首页 焊工技师考试试卷



焊工技师考试试卷焊工技师考试试卷 焊工技师考试卷(L卷) 2005年7月23日 一、名词术语(4道题任选3道题,每题2分,共6分) 1. 焊接材料 2. 焊接电流 3. 焊接速度 4. 焊接热循环 二、 填空(每空1分,共26分) 1. 焊缝基本符号在基准线实线侧时,表示焊缝在( )侧施焊。 2. 脉冲氩弧焊的焊接电流是由( )电流和( )电流叠加而成,其中( ) 电流主要是用于熔化填充金属和母材。 3. 使用碱性焊条,一般采用( )法引弧,否则引弧部位易产生气孔。 )保护。 4. 焊条电弧焊对熔池的保护方法...

焊工技师考试试卷 焊工技师考试卷(L卷) 2005年7月23日 一、名词术语(4道题任选3道题,每题2分,共6分) 1. 焊接材料 2. 焊接电流 3. 焊接速度 4. 焊接热循环 二、 填空(每空1分,共26分) 1. 焊缝基本符号在基准线实线侧时, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示焊缝在( )侧施焊。 2. 脉冲氩弧焊的焊接电流是由( )电流和( )电流叠加而成,其中( ) 电流主要是用于熔化填充金属和母材。 3. 使用碱性焊条,一般采用( )法引弧,否则引弧部位易产生气孔。 )保护。 4. 焊条电弧焊对熔池的保护方法是( 5(钢的含碳量上升时,其强度一般( ),而焊接性一般( )。 6. 焊接电流主要影响焊接接头的( ),电弧电压主要影响焊缝的( )。 7. 产生气孔的原因之一是焊件坡口有( )、( )和( )等污物。 8. 焊接定位焊缝时,要避免( )组装,且要严格控制焊件的( )量, 以减少焊接接头的应力和应力集中。 9. 产生夹渣的原因之一是坡口角度( )、焊接电流( )、熔池凝固快、熔 渣来不及浮出而形成的。 10. 直流埋弧焊时,一般采用直流( ),以获得较大的熔深。 11(型号为BX3,300的弧焊电源,其中每个字母代表的意义为:B表示( ), X表示( )外特性,X后面的3表示该产品为动圈式系列,300表示额 定焊接电流为300安培。 12. 焊接多层焊缝时,为了防止( ),第一层焊缝不得进行锤击。 13. 钨极氩弧焊焊接低碳钢、低合金钢时,当施焊环境风速大于( )m/S,且无 Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI 第 1 页 共 5 页 General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft-lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also to 有效防护 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 时,禁止施焊。 14(焊缝产生热裂纹的主要原因是焊接( )应力与( )共晶 体造成的。 15. 焊接筒形工件环焊缝时,一般都采用( )坡焊,以减少( )的 可能性,并改善焊缝成形。 16. 氢在焊缝中的主要危害是使焊缝产生( )、白点、氢脆和( )裂纹。 17. 影响结晶裂纹倾向最敏感的元素是( )、( )。 18. 按照《压力容器安全技术监察规程》的规定,焊缝同一部位返修次数不宜超 过( )次,超过( )次返修仍不合格,再次返修时,须经制造单位(技 术总负责人)批准。 19. 直流钨极氩弧焊,采用( )接法焊接时,可延长钨极的使用寿命。 20. 焊接接头的错边和棱角,将引起( )和应力集中,降低结 构安全性。 三、选择题(将正确的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 字母填在括号内,每题1分,共24分) 1. 焊接低温钢必须控制( ),否则低温韧性下降。 A、焊接方向 B、热输入 C、焊接位置 D、层间温度 )。 2. 埋弧焊在盖面时,为获得平滑的焊缝表面应( A、适当提高电弧电压 B、降低电弧电压 C、提高焊接电流 D、降低焊接电流 3. 埋弧自动焊中当其它条件相同时,熔深与焊丝直径( )。 A、成正比 B、成反比 C、保持恒定 4. 降低T形接头应力集中的重要措施是( )。 A、减小焊脚尺寸 B、增大焊脚尺寸 C、开坡口保证焊透 D、采用碱性焊条 5. J507H牌号中的“H”表示是( )焊条。 A、高强度 B、低氢 C、超低氢 D、耐热钢用 6. 16MnR与0Cr18Ni9Ti之间的异种钢焊接应该用( )焊条。 A、J422 B、J507 C、A132 D、A302 7. 20R与16MnR之间焊接,下列四种焊条中,最合理的选择是( )焊条。 A、J422 B、R302 C、J507 D、J427 8. 手工钨极氩弧焊焊接不锈钢时,焊缝表面呈( )颜色说明保护效果最好。 A、蓝色 B、银白 C、红灰 D、灰色 9. 焊接铝、钛等有色金属时氩气瓶的氩气不得用光,要保留不低于( )的剩余气压。 A、2MPa B、0.5MPa C、0.02MPa D、0.002MPa 10. 焊接奥氏体不锈钢时,层间最高温度不得超过( )。 A、60? B、90? C、100? D、150? 11. 对接接头有利于减小焊接角变形的坡口是( )。 A、单“V”形坡口 B、“X”形坡口 C、单“Y”形坡口 D、双“U”坡口 12. 焊缝的基本符号“ ”是( )。 A、封底焊 B、打底焊 C、临时衬垫 D、永久衬垫 , andattention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committee ems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying carefulr systcy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal wateing the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservanngthen, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further strelearn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of educationportant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-main task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, e overall quality has been greatly improved. But also tolost problem has been greatly improved, ranks th-ortant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very imprs cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has cal, a"two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out2 焊工技师考试卷(H卷答案) 13. 异种钢材焊接时,( )的化学成分差别很大。 A、热影响区 B、熔合区 C、焊缝 D、母材 14. 焊接奥氏体不锈钢的热输入增加,则抗( )能力下降。 A、热裂纹 B、晶间腐蚀 C疲劳 D、氧化 15. 焊接碳钢、低合金钢时,允许施焊环境最大相对湿度是( )。 A、60% B、50% C、80% D、90% 16. 1Cr18Ni9Ti奥氏体不锈钢和Q235-A低碳钢焊接时,应选用的焊条是( )。 A、A102 B、A202 C、A302(或A307) D、A402 17. 延性断裂的缺口一般呈( )。 A、金属光泽 B、有光亮 C、纤维状 18. 珠光体钢和马氏体耐热钢焊接时,焊前预热和控制层间温度的目的是预防( )。 A、冷裂纹 B、热裂纹 C、腐蚀裂纹 D、消除应力裂纹 19. 低碳钢含有较多的(D)时,极易发生热应变脆化现象。 A、H B、O C、Mn D、N 20. 承受动载荷的对接接头,焊缝余高应(B)。 A、越高越好 B、趋向于零 C、0-3mm之间 D、低于母材 21. 焊接容器上两条相邻焊缝应保持最小距离,其目的是防止焊缝间( )相 叠加,产生脆断。 、残余压应力 C、焊接缺陷 D、焊接残余变形 A、残余拉应力 B 22. 焊接结构承受( )时,容易产生疲劳断裂。 A、较大的拉应力 B、较大的压应力 C、较大的弯曲应力 D、交变应力 23. 低碳钢和低合金钢的晶粒越细,则其脆性转变温度( )。 A、越高 B、越低 24. 承受动载荷的角焊缝其截面最好的是( )。 A、焊缝表面中间略微下凹 B、焊缝表面中间略微上凸 C、焊缝表面中间平 D、一样好 四、判断题(正确的在括号内画“?”,错误的画“X”,每题1分,共24分) 1. 电弧电压与焊接电弧长度基本成正比。( ) 2. 熔合区是产生裂纹和局部脆性破坏的薄弱地带。( ) 3. 奥氏体不锈钢的焊件多层焊时,一定要保持道间温度不能太低,才能得到高 质量的焊接接头。( ) 4. 奥氏体不锈钢与珠光体耐热钢焊接时,应采用较大的坡口角度,以减少熔合比。( ) 5. 焊剂重复使用前,必须过筛,以除去渣壳、粉尘及杂物。( ) 6. 碱性焊条的优点之一是电弧稳定。( ) 7. 手工钨极氩弧焊要求弧焊电源具有上升外特性。( ) 8. 如果焊机的负载持续率越高,则允许使用的焊接电流就越大。( ) 9. 电弧电压加大时,即电弧拉长时,熔深减小,焊缝宽度增加。( ) 10. 普通埋弧焊的干伸长超过50mm时,容易出现焊丝成段爆断现象。( ) 11. 定位焊的焊缝长度、厚度、间距应符合工艺要求,如果长度过短、厚度过薄、 间距过大可能出现裂纹、不能保持焊件的组对尺寸。( ) 12. 焊接接头是一个成分、组织和性能都不一样的不均匀体。( ) 第 3 页 共 5 页 13. 焊缝余高对焊缝可起加强作用。( ) 14. 不同厚度钢板对接焊时,要求厚板进行削薄处理的目的,主要是避免接头处 产生较严重的焊接缺欠。( ) 15. 焊缝尺寸符号中,“b”表示根部间隙,“p”表示钝边量。( ) 16. 大幅度提高焊接速度能减少咬边。( ) 17. 焊件的拘束应力与焊接顺序无关。( ) 18. 1Cr18Ni9Ti奥氏体不锈钢焊缝表面和近缝表面的缺陷采用磁粉检测最合适。( ) 19. 焊接结构中的裂纹是产生脆性断裂的重要原因。( ) 20. 碳当量法是用来判断材料焊接性的一种直接试验方法。( ) 21. R307牌号中,“R”表示低温钢焊条。( ) 22. 当低合金钢中含较多的氮时,极易发生热应变脆化现象。( ) 23. 一般锤击焊缝有利于减小焊接应力。( ) 24. 焊缝符号n×L,,,中表示的意义是:每段焊缝长度L,焊缝间距e,共n 段。( ) 五、计算题(每题4分,共8分) 1.焊条电弧焊时,焊接电流为200A,电弧电压为25V,焊接速度为2 mm/s。求焊接热输入。 2(两块厚度相同钢板的对接接头,材料为Q235-A钢。已知焊缝长度为100mm,板厚10mm(Q235-A钢的焊缝许用拉应力[σˊ]为167MPa),求焊缝能承受多大t 拉力? 六、问答(5道题任选4道题,每题4分,共12分) 1. 焊条药皮的作用, "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out , andattention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committee ems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying carefulr systcy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal wateing the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservanngthen, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further strelearn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of educationportant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-main task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, e overall quality has been greatly improved. But also tolost problem has been greatly improved, ranks th-ortant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very imprs cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has cal, a4 焊工技师考试卷(H卷答案) 2. 冷裂纹产生的原因, 3. 简述冷焊铸铁的工艺要点, 4(盖面焊应注意的问题, 5、简要回答焊接质量控制包括哪些主要环节, 第 5 页 共 5 页
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