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word专业排版试题汇编--第二单元  设置文本格式


word专业排版试题汇编--第二单元  设置文本格式word专业排版试题汇编--第二单元  设置文本格式 2.1 1 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-1A.doc和C;\Word2002\Y2-1B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-1A.doc,按照要求完成下列操作。 1第一行为方正姚体,第二行标题文本为方正舒体,正 文第一段为仿宋体,第二段和第三段为楷体,第四段为黑体,最后一行为幼 圆。 2第一行为小四,正文标题为二号,正文第一段、第二段 和第三段为五号,第四段为小四,最后一行为小四号。 3第一行为倾斜,文字颜色为褐色,下划线颜色...

word专业排版试题汇编--第二单元  设置文本格式
word专业排版试题汇编--第二单元  设置文本格式 2.1 1 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-1A.doc和C;\Word2002\Y2-1B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-1A.doc,按照要求完成下列操作。 1第一行为方正姚体,第二行标题文本为方正舒体,正 文第一段为仿宋体,第二段和第三段为楷体,第四段为黑体,最后一行为幼 圆。 2第一行为小四,正文标题为二号,正文第一段、第二段 和第三段为五号,第四段为小四,最后一行为小四号。 3第一行为倾斜,文字颜色为褐色,下划线颜色为绿色; 第二行标题文本颜色为蓝色,添加双波浪下划线,下划线颜色为绿色;正文 第一段加粗;第二段和第三段添加着重号;最后一段文字颜色为绿色;最后 一行为加粗。 4为第二行文本“‘中国’名称的由来”设置阴 影。 5第一行两端对齐,第二行标题居中,正文两端 对齐,最后一行右对齐。 6全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,首行缩进2字符。 7第一行标题为段前1行,段后0.5行;正文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.1磅,行间距为13磅;最后一行段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-1A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 X2-1B.DOC, 1改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 2设置文字间距为0.1磅,全文左缩进2字符,右缩进 1.5字符,行间距为1.5倍行距。 将操作结果以X2-1B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 历史知识 “中国”名称的由来 “中国”名称的由来 古人把神秘的天空看做神界,把星辰中最引人注目的北极星看作是“天中”。..................................这是因为古人观察到满天星星都围绕北极星转,就像一把转动的伞一样,而伞的...................................顶端就是北极星。 ........ 依此设想,人民便认定人君的国度就是“土中”,即大地的中心。传说武王.................................伐纣成功以后,所做的第一件事情,便是考察四方,寻找“土中”,结果找到了...................................伊洛平原,并在这里定都洛阳,并用意是让天下百姓像星星那样向自己围聚合拢,....................................此地后来被称为中原、中州、中土。 ................ 以后随着时代的推移,逐渐演变为把华夏民族的居住地和建立的国 家叫“中国”了。 If women are mercilessly exploited year after year , they have only themselves to blame. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion , they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores . Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste. Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn . Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way , waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have . Skirts are lengthened or shortened; neck lines are lowered or raised, and so on . No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability .They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day , or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes. 2.2 2 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-2A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-2B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-2.doc和X2-2B.doc,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为黑体,第二行为方正姚体,正文第一段为仿宋体, 第二段为楷体,第三段为黑体,最后一行为方正舒体。 :第一行为小四,第二行为小二,正文为五号,最后一行为小三。 :第一行文本颜色为桔黄色,添加双下划线,颜色为绿色;第二行标 题设置为绿色,正文第三段添加着重号。 :为第二行文本“‘幽灵’般的静电”设置阴影。 :第一行右对齐,标题居中,正文两端对齐,最后一行右对 齐。 :全文左缩进2..5字符,右缩进2 .5字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第二行标题为段前1行,段后1行;正文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.2磅,行间距为1.2行;最后一段为段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-2A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :设置文字间距为0.2磅,行间距为12磅。 将操作结果以X2-2B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 科技前沿 “幽灵”般的静电 “幽灵”般的静电 在空气干燥的季节,当你开门时偶尔会有电击的感觉,这就是静电放电 (ESD)。当你感觉电击时,你身上的静电电压已超过2000伏!当你 看到放电火花时你身上的静电已高达5000伏!当你听到放电声音时,你 身上的静电已高达8000伏!但是现代许多高速超大规模集成电路碰到仅 几十伏或更低的静电就会遭到损坏。 也就是说当你接触这些电路时,你既没有感觉到又没有看到更没有听到 静电放电时,这块电路就已部分损伤或完全损坏,而你可能还在找其硬件或 软件的原因。你可能还没有意识到是静电这个“幽灵”。在上个世纪中叶以 前,静电现象就如同科技馆中的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演,只是一种有趣的物理现象;然而现在, 静电已成为高科技现代化工业的恐怖主义者。 静电危害那么大,它是如何产生的呢?任何物质都是由原子组合而成,............................... 而原子的基本结构为质子、中子及电子。在日常生活中所说的摩擦实质上就................................. 是一种不断接触与分离的过程。有些情况下不摩擦也能产生静电,如感应静................................. 电起电,热电和压电起电、亥姆霍兹层、喷射起电等。 ........................ ——摘自《科普天地》 Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care possible. If we are to solve the nursing shortage, hospital administration and doctors everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel's example. At Beth Israel each patient is assigned to a primary nurse who visits at length with the patient and constructs a full-scale health account that covers everything from his medical history to his emotional state. Then she writes a care plan centered on the patient's illness but which also includes everything else that is necessary. The primary nurse stays with the patient through his hospitalization, keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor. If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding to treatment, it is not uncommon for his nurse to people another approach to his doctor. What the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is a true colleague. 2.3 3 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-3A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-3B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-3A.doc和X2-3B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为华文中宋,正文第一段和第二段为仿宋体,第三段为 幼圆,最后一行为华文新魏。 :第一行为一号,正文为五号,最后一行为四号字。 :第一行文本颜色为蓝色,字符缩放为50%,海绿色双波浪下划线;最 后一行为加粗。 :为正文第三段文字设置阴影效果。 :第一行为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一行为右对齐。 :全文左缩进2..5字符,右缩进2字符,正文首行缩进2字符。 :第二行为段前1行,段后1.5行;正文为段前1行,段后1行,字间距为0.4磅;最后一行为段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-3A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符。全文字间距设置为0.1磅,行间距设为单倍行距。 将操作结果以X2-3B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 蓝色多瑙河 多瑙河是一条著名的国际河流,是世界上流经国家最多的一条河流。它 发源于德国西南部黑林山东麓海拔679米的地方,自西向东流经奥地利、捷 克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、克罗地亚、前南斯拉夫、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、乌 克兰等9个国家后,流入黑海。多瑙河全长2860公里,是欧洲第二大河。 多瑙河像一条蓝色的飘带蜿蜒在欧洲的大地上。 多瑙河沿途接纳了300多条大小支流,形成的流域面积达81.7万平方 公里,比中国的黄河还要大。多瑙河年平均流量为6430立方米/秒,入海水 量为203立方公里。 多瑙河不仅美化了沿岸人民的家园,还为他们提供了大量的电力和便利多瑙河不仅美化了沿岸人民的家园,还为他们提供了大量的电力和便利 的航运,沿岸人民对它充满了感情,世世代代都在歌唱它。 的航运,沿岸人民对它充满了感情,世世代代都在歌唱它。 Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Littman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle. During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you're "hot". That's true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak for some people the peak comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening No one has discovered why this is so but it leads to such familiar monologues as: "Get up, John! You'll be late for work again!" The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and -energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has. You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Littman believes. Maybe you 're sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway .Counteract your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to .If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle, but you'll get up steam and work better at your low point. 2.4 4 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-4A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-4B.doc复制到 考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-4A.doc和X2-4B.doc,然后在考生文件夹中打 开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为方正舒体,正文第一段、第二段和第三段为楷体, 最后一段为华文细黑,颜色为褐色。 :第一行为一号,正文为五号。 :第一行文本设置为浅桔黄色,添加底纹;最后一行文本颜色设置为褐 色,斜体。 :为第三段文本“这种声音就是——音乐”添加双下划线。 :第一行为居中,正文为两端对齐。 :全文左缩进2..5字符,右缩进2.5字符,正文为首行缩进2字符。 将操作结果以X2-4A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :第一行为段前1.5行,段后2行;正文为段前1行, 段后0.5行,字间距为0.5磅。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文段落设置为:左缩进3字符,右缩进1字符。 将操作结果以X2-4B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 音乐的魅力 生命如水,岁月如歌。 当我们经历着四季变换,花开花谢,每天清 晨感受着朝阳的温暖与晨露的滋润,聆听着山涧泉水的叮咚,封闭已久的 心灵不经意间被它开启,才发现天空是那样的清澈而蔚蓝;花草是那样的艳丽而娇美,流水是那样的轻柔而活泼,擦肩而过的陌生人是那样的和蔼 而可亲……原来,人生是这样的缤纷而多彩。 这种声音至纯纯到与大自然如同一体; 这种声音至美美到与日月同辉; 这种声音至灵灵到让百花为之齐放,百鸟为之歌唱。 这种声音是自然的力量,由自然转赠给人类。人类有了它,从此历史变得生动, 生活开始奔放。 这种声音就是音乐。 音乐是一种力量,一种无可比拟的力量。它可催你奋发,可以给你抚 慰,它更能够联结世界,沟通人心,给我们美好的一切。让我们对生活充 满了憧憬和向往。这,就是音乐的力量。这,就是音乐的魅力。 In my fridge less Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus bread and milk became all kinds’ cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliveries have ceased, fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country. The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. A vast way of well-tried techniques already existed - natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling....What refrigeration did promote was marketing-marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price. Consequently, most of the world's fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the wealthy countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter, millions of fridges hum away continuously, and at vast expense, busily maintaining an artificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated house---while outside, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge. 2.5 5 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-5A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-5B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-5A.doc和X2-5B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为方正姚体,正文第一段为楷体,其他段落为宋体, 最后一行为华文仿宋。 :第一行为二号,正文为10磅,最后一行为四号字。 :第一行为粗体,倾斜。文字颜色深蓝色,添加波浪下划线,颜色为深 红;最后一行为斜体。 :为正文第一段文本加着重号。 :第一行为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一行为右对齐。 :正文第一段为左缩进1..5字符,右缩进1.5字符,正文其他段落为左缩进3字符,右缩进3字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行为段前1行,段后1行;正文为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0..2磅,行间距设置为最小值;最后一段为段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-5A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :全文左缩进3字符,右缩进1字符。 将操作结果以X2-5B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 人口的增长,并非取决于能源的单一因素,但能源却是影响人口数量的一个重要................................... 因素。能源与人口之间存在着一种既相互影响又相互制约的关系。从人类对能源的利..................................... 用和人口的发展关系来看,大致经历了四个阶段: ...................... 第一阶段,人类完全依赖自然光热而生存繁衍,这一时代是人类的原始能 源时代,世界人口长期徘徊在10~20万之间,人口增长几乎处在停滞状态。 第二阶段,人类初步自觉地改造利用自然环境的柴草等初级能源。这一时 代大约始于一万年以前的新石器时代。这时人类开创了刀耕火种的初始农业, 世界人口增至1000万左右。 第三阶段,化石能源替代了柴草能源,尤其是世界进入了石油能源时代之 后,人口直线上升。到20世纪末期,世界人口超过了50亿。 第四阶段,在21世纪,化石能源时代将逐步过渡到新能源时代。世界将进入以太阳能、地热、风能、水能、海洋能和核聚变、增殖堆等能源为主导的 新能源时代。随着能源结构的变革,人口质量的提高,世界人口将有可能稳定 在适度的数量上。 ——摘自《世界科技大博览》 There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill There are , however, vastly different ideas about how to teach it , or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling? If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher's interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to "play safe". He will tend to write only words within his spelling range , choosing to avoid adventurous language. I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience: "This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible . " It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupil's technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay , which contained some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings. 2.6 6 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-6A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-6B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-6A.doc和X2-6B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开, 按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为仿宋体,正文为黑体,最后一行为方正姚体。 :第一行为二号,正文为小四号,最后一行为小四号字。 :第一行为粗体,文字颜色为绿色,添加下划线,颜色为粉红色;正文 文字颜色为深红色;最后一行为斜体,文字颜色为靛蓝色。 :为第三段文本设置阳文。 :标题居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一行为右对齐。 :全文左缩进2.字符,右缩进2字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行标题为段前2行,段后1行;正文为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,行间距为最小值;最后一行为段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-6A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文字间距设置为0.1磅,行间距设为最小值;全文左缩进3字符,右缩进3字符。 将操作结果以X2-6B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 在你拥有了自己的域名以后,下一步就是建立和规划自己的网站了, 在开始阶段,由于需求和内容建设都不是很充分,因此,对一个企业来 讲,初级网站可以重点考虑以下几点: 1.建立一个简单有效的网站。2.决定网站的内容。3.设计美观大方的网页。 一个基本的电子商务网站是企业在线销售的灵魂,就如同一个企业 印刷的目录和宣传手册,它负责向企业的用户、媒体、分析家提供有关 公司产品、服务的基本信息。它不仅方便用户浏览、同时用户还可以方 便地通过电子邮件或电话、或者写信与公司取得联系、网站的好坏将直 接影响到用户对企业的认知度,它可以帮助潜在的用户将你作为一个供 应商考虑。 从技术的角度来看,不需要太多先进的技术,有文字、图形、图表从技术的角度来看,不需要太多先进的技术,有文字、图形、图表从技术的角度来看,不需要太多先进的技术,有文字、图形、图表就足够了,让网站所传递出的信息表明你是一个值得信赖与合作的伙伴。 就足够了,让网站所传递出的信息表明你是一个值得信赖与合作的伙伴。 就足够了,让网站所传递出的信息表明你是一个值得信赖与合作的伙伴。 ——摘自《网络世界》 【样文2-6B】 A breakthrough in the provision of energy from his sun for the European Economic Community (EEC) could be brought forward by up the two decades, if a modest increase could be provided in the EEC's research effort in this field, according to the senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy an EEC's scientific laboratories at Spar, near Milan. The senior West German scientist in charge of the Community's solar energy programmed, Mr. Joachim Greets, told journalists that at present levels of research spending it was most unlikely that solar energy would provide as much as three per cent of the Community's energy requirements even after the year 2000. But he said that with a modest increase in the present sums, devoted by the EEC to this work it was possible that the breakthrough could be achieved by the end of the next decade. Mr. Graz calculates that if solar energy only provided three per cent of the EEC's needs, this could still produce a saving of about a billion pounds in the present bill for imported energy each year. And he believes that with the possibility of utilizing more advanced technology in this field it might be possible to satisfy a much bigger share of the Community's future energy needs. 2.7 7 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-7A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-7B.doc复制 到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-7A.doc和X2-7B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 行为幼圆,第二行为隶书,正文为仿宋体,最后一段为楷体。 :第一行为三号,第二行为一号,正文为小四,最后一行为五号。 :第一行为斜体。文字颜色深红色,添加蓝色双下划线;正文文字第 一段添加单下划线。 :为最后一段文本设置字符底纹。 :第一行为两端对齐,标题为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后 一行为两端对齐。 :正文左缩进3字符,右缩进3字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第二行标题为段前2行,段后1行;正文为段前1将操作结果以X2-7A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 行,段后1行,字间距为0..1磅,行间距为单倍行距;最后一段为段前1.5行。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文字间距设置为0.1磅,左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,行间距为单倍行距。 将操作结果以X2-7B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 唐诗鉴赏 庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟 我本楚狂人,凤歌笑孔丘。手持绿玉杖,朝别黄鹤楼。五岳寻 仙不辞远,一生好入名山游。庐山秀出南斗旁,屏风九叠云锦张, 影落明湖青黛光。金阙前开二峰长,银河倒挂三石梁。香炉瀑布遥 相望,回崖沓障凌苍苍。翠影红霞映朝日,鸟飞不到吴天长。 登高壮观天地间,大江茫茫去不还。黄云万里动风色,白波九 道流雪山。好为庐山谣,兴因庐山发。闲窥石镜清我心,谢公行处 苍苔没。早服还丹无世情,琴心三叠道初成。遥见仙人彩云里,手 把芙蓉朝玉京。先期汗漫九垓上,愿接卢敖游太清。 李白(701-762),字太白。祖籍陇西成纪,隋末迁居中亚的碎叶城。李白一生绝大部 分时间是在玄宗统治的盛唐即开元、天宝年间度过的。在李白流传下来的九百多篇诗中,大 部分鲜明的表现了他对封建贵权的轻蔑,对腐朽政治的揭露和对人民疾苦的同情,对祖国壮 丽山川的赞美。同时也由于封建统治思想的严重影响,李白的不少作品往往流露道家人生如 梦、及时行乐和儒家“穷则独善其身”的消极情绪。李白是我国唐代与杜甫并称的伟大诗人, 他的诗歌各体俱佳,而其中又以七言歌行与七言绝句最为擅长。 The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and the development of a safe, effective stopping system. Once these were solved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860 there were thousands of miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the Mississippi. There were also regional southern and western lines. The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental system. In 1862 Congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska westward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific. The Government helped the railroads generously with money and land. Actual work on this project began four years later. 2.8 8 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-8A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-8B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-8A.doc和X2-8B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开, 按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为黑体,红色,第二行为楷体,正文第一段为方正姚 体,第二段为仿宋体,第三段为华文中宋,最后一行为幼圆。 :第一行为小一号,第二行为小三号,正文为五号,最后一行为小四号。 :第一行文本设置为红色,添加蓝色下划线;最后一行为加粗。。 :为第二行文本“探索海洋深处的奥秘”设置阴影。 :第一行为居中,第二行为右对齐,正文为两端对齐,最后 一行为右对齐。 :全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,正文为首行缩进2字符。 :第一行为段前2行,段后1行;正文为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0..2磅,最后一行为段0.5行。 将操作结果以X2-8A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文行间距设置为单倍行距,全文左缩进4字符,右缩进2字符,字符间距设置为0.3磅。 将操作结果以X2-8B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 美丽的珊瑚 ——探索海洋深处的奥秘 ——探索海洋深处的奥秘 你见过珊瑚吗?在大海的底部或礁石上,它们看起来象一株株美丽的植物, 其实,根据生物学的观点,珊瑚并不是一种植物,而是实实在在的动物。 珊瑚是腔肠科动物,其最小的生存单位是“珊瑚虫”。我们所看到的各式 各样的珊瑚树,其实是珊瑚虫互相连接而形成的珊瑚群体。很多人都误认为珊 瑚虫是单细胞动物,其实不然,它们拥有触手、口、腔肠、体壁等器官。由于 身体无法移动,珊瑚虫伸着细小的触手,截获捕食顺流而来的浮游生物。强劲 的水流能带来更多的营养物质,因此,珊瑚在水流活跃的海域特别繁荣。 珊瑚除了依靠灵巧的触手捕食浮游生物外,寄生在珊瑚细胞内的共生藻也 能给珊瑚带来养分。这些单细胞的共生藻在进行光合作用的同时,将一部分养 分贡献珊瑚。在阳光充沛的浅水海域,珊瑚甚至只依赖阳光的照射,就能够间 接地从共生藻那里得到足够的能量,满足生长代谢的需要。 Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that the question "what is at the bottom of the oceans?" had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers had to know the depth profile of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured. It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea. 2.9 9 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-9A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-9B.doc复制到 考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-9A.doc和X2-9B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开, 按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为方正舒体,第二行为黑体,正文为仿宋体,最后一 行为方正姚体。 :第一行为二号,第二行为小四号,正文为五号,最后一行为小四。 :第一行为加粗,文字颜色绿色;第二行为倾斜,正文第一段和第二段 文本颜色为靛蓝色,第三段(作者简介部分)文本颜色为紫色,最后一行为加粗。。 :为最后一行文本“摘自《古文精选》”设置空心。 :第一行为居中,第二行为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一 行为右对齐。 :正文第一段和第二段左缩进3.5字符,右缩进3.5字符,第三段左缩进1.5字符,右缩进1.5字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第二行为段前0.5行,段后0.5行;正文部分(含作者简介部分)为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0..1磅,行间距为最小值;最后一行 为段1行。 将操作结果以X2-9A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文字间距设置为0.1磅,左缩进4字符,右缩进2字符,行间距设为最小值。 将操作结果以X2-9B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 柳永 寒蝉凄切。对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。都门帐饮无绪,留恋处、兰舟催发。 执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。念去去、千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。 多情自古伤离别,更那堪、冷落清秋节。今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸、晓 风残月。此去经年,应是良辰、好景虚设。便纵有、千种风情,更与何人 说。 柳永:生卒年不详,原名三变,字耆卿,崇安(今福建崇安县)人,世称柳屯 田,因排行第七,亦称柳七。他自称“奉旨填词柳三变”,以毕生精力作词,并以 “白衣卿相”自许。柳永发展了词体,留存二百多首词,所用词调竟有一百五十个 之多,并大部分为前所未见的、以旧腔改造或自制的新调,又十之七八为长调慢词, 对词的解放与进步做出了巨大贡献。他的词不仅在当时流播极广,对后世影响也十 分深远,他是北宋前期最有成就的词家,著有《乐章集》。 For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies -and other creatures- learn to do things because certain acts lead to "rewards"; and there is no reason do doubt that this is true . But is used also to be widely believed that effective rewards, at leas in the early stages , had to be directly related to such basic physiological "drives" as thirst or hunger. In other works, a baby would learn if the got food or drink or some sort of physical comfort , not otherwise. It is now clear that this is not so . Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome. Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to "reward" the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children's responses in situations where no milk was provided ,He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement "switched on" a display of lights-and indeed that they were capable of learning quite complex turns to bring about this result , for instance, two left or two right, or even to make as many as three turns to one side. 2.10 10 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-10A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-10B.doc复制 到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-10A.doc和X2-10B.doc,并在考生文件夹中 打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为华文中宋,正文第一段和第二段为楷体,第三段为 黑体,最后一行为仿宋体。 :第一行为二号,正文第三段为小四,其余段落字体为五号, 最后一行为四号。 :第一行为加粗,倾斜,文字颜色深红色;正文第三段添加双 下划线,下划线颜色为绿色;最后一行为加粗,颜色为玫瑰红色。 :为标题文本设置阴影,正文最后一段文本添加着重 号。 :第一行为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一行为右对 齐。 :全文左缩进2.5字符,右缩进2.5字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行标题为段前1行,段后1行;正文部 分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0..2磅,行间距为最小值;最后一行为 段前0.5行。 将操作结果以X2-10A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文字间距设置为0.1磅,全文左缩进2字符,行间距为 单倍行距。 将操作结果以X2-10B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 在生产和劳动过程中,即使是最原始的民族,也知道简单的计数,并由 用手指或实物计数发展到用数字计数。在中国,最迟在商代,即已出现用十 进制数字表示大数的方法。至秦汉之际,即已出现完整的十进位制。 形的研究属于几何学的范畴。古代民族都具有形的简单概念,并往往以 图画来表示,而图形之所以成为数学对象是由于工具的制作与测量的要求所 促成的。规矩以作圆方,中国古代夏禹治水时即已有规、矩、准、绳等测量 工具。 数学是研究现实世界中数量关系和空间形式的科学。简单地说, 就是研究数和形的科学。 由于数学研究对象的数量关系与空间形式都来自现实世界,因而数学尽............................... 管在形式上具有高度的抽象性,而实质上总是扎根于现实世界的。生活实践................................. 与技术需要始终是数学的真正源泉,反过来,数学对改造世界的实践又起着................................. 重要的、关键性的作用。理论上的丰富提高与应用的广泛深入在数学史上始................................. 终是相伴相生,相互促进的。 ............. ——摘自《科普知识》 When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer's claim for it, the first step is to present to warraonty , or any other redcords which might help , at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. However, if it does not , there are variaus means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. A simple and common method used by many consomer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favour, assuming he or the has a just claim. Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter. Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especoially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question . If this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong rather than by making general statements For example, "The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear" is better than "This stereo does not work". 2.11 11 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-11A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-11B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-11A.doc和X2-11B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为华文中宋,第二行为方正姚体,正文为仿宋体,最 后一行为方正舒体。 :第一行为二号,第二行为四号,正文为三号,最后一行为小 四号。 :第一行为粗体,深红色;第二行为蓝色双下划线,最后一行 为斜体。 :为第二行文本“念奴娇 赤壁怀古”设置空心。 :第二行为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一行为右对 齐。 :全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,正文为首行缩进2字符。 :第一行为段前1行,段后0.5行;正文为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0..2磅;最后一行为段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-11A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :全文行间距为1.5倍行距,字符间距为0.2磅。 将操作结果以X2-11B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 大江东去,浪淘尽、千古风流人物。故垒西边人 道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千 堆雪。江山如画,一时多少豪杰。 遥想公谨当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。羽扇纶 巾谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。故国神游,多情应笑我, 早生华发。人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。 ——摘自《宋词精选》 We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher. 2.12 12 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-12A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-12B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-12A.doc和X2-12B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为华文新魏,第二行标题为隶书,正文为仿宋__GB2312,最后一段为幼圆。 :第一行为四号,第二行正文标题为小一,正文为五号,最后 一段为小四号。 :第二行标题为加粗;正文加粗,添加下划线,颜色为蓝色。 :为第二行文本“兵车行”设置空心。 :第一行为两端对齐,第二行标题为居中,正文为两 端对齐,最后一段为两端对齐。 :第一行(段)左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符;正文左缩进4字符,右缩进4字符,首行缩进2字符;最后一段为左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符。 :第二行标题为段前1行,段后0.5行;正文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0..1磅;最后一段为段前0.5行。 将操作结果以X2-12A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,字间距为0.1磅,行间距为最小值。 将操作结果以X2-12B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 【唐】杜甫 杜甫(712-770)字子美,河南巩县人,出生于“奉儒守官”的地主 家庭。杜甫是一个创作天地很广阔的诗人。现存诗一千四百多首。他善 于表现重大的主题,也善于描写细小的事物,题材是多方面的。无论五 言、七言、古体、近体,都特别出色,又能融合前人艺术的各种长处, 形成自己的独特风格。杜甫在我国诗歌发展史上所做出的贡献是巨大的, 他对后世的影响是深远的。 Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged , biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more effectively in cognitive areas such as attention and memory . This is true regardless of age. People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in . And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind. Many experts are so convinced of the benefits of challenging the brain that they are putting the theory to work in their own lives. "The idea is necessarily to learn to memorize enormous amounts of information, " says James Fozard , associate director of the National Institute on Aging. "Most of us don't need that kind of skill. Such specific training is of less interest that being able to maintain mental alertness." Fozard and others say they challenge their brains with different mental skills, both because they enjoy them and because they are sure that their range of activities will help the way their brains work.。 2.13 13 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-13A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-13B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-13A.doc和X2-13B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行(段)为黑体,第二行(段)为幼圆,正文文本为仿宋, 第五行(段)为方正姚体,最后一段为宋体。 :第一行为小二,第二行为小四,正文为五号,第五行(段)为 小四,最后一段为小五号。 :第一行为加粗,倾斜;正文文字添加点式下划线。 :为最后一段添加字符底纹。 :第一行为居中,第二行为居中,正文为两端对齐,第 五段为有对齐,最后一段为两端对齐。 :正文文本左缩进1字符,右缩进1字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行标题为段前1行,段后1行;正文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.2磅,行间距为单倍行距;最后一行为 段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-13A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文字间距设置为0.1磅,行间距为最小值。 将操作结果以X2-13B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 •朱自清• 月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里。 叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样。又像笼着轻纱的梦。虽然是满月,天上却有一层 淡淡的云,所以不能朗照。但我以为这恰是到了好处酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的。月光是隔了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的斑驳的黑影,却 又像是画在荷叶上。塘中的月色并不均匀,但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上 奏着的名曲。 荷塘的四面,远远近近,高高低低的都是树,而杨柳最多。这些树将一片荷塘 重重围住。只在小路一旁,漏着几段空隙,像是特为月光留下的。树色一例是阴阴 的,乍看像一团烟雾。但杨柳的丰姿,便在烟雾里也辨得出。树梢上隐隐约约的是 一带远山,只有些大意罢了。树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打彩的,是渴睡人 的眼。这时候最热闹的,要数树上的蝉声与水里的蛙声。但热闹的是它们的,我什 么也没有。 摘自《朱自清作品集》 朱自清(1898.11.22—1948.8.12),原名自华,号秋实,后改名自清,字佩弦。原籍浙江绍兴。他是 五四爱国运动的参加者,受五四浪潮的影响走上文学道路。1925年8月到清华大学任教,开始研究中国古典文学。创作则以散文为主。1927年写的《背影》、《荷塘月色》都是脍炙人口的名篇。 Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do-especially in a tight job market. Bob Crossley, a human-resources expert notices this in the job applications that come cross his desk every day. "It's amazing how many candidates eliminate themselves" he says. "Resumes arrive with stains. Some candidates don't bother to spell the company's name correctly. Once I see a mistake, I eliminate the candidate," Crossley conclude. "If they cannot take care of these details, why should we trust them with a job?" Can we pay too much attention to details? Absolutely. Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward. "To keep from losing the forest for the trees," says Charles Garfield, associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco, "we must constantly ask ourselves how the details we're working on fit into the larger picture . If they don't we should drop them and move to something else." Garfield compares this process to his work as a computer scientist at NASA. "The Apollo II moon launch was slightly off-course 90 percent of the time," says Garfield. "But a successful landing was still likely because we knew the exact coordinates of our goal. This allowed us to make adjustments as necessary." Knowing where we want to go helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake. 2.14 14 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-14A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-14B.doc复 制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-14A.doc和X2-14B.doc,并在考生文件夹 中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行(段)为方正姚体,第二行(段)为方正舒体,正 文文本第一段为仿宋体,第二段和第三段为黑体,第四段为幼圆。 :第一行为小四,第二行为小二,正文为五号。 :第二行标题文字颜色为海绿色,添加下划线,颜色为红色; 正文第二段和第三段添加着重号,最后一段为加粗。 :将第一行文本“科普知识”设置为阴影。 :第一行文本为右对齐,第二行标题文本为居中, 正文文本为两端对齐。 :全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行标题为段前1.5行,段后1行;正文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.1磅,行间距为单倍行距;最后 一行为段前1.5行。 将操作结果以X2-14A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文左缩进2.5字符,右缩进1.5字符,字间距为0.1磅,行间距为12磅。 将操作结果以X2-14B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 科普知识 科普知识 保护湿地,改善环境 湿地是指一年中至少有一段时间为潮湿或水涝的地区,其水深一般不超过 6m,包括沼泽、泥炭地、滩涂和沼泽群落等。历史上北京有许多湿地,如“海淀” 二字,即有“泉水丰茂,沼泽遍布”的含义。但随着城市的发展,大量湿地被改 造、填埋,至今北京已没有严格意义的天然湿地了。湿地的丧失,是城市越来越 酷热、越来越干旱的原因之一。 湿地含有丰沛水量,比陆地具有更大的比热,高温吸热,低温放热,从而调................................. 节气温,减小温差;同时,湿地是区域水循环的重要环节,雨季可以调蓄洪水,................................... 降低洪峰,并及时补充地下水,旱季可以增大蒸发,增加降水,从而减少旱、涝................................... 灾害。 ... 湿地由动植物、微生物、土壤、水体以及砂砾基质组成,它们之间的生物、................................. 物理、化学作用使湿地成为天然的“空气净化器”和“污水处理厂”。大面积湿................................... 地可以直接吸附空气中的浮尘、细菌和有害气体,与降水、径流带来的尘土及有................................... 害物质一起沉滞于基质,从而起到净化空气的作用。 ....................... Where do pesticides fit into the picture of environmental disease? We have seen that they now pollute soil, water, and food, that they have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and bridles. Man, however much he may like to pretend the contrary, is part of nature, Can he escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world? We know that even single exposures to these chemicals, if the amount is large enough, can cause extremely severe poisoning. But this is not the major problem. The sudden illness or death of farmers’ farm workers and others exposed to sufficient quantities of pesticides are very sad and should not occur. For the population as a whole, we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticides that invisibly pollute our world. 2.15 15 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-15A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-15B.doc复 制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-15A.doc和X2-15B.doc,并在考生文件夹 中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行(段)为仿宋体,第二行(段)标题为黑体,正文为 第一段和第三段为楷体,第二段为华文中宋,第四段为宋体,最后一行为方正姚 体。 :第一行为五号,第二行标题为小二,正文第一段、第二段和 第三段为五号,第四段为小四号,最后一行为小五号。 :第二行标题为加粗,文字颜色为靛蓝色;正文为第一段加粗; 第二段为添加波浪下划线,下划线颜色为深红色;第三段添加着重号;第四段文 字颜色为蓝绿色。 :为第二行文本“海摈的空气”设置为空心。 :第一行为两端对齐,第二行为居中,正文为两端对 齐。 :全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行标题为段前1.5行,段后1.5行;正 文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.3磅,行间距为单倍行距;最后一行为段前1.5行。 将操作结果以X2-15A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文左缩进1字符,右缩进1字符。 将操作结果以X2-15B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 走进自然 这是因为海浪每天不断地拍打着海岸,海潮时涨时落,给海滨带来美丽的 景色和悦耳的涛声,同时也带来了湿润的海滨空气。同时海滨的空气中含有大 量的负氧离子,负氧离子称为“空气维生素”,它可以通过呼吸进入人体,改 善肺的换气功能,增加氧的吸入量,二氧化碳的呼出量。 负氧离子是带负电的离子,有杀菌的作用,在空气中能抑制细菌的繁殖。................................ 大量的负氧离子提高人的交感神经的功能,使人精神焕发,精力充沛,还能增.................................. 加血液中的血红蛋白的含量。 ............. 因此,海滨建有很多的疗养院,因为,海滨空气对患有肺气肿、 高血压、神经衰弱、哮喘、贫血等疾病的人有治疗作用,有益于人体 的健康,使人精神振奋。 ——摘自《中国龙网.科普知识》 Taste is such a subjective matter that we don't usually conduct preference tests for food. The most you can say about anyone's preference, is that it's one person's opinion. But because the two big cola companies-Coca-Cola and Pepsi Coal are marketed so aggressively, we've wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty. We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-Cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting. We invited staff volunteers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic or Pepsi, Diet Coke, or Diet Pepsi. These were people who thought they'd have no trouble telling their brand from the other brand. We eventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers. Then we fed them four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the other brand. 2.16 16 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-16A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-16B.doc复制 到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-16A.doc和X2-16B.doc,并在考生文件夹中 打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行(段)为黑体,第二行(段)标题为楷体,正文第一 段为黑体,第二段为楷体,第三段为宋体,最后一行(段)为方正舒体。 :第一行为五号,第二行标题为小二,正文为五号,最后一行 为小四号。 :为第一行,第二行文本(标题)设置颜色为绿色;正文第三 段文本颜色为梅红色;正文第一段添加着重号;第二段添加下划线,斜体;第三 段为加粗。 :为第一行文本“环境科学”设置字符边框。 :第一行为两端对齐,第二行为居中,正文为两端对 齐,最后一行为右对齐。 :全文左缩进2.5字符,右缩进2.5字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第二行标题为段前1.5行,段后1.5行;正文 部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.1磅,行间距为最小值;最后一行 为段前1.5行。 将操作结果以X2-16A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文左缩进1.5字符,右缩进1.5字符,字间距为0.2磅。 将操作结果以X2-16B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 环境科学 城市建筑呼唤“空中绿洲” 我国的大多数城市几十年来建成的房屋,大都是“素面朝天”的“水泥丛................................ 林”。灰白暗淡的屋顶常年暴冷暴热,环境恶劣,特别是酷暑难挡的盛夏,光.................................. 热日储夜放,热岛效应更明显。空中俯瞰,狼籍片片:水箱、杂乱的堆放搭盖;................................... 破乱的隔热层建筑、乱拉乱扯的管线,实在有碍观瞻,损害城市形象。且大部.................................. 分顶层平顶空置未用,对城市空间资源也是巨大的浪费。因此,城市的屋顶是..................................一块被人忽视的待开发的处女地。 ............... 屋顶,素有建筑“第五立面”之称,其面积相当于居住面积的1/5,对屋顶进行绿化,是城市上、中、下三维立体绿化的重要部分,也是城市环境观念 的一大飞跃。如果城市把有条件“平改绿”的屋顶种上绿色植物,可增加城市 绿地面积和“屋顶庭院”的活动空间,净化城市空气,降低顶层室内温度、调 节小气候,缓解“火炉”的热岛效应,并消除屋顶的眩光,改善城市景观。 ——摘自《科技动态》 The speaker, a teacher from a community college, addressed a sympathetic audience. Heads nodded in agreement when he said, "High school English teachers are not doing their jobs." He described the inadequacies of his students, all high school graduates who can use language only at a grade 9 level. I was unable to determine from his answers to my questions how this grade 9 level had been established. My topic is neither standards nor its decline. What the speaker was really saying is that he is no longer young; he has been teaching for sixteen years, and is able to think and speak like a mature adult. My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable. It is also human nature to look for the reasons for our dissatisfaction. Before English became a school subject in the late nineteenth century, it was difficult to find the target of the blame for language deficiencies. But since then, English teachers have been Under constant attack. 2.17 17 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-17A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-17B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-17A.doc和X2-17B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行为方正姚体,第二行标题为幼圆,正文第一段和第二 段为仿宋体,第二行(段)为方正舒体,最后一段(注释部分)为楷体。 :第一行为小四,第二行标题为小一,正文第一段和第二段为 小四,第三段(行)四号,最后一段为小五号。 :第一行为加粗、倾斜,添加下划线,颜色为褐色;第二行为 加粗,颜色为桔黄色;正文第一段和第二段加粗,颜色为绿色,第三行(段)为 褐色;最后一段(注释部分)添加着重号。 :为第二行文本“再别康桥”设置阳文。 :第一行为右对齐,第二行为居中,正文第一段和第 二段两端对齐,正文第三段为右对齐,最后一段(注释部分)为两端对齐。 :全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2.5字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第二行标题为段前1.5行,段后1行;正文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.2磅,行间距为14磅;最后一段(注释部分)段前1.5行。 将操作结果以X2-17A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文左缩进1.5字符,右缩进2.5字符,字间距为0.1磅, 行间距为3磅。 将操作结果以X2-17B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 ——摘自《志摩的诗》 徐志摩,现代诗人、散文家。名章垿,笔名南湖, 1921年开始创作新诗。1922年返国后在报刊上发...............................................表大量诗文。1923年,参与发起成立新月社。加入文学研究会。徐诗字句清新,韵律谐和,比喻新奇,想................................................ 像丰富,意境优美,神思飘逸,富于变化,并追求艺术形式的整饬、华美,具有鲜明的艺术个性,为新月.............................................. 派的代表诗人。他的作品已编为《徐志摩文集》出版。 ........................ Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we "fit " in society. As we go about our everyday lives, we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses. For example, we must judge whether the person in the library is a reader or a librarian ,whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman ,whether the unfamiliar person on our property is a thief or a meter reader , and so on . The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter, and change throughout lift. Most of us can , at very high speed , assume the statuses that various situations require. Much of social interaction consists of identifying and selecting among appropriate statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in relation to us. This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. Although some of us find the task more difficult than others, most of us perform it rather effortlessly. 2.18 18 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-18A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-18B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-18A.doc和X2-18B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行标题为方正姚体,正文第一段为楷体,第二段为仿宋 体,第三段为黑体,最后一行为幼圆体。 :第一行标题为小一,正文为五号,最后一行为小四号。 :第一行为加粗、倾斜,蓝色;正文第二段文字颜色为深红色; 添加粗下划线,颜色为蓝绿色;第三段为加粗。 :为标题“大脑左右半球是如何分开的”设置阴文。 :第一行为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一行为右对 齐。 :全文左缩进1字符,右缩进1字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行标题为段前1行,段后1行;正文部分为段前1行,段后1行,字间距为0.1磅,行间距为15磅;最后一行为段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-18A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,字间距为0.2磅。 将操作结果以X2-18B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 许多研究,特别是对脑损伤的研究表明大脑的两个半球确实存在分工的不同。左 半球的优势在于分析具体的问题,而右半球则在分析画面、理解和识别上占优势。日 本福冈九州大学的研究队伍发现在小鼠中有一种神经细胞的受体在大脑海马区的左 右两侧是完全不同的,而海马区位于大脑的深处,是负责产生记忆和进行学习的主要 区域。这些NMDA受体对于改变神经细胞间联系的力度也即记忆和学习的基础来说 是十分重要的 另一方面,日本科学家们还在大脑的右半球细胞顶部的树状突(神经细胞的树状 延伸部分)上发现了比底部更多类型的NMDA受体。而在左半球情况正好相反。神 经细胞如何对输入的信号做出反应依赖于它在哪里接收到该信号,因此上述模式有助 于了解记忆在两边产生情况的不同。 摘自《现代科学知识热点问题》 Many young person tell me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there's a big difference between "being a writer" and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter. "You've got to want to write, " I say to them, "not want to be a writer". The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more who’s longing is never rewarded. When I left a 20-year career in the U.S. Coat Guard to become a freelance writer, I did no prospects at all. What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn't even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer. After a year or so, however, I still hadn't gotten a break and began to doubt myself. It was so hard to sell a story that barely made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write, I had dreamed about it for years . I wasn't going to be one of those people who die wondering, What if? I would keep putting my dream to the test-even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the Shadow land of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there. 2.19 19 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-19A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-19B.doc复制 到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-19A.doc和X2-19B.doc,并在考生文件夹中 打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行标题为华文新魏,正文第一段为宋体,第二段为幼圆 体,第三段为楷体,最后一行为黑体。 :第一行标题为小一,正文为五号,最后一行为小四号。 :第一行标题为绿色,添加粗下划线;正文第二段为倾斜、加 粗、添加着重号;最后一行为加粗。 :为第二行文本“神秘的南极冰雪”设置空心。 :第一行为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一行为右对 齐。 :全文左缩进1.5字符,右缩进1.5字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行标题为段前1行,段后1行;正文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.2磅,行间距为单倍行距;最后一行 为段前1行。 将操作结果以X2-19A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :将全文左缩进2字符,右缩进2字符,行间距为最小值。 将操作结果以X2-19B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 为什么南极会有如此多的冰雪呢?这主要与其纬度位置有关。同是位于地球 的两极,纬度高低相同,太阳照射的时间长短和角度也一样,南极的冰却比北极 的多。由于南极地势高,空气稀薄不保暖,虽有几个月全是白昼,但太阳只是在 地平线上盘旋,太阳光斜射,巨大的冰原,像镜子一样,能反射几乎全部的阳光。 ................................. .................................... ..................................... ..... 在整个地球上,被冰雪覆盖的面积总共有1600万mm2,而南极就占了4/5以 上。据估算,南极的淡水总量约相当于世界其他各洲淡水总量的200倍,这么巨 大的淡水储量是人类的一项宝贵财富,科学家正在设想如何把这些冰块运进非洲 和其他干旱地区,以解决那里的水源不足问题。不久的将来,这些沉睡千百万年 的宝贵资源将被开发利用,为人类造福。 It is, everyone agrees, a huge task that the child performs when he learns to speak, and the fact that he does so in so short a period of time challenges explanation. Language learning begins with listening. Individual children vary greatly in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and late starters are often long listeners. Most children will "obey" spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word obey is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises. Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves out as particularly indicative of delight, distress, sociability, and so on. But since these cannot be said to show the baby's intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as 2.20 20 early forms of language. 【操作要求】 将C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-20A.doc和C:\Word2002\Unit2\Y2-20B.doc复制到考生文件夹中,分别重命名为X2-20A.doc和X2-20B.doc,并在考生文件夹中打开,按照要求完成下列操作。 :第一行标题为方正舒体,正文第一段为楷体,第二段为黑体, 第三段为仿宋体,最后一行为华文新魏。 :第一行标题为二号,正文为小四号,最后一行为四号。 :第一行标题为加粗,颜色深黄色;正文第二段颜色为靛蓝色; 第三段颜色为褐色,添加着重号。 :将标题“电磁污染的危害”设置为阴文。 :第一行标题为居中,正文为两端对齐,最后一行为 右对齐。 :全文左缩进1.5字符,右缩进2字符,首行缩进2字符。 :第一行标题为段前2行,段后1行;正文部分为段前0.5行,段后0.5行,字间距为0.1磅,行间距为单倍行距;最后一行 为段前1.5行。 将操作结果以X2-20A.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中。 :改正文本中的单词拼写错误。 :全文左缩进1.5字符,右缩进1.5字符,将全文字间距设置为0.1磅,行间距为14磅。 将操作结果以X2-20B.doc文件名保存到考生文件夹中 电磁波虽然看不见摸不着,但它是客观存在的一种物质,是一种能 量传输的形式。 二次大战以后,微波的应用越来越广泛,广播、电视、通信、导航、气 象预报、烘烤、杀菌、治癌等等。但是当电磁辐射的能量超过一定的数 值之后,它给我们带来的就不仅仅是利益,它也会对仪器设备造成干扰, 对人类居住环境造成污染。目前,电磁辐射已成为继大气、水、噪声之 后的“第四污染源”。 随着科学技术的进步、人们生活水平的提高,移动电话的迅速发展,.............................. 电视、电脑、微波炉、电磁炉的日益普及,高压输电线路、电气化铁路、................................ 轻轨不断进入市区,使得电磁辐射充斥着我们生活的各个角落。但是,............................... 由于电磁辐射在空中的能量传播随距离的增加迅速衰减,只要在安装发............................... 射天线或有电磁辐射的设备时,与敏感点拉开一定间隔距离,合理布局,................................ 还是可以避免电磁辐射对人体的伤害的。因此,必须加大对电磁辐射建............................... 设项目的管理力度,加强对电磁辐射环境的保护,确实保障公众的健康,................................ 使经济发展驶入可持续发展的良性轨道。 .................. ——摘自《现代科学技术》 Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study there relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary rewards sparks creativity in grade-school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements indeed aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with uninspired students, Wiesenberger holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore failing grades.
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