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文明施工责任书文明施工责任书 工程编号: 工程项目安全生产(文明施工) 责 任 书 工程名称: 建设单位: 监理单位: 施工企业: within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should ...

文明施工责任书 工程编号: 工程项目安全生产(文明施工) 责 任 书 工程名称: 建设单位: 监理单位: 施工企业: within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 勘察单位及 建设单位及 资质等级 资质等级 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 单位及 建筑面积 资质等级 ,?, 工程总造价 结构层次 ,万元, 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 开、竣工 工程详细地址 时间 项目经理及资质安全员及 等级、证书号码 证书号码 施工员及 项目技术 证书号码 负责人 模板支撑最大 基坑开挖最大 高度及最大跨 深度,m, 度,m, 变更 情况 记录 注:1、以上工程概况由施工企业如实填写~变更情况由区施工安全监督站填写, 鹿 城 区 施 工 安 全 监 督 站 印 制 2、工程项目管理人员如有变更~由施工企业提出申请~经审批后~由区施 工安全监督站填写。 工 程 概 况 表 责任单位及责任人签章 建设单位意见: 施工企业及 工程名称 资质等级 监理单位及 总监及 签章: 资质等级 证书号码 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 联系电话: 年 月 日 施工程建设强制性 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 监督规定》,建设部第81号令,处以工程合同 价款2%以上4%以下的罚款。 监理单位意见: 八、其他 签章: ,一,本责任书由鹿城区施工安监站负责解释。 ,二,本责任书一式五份~区安监站、建设单位、监理单位、建联系电话: 年 月 日 筑施工企业、工程项目部各一份。 工程项目经理意见: 签章: 联系电话: 年 月 日 建筑施工企业意见: 签章: 联系电话: 年 月 日 鹿城区施工安全监督站意见: 签章: 联系电话: 年 月 日 9 8 1、对施工、工程监理单位等单位提出不符合安全生产法律、法规 工程项目安全生产,文明施工,责任书 和强制性标准规定的要求的, 2、要求施工单位压缩合同约定的工期的, 为认真贯彻执行“安全第一、预防为主”的方针政策~强化安全,五,施工单位违反工程建设强制性标准~情节恶劣的~按《实 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 生产责任管理网络~确保安全技术措施及管理措施的落实~明确安全1、第一阶段: , 生产目标~保证工程建设的顺利进行~根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》2、第二阶段: , 《建设工程安全生产管理条例》及《温州市建筑工程施工安全管理办3、第三阶段: 主体形象进度结顶 , 法》及其他法律、法规规定~受鹿城区建设局委托~鹿城区施工安全4、第四阶段: 外装修基本完成,外架尚未拆除, , 监督站,以下简称区安监站,与区管各工程项目签订《工程项目安全注:以上施工安全阶段验收位置可由区安监站安监员与工地有关生产,文明施工,责任书》~接受区安监站对该工程项目的安全监督~人员商量决定。 并明确以下安全生产目标及责任。 ,二,工程项目经有关部门竣工验收后一个月内~建筑施工企业 一、施工安全生产目标 凭竣工验收证明材料及施工安全四阶段验收评定单到区安监站办理工 1、施工期间不发生一起四级,包含四级,以上的重大伤亡事故~程项目安全生产最终等级核定手续~退还有关人员证件。 一次重伤1-2人的事故不超过一起, 三、建设单位安全责任 2、施工期间不发生由构筑物坍塌而造成直接经济损失10万元及,一,建设单位应当向施工单位提供施工现场及毗邻区域内供水、以上的事故, 排水、供电、供气、供热、通信、广播电视等地下管线资料~气象和 3、施工期间不发生支模架、脚手架、大型施工机具、深基坑坍塌、水文观测资料~相邻建筑物和构建物、地下工程的有关资料~并保证火灾等责任事故, 资料的真实、准确、完整。 4、施工期间达到,二,建设单位不得对勘察、设计、施工、工程监理等单位提出 ,省级、市级、区级、 县级文明标化工地,标准。 不符合建设工程安全生产法律、法规和强制性标准规定的要求~不得 压缩合同约定的工期。 注:市区工程项目必须创建文明标化工地 1 2 30%、20%、10%的奖励,工程项目获多项奖项的~按最高奖项予以二、施工安全阶段验收 ,一,工程项目施工至以下阶段时~应书面上报区安监站组织施奖励,。 ,二,区在建工程项目如创出与本责任书所约定的不同级别文明工安全阶段验收: within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 标化工地的~建设单位除按市建设局温建建„2003?75号文件规定核参与各阶段的施工安全生产验收工作。 算相应的文明施工增加费用以外~还应对工程项目部予以奖励。区在六、区安监站安全责任 建工程项目如未创出与本责任书所约定的不同级别文明标化工地的~,一,区安监站应当根据施工企业安全阶段验收的申请~严格按给予通报批评~并在网上公布。 照有关 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、标准在规定时间内组织验收~并及时、客观的给予阶段 ,三,对区安监站在平时阶段验收及日常检查、巡查中提出的安和最终安全生产评价。 全事故隐患逾期未改正或拒不整改的施工企业、监理单位及个人按《建,二,区安监站应当定期或不定期对建筑工地的大型设备及基坑、设工程安全生产管理条例》进行如下处罚~对发生四级以上重点事故模板等易发生群死群伤的部位和分项工程进行检查~对检查出的安全隐瞒不报~谎报~故意拖延不报行为~构成犯罪的~由司法机关依法隐患要及时、详细指出~并督促工程项目部做好整改工作。 追究刑事责任。 ,三,区安监站要加强建筑工地的安全技术指导工作~要采取积 1、对施工单位处以5万元以上30万元以下罚款的处罚, 极措施~鼓励施工企业推行和采用新的安全技术措施~保证建筑工地 2、对监理单位处以10万元以上30万元以下罚款的处罚, 施工安全稳步、有序发展。 3、对施工单位主要负责人、项目责任人处2万元以上20万元以七、奖罚约定 下罚款的处罚, ,一,各建筑施工企业和工程项目部必须采取积极措施~落实本 4、建议市建设局停止施工安全员的从业资格, 责任书的安全生产目标~对完成安全生产目标~根据温州市建设局《关 ,四,建设单位有下列行为之一的按《建设工程安全生产管理条于进一步加强文明标化工地创建工作的通知》温建建„2003?133号例》处以20万元以上50万元以下的罚款。 文件规定对获得省级、市级、区,县,级文明标化工地的项目经理~ 分别给予所创出的文明标化工地施工现场人身意外伤害保险费总额的 7 6 ,四,督促施工单位积极开展创建文明标化工地和各项安全生产,三,建设单位在编制工程概算时~应当确定建设工程安全作业专项整治活动。 环境及安全施工措施所需费用。 ,五,督促施工单位及时向区安监站上报施工安全阶段验收~并,四,建设单位不得明示或者暗示施工单位购买、租赁、使用不within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 符合安全施工要求的安全防护用具、机械设备、施工机具及配件、消训制度~加强对职工安全生产的培训教育。未经安全生产教育培训的防设施器材。 人员~不得上岗作业。 ,五,建设单位应督促施工单位积极创文明标化工地~如施工单,五,建筑施工企业和项目部应根据季节和生产情况的变化~定位创出与本责任书所约定的不同级别文明标化工地的~建设单位除市期或不定期组织安全生产全面检查或专项检查~对存在的事故隐患应建设局温建建„2003?75号文件规定核算相应的文明施工增加费用以当即整改。特别是在抗台及防汛过程中药措施得力~提早制订预案~外~还应对工程项目部予以奖励。 做到“防患于未然”。 四、建筑施工企业及工程项目部安全责任,六,建筑施工企业和工程项目部使用、采购、租赁的安全防护 ,一,建筑施工企业和工程项目部应当建立健全各级安全生产责用具、机械设备、施工机具及配件应当具有,制造,生产许可证,产 品合格证,的产品~并建立安全防护用具及机械设备的采购、使用、任制和群防群治制度~实行各级安全生产目标管理~推行施工现场标 准化管理。建筑施工企业的法定代表人对本企业的安全生产负总责~检查、维修、保养责任制,并按规定为作业人员提供合格的施工机具 和劳动防护用品~并告知其正确的使用方法。钢管、扣件、大型起重工程项目经理对本项目的安全生产负责。 ,二,建筑施工企业和工程项目部必须依法加强对安全生产的监设备,塔吊、施工电梯,及物料提升机~高处悬挂施工用施备必须经督管理~执行国家、省、市、区有关规范标准~积极采取措施~落实检测合格后方可投入使用。 各项安全技术措施要求~防止伤亡和其他安全生产事故的发生。并依,七,建筑施工企业要积极采取措施~推行科学先进的施工安全 管理模式~当前主要是要做好“三化”管理工作。 法为从事危险作业的职工办理人身意外伤害保险~支付保险费。 ,三,建筑施工企业和工程项目部对列入建设工程概算的安全作,注:“三化”管理是指现场组织规范化、施工操作标准化、生 活管理正规化, 业环境及安全施工措施所需费用~应当用于施工安全护用具及设施的 3 4 采购和更新、安全施工措施的落实、安全生产条件的改善~不得挪作,八,各工程项目部必须制订工程重特大质量安全事故应急预案~他用。 并定期演练。建筑工地如发生重大事故~建筑施工企业和工程项目部 ,四,建筑施工企业和工程项目部应当落实劳动安全生产教育培应当严格保护事故现场并以最快速度向市安监站报告~采取有效措施within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 抢救人员和财产~防止事态扩大~并积极配合事故联合调查组的调查~不得隐瞒不报、谎报、故意拖延报告期限~不得破坏事故现场。 ,九,施工期间~及时上报施工安全阶段验收~并做好施工安全的各项整改工作。工程竣工后~及时办理工程项目安全生产最终等级核定手续。 五、监理单位安全责任 ,一,工程监理单位和监理工程师应按照法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准施工监理~对建设工程安全生产承担监理责任。 ,二,工程监理单位应当审查施工组织设计中的安全技术措施或者专项施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 是否符合工程建设强制性标准。特别是对规定要进行专家论证的施工方案要督促施工企业及时组织论证~未经论证的方案一律不得投用。 ,三,工程监理单位在实施监理过程中~发现存在安全隐患的应当要求施工单位整改,情况严重的~应当要求施工单位暂时停止施工~并及时报告建设单位。施工单位拒不整改或者不停止施工的~工程监理单位应当及时向区安监站报告。 5 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive
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