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【集体备课记录表】英语集体备课记录表【集体备课记录表】英语集体备课记录表 集体.cSPengbo.CoM 蓬 勃范 文网:【集体备课记录表】英语集体备课记录表)备课记录表 集体备课记录表(样表) 【集体备课记录表】英语集体备课记录表 英语组集体备课记录_工作计划_计划/解决方案_实用文档 英语组集体备课记录_工作计划_计划/解决方案_实用文档。小学英语集体备课记录表 年级 三年级 主讲 孙丹丹 参加人员 英语组三年级成员 时间 2010 09 10 单元 Unit 1 hello 教学目的 1.学生能询问别人的名字和能用英语介绍自己的名字。 ...

【集体备课记录表】英语集体备课记录表 集体.cSPengbo.CoM 蓬 勃范 文网:【集体备课记录表】英语集体备课记录表)备课记录表 集体备课记录表(样表) 【集体备课记录表】英语集体备课记录表 英语组集体备课记录_ 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 _计划/解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 _实用文档 英语组集体备课记录_工作计划_计划/解决方案_实用文档。 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 英语集体备课记录表 年级 三年级 主讲 孙丹丹 参加人员 英语组三年级成员 时间 2010 09 10 单元 Unit 1 hello 教学目的 1.学生能询问别人的名字和能用英语介绍自己的名字。 小学英语集体备课记录表 年级 三年级 主讲 孙丹丹 参 1 加人员 英语组三年级成员 时间 2010 09 10 单元 Unit 1 hello 教学目的 1.学生能询问别人的名字和能用英语介绍自己的名字。 2.利用故事、歌曲让学生熟练掌握句型,并且结合现实生活。 3.学生能借助图片来理解故事,结合自己进一步把它表演出来。 4.学生能认读和正确地书写字母 A 到 D (学生根据自己的学习情况,给自己给予评价。 词汇 Core: hello, what?s,your,name,my,children,what,is,hi,good,morning,Goo dbye Phonics: apple,ant,ball,baby,cat, carrots,deer,dog,door Contextual:Let?s go Be careful. 句型 1.Hello,my name?s _____ 2.What?s your name? 教学重点 1(学生能准确的认读本课的单词与新句型。 2(学生能利用句型 “What?s your name?”来询问别人的名字。 3(借助与图片,学生能理解故事,并能表演出来。 4(能利用发音规律,学生能认读字母 A 到 D 教学难点 1. 出现的英文名字太多,学生容易混淆。 2(故事所涉及的某些句子有一定的难度 3(把读音与字母结合起来 4(What is =what?s 的区别 巩固双基的具体措施 2 (包括听说读写的综合训练 1(利用布偶来引入本单元的主题,导入本课重点句型:What?s your name?让学生 训同桌与小组成员来巩固此句型。 2(给每一个学生一个英文名字,让他们接触英文名字,并教会他们平时多用英 3 语来交谈。 3,利用头饰与面具把本单元的故事展现出来,听录音,让 学生初步了解故事的 大意,同过不同形式的朗读,把故事 识记下来,让他们通过小组合作把故事表演 出来。 4(利用本单元出现的小韵文,小儿歌进一步的巩固新知识。 5(字母的教学,要充分利用游戏的优势,开展灵活多变的 活动,如 Bingo,Snap game,Point to say,listen and say,draw and say 等方法熟记 4 个字母。 6(正确的引导学生书写字母,如书空,在练习本书写等。 主备:吕斌 时间:9 月 17 日 主题:Module4 Happy Thanksgiving! 参加人员:英语组全体成员 教材分析:本单 元主要谈论和描述西方的节日,文中提到 Thanksgiving Day 和 Flag Day 两个节日,重点描述了西方人在 Thanksgiving Day 和 Flag Day 人们做些什么。通过大明和西蒙的对话, 让同学们了解西方节日 以及他们的饮食习惯和文化背景。 教学目标:1、能够熟练地听、说、读、写 festival, special,meal,sound 等重点单词。 2、 掌握本单元的重点句型 What do you do on…?并用其 谈论国旗日和 感恩节。 3、能够描述中国和美国节日的来历,风俗习惯并加以对比。 重难点突破: 该课的重难点是谈论美国的两大节日感恩节 和国旗日。讨论中西方的 重大节日。我的设计思路如下: 1、 4 先从谈论同学们熟悉的中国节日入手,如国庆节和中秋节,请同学们说一 说在这两个节日中人们都做些什么,然后引出美国的两大节日。 2、 课文教学,通过听录音了解美国人在国旗日和感恩节都做些什么。请同学 提出不容易理解的句子和词汇,由老师讲解。再逐句跟读,把握全文。(学 生合书,老师提问,回顾本课。) 3、 运用所学新知,结合旧知讨论中西方不同的节日(小组合作). 4、 节日知识抢答赛:根据学生们的描述来抢答是哪一个节日。 5、 设计练习,巩固提高。 模式方法:课件展示、举例说明,小组合作讨论、知识抢答赛。 5 作业设计:1)书写重点单词和句型。2)熟读课文。 3)从网上搜集中西方的重大节日及其活动内容。 进度安排:本课两课时完成。 组内教师讨论要点: 要点一:朗读要有法。 作为一门语言的学习离不开朗读。熟练地朗读,不仅可以检查学生对 课文理解的情况,而且是训练和提高学生语音、语调水平的重要途径。但是机械 式的重复朗读,必然会引起学生的反感,以至于应付。那么如何培养孩子们英语 朗读能力呢,这需要我们教师精心设计读的形式,形式要多样化。比如:跟从式 的朗读——可以听录音机并跟读,也可以跟教师朗读。分角色朗读——根据需要 分角色朗读,使他们在学习中由始至终处在语言运用的情境中。游戏朗读----如 “狼抓小羊”朗读法, 既可以调动学生们的朗读兴趣, 又可以达到全员参与的目的。 要点二:高年级英语课堂应以学生为主。 作为高年级的学生来说,他们有一定的英语基础,词汇量也相当丰富, 所以课上应尽量多给学生展示的机会,让他们小组合作讨论一个话题,而老师起 辅助作用,帮助他们解决难题,让他们真正地享受学以致用的快乐~ 要点三:课堂评价要及时到位。 “教师充满魅力的课堂评价用语,虽不是蜜,但可以粘住学生;虽不是磁, 但可以吸引学生。”所以我们不要吝啬自己 6 鼓励的评价语,及时的说出“你很棒, 你真棒,继续加油”等话语,来调动学生参与课堂学习活动的积极性~ 备课活动总结: 本次集体教研活动让我受益匪浅, 很感谢组内老师们毫无保 留的提出各种意见和建议,我将努力吸取养分,改进我的教学方 式。一个人有一个人的思维方式,我常常沉浸在自己的思维方式 中,被局限了。所以我期待着在我以后的工作中能得到大家更多 的帮助,更多的建议。 主备:刘怡 时间:9 月 24 日 主题:Unit 3 This is my mum 参加人员:英语组 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 成员 7 Unit 3 This is my mum 修改意见 一、教学目标 1、能听懂 并会使用?This is...?介绍父母和老师,语音语调正确。? ? 2、能听懂会说 mum/ dad / teacher 三个单词? 3、会说歌 谣 Daddy,mummy, I love you 二、教学重点、难点 见 教学要求,? 为重点,? 为难点 三、教学时间: 三课时 Step 1 Revision 1、Free talk Hello, I?m... Good morning. 2、 Say the rhyme Morning , morning, good morning! Afternoon ,afternoon , good afternoon! Evening ,evening ,good evening! 在复习第二单元的这首韵 律诗时,可以让学生加上动作。用手摆出圆形的图形, 然 后放在身体的侧面表示太阳升起,来表达早上时间;放在身 体上方,表示太阳 到了正中,是下午的时间;放在身后, 看不到了,表示晚上的时间。学生一边做 一边说,既能复 习上个单元的内容,又能调动学生的积极性。 Step 2 Learn to say 1、Sing a song :Good morning T: Good, now let?s sing the song ?Good morning?. (通过唱 歌,复习单词 teacher) 2、Learn to say : T:Look,I have a photo.Is it nice? Who s this? Ss:Miss Zhou. T:Yes.That s me. Look, it s a photo of my family.(出示我的全家福) T: This is my dad .教 dad. 同样的方法教?mum? (出示两个单 词,带领学生读单词,开火车读单词纠正读音) T: Ok,look, I have another picture .This is my sister.This is my brother. 8 9 同样的方法补充学习?brother,sister?,特别要对?b-rother 的 读音进行强调。 3、Read the words Step 2 Assignment 家找一张全家福, 能够向小伙伴介绍家庭成员。 第二课时 Step 1 Revision 1、Free talk 2、Read the words 3、检查单词朗读 Step 2 Learn to say 1、T:Now let me introduce my friends to you(出示 Helen 与 Miss Li 的图 片) 。This is Helen .This is M-iss Li.Today ,Miss Li comes to Helen s home.Le-t s listen. 2、角色扮演,学生扮演 Helen 来 朗读 A 部分的句子。 3、“开小火车”朗读 Step 3 Exercise 1、用自己的家庭照片 和同学交流 2、请学生在投影仪上简单介绍 3、学生在纸上 自己画出自己的手掌,并画上自己家人的人物头像,试着 用?This is my...?介绍 Step 4 Assignment Read the dialogue 第三课时 Step 1 Revision 1、Free talk 2、Read the words 3、Read the dialogue 4、检查读书 Step 2 Say a rhyme 1、教给 学生相应的手势 2、练习生字词 、学说 rhyme 4、边说边 做动作 两个大拇指各自表示 daddy 和 mummy, 双手在 胸前做心形表示爱, 动作简单, watch and 10 配合动作说儿歌,学生容易掌握单词读音以及各个单词的含 义,通过加快速度, 让学生快速地掌握儿歌。 Step 3 做书后练习 教后反思: 这单元的主要教学内容是 “向别人介绍某人”。This is...是介绍人物时最常用的句 型。 通过游戏, 儿歌等形式, 让学生操练这一用语, 引导学 生在情景中练习介绍。 注意?This is...?的语音语调正确。 主备:卜璐璐 时间:10 月 8 日 主题:Unit 2 what is your father? 参加人员:英语组二年级成员 Unit 2 what is your father? 修改意见 一、教学目标 1、 能听懂,会说单词 a doctor/ a nurse/ a worker/ a cook? ? 2 能听懂问句: what?s your …,并能正确地用 He?s… 或者 She?s…来回 答。? ? 3、让孩子熟悉身边的职业,学会了解自己的家 庭成员。 二、教学重点、难点 见教学要求,? 为重点,? 为难点 三、教学时间:3 课时 第一课时 Step 1 revision 1 free talk good morning! Who?s he? 11 Who?s she? 2. play a game: guess who?s she? (根据几个关 键图片,猜测是什么人) T: Who?s she? Do you know? S: She?s Miss Li. Step 2 look and learn 1. review T:Good, she?s miss li, she?s a teacher! Do you know “teacher”? S: Yes, teacher is 老师。 2. S: Ok! (出示关键词或者是关键图片三幅,请学生根据关 键词或图片猜一猜他们各是什 么职业) 医院+听诊器+白大 褂=, 医院+针筒+护士帽=, 建筑工地+头盔+扳手=, 厨 房+厨师帽+勺子=, 3. look and learn T:Yes, you are very clever, now ,let?s learn the new words. (跟着老师学读单词, 强调单词读音 doctor 和 nurse) 4. 5. practice read the words in pairs ask and answer look and guess T Look, there are some key words, please guess, what are their jobs? T: What?s he? S: He?s a doctor. T: What?s she? S: She?s a nurse. 6. read a rhyme a doctor, a doctor, he?s a doctor a nurse, a nurse, she?s a nurse a worker, a worker, he?s a worker a cook, a cook, he?s a cook step 3 assignments 12 读单词,预习课文 第二课时 Step1 revision 1. 2. read the rhyme play a game (一个学生做动作,其他学生根据动作猜测是什么职业) T: what?s he/she? S: He?s/ She?s… 3. what?s he? What?s she? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. practice in pairs He?s… She?s… Step 2 learn to say watch the cartoon learn to say try to say with partner read together write down the Chinese meaning ask and answer in pairs step 3 assignments 读课文 预习儿歌 第三课时 Step 1 revision 1. 2. read the book ask and answer what?s your father? What?s your mother? Step 2 say a rhyme 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. watch the cartoon try to read by self learn to read read after the teacher read together step 3 do the exercise 13 做练习册 主备:王玲玲 时间:10 月 15 日 主题:Unit 5 How are you 参加人员:英语组三年级成员 Unit 5 How are you 修改意见 一、教学目标: 1 能听懂、会说八个文具类单 词 a pencil\ a pen\ a ruler\ a rubber\ a book\ a ball pen\ a pencil box\ a pencil sharpener 以及对应的复数 2.能听懂、 会说日常交际用语 How are you?并能用 fine, thank you, and you?\ Not bad.\ Not so good 进行准确表达。 3(会唱歌曲 hello, how are you. 4.提高学生使用文明礼貌 用语的意识。 二、教学重点: 1 能听懂、会说八个文具类单词 a pencil\ a pen\ a ruler\ a rubber\ a book\ a ball pen\ a pencil box\ a pencil sharpener 2.能听懂、会说日常交际用语 How are you?并能用 fine, thank you, and you?\ Not bad.\ Not so good 进 行准确表达。 三、教学难点: 掌握文具类单词的复数 四、教学准备: 录音机,教学光碟 五、教学安排:三课时 六、教学过程: 14 Step1 warming up 1. free talk Good morning! How are you? 2. sing a song Listen to the song and try to sing it. Step 2 presentation 1. S: Ok. T: In this song, we can say I?m fine, thank you. Read after me, I?m fine, thank you! Ss: I?m fine , thank you! T: How are you? S: Fine thank you! S: I?m fine, thank you. T: Who can ask me? S: How are you? T: Fine, thank you. S2: How are you? T: I?m fine, thank you. S3: How are you? T: Not bad! It means I?m fine. Read after me, bad S: Bad. T: Not bad. S: Not bad! Step 3 practice 1.ask and answer T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. S: I?m fine, thank you. S: Not bad. learn to say learn to say T: Let?s sing the song together, ok? 15 T: Now, let?s watch the cartoon. (watch the cartoon) T: Now, read the dialogue by self. 3. read by self 4. learn to read And you? Not so good. 5.read after the teacher Step 4 do the exercise Step 5 assignments Read the dialogue Have a rest . If you ?re happy ,clap your hands . Designing of writing on the blackboard . Unit 5 How are you ? A Learn to say . Fine ,thank you ,And (how are )you ? How are you Not bad . Not so good 第二课时 Step 1 free talk How are you? Step 2 look and say 1. 2. 3. look at the pictures try to say in pairs check the answers T: Now, use the sentences to describe the pictures Learn to say : Fine ,thank you ,And (how are )you ? a. Finger1: Hi ,how are you ? Finger 2: Fine ,thank you ,And how are you ? Finger1: I?m fine ,too . 16 b. Read after the T. c. Main points: And how are you ?/And you ? I?m fine ,too . d. Ss say and do . (2) Learn to say : Not bad …… Ss: How are you ? Miss …… T: arms ) b. Read after the T and do what the T does . c. Please say “Not bad ”loudly . tep 3 presentation 1.review the words : pencil\ruler\rubber\ book\pen T: Look, this is a bag. What?s in my bag? Guess! S: It?s a … T: No~ S: It?s a … T: Yes! 2. learn the new words T: Yes, it?s a pencil, and this is a box, so this word is …? S: Pencil box. T: So clever. It?s a pencil box. Look, this is a ball, and this is a pen. So this word is…? S: Ball pen. T: Excellent, it?s a ball pen, read after me, a ball pen. Ss: A ball pen. T: let?s read the words together. Look, what?s this? S: … T: Ok, it?s a pencil sharpener. S: Pencil sharpener. T: Ok, here?s a chant. Read it in pairs, please. A pen, this is a pen. A pencil, this is a pencil. Not bad (Smiling and swinging your a. Please say “How are you ?”to me. 17 A ball pen, this is a ball pen. A pencil sharpener, this is a pencil sharpener. T: Very good. What are these? S: They are books. T: Very good. There are some things, can you read? S: …T: Good job. Let?s read the words together. (pay attention to the word, boxes) 3. review the words step 4 assignments read the words Guess: What are they? (猜图 片,猜对者高呼 Bingo,以示胜利) Guess and say . (利用学 生的文具或图片) e.g. Sb: No . Rubbers ? Sb: Yes . 第三课时 Step 1 revision 1. 2. 3. ask and answer read the words read the dialogue Sa: A rubber? step 2 sing a song step 3 part D listen and circle 1. 2. 3. listen to the tape do the circle check the answer step 4 do the exercise step 5 assignments review the unit 1-5 1、 句型学习反馈效果较好,学生大都能对 How are you ? 做出正确的应答,并 能灵活运用。在交际问答时,说得比 较多的是 “Fine ,thank you .”和 “I?m sorry.”. “Not bad” 一句运用得比较少。 2、 单词学习,掌握较好的单词有 pencils ,rubbers ,books ,rulers ; 掌握较差的有:ball pen .在 练习中,已着重指出并纠正。另外,pencil boxes 的 18 发音不太准确,易与 box 混淆。 在练习中发现学生在 listen and circle 中,应该练习句子的反应和判断能力 主备:张德梅 时间:10 月 22 日 主题:Unit 6 参加人员:英语组四年级成员 一、教材分析 1.单元分析: 本单元的核心教学内容是“寻找物主”。要求学生围绕服饰类的英语单词,在一定 的情景下,能正确使用 Whose … is this/ are they?进行交谈。在英语中,有些如 socks,trousers,jeans 等服饰类单词是以复数形式出现的,因此与之搭配的 be 动词要用 are。像 shoes,shorts,gloves 等成双的东西,一般与 a pair of 连用。此 外,还要求学生能用形容词 big,small,long 和 short 来描述物体。在这几个形 容词前还有表示程度的如 so,too 等词。 2.单元目标: (1)能听得懂,会说、会读和会拼写单词 a pair of shoes,a sweater,a jacket, big,small,long 和 short 。 (2)能听得懂,会说和会读日常交际用语 Try this one/pair in. Don?t worry. Oh, dear. (3)能听得懂,会说、会读和会写句型 Whose … is this/ are they? It?s/They?re … The …is/are too … (4) 能掌握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法以及与动词 be 和代词连用时的 一致关系。 (5)能理解?s 的含义。 19 (6)了解辅音字母 l 和 m 在单词中的读音。 (7)会诵读歌谣 A funny goat 。 3.教学重难点: 20 (1)能听得懂,会说、会读和会拼写单词 a pair of shoes,a sweater,a jacket, big,small,long 和 short 。 (2)能听得懂,会说、会读和会写句型 Whose … is this/ are they? It?s/They?re … The …is/are too … (3) 能掌握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法以及与动词 be 和代词连用时的 一致关系。 (4)能理解?s 的含义。 4.学情分析: 在三年级时已经学过单词 shoes,socks,jacket 和 sweater,掌握较好,本单元升 级成为四会单词应该没有问题。 由于在三年级和学生大概介绍了一下 shoes, socks 等成双成对的服装类物品要与 a pair of 搭配使用, 所以在本单元教学理解上也不 会有什么困难。 一般会出问题的是服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法以及与动 词 be 和代词连用时的一致关系,经常会有学生不小心搭配错误,教师需及时纠 正。 第一课时 【教学内容】 : 本课时安排的是 A 部分的前三幅图和 B 部分。 【目标预设】 : 1( 能听懂、 会说、 会读和会拼写单词 big, small, long ,short, sweater,jacket, whose。 2(能正确地听、读单词 a pair of jeans , a pair of gloves。 3(能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 The…is /are too… 21 Try this one/pair on. 能初步运用 Whose 来进行简单问答。 4( 初步理解掌握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法以及与动词 be 和代词用时 的一致关系。 5(使学生能熟练地应用本课所学的语言知识,进行日常交际,形成综合运用语 言的能力。 6(通过引导学生参与游戏、表演,对话等丰富多彩的教学活动,营造轻松愉快 的教学氛围,激发学生的学习热情。 , 【重点、难点】 : 22 重点:学习本单元的新单词和句型。会正确说出服装类单词,会正确运用句型 进行描述。 难点: 初步理解掌握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法以及与动词 be 和代词 用时的一致关系。熟练运用句型进行日常交际。 【设计理念】 : 新课程要求教师应该是学生学习的培养者、引路人。教者应努力为学生营造良 好的学习氛围, 创设适当的语言情景, 增强趣味性, 让他们勇于开口、 敢于开口、 乐于开口,从而达到教学目的。 【设计思路】 : 本堂课上,我采用了直观教学法、交际教学法和活动教学法。借助多媒体课件 和实物,引导学生自主学习,以提高学生的口语交际能力为目的,尝试运用 “引 —仿—练 —用”的教学模式。所谓“引”是巧妙导入,引导学生感知,自主学习; “仿”是模仿老师和录音的语音语调进行新知识的学习;“练”是创设多种情景,操 练所学内容;“用”则是让学生把掌握的知识融入生活情景,学以致用。 【教学过程】 : Step 1. Warming-up 1.Enjoy an English song. 《Happy birthday to you》(多媒体课件播放歌曲,学生先 唱再跟唱) 2.Greetings. [设计意图:通过歌曲的演唱以及师生相互问好,拉近彼此的距离,缓解学生的 紧张情绪,营造一种轻松的学习氛围,让学生自觉进入学习状态。] Step 2. Free talk T: Do you like English? Ss: Yes. T: Let?s speak 23 English together. OK? Ss: OK. T: Great! ?What?s this in English? Is this your pencil? Oh ,it?s too short. Here?s a long one for you. Look, I have some balloons. Do you like balloons? Some are big, some are small. This big one is for you. …? [设计意图:通过一些实物作为辅助,用以前学过的 句型进行自由交谈,既复习 了旧知同时在这样的问答中自 然地复习了“big, small, long, short”,为新课的句型 教学作 好了铺垫。] Step 3. Presentation 24 1. Make a scene , show and say T: Boys and girls, today I am going to a birthday party. (多媒体课件展示生日会情 景) What will I wear ? You can help me. Look ,what can you see ?(多媒体展示图片, 正好进行旧单词 sweater, jacket 的 复习和新单词的新授,) 2. Learn “scarf ” T:You know , it?s cold now ,I can have another thing , what?s that ? Guess.( 师看看窗 外作出冷的样子, 随手拿起一条围巾围 好,或者这里也可以将 scarf 只露出小部分, 然后新授) S1: It?s .. I think. T: It?s a scarf. I must put on my scarf. Teach: scarf (师出示图片,领读,生跟读记忆) 3.L earn “a pair of jeans” T: Is my scarf pretty? Ss: Yes. T: How about my trousers? (指着自己穿的牛仔裤)It is a pair of jeans. Teach: a pair of jeans (师出示图片,领读,生跟读记忆) 4.Learn “a pair of gloves”,“ a pair of socks”,“ a pair of shoes”,“ a pair of shorts” T: Let?s play a game. What are they? Please look and guess. (多媒体课件展示:遮住部分图片,让学生 通过猜测教授新单词) [设计意图:由今天老师要去参加一 个生日会的设计,引出老师今天的着装,通 过老师今天的 穿着自然引出新单词 scarf 和 a pair of jeans 的教学。再通 过一个看 图猜物的游戏,对其它的服装类单词进行教学, 学生兴趣浓厚,学得积极。这个 游戏也强化了学生对“a pair of”的理解。] Step 4. Listen and read T: Now open your books. 25 Turn to Page 46. Let?s listen and read Part B after the tape. Ss: OK. (学生看 B 部分,先静听录音读两遍,再跟录音 模仿跟读两遍) [设计意图:在学生学完单词后让他们听录 音模仿,有助于培养他们朗读的语 感,同时也能让学生及 时发现自己发音的不足之处,并能及时纠正。] 26 Step 5. Presentation 1. Learn: “It?s too…”、“Try this one on.” T:(指着一个男同学)Hi,boy! Would you like to go to the party with me? S: Yes. T: OK. Please come here. Let me help you to dress up. S:(该男生走到老师身边) T: Your jacket is old.(出示一件新夹克衫)Do you like this new one? S: Yes. T: Please take off your jacket. Try this one on.(待学 生穿上后)Oh, it?s too small. (指着另一件大一点的夹克衫) Try that one on. (同法学习 Your sweater is too short. Your scarf is too long.等句子,让学生体会 too 的含义,学会运用 句型 Try this one on.) 2. T:(接着拿出一条牛仔裤)Your jeans are too short. Try this pair on. (最后拿出一双鞋子) Your shoes are too big. Try this pair on. Teach: Try this pair on. (展示手套、 袜子等成双穿戴的服装, 来替换刚才的 句型, 让学生操练: The…are too… Try this pair on.) 3. Have a chant. Dress, dress, look at my dress. Small, small, it?s too small. Try on, try on, try this one on. OK, OK, let me have a try. Jeans, jeans, look at my jeans. Long, long, they?re too long. Try on, try on, try this pair on. All right, all right, let me have a try. (让学生用所学的知识替换划线单 词,交替操练) [设计意图:通过设计邀请一名学生和老师 一起去参加聚会,由老师来为他进 行装扮,自然而然引出 新句型的教学。借助实物展示,创设情景,让学生做替换 练 27 习,使他们在真实的情景中理解句子的含义。根据小学生的 心理特征,把新知 识用 Chant 的形式表达出来,不仅巩固 了新授内容,还使学生放松紧张情绪,满 怀信心强化记忆。] 4.T:(老师领着已打扮好的学生)Let?s go to the party now. 28 S: OK. T:(开门后老师装出很冷的样子,退回教室)Oh, it?s so cold. I need to put on my gloves. You need to put on the gloves ,too. S:(学生回座位戴上一副大手套来到老师身边) T: The gloves are too big. Whose gloves? Whose gloves are they? S:(在老师的帮助下回答)They?re my father?s. Teach: whose (用单词卡片出示单词,跟老师模仿朗读,并拼读) 5. T: Now let?s play a game again. There are so many clothes on the teacher?s desk. Whose are they? Let?s guess. (老师 拿起讲台上的各种服装来询问,学生积极发言猜测物品的主 人。如果 学生猜对了, 给予奖励。 然后让物主上台领取自己的服装, 其他学生大声地说“Try this one/pair on.”待其穿好后让个别学生进行评价“It?s too…”、“The … are too…”) [设计意图:通过学生戴的一 幅大手套,自然引出 Whose gloves?的教学,在这个 环节也 点了一下课题。 再通过一个“猜物主”的游戏, 将学生自己的东西带入课 堂, 激发了他们的学习兴趣,调动了他们开口的欲望。] 6. (多媒体课件展示班内某位学生的 birthday party 情景) T: Whose birthday is it? Ss: ×××?s. T: Su Hai and Su Yang want to go to the party ,too. What are they doing? Let?s listen to the tape. Think two questions: T: Now, let?s see a cartoon, and answer my questions. ?What?s the matter 29 with Su Yang?s sweater? I s Su Hai?s dress small? ? What?s the matter with Su Yang?s jeans? Are Su Hai?s jeans long or short? Ss:(学生看书,认真听录音,并模仿跟 读,理解对话含义,回答老师的问题) [设计意图:通过对 话的呈现,让学生更好地掌握如何对他人的着装进行评价, 如何给出建议,会灵活运用句型,为他们在将来生活情景中 的运用打好基础。] 7.Read the dialogue in the different ways Step 6.Consolidation T:Boys and girls, do you want to go to the party now? 30 Ss: Yes. T: Let?s do some shopping then go to the party. OK? (老师与一学生做示范,用以前所学的关于购物的句型进行 交际。如:Can I help you? What would you like? I?d like … Do you like …? It?s too… The … are too… Try this one/pair on. How much is it/are they? 最后学生以小组为单位,去购 买自己 想要的东西。 ) T:(等学生购物结束后)Are you ready ,class? Now let?s go to the party together. [设计意图:这一环节的设计,将生 活中的情景搬入课堂,让学生在模拟的情景 中运用所学的 知识进行交际, 既训练了学生的口语能力,又培养了学生 在日常生 活中的交际能力,达到了学以致用的目的。] Step 7. Summary 1.T: Well done, boys and girls. What did we learn today? (让学生回忆本节课所学的内容,由个别同学 带领大家一起回忆朗读) 2.拓展:送你一句话。 Art is long, but life is short. 人生有限,学问无涯。 [设计意图:Summary 活动,对已知的知识进行归纳,使 学生能够思考活用所学 的单词和句型,使课堂焕发出生命 活力。] Step 8. Homework 1.听录音,模仿跟读本课所学的 单词和句型。 2.抄写本课的四会单词,中英文各 4 遍。 3.以四人为一组,编写对话并表演。 4.听录音,预习剩下的对话,判断对错 --Su Yang ?s gloves 31 are her father?s. --The short skirt is Helen?s . [设计意图:作 业是课堂教学的延伸,是检查巩固教学的手段。本课时的作 业设 计注重对学生听说读写能力的训练,以及培养学生提 前预习的好习惯,使学生的 英语能力得到全面的发展。 板书设计: Unit 6 Whose gloves? a scarf/ jacket a sweater small big I t?s too small. Try this one on. 32 a pair of jeans/ shorts a pair of gloves 第二课时 教学内容: A 部分后面三幅图 教学目标: 1. long short The jeans are too long. Try this pair on. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:Whose...is this / are they?及其 回答 It s....... s /They re... s 和 She looks so funny . 2. 进 一步巩固句型:The…is /are too… Try this one/pair on. 3.能积极地参与活动,并主动发言,对所学的内容产生兴 趣。 教学重难点:能听得懂,会读、会说句型。 教具准备:教学挂图,复印的小图片(一人一张) ,衣物 (实物) 学具准备:让几个学生带一些衣物 教学过程: Step 1 Free talk 1.Greeting --Good morning ,boys and girls. --How are you ? Step 2 Revision 1.Show and say T: Look ,what?s this in English ? 2.Dress up the student and say T: Look at him , the … is too … Step 3 Presentation 1. Put on and learn the new sentence 33 T : He looks so funny .(通过上一环节的装饰,即兴将大号的 衣服穿在学生身上, 手套戴好, 围巾系上……创设了 funny 情景, 通过实物展示让学生理解意思,先新 授 funny ,然后学习 so ) 2. 问) S: No. T: Whose coat is it ? S:It?s … (板书句型 Whose coat is it ?并新授,同法学习 Whose … are they ?) 3. Practice these sentences in pairs It?s … --- Whose … is it ? Look and guess,then learn the new sentences T:You know ,the scarf is Miss Wang?s. Is this my coat ?(指着其中一位学生的衣服提 --- Whose … are they ? They?re … 4.Learn the other pictures T: Just now , … looks funny , today a girl looks funny ,too . Who?s she ? 4. Look and judge ( ( ) ) A .Su Yang ?s gloves are her father?s. B. The short skirt is Helen?s . 5. Listen and read Part A 6.Read Part A in different ways Step 4 Do the class work 1.Do the exercise book 2.Check the answer Step 5 Summary T: What did you in this class? T:Hello, boys and girls. You all did a good job. 同学们,你们做得真不错。我们学 习了如何表达一个东西 或一些东西是属于谁的,我们就用今天学习的这个句型. Step 6 Homework 1. 2. 3. 听录音,读熟对话 编写 C 部分对话 完成练习册 40 页 教学内容:4A Unit6 C Ask and answer D Look, read and 34 complete. 35 教学目标:1、能听得懂,会读、会说、会写重点句型。 Whose… is this?/are they? The…is too… The…are too… 2、能积极地参与活动,并对所学内容产生极大的乐趣。 教学重难点:能听得懂,会读、会说和会写重点句型。 Whose… is this?/are they? The…is too… The…are too… 教具准备:教学图片,大的衣物,小的衣物。 教学过程: Step 1 . Everyday English Who?s on duty? Free talk. Step 2(Review 拿出单词卡片,齐读单词 遮住卡 片,Guess 拿出实物:What?s this in English? It?s a … Whose …? Step 3 Presentation 1、在讲台前作一个失物招领 处 老师先示范 Whose …? 让学生作表演 2、Look and say: Part C (1)张贴 C 部分挂图, 让学生先同桌对话表演,请学 生示范用句型对话 (2)指导学生书写 C 部分四幅图对话(注 意名词复数的形式) 3、Complete Part D 老师拿出实物, T: Whose …? S:It?s/They?re…?s T:Come here, please. Try this one/pair on. (同样巩固一遍该句型) It?s/They?re… It?s/They?re… It?s/They?re… 36 张贴 D 部分挂图,请学生自己试着描述。 请学生站起来描述 指导学生书写 齐读对话 Step 4 Assign homework 1、自己描述 C、D 部分对话 2、抄写 C、 D 部分句型 板书设计: Unit6 Whose gloves? Whose… is this? It?s … Whose …are they? They?re… The …is too… The …are too… 第四课时 教学内容:4A Unit6 E Read and act. F Listen and repeat. G Fun house. 教学目标:1、能听得 懂,会读 E 部分对话。 2、了解辅音字母 l 和 m 在单词中的读音。 3、理解 G 部分的意思,体会其中的乐趣。 4、积极参与活动,主动发言。 教学重点:能听得懂,会读 E 部分对话。 教学难点:了解辅音字母 l 和 m 在单词中的读音。 教具准备:大、小橡皮,长、短铅笔,断的尺子,录音机。 教学过程: Step 1(Greeting 1. --Good morning, boys and girls . 2. Say a rhyme.(听录音,A funny goat)跟读,齐读 T: like, lunch(学生听读、跟读,教师带读/l/,/m/,示范口型) T: mango, milk(学生听读、跟读,教师带读/m/,示范口型) Step 2 Play a game 猜谜游戏(出示,带领学生猜出) 37 T:Are you right? Now, please open your books at page 51.好,请同学们打开书第 51 页,根据图 画内容写出单词。 T:Well, let?s check the words. T:Well, let?s do the second exercise. Listen and number. (出示 PPT,播放、稍停并 对 照,以看图标号形式复习本单元句型) Step 3(Read and act 学习 E 部分 T:Hello, boys and girls. We talked about clothes just now. Now let?s talk about stationeries.好, 同学 们,我们刚刚复习了服装类单词和句型, 现在让我们来谈一 谈 文具吧。 T: (出示图片介绍)Helen and David are talking about their stationeries. Read carefully and try to understand it. Helen 和 David 正在谈论他们的文具,认真读, 尝试了解 他们谈论的情况。Don?t worry. 不要着急(重复 Don?t worry,闪现并消 失) T: Well, Please look at these four sentences. They can help you. Don?t worry.下面几 句话可 以帮助你理解(教师轻声朗读一遍,让学生自读) Read and judge 1. 2. 3. 4. Helen?s pencil is long. She can have a short one. Helen?s rubber is too small . ( ( ( ) ) ) ) Don?t worry. Here?s a big one for her. ( T: Please open your books at page 49. Read and judge.请 同学们再读一遍 E 部分内 容,完成判断题。 T: Let?s check. (出示答案并对照)Are you right? Well 38 done. Let?s watch cartoons. 你们做得对吗,我们看一遍动画吧。 多媒体: (播放 E 部分) T: Well, please open your books and read after the tape.请同学们打开书跟录音朗 读。(分句朗读) T: Good. Can you act? 好, 你能表演这部分内容吗,我们请两个同学做一下示范。 (让现场的两位同学作示范表演) 学生活动:E 部分内容 T:Excellent. OK, boys and girls, please work in pairs.表演得真棒。同学们,你们 也能像他们一样表演吗,请两个人一组表演 E 部分内容。 (2 分钟) 39 Step 4(Listen and repeat 1.听录音,跟读单词 2.找出其发音 规律,老师示范读 3.找出发音与例子相同的单词,老师进行 收写归类 Step 4(美文欣赏 1. 学生自己阅读 G 部分的趣 文,领会其中的意思 T:Now let?s read a story ,open your book and read. T:Do you understand? Don?t worry. Let?s learn something new.看明白了吗,我们 来看一下这幅图画 (出示词语: Oh, dear~并学习) T: Look, what?s this? It?s a dress. Whose dress is this? Perhaps it?s her mother?s.(学 习 perhaps) T:Look, whose scarf is that? Well, please read after me. T:OK. Please watch cartoons.好,我们来看动画。 (播放 G1 部分内容) 2.请学生到讲台前朗读表演,使学 生更真切地体会其意思 Step 5(Assign homework 1、有感 情地朗读诗歌 2、听录音,有感情地朗读 E 部分对话 3、 完成练习册 Oh, dear! It?s the girl?s scarf. Oh, dear!哎呀~ (带读) 主备:孙扬 时间:11 月 5 日 主题:Unit 5 参加人员: 英语组五年级成员 Unit 6 一、 Doing housework 教学要求 1、 能听懂、 会说、 会读和会拼写单词 morning 、 home 、 maths 、 sleep 、 jump 、 40 walk 2、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 Are Can See you free now ? come and me . help … with … ? How about … ? you you this afternoon . Please help Yes , you?re right . Sorry , you?re wrong . 3、能听懂、会说、 会读和会写句子 What is / are … doing ? He?s / She?s / I?m / We?re / They?re … 4、了解字母组合 e 在单词中的读音 5、会唱歌谣 What 二、教学重点、难点 1、 能听懂、 会说、 会读和会拼写单词 morning 、 home 、 maths 、 sleep 、 jump 、 walk 2、能听懂、会说、会读 和会写句子 What is / are … doing ? He?s / She?s / I?m / We?re / They?re … 三、教具准备 教学卡片、录音机 教学 时间:五课时 第一课时 1.Free talk. T:Good afternoon Glad to see you. S1: Glad to see youT: I lke singing. What do you like? S1: I like swimming. are you doing ? 41 T: What day is to day? S2: Today is Tuesday. T: How are you? T: How about your father? S2: I?m fine. S2: He?s fine. ? T: Are you free now? S2: Yes, I am. / No, I?m not. ? T: Where are you now, class? Ss: We?re at the English lesson. ? / We?re in the classroom. ? 2.Say a chant. What can you do? Step2 Presentation 1.Make a call.提示课题。 T: Hello, × × What day is today? S1:Today is Tuesday. T: It?s a nice day, isn?t it? ? S2:Yes, it is . T: Hello, ××It?s a nice day. Do you like this morning? ? S3:Yes. T:Are you free now? Shall we go to the Zoo? S4:All right / Great! T: This class we?ll learn to make a call. ? 揭示课题: T: Look at this. Say after me. Make a call. Make a call . T: Now here is a telephone. Let?s make a call. ? 2、创设情境,学习打电话方 式。 T: Hello, this is M r Sun. S1:Hello, this is S1. S2:Hello, this is S2. S3:Hello, this is S3. T: Hello, this is Is that × × ?M r Sun - 42 S4:Yes, this is S4. T: Are you free now? S4:No, I ?m not. ? T:Are you free this afternoon? S4:Yes, I?m free. ? T: Shall we go to the zoo? S4:Great!(教师引应答语,That Sounds good.) 教师作示范 Model 两次,学生学习打电话,随后黑 板上出示,对话句型( chant) Ss: work in pairs. S1:Hello. S2:Hello, Is that × × ?S1:Yes, this is × × .S2:Are you free this afternoon? S1:Yes, I am.S2:Shall we go to the zoo? S1:That sounds good. 3.Say a chant ( Make a call ) T:Now, Let?s have a rest. ? Do you like rhymes? Now say after me. 4、在唱 chant 情境中,引出现在分词句型。 T:Hello, × × . Can you sing this song? S1:Yes, I can. T: Excuse e× × 。 What are you doing? S: I?m…. ? 引出 I am singing. 板 书:What are you doing?(贴小黑板) T:教师提问几个学生, 利用复习旧句型 What can you do? I can swim.(学生边说边 动作)而后引出动词的现在进行时态。 首先教师提问,学生回答和做动作。接着教师展示自己的 才能,启发学生提问。 T:Look at me ,class. I can swim. Look! - 43 (教师游泳动作) S1:Excuse me. Mr Sun. What are you doing? T:I am swimming. And I am cleaning the window. S2:Excuse me / Hello, Mr Sun What are you doing? T:I am cleaning the window. 板书:clean clean the windowT: Now follow me, clean the window. Ss: Clean the window. T:Hello, × × . Can you clean the window? S1:Yes, I can Look! T:What are you doing? S1:I?m cleaning the window. ? T:Me too. And I can sweep the floor. k!(教师作扫地动作) 引:sweep the floor Ss:Sweep the floor. T:What are you doing? S2:I?m sweeping the floor. ? T:Me too.(教师也做扫地动作) 5、游 戏引 stand 和 sit. T:Do you like games, class? Ss:Yes, I do. T:Stand up boys. Sb:All right. T:What are you doing, boys? Sb:We?re standing. ? 引:stand. T:Stas:Stand. T:What are you doing? Sb:We?re standing. ? T:Sit down, please. - 44 T:What are you doing? Sb:We?re standing. ? T:Sit down, please.(教师分批提问站立男孩,而后示意其坐下) (待全体 男孩坐下,提问集体) T:What are you dong, × × ?引:sit. I?m sitting. We?re sitting. ? 6、电脑呈现学生课外活动的照片。 教师提问:What is × × doing? / What are × × and × × dong? 引出动词或动词词组 run, have an English class Ss:学生看 图互相提问、互动练习 What is ×× doing? He?s /She?s … ? 7、引出 chant Autumn is coming. The sun is shining. The cat is running. The mouse is sleeping. Boys are singing. Girls are dancing. Our life is very interesting. 8、出示教学挂图,引 doing housework. 补充出示 telephone 图引出 The telephone is ringing。 Ask and answer : ? What day is today? ? Where are SuHai and Su Yang? ? What are they doing? ? What?s the matter? ? Step 3 1、听录音跟读课文。 2、全体读课文。 3、分角色朗读课文。 p 4、Homework: 熟读课文及抄写生词:do, housework, ring, sweep, run , stand, sit. 45 教后记:通过老师谈论自己的兴趣爱好,引起学生对 can 的 句式的灵活运用,自 然引出新知 第二课时 ? .Greetings: 1.以唱歌“What are you doing ?”引入。 2(Free Talk : (1)日常交际用语: ---What day is it today ? ---What?s the weather like today ? ? ---What?s the date today ? ? ---How are you ? ---How about you ? (谈话的过程 中渗透“How about …?”) ? (2)由问气候引导问: ---It?s a fine day today , isn?t it ? ? ---Yes , it is . ---Now , let?s play a game . OK? “Follow me ”. ? ---Look! 教师示范: Swimmming ,swimming , I?m swimming . ? What are you doing ? 学生重复教师的动作及话语。 在游戏的过程中,教师随便指定学生,训练学生听的能力, 以及反应的速度。 (3)师生间相互交谈: ---What are you doing ? ---I?m singing .(listening , cleaning , sweeping… ? 学生做动作并回 答问题。) ---What are SuYang and Su Hai doing ? Let?s make a telephone call . OK? ? (4)Some students act the dialogue of Section 1. - 46 ? .Presentation and practice : 1.通过学生表演的对话,引 出: ---What is Su Yang doing ? ---She?s … ? ---What is Su Hai doing ? ---She?s … ? ---What are they doing ? ---They?re doing their homework . ? 2.---Do you like to play a game now ? ---Great ! Listen and act :教师说口令,学生做 动作,教师提问,其他同学回答: ---Can you swim ? ---Yes ,I can . ---Swim ,please . ---All right .(学生做游泳的动作) 教 师提问: ---What is he doing ? ---He?s swimming . ? 板书: ---What is he /she doing ?He?s /She?s … ? ---What are they doing ?They?re …. ? Work in groups. 3.出示教科书挂图 1 ---What is Su Hai doing ? ---She?s … ? ---How about Su Hai ? ---She?s … ? 引出:How about …? ? 出示杨玲和南希的图 片: ---What is Yang Ling doing ? - 47 ---She?s … ? ---How about Nancy ? ---She?s doing her homework. ? 出示板书:homework 家庭作业 Look at the pictures and talk about them .看图并谈论: ---What is she doing ? ---She is … ? ---How about …? ? ---She is … ? 4. ---Oh ,look !What?s this in English?(教师拿出没有拼好的拼 图) ---It?s a puzzle . ? ---Can you do a puzzle ? ---Yes , I can . ---Can you come and help me ? ---Sure . ---Thank you . 引出 come and help me 来帮我 ---Look! This is my Maths homewok . ---Can you come and help me with my Maths ? Yes. 引出:Maths 数学 come and help me with my Maths 来帮助我学习数学 ---Can you come and help me with my Maths? ---Sure./Yes. Ask and answer in pairs. 5.由此对话, 引导谈论图片: ? .Consolidation: 1、Look at the pictures and listen to the tape 教科书图片 2) 2、Answer the questions: Are Su Yang and Su Hai free now ? How about Nancy ? Can Su Hai help Nancy ? Are they going to meet this afternoon ? 3、Read after the tape : - 48 Learn :How about …(time)? ? 4、Read in roles . 5、Practice to make a new dialogue . ? .Homework : 1、Read the dialogue three times and try to make a phone call in English . 2、Write the new words and the sentences. 教后记:学生善 于通过对于动作的猜测得出新知的意思,可以多采用此类教 法 第三课时 Step1:Free talk: a.T:Hello, how are you? S:Fine, thank you. T:Are you free now? S:No, I?m not. ? T:What are you doing? S:I?m having an English lesson. ? T:How about your mother?What is she doing? S:She?s doing housework. ? b.T:Who?s your friend? ? S:He?s ××. ? T:What is he doing? S:He?s listening. ? c.T:Hello, do you like swimming? S1:Yes, I do. T:Let?s swim. ? T:(指着 S1) What is she doing? S: She?s swimming. ? Step2.Read the book(请 2 组学生分角色朗读) Step3. Say a chant(通过 chant,使学生能熟练地表达动名词) T: Singing, singing. What are you doing? S: Singing, singing. We are singing.(边 说边做动作) (依次说 dancing , listening, skiing, standing, reading, watching, sweeping, drawing, swimming) (由 chant 引出 jumping, 新授 jump) Step 4.Play a game(老 师悄声命令 S1 做动作,然后让学生猜一猜,激发学生学 49 习的兴趣。 ) T:(悄声告诉 S1)Draw a picture. S1(学生做动作) T: What is she / he doing Guess? S: Guess, She?s /He?s drawing a picture. ? T: What are you doing? S1:I?m drawing a picturre. ? T: Yes, you?re right / No ,you?re wrong. ? 分别让学生 read the book, sweep the floor, clean the desk…… ? Step5.通过 Play a game (让学生 wash clothes)自然引入 新授 wash clothes(注意 clothes 的发音) Step6. Ask and answer(利用多媒体出示 C 部分的图片) 1. 通过师生对话,示范图 1。 T: What are you doing? S: I?m reading a book. ? 2.看图 2 学生合作 work in pairs. 3.利用图 3 中的两个人物,师生对 话,然后再加入两个人物,创设复数情景。 T: What are you doing? S: We?e drawing picture. ? Step7. Look and say 1.通过师生对话,示范图 1 T: Where?s Liu Tao? ? S: He?s in the play ground. ? T: What is he doing? S: He?s sleeping. ? 新授 sleep 2.同桌合作讨论图 3、图 4 work in pairs 编小对话。 Step8.Do exercise and check. (运用 C 部分图 4, D 部 分图 2) 培养学生写的能力。 (1)A: Hello, is Ben? B: Yes, is Ben. A: Are you free now? B: No. - 50 51 A: What are you ? B: ar the toys. A: See you. (2)A: Hi, is Nancy? B:Yes. A: David? B:He?s the . ? A:What doing? B:He the book. A:Let?s go and find. ? Step9. Homework. 1、 完成 C、D 两部分。 2、创设情景用 What are you doing? 和 What is she/he doing?自编对话。 教后记: 教材中问 where is liu tao,回答是 he is sleeping,不准确, 应该用地点来回 答。易使学生产生混淆 主备:张卫娟 时间:11 月 19 日 主题: 参加人员:英 语组六年级成员 第一课时 一 Teaching aims: 1.能听懂, 会说,会读单词:a watch, a wallet, a teapot, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer 2. 能听懂会说: This … is from…. Who are they from? 3. 了解东西方接受 礼物的不同反应,培养学生良好的文明礼仪。 二(Teaching key points: 本课时的教学重点是有关日常 用品的 8 个单词和讨论谁送的礼物的有关语言, 其 中 skateboard, calculator, hairdryer 单词较长,发音也有一定 难度,教师应重点指 导。 三(Teaching difficulties 本课时的难点是:This …is from….Who are they from? 这组句型,建议教师充分 52 利用课文信息,让学生通过静听,在完成匹配题后逐步理解 并达到输出。在操练 时,教师可准备一些礼物,通过真实 的送礼物的活动,让学生在情境中理解并掌 握。 四(Teaching procedure: 1. Warming up: 1)师生热情 地问候:Hello, children. Nice to see you. How are you today? 2. 新课呈现: T:Hi,boys and girls. What date is it today? s.... T: What festival is Dec.25? Ss: It?s Christmas Day. T: Do you like Christmas Day? Ss: Yes. T: Children like Christmas Day very much. Why? Ss: Because we can get some presents. T: Yes.. Jim?s family were very happy on Christmas Day. Let?s watch the cartoons. 由时间到节日导入到新课过渡自 然,学生易于接受 3. 新课教学: Step1 Words of Daily things 1) 学生观看录像,初步体会课文内容。 2)教师根据录像内容提问: What are the presents? 学生 指着图片将文章中涉及 的物品找出来: A …/… 3) 根据学 生找出的图片, 教师进行单词教学: a watch, a teapot, a wallet, a calculator, a sk4) 教师示范朗读,学生跟读单词。 重点指导 calculator, skateboard,hairdryer 的发音。在教 学 skateboard, teapot, hairdryer 时,教师可借助单个单词 和在一起的 做法帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆的效率。 5) 单词巩固游戏:What is it? T: I have a present. It?s no big nor small. Man puts money and cards in it. What is it? 53 Step1 New words S1: It?s a wallet. T: Can you spell it? S1: Yes, W-A-L-L-E-T, wallet. 然后进行全班的问答。 54 1.学生看图,选择想知道的礼物。 2.T: What is this? Ss: It s a watch. T: Ok, this is a watch, it s from my mum.(教学 it s skate----board------skateboard hair-----dryer------hairdryer 3.教师示范朗读,学生跟读单词。 重点指导 calculator, skateboard,hairdryer 的发 音。 在教学 skateboard, teapot, hairdryer 时, 教师可借助单 个单词和在一起的做法, 帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆 的效率。 Step2 Drills: Who is it/are they from? It?s /They are from…. 1) T: Jim?s family have got so many presents. Who are they from? 通过游戏不仅能巩固所学新知识,同时也能 揭发学生学习的兴趣 2) 出示句型,教师带领学生朗读三遍。 3)T:Who are they from? Let?s listen to the tape then match. 4) 学生听课文录音,完成匹配题: grandfather watch grandmother wallet father mother hairdryer Jim skateboard teapot from...句型) 3) 同样的方法, 教师进 行单词教学: a teapot, a wallet, a calculator, a comb, a mirror 5) 交流答案: T: Who is the watch from? Ss: It?s from Grandpa and grandma. T:Who is the wallet from? Ss: It?s from grandma. T:Who is the teapot from? Ss: It?s from Grandpa. T:Who is the hairdryer from? Ss: It?s from 55 Grandpa and grandma. T:Who is the skateboard from? Ss: It?s from Jim?s Mum and Dad. T: Who is the calculator from? Ss: It?s from Jim?s Mum and Dad, too. 6) Ss 齐读匹 配结果:The watch is from Jim?s Grandpa and grandma./…. 56 Step 3 Consolidation 1. T: Christmas is coming. Everyone has a present for his friends. Who are you going to send your present? Let?s write a card. 2. 教师指导学生写卡片: Dear … Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! From: …. 3. 学生写完后贴在自己准备的礼物上,然后将礼物集中在老师 的礼物袋里,让 一位学生扮演圣诞老人,给学生送礼物: Hey! Hey! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here?s a present for ….T: Who is this present from? Santa clause: Look! Ss: It?s from ….这两个同学都上台,接受礼物的同学 拆开礼物,教师在一 边提示说:Oh, it?s a …How beautiful! I like it very much.像这样演示 5 组,逐渐由 老师带着学生 表达过渡到学生自己表达。 2( 圣老人将礼物分派给 5 个学生,由这 5 个学生给大 家送礼物:Who is this present from? It?s from … Open it. Oh, it?s a … It?s ….。 3( 礼物送完后, 大家齐唱: We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. 4( 做书上 D 部分练习。 五(作业: 1. 朗读记忆本课的有关日常用品的单词。 2. 根据课堂情景,用学过的语言写一篇短文:It?s Christmas Day. Santa Clause comes to our class. He gives us a lot of nice presents. … 第二课时 一.教学目标与要求: 1. 能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词:yours, ours, mine, his, hers 57 2. 能听懂,会说, 会读,会写:Whose … is it/are they? It?s / They?re mine/yours/his/hers/ours. 3. 能听懂,会说,会读 日常交际用语:Open it for me. This one is from Grandpa. 二(教学重难点分析: 本课的重点和难点是: 名词性物主 代词的使用,建议教师利用讨论礼物或寻找失 主这一情景 导入教学, 使学生在交际中初步领会名词性物主代词的使 用方法。在 本课时中,教师并不要急于让学生掌握,让他 们在感受的基础上逐步掌握。 三(课前准备 58 1(教师准备:1)教学图片,有关日用品的实物,一些礼物 2)录音机,磁带 2( 学生准备:听录音预习课文。 四(教学步骤: 1(热身: 1)师生热情地问候。 2) 共同说唱: Send Christmas cards. Wrap presents. Decorate the tree. Sing Christmas carols. Open presents. 2. 新课呈现: T:Last class The Santa Clause comes to our class. He gives me some presents. These presents are for you. Look! This present is for Sun Yan. Sun Yan, come here, please. T:(手拿学生的物品) what?s this? S: It?s a book. T: Whose book is it? S: It?s xxx?s. T: Yes, it?s xxx?s. It?s her book. It?s hers. .新课教学: Step 1 mine, yours 1) T S show the dialogue: Hi, Sun Yan. This present is for you. S: Thank you. T: Here you are. It?s your present. It?s yours.(教师示范 说三遍) S: Thank you. T: Open it , please. S: OK. Oh, it?s a doll. I like it very much. S: It?s from Miss Li. S: Thank you. T: Look at the card. Who is it from? T: Yes, now this doll is yours. It?s yours. : You?re welcome. 2) 教师教说 It?s your doll. It?s yours. 3) 教师再和两位同学进行演示,让全班学生 共同参与演示:Look at this present. Ss: Who is this present for? T: It?s for…Come here, …This present is yours. 59 S: OK. Ss:Open it and see. S: Yes. S: Open it for me, please, Miss Li. ( 教师引导学生说出) T:OK. Oh, it?s a …Do you like it? Ss: Who is it from? Step 2 his, hers, ours 1) 在第三遍演示的时候,逐渐将:This present is for …. It?s hers. It?s his. It?s ours. 注意在教学 his, hers, ours 时,教师应充分运用肢体语言和学生的主动 参与能力, 使学生在老师的指导下由不会到会,由不理解 到初步领会。 2)学生四人一组,每人拿一件物品放在课桌中间,S: This is my pencil.It?s mine. S3(其余三人齐说): This is his /her… It?s his/hers. 交换一个同学:This is my rubber. It?s mine. S3: This is his/her rubber. It?s his/ hers. 出示表格 名词性 物主代词 my you his her its their our 形容词性物主代词 mine your his hers its theirs T(引导全班说): This … is yours., …. S: Oh, it?s from… 60 ours Step 3 Dialogue 1)T: Jim?s family is very happy today. Do you know why? Listen to the tape and answer me . 2) 学 生带着问题听录音然后回答问题. Q1: What day was it? Q2: Were were Jim?s family? Q3: What did they do with their presents? Q4: How did they feel? 3) 教师引导学生回答完问 题后朗读课文第一段. 4) 教师在实物投影仪上出示 Listen and match 的图(见书上 P.71) ,学生边看图 边听录音。 5)学生听完后在书上完成题目,然后小结:T: Who?s the wallet for? Ss: Yes, he likes the color very much. 6) 学生听 录音朗读对话, 教师重点指导: Open it for me, please. Open mine for me, Jim. 7)学生有感情地齐读课文,然后分 角色朗读。 8)教师出示课文图片,学生为图片配音。 9)学生任选一幅图进行讨论,仿照课文内容对话。 五(作业: 1(听录音朗读课文。 模仿课文进行表演。 第三课时 教学目标: 1. 进一步巩固单词:yours, mine, his, hers, ours 2. 能听懂会说会读,会写句型:Whose… is it/ are they? It?s / They?re … 教学重难点分析: 本课时的重难点 是名词性物主代词和相关句型,在本课时,教师可设计图片 puzzle 的形式帮助学生进一步理解掌握,并达到自由问答和 写句的要求。 61 课前准备 Ss: It?s for Grandpa. T: Who is it from? Ss:It?s from Grandma. T: Does Grandpa like the wallet? 62 教师准备:1)教学图片,准备一些日用品,向学生借一些 学习用品 2)Jim 一家人物头像 3) 录音机,磁带 教学步 骤: 1 热身: 1)师生热情地问候。 2)欣赏歌曲:My shirt?s black. 2. 新课教学: Step 1 名 词性物主代词和句型 1) T: At Christmas , Jim?s family shared the presents happily. What are the presents? Ss: A wallet, a … 2) 教师通过问答复习单词的拼读。 3) T: Whose is the wallet? 4) 出示单词: whose, his。 5) 以同法呈现 hers,引导学生学会问:Whose … is it? It?s his/hers. 6) 教师指着桌上问学生借来的物品之一 :Whose rubber is it? 面对一个同学 问:Whose rubber is it? Is it yours? 演示两遍。 7) 再选两到三件物品由学生上台参与询问。 8) 教师带领学生齐读句型:Whose … is it/ are they? It?s /They?re his/hers/mine/ours. 并将本单元的单词嵌入句型进 行分层次操练. Step 2 Practice 1) 学生打开书本,问答书上图 片,第一二幅由教师带领学生共同操练 ,以下分别分 大组,小 组,同桌两人进行问答操练: Whose … is it? It?s mine/…. Whose … are they? They?re mine/…. 10) 巩固性游戏:学生 模仿书上 D 部分做游戏, 用卡片或实物,四人为一组,三人 准 备一样物品放在桌子中间,一人回头,放好后该同学猜: The pencil is his. 若对了,就 换个人继续游戏,若猜错了,由该 63 物的主人进行纠正。 2) 出示物体和主人连线的 puzzle 图,通过观察, 同桌间进行讨论:Whose … is it/are they? It?s/They?re .his/hers/… 3) 讨论结束后, 学生在本子上选一组进行笔头造句 ,教师根据学生的速度和准确 程度评出前三名。 S: No, it?s not mine. It?s …?s . It?s his/hers. 同法 Ss: It?s Grandpa?s. 边讨论边将人物头像和物品贴在一起:Whose wallet is it? It?s Grandpa?s. It?s his. 4)物品 puzzle 图 64 4) Do exercises in Workbook P. 51.学生先将题目看一遍,然 后边看图边答题,最 后选择个别同学站起来交流答案。 1.T: At Christmas , Jim?s family shared the presents happily. presents? Ss: A wallet, a … 2.教师通过问答复习单 词的拼读。 3.听磁带,回答问题 When was it that day? Where were they? What are the presents How many presents did Jim get? 4.听磁带, 完成连线题, 并回答问题 Whose … is it? Whose …are they? 5.学习课文 6.朗读课文 Step 3 Dialogue 1)T: You?re very happy at games. And Jim?s family are very happy at Christmas. Let?s share the happiness with them. 教师指导学生朗读接龙——学生模仿 Jim 家的成 员,表演对话 2)教师出示提示性的图片和语言:过生日, 过万圣节,过新年,学生选择自己 感兴趣的话题进行表演。 3)选择两到三组上台展示。 Stop4 Homework: 1. 听录音模仿课文,尝试背诵课文. 2. 选择 C 部分图片两幅在本子上写句. 第四课时 教学目标: 1. 进一步巩固和运用本单元的词汇和句型。 2. 引导学生完成 E 部分 Read and write,以这篇文章为 例,培养学生英语写作的 能力。 3. 通过朗读归纳 oo 在单词中的短音。 What are the 65 66 教学重难点分析: 本课时的重点是 E 部分的内容,这部分 是课文的补充和提高,是培养学生英文 写作的环节。 教师可先通过讨论图片的方式让学生熟悉每一幅图的内 容,引导他 们用自己的语言组织描述, 然后再进行下一步 的教学。 英文写作也是本课的难点, 教师应鼓励学生自己总结归纳 写日记的格式,在学生归纳的基础上加以总结提 高。 语音部分也是本课的重点, 教师可以在举例词的基础上引 导学生朗读体会并 总结发音,通过韵句的诵读,将含有 oo 短音的单词熟记在心。 课前准备 1( 教师准备: 1) 语音归纳的文字内容 图 教 学步骤: 1。热身: 1)师生热情地问候。 2)以说唱形式学说歌词:My shirt?s black but yours is white. Your coat?s new but mine is old. Her cat?s thin but his is fat. His dog?s tall but hers is short. Our pens are long but theirs are short. Their bags are big but ours are small. 3) 学唱:My shirt?s black. 2. 新课教学: Step 1 Sounds 1) 教 师出示单词:book, football, good, look,引导学生轻轻地朗 读,并尝试归纳 oo 的发音。 2)教师引导学生说出已经学过的 oo 发短音的单词: classroom, bedroom, foot 等。 3)学生念诵书上小诗,并开展小组间的诵读比赛。 67 1.教师出示 oo 组合, 教师先说例词 good, 然后由学生总 结说出 oo 发短音的单词。 教师带领学生以节奏的方式念诵。 2.教师出一些有关 oo 发音的归类题,由小组集体完成。 Step 2 Revision 1) T: I have some presents. Guess what they are. 教师做示范:This present is not big. I can put it in my pocket. It can help me do 2) 录音机和磁带 3) 寻找物 品的 puzzle 68 some maths. What is it? Ss: It?s a calculator. T: Spell it, please. 然后鼓励学生自编 谜语给大家猜,复习巩固单词。 2) 小组四人, 每人拿出准备好的日常用品的图, 一人 先介绍: This hairdryer is mine. This … is yours. This … is his. This … is hers. 然后将图片顺时针传递,听音乐停 下, 换一位同学介绍: This … is mine. This .. is yours. This … is his. This … is hers. 3) 教师让学生在图片后写好名字,将图 片集中在组长处,由组长主持小组内进 行失物招领:Whose is this …? Is it yours, …? No, it isn?t. Oh, it?s …?s. It?s his/hers. Step 3 Read and write 1)教师出示书上四幅图,引 导学生自由讨论图片内容,在描述的过程中适当引 入在文 章中可能出现的新单词:at the back of the bus, get off, got off, the man in front of me, the woman beside him, take it to the police station 2)教师根据书上文字描述,请学生找出相 应的图片。 )学生自读短文,完成填空。 4)教师讲解描述自己他人语言的句子:He said, she said, I asked… 5) 学生根据书上格式,总结归纳。然后根据书上格 式,学生仿照书写日记,评 选出好的作品大家交流。 Step 4 Exercises 1)学生翻开练习册 p.53, 完成书上排序 题。 69 2)小组交流答案。 3)评选做的好的小组。 五(作业: 1( 朗读书上 Read and write 的内容,并完成日记的写作。 复习本单元的 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 第五课时 评讲练习册 第六课时 课外巩固练习 本单元的主要话题是“谈论物品的归属”通过 JIM 一家在圣诞节互赠礼物这一情 景引出主要的学习内容,我创造送礼物的情境,引导学生主动的进行交际,学生 兴趣很浓。 主备:吕斌 时间:12 月 10 日 70 主题: 第一课时 六年级复习 参加人员:全体英语组成员 一 教学内容 A Look, match and say ; B Look, read and respond 二 教学目标 1 通过复 习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。 2 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的 日 常交际用语 。 三 教学重点和难点 1 通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、 词组和句型。 2 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日 常交际用语 。 四 课前准备 教学准备:教学图片,教学挂图 四(教学过 程 1(Warming up: What date is it today? What day is it today, What does ?be quiet? mean?/… When?s your birthday? When?s your father/mother/…?s birthday? Where is/are my …? Did you like …? Were there any …in/on the …. What?s your favourite holiday? What did you do last Sunday/Saturday/weekend? What do people usually do at/on …. Did you … last …? Whose … is it / are they? 1(Free talk T: What day is it? S: …… T: What day was it yesterday? What?s the date today? 71 S: …… T: What did you do yesterday? S: … (练习过去时的句型) 2. Revision 出示 Unit 1——Unit 7 Look, match and say 让学生根据每幅图的内容,回顾与该图有关的交际用语,进行两人小组讨论。 同桌讨论每幅图的内容,并表演。 独立完成填空。 齐读这些句子。 Look, read and respond 1 巡视指导 2 就每幅图让几组学生回答 3 给学生几个话题 如:谈论节日、谈论活动、谈论礼物 让同桌同学看图问答 让学生分成小组自编对话并表演 3(作业设计 把三个小话题合并成一个大话题进行自编对话表演。 第二教时 一 教学内容 C Look, read and complete; D Play a game 二 教学目标 1 通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。 2 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。 三 教学重点和难点 1 通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。 2 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学 的日常交际用语。 三 教学重点和难点 1 通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、 72 词组和句型。 2 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学 B 部分的图片让学生朗读 73 的日常交际用语。 四 课前准备 教学准备:教学挂图 A Free talk When?s your father/mother/…?s birthday? Where is/are my …? Did you like …? Were there any …in/on the …. What?s yur favourite holiday? What did you do last Sunday/Saturday/weekend? What do people usually do at/on …. Did you … last …? Whose … is it / are they? B Look, read and complete 1 指导学生看图 1 2 同法完成另 外几幅图 3 评价 C Play a game 1 指导看这个游戏 2 准 备一个骰子,与几个学生一起做这个游戏,作个示范。 3 安排学生分成四人一组,每组有一个骰子。 D( Revision 1、 教师呈现代词表,学生进一步巩固代词 的用法。 (1)人称代词(主格/宾格) (2) 物主代词(形容词性 /名词性) 2、代词专项练习。 1) -Is this 2) This book is 3) This is (you) watch? -Let me see. Yes, it?s ( he ). ( I ), please. ( I ). ( Ben ). Please give it to ( I ) present. Open it for 3、默写代词表(人称代词/物主代词) 4、完成第八课中 关于本课练习。 74 本单元复习了过去式,名词性物主代词等语法知识,在完成练习之前, 做了充 分的铺垫练习, 大部分学生能正确的完成书上练习,但是仍然存在单词拼写的错 误,在下面的复习中仍需要加强基础知识的默写。 今日推荐 180份文档 88份文档 20080份文档 75
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