首页 七年级下册四字成语解释造句



七年级下册四字成语解释造句七年级下册成语解释和造句 1、人迹罕至:罕:少。人很少到的地方。指偏僻荒凉的地方很少有人来过。 造句:南城县东百余里龙门山~山巅有寺~幽僻孤寂~,。 2、人声鼎沸:鼎:古代煮食器,沸:沸腾。形容人群的声音吵吵嚷嚷~就象煮开了锅一样。 造句:广场这时已是一片锣鼓喧天~,。 3、骇人听闻:骇:震惊。使人听了非常吃惊、害怕。 造句:美国发生了骇人听闻的9.11恐怖袭击。 4、来势汹汹:动作或事物到来的气势很厉害。 造句:洪水虽然来势汹汹~但我们的抗洪工程安然无恙。 5、荒草萋萋:形容杂草丛生的样子。荒草~名词~杂...

七年级下册成语解释和造句 1、人迹罕至:罕:少。人很少到的地方。指偏僻荒凉的地方很少有人来过。 造句:南城县东百余里龙门山~山巅有寺~幽僻孤寂~,。 2、人声鼎沸:鼎:古代煮食器,沸:沸腾。形容人群的声音吵吵嚷嚷~就象煮开了锅一样。 造句:广场这时已是一片锣鼓喧天~,。 3、骇人听闻:骇:震惊。使人听了非常吃惊、害怕。 造句:美国发生了骇人听闻的9.11恐怖袭击。 4、来势汹汹:动作或事物到来的气势很厉害。 造句:洪水虽然来势汹汹~但我们的抗洪 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 安然无恙。 5、荒草萋萋:形容杂草丛生的样子。荒草~名词~杂草。萋萋~形容词~形容草长得茂盛的样子。 造句:这里荒草萋萋渺无人烟~是动物和昆虫的乐园: 6、马革裹尸:马革:马皮。用马皮把尸体裹起来。指英勇牺牲在战场。 造句:神秘的古罗布泊是马革裹尸的战场。 7、燕然未勒:意即未平定边疆的战乱~“燕然”~山名~即今蒙古杭爱山。 8、可歌可泣:泣:不出声地流泪。值得歌颂、赞美~Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 使人感动流泪。形容英勇悲壮的感人事迹。 造句:《长恨歌》一篇~有声有色~“可歌可泣”。 9、鲜为人知:鲜:很少,为:被。 很少有人知道。 造句:每个名人的背后都有一个鲜为人知的故事。 10、锋芒毕露:比喻锐气和才华等全都显露在外面~多指不成熟~骄傲~甚至盛气凌人。或形容人傲气逼人~逞强好胜。 造句:他颇有才华~可惜锋芒毕露~别人很难和他合作。 11、家喻户晓:喻:明白,晓:知道。家家户户都知道。形容人所共知。 造句:《西游记》是本家喻户晓的名著。 12、鞠躬尽瘁:指勤勤恳恳~竭尽心力~为革命~为人民奋斗终身。 造句:】诸葛亮为蜀国鞠躬尽瘁,成就了一番丰功伟绩。 13、妇孺皆知:孺:小孩。皆:都。妇女和小孩都知道。 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示某事物广泛为人所知晓。 造句:我认识奥本海默时他已经四十多岁了~已经是妇孺皆知的人物了。 14、锲而不舍:锲:镂刻,舍:停止,不:表示否定。镂刻不停~比喻坚持到底~不放弃。 造句:略 Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 15、迥乎不同:形容差别很大~完全不一样。 造句:值得注意的是山的南北~自然条件迥乎不同。 16、兀兀穷年:辛辛苦苦地一年到头这样做。兀兀~劳苦的样子。穷年~终年,一年到头。 造句:农民伯伯兀兀穷年的的干了一辈子~却是帮地主干活: 17、警报迭起:指警示的信号反复响起。 造句:在李公朴同志被害之后~警报迭起~形势紧张。 18慷慨淋漓:形容情绪、语调十分激动~说话十分畅快。 造句:他站在台上慷慨淋漓的演讲。 19、沥尽心血:沥:滴。比喻付出了全部精力。多形容为事业、工作、文艺创作等尽心竭力~或耗尽心思和精力。 造句:为了完成这部作品~他沥尽心血。 20、潜心贯注:付出所有的心血~灌输到某件事物中。形容专心致志,高度集中。潜心:专心 潜:通"全",整个. 心会神凝:指精神高度集中,用心专而深. 造句:他心会神凝地盯着学校的大门~眼睛一动不动。 气冲斗牛: 形容气势之盛可以直冲云霄。气:气Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 势,牛、斗:即二十八宿中的斗宿,南斗六星,、牛宿。 气冲斗牛虽然是个中性词~但使用时偏于褒义~北斗星牵牛星都是正义美好的象征。 造句:兴见马忠是害父仇人~,~举青龙刀望忠便砍。 明〃罗贯中《三国演义》第八十三回 义愤填膺:义愤:对违反正义的事情所产生的愤怒,膺:胸。胸中充满了正义的愤恨。发于正义的愤懑充满胸中。 造句:当他在电视上看到歹徒残忍的杀死了那么多无辜的生命的时候~顿时义愤填膺。 参差不齐:参差:长短、大小不一致。又引申为有差别~不一致。形容水平不一或很不整齐。不能用于时间等。 造句:我班50人,英语水平参差不齐。 叱咤风云:叱咤:怒喝声。一声呼喊、怒喝,可以使风云翻腾起来。形容威力极大。 尽态极妍:容貌姿态美丽娇艳到极点。 2.使仪态和丽质最充分地显示出来。 戛然而止:声音突然终止。 (戛:拟声词。戛然:突然停止的样子。) 造句:.这支乐曲;旋律急促;气势宏伟;当推向高潮时;又戛然而止;让人回味无穷。 叹为观止:赞美看到的事物好到了极点。 Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 造句:每个舞姿都使人颤栗在浓烈的艺术享受中,使人叹为观止。 大彻大悟:形容彻底醒悟或觉悟。 毛骨悚然恐惧的样子。身上毛发竖起,脊梁骨发冷,形容十分恐惧。 造句::这阴冷的气氛令人毛骨悚然。 怏怏不乐:怏怏:形容不满意的神情。心中郁闷,很不快活。 造句:我因为生病没能和同学去看电影,而怏怏不乐。 语无伦次:话讲得很乱,没有条理。 姗姗来迟:比喻走得缓慢从容。姗姗:原形容女子走路缓慢从容的姿态,现指走路迟缓的样子。迟:晚。现在形容慢腾腾地很晚才到来。 忧心忡忡:形容心事重重,非常忧愁。忡忡:忧虑不安的样子。 冻饿之虞:为吃饭穿衣而忧虑。虞:忧虑,担心。 造句:改革开放之后,农村人民不再有冻饿之虞。 迫不及待: 迫:急迫。待:等待。及:到。急得不能再等待了,形容心情急切。 孜孜不倦:指工作或学习勤奋不知疲倦。孜孜:勤奋。不倦:不知疲倦。 造句:指工作或学习勤奋不知疲倦。孜孜:勤奋。Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in 不倦:不知疲倦。 进退维谷:维:是;谷:穷,指困境。无论是进还是退,都是处在困境之中。形容进退两难。原指不知所措。 造句:斑羚们发现自己陷入了进退维谷的绝境,一片惊慌,胡乱蹿跳。 略胜一筹:比较起来,略微好一些。筹:筹码,古代用以计数的工具,多用竹子制成。 常褒义。 造句:这时,只要不是下等签,他就会感到一些满足,何况这比“中下”还略胜一筹。 相得益彰:指两个人或两件事物互相配合,使双方的能力、作用和好处能得到充分展示。益,更加;彰,显著。 造句:新茶配上清纯的山泉;果然相得益彰;不同凡响。 面面相觑:你看我,我看你,谁也不出声。形容大家惊异、恐惧或束手无策的样子。 造句我们看着老师,面面相觑,惊慌失措,可又想不出什么办法,只好看着老师责骂我们的样子。: Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
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