。 禅修、游艇、游泳、海钓、康体、沙雕、海鲜美食等。(可任答三点) (2)舟山群岛港口航道深、岸线长,有利于大型船舶停泊。长江中下游地区铁矿砂等大宗商品进口量大,多选择水运中转。 (3)第二产业比重下降;第三产业比重上升。第二产业就业人数增加较少,对城市化发展推动作用较小;第三产业就业人数增加较多,对城市化发展推动作用较大。 【解析】 (1)本题考查影响大气环境质量的主要因素。大气污染物排放少,风力大可以使空气质量好。从舟山群岛的三大产业就业人口比重分析,该地区第三产业的就业人口比重最大,大气污染物排放少;沿海地区,风力较大,有利于大气污染物的扩散和净化。根据题目叙述:舟山普陀山是我国四大佛教名山之一。舟山还具有阳光、沙滩、海浪等海洋旅游元素。该地可以发展禅修、游艇、游泳、海钓、康体、沙雕、海鲜美食等。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership (2)本题考查港口的区位因素。港口的修建需要考虑陆域条件和水域条件。我国长江流域的钢铁工业发达,铁矿进口量大,主要的运输方式是海运。舟山群岛港口航道深、岸线长,有利于大型船舶停泊。 (3)本题考查地理图表的判读能力;城市化的概念。根据图示:2007年-2010年舟山市第二产业比重下降;第三产业比重上升。城市化是指农业人口转化为非农业人口,人口从第一产业转移到第二、三产业都属于城市化的过程,由此可见,第二产业就业人数增加较少,对城市化发展推动作用较小;第三产业就业人数增加较多,对城市化发展推动作用较大。 【点拨】 【考查点】 【本题结束】 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership
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