首页 东三家村精神文明创建事迹材料



东三家村精神文明创建事迹材料东三家村精神文明创建事迹材料 真抓实干聚民心 合力共创标兵村 —记东三家村精神文明创建事迹材料 东三家村位于龙城新区北部。交通便利,通讯便捷。是一个农非混居、城乡结合的近郊村。全村总面积4500多亩,有耕地面积1200亩,有1144户,总人口3425人,有6个村民组,3个自然村。人均收入6500元。 党总支由5名成员组成,有党员101名,分三个党支部,7个党小组,村委会有成员5名。我村新农村建设的主要做法是: 一、抓宣传,广发动,营造良好发展氛围 为了加强村民对党和国家的方针、政策的了解,使得村民对社会...

东三家村精神文明创建事迹材料 真抓实干聚民心 合力共创标兵村 —记东三家村精神文明创建事迹材料 东三家村位于龙城新区北部。交通便利,通讯便捷。是一个农非混居、城乡结合的近郊村。全村总面积4500多亩,有耕地面积1200亩,有1144户,总人口3425人,有6个村民组,3个自然村。人均收入6500元。 党总支由5名成员组成,有党员101名,分三个党支部,7个党小组,村委会有成员5名。我村新农村建设的主要做法是: 一、抓宣传,广发动,营造良好发展氛围 为了加强村民对党和国家的方针、政策的了解,使得村民对社会主义新农村精神文明建设的认识更加深入,我们狠抓了宣传教育,在全村营造全民参与精神文明建设的氛围。一方面通过开展村干部培训班,召开村民代表会、群众骨干动员会,深入村民家中、地头,企业,向他们讲解新时期党的方针、政策和有关法律、法规,讲解有关社会主义新农村精神文明建设的任务、目标和重大意义,使他们深刻认识到社会主义新农村精神文明建设是党的一项“德政工程”,最终受益的是广大农民,这在很大程度上激发了村民为新农村建设献言献策的热情;另一方面充分利用各种阵地宣传。村利用线广播开设了新农村精神文明建设理论专题节目,定时播construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 放。制作了10幅宣传条幅悬挂在村组显要位置。通过深入细致的宣传动员,广大农民群众认清了党和国家对农业、农村、农民的高度重视,激发了抢抓机遇、建设新农村的信心和勇气。 二、抓班子,强核心,打造过硬的干部队伍 俗话说:火车跑的快,全靠车头带。新农村精神文明建设能否顺利推进,与农村基层班子的素质和能力密切相关。东三家村两委班子把加强基层组织建设当作头等大事来抓,从自身建设和党员队伍建设入手,以构建“三位一体”党建工作新格局为突破口,打造一个团结务实的村班子。一方面为了改变党员活动没有固定场所现状,2011年,经多方筹措资金50多万元,建立、完善了140平方米党员活动室、63平方米图书室,购买了电视机、VCD、多媒体投影仪、音响等电教设备和5000余册图书。通过开展“党员创先争优、无职党员设岗定责、双培双带、党员365全程为民代办服务,农村党员现代远程教育等项活动”,增强了党员干部学习热情,提高了自身政治素质、文化水平和依法治村能力,树立了为群众服务的意识。另一方面采取四议一审两公开的 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,从关系农民切身利益做起,做到取信于民。在工作上实行“阳光下”作业方式,变“一言堂”为“多言堂”工作方法,做到小事有沟通,大事会上定,涉及群众切身利益的热点、焦点问题均由党员会、村民代表会讨论决定,并在公开栏中公开,接受construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 群众监督。2011投资3.5万元设置了20延长米的党务政务财务公开栏,把所有公开事项一一想农民公开。 村干部围着群众“转”,事事有人管、有人问,村中的大事小情公开透明了,群众心气顺了,上访的没有了。村“两委”班子有了凝聚力,群众有了向心力,干部、党员、群众拧成一股绳发展经济。 三、抓调研,定 规划 污水管网监理规划下载职业规划大学生职业规划个人职业规划职业规划论文 ,明确努力发展方向 为了使我村新农村建设早规划、早部署,出成效,成立了东三家村新农村建设组织机构,由村总支书记、主任为组长,下设办公室,配备了电脑、打印机等硬件设备。在新农村建设拟定规划中,村两委班子没有闭门造车,而是充分尊重群众的意愿,在规划中充分吸纳村民的合理建议,进行精心规划,让规划走群众参与之路,体现了村民的主人翁地位,充分调动了群众的热情。规划特别注重在规划中东三家村的特色,初稿形成后,报街道审议,经过多次召开村民代表会、党员会,入户走访村民征求意见,进行整合考虑。最终形成了《东三家村新农村建设环境整治规划》。在规划中,我们将全村共分为三个部分,一是冶金工业区建设,二是畜牧小区建设,三是村庒环境建设。这三部分的划分符合实际,切实可行,为东三家村未来的发展指明了方向。 四、抓特色,引项目,经济发展创新高 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 我村抓住机遇组织农民多种经营,开发第二、三产业,招商引资发展壮大在集体经济。以脱水菜加工为主导产业,带动了本村的经济发展。东三家村地少人多,群众致富缺少门路,村两委班子积极想办法为村民寻找致富门路,引进了脱水菜加工项目,积极扶持8户村民搞起了脱水菜加工业,多方面奔走联系银行,为他们搞贷款,跑原材料,在沈承信用社的大力支持下,使8家脱水菜厂正常启动起来。经过不断的努力使脱水菜加工业,成为我村的一项主导产业。 为加快我村的经济发展壮大集体经济,我村利用荒废多年的砂滩建设了占地360亩的冶金工业园区,冶金园区是朝阳市唯一的村级标准化工业园区。字2006年开始建设,7年的时间我村大力开展招商引资工程,引进了铸造、机械加工企30家,安置本村劳动力近550人,仅工业园区基础建设这一块,村民为企业建筑创收1500万元。30家企业年创社总产值 2个亿,村集体年创收60余万元,冶金工业园区成为东三家村新农村建设的经济支柱,为东三家村新农村建设树立了一道靓丽的风景线。 五、抓投入,增设施,精神文明上档次 加强农村公用设施建设和农村保障体系建设是新农村建设的又一大重点。在发展农村公共设施建设上,我村实施了“四大”工程。一是道路硬化、美化工程。村内道路柏油化,construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 绿化了道路 4000 延米,栽树3000 棵,实现了道路的美化工作。2011年村投资10万元沿村主街两旁修建了花池近百的,设立文明牌20快,投资20万元沿街安装28盏太阳能路灯,二是自来水入户工程。投资30万元,解决了村民多年吃水难的问题。三是农民休闲健身工程。村3000平方米文化文化广场工程即将开工, 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 投资55 万元,已列为村一事一议项目。计划栽植绿化树木300 棵,花木8000棵,各种健身器材齐全,使得村民拥有了与城市居民相同的休闲健身场所。四是垃圾清理工程。垃圾看似小事,但如果处理不好,将严重影响农民的生产生活。为此,我们加大气力加大了垃圾的清理力度,并建立了垃圾清运长效机制。在主要街道设立了 6 个固定垃圾点,同时设立流动垃圾车1 辆,做到了垃圾日产日清,2011年投资8万元新建标准公测一处,还村民一个整洁舒适的生活环境。在加强农民生活保障体系建设上,我们先后开展了新型农村合作医疗、农村养老保险、失地农民生活保障、农村低保、大病救助等项工作,将那些生活困难、需要救助的弱势群体登记造册,自2008年以来村出资近70万元解决了本村的民生问题,55岁以上的村民享受了福利待遇,弱势群体的带救助,为全面开展工作打下了坚实基础。截止到目前,我村自来水入户率达到100%,有线电视、电话覆盖率分别达到100%和95%,移动电话拥有率达到85%,电脑网络宽度安装率达到30%. construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 以上是我村在新农村建设精神文明创建上做的一些有益探索,虽取得了一定成绩,但与兄弟单位和上级要求还有一定差距。我们决心,认真学习兄弟单位的先进经验,全面落实会议精神,进一步完善我村的各项规划和 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,努力提高我精神文明建设的整体水平,为早日把我村建成经济兴、事业旺、政治强的社会主义新农村而奋斗。 东三家村党总支 2011年9月27日 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the
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