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资金来源说明资金来源说明 Explanation of Source of Funds Dear Visa Officer: I am XXX’s father, XXX. My son has already applied for the XXX(School name) and has been accepted in the major of XX(Major name). XXX’s mother, XXX and I attach much importance on his education, so w...

资金来源说明 Explanation of Source of Funds Dear Visa Officer: I am XXX’s father, XXX. My son has already applied for the XXX(School name) and has been accepted in the major of XX(Major name). XXX’s mother, XXX and I attach much importance on his education, so we are ready to take out RMB XXX,000 Yuan as out son’s education expenses in Canada. My wife and I both support XXX’s choice to study in Canada, and the followings are our family’s income situation: I have been working at XXXXXXX since XX (Month) of XXXX (Year) till now, and my annual income is more than RMB X0,000 Yuan. May income is very stable. XXX’s mother is the XX of XXXX. Her annual income including bonus and allowance is near to RMB X00,000 Yuan. We can support XXX’s study and living expenses in Canada by our income. In order to guarantee XXX to complete his study in Canada successfully, we prepare RMB RMB XXX,000 Yuan as supporting funds. More specific details are as follows: Type Account No. Currency Amount Value Date Fixed period XXXXXXXX CNY XXXX00.00 XXXXXXXX deposit The above account is the deposit saved on 29 April, 2011 in Agricultural Bank of China. CD/Passbook No. Type of Deposit Currency and Amount Value XXXXXXXX Fixed term account CNYXXX 20XX/X/X XXXXXXXX Fixed term account CNYXXX 20XX/X/X XXXXXXXX Fixed term account CNYXXX 20XX/X/X The above account includes the deposits saved in Bank of China on different days. The above funds are our savings for many years, both of XXX’s mother and I have stable work and stable income, so we can bear all of expenses of XXX during his studying in Canada and without any economic burden. We also provide our House Property Ownership Certificates and Motor Vehicle Register Certificate. We sincerely hope that the visa officer can approve the application of XXX to study in Canada, and we promise that XXX will come back to China after completing his study in Canada! XXX’s father: XXX X July, 20XX
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