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研究生英语长句子翻译研究生英语长句子翻译 Unit 2 Food Fight Around the world people are taking a closer look at the genetic make-up of what they're eating - and growing uneasy with what they see. Over the past decade, genetically modified (GM) food has become an increasingly common phenom...

研究生英语长句子翻译 Unit 2 Food Fight Around the world people are taking a closer look at the genetic make-up of what they're eating - and growing uneasy with what they see. Over the past decade, genetically modified (GM) food has become an increasingly common phenomenon as scientists have rewoven the genes of countless fruits and vegetables, turning everyday crops into uber-crops (able to resist frost, withstand herbicides and even produce their own pesticides.) In all, more than 4 500 GM plants have been tested, and at least 40 - including 13 varieties of corn, 11 varieties of tomatoes and four varieties of soybeans - have cleared government reviews. 1.全世界的人民都在密切地注视他们食品中的基因构成—并越发地为他们所看到的一切感到不安。在过去的十年里,随着科学家们将无数的水果和蔬菜的基因重组,使平常的农作物变成了能抵抗霜冻、经得起除草剂甚至能生产自己的杀虫剂的超级作物,基因改良食品已日益成为普遍现象。就总数而言,超过4,500种的基因改良植物已经过测试,其中至少有40种——包括13种玉米,11种西红柿和4种大豆——已经通过了政府的审核。 But one country's moratorium is another country's protectionism, and the U.S. is suspicious of Europe's action. Tension between the U.S. and the E. U. was already running high recently after Europe decided to continue a ban on hormone-raised U.S. beef and the U.S. hit back with a100% tariff on some E. U. food exports. Coming in the midst of such a catfight, the GM ban looks like vengeance as much as prudence. What's more, if Europe is so worried about GM products, why is it growing them? France produces its own small crop of GM corn and uses more of the stuff than any other country in Europe. 2.但是,一个国家的禁令对另一国家而言就是一种贸易保护主义,美国已在怀疑欧洲的举动。自从欧洲决定继续禁止进口荷尔蒙饲养的美国牛肉(含有荷尔蒙的牛肉; 使用荷尔蒙添加剂饲养的牛 肉),而美国又通过对欧洲出口的食品征收100%的关税作为反击,欧美之间的关系近来变得越发紧张。在这种激烈的争斗中,转基因禁令与其说是审慎,不如说是报复。此外,假如欧洲如此担忧转基因食品的话,为什么还要生产它们呢,法国生产了自己的小型转基因玉米,而且使用得比其它欧洲国家更多。 B.1.不管你是否已做好准备,世界正在迈进遗传 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 时代。经过改变的环境和人工创造的生命形式将成为新时代的一部分。植物 可能被改造成生产塑料、药品或香水的微型工厂。动物体内可能被植入人类的基因使其机体组织与人类相容,从而可以将动物心脏和其他器官移植给生命垂危的病人。 Ready or not, the world is entering the age of genetic engineering. Altered environments and human-created life forms will be part of this new age. Plants may be transformed into miniature factories producing plastics, medicines, or perfumes. Animals may be given human genes to make their tissues compatible with humans, allowing animal hearts and other organs to be transplanted into critically ill people. 2.我们也应该冷静地看一看遗传工程在社会和政治领域的影响。由于遗传工程在农业和医学上的好处代价十分昂贵,所以穷人和穷国将负担不起这种开销-至少在未来数年中不行。其结果是贫富之间的经济差距很可能会扩大。还有,第三世界国家领导人有时候拒绝将他们的动植物物种用于遗传学研究。西方国家的公司需要这些物种,以便开展遗传工程项目,他们希望以最低的费用获得它们;第三世界国家的领导人希望,如果这些物种被用来创造有价值的东西,那么他们的人民应得到相应的赔偿。 We should also take a sober look at the effects of genetic engineering in the social and political realms. Because the agricultural and medical benefits of genetic engineering are expensive, poor individuals and poor nations will not be able to afford them – at least not for years to come. As a result, the economic gap between rich and poor is likely to widen. In addition, Third World leaders have sometimes vetoed the use of their plant and animal species in genetic research. Western companies want these species for genetic engineering projects and hope to obtain them with minimal expense; Third World leaders want to ensure that their people are fairly compensated if these species are used to produce something of value. Unit 4 On natural Death It seemed to me that my life was hanging only by the tip of my lips.I closed my eyes in order,it seemed to me,to help push it out,and took pleasure [in growing languid and letting myself go].It was an idea(that was only floating on the surface of my soul),as delicate and feeble as all the rest,but in truth not only free from distress but mingled with that sweet feeling (that people have who have let themselves slide into sleep).I believe that this is the same state{ in which people find themselves(whom we see fainting in the agony of death)},and I maintain that we pity them without cause…Inorder to get used to the idea of death,I find there is nothing like coming close to it. 1.在我看来,生命似乎就像呡在两片嘴唇之间。我闭上眼睛,好像就要把它挤出去了。我感觉自己越来越疲倦,在慢慢地逝去,但我却感觉到了快乐。(愉悦地在越来越疲倦中慢慢地逝去。)这只是一种念头在我心中浮现,与其它东西一样,脆弱无力。但实际上,这种念头不仅能解除人们心头的悲伤/能使人们觉得如释重负,而且还夹杂着一种人在进入梦乡时才有的那种甜蜜的感觉。(我相信这与我们见过的那些因临死时的痛苦/垂死的挣扎而昏厥的人所处的状态是一样的。我认为我们同情他们是毫无理由的。为了习惯死亡的概念,我觉得没有什么能比临近死亡更有用了。) Pain is useful for avoidance,for getting away when there’stime to get away,but when it is end game,and no way back,pain is likely to be turned off,and the mechanisms for this are wonderfully precise and quick.If I had to design an ecosystem in which creatures had to live off each other and in which dying was an indispensable part of living,I could not think of a better way to manage. 2.痛苦可以让人避免许多东西。也可以让人在有时间逃脱的时候逃脱。但如果是到了最后的关头,那就没有回头路可走了。痛苦很可能就像闸门一样被关掉。它的运行机制是如此的精准和迅速,让人惊叹。如果让我来设计这样一个生态系统,生物在其中相互依赖着生存,死亡是其不可或缺的部分,那我是想不到一个比此更好的管理方法了。 When a patient is severely ill,he is often treated like a person with no right to an opinion.It is often someone else who makes the decision if and when and where a patient should be hospitalised.It would take so little to remember that the risk person too has feelings,has wishes and opinions,and has-most important of all-the right to be heard. 3. 当一个人病重时,他通常是没有权力说话的。一般是别人来决定他是否要送医院,何时送医院以及送哪个医院。人们几乎忘了病人也是有感觉,有意愿,有想法的, 最重要的是—有被倾听的权力。 The fact that children are followed to stay at home where a fatality has stricken and are included in the talk and discussions gives them the feeling that they are not alone in the grief and gives them the comfort of shared responsibility and shared mourning.It prepares them gradually and helps them view death as part of life,an experience which may help them grow and mature. 4. 孩子被允许呆在厄运突然降临的家里,并且可以参与(大人的)谈话和讨论,这使他们感到自己并非独自承受悲哀,并能使他们从共同的责任和哀悼中获得慰籍。这样使他们渐渐地有所准备并帮助他们将死亡视为生命的一部分,这种经历可以帮助他们成长并成熟起来。 B. 1.随着城市人口的不断增长,尤其是大城市人口的增长,孟 加拉国也遭受了人口迁移对城市年龄结构的不良影响,并经历了农村老龄人口越来越多的过程。 With the increase of urban population, particularly to the larger urban areas, Bangladesh have also gone through the consequences of demographic transition affecting the age structure and also experiencing more aged people in rural areas. 2.总的说来,老年人感到年轻人认为他们已经无力赚钱,依靠家庭才能生存下去,因此他们对于年轻人来说是种负担。甚至在社会和技术变化不那么快速的农村地区也有很多年轻人不珍惜老年人对家庭和社区所作出的贡献。很多年轻人 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示他们认为老年人很难相处且令人厌烦。 In general older people feel that young people see them as being unable to earn income, dependent on their families for survival, and therefore as a burden. Even in rural areas where social and technological changes are less rapid, many younger people did not value the contributions of older people to the family and community. Many indicated that they see older people as difficult and irksome. 3.普通的读者在翻 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的时候,会得到一个强烈的印象,那就是,正常的死亡变成了一种很特别的,甚至使异乎寻常的体验,只有接受过特别训练的人才能体会得到。 The strongest impression the casual reader gets, leafing through, is that proper dying has become an extraordinary, even an exotic experience, something only the specially trained get to do. 4.如果你不知道怎么去死,那就别自找麻烦了;上天会在那一刻给你充分的说明,她会帮你做的好好的,不用你操半点心。 If you know not how to die, never trouble yourself; Nature will in a moment fully and sufficiently instruct you; she will exactly do that business for you; take you no care for it. Unit 6 Hot Times All Around If good intentions and good ideas were all it took to save the deteriorating atmosphere,the planet’sfragile layers of air would be as good as fixed.The two great damagers threatening the blanket of gases (that nutures and protects life on earth)—global warming and the thinning ozone layer—have been identified.Better yet,scientists and policymakers have come up with effective though expensive coutermeasures. 1. 如果仅靠良好的用心与正确的观念就能挽救逐步恶化中的大气层,那么地球上这一层脆弱的空气几乎就能很坚固了。人们已经确认了对滋养并保护着地球上生命的这一层大气造成威胁的两大危险:全球变暖和臭氧层变薄。更喜人的是,科学家和决策者已经提出了虽昂贵但切实有效的对策。 The good news is that this gloomy scenario may galvanize the word’sgovernments into taking serious action.The first line of action shouldbe―noregrets‖actions—changes that will be beneficial [no matter how much of a threat global warming turns out to be].Among them:promoting the use of energy-efficient appliances and cars.But the IPCC report makes it clear that nations must do more.For example,though it’snowmorecostly to generate electricity from solar cells than from gas or coal,using thesun’sclean energy could save money that would otherwise have to be spent in the future combating the effects of global warming. 2. 好消息是,这种黯淡/悲观的前景也许能刺激各国政府认真地采取行动。首要的行动(方针)应该是“不会后悔”的行动——也就 是无论全球变暖会成为多么严重的威胁,采取行动后引发的变化都会是有益的。这些行动包括:提倡使用节能电器和节能汽车。但 IPCC的报告明确表示各国该做的还远不止这些。比如,虽然现在用太阳能电池发电比用燃气或煤炭发电昂贵,可是利用干净的太阳能来发电可以省钱。否则的话,这笔钱在以后将不得不花在对抗全球升温的恶果上。 The roots of shrubs and trees help to hold the desert soil in place.Their stalks and branches also act as screens to keep the wind from sweeping great drifts of sand along the surface.These services are vital if a desert is to support life.Scientists estimate that a desert needs year-round plant covering over 20 to 40 percent of its surface.If shrubs are too far apart-separated by a distance greater than five times their height,soil around them is likely to blow away.Without the shelter of established shrubs,new seedlings will have difficulty getting a start.On the other hand,plants that are too close together many compete for underground moisture.To protect themselves from this competition,some shrubs give off a substance that kills young plants that sprout too close to them. 3.灌木和树木的根部能阻止沙土流失。它们的枝干部分也能像屏风那样阻挡大风大面积地刮起沙漠表层的沙土。如果一片沙漠里想要有生命存在,灌木和树木的这些作用都是至关重要的。科学家们估计沙漠上需要终年维持着20%到40%的植物覆盖率。如果灌木与灌木之间的距离大于它们自身高度的五倍,它们四周的沙土就可能被大风吹散。没有了已扎根的灌木的庇护,新栽种的树苗将难以存活。另一方面,靠得太紧密的植物会为了争夺地下水分而互相竞争。为了让自己在竞争中胜出,一些灌木会产生一种能杀死紧挨着它们发芽的幼苗的物质。 In most work success is measured by income,and while our capitalistic society continues,this is inevitable.It is only where the best work is concerned that this measure ceases to be the natural one to apply.The desire that men feel to increase their income is suitable as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income can acquire.However dull work may be,it becomes bearable if it is a means of building up a reputation whether in the world at large or only in one’s own circle.Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of happiness in the long run,and for most men this comes chiefly through their work. 4. 绝大多数工作中的成功与否都是以收入的多少来衡量的,只要资本社会继续存在,这种做法就不可避免。只有把工作看作生活最佳方式时,才不会认为收入的多少是衡量成功与否的自然法则。人们渴望提高自己的收入,因为高收入能获得额外的舒适。这种渴望和渴望成功一样无可厚非。无论一份工作有多么枯燥无味,如果 这份工作能为从事它的人博得名声的话(无论是在他那个小圈子里还是在整个社会里),它就变得可以忍受。从长远来看,目的的延续性是组成幸福最基本的要素之一,而对于绝大多数人来说,幸福主要来自于他们的工作。 B. 一直以来,人类相信天气是由一种神秘的力量所管辖。但是今天,根据天气发生的反常现象,从暴风雨到飓风,到旱灾,我们不再这样认为。有人辩证,随着冰川融化而导致海平面升高至20英尺,未来会是世界末日。 1. For most of history, humans believed that the weather was governed by forces outside their control. But today we are no longer so sure of it, for something weird is going on with the weather, from storms to hurricanes, to draughts. Some people argue that the future could be the doomsday with the melting of ice caps which will lead to the sea level rise as much as 20 feet. 印度尼西亚,这个曾经拥有世界上最幅员辽阔的热带雨林的国家,如今其树木消失的速度比世界上任何其他国家都速猛,不仅因为森林大火,也因为滥砍滥伐。热带雨林树木生长时能吸收二氧化碳,砍倒或焚烧会释放二氧化碳。印尼这个拥有二亿四千五百万人口的国家,已经成为继美国和中国之后,世界第三大碳排放国,其主要原因是森林的迅速消失。 2. Once home to some of the most extensive rainforests in the world, Indonesia is now losing trees at a faster rate than any other nation in the world, to flames but also to rampant logging. Since equatorial trees soak up carbon dioxidewhenthey’re alive and releasethegaswhenthey’recut down or burned, Indonesia’srapid deforestation is the main reason why this country of 245-million population is the third-biggest carbon emitter in the world after the U.S. and China. 美国的缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州是美国三个森林面积最大的州。这些地区的森林由私人公司经营管理。许多森林长期以来主要经营森林产品,也对公众开放。十年来,有许多森林挂牌出售,引起人们对这些森林未来的使用和管理提出了一系列问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。最近售出的大片土地还将限制开发,保护高产森林,确保娱乐性设施等自然保护的保有权(easement)一并出售。 3. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont are three of the most forested of the United States. Owned by private companies, many forests in the region have long been managed primarily for forest products, while allowing public access. In the past decade, many of these forests have been put up for sale, raising questions about their future use and management. Recent sales of large tracts have included record-settings conservation easements to limit development, maintain productive forestry and secure recreational access. Unit 7 Kids & Computer:Digital Danger A. Yet we resist this truth and find it hard to imagine that our effect on the earth must now be measured by the same yardstick used to calculate the strength of the moon’s pull on the oceans or the force of the wind against the mountains. 1. 然而我们拒不接受这个事实,而且觉得很难想象如今必须用来衡量人类对地球影响的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 曾是人类用来衡量月球引力对海洋的影响以及风力对山脉的作用的标准。 As amusing and ingenious as electronic entertainment can be,children-and the society they live in-are the losers when they rely on these forms of fun.Unlike traditional games and toys,‖wired‖ entertainment encourages kids to be unimaginative,socially immature,and crudely desensitized to the world around them. 2. 电子游戏非常好玩而且设计得非常精巧,当孩子们依赖于这些娱乐形式时,他们以及他们赖以生存的社会都成了失败者。与传统的游戏和玩具不同的是,电子娱乐促使孩子们不去发挥想象力,社交不成熟,对周围世界冷若冰霜/麻木不仁。 The player is as much a tool of the game as the joystick.Her momentary fun is unsatisfying because it leads not to any genuines sense of achievement but only to the hypnotic experience of watching someone else’s creation unfold. 3. 玩家就像操纵杆一样,充其量就是个工具。她那瞬间的乐趣并不能令她满足,因为那样不能给她真正的成就感,只是糊里糊涂地看着别人的创造在一点点展现而已。 B. 关于校园暴力倾向的原因,警方和专门研究青少年问题的法律顾问谴责了一些我们所熟悉的社会根源:韩国学校竞争机制带来的过重压力、双职父母对孩子监督的极度缺乏、暴力游戏录像的唾 手可得以及英特网上泛滥的色情作品。 1. Police and youth counselors blame a familiar list of social forces for the trend, including the pressures of Korea’s competitive school system, a lack of supervision by working parents, and the ready availability of violent video games and Internet pornography. 2002年,根据美国一家无党派非盈利民意调查研究机构“公共议事日程”的民意调查结果显示,只有百分之就成人说,孩子在公共场合“对大人表示尊重”。2004年,三分之一以上的教室告诉“公共议事日程”的民意调查专家说,他们曾经郑重考虑离开教育行业,原因是“无法忍受”学生的行为。 2. In 2002, only 9 percent of American adults were able to say that the children they saw in public were ―respectful towards adults‖, according to surveys done by Public Agenda, a nonpartisan and nonprofit public opinion research group. In 2004, more than one in three teachers told Public Agenda pollsters that they had seriously considered leaving their profession because of ―intolerable‖student behavior. Unit 8 Empire of Extinction A. In 1870s,sugar-cane planters in Jamaica were losing about a fifth of their crops to rats,and a planter brought mongooses from India in hopes that they would prey on the rats.Within a few years the number of rats had dropped dramatically.The rats became harder to find.Then the mongooses began eating native mammals,ground-nesting birds,snakes,lizards,and crabs,and anything else they could find.They even took to eating sugar cane.Some of the creatures they wiped out had been useful controls on insect numbers,and the insect damage to sugar cane increased.The mongooses themselves became pests in need of control. 1. 19世纪70年代,由于田鼠成灾,牙买加甘蔗种植者损失了约五分之一的甘蔗。一位种植者从印度带来了猫鼬,希望它们能够捕杀田鼠。几年之内,田鼠数量骤然减少,很难见到它们的踪影了。于是猫鼬开始捕食当地的哺乳动物、栖居地面的鸟类、蛇、蜥蜴、陆地蟹和所能找到的任何东西,甚至开始吃甘蔗。它们所消灭的有些生物原本是有益于控制昆虫数量的,而现在那些昆虫对甘蔗所造成的损害却加剧了。这样,猫鼬本身就成了需要加以控制的有害动物。 People do learn from their mistakes,and experiences with mongoose and other introduced organisms led to the passage of strict laws controlling the importance of plants and animals to the United States.The idea of using parasites and predators to control pests has not been abandoned;it is just done with much greater care and advance study.This method of limiting the number of pests is called biological control,and there is hope that it will someday eliminate the need for many of the insect poisons used today. 2. 从自己的错误中汲取了教训。引进猫鼬及其它有机生物的失败经历最终使严格控制动植物进口美国的法律得以通过。以寄生物和食肉动物来控制害虫的想法并没有被完全抛弃,只不过现在人们更加谨慎,而且要事先做好研究。这种控制害虫的方法被称为生物控制,希望有一天能够彻底解除对我们今天所使用的杀虫剂的需求。 Human beings are now altering the basic physiology of the planet.Industrial smog can be found everywhere over the oceans,and weather patterns are so distorted that climatologists now discuss‖climate death‖.Industrial contamination is pervasive,even in the fat cells of Antarctic penguins.The rain is not only acid but toxic.Whether industrialism warms or cools the atmosphere its chemical experiment threatens to change life in ways barely imaginable,but undoubtedly for the worse. 3. 人类正改变着我们这颗行星的基本生态系统。工业烟雾四处弥漫,远及大洋;天气样本无章可寻以至于气候学家现在也探讨“气候的极度恶化”问题。工业污染无孔不入,甚至残留于南极洲企鹅的脂肪细胞中。雨不仅呈酸性,而且有毒。不论工业主义使大气变暖还是变凉,其化学实验将如何改变我们的生活还难以想象,但情形将每况愈下是无疑的。 The worst of these unintended yet harmful consequence arise when introduced exotic species put native species in jeopardy by preying on them.This can alter the natural habitat and can cause a greater competition for food.Species have been biologically introduced to environments all over the world,and the most destructive effects have occurred on islands.Introduced insects,rats,pigs,cats,and other foreign species have actually caused the endangerment and extinction of hundreds of species during the past five centuries.Exotic species are certainty a factor leading to endangerment. 4. 这纯属无意但危害最大的结果便是,引入的外来物种捕食本 土物种,迫使后者陷入生存险境。此举改变了自然栖息地并引起更为严重的食物之争。出于生物学的原因,物种会被引入到世界各地并可能造成毁灭性打击,尤以岛屿环境为甚。在过去的五百年中,引入的虫、鼠、猪、猫等其它外来物种已危及甚至灭绝了上百物种 。显然,外来物种是导致物种濒危的因素。 B. 对动物进行割减是必要的,因为随着非洲人口的膨胀,野生动物的地盘不断萎缩,他们不再有半个世纪前广阔的活动空间。在这些动物的保护区内,他们高度密集的集中在一起。人们正越来越关注指定的动物保护区内野生动物的保护问题,但是随着保护区内兽群的增加,食物正在日益减少。 1. Cropping is necessary because wild animals retreating before expanding human populations in Africa no longer have the wide open spaces to roam that they had half a century ago. They are gathering with greater density in the areas still left to them. More and more attention is being given to conservation of wild life in allocated game reserves but as herds increase in these reserves the food content diminishes. 由于不允许兽群离开保护区,侵入耕地寻找食物,让他们生存下来的唯一解决办法就是根据牧场资源来限定兽群的数量。一年前,在肯尼亚特萨瓦猎物公园,皇家海军的直升飞机被用来从空中给大象喷粉红涂料,以便统计他们的数量。据知,公园里共有15000头大象,数量过多,因此几千头大象必须死去。 2. As the herds cannot be permitted to leave their reserves and encroach on farmland to search for food, the only solution for their survival is to limit their numbers to the grazing potential. In Kenya’sTsavo Game Park a year ago Royal Navy helicopters were used to spray elephants with pink paint from the air in an operation to count their number. It was learned that there are 15,000 elephants in the park. That is too many. Several thousand must die.
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