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留守儿童之家工作制度留守儿童之家工作制度 耿巷中学关爱留守儿童之家工作制度 “留守儿童”档案和登记制度 学校要对在校的“留守儿童”进行认真的调查和登记,建立每个“留守儿童”的专门档案和联系卡。其基本内容包括:儿童的基本情况、家长姓名、家庭详细住址、联系电话,家长务工单位详细地址、联系电话,或其他法定监护人的职业、详细地址、联系电话等。加强学校与儿童家长或其他法定监护人的联系,对“留守儿童”开展有针对性的管理和教育。 “留守儿童”帮扶制度 为促进留守儿童快乐、健康成长,经研究,我校决定开展“大手拉小手”爱心结队活动,每一名教职...

留守儿童之家工作 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 耿巷中学关爱留守儿童之家工作制度 “留守儿童”档案和登记制度 学校要对在校的“留守儿童”进行认真的调查和登记,建立每个“留守儿童”的专门档案和联系卡。其基本内容包括:儿童的基本情况、家长姓名、家庭详细住址、联系电话,家长务工单位详细地址、联系电话,或其他法定监护人的职业、详细地址、联系电话等。加强学校与儿童家长或其他法定监护人的联系,对“留守儿童”开展有针对性的管理和教育。 “留守儿童”帮扶制度 为促进留守儿童快乐、健康成长,经研究,我校决定开展“大手拉小手”爱心结队活动,每一名教职工结队帮扶一两名留守儿童。为切实提高帮扶成效,特制定此帮扶制度,希遵照执行。 一、每名教职工要详细了解帮扶对象的家庭、学习、生活情况,深入家庭了解家庭经济、人口、留守儿童父母和第二监护人的详细资料。 二、每周至少要和留守儿童谈心一次,了解留守儿童在学习、生活上是否有困难,并要积极解决他们所面临的各种困难和问题。 三、帮扶人员要熟记自己帮扶的留守儿童家长、现监护人的联系电话,保证随时能联系帮扶对象的家人,每周要为留守儿童提供条件,和其父母通话一次。每月帮扶人员至少要和帮扶对象的父母通话一次,向其通报其子女在校学习、生活情况。 四、谈心、通话情况要有记录,每周上交政教处备查。 五、帮扶人员有切实负起责任,要从学习、生活、情感上帮扶,确保自己所帮扶的留守儿童生活上有人照料、行为上有人管教、学习上有人辅导、心灵上有人抚慰,学习安心,生活舒心,情感温馨。 留守儿童谈心制度 一、谈话便于了解儿童的思想动向,掌握儿童的心理状态,便于及education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and 时全面了解每位儿童. 二、教师要主动,积极,热情的找每一位儿童,每学期要谈话两次. 三、谈话要重视后进生,让他们体会到老师的关爱,树立”|我能行,我不比别人差”的信心. 四、找优生谈话,要使他们有一种强烈的责任感,”我一定能把班中的学习风气树立起来,让全班同学共同进步.” 五、代理家长和儿童的谈话面,须100%. 六、学期中,代理家长应及时把握,重点关注学习有困难,行为有偏差等现象的儿童,进行个别谈话. 七、谈话后要求谈话教师做好谈话记录,关注重要信息. 八、谈话记录要求每学期开学后上交教导处,情况 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 后存档 “留守儿童”家长联系制度 一、定期召开“留守儿童”监护人会议,每学期一次,并向监护人汇报学校工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 和工作情况,通报儿童在校的学习、生活、思想道德、心理健康等方面的情况,共同探讨“留守儿童”的教育管理措施。 二、留守儿童之家设立、开通“亲情热线”,建立留守儿童父母与孩子、留守儿童监护人与学校定期或不定期的电话联系制度,及时与家长交换意见,同步教育好“留守儿童”。 三、在学期结束时,要求留守儿童给在外的爸爸(妈妈)写一封信,汇报一学期的学习、生活情况。 四、要求代理家长至少每学期对所监管的留守儿童进行一次家访。 “留守儿童”的应急机制 一、“留守儿童”在校期间遇突发事件,必须要在30分钟内告知委托监护人,1小时内告知在外务工家长,2小时内 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 上级教育主管部门,2小时内报告上级教育主管部门和政府,层层签定留守儿童安全责任书,确保儿童在安全的环境中成长。 二、加强与“留守儿童”的监护人或代理监护人之间的交流与沟education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and 通。向“留守儿童”及其家长公布了班主任的联系电话和详细通讯地址。 三、加强班主任的责任。学校常常专门组织交流关爱“留守儿童”的经验,增强对“留守儿童”教育的实效性、针对性、策略性。 四、加强与留守儿童父母或监护人的交流与沟通,定期举办安全知识、健康知识讲座。明确职责,创造良好的育人环境。对留守儿童在生活、学习等方面,给予特别的照顾, 五、加强各方面统筹,建立农村社区、学校、家庭三位一体的教育网络。即“留守儿童”?班主任?学校?家长(监护人)之间建立完备的联系方式,以应付突发事件的发生。 “留守儿童之家” 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 一、建立留守儿童跟踪管理档案。学校对留守儿童登记备案,分类区别对待,进行有针对性的教育和管理。各班主任教师及随时了解留守儿童的学习、生活状况、思想动态等,有针对地对他们进行帮助和引导。 二、学校要充分利用假期、或春节家长回家的时机,召开留守儿童家长会,与家长交流,使学校内外对儿童的影响产生合力效应。 三、重视留守儿童的身心健康,开通家长(监护人)热线,学校老师要经常与家长(监护人)联系,了解孩子在家的情况,以便及时帮助留守儿童; 四、经常组织留守儿童参与文体娱乐活动,充实业余生活,多与他们沟通交流,慰藉他们残缺的感情。 五、课程教学中加强留守儿童的生存教育、安全教育和法制教育,强化留守儿童自尊、自立,帮助他们了解知法、守法的知识技能; 六、关注他们的身心健康发展,尤其是留守儿童,学校成立心理咨询机构,开设针对青少年身心发展规律的心理课程,专设心理教育教师,心理健康咨询室,共同对儿童的显性和隐性的心理压力进行疏导,为留守儿童排忧解难,引导儿童走过人生发展的关键时期,帮助儿童健康、和谐发展。 七、办好家长学校,对家长开展家庭教育培训,教给他们正确的教育儿童的方法,不要溺爱孩子,当孩子做错了事要及时管教,一般education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and 情况下,不要满足孩子正常需要之外的要求,以养成孩子自我克制的习惯。注意与学校和老师保持经常性联系,及时了解孩子的发展状况。使留守儿童受到更多的监督、照顾与关爱,减少留守儿童受教育的断层与真空。 八、每学期组织留守儿童给在外打工的父母写封信,汇报自己在学校及家中的学习生活情况,及自己要想向父母倾诉自己的情感。 九、留守儿童是社会普遍的问题,学校全体教职工要多关注了解留守儿童,对其进行调查研究,为他们营造健康成长的和谐氛围。 留守儿童学习制度 一、按时上学,不迟到,不早退,不逃学,有病有事要请假。 二、课前准备好学习用品,上课专心听讲,积极思考,大胆发言,不懂就问,回答问题声音响亮。课间做正当游戏。 三、课后认真复习,按时完成作业,书写工整,卷面洁净,独立完成。 四、积极参加各类课内外兴趣活动和社会实践综合活动,课余时间多读健康有益的书刊。 五、努力学好各门功课,不厌学,不偏科,争当学习成绩优秀儿童。 六、考试考查要诚实守纪,不违纪,不作弊。考试成绩要如实报告家长和监护人。 七、积极参加留守儿童之家举办的专题教育活动和文体娱乐活动,保证身心全面健康发展。 留守儿童生活制度 一、自尊自爱,注重仪表。做到坐立、行走、读书、写字姿势正确,穿着整齐美观、朴素大方,不打架骂人,不说脏话粗话,不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾,不进网吧和游戏厅,不做有损于集体和他人利益的事情。 二、真诚友爱,礼貌待人。做到关心国家,关心学校,尊敬师长,关爱同学,待人接物使用礼貌用语,虚心听取别人的批评意见,不欺education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and 侮小(女)同学和残疾人。 三、遵规守纪,热爱集体。爱护校舍和公共设施,爱护庄稼、花草和树木,节约水电,讲究卫生,做好值日生。 四、勤奋简朴,自立自强。积极参加力所能及的劳动,自己能做的事情自己做,生活节俭,不乱花钱,不挑食厌食,听从家长、老师和监护人的正确教导,不自行其事。 五、注重安全,身心健康。遵守交通法规,注意交通安全不做危险性游戏,不购买和食用不合格的小食品。积极参加体育锻炼,不断增强体质,经常保持积极、乐观、向上的精神状态。 education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishment system, to reward the good part (once a month), on the part of financial penalties and rectification; Reasonable arrangements for the construction program, and install cross long items such as running the turbine base level layer to be installed after the end of construction; When the erection of scaffolding, workers must be handled with care, steel pipe, fasteners, tools must be manual transmission prohibited high throw, throw, prevent smashed equipment, insulation materials, etc. 7.3 General protection normal protection apply to all products, and generally include the following related content: keep identity intact, complete; Ensure products are lost, the appearance of damage; Necessary from dust, moisture, rust, seal, cover; Regular inspections, simple test; Climate of temporary protection. In addition to the regular maintenance of some equipment or parts, also according to its characteristics or manufacturing plants, customer demand for professional care and maintenance. List of professional equipment, contents and methods established by the project management organization. For important or high maintenance requirements of equipment hanging maintenance card should be used for maintenance. Engineering Management Department equipment list, the responsibility for equipment and technical personnel in accordance with technical standards, product specifications and other documentation for "maintenance", and
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