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2018年职称英语卫生B小抄牛津同义词典版.doc2018年职称英语卫生B小抄牛津同义词典版.doc 341 microscopic mess Studies Show US Spending Doesn’t Get Best Most Adults in US Have Low Risk of Heart Health Disease The United States may spend twice as much on More than 80 percent of US adults have a less than health care as ot...

2018年职称英语卫生B小抄牛津同义词典版.doc 341 microscopic mess Studies Show US Spending Doesn’t Get Best Most Adults in US Have Low Risk of Heart Health Disease The United States may spend twice as much on More than 80 percent of US adults have a less than health care as other countries but it is hot getting 10-percent risk of developing heart disease in the results to match according to studies released on next 10 years,according to a report in the Journal Tuesday. of the American College ofCardiology(Just 3 But in the study of five wealthy countries,percent have a risk that exceeds 20 percent( published in the joumal Health Affairs,researchers “I hope that these numbers will give physicians,found no single nation had clearly the worst or best researchers,health policy analysts,and others a health care system( better idea of how coronary heart disease is Gerard Anderson at Johns Hopkins University’s distributed in the US population,”lead author school of public health and cofleagues came up Dr(Earl S.Ford,from the Centers for Disease with a list of 21 health fields they could evenly Control and Prevention in Atlanta,said in a compare across the five countries,Australia,statement( Canada,Britain,New Zealand and the United The findings are based on analysis of data from States( 13,769 subjects,between 20 and 79 years of age,“None of the five countries is consistently the who participated in the Third National Health and best or the worst on all 21 indicators(”Anderson Nutrition Examination Survey from 1988 to1994( said during a telephone briefing for reporters( Overall,82 percent of adults had a risk,of less than “If you are looking for the place to get me best 10 percent,1 5 percent had a risk that fell between care,there isn’t a single place(Every country has 10 to 20 percent(and 3 percent had a risk above 20 at least one indicator where it scores the best of the percent( five countries and each country has at least one The proportion of subjects in the highest risk group indicator where it scores the worst of the five increased with advancing age,and men were more countries(” likely than women to be in this group.By contrast,But,he said,the United States is not getting value race or ethnicity had little effect on risk for money(“The United States should be distributions( particularly concerned about these results,Although the report suggests that most adults have given that we spend twice as much on health care as any a low 10-year risk of heart disease,a large other country(So spending more doesn’t proportion have a high or immediate rick, Dr. necessarily result in better outcomes(’’ Daniel S(Berman, from Cedars-Sinai Medical Anderson’s group of international health experts Center in Los Angeles,and Dr(Nathan D(Wong,sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund spent five from the University of California at Irvine,note in years working on the study,getting the latest a related editorial( possible data from the five countries on areas such Aggressive treatment measures and public health as breast cancer and leukemia survival,suicide strategies are needed to shift the overall rates,death rates from asthma,vaccination rates populati,on risk downward,they add( and cancer screening( 在美国大多数成年人有低风险的心脏疾病 研究表明美国在医疗卫生方面的花销没有使它根据《美国心脏病学杂志》上的报告,80%以上成为最好的 的美国成年人在今后十年内患心脏病的风险不根据星期二发布的研究结果,美国在卫生保健方到10%。只有3%的人患心脏病的风险超过了 面的花费是其他富裕国家的两倍,但并设有得到20%。来自美国疾病控制中心的第一作者Earl S. Ford相应的结果。 博士在一次报告中说:“我希望这些数字能够使在《医疗事件》杂志上发表的对五个富有国家的外科医生、研究者、卫生政策分析家和其他人更研究中,研究者们发现没有哪个国家有明显的最坏或最好的医疗体系。 好地了解冠心病在美国人口中的分布状况。” 约翰•霍普金斯大学的公共卫生学院的Gerard 这些研究结果基于对13769个20岁至79岁的实验Arderson及其同事制定出一个21个医疗领域的对象的数据分析得到的,他们参与了1988年到名单,他们将横向地比较五个国家——澳大利1994年的第三次全国卫生和营养普查。 亚、加拿大、英国、新西兰和美国。 总的来说,82%的成年人患心脏病的风险低于安德森在对记者的电话简报中说:“在这所有的10%,15%的人风险在10%-20%之间,3%的人风2l项指标里,这五个国家中没有一个始终保持是险高于20%。 最好的或最坏的。” 实验对象年龄越大,在最高风险组中所占的比例“如果你正在寻找一个能够得到最好的医疗的越大;男人进入该组的可能性亦大于女人。对比地方,没有这个地方。每个国家至少有一个指标之下,种族对心脏病风险的分布没有什么作用。 是排在第一位的,也至少有一个指标排在最后。” 来自洛杉矶的西达——西奈医学中心的Daniel S. 但是,他说美国的钱花得不值。“鉴于我们比别Berman博士和来自加利福尼亚大学的Nathan D. 的国家多花一倍的钱,美国应该尤其关心这些结wang博士在一个相关的评论中说道,尽管报告果。花的钱多并不一定就会有好的结果。” 显示大多数成年人十年内患心脏病的风险较低,M 由联邦基金资助的Anderson的国际卫生专家团但是在有风险者中,很大一部分所面临的风险却花了五年的时间做这个研究,从五个国家得到如是很高的或是刻不容缓的。 乳腺癌、白血病存活率、自杀率、哮喘死亡率、他们补充说,需要积极的治疗措施和公共卫生政接种率和癌症检查等领域的尽可能新的数据。 策来使整体人口的患病的风险降低。 342 microscopic mess Smoking allergic reactions(They also include rare incidents Since 1939, numerous studies have been conducted of strange behavior(These include people cooking to determine whether smoking is a health food,eating and even driving while asleep(The hazard.The trend of the evidence has been patients later had no memory of doing these consistent and indicates that there is a serious activities while asleep( health risk.Research teams have conducted studies Last year,a member of the United States Congress。that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco said he had a sleep-driving incident(Patrick smoking is associated with a shortened life Kennedy,a representative from Rhode Island,expectancy. crashed his car into a security barrier near the Cigarette smoking is believed by most research building where lawmakers meet(The accident workers in this field to be an important factor in happened in the middle of the night and no one the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer was hurt(Mr(Kennedy said he had earlier taken a of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer sleep medicine(He said he was also being treated of some other organs of the body.Male cigarette with a stomach sickness drug that could cause smokers have a higher death rate from heart sleepiness( disease than non-smoking males.Female smokers The Food and Drug Administration did not say in are thought to be less affected because they do not its announcement how many cases of sleep.driving breathe in the smoke so deeply. it had documented(However(the New York Times Apart from statistics,it might be helpful to look at reported last year about people who said they had what smoking tobacco does to the human strange sleep events after taking the drug body.Smoke is a mixture of gases,vaporized Ambien(Some reported sleep—driving and chemicals,minute particles of ash and other sleep.walking(Others said they found evidence solids.There is also nicotine,which is powerful after waking in the morning that they had cooked poison,and black tar.As smoke is breathed in,all food or eaten in their sleep(But they had no those components form deposits on the membranes memory of carrying out the activities( of the lungs.One point of concentration is where A Food and Drug Administration official says that the air tube and bronchus divides.Most lung cancer these serious side effects of sleep disorder drugs begins at this point. appear to be rare(But,he also says there are Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make probably more cases than are reported .He says the smoking to some extent safer, but they can only agency believes the risk of such behaviors could be slightly reduce, not eliminate the hazards. reduced if people take the drugs as directed and do 抽烟 not drink alcohol while taking the drugs(The(Food 自 1939年以来,人们进行了无数次研究,以确and Drug Administration has advised drug 定抽烟是否危害健康,证据的趋向是一致的,显companies to carry out studies to investigate the 示出抽烟对健康有严重危害。研究组进行的研究problem( 确凿无疑地表明抽烟与人的预期寿命的缩短有催眠安眠药副作用不可轻视 关。 美国食品及药品管理局规定,商家必须在治疗睡这个领域的大部分研究人员部认为抽烟是肺癌眠障碍的13种药物上附上语气坚定的新的警告和喉癌产生的重要原因,并且和人体其他某些器语;同时规定安眠药生产厂家应向病人解释清楚官的癌症有关。抽烟的男性因心脏病而死亡的机如何安全服药。 率高于不抽烟的男性。女性吸烟者被认为受的影上周三,食品及药品管理局宣称,有些安眠药会响较小,因为她们不深吸烟。 产生意想不到的危险后果,包括威胁生命安全的除了统计之外,看一看吸烟对人体的影响也可能过敏性反应,以及人们服药后的奇怪行为,例如会有帮助。烟是各种气体、蒸发的化学物质、微有的人会在梦游时做饭、进食甚至开车。但是后小的灰和其他固体颗粒的混合物。里面还有很强来对自己睡着时的活动却全然不知。 的毒素尼古丁和黑焦油。当烟被吸入时,所有这去年,美国国会官员,罗得岛会议员代表Patrick 些成分形成肺膜上的沉淀物,其集中的一点是气Kennedy说他就有驾车梦游的事,把车撞到类立管和支气管分叉的地方。大部分肺癌开始于这一法人员办公楼附近的安全栅栏上。幸亏事故发生点。 在深夜,所以无人受伤。Kennedy说,那天晚上过滤嘴和焦油含量低的烟草被宣称使抽烟在某睡前他服用了安眠药,也服用了使人困倦的胃种程度上安全一些,但是它们只能稍微降低而不药。 是消除危害。 食品及药品管理局并没有说明类似的有记载的Some Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You 驾车梦游的事件有多少。然而,《纽约时报》去Sleep 年报道类有关人们承认自己服用Ambien安眠药The United States Food and Drug Administration 后有奇怪梦游行为的事件,包括梦游与驾车梦has ordered companies to place strong new 游。也有人在早晨醒来后发现自己梦游时做过饭warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep 或吃过东西,但是却不能回忆起睡梦中的行为。 disorders(It also ordered the makers of the 食品及药品管理局的一位官员说,治疗睡眠障碍sleeping pills to provide information for patients 的药物产生类似的严重副作用是比较少见的。不M explaining how to safely use the drugs( 过,他也说道,可能实际病例要比报道的多。他Last Wednesday,the FDA announced that some of 说,食品及药品管理局认为如果人们按照说明谨these drugs can have unexpected and dangerous 慎服药,并且服药时不喝酒,这样的危险行为就These include the risk of life—threatening 会减少。食品及药品管理局已经向药品生产厂家effects( 343 microscopic mess 提出建议,希望他们能针对这一问题进行研究。 当然,Giussani发现拉巴斯的新生儿的平均出生Dangers Await Babies with Altitude 体重明显低于圣克鲁斯的新生儿,无论高收入家Women who live in the world’s highest 庭还是低收入家庭都是如此。甚至圣克鲁斯的贫communities tend to give birth to under—weight 穷家庭的婴儿比拉巴斯的富有家庭的婴儿平均babies,a new study suggests(These babies may 体重还要重。Giussani说:“我们对这个结果感到grow into adults with a high risk of heart disease 吃惊。” and strokes( 这个结果表明在高海拔地区出生的婴儿出生前Research has hinted that newborns in mountain 就缺氧。Giussani说:“这可能会触发调节胎儿成communities are lighter than average(But it wasn’长的荷尔蒙的释放或抑制。” t clear whether this is due to reduced oxygen levels 他的团队还发现高海拔地区出生的婴儿通常有at high altitude or because their mothers are 相对身体来说较大的头部。这可能是因为一个缺under-nourished-many people who live at high 氧的胚胎会首先把充氧的血液输送到脑部,然后altitudes are relatively poor compared with those 才送到身体的其他部位。 living lower down( Giussani想要查出这样的婴儿在今后的生活中是To find out more,不是更容易患病。例如在拉巴斯出生的人在成年Dino Giussani and his team at 之后更可能患心脏病。出生时体重轻是患冠心病Cambridge University studied the records of400 的一个危险因素。头部相对身体较大的新生儿在births in Bolivia during 1997 and 1998(The babies were born in both rich and poor areas of two 今后的生活中通常更容易患高血压和中风。 cities:La Paz and Santa Cruz(La Paz is the highest Privacy Worry May Keep HIV’Patients from city in the world,at 3.65 kilometers above sea Therapy level,Patients infected with HIV are often concerned while Santa Cruz is much lower,at 0.44 about the confidentiali of their HIV-positive kilometers( status(Sure enough,Giussani found that the average In fact,some patients are so worded that birthweight of babies in La Paz was Significantly they will actually give up treatment to prevent the lower than in Santa Cruz(This was true in both release of this information,according to a report high and low—income families(Even babies born published in the August issue of AIDS Care( to poor families in Santa Cruz were heavier on Dr.Kathryn Whetten-Goldstein and colleagues average than babies born to wealthy families in from Duke University,Durham,North Carolina, lofty La Paz(“We were very surprised by this studied the confidentiality issues of 15 result,” says Giussani( HIV(infected patients from rural North Carolina The results suggest that babies born at high altitude locations(They were divided into groups designed are deprived of oxygen before birth(“This may to explore their attitudes toward,and experiences trigger the release or suppression of hormones that with,breaches in confidentiality( regulate growth of the unborn child,” says “The fear of a breach in confidentiality is Giussani( definitely affecting the care that HIV-infected His team also found that high—altitude babies patients receive.” Whetten-Goldstein said(“Most tended to have relatively larger heads compared studied patients had experienced or knew someone with their bodies(This is probably because a fetus who had experienced‘a breach in confidentiality.” starved of oxygen will send oxygenated blood to “Two types of breaches occurred,” the brain in preference to the rest of t11e body( Whetten-Goldstein noted(“The first was a more Giussani wants to find out if such babies have a obvious type of breach(One example was a nurse higher risk of disease in later life(People born in who told her child that her patient was La Paz might be prone to heart trouble in HIV-positive out of concern that her child would adulthood(for example(Low birthweight is a risk play with the patient’s child(” factor for coronary heart disease(And newborns “The other type of breach was more subtle,one with a high ratio of head size to body weight are that providers might not consider breaches,” often predisposed to high blood pressure and Whetten—Goldstein explained(“This type of strokes in later life( breach involves providers talking about a patient’s 高海拔地区的婴儿有危险 HIV status without the patient’s knowledge of 一项新的研究表明,住在世界高海拔地区的女人the interaction(” 通常生下体重不足的婴儿。这些婴儿在长大成人“The law allows the sharing of information 后患心脏病和中风的风险很大。 between providers within the same institution,but 研究暗示,在山区出生的新生儿低于平均体重。patient’s consent must be obtained,before 但是还不清楚这是由于在高海拔地区氧气不足,providers at different institutions Can share 还是由于他们的母亲没有获得足够的营养——information”she pointed out( 许多住在高海拔地区的人相对比住在低海拔地“Patients in the study wanted providers to tell 区的人穷。 them when they are going to share information 为了了解更多情况,剑桥大学的Dina Giussani with other providers and why it is being done.” 和他的团队研究了1997年至1998年玻利维亚的Whetten—Goldstein said(‘‘They also felt that M 400个新生儿的 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。这些婴儿出生于两个城市providers should be punished when a breach 的富有和贫困地区:拉巴斯和圣克鲁斯。拉巴斯occurs.” 是世界上海拔最高的城市,海拔3.65千米,而圣“However,because patients are often reluctant to 克鲁斯低很多,海拔440米。 seek legal action which may further expose their 344 microscopic mess status,they felt that the system should regulate mineral selenium(The vitamin and mineral are itself,’’she added( believed to prevent damage to cells caused by 对泄漏隐私的担忧影响HIV患者接受治疗 cancer-causing substances(Researchers reported a HIV患者经常担心自己的HIV阳性特征的保密13 percent drop in cancer rates in those who took 性。8月份《艾滋护理》中的一篇报道说,实际β-carotene,vitamin E and selenium(They also 上,一些患者如此担忧以至于真的要放弃治疗以found a 10 percent drop in the number of deaths 防止个人隐私被泄漏。 caused by strokes from bursting blood vessels( 北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的杜克大学的Kathryn Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the Whetten-Goldstein博士及其同事们把本州乡下的effect would be the same among people in other 15名HIV患者作为研究对象,研究他们的保密性countries(They note that the people in Linxian eat 问题。研究对象被分成若干组,分别用于研究其foods that lack necessary vitamins and 在保密性这方面的态度、经历及违反情况。 minerals(Chinese officials will continue to record “害怕泄漏隐私势必影响HIV患者接受治疗,”the health records of the people in Linxian for Whetten-Goldstein说道,“大多数病人经历过泄many years(For now officials reportedly are 密,或知道有人被泄密过。” considering using the results of the study(They “泄密者有两个类型,”Whetten-Goldstein提到,want to find a way to improve the health of people “第一种泄密更为明显。例子之一就是某人护士in Linxian and other small towns in China( 由于担心自己的孩子会与病人的孩子一起玩,所食物和癌症 以就告诉自己的孩子,这个病人是HIV阳性的病医学专家们很多年来一直怀疑人们的饮食与癌人。” 症有着密切地联系。他们说,一项新的研究提供“第二种泄密更为隐秘,医生可能不认为是泄漏了第一手证据证明维生素可以降低人患癌症的个人机密,”维顿高德斯坦解释说,“这种泄密涉概率。做这项研究的是一队中美科学家。他们来及那些未经患者知晓便讨论其HIV情况的医生自美国国家癌症研究所和北京的中国医学科学们。” 院癌症研究所。《国家癌症研究所杂志》发布了“法律允许同一单位的医生可以共同使用病人这项研究结果。大约3万40岁到69岁之间的人参资料,其他单位的医生必须征得病人同一才能使与了这项研究。他们来自中国中北部的林县。他用这些材料。”她指出。 们中大部分人连续五年每天服用维生素和矿物“研究表明,当医生与其他医生交流信息时,许质。 多病人想让医生告诉他们且给出原因,”选中林县是因为那里的人们患胃癌和食道癌的Whetten-Goldstein说道:“他们还认为泄密的医生比例很高。研究者认为,当地食物的真菌和霉菌应受到惩罚。” 是癌症发病率高的原因之一。研究者把这些人分“但是由于病人常常不愿意采取法律行动,因为为8组。其中7组每天服用不同的维生素和矿物质这样会进一步暴露其病情,他们感到这一系统本混合物。这些维生素和矿物质的量比美国医学官身需要做出调整。”她补充说。 员所说的必需量高一到两倍。第8组服用没有任Food and Cancer 何效力的糖丸。那些获取最多的人服用的是一种Medical experts have suspected for many years 就做β-胡萝卜素的维生素A、维生素E和矿物质that there is a strong link between what a person 硒的混合物。人们相信维生素和矿物质可以阻止eats and cancer(They say a new study provides the 致癌物质破坏细胞。研究者报告,那些服用β-first evidence that vitamins could reduce a person’胡萝卜素、维生素E和硒的人群中患癌率降低了s chance of developing cancer. A team of Chinese 13%。他们同样发现这个人群中脑溢血死亡率降and American scientists did the study(They are 低了10%。 from American National Cancer Institute and the 科学家们警告说,现在还不知道这些效果在别的Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of 国家的人群中是否一样。他们指出,林县人吃的Medical Sciences in Beijing(The Journal of the 食物缺少必要的维生素和矿物质。中国官方将在National Cancer Institute published the results of 今后许多年继续记录林县人的健康状况。现在,the study(About thirty thousand people between 官方声称在考虑使用这项研究成果,他们希望寻the ages of 40 to 69 took part in the study(They 找到一条提高林县和中国其他小村镇人民健康were from the northern central Chinese area of 的途径。 Linxian(Most of them took vitamins and minerals Stomach Ulcer every day for five years( Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for Linxian was chosen because the people there have many people(Doctors have been able to help an extremely high rate of cancer of stomach and lessen the pain of ulcers(They could not cure esophagus(Researchers believe that fungus and them(Now doctors have discovered a cause of molds in local foods may be partly responsible for ulcers(This means they may have found a way to the high cancer rate(Researchers divided those into cure people who suffer from the stomach eight groups(Seven of the groups received pain(Studies show that ten percent of the different mixtures of vitamins and minerals population will develop an ulcer at some time in daily(The amounts of the vitamins and minerals their life(So a possible cure is good news for many were to 2 times greater than what American health people( M officials say is needed(The eighth group received Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar sugar pills that had no effect(Those who seemed to to small cuts or tears(These wounds can harm the gain the most received a mixture of a form of tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food vitamin A called β-carotene,vitamin E and the to the stomach or parts of the small 345 microscopic mess intestines(Fluids in the stomach then increase the 抽烟不喝酒。他们还说人们应该减轻生活的紧张pain of an ulcer(How does a person know he or 程度。 she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with What Is a Dream? ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach. For centuries, people have wondered about the This pain often is called heartburn(It usually strange things that they dream about. Some happens before eating or during the night(It causes psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are mind has no special meaning. Others, unable to keep food in their stomachs(Doctors however,think that dreams are an important part of believed that ulcers were caused by unusually our lives. In fact,many experts believe that dreams strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach can tell us about a person's mind and emotions. tissue(Now they have discovered that most ulcers Before modem times,many people thought that are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico dreams contained messages from God. It was only Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie(H Pilorie bacteria are in the twentieth century that people started to study what make stomach produce extra stomach dreams in a scientific way. fluid(The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud, was Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria probably the first person to study with medicines called antibiotics(Health expels dreamsscientifically.ln his famous book, The say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical Interpretation of Dreams (1900) , Freud wrote that costs(They also believe curing ulcers will reduce dreams are an expression of a person's wishes. He the number of people who develop stomach believed that dreams allow people to express the cancer(The number of people with stomach cancer feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of express in real life. Africa( The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung was once a Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer student of Freud's. Jung, however, had a different if someone in his or her family has had one. In fact idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose a person with the family history of ulcers is three of a dream was to communicate a message to the times more likely to get one than other dreamer. He thought people could learn more about people(There are ways people can protect themselves by thinking about their dreams. For themselves from developing an ulcer(Doctors say example, people who dream about falling may it is more important to reduce the amount of strong learn that they have too high an opinion of fluids in the stomach(To do this,doctors say, themselves. On the other hand, people who dream people should not smoke cigarettes or drink about being heroes may learn that they think too alcoh01(And they say people should reduce little of themselves. tension in their lives( Modern-day psychologists continue to develop 胃溃疡 theories about dreams. For example, psychologist 胃溃疡对很多人来说是导致胃剧痛的原因。医生William Domhoff from the University of 们早已能够帮助减轻胃溃疡导致的疼痛,但他们California, Santa Cruz, believes that dreams are 不能完全治愈病人。现在医生们发现了一个导致tightly linked to a person's daily life, thoughts, and 胃溃疡的原因。这就意味着他们可以找到治愈胃behavior. A criminal, for example, might dream 痛患者的途径。研究表明,10%的人在一生中会about crime. 患胃溃疡。因此有可能的治愈方法对很多人而言Domhoff believes that there is a connection 是个好消息。 between dreams and age. His research shows that 溃疡是胃里近似于小割伤或撕伤的伤口。这些伤children do not dream as much as adults. 口会破坏胃内组织和把食物送到胃或小肠的通According to Domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill 道。胃中的液体会加剧溃疡导致的疼痛。一个人that needs time to develop. 怎么能够知道自己是否患了胃溃疡呢?医生说大He has also found a link between dreams and 部分胃溃疡患者感到胸或胃部有灼热的痛感。这gender. His studies show that the dreams of men 种疼痛叫做胃灼热。它通常出现在饭前或夜里。and women are different. For example, the people 它致使一些人失去食欲,或使他们无法使食物存in men's dreams are often other men, and the 在胃里。医生们过去认为胃溃疡是由破坏胃组织dreams often involve fighting. This is not true of 特别强烈地胃液流动导致的。现在他们发现大部women's dreams3. Domhoff found this,gende 分胃溃疡是由一种叫作伊利克•贝克特•皮洛利difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures 或H.皮洛利的细菌微生物导致的。H.皮洛利细菌around the world, including both modern and 使胃分泌多余的胃液。医生们发现他们月用抗生traditional ones. 素杀死这些细菌。健康专家说发现治愈胃溃疡的Can dreams help us understand ourselves? 疗法可以省掉几十亿美元医疗费用。他们也确信Psychologists continue to try to answer this 治愈胃溃疡可以减少患胃癌的人数。在日本、东question in different ways. However, one thing 南亚和非洲一些地区,患胃癌的人很多。 they agree on this: If you dream that something 医生说,如果一个人家庭中有胃溃疡患者,那么terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic. The M 他就更有可能换胃溃疡。实际上有胃溃疡家族史dream may have meaning, but it does not mean 的人患此病的可能性比其他人高三倍。人们又几that some terrible event will actually take place. It's 种方法可以预防胃溃疡。医生们说减少胃中的胃important to remember that the world of dreams is 液更为重要。医生说要做到这一点,人们应该不not the real world. 346 microscopic mess 什么是梦, from 1991 to 2003(Those who ate the most:red 许多世纪以来,人们都对他们梦到的奇异事情感meat ate more than one and one-half servings a 到疑惑。一些心理学家认为,这种大脑的夜间活day(A serving was defined as roughly 84 动并没有特殊含义。另一些人则认为,梦是生命grams(Those who ate the least red meat ate less—中重要的一部分。实际上,许多专家认为,梦能than three servings a week(This is what the study 揭示人的心理和情感活动。 found about breast cancers that were hormone 近代以前,很多人认为梦传递的是上帝的信息。receptor—positive:The women who ate the most 直到20red meat were almost two times as likely to get 世纪,人们才开始从科学的角度研究梦。 them as the women who ate the least of it( 奥地利心理学家西格蒙德•弗洛伊德或许是第一Eunyoung Cho,the lead author of the report,says 个用科学的方法研究梦的人。在他的著作《梦的解析》(1900)中,弗洛伊德写道,梦是一个人愿more research is needed to know the reason for the 望的表达。他认为梦打开了一扇窗,让人们得以link(But in the past,researchers have suggested 表达在生活中不敢表达的情感、思想和恐惧。 that three things may play a part((’One is the way meat is cooked or processed(Another is the use of 瑞士精神病学家卡尔,荣格曾是弗洛伊德的学growth hormones in COWS(生,但他对梦的看法与弗洛伊德不同。他认为,And the third is the 做梦目的是要给做梦的人传递一种信息。而人们kind of iron in red meat,The study appears in the 想想自己做的梦,便能对自己有一个更深刻的了Archives of Internal Medicine( 解。比如,如果梦到从高处坠落,那么他应该反And now we have more to tell you about Our 思自己是不是自视过高。反过来,如果梦中自己subject—resveratr01(We discussed a study in the 成了英雄,应该想想平时可能太看低自己了。 United States that found that。large amounts of this 现代心理学家还在继续发展关于梦的理论,来自plant compound helped fat mice live longer(The 位于圣克鲁兹的加利福尼亚大学的威廉。多姆霍mice were fed much more resveratrol than people 夫就是其中一位。他认为,梦境和一个人的日常could get from red wine,one of the foods that 生活、思想和行为都紧密相关,比方说,一个罪contains it( 犯就可能梦到犯罪。 Now,scientists in France say resveratrol also 多姆霍夫还认为,梦和年龄也有关系。他的研究improves muscle performance—again(at least in 表明,孩子不像成人做梦做的那么多。他认为,mice(They were able to run two times as far in 做梦也是一项心理机能,也需要随着年龄增长而laboratory treadmill tests as mice normally 发展。 could(The study at the Institute of Genetics and 多姆霍夫还发现梦和性别之间的关系。通过研Molecular and Cellular Biology appeared in the 究,他发现男性和女性的梦境常常是不同的。例journal Cell( 如,在男性梦境中出现的通常是其他男性,而且红肉——乳腺癌的又一危险诱因 常与打斗有关,而女性的梦境则不是这样。多姆医生说妇女多进行体育锻炼并保持正常的体重霍夫通过研究包括来自现代文化以及传统文化有助于降低患乳腺癌的危险性。 背景在内的11种不同文化背景的人群梦境中的妈妈们如果给孩子喂奶至少达到了四个月,也会性别差异得出了上述结论。 减少患乳腺癌的几率。对于年龄偏大的妇女们来梦能帮助我们更好地理解自己吗,心理学家还说,激素补充疗法能减少患一些其他疾病的风在尝试通过不同方式来解答这个问题,不过,有险,但是又发现指出这同时会增加乳腺癌患病几一件事他们是意见一致的:如果你梦到有不好的率。因此,妇女们应该谨慎选择。在饮食方面同事情要发生,不要慌张。梦可能会有意义,但也样需谨慎。 不意味着你梦到的一些恐怖事情就一定会发生。新的研究表明,年轻女性吃红肉越多,激素受体要记住,梦中的世界并不是真实的世界。 阳性,乳腺癌的患病率就越高。体内雌激素或孕Red Meat Links to Higher Risk of Breast 激素的高低对此有很大影响。 Cancer 马萨诸塞州鄙视顿时的布里翰女子医院的研究Exercise and keeping a healthy weight are two 人员公布了一项健康调查的结果。从1991年到things that doctors say might help women lower 2003男,研究人员调查了9万多名女性的健康状their risk of breast cancer( 况。多者一天吃一份或一份半红肉(一份大概是Mothers may reduce their risk if they breastfeed 84克)。 少者每周不超过三次。关于激素受体阳for at least four months(For older 性乳腺癌,研究发现,患乳腺癌的的女性中,吃women(hormone replacement therapy can lower 红肉最多的人几乎是最少的人的两倍。 the risk of some other diseases(But it has been 调查负责人Eunyoung Cho 说,二者之间为何有found to increase the risk of breast cancer(So 这种关系需要进一步通过研究论证。但是以前的women should consider their choices 研究表明,吃红肉致乳腺癌可能有三个原因:一carefully(The same may be said for diet( 是红肉的烹调方法,二是养牛时用了生长激素,New findings show that younger women who eat a 三是红肉中所含铁元素的种类。这项研究登在了lot of red meat have higher rates of breast cancers 《内科医学档案》杂志上。 called hormone-receptor positive(The growth is 那么,让我们再了解一下白藜芦醇,但饲养老鼠fed by the levels of estrogen or another hormone,所用的白藜芦醇比人们能从红酒中获取的要多progesterone,in the body( 得多。 M Researchers at Brigham Women’s Hospital in 法国有科学家说,白藜芦醇还能改善肌肉功能—Boston,Massachusetts,reported the findings as —至少对老鼠是这样。在实验室踏车测试中,(食part of a health study of nurses(The researchers 用白藜芦醇的)老鼠能比在正常情况下跑得快两followed the health of more than 90,000 women 倍。遗传学、分子生物学籍细胞生物学研究所进 347 microscopic mess 行的这项研究在《细胞》杂志中有报道。 家已经批准了它。 US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty Napping to a Healthier Heart? The United States has taken the first step toward Researchers say they have developed a simple test approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to that can tell if at person with heart disease is likely help control the deadly effects of tobacco use to stiffer a heart attack2 The test measures levels of throughout the world. Health and Human Services a protein in the blood. The researchers say people Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the with high levels of this protein are at high risk of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control heart attack, heart failure3 or stroke. (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. The Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of the University of Senate must still approve the treaty before the US California in San Francisco led the team. For about can implement its provisions. four years, they studied almost one thousand The FCTC was developed by the World Health patients with heart disease. The researchers tested Organization and approved by members of the the heart disease patients for a protein called World Health Assembly,including the United NT-proBNP4. Patients with the highest levels were States,nearly eight times more likely than those with the last year. Countries that ratify it would be lowest levels to have a heart attack, heart failure or required to enact strict tobacco control policies. stroke. For instance, cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least The researchers say the presence of high levels of 30% of the front and back of every pack. The the protein in the blood shows that the heart treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on muscle is under pressure in some way. The study involved mostly men, so the researchers could not smoking in public places, and more promotion of say for sure5 that the results are also true for tobacco prevention and cessation programs. It also women.. They say the patients with the highest requires bans on tobacco advertising, though there levels of NT-proBNP were older and had other are some exceptions for countries like the United States, where the Constitution prohibits such an problems like diabetes or high blood pressure. outright ban. Other researchers say more studies are needed to The impact of the treaty could be huge. The World confirm if knowing the protein levels of a heart patient should affect that person‘s treatment. They Health Organization estimates that tobacco use also would like to know if more aggressive kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every year. treatment6 could reduce the patient‘s chance of a In the US alone, about 440,000 people die each heart attack or stroke. The study appeared in the year from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the US are caused by Journal of the American Medical Association7. tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO Could a little sleep during the middle of the day estimates, by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million reduce the risk of a heart attack? An unrelated study earlier this month in the Archives of Internal people each year. Medicine8 suggests that the answer may be yes. In The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries countries like the United States, afternoon naps are before it can take effect. So far,109 countries have mostly for children. But they are common for signed it, and 12 have ratified it. 美国签订了全球烟草协议 adults in Mediterranean countries. And these 美国朝着批准一项全球性烟草协议迈出了第一countries generally have lower rates of heart 步。该协议有望在世界范围内控制使用烟草所产disease. So scientists in the United States and Greece wondered if naps could play a part. 生的致命性影响。卫生和人类服务大臣托米汤普Twenty-three thousand healthy adults took part in 森本周在联合国签署了烟草控制框架性协议the study by Harvard University and the University (FCTC)。在美国能够实施其条款之前参议院还of Athens9. Those who took thirty-minute naps 必须要批准这个协议。 FCTC是由世界卫生组织制定的,并且是由世界three times a week had a thirty-seven percent lower 卫生大会的成员们去年批准的,其中包括美国。risk of death from heart problems than people who 批准该协议的国家将被要求制定严格的烟草控did not take naps. The researchers say napping may improve heart 制政策。 health by reducing stress. They say the research 例如,在那些国家出售的香烟将必须在每包烟的suggests that naps are especially good for working 正反面至少30%的地方注明吸烟有害健康的警men. But they say not enough female subjects died 告。这个协议呼吁对烟草收取更多的税,限制在公共场所吸烟和进一步推动禁止烟草的计划。它during the study to judge the benefits for women. 还要求禁止烟草广告,但是对像美国这样的国家午睡可以使心脏更健康吗? 有例外,这些国家的宪法禁止这么直率的禁令。 研究人员声称他们开发出了一种简单的测试,它可以判断一个心脏病患者发病的可能性。这种测这个协议的影响可能是巨大的。世界卫生组织估试就是测量一种特定的蛋白质在血液中的含量。计世界上每年有500万人因为吸烟而死亡。仅在研究人员指出,血液中含有大量这种蛋白质的人美国,每年大约有44万人死于与烟草相关的疾病;是心脏病发作、心力衰竭、中风的高危人群。 美国所有的癌症中约有1/3是因为吸烟导致的。M 如果目前的趋势持续的话,世界卫生组织估计,领导这个课题研究小组的是来自加州大学旧金到2025年烟草将每年夺取一千万人的生命。 山分校的Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo。在大约四年这个协议至少被40个国家批准才能生效。到目前间,他们研究了约1000个心脏病患者。研究人员为止,109个国家已经签订了这个协议,12个国测试心脏病患者体内一种叫做NT-proBNP(N端 348 microscopic mess —脑型利钠肽原)的蛋白质的含量。体内该蛋白You can help fund more of these applications by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay 质含量最高的患者与水平最低的患者相比,心脏for Life, a team event to fight cancer. More 病发作、心力囊竭、中风的可能性相差近八倍。 研究人员指出,血液中出现这种蛋白质表明心肌funding means more cancer breakthroughs and 在某种程度上受到了压迫。此项研究的研究对象more lives being saved. To learn more, call Donna 主要是男性,所以研究人员不能肯定此项研究的Hood, chair with the Neosho Relay for Life of the 结果也适用于女性。他们指出NT-proBNP(N端-American Cancer Society at 451–4880. 脑型利钠肽原)含量水平最高的病相比其他病癌症学会带来很多益处 人,年纪更大而且患有其他疾病,比如:糖尿病你认识患了白血病而幸存下来的孩子吗?你的母或高血压。 亲、姐妹或者阿姨中有没有由于做类X射线才查其他研究人员表示,心脏病患者体内这种蛋白的出早期乳腺癌的?你的朋友或同事中有没有为了含量水平是否应当引起治疗 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的变动,还要做减少患肺癌的概率而戒烟的?这些人中每个人都进一步的研究加以证实。他们还想知道损伤性治能从美国癌症学会的研究计划中获益。 每天,得到没有癌症学会资助的科学家们都在胃疗会不会减轻患者发病或中风的机会。这份研究更进一步接近有效疗法而不停地工作。美国癌症报告已经发表在了《美国医学会杂志》上。 学会很久以来便认识到,预防、诊断与治疗癌症在一天的中间小睡一会儿会不会降低心脏病发的最终答案取决于科研。 作的危险几率呢?在本月稍早时候在《内科医学档案》上发表的一份研究虽不太相关,但也表明,作为美国最大的非营利性癌症研究基金来源,美也许真的是这样。在美国这样的国家,下午小睡国癌症学会每年对研究投入1亿美元以上。从的主要是儿童。但是在地中海国家,成年人下午1946年以来,他们已经在研究上投入了24亿美元以上。投资产生类丰厚的效益:在1946年,只有小睡片刻是很苦遍的。而且在这些地中海国家心四分之一的癌症患者在确诊5脏病的发病率都很低。因此美国和希腊的科学家年后仍然活着;今想知道午睡是不是在其中起了作用。2.3万名成天60%的患者能够活5年以上。 年人参加了这项由哈佛大学和雅典大学共同组全国范围内的大学、研究机构和医院的调查员和织的研究。那些每周午睡3次,每次30分钟的人,医学专业人士可以从美国癌症学会获得补助金。他们死于心脏问题的风险比那些不午睡的人低在每年收到的1300多份新的申请中,只有11%能37%。 够被资助。如果美国癌症学会有更多资金可以用研究人员指出午睡可能是通过为心脏减压改善于研究基金,那么每年大概还能再资助将近200了心脏的健康状况。他们指出这项研究表明午睡个被认为杰出的申请。 对工作的男性效果尤其好。但是他们表示,因为你可以加入美国癌症学会组织的生命接力活动,研究中的女性调查者死亡的病历并不多,所以午来资助更多的申请。更多的资料意味着更多的癌睡之于女性是否有好处,还不能断言。 症科研突破和更多的生命被挽救。详情请拨打Many Benefit from Cancer Organization 451-4880,找Donna Hood,美国癌症学会尼欧肖Do you know a child who survived leukemia? Do 生命接力活动主席。 you have a mother, sister or aunt whose breast The paper Chase cancer was found early thanks to a mammogram? "Running a house is a lot like running a business." Do you have a friend or coworker who quit says Stephanie Denton, a professional organizer smoking to reduce their risk of lung cancer? Each based in Cincinnati, Ohio, who specializes in both of these individuals benefited from the American residential and commercial paperwork and record Cancer Society‘s research program. keeping. To get a successful grip on organizing Each day scientists supported by the American documents, bills, and other materials, Denton Cancer Society work to find breakthroughs that suggests the following tips: will take us one step closer to a cure.1 The Create a space in which you can always do your American Cancer Society has long recognized that paperwork. This is perhaps the most important research holds the ultimate answers to the element of a successful system. If you can't devote prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.2 an entire desk to the task, at least invest in a rolling As the largest source of nonprofit cancer research file cart to store active paperwork and a funds in the United States, the American Cancer two-drawer file cabinet for family records. Store Society devotes over $100 million each year to the rolling file cart wherever it is most convenient research. Since 1946,they’ve invested more than and comfortable to do your work, whether that is $2.4 billion in research. The investment has paid the kitchen, office, or family room. rich dividends3 :In 1946,only one in four cancer When in doubt, throw it out. The first step to patients was alive five years after diagnosis; today implementing a workable filing system is to 60 percent live longer than five years. eliminate paper you don't use, don't need, or that Investigators and health professionals in you could easily access again elsewhere. Throw universities, research institutes and hospitals out duplicate statements, old catalogs, and all of throughout the country receive grants from the the coupons, mailings, or offerings you'll never American Cancer Society. Of the more than 1,300 have an opportunity to use or even read. new applications received each year, only 11 Set aside two days a month to pay bills. If a M percent can be funded. If the American Cancer monthly due date doesn't fit into your cycle, call up Society had more money available for research the creditor and suggest a more convenient date. funding, nearly 200 more applications considered Keep two manila folders at the front of your outstanding could be funded each year: system for current bills –one to correspond with 349 microscopic mess each bill-paying day –and file all incoming bills. decoration3. With a tiny pool of bone marrow donors, weakened Keep a list in the front of each folder of what needs by the absence of sibling donors for most children to be paid in case the invoice never arrives or gets misplaced. because of China‘s one-child policy,doctors rely Think of your filing system not as a rigid tool, but on4donors from Taiwan to save many young as a living, breathing system that can accommodate leukaemia patients, the Beijing Evening Newssaid your changing needs. A good filing system is both last weekend. Taiwan, with a population of 22 mentally and physically flexible. Everyone's needs million, has 210,000 registered donors compared are different, says Denton, but when devising a with fewer than 30,000 donors among mainland filling system, ask yourself: "where would I look China‘s 1.3 billion people5, the newspaper said. for this?" Create main headings for your filing Yet the lack of registered donors may reflect a lack system, such as Investments, Taxes, Children, and of funding for testing and recording data on so forth, and file individual folders under the main potential donors rather than a lack of volunteers, headings. Never overstuff your files. the newspaper said. China needs a pool of at least 文件整理 100,000 donors but testing them would cost more Stephanie Denton是俄亥俄州辛辛那提地区的职than 50 million yuan, it said. 业筹划人The Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation6said it ,专门负责居民和商业部分的文书和 记录工作。他说,“打理房子更像做生意”。如何has helped "a handful" of patients in Beijing, 成功地组织文件、账单和其他材料,Denton提供 Shanghai and other cities. "The number of requests 了如下建议: 创造一个可以一直做文书工作的is increasing" from mainland China, including direct calls to the charity from desperate patients or 空间。这或许是一个成功机制的最重要的部分。relatives, said the foundation‘s donor coordinator 如果你没有 整张桌子的话,至少要有一个可以Marven Chin. But the cost of extracting bone 移动的小车来储存那些经常使用的文书,还要有marrow from one of the foundation‘s 40,000 一个带两个抽 屉的柜子来存放家庭记录。把这个可移动的小车放在你工作最方便、最舒适的地registered donors and flying it by courier has to be 方,无论是厨房、 办公室还是家庭游艺室。 当borneby the patients, and many of them have to be 有怀疑的时候,就把它扔出来。建立一个可行的aided financially, Chin said. 中国寻求捐赠,弥补骨髓漏洞 档案系统,首先要把那些你不用、不需要 或者政府某媒体周一报道,由于资金不足,并缺乏能你可以在其他地方轻易得到的文件扔掉。扔掉那救助日益增多的急需移植手术病人的同胞捐赠些复件、旧索引和所有你永远不会有机会使 用者,中国正在组织一场运动,以获得更多的骨髓甚至阅读的优待券、邮件和礼券。 每个月留出两天时间付账单。如果每个月的结账捐赠。 日期不适合你,打电话给你的债权人并建议 换《中国日报》官方报道,中国红十字会于本周末一个更方便的日期。建立一个与每个结账日相对发起类这一运动,寻求捐赠以救助那些身患白血病、障碍性贫血以及其他血液病等待骨髓移植的应的账单系统,在你当前的账单系统前放两个 病人,目前中国内地需要骨髓移植的病人大约马尼拉折叠夹来整理所有进来的账单。在每个需400万。同时该报称,每年还增加4万白血病患者,要付账的文件夹前列一个清单以防发票没到或其中大多数为35者 放错了地方。 岁以下,50%为儿童。其他的报你的档案系统不是一个严格的工具,而是一个活道则认为中国日益增多的白血病儿童与室内装生生的、能够呼吸的、能适应你不断变化需 要修用的溶剂与建筑材料有关。 的系统。一个好的档案系统要有心理和身体两个来自《北京晚报》上周末的报道说,中国内地实方面的灵活性。Denton说,每个人的需要都是 不行独生子女政策,故缺少同胞来捐献骨髓。骨髓同的,但是在设计档案系统前问问自己,“我要捐献储备奇缺,医生只能依靠台湾的捐赠来救助到哪儿去找它呢?”为你的档案系统加上主要的 年轻的白血病患者。该报称,骨髓库在内地13标题,比如投资、税务、孩子等,然后将文件夹亿人口中只登记类不足3万名志愿者,相比之下,分类放在标题下。不要把你的文件夹塞得过满。 远远低于台湾2200万人口中21万名的登记人数。 China Seeks Donors to Narrow Bone Marrow 该报纸报道,缺少志愿者实质上是缺少可能作为Gap 志愿者的人进行检查及监理资料库的费用。中国China has launched a campaign to recruit more 至少需要10万名骨髓捐赠志愿者,而检测费用将bone marrow donors, amid a shortage of funds as 超过5000万元人民币。 well as of sibling donors who could help the 香港骨髓匹配基金会捐赠协调人Marven Chin growing number of patients in need of life-saving 宣布,该基金会已经救助类北京、上海及其他城transplants, state media reported on Monday. 市不少患者。内地需求日益增多,打电话来求助The Chinese Red Cross1began the national 的包括急患者本人或其亲属。但是从该基金会4campaign over the weekend to find donors for 万注册捐赠者中的一位抽取骨髓,再由飞机专门some 4 million patients suffering from leukaemia, 输送的费用要有患者承担,许多接受捐献者需要thalassaemia and other blood diseases and awaiting 资助。 bone marrow transplants, the official China Daily Pregnant Women Warned About ACE Inhibitor said. Every year China has 40,000 new leukaemia 1. Some of the most commonly used medicines for M patients, most of them under 35 and 50 percent of high blood pressure are drugs called ACE them children,2the newspaper said. Other reports inhibitors. Doctors have given these drugs to have linked China‘s growing childhood leukaemia patients for twenty-five years. A government study to solvents and building materials used in interior in the United States found that the use almost 350 microscopic mess doubled between 1995 and 2000. 1985年至2000年出生的约3万新生儿的记录。其中有209个新生儿的母亲曾经在妊娠期的前3个2. Doctors have known for years that women 月里服用过ACE(血管紧张肽转化酶)抑制剂。这should not take ACE inhibitors during the last six months of pregnancy. The medicine can injure the 些新生儿中有18个,大约占研究总数的9%,患baby. ACE inhibitors, though, have been 有严重地先天性疾病。 considered safe when taken during the first three ACE(血管紧张肽转化酶)抑制剂通常用于患有months. But a New study has found that women 糖尿病的患者。但孕妇患糖尿病可能会导致新生who take these drugs early in their pregnancy still 儿的先天性缺陷。因此这项研究的研究对象不包increase the risk of birth disorders2. The study 括任何患有糖尿病的孕妇。ACE抑制剂的作用是shows that, compared to others, their babies were 抑制血管紧张肽转化酶,又称ACE。这种酶在人almost three times as likely to be born with major 体内制造一种使血管变窄、血压上升的化学物problems.3 These included problems with the 质。ACE抑制剂则能增加血液的流动,因此血压formation of the brain and nervous system and 造成降低。 holes in the heart. 目前正通过在妊娠动物上试验新药,来推断它会3. The researchers say they found no increased risk 不会造成人类新生儿的先天缺陷。但专家表示,in women who took other blood pressure 这些测试结果也不一定可靠。美国食品与药品管medicines during the first three months. 理局资助了这项研究。食品与药品管理局指出:Researchers at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee 患高血压的妇女在怀孕前应该向医生咨询治疗and Boston University did the study. The New 高血压的其他方法。 England Journal of Medicine4 published the results. Screen Test The researchers studied the records of almost thirty Every year millions of women are screened with thousand births between 1985 and 2000. Two X-rays to pick up signs of breast cancer. If this hundred nine babies were born to women who took happens early enough, the disease can often be ACE inhibitors during the first three months of treated successfully. According to a survey their pregnancies. Eighteen of the babies, or almost published last .year, 21 countries have screening nine percent, had major disorders. programes. Nine of them, including Australia, 4. ACE inhibitors are often given to patients with Canada the US and Spain, screen women under 50. diabetes. But diabetes during pregnancy can result But the medical benefits of screening these in birth defects. So the study did not include any younger women are controversial, partly because women known to be diabetic5. ACE inhibitors the radiation brings a small risk of inducing cancer. suppress a protein called angiotensin-converting Also, younger women must be given higher doses enzyme, or ACE. This enzyme produces a of X-rays because their breast tissue is denser. chemical in the body that makes blood passages Researchers at the Polytechnic University of narrow. The drugs increase the flow of blood so Valencia analyzed the effect of screening more pressure is reduced. than 160,000 women at 11 local clinics. After 5. New drugs are tested on pregnant animals to see estimating the women s cumulative dose of if they might cause birth defects in humans. But radiation, they used two models to calculate the experts say these tests are not always dependable. number of extra cancers this would cause. The United States Food and Drug Administration6 The mathematical model recommended by helped pay for the study. The F. D. A. says women Britain‘s National Radiological Protection who might become pregnant should talk with their Board(NRPB) predicted that the screening doctor about other ways to treat high blood programme would cause 36 cancers per 100,000 pressure. women, 18 0fthem fatal. The model preferred by 孕妇要警惕ACE抑制剂 the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of ACE(血管紧张肽转化酶)抑制剂是指那些通常Atomic Radiation led to a lower figure of 20 用于治疗高血压的药物。医生给病人用这种药已cancers. 经25年了。美国政府的一份研究报告显示,在The researchers argue that the level of 1995年到2000年之间,这种药的用量翻了一番。 radiation-induced cancers is ―not very significant‖ compared to the far larger number of cancers that 医生们一直都知道,虽然服用ACE(血管紧张肽are discovered and treated. The Valencia 转化酶)抑制剂在妊娠期的前3个月是安全地,但programme, they say, detects between 300 and 450 是在妊娠期的后6个月不应该服用ACE(血管紧cases of breast cancer in every 100,000 women 张肽转化酶)抑制剂。因为这种药物会损伤婴儿。可是有一项新的研究发现,孕妇在妊娠初期服用screened. 这种药物,同样会增加新生儿患先天性疾病的风But they point out that the risk of women 险。这项研究表明,与其他婴儿相比,这些婴儿contracting cancer from radiation could be reduced by between 40 and 80 percent if screening began at 在出生时患大病得可能性几乎是其他婴儿的350 instead of 45 , because they would be exposed 倍。这些病包括大脑和神经系统发育缺陷及心脏to less radiation. The results of their study, they 出现空洞。 suggest, could help ―optimize the technique‖ for 研究人员表示,患高血压的孕妇在妊娠期的前3M 个月服用其他降压药,她们的危险性并没有增breast cancer screening. 加。来自田纳西州的范德比特大学和波士顿大学“There is a trade-off between the diagnostic 的研究人员对此进行了研究。《新英格兰医学杂benefits of breast screening and its risks,‖ admits 志》发表了此项研究成果。研究人员研究了从Michael Clark of the NRPB. But he warns that 351 microscopic mess the study should be interpreted with caution.‖ On detecting tuberculosis. Too often, however, a the basis of the current data, for every 10 cancers current emphasis upon the danger of exposure to successfully detected and prevented there is a risk radiation1 from X-ray machines can frighten of causing one later in life. That‘s why radiation people away from routine chest X-rays and thus exposure should be minimized in any screening prevent an early diagnosis of lung cancer. Early programme. detection is absolutely essential if any possibility 屏幕前的检测 of cure is to be maintained2. Modern X-ray 每年有数以百万记的妇女通过X光来检测她们machines in competent hands pose such slight 是否有患有乳腺癌的迹象。如果这个检测进行的danger, at least to those over 40 years of age, that 足够早,这种疾病可以被成功治愈。根据去年的this would be much more than offset by the 一个调查显示,有21个国家拥有普查计划。其中advantages of discovering a tumor while it is small 的九个国家包括澳大利亚、加拿大、美国、西班enough to be completely removed.3 牙等将对50岁以下的妇女实施这项计划。 A common form of lung cancer is bronchogenic carcinoma4, so-ca但是对于年轻女性进行检测的医学效益是颇有lled because the malignancy 争议的,一方面,放射性物质会有诱发癌症的小originates in5 a bronchus. The tumor may grow 风险。另一方面,因为年轻女性的乳组织比较密until the bronchus is blocked, cutting off6 the 集,她们需要更大量的X光照射。 supply of air to that lung. The lung then collapses, 巴伦西亚理工综合大学的专家分析了来自1 1个and the secretions trapped in the lung spaces 诊所的16万个妇女的检测结果。充分估计了妇女become infected, with a resulting pneumonia or the 不断渐增的辐射量,他们运用两种模型计算这一formation of a lung abscess. Such a lung cancer 检测可能引起的额外病症的数量。 can also spread to cause secondary growths in the 据英格兰国家放射防治协会( NRPB)推荐的数学lymph nodes7 of the chest and neck as well as in 模型预测说,10万名检测对象中,有36名被引发the brain and other parts of the body. The only 癌症,其中1 8名是致命的。研究原子辐射的美treatment that offers a possibility of cure, before 国科学委员会推崇的模型预测了这个较低的数secondary growths have had time to form, is to 值为20. remove the lung completely. This operation is 研究人员讨论说,与大量发现并治愈的癌症患者called pneumonectomy. 相比,检测导致的癌症并不是非常明显的。巴伦Malignant tumors of the stomach, the breast, the 西亚计划在10万名妇女中检测出了300到450例prostate gland8 and other organs may spread to the 癌症患者。 lungs, causing secondary growths. 但是,他们指出,如果检测计划以50岁起,而不肺癌 是45岁的话,她们因辐射而得癌症的比率将会减在过去的25年中,男性肺癌的死亡率增加了8倍少40%到80%o因为她们受到的辐射少一些。他多,而女性则增加1倍多;城市和工业区要比农村们指出,这项研究结果将会帮助乳腺癌的检测技高得多。究其原因,有很多可能性因素。但是哪术价值发挥到极致。 些因素最为致病还存在很大分歧。频繁提到的因NRPB的迈克?克拉克承认诊断收益和检测风险素是接触异质颗粒和空气中其他刺激物(烟尘、二者之间达到了均衡,然而,他警告说他们的研烟雾、废烟废气),以及抽烟和吸雪茄。 究必须谨慎的解释:鉴于当前的数据,每10个癌一系列研究表明,肺癌的死亡率与吸烟的习惯之症会被成功的检测和治疗,但是她们的后半生还间存在着明显的关系。在那些每天抽21~30根香会有患癌症的可能。这就是为什么在任何的检测烟的烟瘾大的人当中,肺癌死亡率几乎是不吸烟计划中都应将辐射降低到最小的原因。 者的17倍。在目前相当比例女性吸烟的作用下,Lung Cancer 女性死亡率即将增高。 The death rate due to cancer of the lungs has 有时肺癌是在进行X射线检查结核病时发现的。increased more than 800 percent in males and has 但是,当前强调接触X射线机的放射线的危险常more than doubled in females during the last 25 常也使得人们不敢去做常规的胸部X射线检查,years. It is considerably higher in urban and 从而不能早期对肺癌作出诊断。如果想要保持治industrial areas than in rural districts. There are 愈可能的话,今早发现绝对必要。现代的X射线many possible causes, but it is still controversial 机由有技能的人来操作,它对40岁以上的人所产which are most blameworthy. Those factors which 生的危险如此之小,以至于其危险不仅可以为其have been mentioned most frequently are the 能发现一个很小的、可以彻底切除的肿瘤这个有presence of foreign particles and other irritants in 点所抵消,甚至还要更好。 the air (smoke particles, smog, exhaust fumes), and 肺癌的常见类型为支气管癌,之所以这样称呼是the smoking of cigarettes and cigars. 因为恶性肿瘤产生于支气管内。肿瘤会一直长到Numerous studies have demonstrated a striking 支气管堵塞,切断了空气向肺的供给。然后肺衰correlation between the death rate from lung 竭,肺腔内的分泌物被感染,导致肺炎和肺脓肿。cancer and smoking habits. Among heavy smokers 这种肺癌也会扩散,在胸部和颈部淋巴结、脑部—21 to 30 cigarettes per day —the mortality rate 以及身体的其他部位继发再生。可能治愈的唯一from lung cancer is nearly 17 times the rate from 方法就是在继发肿瘤出现之前将肺全部切除。该nonsmokers. It is expected the death rate among 手术叫做肺切除术。 M women will increase as the present high rate of 胃部、胸部、前列腺及其他器官的肿瘤也将扩散smoking among women has its effect. 到肺部,造成继发。 Sometimes cases of lung cancer are discovered at Aspirin — a New Miracle Drug the time an x-ray is taken for the purpose of Using aspirin, an over-the-counter pill on sale in 352 microscopic mess every supermarket without a prescription, to treat 们发现柳树中能止痛退烧的化学元素为水杨醇serious circulatory disease may seem almost like 葡萄糖甙。1899年,德国拜尔公司上市了一种变quackery. But today doctors recognize this drug as 种商品,乙酞水杨酸,命名为阿司匹林。 a potent compound as important as antibiotics, 从那时起,数百万的关节炎患者服用阿司匹林以digitalis and other miracle drugs. 及含有阿司匹林的化合药物。根据一份研究报In its natural form as willow bark and leaves, this 告,作为一种止痛剂,阿司匹林比其他所有可口remarkable remedy dates back to Hippocrates. In 服的止痛药及麻醉剂都更为有效,它同时也对人1829 the chemical in the willow tree that can 体保持恒温起作用,可以退烧。 relieve pain and reduce fever was discovered to be 年,但是它的有些功能直到近来才被发现。1950salicin. By 1899 the Bayer Company in Germany 晚年的Craven博士给一家小型的西方医疗杂志had marketed a variant, acetylsalicylic acid, under 写信,告知说他给约40。个超重、很少活动的男the name of aspirin. 性每天1片或2片阿司匹林,其中没有人得心脏Since then, aspirin and confounds containing 病。他将实验人群扩大到8, 000人,19SG年他汇aspirin have been taken by tens of millions of 报说,无一病例发现有冠状动脉血栓或者脑血arthritis patients. As a pain killer aspirin is, 栓。病人每天服用1到2片持续I到10年,无一人according to one study, more effective than all 发生严重中风。但是,儿乎没人重视他作的观察。 other analgesics and narcotics available for oral 而后,Vane博士证实了阿司匹林可以改变身体前use. It also acts on4 the body‘s thermostat, turning 列腺每个细胞可分泌的前列腺素的有害作用。一down fever. 些强效的前列腺素是有害的化合药物,可导致发But some of its powers remained unsuspected until 烧、疼痛以及关节炎。有一种前列腺素能刺激血recently. In 1950 the late Dr. Craven wrote to a 小板形成动脉内的血块,而阿司匹林可以阻断它small western medical journal about 400 的有害作用。Vane的发现令一些研究者回想起overweight, sedentary male patients to whom he Craven 1956年所做的观察,那些观察现在似乎had given one or two aspirin tablets a day. None 有了科学的解释。人们开始从事大量研究,以求had had a heart attack. He enlarged his group to 发现阿司匹林是否真正能够抑制心脏病发作和8,000 and in 1956 reported:”Not a single case of 中风。 detectable coronary or cerebral thrombosis” and 1972年,美国10家医疗机构对303名一次性缺血“发作患者进行了两次“双盲”试验。153名患者no major stroke” had occurred in patients who 每天服用4had taken one or two tablets daily for from one to 片阿司匹林,剩下的150名患者则服用ten years. But his observations were largely 安慰剂。患者和医生对所服药物究属何种都全然ignored. 不知。六个月后,服用阿司匹林的患者一次性缺Then Dr. Vane proved that aspirin turned off the 血及中风发作大大少于那些“安慰控制”的患者,body‘s prostaglandins6 hormonelike chemicals that 中风病死率也明显降低。研究结果具有充足的说can be secreted by every cell. Some potent 服力,于是阿司匹林便被广泛应用于这个目的。 prostaglandins are harmful compounds that create The Safeness of IUDs for HIV-positive Women fever, pain and arthritis. One of them stimulates Women infected with the most common form of platelets in the blood to begin forming clots inside HIV may safely use the intrauterine device arteries. Aspirin blocks this dangerous effect. (IUD)for contraception, provided they see a doctor Vane‘s finding caused some researchers to recall regularly, new study findings suggest. Craven‘s 1956 observations, which now had a World Health Organization guidelines currently possible scientific explanation. Numerous studies state that, in general, HIV-infected women should avoid IUDs. ―Those guidelines were essentially were begun to find out whether aspirin could made on theoretical concerns, and there are really indeed inhibit heart attacks and stroke. very little data on what contraceptive is appropriate In 1972, ten US medical institutions began two for HIV-infected women‖ said the lead author Dr. ―double-blind‖ trials of 303 patients who suffered from transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). Four Charles S. Morrison in North Carolina. aspirin tablets a day were given to 153 patients, Morrison and colleagues gathered information on while placebo tablets were given to 150. Neither IUD-related complications at 1, 4 and 24 months after placement of the device in 636 women living patients nor doctors knew which was which. After in Nairobi, Kenya5. Of these women, 156 had HIV six months, the patients on aspirin had experienced infection. Participating physicians did not know much fewer TIAs, and fewer strokes and deaths the patients‘ HIV status. There was ―little from strokes than the ―controls‖. The results were so conclusive that aspirin has been used for this difference in any side effects in HIV-infected purpose widely. women compared with HIV-uninfected women, 阿司匹林—一种新的神奇药物 suggesting that the IUD is likely an appropriate method for HIV-infected women,‖ Morrison said. 使用阿司匹林这种不需处方、在每家超市柜台上―This is an important issue, because there are now 都出售的药丸治疗严重 16 million women living with HIV and a lot of 的循环系统疾病,收到的奇效如同江湖医术。但them have a critical need for contraception,‖ he 是现在医生已经视其为与抗 M 生素、毛地黄及其他特效药品同等重要的强效化added. 合物。 The researchers did find that women with 以柳树皮和柳树叶作为天然形式,这种疗效显著infections such as gonorrhea or chlamydia at the study‘s outset were at increased risk of IUD 的治疗可以回溯到希波克拉底时代。1829年,人 353 microscopic mess complications, confirming current guidelines discussed using nanotechnology to improve health suggesting that women with sexually transmitted care in developing countries. The program took diseases not use IUDs. place at the Woodrow Wilson International Center In addition, there was no difference in the amount for Scholars. Peter Singer at the University of of virus the HIV-positive women were releasing Toronto says a nanotechnology called quantum from their cervix, or shedding8, at the beginning of dots2 could be used to confirm cases of malaria. the study compared with 4 months after the IUD He says it could offer a better way than the was inserted, the researchers reported in the August traditional process of looking at a person‘s blood issue of the British Journal of Obstetrics and under a microscope. Gynaecology. Conversely, some studies have In poor countries, this process is often not followed. shown a relationship between increased cervical As a result, sick people may get treated for malaria HIV shedding and the use of oral contraceptives. even if they do not have it. Such misuse of “What this study suggests is that you need to medicines can lead to drug resistance. Quantum avoid IUD use in women with a cervical infection dots are particles that give off light when activated. but not women with HIV infection,‖Morrison said. Researchers are studying ways to program them to ―Women with cervical infections are at increased identify diseases by lighting up in the presence of a risk of complications: women with HIV infection targeted molecule. are not.‖ Experts say nanotechnology shows promise not HIV呈阳性妇女的宫内节育器的安全性 just for diagnosing diseases, but also for treating 新的研究结果表明,感染了HIV最常见形式的女them. Piotr Grodzinski of the National Institutes of Health5 talked about how nanotechnology could 性如果能够经常去看医生,可以采用宫内工具make drugs more effective. He talked about cancer (宫内节育器)安全避孕。 drugs already developed with nanotechnology. 世界卫生组织现行的指南规定,感染HIV的女性He says if a drug can target a cancer locally in the 应避免使用宫内节育器。“那些指南主要是根据理论制订的,而很少有关于什么避孕方法适合感body, then much less of it might be needed, and 染HIV妇女的资料。”主要著北卡罗来纳州that means lower side effects. Charles S. Morrison这样说道。 Andrew Maynard is chief scientist for the Project Morrison和同事们对装了宫内节育器1on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Woodrow 个月、4个Wilson Center. He noted that Brazil, India, China 月和2年的636名肯尼亚内罗毕市的妇女进行调and South Africa are currently doing 查,搜集相关并发症的信息。这些妇女当中有156nanotechnology research that could help poor 名感染HIV,参与的医生不知道有病人感染HIV。“在所引起的副作用方面,感染HIV的妇女与未countries. But he also noted that there is some 感染HIV的妇女相比几乎没有什么差别,这表明risk in using nano-materials. He says 使用宫内节育器可能是妇女(实行安全避孕)的nanometer-sized particles behave differently in the body and the environment compared to larger 一种可行的途径。”莫里森说道。他补充说,“这particles7. Experts say more investment in 是一个极为重要的问题,原因是,当今有1600research is needed to better understand these risks. 万妇女感染HIV,她们大都急需避孕方法。” 纳米保健技术走向贫困国家 研究人员的确发现,有淋病或衣原体感染的妇女在调查一开始就有更大的危险性,易于引发宫内纳米技术的应用对象都是分子级和原子级的物节育器的并发症,这就进一步证实了现行指南的质。如今,长度为一纳米,即十亿分之一米的粒意见,即患有性传播疾病的妇女不应该使用宫内子已被开发出多种用途,如制造美容产品和抗污节育器。 型服装等。但其中一个领域科学家认为潜力尤为研究人员在《大不列颠妇产科杂志》8月期刊中巨大,那就是医药领域。 报道。此外,调查开始阶段与装入宫内节育器4在上周于华盛顿Woodrow Wilson国际中心召开个月后相比,人类免疫缺陷病毒呈阳性反应的妇的一个项目会议上,科学家们探讨了如何将纳米女从子宫颈排出的病毒(即脱落物)的数量前后技术应用于贫困国家人口保健的事宜。 没有差别。一些研究从反面表明,宫颈脱落物增来自多伦多大学的Peter Singer声称一项名为量加与使用口服避孕药存在关系。 子点的纳米技术可被应用于疟疾的诊断。相对于传统的仅用显微镜观察血液样本的方法,此技术“这个研究所要说明的就是,避免使用宫内节育要先进得多。 器应用于患有宫颈感染的妇女,不是感染HIV的由于贫困国家往往没有条件应用此项新技术,许妇女,”莫里森说道,“宫颈感染的妇女患并发症多健康人被误诊为疟疾患者,而药物的滥用又导的危险大,而感染HIV的妇女则并非如此。” Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the 致了抗药性的产生。所谓量子点是指一些被激活Poor 后会发光的粒子,如今科学家正在研究为它们编Nanotechnology uses matter at the level of 程的方法,以便当靶分子存在的时候就能够通过发光来诊断疾病。 molecules and atoms. Researchers are finding 纳米技术的优越性不光体现在疾病的诊断,还包different uses for particles with a length of one 括疾病的治疗。国立卫生研究所的Piotr nanometer, or one-billionth of a meter. These Grodzinski与大家共同探讨了如何运用纳米技术include things like beauty products1 and M dirt-resistant clothing. But one area where many 来增强药效。以一些已经使用了纳米技术的抗癌experts believe nanotechnology holds great 药物为例,他指出,如果药物可以针对癌症病灶promise is medicine. 而不是整个人体,治疗所需药量就会大大减少,Last week, speakers at a program in Washington 副作用也会降低。 354 microscopic mess Andrew Maynard是Woodrow Wilson中心新兴的断或是治疗某一疾病所需的科学证据的结论。病例会诊和病例报告可能会登载在医学杂志上,告纳米技术工程部骨干科学家,他注意到巴西、印知医生特定的疾病和如何治疗。医学杂志上的社度、中国及南非正在开发可被贫困园家所应用的纳米技术。与此同时他指出,与较大分子不同,论是表达作者观点的短文章,它们经常是针对同纳米材料的颗粒在人体内和体外环境中的作用一期杂志上登载的一篇科研论文或综述文章的。可能有所不同,因此纳米技术的应用存在一定风社论提供了一个整体看法,阐述这篇文章是怎样险,若要深入研究这些风险则需要更大的资金投和同一话题的其他信息联系在一起的。读者来信人。 为医学杂志的读者提供了发表评论、提问或批评Medical Journals 杂志上登载的文章的途径。 Medical journals are publications that report Cooking oil Fumes Cause Tumor medical information to physicians and other health The leading cause of lung cancer among women in professionals. the city was cooking oil fumes while men are more In the past, these journals were available only in likely to develop the disease from smoking, said print. With the development of electronic medical experts after a five-year research study. publishing, many medical journals now have Doctors announced the results yesterday with Web sites on the Internet, and some journals analysis on some new tendencies in lung cancer. publish only online. A few medical journals, like They said patients are younger, especially the Journal of the American Medical Association, women. are considered general medical journals because According to the Shanghai Tumor research they cover many fields of medicine. Most Institute, more local residents die of lung cancer in medical journals are specialty journals that focus the city than anything else. Following breast cancer, on a particular area of medicine. it has the second-highest incidence rate. Medical journals publish many types of articles. “An unhealthy lifestyle is a very important reason Research articles report the results of research for lung cancer,‖ said Dr He Yumin from Shanghai studies on a range of topics varying from the basic Minshen Traditional Chinese Medicine Tumor mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that Diagnosis and Treatment Center. compare outcomes of different treatments. He followed 2,276 lung cancer patients for five Review articles summarize and analyze the years. Among them, 1,483 were male. information available on a specific topic based on a Smoking causes 70 percent of cases among men careful search of the medical literature. Because while only 18 percent of female patients developed the results of individual research studies can be cancer from smoking or inhaling second-hand affected by many factors, combining results from smoke, according to the report. different studies on the same topic can be helpful However, more than 60 percent of women with the in reaching conclusions about the scientific disease had long term, close contact with strong oil evidence for preventing, diagnosing or treating a fumes from cooking and complained about irritated particular disease. 1 Case conferences and case eyes and throat. reports may be published in medical journals to About 32 percent of women fried foods in boiling educate physicians about particular illnesses and oil in unventilated kitchens and about 25 percent of how to treat them. Editorials in medical journals women‘s bedrooms were adjacent to the kitchen. are short essays that express the views of the However, local women were surprised to learn authors, often regarding a research or review cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer. Some article published in the same issue. Editorials claimed they may change food preparation provide perspective on how the current article fits methods. with other information on the same topic. Letters “Unless my family and I don‘t eat at home every to the editor provide a way for readers of the day, I must stay in the kitchen to cook,‖ said Xu Li, medical journal to express comments, questions or a 45-year-old local woman. ―I know the fumes criticisms about articles published in that journal. are bad for the skin, but it is the first time I heard 医学杂志 that it can result in lung cancer. I have already 医学杂志是向医生和其他医务人员提供医学信started frying less. ‖ 息的出版物。 Doctors said women‘s lung cancer- had few links 在过去,这些杂志只有印刷版。随着电子出版的to personal health and physical condition, but 发展,许多医学杂志现在都有网站了,有些杂志was closely related to family cancer history, 只有网络版。少数的医学杂志,如《美国医学会unhealthy dietary habits and weak immune 杂志》,被看做是普通医学杂志,因为它们涵盖systems. 了医学的许多领域。大部分医学杂志都是针对特Other experts agreed with He. 定医疗领域的专业杂志。 “Smoking is by far the biggest cause4 of lung 医学杂志登载很多类型的文章。科研论文报告调cancer for men,‖ said Dr Tan Binyong, honorary 查研究的结果,内容涵盖基础疾病机理和比较不president of the Respiratory Disease Institute at 同疗法产生的结果的临床试验。综述文章在细致Fudan University‘s Medical College. ―It‘s true M 研究医学文献的基础上,总结和分析与某个特定that second-hand smoke and cooking fumes are the 话题相关的信息。由于个体研究之结果可能受很main causes among women. ‖ 多因素的影响,因此将有关同一题目的不同研究He‘s research also warned people not to stand near 之结果汇总起来,可能有助于得出有关预防、诊of stalls selling5 fried foods due to the poor quality 355 microscopic mess of oils used. for women in developed nations. Pregnant women especially in poor countries may find it difficult to The chance of catching lung cancer is three times get enough vitamins and minerals from the foods higher if exposed to the fume for a long time, experts said. in their diet. 厨房油烟可致癌 The scientists compared the findings with results 医学专家们经过5年的研究调研后指出,城市人from a group of 4,000 women who did not receive 群中,男性患肺癌的首要原因是吸烟,而女性患the vitamins. A report by the scientists, from the 此绝症的罪魁祸首是厨房油烟。 United States and Tanzania, appeared in the New 医生们昨天宣布这一结果,并对肺癌患病的一些England Journal of Medicine. Wafaie Fawzi of the 新趋势做出分析。他们认为病人越来越年轻化,Harvard University School of Public Health4 led 尤其是女性。 the study. None of the women in the study had HIV, 据上海肿瘤研究所统计显示,本市死于肺癌的居the virus that causes AIDS. The scientists 民多于死于其他疾病的人。肺癌成为继乳腺癌之reported earlier that daily multivitamins were a low-cost way to reduce fetal deaths in pregnant 后的第二大高发病率肿瘤。 women infected with5 HIV. The earlier work in 海民生中医肿瘤诊疗中心何裕民医生指出:“不Tanzania also found improvement in the mothers in 健康的生活习惯是致癌的一个重要原因。” their number of blood cells known as lymphocytes. 他对2,276名肺癌患者进行了长达5年的追踪调研。这些患者中有1,483名是男性。 Lymphocytes increase the body‘s immunity against 报告显示,案例中男性患者中70qo是由吸烟诱发infection. 癌症的,而只有18%的女性患者是由于吸烟或被The new study in pregnant women who were not infected with the AIDS virus found that 迫吸人二手烟才诱发癌症的。 multivitamins reduced the risk of low birth weight. 然而,60%以上患肺癌的女性都长期接触厨房油Just under eight percent of the babies born to 烟并主诉眼睛和喉咙疼痛难受。 women who took the multivitamins weighed less 大约32%的女性在滚开的油里煎炸食物而厨房却密不透风。而大约25%的女性居住的卧室紧邻than 2,500 grams. The rate was almost nine and 厨房。 one-half percent in the group of women who 但是,妇女们知道厨房油烟可以致癌时都很惊received a placebo, an inactive pill, instead of the vitamins. But the vitamins did not do much to 讶。其中一些人表示要改变准备饮食的方式。 reduce the rates of babies being born too early or “我每天都得下厨做饭,除非我和家人都不在家dying while still a fetus. Still, the researchers say 用餐”,李旭,一名45岁的妇女说,“我知道油烟multivitamins should be considered for all 对皮肤不好,但是还是第一次听说油烟竟能致癌。我以后要少煎炸食物。” pregnant women in developing countries. 医生们认为,女性患肺癌和个人健康及身体状况孕期妇女宜多补充多维制剂 联系极少,但和肿瘤家族病史、不健康的饮食习近日,来自坦桑尼亚的研究显示,孕期妇女若每日补充适量多种维生素制剂,则新生儿体重过轻惯和脆弱的免疫系统联系紧密。 (即少于2. 5kg)的几率将明显减少。专家指出,其他专家同意何医生的意见。 体重过轻的新生儿死亡的风险要大大高于正常吸烟已经成为诱发男性肺癌最最大的因素,“上体重的新生儿,且即使幸存下来,其成年后患很海复旦大学医学院呼吸道疾病研究所名誉主席谭彬用指出,“二手烟和厨房油烟的确是诱发女多疾病如心脏病和糖尿病的几率也会高于常人。性肺癌的主要原因。” 世界卫生组织估算,每年全世界有2,000万体重他的研究同时也警告人们不要站在卖油炸食品过轻的婴儿诞生,其中有90%出生在发展中国的摊点旁,因为他们使用的油都是劣质的。 家。 专家称,如果长时间接受油烟,患肺癌的几率有此次研究试验在坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆举常人的3倍那么高。 行,共有4,200名怀孕妇女参加了实验„她们服Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women 用的多维制剂包括所有B族维生素、维生素C和A recent study in Tanzania found that when 维生素E,同时还包括剂量超出发达国家给妇女pregnant women took vitamins every day, fewer 的建议服用量数倍的铁和叶酸盐。因为孕期妇女babies were born too small. Babies that weigh less 较常人更容易发生维生素和矿物质摄人不足的than two and one-half kilograms at birth have a 现象,尤其是在发展中国家。 greater risk of dying. Those that survive are more 作为对照组,研究者给另外4,000名孕妇服用了likely to experience problems with their 不含有维生素的安慰剂。来自美国和坦桑尼亚的development. And experts say that as adults they 科学家们共同撰写了实验报告,并刊登在《新英have a higher risk of diseases including heart 格兰医学杂志》上,其中来自哈佛大学公共卫生disease and diabetes. The World Health 学院的Wafaie Fawzi为此次研究的组织者。参加Organization estimates that every year twenty 实验的所有怀孕妇女均非艾滋病病毒携带者。而million babies are born with low birth weight. 在更早的来自坦桑尼亚的研究报告中科学家曾Nine out of ten of them are born in developing 指出,每日补充多维制剂对于已感染艾滋病的孕countries. 妇来说是一种减少胎儿死亡几率的成本较低的The new study took place in Dar es Salaam. 4,200 方式。研究同时检测到,孕妇在服用多维制剂后M pregnant women received multivitamins. The pills 其血液中的淋巴细胞水平将会上升,而淋巴细胞contained all of the vitamins in the B group along 可以增强人体免疫系统抵御传染病的功能。 with vitamins C and E. They also contained several 此次新的研究试验表明,补充多维制剂可以显著times more iron and folate than the levels advised 降低新生儿体重过轻的概率。服用维生素的孕妇 356 microscopic mess 组中,过轻婴儿的比重为总数的8%,而服用安在1984年的4月,病毒学家罗伯特?加洛博士成慰剂的对照组中,,过轻婴儿的-比重接近9.5%。功分离出了艾滋病的致病病原体。他将其称为虽然对于降低孕妇早产率和死胎率方面,维生素“人体T细胞白血病病毒”。在巴黎,吕克?蒙塔的作用并不明显。最后,科学家呼吁,发展中国尼耶博士发现了一种其称为“淋巴结相关疾病”家应努力为所有孕期妇女及时补充多种维生素。 的病毒。经过一国际科学家组织鉴定,二人发现Tracking Down HIV 的为同一种病毒。该病毒开始被人们知晓为“人In the summer of 1980, a patient had a strange 体免疫缺损病毒”(即艾滋病)血库,于1985年purplish spot removed from below his ear. It was 开始对其存血进行艾滋病审查,但是到那时,已Kaposi‘s sarcoma, a rare form of skin cancer. This 有大约29000名患者通过血液传播而感染上了艾patient also had lymph node swelling and 滋病。其中约有12000名血友病患者,其血液凝exhaustion. In November 1980, a Los Angeles 块一定程度上缩小了艾滋病血液的筛除范围。截immunologist examined a young man who had 至1995年,患艾滋病的美国人人数已高达477900diseases linked to immune system malfunctions. 人,其中295500人死亡。 The doctor had a T-cell count taken of the patient‘s 在1996年,研究人员宣称已研制出数种能够降低blood. T-cells are a type of white blood cell that 艾滋病对患者伤害的药品。今天,科学家通过一plays a key role1 in immune responses. The patient 系列测试,发现艾滋病是可以抑制的,而且进而had no helper T-cells. 认为根治艾滋病也是有可能的,但这一目标仍需By the end of 1980, 55 Americans were diagnosed 时日。 with infections related to immune system Pushbike Peril breakdown; four had died. A year later the death Low speed bicycle crashes can badly injure --- or toll was 74. Intravenous drug users had T-cell even kill --- children if they fall onto the ends of abnormalities. People who had received blood the handlebars. So a team of engineers is transfusions showed symptoms of immune system redesigning the humble handlebar in a bid to make breakdown. By July 1982, 471 cases of the disease, it safer. now called Acquired Immune Deficiency Kristy Arbogast, a bioengineer at the Children‘s Syndrome (AIDS), had been reported; 184 people Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, began had died. the. Project with her colleagues after a study of In April 1984, American virologist Dr. Robert serious abdominal injuries in children in the past Gallo isolated the pathogen, or disease producer, 30 years showed that more than a third were responsible for2 AIDS. He called it HTLV-III. In caused by bicycle accidents. ―The task was to Paris, Dr. Luc Montagnier identified a virus he identify how the injuries occurred and come up called LAV. An international panel of scientists with some countermeasures,‖ she says. determined that both men had found the same virus. By interviewing the children and their parents, It became known as Human Immunodeficiency Arbogast and her team were able to reconstruct virus (HIV). Blood banks began screening for many of the accidents and identified a common HTV in 1985, but by then about 29,000 people had mechanism responsible for serious injuries. They been infected through blood transfusions. Some discovered that most occur when children hit an 12,000 hemophiliacs had contracted HIV through obstacle at a slow speed, causing them to topple blood-clotting products. By 1995, 477,900 over. To maintain their balance they turn the Americans had AIDS; 295,500 had died. handlebars through 90 degrees -- but their In 1996, researchers announced drugs that reduced momentum forces them into the end of the HIV in infected people. Today scientists are testing handlebars. The bike then falls over and the other vaccines and believe that if HIV can be suppressed, end of the handlebars hits the ground, ramming it then perhaps it can be eradicated3, but it is still a into their abdomen. race against time. The solution the group came up with is a handgrip 追踪艾滋病 1980年的夏天,一名患者将一颗略fitted with a spring and damping system. The 带紫色的斑点从其耳下处移除。这种斑点是一种spring absorbs up to 50 per cent of the forces 极其罕见的皮肤癌,被称为“卡波西”肉瘤。该transmitted through the handlebars in an impact. 患者同时还患有淋巴结肿大及衰竭。1980年The group hopes to commercialize the device, 11which should add only a few dollars to the cost of 月,洛杉矶的一名免疫学家对一名年轻男子进行a bike. ―But our task has been one of education 了检查,并发现其病症与其免疫系统失常有关。because up until now, bicycle manufacturers were 该医生对该患者的血液进行了T细胞(胸腺衍生细胞)计数检测。T细胞是白细胞的一种,在人unaware of the problem,‖ says Arbogast. 体免疫机能中发挥关键作用。该患者血液中并未The team has also approached the US Consumer 发现有益T细胞。 Product Safety Commission to try to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design. A decision 至1980年年底,共有55名美国人被确诊感染这种is expected later this year. 与免疫系统崩溃相关联的病症,其中4名患者死自行车的危险 亡。一年之后,死亡人数变为74人。接受了静脉儿童骑慢车跌倒时,如果撞在车把两端,会受重药物注射的患者,出现了T细胞异常的现象。接M 受输血的患者出现了免疫系统故障的症状。据报伤甚至丧命。因此,一些工程师正在重新设计这道,至1982年7月,这种被称为“获得性免疫力种欠合理的车把,以使其更安全。 缺陷综合征”的患者,已经增加至471例,其中宾夕法尼亚州费城的儿童医院的生物工程师184人已经死亡。 Kristy Arbogast和她的同事开始,做这个项目是 357 microscopic mess 在一项研究有了结果之后,这项研究的结果表明作为一种刺激物会打断褪黑激素的流动。褪黑激在过去的30年里,超过1/3的儿童腹部受重伤的素是使人们进入睡眠的神经激素。 情况起因于自行车事故。她说:“要做的工作就褪黑激素的浓度在睡前两小时开始上升。凌晨2是找出受伤的原因及其对策。” 点和4点之间达到最高值,然后再次下降。加利通过访问这些孩子和他们的家长,Arbogast和她福尼亚斯坦福大学的斯坦福睡眠流行病学研究的同事得以推想其中的许多事故,并且确认一个中心的Maurice Ohayon说:“控制我们睡眠的是共同的机械装置造成了这些严重伤害。他们发现神经激素,它告诉我们的身体什么时候睡觉什么大部分伤害发生在孩子慢速撞到某种使他们跌时候醒。”但是以色列的研究者发现含咖啡因咖倒的障碍物的时候。为了保持平衡,他们把车把啡能使人体中这种睡眠激素减半。 转过90度——但是他们的冲力使他们压进车把特拉维夫大学塞帕尔医学中心的Lotan Shilo和一端中。然后车子摔倒,车把的另一头碰到地面,一个小组发现六个志愿者在喝了一杯含咖啡因把它压人他们的腹部。 咖啡后不如喝了同量的脱咖啡因咖啡之后睡得这个团队得出的解决方法是装有弹簧和减幅系好。试验对象喝完含咖啡因的咖啡后平均每晚睡统的手柄。在撞击过程中,握柄上的弹簧会吸收336分钟,而喝完脱咖啡因咖啡后平均每晚睡415掉50%沿车把传递的冲撞力。这个团队希望能够分钟。他们用半个小时才能睡着一比平常长一使这种装置商业化,这只需要自行车的价格提高倍,而且翻来覆去的时间比平常多一倍。 几美元。Arbogast说:“但是我们的任务是教育,在试验的第二个阶段,研究者每三个小时叫醒志因为迄今为止,自行车制造商还没有意识到这个愿者一次,并要他们提供一个尿样。Shilo测量了问题。” 褪黑激素分解物的浓度。结果表明饮用含咖啡因这个团队还通过美国消费产品安全委员会努力咖啡的人体内的褪黑激素的浓度是饮用脱咖啡说服制造商采纳新设计。今年晚些时候可望有所因咖啡的人体内褪黑激素浓度的一半。在《睡眠决定。 医学》上发表的一篇论文中,研究者表示咖啡因Late-night Drinking 阻碍促使褪黑激素产生的酶的形成。 Coffee lovers beware. Having a quick Ohayon建议爱喝咖啡的人午饭后应该换喝脱咖―pick-me-up‖ cup of coffee1 late in the day will 啡因咖啡,因为要排除体内的咖啡因需要用好几play havoc with2 your sleep. As well as being a 个小时。 stimulant, caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin, Eat Healthy the brain hormone that sends people into a sleep. Clean your plate! “ and “Be a member of the Melatonin levels normally start to rise about two clean-plate club1 ~” Just about every kid in the hours before bedtime. Levels then peak between US has heard this from a parent or grandparent. 2 am and 4 am, before falling again. 3‖ It‘s the Often, it’s accompanied by an appeal: “Just think neurohormone that controls our sleep and tells our about those starving orphans in Africa! 2” Sure, body when to sleep and when to wake,‖ says we should be grateful for every bite of food. Maurice Ohayon of the Stanford Sleep Unfortunately, many people in the US take too Epidemiology Research Center at Stanford many bites3. Instead of staying ―clean the plate‖ , University in California. But researchers in Israel perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow. have found that caffeinated coffee halves the According to news reports, US restaurants are body‘s levels of this sleep hormone. partly to blame for the growing bellies. A waiter Lotan Shilo and a team at the Sapir Medical Center puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with in Tel Aviv University found that six volunteers two to four times the amount recommended by the slept less well after a cup of caffeinated coffee than government, according to a USA Today story. 4 after drinking the same amount of decaf. On Americans traditionally associate quantity with average, subjects slept 336 minutes per night after value and most restaurants try to give them that. drinking caffeinated coffee, compared with 415 They prefer to have customers complain about too minutes after decaf. They also took half an hour much food rather than too little. to drop off4 -- twice as long as usual – and jigged Barbara Rolls, a nutrition professor at around5 in bed twice as much. Pennsylvania State University, told USA Today In the second phase of the experiment, the that restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline researchers woke the volunteers every three hours began to expand. and asked them to give a urine sample. Shilo Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to measured concentrations of a breakdown product serve smaller portions. Now, apparently, some of melatonin. The results suggest that melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers were half those customers are calling for this too. The restaurant in decaf drinkers. In a paper accepted for industry trade magazine QSR reported last month publication in Sleep Medicine, the researchers that 57 percent of more than 4,000 people surveyed suggest6 that caffeine blocks production of the believe restaurants serve portions that are‘ too large; enzyme that drives melatonin production. 23 percent had no opinion; 20 percent disagreed. Because it can take many hours to eliminate But a closer look at the survey indicates that many caffeine from the body, Ohayon recommends that Americans who can‘t afford fine dining still prefer M coffee lovers switch to decaf after lunch. large portions. Seventy percent of those earning at 深夜喝咖啡 least $150,000 per year prefer smaller portions; but 喜欢喝咖啡的人要小心了。晚上喝一杯快速提神only 45 percent of those earning less than $25,000 want smaller. 的咖啡会对你的睡眠造成严重破坏。并且咖啡因 358 microscopic mess It‘s not that working class Americans don‘t want to samples from the homes of the women and their babies including air, water, dust and materials used eat healthy. It‘s just that, after long hours at to construct their residences, the NIH said. low-paying jobs, getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal. They live from paycheck to Officials said more than $200 million has been paycheck, happy to save a little money for next spent already and the study is projected to cost $3. year‘s Christmas presents. 2 billion. 健康饮食 We anticipate that in the long term1, what we learn “把盘子里的东西吃完了~”“要成为一名清盘俱from the study will result in a significant savings in 乐部的成员~”,几乎每一个美国小孩都会听到父the nation‘s health care costs,‖ Dr. Duane 母亲或祖父母这样的唠叨。父母亲或祖父母们还Alexander, who heads the NIH‘s Eunice Kennedy 经常会加上一句恳求的话: “捐捐那些饥饿的Shriver National Institute of Child Health and 非洲孤儿吧,多可怜啊~‘’我们的确应该为每Human Development, told reporters. 一口食物充满感激。但不幸的是,很多美国人吃The study will begin in January when the 得太多了。也许我们应该为明天节约一些粮食,University of North Carolina and the Mount Sinai 而不是坚持“把盘子里的东西吃完”。 School of Medicine in New York start signing up2 据新闻报道,美国的餐馆应该为美国人日益增大pregnant women whose babies will then be 的肚腩负一部分责任。《今日美国》刊登的一个followed to age 21. 故事,服务员给每个顾客提供的一盘食物的量是Some of the early findings will be about factors 政府推荐的二至四倍。美国人传统的认为有量才behind pre-term bifrh3, which has become more 有质,所以大多数餐馆都试图迎合顾客们的这一common in recent years, according to Dr. Peter 想法。‘他们宁愿被抱怨提供了过多的食物也不Scheidt of the NIH, who heads the study. 愿意被投诉提供的食物太少。 The people taking part will be from rural, urban 芭芭拉。罗尔斯是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的一位营and suburban areas, from all income and 养学教授。在接受《今日美国》采访时她说道:educational levels and from all racial groups, the “从20世纪70年代起,美国的餐馆就开始提供越NIH said. 来越大份的食物;也就是从这个时候起,美国人美国将在一月启动一项耗资32亿美元的儿童健的腰围也变得越来越粗了。” 康研究项目 健康专家已经试着让很多餐馆提供分量小一些美国卫生部门官员在星期五称:美国将在一月启的食物。显然,现在很多顾客也为此而呼吁。据,动一项耗资32亿美元、将持续20余年的研究项《目,此项目将对10万名美国儿童从出生前到21QSR杂志》(美国的一份餐饮业经营杂志)报岁的健康状况进行跟踪研究。 道:在上个月对4,000多人所做的一次调查中,有57%的人认为餐馆提供的食物分量太大了,来自美国国立卫生研究院的官员称:他们希望此23%的人没有发表看法,还有20010的人不同意项将在全国范围内的105个地点展开的研究,将此看法。但是再仔细看看调查结果,你就会发现有助于识别儿童早期生活对日后发展的影响,其很多买不起精美菜肴的美国人还是喜欢买大分目标是研究出新的治疗和防止疾病的方法。 量食物。在年收入15万美元以上的人群中,70%此项研究将对遗传和环境两个因素进行测试6环的人更愿意买分量小一点的食物;但在年收入少境因素如婴儿接触的某种有损健康的化学品。 于2.5万美元的人群中,只有45%的人愿意买分量研究院表示,研究人员将收集研究对象的基因和小一点的食物。 生物样本,以及母婴生活环境当中的空气、水、事情是这样的,不是美国的工人不想吃得健康一灰尘和建筑材料的样本。 点,而是美国工人觉得做许多个小时低收人的工这些官员称目前此项研究已经花费2亿美元,而种下来,盘子里的饭菜量小有点不合算。他们是这项研究预计耗资32亿美元。 指望薪金支票过日子的,希望能为来年的圣诞节担任美国国立卫生院尤尼斯肯尼迪施莱佛美国节约一些钱来买圣诞礼物。 国立儿童健康和人类发展中心的负责人的杜安U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study 亚历山大博士对记者说:“我们期待从长远来说,in January 此项研究成果将有利于国家卫生保健费用开支A study that will cost $3. 2 billion and last more 的节约。” than two decades to track the health of 100,000 U. 此项研究将于一月开始,届时北卡罗琳娜大学和S. children from before birth to age 21 will be 纽约西奈山医学院将开始与报名参加此研究的launched in January, U. S. health officials said on 孕妇签约,合约中规定这些将要出生的孩子将被Friday. 此项目跟踪调查至21岁。 Officials from the U. S. government‘s National 据此项目的负责人皮特沙伊特称,早期的研究将Institutes of Health said they hope the study, to 围绕导致早产现象的因素展开,这种现象近年来be conducted at 105 locations throughout the 已越发普遍。 United States, can help identify early-life 究院称,研究对象将从农村、城市和郊区广泛选influences that affect later development, with the 取,他们涵盖不同的收入阶层和受教育程度,以goal of learning new ways to treat or prevent 及不同的种族。 illness. Cigars Instead, The study will examine hereditary and Smoking one or two cigars a day doubles the risk M environmental factors such as exposure to certain of cancers of the lip, tongue, mouth, and throat, chemicals that affect health. according to a government study. Researchers will collect genetic and biological Daily cigars also increase the risk of lung cancer samples from people in the study as well as and cancer of the esophagus, and increase the risk 359 microscopic mess of cancer of the larynx ( voice box) sixfold, say 国家癌症研究所的新闻简报透露,在雪茄对被动吸烟者的健康影响方面还没有进行研究,但是researchers at the National Cancer Institute in “„„大量的有力证据表明被动吸烟者中肺癌Bethesda, Maryland. In addition, the report revealed that smoking three 发病率增长了”。 or four cigars a day increased the risk of oral Sleeplessness cancer to 8.5 times the risk for nonsmokers and the Insomnia or sleeplessness is a common complaint risk of esophageal cancer by four times the risk of of women as they enter into menopause. Insomnia nonsmokers. means having trouble falling asleep or staying The health effects of smoking cigars is one of eight asleep or the feeling that your sleep was not sections of the article ―Cigars: Health Effects and adequate for you. For women who are having night Trends‖. The researchers report that, compared sweats, their sleep is broken by frequent with a cigarette, a large cigar emits up to 90 times awakening and therefore not refreshing. Generally as much carcinogenic tobacco-specific once the night sweats are controlled a normal sleep nitrosamines. pattern returns. If it doesn‘t it may be, or have “This article provides clear and invaluable become chronic insomnia. How do you know? information about the disturbing increase in cigar If you suffer from insomnia every night or most use and the significant public health consequences nights for a period of one month then you have for the country,‖ said Dr. Richard Klausner, chronic insomnia. If you‘re not having night director of the National Cancer Institute, in a sweats then it‘s time to look for other causes of statement. sleeplessness. Depression and anxiety disorders “are the most common causes of chronic insomnia. The data are clear – the harmful substances and If you feel depressed you need to be checked by a carcinogens in cigar smoke, like cigarettes, are qualified health care provider. Movement associated with5 the increased risks of several disorders such as restless leg syndrome are second kinds of cancers as well as heart and lung diseases,‖ he added. ―In other words, cigars are not on the list of insomnia for them; there are new safe alternatives to cigarettes6 and may be medicines that may help. Other common causes are addictive. ‖ shift working, and pain. To those individuals who may be thinking about In up to 30% of people with chronic insomnia no cause can be identified. Medical treatment of smoking cigars, our advice is – don‘t. To those these people has generally been with sleeping pills. currently smoking cigars, quitting is the only way It is estimated that 25% of the adult population in to eliminate completely the cancer, heart and lung disease risks,‖ warned Klausner. America took some type of medicines for sleep last According to a National Cancer Institute press year. It is generally agreed that sleeping pills release , there haven‘t been any studies on the should only be in the lowest dose8 and for the shortest possible time. health effects on nonsmokers at cigar social events, Sleep hygiene9 is directed at changing bad sleep but ―...a significant body of evidence clearly habits. The recommendations are: -- Go to bed demonstrates an increased lung cancer risk from only when sleepy. – Do not wait up to a specified secondhand smoke. ‖ 换抽雪茄, time. – Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening, 政府研究表明一天抽一到两支雪茄使唇、舌、口etc. 腔、咽喉得癌症的几率提高一倍. 失眠 马里兰的贝瑟斯达国家癌症研究机构的研究员失眠是进入绝经期女性的普遍疾病。失眠是指不说,每天抽雪茄增加肺癌和食管癌的发病率,会能人睡或不能长时间睡着,或有对自己的睡眠不使喉癌的发病率提高6倍。 满意的感觉。对那些晚上出盗汗的女性们来说,另外,报告指出一天抽三到四支雪茄会使口腔癌她们夜里经常醒来,因而休息不好。一般来说,发病率提高到不吸烟者的8. 5倍,使食道癌的发一停止盗汗,正常的睡眠就会恢复。如果正常的病率提高到不吸烟者的4倍。 睡眠规律不能恢复,则可能成为或已经成为慢性吸雪茄对健康的影响是文章《雪茄:健康影响与失眠了。那么如何判断是否得了慢性失眠呢, 如果在一个月内你每晚或大部分晚上都失眠了,倾向》中八个问题中的一个。研究人员说,一支那你就得了慢性失眠。如果你没有盗汗那就应该大雪茄排放出的烟草特有的致癌亚硝胺是一支找找其他的原因。抑郁和焦虑是最普通的导致慢香烟的90倍。 性失眠的原因。如果你感到抑郁那就需要找一个国家癌症研究所的负责人Richard Klausner博士在一次发言中说:“这篇文章为国家提供了清楚合格的保健工作者来对你进行检查。像不宁腿综而有价值信息,它指出了的关于雪茄消费的令人合症这样的动作异常是导致失眠的第二大原因。不安的增长及其对公众健康造成的严重后果。” 有一些新药可能会对此有帮助。其他一些通常的原因就是不固定的工作时间和疼痛。 “事实很显然——雪茄中的有害物和致癌物和有近30%的失眠者没有显著的原因。对这些病人香烟一样,,与几种癌症和心脏、肺部疾病发病的治疗方法二般是吃安眠药。去年估计有25%的率的增长有关。”他又补充说:“换句话说,雪茄美国成年人吃药以保证睡眠。大家一致认为服用不是香烟的安全替代品,它一样可以令人上瘾。” M Klausner警告说:“对那些想要抽雪茄的人,我们安眠药应用最小剂量,用药期尽量短。 的忠告是——不要抽。对那些正在抽雪茄的人来睡眠卫生主要是指改掉坏的睡眠习惯。建议是:说,要彻底消除癌症、心脏病和肺病的患病风险,困了就睡觉,不要非等到指定的时间;晚上不要唯一途径就是戒烟。” 摄取咖啡因和酒精等物质。 360 microscopic mess Common-cold Sense 子还是很有效的。也可以试试一些偏方,用热开水加糖(或蜂蜜)和柠檬汁内服,这个方法也很You can‘t beat it, but you don‘t have to join it. 管用。 Maybe it got the name ―common cold‖ because it‘s more common in winter. The fact is, though, being Drug Reactions -- a Major Cause of Death cold doesn‘t have anything to do with getting one. Adverse drug reactions may cause the deaths of Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses, and, over 100,000 US hospital patients each year, at least so far, medical science is better at telling making them a leading cause of death nationwide, you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of according to a report in the Journal of the one. American Medical Association. Children are the most common way cold viruses “The incidence of serious and fatal adverse drug are spread to adults, because they have more colds reactions (ADRs) in US hospitals was found to be than adults – an average of about eight per year. extremely high,‖ say researchers at the University Why do kids seem so much more easily to get of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. colds than their parents? Simple. They haven‘t They carried on an analysis of 39 ADR-related had the opportunity to become immune to many studies at US hospitals over the past 30 years and cold viruses. defined an ADR as ―any harmful, unintended, and There are more than 150 different cold viruses, and undesired effect of a drug which occurs at doses you never have the same one twice. Being used in humans for prevention, diagnosis, or infected by one makes you immune to it – but only therapy.‖ it. An average 6.7% of all hospitalized patients experience an ADR every year, according to the Colds are usually spread by direct contact, not researchers. They estimate that ―in 1994, overall sneezing or coughing. From another person‘s hand 2,216, 000 hospitalized patients had serious ADRs, to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the and 106,000 had fatal ADRs. ― This means that most common route. The highest concentration of cold viruses anywhere is found under the ADRs may rank as the fourth single largest cause thumbnails of a boy, although the viruses can of death in America. survive for hours on skin or other smooth surfaces. And these incidence figures are probably conservative, the researchers add, since their ADR Hygiene is your best defense. Wash your‘ hands definition did not include outcomes linked to frequently, preferably with a disinfectant soap, problems in drug administration, overdoses, drug especially when children in your household have abuse, and therapeutic failures . colds. But even careful hygiene won‘t ward off every The control of ADRs also means spending more cold. So, what works when a coughing, sneezing, money. One US study estimated the overall cost runny nose strikes? of treating ADRs at up to $4 billion per year. Dr. David Bates of Brigham and Women‘s Hospital The old prescription of two aspirins, lots of water, in Boston, Massachusetts, believes that healthcare and bed rest is a good place to start. But you‘ll also workers need to pay more attention to the problem, find some of the folk remedies worth trying. Hot especially since many ADRs are easily preventable. mixtures of sugar (or honey), lemon, and water have-real benefits. ―When a patient develops an allergy or sensitivity, 关于感冒的常识 it is often not recorded,‖ Bates notes, ―and patients 目前尚没有找到彻底对付感冒的方法,但至少我receive drugs to which they have known allergies or sensitivities with disturbing frequency.‖ He 们可以预防感冒。感冒这一名称的由来是因为这believes computerized surveillance systems -- still 种病症常见于冬天。而事实上受凉和感冒并没有works-in-progress at many of the nation‘s 什么因果关系。感冒是由鼻病毒的传播引起的,hospitals- should help cut down the frequency of 而且直到今天,医学能告诉你的只是如何去预防而不是如何根治感冒。 these types of errors. 感冒病毒经常通过儿童传染给成人,因为儿童易药物反应------导致死亡的主要原因 得感冒——平均一年里有8次左右。为什么小孩《美国医学会杂志》曾登载一篇报告说,美国每年有10比父母更加容易得感冒,答案很简单。儿童不可万多名病人死于药物反应。药物反应在美能对多种感冒病毒都具有免疫能力。 国已成为导致死亡最重要的原因之一。 感冒病毒有150多种。一个人不可能两次感染上加拿大安大略多伦多大学的研究人员说:“在美同一病毒。被一种病毒感染后人体就会产生对它国,严重的和致命的药物反应发生的频率极高。” 的免疫力。但这种免疫力只是针对这一种病毒。 研究者对美国医院过去30年有关用药不良反应感冒传播的途径通常不是打喷嚏和咳嗽,而是身的39种研究成果进行了分析。将用药不良反应定体的直接接触。最普通的途径是从别人的手传到义为“药物剂量用于人体预防、诊断及治疗目的你的手中,再传到你的鼻子或眼睛里去。感冒病而造成的任何有害、非故意和不良的效果”。 毒最集中的地方是小孩的拇指甲盖里,尽管在皮根据这项研究,平均有6.7 %的住院病人每年有肤等光滑表面上病毒也能存活几个小时。 一次用药不良反应。研究人员估计,“1994年共保持卫生是最好的预防方法:经常用消毒肥皂洗有2,216,000名住院病人出现了严重的用药不M 手,尤其是当家里有小孩患感冒时。 良反应,106,000名病人出现了致命的不良反然而即使注意卫生也不能预防所有的感冒。当你应。”这意味着用药不良反应在美国可列为引起咳嗽、打喷嚏、流鼻涕时该怎么办, 死亡的第四大单项因素。 服两片阿司匹林,大量喝水,睡一觉,这个老法研究者补充说,这些数字也许只是保守的,因为 361 microscopic mess 他们对用药不良反应下的定义,不包括错误服喜等纯粹和单一的情绪。 药、过量用药、滥用药物和治疗失败所造成的后有两种区别明显的睡眠状态。第一种状态称为果。 NREM睡眠(非快速动眼期睡眠),它占据睡眠控制药物不良反应也意味着花赀更多的钱。一项时间的大部分,这时,人的脉搏相对较慢,血压美国研究估计,治疗药物不良反应的总费用,每相对较低,醒来后也很少或者不说做了梦。第二年高达40亿美元。 种睡眠,通常称为REM睡眠(快速动眼期睡眠)。马萨诸塞州波士顿妇科医院的医生David Bates它在睡眠时周期性出现。这时,双眼急促移动,认为许多用药不良反应是很容易预防的,因此医醒来后经常会说做了梦。人夜间有4-5小时的护人员应该多加注意这个问题。“当一个病人产REM睡眠是较为典型的,无论他是常能记得这生了变态反应或过敏反应时,医护人员往往没有些梦,还是很少或根本不记得。它们约每90分钟记录下来,”Bates指出,“令人不安的是,病人出现一次,总共约占去25%的夜间睡眠(新生儿常常服用那些明知会有变态反应和过敏反应的占50%之多)。有证据表明,每段梦境通常延续5 药物。”Bates相信在国内许多医院里逐步建立起-20分钟。若是在REM期间,通过声音与触摸便可使梦者进入梦中。虽然或许有一些人说在他们来的电脑化监督系统将有助于减少这种工作上的NREM睡眠中有思维活动,但是这种活动通常的失误。 是类似思维的断断续续的小片段而已。 Dreams 现代对梦的研究在如何对梦的内容作一般解释Studies show that in dreams things are seen and heard rather than thought. In terms of the senses, 方面有两种集中的看法。一种观点认为,梦本身visual experience is present in almost all dreams; 没有意义,只不过是人脑将新信息汇入记忆的一auditory experience in 40 to 50 percent; and touch, 种过程而已。另一种观点认为,梦是用图像语言taste, smell, and pain in a relatively small 象征真实意义,这种图像语言和有意识的逻辑思percentage. A considerable amount of emotion is 维有所区别。倘若梦表达梦者的重要愿望、恐惧、commonly present, usually a pure and single 忧虑和烦恼,那么对梦的研究分析就有助于揭示emotion such as fear, anger, or joy. 对人的思维功能以往所未知的方面。 Two clearly distinguishable states of sleep exist. Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay The first state, called NREM-sleep Staying positive2 through the cold season could be ( non-rapid-eye-movement sleep) , occupies most your best defense against getting ill, new study of the sleep period and is associated with a findings suggest. In an experiment that exposed relatively low pulse and blood pressure, and few or healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, no reports of dreaming.4 The second type of sleep, researchers found that people with a generally known as REM-sleep ( rapid-eye-movement sleep) sunny disposition4 were less likely to fall ill. occurs cyclically during the sleep period with rapid The findings, published in the journal eye movements and frequent dream reports. Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a Typically, a person has four or five periods of ―positive emotional style‖5 can help ward off the REM-sleep during the night, whether the dreams common cold and other illnesses. Researchers are remembered often, rarely, or not at all; they believe the reasons may be both objective as in occur at intervals of about 90 minutes and happiness boosting immune function and altogether make up about 25 percent of the night‘s subjective as in happy people being less troubled sleep (as much as 50 percent in a newborn child). by a scratchy throat6 or runny nose. Evidence indicates that a dream period usually “People with a positive emotional style may have lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. Sounds and touches different immune responses to the virus,‖ working on a dreamer can go into a dream if they explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of occur during a REM-period. Although mental Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. ―And activity may be reported during NREM-sleep, when they do get a cold, they may interpret their these are usually short pieces of thoughtlike illness as being less severe.‖ experiences. Cohen and his colleagues had found in a previous Modern dream research has focused on two study that happier people seemed less susceptible general interpretations of dream content. In one to7 catching a cold, but some questions remained as to8 whether the emotional trait itself had the view, dreams have no meaning of their own but are effect. simply a process by which the brain integrates new For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy information into memories. In the other view, adults complete standard measures of personality dreams contain real meaning symbolized in a picture language distinct from conscious logical traits, self-perceived health and emotional ―style‖. thought. If dreams express important wishes, fears, Those who tended to be happy, energetic and concerns, and worries of the dreamer, the study and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style, while those who were often analysis of dreams can help reveal previously unhappy, tense and hostile had a negative style. unknown aspects of a person‘s mental functioning. He researchers gave them nasal drops containing 梦 either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over 研究表明,在梦里人们是在看、在听而不是在想。M 就感官而言,在几乎所有的梦中都有视觉体验;the next six days, the volunteers reported on any 听觉体验占40% - 50%;触觉、味觉、嗅觉和痛aches, pains, sneezing or congestion they had, 觉所占的比例相对较小。(梦中)一般有相当程while the researchers collected objective data, like daily mucus production. Cohen and his colleagues 度的情绪表现,通常是一种诸如恐惧;愤怒或欢 362 microscopic mess found that based on objective measures of nasal that had dieted all their lives, 27 of those 46 genes continued to behave like young genes. But the woes, happy people were less likely to develop a most surprising finding was that the mice that only cold. 乐观情绪助你远离感冒 started dieting in old age also benefited from 70 最新研究显示,保持乐观积极的情绪是预防感冒percent of these gene changes. 的最佳途径。一项令健康受试者接触感冒病毒的This is the first indication that these effects kick 实验证明,积极情绪类型的受试者受感染的几率in5 pretty quickly. ―says Huber Warner from the 相对较小。 National Institute on Aging near Washington, D. C. 这个名为“积极情绪可以帮助预防感冒及其他疾No one yet knows if calorie restriction works in 病”的发现被刊登在《身心医学》期刊上,而究people as it does in mice, but Spindler is hopeful. 其原因则分为客观和主观两方面。客观原因是积―There‘s attracting and tempting evidence out there 极乐观的情绪有助于增强免疫系统的功能,而主that it will work.‖ he says. 观原因则是:心情快乐的人较少受到咽痛和流鼻If it does work in people, there might be good 涕的困扰。 reasons for rejuvenating the liver. As we get older, 来自匹兹堡卡内基,梅隆大学的Sheldon Cohenour bodies are less efficient at metabolizing drugs, 博土是此研究的主要参与者,他解释道“积极情for example. A brief period of time of dieting, says 绪类型的人对于病毒的免疫反应可能较常人不Spindler, could be enough to make sure a drug is 同”,“而且当患感冒时,他们往往不会把自己的effective. 病情想象得太糟糕。” But Spindler isn‘t sure the trade-off is worth it6. 在此前一项更早的研究中,Cohen及其同事就曾―The mice get less disease, they live longer, but they‘re hungry‖, he says. ―Even seeing what a diet 经发现,积极情绪型的人对感冒病毒似乎不太敏does, it‘s still hard to go to a restaurant and say: ?I 感,但当时并不能确定引起这种区别的是性格特can only eat half of that‘.‖ 征因素。 Spindler hopes we soon won‘t need to diet at all. 在这次新的研究实验中,研究者对193名健康的受试者进行了 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的性格测试,包括自我认为的His company, Life Span Genetics in California, is 健康程度以及情绪类型等。其中那些更倾向于心looking for drugs that have the effects of calorie 情愉快、精力充沛且平易近人的受试者为积极情restriction. 绪型,而那些总是心情不快、紧张并对旁人心存为了活着吃饭 节食可能使你健康长寿,但并不好玩——节食可敌意的受试者则属于消极情绪类型。 能不是非做不可的事。即使上了年纪再节食,我研究者给每位受试者提供了含有感冒病毒或某们仍然有可能在很大程度上保持青春活力。 类流感病毒的滴鼻液,在接下来的六周里,每位受试者每天汇报他们各自的身体反应,如疼痛、Stephen Spindler和他在加利福尼亚大学河滨分鼻塞、打喷嚏等。而研究者则要统计各种客观数校的同事们已经发现,一只高龄老鼠只要连续四据,如受试者每日黏液分泌物化验结果等。根据周限制它进食,它的某些肝脏基因就会变得和衰老前一样充满活力。老鼠的肝部基因恢复活力不实验的一些客观统计数据(如鼻涕化验结果),会逆转老鼠在其他方面的老化,但却有助于肝脏Cohen及其同事发现,积极情绪类型的人患感冒代谢药物或除去毒素。 的机会相对更小一些。 Spindler的团队正常饲养三只老鼠直到它们死Eat to Live A meager diet may give you health and long life, 亡,而另外三只老鼠只喂饲料正常定量的一半。but it‘s not much fun – and it might not even be 另外三只老鼠在34个月大的时候——相当于人necessary. We may be able to hang on to1 most of 的70岁,从正常饲养转到半量饲养一个月。 that youthful vigor even if we don‘t start to diet 研究者检查了这些老鼠肝脏的11000个基因的活until old age. 动,发现正常饲养的老鼠随着年龄的增长有46Stephen Spindler and his colleagues from the 条肝脏基因会发生变化。这种变化与炎症和身体University of California at Riverside have found 组织无限激增相关——这大概对老鼠的健康来that some of an elderly mouse‘s liver genes can be 说是个坏消息。在那些终生节食的老鼠中,这46made to behave as they did when the mouse was 条肝脏基因中的27条继续像年轻的基因一样活young simply by limiting its food for four weeks. 动。但最惊人的发现是那些上了年纪才开始节食The genetic rejuvenation won‘t reverse other 的老鼠也能70%的基因变化中受益。 damage caused by time for the mouse, but could 华盛顿附近的国家老年协会的Huber Warner说:help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins. “这是这些影响迅速起作用的第一个迹象。” Spindler‘s team fed three mice a normal diet for 还没有人知道热量限制是否在人身上和在老鼠their whole lives, and fed another three 身上一样起作用,但是Spindler怀有希望。他说:onhalf_rations. Three more mice were switched “有吸引人的证据表明它能起作用。” from the normal diet to half feed for a month when 如果它确实能在人身上起作用,那就有足够的理they were 34 months old – equivalent to about 70 由使肝脏焕发青春。当我们变老时,我们的身体human years. 对药物的新陈代谢就不那么高效。Spindler说短The researchers checked the activity of 11,000 期的节食足以使药物充分发挥药效。 genes from the mouse livers, and found that 但是Spindler不能肯定节食是否值得。他说: M 46changed with age in the normally fed mice. The “老鼠们病少了,活的更长,但是它们感到饥饿。changes were associated with things like 即便明白节食的作用,仍旧很难在饭馆里说我只inflammation and free radical production4 -- 能吃一半。” probably bad news for mouse health. In the mice Spindler希望在不久的将来,我们不必节食。他 363 microscopic mess 的公司,加利福尼亚寿命遗传学所,正在寻找有益的作用,也就是总的来说身体是更加健康。白热量控制作用的药物。 血球数量降低了大约百分之十五。淋巴细胞数量Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a 的降低显示炎症指标的下降,然而观察到的淋巴Boost 细胞浓度和淋巴细胞凋亡的减少却是惊人的。 Eating potatoes is not only good for bowel health, 在对此进行的最长的研究是用未经加工的土豆hut also for the whole immune system, especially 淀粉喂养猪14个星期后来判定淀粉对肠道健康when they come in the form of a potato salad or 的影响。“在实验中使用未经加工的土豆淀粉,eaten cold. In a study on an animal model, 就是为了模拟富含耐久淀粉的饮食所起的作researchers in Spain found that pigs fed large 用。”西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学的研究负责人quantities of raw potato starch ( RPS)1 not only Jose Franclsco Perez这样说道。 had a healthier bowel, but also‘ decreased levels 人们不吃未经加工的土豆,但是却吃很多富含耐of white blood cells, such as leucocytes and 久淀粉的食物,比如说凉的熟土豆、豆荚、粮食、lymphocytes in their blood. White blood cells are 绿香蕉、面食、谷物等。人们食用的淀粉大约有produced as a result of inflammation or disease, 百分之十为耐久淀粉,也就是不能在小肠中消generally when the body is challenged. 化,而是分流到大肠,在大肠中发酵的淀粉。食The general down-regulation of leucocytes 用淀粉被认为可以降低大肠癌的得病几率,还有observed by the Spanish researchers suggests an 可能对过敏性肠综合征起作用。 overall beneficial effect, a generally more healthy 免疫学专家Lena Ohman的研究小组曾发现过敏body.2 The reduction in leucocyte levels was about 性肠综合征病人的淋巴细胞数量并没有改变,然15 percent. Lower lymphocyte levels are also 而淋巴细胞却是从周围的血液转移到肠内,这就indicative of reduced levels of inflammation, but 给过敏性肠综合征至少部分是炎症性疾病的假the observed reduction in both lymphocyte density 设提供了依据。Lena Ohman说道,因为如此,and lymphocyte apoptosis is surprising. 西班牙人观察到的淋巴细胞的减少很有趣,耐久In what was the longest study of its kind, pigs were 淀粉食品也许值得在过敏性肠综合征病人身上fed RPS over 14 weeks to find out the effect of 试验。Ohman近来在瑞典哥德堡大学内科医学系starch on bowel health. ―The use of raw potato 工作,她的研究成果发表在科学引文索引数据库starch in this experiment is designed to simulate 收录的期刊《化学和工业》上。 the effects of a diet high in resistant starch,‖ said Exercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly study leader Jose Francisco Perez at the Universitat Diabetics Autonoma de Barcelona 3, Spain. Most older people with so-called type n diabetes Humans do not eat raw potatoes, but they do eat a could stop taking insulin if they would do brisk lot of foods that contain resistant starch, such as exercise for 30 minutes just three times a week, cold boiled potatoes, legumes, grains, green according to new medical research results reported bananas, pasta and cereals. About 10 percent of in the Copenhagen newspaper Berlingske Tidende the starch eaten by human is resistant starch – on Monday. starch that is not digested in the small intestine and Results from tests conducted on diabetics at the so is shunted into the large intestine where it Copenhagen Central Hospital Rigshospitalet‘s ferments. Starch consumption is thought to Center for Muscle Research showed that physical reduce the risk of large bowel cancer and may also exercise can boost the body‘s ability to utilise have an effect on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 4. insulin by 30 percent, the newspaper reported. Immunology expert Lena Ohman‘s team This is equal to1 the effect most elderly diabetics previously found that the overall lymphocyte levels get from their insulin medication today, it said( do not vary for IBS patients, but that lymphocytes Researchers had a group of non-diabetic men and a are transferred from the peripheral blood to the gut, group of men with type II, all more than 60 years which support the hypothesis of IBS being at least of age, exercise on bicycles six times a week for partially an inflammatory disorder. She says the three months. After the three months the doctors decrease in lymphocytes observed by the Spanish measured how much sugar the test subjects‘ is therefore interesting, and a diet of resistant muscles could utilize as a measure for how well starch may be worth trying in IBS patients. Ohman their insulin worked. 2 is currently at the Department of Internal Medicine, Associate Professor3 Dr. Flemming Dela of the Goteborg University, Sweden5. The study is Muscle Research Center said the tests published in the journal Chemistry and Industry, demonstrated that the exercising diabetics had just the magazine of the SCI. as high insulin utilization as the healthy 食用土豆能促进我们的免疫系统 non-exercising persons. 吃土豆有益于肠道健康,而且对整个免疫系统也“This means that the insulin works just as well 有for both groups. Physical exercise cannot cure 益,尤其是吃土豆色拉和凉吃。在对动物模式people of diabetes, 4 but it can eliminate almost all 的一个研究中,西班牙的调查者发现用未经加工their symptoms. At the same time it can put off5 的土豆淀粉喂养的猪不仅肠道更健康,而且白血the point at which they have to begin taking insulin 细胞的水平降低了,如血液中的白细胞和淋巴细M 胞的数量。白血细胞通常是身体受到考验而产生or perhaps completely avoid insulin treatment,‖ 炎症和疾病时产生的。 Dela was quoted as saying.6 西班牙研究者们所观察到的白血球水平的整体Insulin isa hormone produced by the pancreas, 下调意味着未经加工的土豆淀粉具有全面的有controlling sugar in the body and used against 364 microscopic mess diabetes. societies, people feel a moral obligation to keep people alive whether they can work or not. We Dela said that to achieve the desired effect have a great many people today who live past the diabetics need only exercise to the point where they begin to work up7 a sweat, but that the age at which they want to work or are able to work; activity has to be maintained since it wears off8 we also have rules which require people to retire at after five days without sufficient exercise. a certain age. Unless these people were able to Most diabetics realize that they have to watch their save money for their retirement, somebody else diet while remaining unaware of9 the importance must support them. In the United States many of exercise, Dela added. retired people live on social security checks which 老年糖尿病患者进行体育锻炼可以取代胰岛素are so little that they must live in near poverty. 治疗 Older people have more illnesses than young or 哥本哈根的《贝林时报》周一刊登了一则最新医middle-aged people; unless they have wealth or 疗研究结果称,大多数?型老年糖尿病患者只要private or government insurance, they must often 每周坚持三次轻快的体育锻炼,每次30―go on welfare‖ if they have a serious illness. 分钟,都When older people become senile or too weak and 可以不用注射胰岛素。 ill to care for themselves, they create grave 报道称,哥本哈根市中心医院Rigshospitalet肌肉problems for their families. In the past and in 研究中心对糖尿病人进行测试,结果显示体育锻炼能将身体利用胰岛素的能力提高30%。 some traditional cultures, they would be cared for 据说,这一结果和大多数老年糖尿病患者每天接at home until they died. Today, with most 受胰岛素治疗的疗效相同。 members of a household working or in school, there is often no one at home who can care for a 研究人员挑选了一组非糖尿病患者,一组?型糖sick or weak person. To meet this need, a great 尿病患者,都是60岁以上的男性。这些被试者每many nursing homes and convalescent hospitals8 周骑自行车锻炼六次,并持续了三个月。三个月have been built. These are often profit-making 后,医生测量出被试者肌肉能够利用的血糖总量,以此作为测量他们的胰岛素工作状况如何的organizations, although some are sponsored by 标志。 religious and other nonprofit groups. While a few 肌肉研究中心副教授弗莱明•德拉医生称,实验of these institutions are good, most of them are 结果显示,进行体育锻炼的糖尿病患者胰岛素利simply ―dumping grounds‖for the dying in which care‖ is given by poorly paid, overworked, and 用率和那些没有锻炼的健康人胰岛素利用率一underskilled personnel. 样高。 延长人类生命 “这就意味着,两组被试者的胰岛素都是正常工作的。体育锻炼不能治好患者的糖尿病,但是能人类生命的延长使人口增加了。许多现在还活着最大限度地消除患者症状。另外,即使患者不得的人,如果早出生100年的话,可能在幼年就得不接受胰岛素治疗,体育锻炼也能尽量推迟这一病死了。因为活得长的人越多,在任何一个特定的时间里的人也就越多。实际上导致人口爆炸的临界点,甚至有可能完全避免实施胰岛素治疗。”是死亡率的降低而不是出生率的增长。 德拉医生的话像格言一样被人们所引用。 延长人的生命同时也使需要抚养的人口数量增胰岛素是胰腺分泌的一种激素,可以控制体内血长了。在所有的社会里,残疾的、太小或太老的糖,预防糖尿病。 德拉解释说,糖尿病患者只需锻炼到出汗的程度以至不能工作的人,要靠社会中其他人的救助。即可达到理想的效果。同时他还强调,这种锻炼在以狩猎和采集为生的时代,不能跟上其他人的必须坚持,如果五天没有进行有效锻炼,效果就老人会被甩在后面,任他死去。在饥荒年代,人会消失。 们允许婴儿死,因为如果他们的父母饿死了,他德拉还补充说,大多数糖尿病患者意识到他们必们也活不成,但是如果他们的父母活下来了,他须控制饮食,却忽略了体育锻炼的重要性。 们还可以再要个孩子。在大部分的当代社会里,Prolonging Human Life 人们觉得在道义上负有让人们活着的义务,不管Prolonging human life has increased the size of the 他们能不能工作。现在有许多人已经过了想工作human population. Many people alive today would 或能工作的年龄;我们也制定了让人们在特定年have died of childhood diseases if they had been 龄退休的规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。除非这些人为他们退休后的born 100 years ago. Because more people live 生活攒够了钱,否则别人就得负担他们。在美国,longer, there are more people around at any given 许多退休的老人靠很少的一点社会保障金过日time. In fact, it is a decrease in death rates, not an 子,生活几近赤贫。老年人比年轻人或中年人更increase in birthrates, that has led to the 容易得病;除非他们很有钱,或有私人或政府的population explosion. 保险金,否则他们在得重病的时候就得靠福利救Prolonging human life has also increased the 济。 dependency load4 .In all societies, people who are 当老年人变得衰老,(或太虚弱,病太重以至于disabled or too young or too old to work are 不能照料自己时,他们就给他们的家庭带来了很dependent on the rest of society to provide for 严重的问题,在过去和一些流传的习俗里,他们them. In hunting and gathering cultures, old people 会在家中得到照料直到死去。现在,由于大部分who could not keep up might be left behind to die. 的家庭成员都在工作或上学,所以常常没有人在M In times of famine, infants might be allowed to 家照料病弱的人。为满足这种需要,许多养老院die because they could not survive if their parents 和康复医院被建立起来。这些机构通常是赢利starved, whereas if the parents survived they could 的,尽管其中有一些是宗教及其他非赢利团体资have another child. In most contemporary 助的。然而只有少数的这样的机构是好的,它们 365 microscopic mess 大部分是垂死的人的“垃圾场”,里面的工作是FDA发行了一整套指导方针草案,以便使美国与由一些工资低的、劳动量大的、没有技术的人做外国种植者们严格监控工作人员卫生、用水质的。 量、肥料施用和产品运输。 FDA: Human, Animal Waste Threatens 这34页的指导方针敦促种植者们对工人进行基Produce 本卫生知识的教育。例如,用肥皂洗手,包扎伤The biggest food safety risk for fresh fruits and 口以免污染农产品,以及只使用清洁的厕所等。 vegetables as they are grown, picked or processed FDA的指导方针指出新鲜农产品的“最大污染comes from human and animal waste, the US Food 源”为人畜粪便。 and Drug Administration (FDA) said Friday. FDA的一名官员说:“我们觉得只要适当控制和More than 9,000 Americans die each year from 注意细节问题,食物的安全性就会大有改观,我food-borne diseases and some scientists believe 们认为实行这些指导方针并不会花多少钱。” fresh produce is the biggest carrier of 然而种植者团体却不同意FDA的估计。“大多数contamination. 食品带来的疾病发生于食品销售渠道中:人,们The FDA issued a set of draft guidelines for US 在准备食品时手没有洗干净而造成了污染,”新and foreign growers to carefully monitor worker 鲜水果蔬菜联合会的官员Stacey Zawal说, “而hygiene, water quality, manure management and 种植者和打包的人并不一定会有这种情况。” transportation. 一些美国种植者机构表示关注,觉得FDA正在干This 34-page draft guidelines urged growers to 预农场具体事务。FDA建议让农民将农产品的采give workers lessons on basic hygiene such as 摘、包装和运输过程正式备案,以便使卫生管理using soap to wash their hands, covering wounds 人员在必要时能够快速取缔食品的销售。但另有that could come into contact with produce4, and 一些机构反对这个建议。 using only clean toilets. 消费者机构则批评FDA的指导方针由于没有法The FDA guidelines identified ―the major source 律效力而起不了什么作用。但FDA说,当研究人of contamination‖ for fresh produce as human or 员发现了杀死有害细菌与寄生虫的新技术或方animal feces. 法时,更严格的规定便会自然形成。 “We think just proper controls and proper 本年度晚些时候,FDA的这些提议将变成最后方attention to detail would make a big difference in 案,以供美国及外国种植者使用。想要国外的种food safety,‖ said an FDA official. ―It is our 植者也实行这些方针是一件有点儿不好办的事,belief that these guidelines would not be very 但FDA的官员们认为鉴于进口农产品的巨大数costly.‖ 量,这一点是至关重要的。 But grower groups disagreed with the FDA‘s Early or Later Day Care assessment. ―Most food-borne disease outbreaks The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that happen further down the distribution line are that separation from the parents during the due to contamination because people preparing sensitive ―attachment‖ period from birth to three food are not properly washing their hands,‖ said may scar a child‘s personality and predispose to Stacey Zawal, an official with United Fresh Fruit emotional problems in later life. Some people and Vegetable Association. ―That is not have drawn the conclusion from Bowlby‘s work necessarily true for growers and packers.‖ that children should not be subjected to day care Some US grower organizations have expressed before the age of three because of the parental concern that the agency is interfering with on-farm separation it entails, and many people do believe practices.8 0thers object to the FDA‘s proposal to this. But there are also arguments against such a have growers formally document the picking, strong conclusion. handling and transportation of produce so that Firstly, anthropologists point out that the insulated health officials could quickly recall foods if love affair between children and parents found in necessary. modern societies does not usually exist in Consumer groups criticized the FDA guidelines as traditional societies. For example, in some tribal of little use because they will not carry the force of societies, such as the Ngoni, the father and mother law( But stricter regulations could evolve as of a child did not rear their infant alone – far from researchers find new technology or methods to kill it4. Secondly, common sense tells us that day harmful bacteria or parasites, the FDA said. care would not be so widespread today if parents, The FDA recommendations are due to be made care-takers found children had problems with it. final by the FDA later this year for use by US and Statistical studies of this kind have not yet been foreign growers. The matter of encouraging carried out, and even if they were, the results foreign growers to adopt the guidelines remains would be certain to be complicated and somewhat tricky but FDA officials say it is vital controversial. Thirdly, in the last decade there because of the huge amount of imported produce. have been a number of careful American studies of FDA:人畜排泄物危及农产品 children in day care, and they have uniformly 美国食品和药物管理署( FDA)本周五说,新鲜水reported that day care had a neutral or slightly 果蔬菜在生产、采摘与加工过程中最大的食品安positive effect on children‘s development. But tests M 全危险是人畜排泄物。 that have had to be used to measure this 每年有9,000多名美国人死于由食物原因产生的development are not widely enough accepted to 疾病。一些科学家认为新鲜农产品是带来污染的settle the issue. 首要因素。 But Bowlby‘s analysis raises the possibility that 366 microscopic mess early day care has delayed effects. The possibility soil into the Blue Nile3 and into Egypt, along with sediment from the White Nile4. that such care might lead to, say, more mental The Blue Nile mud has a different isotope illness or crime 15 0r 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics. Whatever the signature from that of the White Nile. So by long-term effects, parents sometimes find the analyzing isotope differences in mud deposited in immediate effects difficult to deal with. Children the Nile Delta, Michael Krom of Leeds University under three are likely to protest at leaving their worked out what proportion of sediment came parents and show unhappiness. At the age of from each branch of the river. three or three and a half almost all children find the Krom reasons that during periods of drought, the transition to nursery easy, and this is undoubtedly amount of the Blue Nile mud in the river would be why more and more parents make use of child care relatively high. He found that one of these periods, at this time. The matter, then, is far from clear-cut, from 4,500 t0 4,200 years ago, immediately though experience and available evidence indicate predates the fall of the Egypt‘s Old Kingdom. that early care is reasonable for infants. The weakened waters would have been 送儿童上日托早些还是晚些 catastrophic for the Egyptians. ―Changes that affect 英国心理分析学家John Bowlby指出,在婴儿出food supply don‘t have to be very large to have a 生至3ripple effect in societies,‖ says Bill Ryan of the 岁这个敏感的“依恋”期里把孩子与父母分开会对儿童日后的个性形成留下伤痕或是易Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory in New York. 导致成年后的生活中出现情感上的问题。有人从Similar events today could be even more Bowlby的研究中得出结论:儿童3岁前不该送日devastating, says team member Daniel Stanley, a geoarchaeologist from the Smithsonian Institution5 托,因为这会使孩子不得不与父母分开。此结论in Washington, D. C. ―Anything humans do to 确实得到许多人认同,但如此肯定的结论仍存在shift the climate belts would have an even worse 争议。 effect along the Nile system today because the 第一,人类学家指出,现代社会中父母与孩子的爱被隔离,这样的情况在传统社会中通常并不存populations have increased dramatically. ‖ 在。譬如,在一些如诺戈尼的部落社会里,父母被饥荒颠覆的埃及 并不单独抚养婴儿——远非如此。第二,一般常即便是古埃及最雄伟的金字塔的建造者面对使他们的文明在公元前2180年覆灭的饥荒也无能识告诉我们,如果父母和看管人发现孩子日托存为力。目前从尼罗河沉积的泥浆中收集的证据表在问题,日托就不会如此广泛地发展。对此事的明这次饥荒最终须归咎于气候向南方推移几千统计研究仍没开展,即便有,结果肯定既复杂又千米的变化——今天可能会发生同样的事情,甚具争议。第三,最近10年里,对美国儿童的日托问题已有了一些细致的研究,他们一致报告称日至更糟。 托对儿童的成长存在中性或稍有益的影响。但用古埃及人依靠尼罗河一年一度的洪水灌溉他们以衡量这种进展的试验并没有被人们广泛地认的农作物。气候中任何把非洲季风向南推出埃塞俄比亚的变化都会使这些洪水消失。 可和接受。 埃塞俄比亚高原上减少的雨量意味着巩固土壤但bowlby的分析提出了“早期日托会产生消极作的植物减少了。当真的下雨时,它就会把大量的用”的可能性。这种日托可能导致孩子在15年或泥沙冲进青尼罗河并带进埃及,伴随的还有从白20年后患上精神疾病或者犯罪,而这种可能性只能用统计的方法来探究了:。无论长远的后果如尼罗河带来的沉积物。 何,孩子的父母有时会觉得眼前的后果难以应青尼罗河的泥浆与白尼罗河的泥浆的同位素不付。3岁以下的儿童可能会对离开父母表示抗议同。所以通过分析尼罗河三角洲的泥浆的同位素或表现出不高兴。而3岁到3岁半的儿童就会容易差别,利兹大学的Michael Krom算出了来自每个接受这种从父母到幼儿园的过渡了。这无疑就是支流的沉淀物的比例。 越来越多的父母在此时利用日托服务的原因了。Krom推理说在干旱季节,河水中青尼罗河泥浆但这种现象远没有明确说法,尽管有经验和证据的量相对较高。他发现在这些阶段之一,即4,表明早期的日托对婴儿来说是合理的。 500年到4,200年前,恰恰是埃及古王国灭亡之Egypt Felled by Farnine 前。 Even ancient Egypt‘s mighty pyramid builders 水势的减弱对古埃及人而言是灾难性的。纽约的were powerless in the face of the famine that Lamont Doherty地球天文台的Bill Ryan说:“影响helped bring down their civilization around 2180 食物供应的变化不需要大到在社会上引起一系BC. Now evidence gleaned from mud deposited 列连锁反应。” by the River Nile1 suggests that a shift in climate 同一研究小组的华盛顿地球考古学家Daniel thousands of kilometers to the south was ultimately Stanley说今天类似的事件会更加具有毁灭性。to blame – and the same or worse could happen “今天人类的任何移动气候带的做法都会对尼today. 罗河系统造成更坏的影响,因为这里的人口已经He ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile‘s 显著增加了。” annual floods to irrigate their crops. But any After-birth Depression Blamed for Woman’s change in climate that pushed the African Suicide monsoons southwards out of Ethiopia would have A new mother apparently suffering from M diminished these floods. postpartum mental illness fell to her death from a Dwindling rains in the Ethiopian highlands would narrow 12th-floor ledge of a Chicago hotel, have meant fewer plants to stablise the soil. When eluding the lunging grasp of firemen called to help. rain did fall it would have washed large amounts of The Chicago Tribune reported Tuesday that the 367 microscopic mess mother of a 3-month-old daughter, Melanie Stokes, 而且属于精神病中的急性病。根据美国国立精神41, was said to be suffering from. a severe form of 病卫生研究所报告,产后精神病确实是一种思想after-birth depression called postpartum psychosis, 紊乱,影响到少于1%的女性。患病期间的母亲an extremely rare biological response to rapidly 可能会听到声音,产生幻觉,感到极端焦躁,且changing hormonal levels that can result in4 有伤害孩子及自己的危险。 hallucinations, delusions, severe insomnia and a 结局常常是悲剧性的。1987年,加利福尼亚州的drastic departure from reality. Sheryl Masip告诉法官,产后精神病迫使她驾驶“一辆沃尔沃从自己6That was a monster in my daughter‘s brain,‖ 周大的儿子身上轧了过去。said Stokes‘ mother, Carol Blocker. ―The 哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的Latrena Pixley说思想紊个星期大的女儿的medicine took no effect at all, while her grief was 乱是造成她1992年捂死自己6so strong that nothing could make up for it. I‘m 原因。去年,印第安纳波利斯31岁的母亲Judy just glad she didn‘t take her daughter with her. ‖ Kirby被指称患有产后精神病,驾车疾驰驶向迎Virtually all new mothers get postpartum blues, 面而来的车流里,冲进了一辆微型货车中,造成7also called the ―baby blues‖, which are brief 个孩子身亡,其中包括她的3个孩子。 episodes of irritability, moodiness and weepiness. Sleep Lets Brain File Memories About 20 per cent of birthing women experience To sleep. Perchance to file? Findings published postpartum depression, which can be triggered by online this week by the Proceedings of the hormonal changes, sleeplessness and the pressures National Academy of Sciences further support the of being a new mother. It is often temporary and theory that the brain organizes and stows memories highly treatable. formed during the day while the rest of the body is But The Tribune said what scientists suspect catching zzz‘s. Stokes was battling, postpartum psychosis, is even Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his more extreme and is considered a psychiatric colleagues analyzed the brain waves of sleeping emergency.During postpartum psychosis – a very rats and mice. Specifically, they examined the real disorder that affects less than 1 percent of electrical activity emanating from the women, according to the National Institute of somatosensory neocortex (an area that processes Mental Health-- a mother might hear voices, have sensory information) and the hippocampus, which is a center for learning and memory. The visions, feel extremely agitated and be at risk of scientists found that oscillations in brain waves harming the child or herself. from the two regions appear to be intertwined. Often the consequences are‘ tragic. In 1987, So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from the Sheryl Masip of California told a judge that postpartum psychosis made her drive a Volvo over neocortex) were followed tens of milliseconds later her 6-week-old son. Latrena Pixley of Washington, by beats in the hippocampus known as ripples. D. C., said the disorder was why she smothered her The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regions is a key step in memory 6-week-old daughter in 1992. And last year, Judy consolidation. Kirby, a 31-year-old Indianapolis10 mother A second study, also published online this week by allegedly suffering from postpartum psychosis, the Proceedings of the National Academy of sped into oncoming traffic and plowed into a minivan, killing seven youngsters, including three Sciences, links age-associated memory decline to of her own. high glucose levels. 产后抑郁症一妇女自杀的罪魁祸首 Previous research had shown that individuals with 一位明显患有产后精神病的年轻母亲登上芝加diabetes suffer from increased memory problems. 哥一家酒店第12层狭窄的边缘处,赶来救助的消In the new work, Antonio Convit of New York 防人员试图将她抓住,她巧妙地躲避开,坠楼身University School of Medicine and his 亡。 collaborators studied 30 people whose average age 周二《芝加哥论坛报》报道,一位有3个月大女was 69 to investigate whether sugar levels, which 儿的41岁的母亲,Melanie Stokes,患上了一种tend to increase with age, affect memory in healthy 非常严重的产后抑郁症,又叫产后精神病,这是people as well. The scientists administered11 recall tests, brain scans and glucose tolerance tests, 一种对迅速变化的激素水平极为异常的生理反which measure how quickly sugar is absorbed 应,可导致患者产生幻觉、妄想、严重失眠以及from the blood by the body‘s tissues. Subjects with 极端脱离现实。 the poorest memory recollection, the team “我女儿的大脑里有个怪物,”Stokes的母亲Carol Blocker说, “药物根本不起作用,而她discovered, also displayed the poorest glucose 的不幸却是什么东西都无法弥补的,我很高兴她tolerance. In addition, their brain scans showed 没带着她的女儿走。” more hippocampus shrinkage than those of subjects better able to absorb blood sugar. 实际上,所有年轻母亲产后都会患沮丧症,也叫Our study suggests that this impairment may 做“产后情绪低落”,其症状大体上表现为短暂contribute to the memory deficitsl3 that occur as 的急躁易怒、忧郁和哭泣。大约20%的生育妇女people age,‖ Convit says. ―And it raises the 经历过由激素的变化、失眠以及新成为母亲的压M 力引起的产后抑郁。此病经常是暂时性的,且治intriguing possibility that improving glucose 愈性高。 tolerance could reverse some age-associated 但是《芝加哥论坛报》说,科学家们怀疑Stokesproblems in cognition.‖ Exercise and weight 与之作斗争的产后精神病是更为严重的精神病,control can help keep glucose levels in check, so 368 microscopic mess there may be one more reason to go to the gym. Alfred Nobel, the Swede who invented dynamite, established the prizes in his will in the categories 睡眠促使记忆归档存储 of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and 睡觉,说不定就是在整理归类记忆,刊登在最近网上出版的国家科学院文献汇编上的新发现进peace. The economics prize is technically not a 一步证明了这个理论:当人体的其他部分在鼾声Nobel but a 1968 creation of Sweden‘s central 中安眠时,人体大脑就在整理和储存着白天形成bank. 的记忆。 Nobel left few instructions on how to select 美国新泽西州立大学的乔治(Buzsaki和他的同winners, but medicine winners are typically 事们分析了睡眠中的老鼠和田鼠的脑电波。他们awarded for a specific breakthrough rather than a 特别研究了发源于学习记忆中心——大脑知觉body of5 research. 新皮层(处理知觉信息的区域)和海马状的电流Hans Jornvall, secretary of the medicine prize 活动。科学家们发现,这两个区域的脑电波变化committee, said the 10 million kronor ( US $1.3 仿佛处于交织状态。而数十毫秒后海马状突起发million) prize encourages groundbreaking research 出的波动将紧跟着所谓的睡眠纺锤体(新皮层上but he did not think winning it was‘ the primary 的种种活动)。这对科学家们假设这两个大脑区goal for scientists. 域的互动是理解增强记忆的关键。 Individual researchers probably don‘t look at 接下来的研究,同样也是刊登在这周网上出版的themselves as potential Nobel Prize winners when 国家科学院文献汇编中,是关于与年龄相关的由they‘re at work,‖ Jornvall told The Associated 于葡萄糖浓度过高引起的记忆衰退。 Press. ―They get their kicks from their research 之前的一项研究表明,患糖尿病的人一直受到记and their interest in how life functions. ‖ In 2006, Blackburn, of the University of California, 忆衰退的困扰。纽约大学医学院的安东尼•康威San Francisco, and Greider, of Johns Hopkins 特及其同事在一项新的工程中研究了30个平均University in Baltirnore, shared the Lasker prize 年龄69岁的人,以调查是否血糖浓度,随着年龄for basic medical research with Jack Szostak of 增长而增长,同样会影响健康人的记忆。科学家们实施了回忆测试、脑部扫描和葡萄糖耐量测Harvard Medical School. Their work set the stage 试,以便测量出人体组织从血液中吸收糖分的速for7 research suggesting that cancer cells use 度。这组科学家发现,与最次的记忆相对的,是telomerase to sustain their uncontrolled growth. 最低的葡萄糖耐量。此外,他们的脑部扫描也显诺贝尔奖的公布从医学奖开始 两位因研究癌细胞的生长而赢得赞誉的科学家示出海马状突起的缩小要比那些更容易从血液可能成为2008年诺贝尔医学奖的候选人,周一将中吸收糖分的人明显。 为医学获奖者进行颁奖,从而开始诺贝尔奖为期“我们的研究表明,这种海马状突起的缩小对随着人类年龄增大而出现的记忆衰退有着不可忽六天的公布。 视的影响”,康威特指出,“这一发现大大提高了由于对酶的研究,出生于澳大利亚的美国人伊丽令人兴奋的可能性,即,不断改善葡萄糖耐量可莎白?布莱克本和另外一个美国人开罗,格雷德已经赢得了一系列医学方面的荣誉。专家认为他以完全改变对某些与年龄相关的认知问题。”身们最有可能获得这次的医学奖。 体锻炼和体重控制能限制葡萄糖浓度,由此,我自1901们有了另外一个去健身房的理由。 年首次颁发诺贝尔奖以来,只有七名女性Medicine Award Kicks off Nobel Prize 赢得了医学奖,其中最后一名是美国研究员琳Announcements 达,巴克,她和理查德,埃克索一起获得了2004Two scientists who have won praise for research 年的医学奖。 into the growth of cancer cells could be candidates 布莱克本和格雷德的竞争对手有来自法国的皮for the Nobel Prize in medicine when the 2008 埃尔?尚本、来自美国的罗纳德?依文斯和艾尔winners are presented on Monday, kicking off six 伍德?杰森,他们开创了核激素受体这一蛋白质days of Nobel announcements. 研究的新领域。 Australian-born U. S. citizen Elizabeth Blackburn 与以前一样,在斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡学院召开and American Carol Greider have already won a 新闻发布会并公布决定之前,评奖委员会没有任series of medical honors for their enzyme research 何关于候选人是谁的暗示。 and experts say they could be among the 阿尔弗雷德?诺贝尔是瑞典人,他发明了甘油炸front-runners for a Nobel. 药。他在遗嘱里确立了诺贝尔奖并将其分为医学Only seven women have won the medicine prize 奖,物理学奖,化学奖,文学奖及和平奖。严格since the first Nobel Prizes were handed out2 in 来说,经济学奖不是诺丹尔而是瑞典中央银行在1901. The last female winner was U. S. researcher 1968年创立的。 Linda Buck in 2004, who shared the prize with 诺贝尔没有留下关于如何评奖的指导,然而,医Richard Axel. 学奖的获得通常是由于具体的突破,而不是大量Among the pair‘s possible rivals are Frenchman 的研究。 Pierre Chambon and Americans Ronald Evans and 医学奖委员会秘书汉斯?乔恩瓦说,一千万瑞典Elwood Jensen, who opened up the field of 克朗(相当于130万美元)的奖金可以鼓励开拓studying proteins called nuclear hormone 性研究,然而,他认为,赢得奖金并不是科学家receptors. 的初衷。 M As usual, the award committee is giving no hints “从事研究工作时,研究者很可能并不把自己看about who is in the running before presenting its 成未来的诺贝尔奖获得者。”乔恩瓦这样对美联decision in a news conference4 at Stockholm‘s 社记者说:“他们的动力来自他们的研究以及对Karolinska Institute. 生命运转方式的兴趣。” 369 microscopic mess 2006年,来自旧金山加利福尼亚大学的布莱克生活在新时代,可是却是石器时代人类的新陈代本,来自巴尔的摩约翰?霍普金斯大学的格雷德谢。”“我刚去了美国,情况的确很糟糕,每个角与来自哈佛医学院的杰克,绍斯塔克共同获得了落都有比萨饼店开业。我们已经深受快餐食品和拉斯克尔基础医学奖。他们的工作为研究癌细胞可口可乐化的侵害。” 利用端粒酶维持不可控制的生长打下了基础。 许多专家强调,肥胖症是潜在的杀手。HopichlerObesity: the Scourge of the Western World 说: “80%的糖尿病患者肥胖,而高血压和脂Obesity is rapidly becoming a new scourge of the 肪组织疾病患者伴有肥胖症的都各为50%。”“体western world, delegates agreed at the 11th 重增加10%意味着患心脏病的危险增加13%。体European Conference on the issue in Vienna 重减少10%可导致血压降低13%。” Wednesday to Saturday. According to statements 另一名专家Hermann Toplak说政府的健康部门before the opening of the conference – of 2,000 应该加大对预防项目的资助。“当体质指数大于specialists from more than 50 countries – 1.2 40时,尽管是由健康保险支付手术费(诸如缩胃billion people worldwide are overweight, and 250 手术),但体质指数大于40时相当于一个身高1. 70米的人体重达到116千克。应该提早启动预防million are obese. 工作。” Professor Bernhard Ludvik of Vienna General Ludvik说:预防应从学校做起。“儿童肥胖症(脂Hospital said, ― Obesity is a chronic illness. In 肪堆积)与儿童用来看电视的时间有关。” Germany, 20 percent of the people are already affected, but in Japan only one percent. ‖ But he 造成的结果只是在以后才显现的,仅有15%的肥said that there was hope for sufferers thanks to the 胖者活到了其所属人群的平均预期寿命。 new scientific discoveries and medication. New Attempts to Eradicate AIDS Virus A high-profile attempt to eradicate the AIDS virus Professor Friedrich Hopichler of Salzberg said, in a few patients continues to show promise. ―We are living in the new age (but) with the But researchers won‘t know for a year or more metabolism of a stone-age man.‖ ―I have just whether it will work, scientist David Ho told been to the United States. It is really terrible. A pizza shop is springing up on every corner. We journalists here Wednesday for the Fourth have been overrun by fast food and Conference in Viruses and Infections. Coca-Cola-ization. ‖ “This is a study that‘s in progress,‖says Ho, head of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, Many of the experts stressed that obesity was a New York. potential killer. Hopichler said, ―Eighty percent The study involves 20 people who started of all diabetics are obese, also fifty percent of all combinations of anti-HIV drugs very early in the patients with high blood pressure and fifty percent with adipose tissue complaints. ‖ ―Ten percent course of the disease, within 90 days of their more weight means thirteen percent more risk of infections. They‘ve been treated for up to 18 heart disease. Reducing one‘s weight by ten months. Four others have dropped out because of side effects or problems complying with the percent leads to thirteen percent lower blood exacting drug system. pressure .‖ The drugs have knocked the AIDS virus down to Another expert Hermann Toplak said that the state undetectable levels in the blood of all remaining health services should improve their financing of preventive programs. ―Though the health patients.And, in the latest development, scientists insurance pays for surgery (such as reducing the have now tested lymph nodes and semen from a size of the stomach) when the body-mass index few patients and found no virus reproducing there, Ho says. ―Bear in mind that undetectable does is more than 40. That is equivalent to6 a weight of not equal absent,‖ Ho says. 116 kilograms for a height of l.70 meters. One Ho has calculated that the drugs should be able to should start earlier.‖ wipe out remaining viruses – at least from known Ludvik said that prevention should begin in school. ―Child obesity (fat deposits) correlates with7 the reservoirs throughout the body – in two to three time which children spend in front of TV sets. ‖ years. But the only way to prove eradication would The consequences were only apparent later on. be to stop the drugs and see if the virus comes back. No more than fifteen per cent of obese people lived On Wednesday, Ho said he wouldn‘t ask any to the average life expectancy8 for their population patient to consider that step before 2(1/2) years of group. treatment. 肥胖症----西方世界的灾祸 And he emphasized that he is not urging 周三至周六,在维也纳召开的有关肥胖症问题的widespread adoption of such early, aggressive 第11次欧洲会议上,代表们一致同意,肥胖症正treatment outside of trials. No one knows the 在迅速成为西方世界的灾祸。共有来自50多个国long-term risks. 家的2000位专家参加了这一会议,会议于开始时But other scientists are looking at similar 宣布:全世界有12亿人体重超重,而2. 5亿人肥experiments. A federally funded study10 will put 胖。 300 patients on triple-drug treatments‖ and then 维也纳总医院的Bernhard Ludvik教授说:“肥胖see if some responding well after six months can M 症是慢性病。德国20%的人已经患有肥胖症,而continue to suppress the virus on just one or two 日本却只有1%。”但是他说,多亏了新的科学发drugs, says researcher Douglas Richman of the 现及药物,肥胖症患者有了希望。 University of California, San Diego. Some 萨尔茨堡的Friedrich Hopichler教授说:“我们正patients in that study also may be offered the 370 microscopic mess chance to stop therapy after 18 months or more, he Ireland in the last century: As a result of that, it was estimated that one million people died of says. starvation6 and related ailments. 根除艾滋病的新突破 一项对少数艾滋病患者进行的根除艾滋病毒的Plant pathologists have made remarkable strides in 试验受到了普遍的关注,而且效果令人振奋。 identifying the pathogens of the various diseases. 然而星期三在第四届病毒与传染大会上,科学家Bacteria may invade a plant through an infestation David Ho告诉记者: “这种方法是否奏效,还of insect parasites carrying the pathogen. A plant 要等一两年后才能知道。” can also be inoculated by man. Other diseases 现任纽约市Aaron Diamond艾滋病研究中心主任might be caused by fungus which attacks the plant 的David Ho说:“这是一项正在进展着的项目。” in the form of a mold or smut or rust. Frequently 这项研究的20名受试者都在病情发展的早期,即such a primary infection8 will weaken the plant so 感染上艾滋病病毒后90天内开始服用一整套治that a secondary infection may result from9 its lack 疗艾滋病的药物。他们已接受了长达18个月的治of tolerance. The symptoms shown may cause an 疗。有4error in diagnosisl0, so that treatment may be 人因副作用或难以遵循严格的疗程而中directed toward bacteria which could be the result 途退出了实验。 of a susceptibility caused by a primary virus Ho说,这些药物把所有其他病人血液中的AIDSinfection. 病毒降到了难以发现的低水平。最近的情况是,科学家已对几名病人的淋巴结和精液做了化验,农作物的病害 发现并没有病毒重新出现的迹象。他说:“不要植物和动物一样,容易受到各种病害的侵袭。据忘了难以发现并不等于没有。” 估计,大约有30,000种不同的病害侵扰着我们的经济作物。有40他预计在两三年内,这些药物至少可以把人体中种已知病害侵袭着玉米,还有已知的艾滋病毒储体里的病毒消灭干净。然,而同样多的病害侵扰小麦。对植物病害不加控制的要证明病毒是否已经被消灭,只能停止用药,看后果在一些食物供应缺乏的地区非常明显。随着病毒是否会重新出现。Ho星期三还说要等两年世界人口的惊人增长,这个问题将会大面积蔓半的治疗以后才开始让病人考虑这一步骤。 延。甚至在那些农产品供应充足的国家也可能会他还强调说,他并非极力主张在他的实验范围外马上出现严重的食品短缺。不难想象一些灾难性广泛采用这种治疗方法,因为还为时尚早,而且侵扰一种主要谷物的后果,由此而产生的饥荒会造成几百万人死亡,而给活着的数百万人带来的太大胆了。没有人能预料在长远的将来会有什么风险。 艰难困苦会引起并给世界秩序带来灾难性的政但是,其他科学家也在进行类似的实验。圣地亚治大动荡。 哥加利福尼亚大学的研究人员Douglas Richman一些植物对大部分的病害都具有免疫力,而其他说,一项由联邦政府出资的研究项目将让300名一些则会对病害很敏感。有一些植物的免疫力则病人接受3倍药量的治疗,然后过6个月看其中反随着生长条件的变化而变化。植物枯萎病的传播应良好的病人是否只需依靠一两种药物就能够可能只是地域性的,因而很容易控制;另一方面,继续抑制病毒的发展。他说,一些病人在18个月它能侵害到整个地区或国家之内的一些特殊植或更久以后或许可以停止治疗。 物。举个例子,,植物枯萎病曾杀死了北美的几Diseases of Agricultural Plants 乎所有栗树;上个世纪的爱尔兰有一种著名的马Plants, like animals, are subject to diseases of 铃薯枯萎病,导致了估计有100万人死于饥饿和various kinds. It has been estimated that some 与之相关的疾病。 30,000 different diseases attack our economic 植物病理学家对各种病害的病原体鉴定已经取plants; forty are known to attack corn, and about as 得了长足的进步。细菌可以通过携带病菌的寄生many attack wheat. The results of unchecked plant 虫侵入植物体内。可以用给植物打预防针的方法disease are all too obvious in countries which have 预防。其他一些疾病也许是由真菌引起的,以霉marginal food supplies. The problem will soon 病、黑穗病或锈病的形式侵害植物,通常最初的be more widespread as the population of the world 传染会造成植物的纤弱,继而由于植物免疫力的increases at its frightening rate. Even in countries 下降造成第二次感染。表现出的症状可能会造成which are now amply fed by their agricultural 诊断的失误,以致使治疗转向了细菌,其实细菌products there could soon be critical food 感染是由初期病毒感染所造成植物敏感性而带shortages. It is easy to imagine the consequences 来的结果。 of some disastrous attack on one of the major crops; “Don’t Drink Alone” Gets New Meaning the resulting famines could kill millions of people, In what may be bad news for bars and pubs, an and the resulting hardship on other millions could European research group has found that people cause political upheavals disastrous to the order of drinking alcohol outside of meals have a the world. significantly higher risk of cancer in the mouth and Some plants have relative immunity to a great neck than do those taking their libations with food. many diseases, while others have a susceptibility to Luigino Dal Maso and his colleagues studied the them4. The tolerance of a particular plant changes drinking patterns of l,500 patients from four cancer as the growing conditions change. A blight may studies and another 3,500 adults who had never be but a local infection easily controlled5; on the had cancer. M other hand it can attack particular plants in a whole After the researchers accounted for the amount of region or nation. An example is the blight which alcohol consumed, they found that individuals who killed virtually every chestnut tree in North downed a significant share of their alcohol outside America. Another is the famous potato blight in of meals faced at least a 50 to 80 percent risk of 371 microscopic mess cancer in the oral cavity, pharynx, and esophagus, 饮酒量将被研究者分为4组。饮酒量最少的一组when compared with people who drank only at 包括每周平均饮酒量达20杯的人,饮酒量最高的meals. Consuming alcohol without food also 一组每周饮酒至少56杯,平均每天8杯以上。患increased by at least 20 percent the likelihood of 口腔癌和颈部癌的危险随着饮酒量而稳定上升,laryngeal cancer. ―Roughly 95 percent of cancers 即使是那些只在就餐时饮酒的人。例如,和低饮at these four sites5 traced to smoking or drinking 酒量的人相比,每周饮酒21 – 34杯的人患除喉by the study volunteers,‖ Dal Maso says. The 癌以外其他部位的癌症的危险增加了一倍。如果discouraging news, his team reports, is that 这几组中的人在就餐时间以外饮酒,那些属于高drinking with meals didn‘t eliminate cancer risk at 饮酒量组的人会使他们患口腔癌和食道癌的危any of the sites. 险至少增加3倍。 For their new analysis, the European scientists 和每周只在就餐时平均饮酒至多20杯的人相比,divided people in the study into four groups, based 高饮酒量组的人在就餐时间饮酒患口腔癌的危on how many drinks they reported having in an 险是低饮酒量组的10倍,咽癌是其7倍,食道癌average week. The lowest-intake group included 是16倍。相反,酒精高摄入且仅在就餐时饮酒的people who averaged up to 20 drinks a week. 人患喉癌的危险是酒精低摄人且仅在就餐时饮The highest group reported downing at least 56 酒的人的3倍。 servings of alcohol weekly for an average of eight “酒精能使组织发炎,一段时间后,炎症可引发or more per day. Cancer risks for the mouth and 癌症。”Dal Maso说。他认为食物降低了患癌症neck sites rose steadily with consumption even for 的危险,或是通过覆盖在消化道组织上或是通过people who reported drinking only with meals. For 将酒精从那些组织上擦掉。他推测所有被研究者instance, compared with people in the 患喉癌的几率比其他癌症低很多的原因是喉部lowest-consumption group, participants who drank 组织被酒精侵害到的部分少得多。 21 to 34 alcohol servings a week at least doubled Silent and Deadly their cancer risk for all sites other than the larynx. Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), or ministrokes, If people in these consumption groups took some result from temporary interruptions of blood flow of those drinks outside meals, those in the higher to the brain.Unlike full strokes, they present consumption group at least quadrupled their risk symptoms lasting anywhere from a few seconds to for oral cavity and esophageal cancers. 24 hours. Rarely do they cause permanent People in the highest-consumption group who neurological damage, but they are often precursors drank only with meals had 10 times the risk of oral of a major stroke. cancer, 7 times the risk of pharyngeal cancer, and “Our message is quite clear,‖ says Dr. Robert 16 times the risk of esophageal cancer compared Adams, professor of neurology at the Medical with those who averaged 20 or fewer drinks a College of Georgia in August. ―TIAs, while less week with meals. In contrast, laryngeal cancer risk severe than strokes in the short term, are quite in the high—dangerous and need a quick diagnosis and intake, with-meals-only grou11 was treatment as well as appropriate follow-up to only triple that in the low-intake consumers who prevent future injury. ‖ drank with meals. Unfortunately, ministrokes are greatly “Alcohol can inflame tissues. Over time, that inflammation can trigger cancer. ‖Dal Maso says. underdiagnosed. A study conducted for the He suspects that food reduced cancer risk either by National Stroke Association indicates that 2.5% of partially coating digestive-tract tissues or by all adults aged 18 or older (about 4.9 million scrubbing alcohol off those tissues. He speculates people in the U. S.) have experienced a confirmed that the reason laryngeal risks were dramatically TIA4. An additional 1.2 million Americans over lower for all study participants traces to the tissue‘s the age of 45, the study showed, have most likely lower exposure to alcohol. suffered a ministroke without realizing it. These “不要在就餐时间以外饮酒”有了新含义 findings suggest that if the public knew how to 一定程度上,这对酒吧可能是一个坏消息,欧洲spot the symptoms of stroke, especially 的一个研究小组发现人们在就餐时间以外饮酒ministrokes, and sought prompt medical treatment, 会使患口腔和颈部癌症的几率比就餐时饮酒更thousands of lives could be saved and major 高。Luigino Dal Maso和他的同事们研究了取自disability could be avoided. 四项癌症研究的1,500个病例的饮酒习惯模式和The problem is that the symptoms of a ministroke 另外3,500个从没患癌症的成年人的饮酒习惯模are often subtle and passing. Nonetheless, there 式。 are signs you can look out for: 在研究者分析了饮酒的总量后,他们发现和只在Numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg, 就餐时饮酒的人相比,在就餐时间以外灌下大量especially on one side of the body. 烈酒的人面临至少50%~80%的患口腔癌、咽癌Trouble seeing in one or both eyes. 和食道癌的危险。在就餐时间外饮酒也会使患喉Confusion and difficulty speaking or 癌的可能性增加至少20%。“被研究者的情况说understanding. 明大约95%患以上四种癌症的原因就是抽烟或Difficulty walking, dizziness or loss of M 饮酒。”Dal Maso说。他的研究小组提供的报告coordination. 中令人沮丧的消息是就餐时饮酒不会消除患以Severe headache with no known cause. 上任何一种癌症的危险。 Along with these symptoms, researchers have 为了进行新的分析,欧洲科学家根据每星期平均identified some key indicators that increase your 372 microscopic mess chances of having a full-blown stroke after a TIA: greater the distance it must keep between itself and if you‘re over 60, have experienced symptoms the enemy. An antelope will flee when the enemy lasting longer than 10 minutes, feel weak and have is as much as five hundred yards码 away. The wall a history of diabetes. lizard’s flight distance, on the other hand is about As with many diseases, you can help yourself by six feet. Flight is the basic means of survival for changing your lifestyle. The first things you mobile creatures. should do are quit smoking, limit your intake of Critical Distance alcohol to no more than a drink or two a day and Critical distance apparently is present wherever increase your physical activity. Even those who and whenever there is a flight reaction. ―Critical suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes can distance‖ includes the narrow zone separating improve their odds-and minimize complications if flight distance from attack distance. A lion in a zoo they do have a stroke-by keeping their illness will flee from an approaching man until it meets a under control. barrier that it cannot overcome. If the man If you experience any of the symptoms, your first continues the approach, he soon penetrates the call should be to your doctor. It could be the call lion‘s critical distance, at which point the cornered that saves your life. lion reverses direction and begins slowly to stalk 无症状的却致命的 the man. 短暂性局部缺血发作,亦称小卒中,是由于流向Social Distance 大脑的血液暂时被中断而引发的。和大的中风不Social animals need to stay in touch with each 同,小卒中的症候从几秒到24小时不等。它们极other. Loss of contact with the group can be fatal 少引发永久性的神经损坏,但它们常常是大中风for a variety of reasons including exposure to 的前兆。 enemies. Social distance is not simply the distance “我们的看法非常清楚,”佐治亚医科大学的神at which an animal will lose contact with his 经学教授Robert Adams博土在8月这么说。“短暂group- that is, the distance at which it can no 性局部缺血发作虽然在短期内不如中风严重,但longer see, hear, or smell the group – it is rather a 它是非常危险的,需要立即诊断和治疗,还需要psychological distance, one at which the animal 适当的随访,以避免将来造成伤害。” apparently begins to feel anxious when he exceeds 遗憾的是,小卒中很少被诊断出来。全国中风协its limits. We can think of it as a hidden band that contains the group. 会的研究表明,2. 5%的18岁或18岁以上的成年Social distance varies from species to species. It is 人(在美国约有490万人)被证实确实经历过小quite short – apparently only a few yards –卒中。研究还表明,另外120万45岁以上的美国 among 人大部分都得过小卒中,但没意识到。这些发现some animals, and quite long among others. 提醒我们,如果人们知道怎样识别中风,特别是Social distance is not always rigidly fixed but is 小卒中的症状,并且立刻寻求医治,成千上万的determined in part by the situation. When the 生命就能被挽回,严重的瘫痪也就可以避免。 young of apes and humans are mobile but not yet 问题是小卒中的症候通常是不明显的、稍纵即逝under control of the mother‘s voice, social distance 的。然而留心观察,你有可能发现如下症状: may be the length of her reach. This is readily 身体一侧的脸部、手臂或腿麻木或虚弱。 observed among the baboons in a zoo. When the 一只或两只眼睛的视力障碍。 baby approaches a certain point, the mother 说话或理解的含糊和困难。 reaches out to seize the end of its tail and pull it 走路困难,头晕或动作不协调。 back to her. When added control is needed because 不明原因的严重头痛。 of danger, social distance shrinks. To show this in 在这些症状中,研究者指出了一些关键症状,这man, one has only to watch a family with a number 些症状会使你在小卒中后,更容易中风。这些症of small children holding hands as they cross a 状即:如果你年过60岁,经历过持续10分钟以上busy street. 的小卒中症状,感觉虚弱并有糖尿病史。 动物的间隔距离 像其他疾病一样,你可以用改变生活方式的办法逃离距离 来预防小卒中。首先你应该戒烟;限制饮酒,一一些善于观察的人已经注意到,一只野生动物会天不超过一两杯;还要加强体育运动。甚至那些让人或其他潜在的敌人接近到一个特定的距离,高血压、糖尿病患者也可以通过控制病情增加他它才会逃走。“逃离距离”是用来描述这种物种们的机会——即便真得了中风也可能有最少的问的间隔距离的术语。一般说来,动物体积与其并发症。 逃离距离之间成正比——动物的体积越大,和敌如果你有如上的症状,应马上打电话给医生,这人保持的距离就要越大。当敌人离羚羊500码远可能会挽救你的生命。 时,羚羊就会逃离。而壁虎的逃离距离大约6英Spacing in Animals 尺。逃离是活动的动物生存的基本手段。 Flight Distance 关键距离 Any observant person has noticed that a wild 无论何地,无论何时,有逃离行为就会有关键距animal will allow a man or other potential enemy 离。“关键距离”指的是逃离距离和进攻距离之to approach only up to a given distance before it 间的狭窄区域。动物园的狮子会躲开接近它的M flees. ―Flight distance‖ is the terms used for this 人,直到它遇到不可跨过的障碍物才停步。如果interspecies spacing. As a general rule, there is a 那人继续朝它走去,他就很快地进入了狮子的关positive relationship between the size of an animal 键距离,这时无路可走的狮子会调转方向,开始and its flight distance — the larger the animal, the 慢慢逼近那个人。 373 microscopic mess 相聚距离 Association, a non-profit organization not associated with this research. She added that 群居动物需要相互之间保持联系。和群体失去联appropriate amounts of juices should be included 系会因为各种的原因(包括面临敌人)而导致死亡。相聚距离不仅仅是动物和群体失去联系时的in the diet of both children and adults, following 距离——也就是说,在这个距离它不再能看到、guidelines established by leading health authorities. 听到或闻到群体——它更是一种心理距离,一种Taylor also points to a large epidemiological study, 当动物超越它的限度后会明显感到焦虑的距离。published in the September 2006 issue of the 我们可以认为它是一条控制群体的隐形带。 Journal of Medicine, which found that 相聚距离会因动物种类不同而各有差别。对一些consumption of a variety of 100 percent fruit and 动物而言,相聚距离非常近,仅有几码远。但其vegetable juices was associated with a reduced risk 他动物的相聚距离会非常远。 for Alzheimer‘s disease. 相聚距离不是一成不变的,而是部分地取决于环In fact, that study found that individuals who drank 境。当无尾猿和人类的幼儿会活动,但还不受母three or more servings of fruit and vegetable juices per week had a 76 percent lower risk of developing 亲言语控制时,相聚距离会是母亲的手臂够得着Alzheimer‘s disease than those who drank juice 的长度。从动物园的狒狒,我们很容易看到这点。less than once per week. The study was 当小狒狒走到某个位置时,狒狒妈妈会伸出手published in the International Journal of Food 来,抓住小狒狒的尾巴,把它拖回身边。因为危险而需要加强控制时,相聚距离就会缩小。要在Science and Nutrition (2006). 人类身上证明这点,你只要观察一个有许多小孩果汁和蔬菜汁与水果和蔬菜一样对人体有益 子的家庭就行了。当孩子们穿过一条繁忙的街道欧洲的一项研究表明纯果汁和蔬菜汁与它们对应的水果和蔬菜在降低患一些疾病的危险因素时,他们会互相牵着手。 方面的效用是一样的。该研究得出的结论基于一Fruit and Vegetable Juices As Beneficial to 项旨在质疑传统思想所认为的百分之百的汁液Health as Fruits and Veggies 在降低得癌症和心血管疾病方面起的作用不如A European study has revealed that 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices are as effective as their 水果和蔬菜的作用大。 whole fruit/vegetable counterparts in reducing risk 几个做文献评论的英国研究者发现,汁液在减低factors related to certain diseases. The conclusion 患病危险功能方面是能够比得上它们对应的水is the result of the study designed to question 果蔬菜的。研究者们分析了各种研究,分析了对traditional thinking that 100 percent juices play a 降低患病危险性起作用的纤维和抗氧化剂。他们less significant role in reducing risk for both cancer 断定,水果和蔬菜所起的积极作用不仅来自纤and cardiovascular disease than whole fruits and 维,而且也来自抗氧化剂,而无论水果还是蔬菜,vegetables. 其全果和汁液都含有这两种物质。 Juices are comparable in their ability to reduce risk 研究者说:“关于对癌症和冠状动脉性心脏病(冠compared to2 their whole fruit/vegetable 心病)的预防作用,并无证据说明纯果汁和蔬菜counterparts, according to several researchers in 汁不如全果和蔬菜。”研究者又加以补充,认为the United Kingdom who conducted the literature 在与慢性病的发生的关系方面,汁液不如全果和review. The researchers analyzed a variety of 蔬菜有营养的观点是“不公平的”,而那些认为studies that looked at risk reduction attributed to3 果汁和蔬菜汁有什么不同的说法应该被重新认the effects of both fiber and antioxidants. As a 定。 result, they determined that the positive impact 写这篇论文的研究者表示为了支持他们的发现,fruits and vegetables offer come not from just the 在某个领域应做更多研究。“尽管这一独立的文fiber but also from antioxidants which are present 献评论并不是为了专门研究某一种全果汁,但是in both juice and the whole fruits and vegetables. 它的确表明果蔬汁在降低患各种疾病的可能性When considering cancer and coronary heart 上的确起着重要作用,尤其是癌症和心血管疾disease5 prevention, there is no evidence that pure 病,”Sue Taylor说。她的观点与果汁产品协会的fruit and vegetable juices are less beneficial than 观点是一致的(果汁产品协会是一个与这一研究whole fruit and vegetables,‖ the researchers said. 不相干的非营利性的组织)。她又补充说,孩子The researchers added that the positioning of juices 和成年人应在有影响力的健康专家的指导下在as being nutritionally inferior to6 whole fruits and 饮食中添加一定量的汁液。Taylor还提到一个发vegetables in relationship to chronic disease 表在2006年9月的《医学杂志》上的对流行病学development is ―unjustified‖ and that policies, 的研究,该研究发现食用多种纯果蔬汁也与降低which suggest otherwise about fruit and vegetable 患阿尔茨海默病的危险性有关。 juices, should be re-examined. 事实上,该研究发现每周喝三份或三份以上果蔬The researchers who authored the paper suggest 汁的人与每周只喝一次以下的人相比,其患阿尔that more studies in certain area are needed to 茨海默病的危险性下降了76%,该项研究发表在bolster their findings. ―Although this independent 《国际食品科学与营养杂志》上。 review of the literature is not designed to focus on In-line Skating and Injuries any particular 100 percent juice, it does go a long An increasing number of children are taking up way in demonstrating that fruit and vegetable in-line skating, and it is those new skaters who are M juices do play an important role in reducing the most at risk for injuries, according to a statement risk of various diseases, especially cancer and from an American research institute. cardiovascular disease,‖ said Sue Taylor. Her Some 17.7 million people younger than age 18 opinion is in agreement with8 the Juice Products participated in the sport in the US in l996, a 24% 374 microscopic mess increase over the previous year. Women Also in 1996, in-line skating injuries sent 76,000 There is a range of reasons why thin women think skaters under the age of 21 to the emergency room. they’re too heavy,but the distorted body image Inexperienced skaters accounted for 14% of all may often have its roots in childhood(the results of injuries requiring treatment. a new study suggest( The most common reasons for injuries were losing Researchers found that among more than 2,400 one‘s balance due to road debris, being unable to thin women they surveyed,nearly 10 percent stop, out-of-control speeding, or falls while doing a thought they were too heavy Experiences in trick. childhood,including having an ill parent,or One third of skating injuries are to the wrist, and starting to drink or have sex at a particularly young two thirds of wrist injuries are fractures. Wearing age,were among the risk factors for having a wrist guards could reduce the number of these distorted body image. injuries by an estimated 87%, according to the According to the study authors,led by Dr(Susanne AAP. Kruger Kjaer of the Danish Cancer Society,Likewise, elbow pads could reduce elbow injuries Copenhagen,society’s “ideal” female body by 82%, and knee pads could reduce the number of is moving toward an underweight knee injuries by 32%, advise the experts. physique.Research suggests that many normal—Helmet used by young skaters is required by law in weight women wish to weigh less( New York and Oregon, and the research institute To investigate body image among thin women,the also recommends that young skaters wear a bicycle researchers gave questionnaires to 2,443 women helmet or a similar approved sports helmet. ages 27 to 38 whose body mass index was at the The age at which children are ready to use in-line low end of normal.The women were asked about skates depends upon a number of conditions, factors ranging from childhood experiences to including the child‘s foot size and body strength, current exercise habits( general athletic ability and muscle coordination, Overall,almost 10 percent of the women thought and the ability to judge traffic and pay attention to they Were too heavy(Those who reported certain the condition of the skating surface ahead, the “severe life events” in childhood or experts advise. adolescence,such as having a parent become ill or The most dangerous skating practice, called having their educational hopes dashed,were more ―truck-surfing‖, involves skating while holding likely than others to have a distorted body onto a moving vehicle. Few skaters have fatal image(The same was true of women who started injuries, but 31 out of 36 deaths reported since having sex or drinking alcohol when they were 1992 involved being knocked down by a motor younger than 15 years old( vehicle, according to data from the US Consumer In contrast,traumatic events in adulthood,such as Product Safety Commission. serious illness or significant marital problems,轮滑(滑旱冰)和损伤 were not related to poor body image,The 据美国一家调查机构称,越来越多的儿童开始轮researchers report(“Our results indicate that the 滑,而且正是那些新手最有受伤的危险。 risk of being dissatisfied with(one’s)own body 在美国,1996年大约1,770万不满18岁的人参加weight may be established early in life,”Kjaer and 这项运动,人数比前一年增长了24%。 her colleagues write( 同样在1996年,由于轮滑而受伤使76,000名21身材苗条的女性可能很早就为体重发愁 岁以下的轮滑者进了急救室。在所有需要治疗的身材瘦削的女性自认为身体肥胖的原因有很多,受伤者中,14%是没有经验的轮滑者。 但是一项新析研究表明态度通常与童年的经历最常见的受伤原因是:路上的垃圾造成失去平有关。 衡,无法停止,速度失控或玩花样时摔倒。 研究者发现在他们调查的2,400名身材瘦削的女在轮滑受伤中,有1/3伤在腕部,并且其中2/3为性中,有将近10%的人认为她们太重了。童年的腕部骨折。据AAP称,据估计,戴护腕可以减少经历有可能造成对身体形象存有不正确的态度,87%的受伤次数。 其中包括:父亲或者母亲生病,或是年幼时便开专家建议说,同样地,戴护肘可使肘部受伤次数始酗酒或是过性生活。 减少82%,护膝可使膝部受伤次数减少32%。 以哥本哈根丹麦癌症协会的Susanne Kruger 在纽约和俄勒冈法律规定年轻轮滑者必须戴头Kjaer博士为首的研究者认为,社会认为的“理想”盔,研究机构也建议年轻轮滑者带自行车头盔或女性身材趋向偏瘦型身材。研究者指出,很多体一种类似的适合于运动的头盔。 重正常的女性希望体重再减轻—些。 专家建议:儿童能够穿轮滑鞋的年龄取决于很多为了调查身材瘦削女性心目中的身体形象,研究条件,包括儿童的足长和体力,一般运动素质和者给2,443名27岁到38岁、体重指数在正常值下肌肉协调能力,以及判断交通情况和注意前方滑限的女性发放了问卷。这些女性被问及从童年经行地面状况的能力。 历到目前的运动习惯等因素。 最危险的轮滑运动是“冲卡车”,指抓住一辆开总的来说,大约10%的女性认为她们太胖了。那着的车滑行。虽然很少轮滑者受到致命伤害,但些童年或青少年时代经历过某种”严重的生活事M 美国消费者产品安全委员会的资料表明,自1992件”的人更容易对身体形象存有不正确的态度,年以来,公布的36例死亡案例中有31例都是由机这些事件如父亲或者母亲生病或受教育的希望动车辆撞倒造成的。 破灭。那些还不到15岁就有性生活或开始酗酒的Weight Worries May Start Early for Slim 女性也同样如此。 375 microscopic mess 与此形成对照的是,研究者报告说,成年后的痛护员和看护计划。他们每天通常都要先接受洗浴按摩,然后再由一名理疗师对其进行互补性按苦事件,例如严重的疾病或严重的婚姻问题,与摩。一些孩子们去学校上课,另外一些和救济院不正确的身体形象观无关。加尔和她的同事们写道:“我们的研究结果表明,对自己体型的不满中的游戏专家一起玩。 可能在人生根早的时候就产生了。” 这个特殊的房间能够对这些儿童的感官进行刺The Hope Children’s Hospice 激,如其对光、音乐、触摸和气味的感觉。 The Hope Children‘s Hospice provides free 救济院拥有一问多感官治疗室,配备了触屏电specialist care for children with life-limiting 脑、电子游戏、戏水池以及为轮椅舞蹈而设计的conditions who are not expected to live into 科幻反空间区域。这些孩子们会接受音乐治疗,adulthood. It cares for up to eight terminally-ill 并且能够将自己创造的音乐录制下来,不仅作为children at one time, and aims to care for them in 其宣泄情感的途径,也为其家人朋友留作后世纪the same way their families would care for them at 念之用。 home. When families prefer to do the caring 救济院为行将故去或者已故的孩子们准备了一themselves, a hospice carer will go to their home 些静室,其亲友可以在那儿与其做最后的告别。and help them. 我们对这些孩子的支持并不会随着其生命的终Life-limiting conditions present many long-term 结而停止。我们不仅要帮助伤痛欲绝的家长,还medical and emotional problems-not only for the 要帮助那些承受丧亲之痛的兄弟姐妹。我们使每child, but for parents and siblings too. So the 一个人都有机会抒发、讨论其对有关亡故或是这hospice offers respite care-short stays for the child 一过程的恐惧。 alone or for the whole family together. They What Makes Me the Weight I Am? become confused about time, place, and who There,s no easy answer to this question(Your people are. Short stays give terminally-ill children genetic makeup,the physical traits that get passed an opportunity to meet others with similar down to you from your parents,plays a big part conditions. in determining your size and weight. If both your Each child at the hospice has their own carer and parents are tall,there is a good chance you’ll be their own care plan. A normal day might start with tall(But if your parents are smaller than average,a jacuzzi bath followed by a massage from a you may want to rethink that professional complementary therapist. Some children go to basketball career. school, while others play with hospice play The same goes for your body type(Have you ever specialists. heard someone say a person is “big boned”? It’The hospice has a multi-sensory room. This is a s a way of saying the person has a large frame,or special room which stimulates the children‘s senses skeleton(Big bones usually weigh more than small with lights, music, touch, and smell. It has bones(That’s why it's possible for two kids with touch-screen computers, video games, paddling the same height,but different weights,to both be pools, anti space for wheelchair dancing. Children the right weight( have music therapy and can record their own music, Like your height or body type(your genes have a not only as a way to express their feelings, but to lot to say about what your weight will be. But that’leave something for their family and friends to s only part of the story(Being overweight Can run listen to in the years to come. in someone’s family,but it may not be because of The hospice has a number of quiet moms where we their genes(Poor eating and exercise habits also care for children during and after death. These are run in families and this may be the reason the places where families and friends can say goodbye. members of a family are overweight. And even Our support does not end with death. We help not though some kids gain weight more easily than just grieving parents, but also siblings who are others(when they eat right and exercise,most kids experiencing bereavement. We give everyone can be a healthy and happy weight that’s fight for opportunities to discuss their fears about death and them(It’s true—the way you live Can change the dying. way you look( 绝症患儿救济院 How much you Weigh is a balance between the 绝症患儿救济院为那些生活受限并无法成功生calories you eat and the calories you use. If you eat 长至成年的儿童提供免费的特殊看护。其能够同more calories than your body needs to use,you 时照顾多达8个身患绝症的儿童,并旨在为其提will gain too much weight(If you spend your free 供家人般的关照。当这些儿童的家人希望能够亲time watching TV, your body won’t use as many 自照料这些子女时,救济院的看护人员将会上门calories as it played basketball,skated,or went for 为其提供帮助。 a walk(If you are in balance,your weight will stay 这种受限的生活,不仅给孩子,也给其家长、兄right for you as you grow. But if you eat more and 弟姐妹带来了许多长期性的药物和情绪问题。所exercise less,you may become overweight(On the 以,救济院不单单为孩子提供临时看护与短期陪other hand,if you eat less and exercise more,you 护,也可为其全家提供看护服务。一些如时间、may lose weight. 地理位置及人物这样的概念对于这些孩子的家什么造成我现在的体重? M 人而言容易变得混淆。对于身患绝症的儿童进行要回答这个问题并不容易。你的基因构成、你父短期陪护,能够提供给他们与其同类儿童接触的母遗传给你的身体特征在决定你的体型与体重机会。 中起了很大的作用。如果你的父母都高的话,那每一个在救济院接受看护的儿童,都有特定的看你很有可能会长得高。如果你的父母比一般人个 376 microscopic mess 头矮小的话,你或许应当重新考虑是否还要当篮children, their brains may mix the sounds and 球运动员。 structures of all languages in the same area. Once 你的体型也是如此。你曾听过有人说别人是“大that programming is complete,the processing of a 骨架”吗?这就是说这个人体形魁梧或者骨架大。new language must be taken over by a different 大骨骼通常比小骨骼要重。正因为这样,两个身part of the brain. 高相同、体重不同的孩子却有可能体重均正常。 A second possibility is simply that we may acquire 像你的身高和体型一样,基因对你的体重也起了languages differently as children than we do as 很大的作用。但那只是部分原因。身体超重可能adults. Hirsch thinks that mothers teach a baby to 在家族中代代相传,不过这也许并非基因所致。speak by using different methods involving 不良的饮食习惯和运动习惯也代代相传,而这也touch,sound,and sight. And that is very different 正可能是家族成员普遍超重的原因。尽管有些孩from learning a language in a high school or 子比别人容易增重,但如果他们控制饮食、适量college class. 运动,大多数孩子都能保持健康适宜的体重。你双语大脑 的生活方式能改变你的样子——当卡尔?金十几岁从韩国移民到美国时。他经历这是真的。 了一段很艰难的英语学习期。现在他英语讲得很一个人的体重体现的是所摄入热量与消耗能量流利,并且有个独特的机会去理解我们的大脑是之间的平衡。如果摄入热量超过身体所需就会超如何适应第二语言的。作为一个本科生,金在位重。如果你把空闲时间用来看电视,你就不可能像去打篮球、滑冰、散步那样消耗更多的热量。于纽约的神经科学家乔伊,赫西的实验室工作。如果你的热量摄入与消耗持平,你的体重将随着他们的工作有一重大发现。他们找到了证据来证你的成长而保持适宜。但如果你吃得多而运动明当儿童和成人在学习第二语言时。他们没有在使用大脑中的同一部位。 少,你就有可能超重。反之,如果你吃得少而运研究者利用一种叫作MRI(核磁共振成像)的扫动多,体重就会减轻。 描仪来研究两组会两种语言的人的大脑。一组是The Bilingual Brain 由在儿童时期就学会了第二语言的人组成,另一When Karl Kim immigrated to theUruted States from Korea s a teenager,he had a hard time 组是由像金这样在晚些时候才学会了第二语 learning English. Now he speaks it fluently,and he 言的人组成。两组人都被安置在MRI扫描仪中。had a unique opportunity to see how our brains 这就使得金和赫西能清楚地看见大脑的哪个部adapt to a second language. As a graduate student, 位更活跃。流经更多的血液。他们要求两组的人Kim worked in the lab of Joy Hirsch,a 都先用母语再用二语来思考一下他们前一天做neuroscientist in New York. Their work led to an 的事 important discovery.They found evidence that 情。他们不用讲出声来,因为任何的动作都会干children and adults don't use the same parts of the 扰扫描。 brain when they learn a second language. 金和赫西特别看了一下两个大脑的语言中心—The researchers used an instrument called an MRI —被认为是控制语言输出的布鲁卡语言区,和进(magnetic resonance imaging) scanner to study the 行意义加工的韦尼克语言区。金和赫西发现无论brains of two groups of bilingual people.One group 两组人讲哪种语言,他们都在使用韦尼克区的同consisted of those who had learned a second 一部位,布罗卡区的不同部位。 language as children. The other consisted of people 在儿童时期就学会第二语言的人,在学习他们的who, like Kim,learned their second language later 一语和二语时使用的是布鲁卡区的同一区域。而in life. People from both groups were placed inside 在晚些时候才学会第二语言的人在学习二语时,the MRI scanner. This allowed Kim and Hirsch to 与学一语时相比,使用的是布鲁卡区的不同区see which parts of the brain were getting more 域。赫西如何解释这一差异,她认为,当小孩子blood and were more active.They asked people 第一次将语言程序化时,他们的大脑会在同一区from both groups to think about what they had 域将所有语言的声音和结构结合在一起。一旦这done the day before,first in one language and then 种程序化完成以后,对一种新语言的加工处理就the other. They couldn't speak out loud because 必须被大脑的其他部分接管。 any movement would disrupt the scanning. 第二种可能就是我们在小的时候学习的语言不Kim and Hirsch looked specifically at two 同于我们成年后学习的语言。赫西认为,母亲教language centers in the brain - Broca's 小孩说话是通过使用不同的方法,涉及触觉、听area ,which is believed to control speech 觉和视觉,而这与在高中或是大学的课堂上学习production, and Wemicke's area, which is thought 语言有明显的不同。 to process meaning. Kim and Hirsch found that Chest Compressions: Most Important of CPR both groups of people used the same part of Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, can save Wernicke's area no matter what language they were the life of someone whose heart has stopped. The speaking.But their use of Broca's area was condition is called cardiac arresta. The heart stops different. pumping blood. The person stops breathing. People who learned a second language as children Without lifesaving measures, the brain starts to die used the same region in Broca's area for both their within four to six minutes. CPR combines first and second languages. People who leamed a breathing into the victim's mouth and repeated M second language later in life used a different part of presses on the chest.CPR keeps blood and oxygen Broca's area for their second language.How does flowing to the heart and brain. Hirsch explain this difference? Hirsch believes that However, a new Japanese study questions the when language is first being programmed in young usefulness of mouth-to-mouth breathing. The study 377 microscopic mess was published in the British medical magazine, 研究写了一篇报告。他认为心肺复苏术指导 准则 租赁准则应用指南下载租赁准则应用指南下载租赁准则应用指南下载租赁准则应用指南下载租赁准则应用指南下载 The Lancet. Doctors in Tokyo led the research. It 应该被再次修改。他建议心脏协会应该把呼吸救examined more than four thousand people who had 助从指导准则中删除。他说,如果心脏复苏术不suffered cardiac arrest. In all the cases, witnesses 包括人工呼吸,更多的事故见证人对胸搏停止者saw the event happen. 提供救助。这种办法能过挽救生命。他的研究表More than one thousand of the victims received 明,许多人出于害怕感染疾病的顾虑,并不愿意some kind of medical assistance from witnesses. 对陌生人施与嘴对嘴的呼吸救助。 Seven hundred and twelve received CPR. Four 每年在美国有30余万人死于心搏停止。美国心脏hundred and thirty-nine received chest presses only 协会称,大约有95%的人在被送至医疗中心前死No mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths were given to 去。 them. The researchers say any kind of CPR Why Do People Shrink? improved chances of the patient's survival. But, Did you ever see the movie Honey,I Shrunk the they said those people treated with only chest Kids? It‘s about a wacky dad (who‘s also a presses suffered less brain damage. Twenty-two scientist) who accidentally shrinks his kids with his percent survived with good brain ability Only ten homemade miniaturizing invention. Oops!The kids percent of the victims treated with traditional CPR spend the rest of the move as tiny people who are survived with good brain ability. barely visible while trying to get back to their The American Heart Association4 changed its normal size. guidelines for CPR chest presses in 2005.It said For older people, shrinking isn‘t chat dramatic or people should increase the number of chest presses sudden at all. It takes place over years and may add from fifteen to thirty for every two breaths given. up to only an inch or so off of their adult height Gordon Ewy is a heart doctor at the University of (maybe a little more, maybe less). And this kind of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson. He wrote shrinking can‘t be magically reversed, although a report that appeared with the study. Doctor Ewy there are things that can be done to stop it or slow thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again. it down. But why does shrinking happen at all? He said the heart association should remove rescue There are a few reasons. As people get older, they breaths from the guidelines. He argues that more generally lose some muscle and fat from their witnesses to cardiac arrests would provide bodies as part of the natural aging process. Gravity treatment if rescue breaths are not a part of CPR, (the force that keeps your feet on the ground) takes He says this would save lives His studies show that hold, and the bones in the spine, called vertebrae, many people do not want to perform may break down4 or degenerate, and start to mouth-to-mouth breathing on a stranger for fear of collapse into one another.They end up pressing getting a disease. closer together, which makes a person lose a little Cardiac arrest kills more than 300,000 people in height and become shorter.But perhaps the most the United States every year. The American Heart common reason why some older people shrink is Association says about ninety-five percent of because of osteoporosis. victims die before they get to a medical center. Osteoporosis occurs when too much spongy bone 胸腔压迫:最重要的心肺复苏术 tissue (which is found inside of most bones) is 心肺复苏术,即CPR,可以挽救心脏已经停止跳broken down and not enough new bone material is 动的人的生命。这种情况被称为心搏停止。心脏made.Over time, bone is said to be lost because it‘s 停止供血。人停止呼吸。如果不采用急救的方法,not being replaced. Bones become smaller and 大脑将在四到六分钟内死亡。心肺复苏术使呼吸weaker and can easily break if someone with 的气流送入遇难者的口腔,并不停地按压胸腔。osteoporosis is injured. Older people — especially 它使血液和氧气源源不断地进入心脏和大脑。 women, who generally have smaller and lighter 然而,日本一项新研究质疑这种嘴对嘴呼吸进行bones to begin with — are more likely to develop 救助的有效性。该研究发表于英国医学杂志,《柳osteoporosis. As years go by, a person with 叶刀》,由东京的外壳医生牵头。研究调查类4000osteoporosis shrinks a little bit. 余名曾遭遇过心搏停止的患者。在所有的这些病Did you know that every day you do a shrinking 例中,均有人目击类事件发生的过程。 act, too? You aren‘t as tall at the end of the day as 1000余名患者接受类来自于目击者的某种医疗you are at the beginning. That‘s because as the day 救助。712名患者接受类心脏复苏术的救助。439goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets 名病人仅仅接受类胸腔按压,而未接受口对口的compressed (squeezed)due to gravity, making you 人工呼吸救助。研究者说任何一种心脏复苏术都just a tiny bit shorter. Don‘t worry, though.Once 会增加患者生存下来的几率。但是,他们说,那you get a good night‘s rest, your body recovers, 些只被施与了胸腔挤压的患者遭受脑损伤更小。and the next morning, you‘re standing tall again! 其中22%的人在大脑能力健全的情况下生存了人为什么会萎缩? 下来。而对于那些接受传统心肺复苏术并生存下你看过《亲爱的,我把孩子们缩小了》这部电影来的病人来说,仅仅只有10%的人能保持正常的吗?这部电影讲了为古怪的父亲(同时也是位科大脑能力。 学家)用自己在家发明的缩小仪器不小心把自己M 美国心脏协会于2005年修改类CPR胸部按压的的孩子给缩小了。哎哟!这部电影接下来讲的就指导准则。准则每经过两次人工呼吸,胸腔按压是这些小得几乎看不见的孩子们设法恢复原来的次数应从15次增加为30次。Gordon Ewy是亚身高的故事。 利桑那州图森医学院的心脏科医生。他根据这项对老年人来说,萎缩根本不是那么戏剧性或突然 378 microscopic mess 的。这要历时很多年而且加起来也不过比他们是sleep), scientists use a test called the Multiple 成年人时的高度缩短1英寸左右(可能略多一些,Sleep Latency Test (MSLT). During the test, a 也可能略少一些)。这种萎缩不可逆转,尽管我person stays in a darkened, quiet room during the 们可以做些什么来阻止或者减缓它的进程。但是daytime. Scientists believe that a sleep-deprived 人究竟为什么会萎缩呢? person will fall asleep quickly. If it takes ten 有这么几个原因,在人自然变老的过程中,通常minutes or longer to fall asleep, the person is 会损失掉一些肌肉或脂肪。重力(即是让你的脚probably getting enough sleep. 能站在地面上的引力)发生作用,脊柱上的骨头,Scientists have also found that the time of year 也就是脊椎骨,可能出毛病或退化并开始萎缩在seems to affect how much sleep we need. People 一起,最后脊椎骨相互挤压,会使人减少一些高usually sleep longer in the winter, sometimes as 度并变矮。不过或许老人萎缩的最普遍的原因是much as 14 hours a night. However, in the summer, 骨质疏松。 people sometimes sleep as little as six hours, 当过多松软的骨组织(一般在骨头内部)坏掉而without having any problems. 没有足够的新的骨组织生成时,就会发现骨质疏益智的日间小睡 松。长时间后,因为 得不到更新,人会损失一今天,我们听到越来越多的有关充足睡眠重要性些骨头。这时,骨头会变得更小,更脆肉,如果的讨论,即每日保证8小时的睡眠。睡眠能有助患骨质疏松的人受伤的话则很容易发生骨折。老于我们修复损伤并为我们的身体和大脑提供能人——尤其是女儿,她们的骨头本来就较小较量。医学专家相信,睡B民比起饮食和锻炼来说,轻,因为更容易得骨质疏松症。随着年龄的增长,对于我们的健康更重要~ 骨质疏松的人会略萎缩一些。 几乎可以肯定的是,我们一生中所耗费的那三分你知道你每天也都有萎缩的现象吗?你在晚上时之一部分的睡眠时间对于另外三分之二的清醒不如早上高。这是因为在一天当中,重力作用使时间的影响是巨大的。睡眠影响着我们的情绪、脊柱块中的水分压缩了,这使你稍微矮了一些。记忆、注意力集中度以及行为。 不过你不必担心。只要你好好休息一晚,等身体研究显示,发达国家的国民在睡眠上花费的时间恢复以后,第二天早上你又高了。 少于其花在工作中或上下班路上的时间。芝加哥Power Napping is Good for the I.Q. 大学博士克林,施皮格尔发现,每晚的平均睡眠Today we hear more and more about the 时间从1910年的9小时降至今天的7.5小时。但importance of getting enough sleep—about eight 是,我们的身体在缺少充足睡眠的情况下是无法hours a night. Sleep can help heal and give energy 正常工作的。每晚少睡一两小时,这样长此以往to both the body and the brain.Medical experts 的话,会对健康产生严重影响。 now believe that sleep is even more important for 根据加拿大科学家斯坦利?科伦博士的说法,每health than diet or exercise.It seems almost certain 晚少睡1小时会导致第二天智商下降一个百分that the third of our lives that we spend asleep has 点。举例而言,如果某人一周每晚仅睡5至6小时a great effect on the two-thirds that we are awake. 的话,那么其智商就有可能下降15个百分点甚至Sleep affects our emotions, memory, focus, and 更多。这就是为什么一个原本聪慧的人,在睡眠behavior. 不足的情况下会发觉做一些日常事务都有困难。 Studies show that people in developed countries 大多数研究睡眠的专家认为,人们一天至少要睡spend less time asleep and more time at work or 够8小时,但是这样分两个阶段来完成,即每晚commuting. Dr. Karine Spiegel, at the University 的长时睡眠外加每天中午的短暂午休。一些公司of Chicago, has found that the average length of 遵循该建议并在此方面对其员工进行协助。他们sleep has gone down from nine hours a night in 允许员工中午进行午休以恢复精力,哪怕仅有20分钟。他们声称,这样能使员工的工作效率更高。 1910 to seven-and-a-half hours a night today. 为了研究“剥夺睡眠”(睡眠不足)所产生的影However, our bodies cannot function well without 响,科学家采取了一种称为“多重睡眠潜伏测试”enough sleep. Losing just one or two hours of sleep 的试验方法。在测试中,实验对象白天身处一个a night, over a long period of time, can cause serious health problems. 黑暗寂静的房间中。科学家相信,一个睡眠不足According to Canadian scientist Dr. Stanley Coren, 的人会很快进入睡眠状态。如果入睡时间大于等every hour of lost sleep at night causes us to lose 于10分钟,那么测试对象很有可能是睡眠充足one I.Q. point the next day. For example, when 的。 someone gets only five or six hours of sleep each 科学家还发现,一年中的季节变化对于我们所需night for a week, the person‘s I.Q. could go down 睡眠时间的长短也有影响。人们通常在冬季睡的15 points or more. That‘s why, without enough 时间更长,有时可达每晚14小时。 sleep, a normally intelligent person may start to 但是在夏天,人们有时每天仅睡6小时,并且不have difficulty doing daily tasks. 会产生任何问题。 Most sleep experts say that humans need at least Research Shows Walking Can Lift Depression eight hours of sleep every day, but it should be in New research by German scientists shows that two stages: a long sleep at night and a shorter nap author Charles Dickens was onto a good thing in the afternoon. Some companies help their when he took long, brisk walks to relieve periodic employees follow this advice.They allow them to bouts of depression. The author of Oliver Twist M ―power nap‖ in the afternoon, if only for 20 and David Coppeifield would walk for hours in the minutes. They say this makes the workers much 1860s as an antidote to intense feelings of sadness more efficient. which alternated with restless euphoria.This is also the advice that experts from the Free University in To study sleep deprivation (not getting enough 379 microscopic mess Berlin are giving today. 一,病人自评的减轻程度为25%,他们的发现被Aerobic exercise like rapid walking can be more 刊登在《英国运动医药杂志》上。 effective at lifting depression than drugs, reported 虽然这次研究的范围小,但科学家们认为,这一the scientists led by Dr. Fernando Dimeo.They 方法对病情的改善程度给人以深刻的印象。他们studied 12 people with severe depression that had 认为它对临床是有益处的,而这却是现有药物治lasted an average of nine months. The team found 疗所达不到的。 that in 10 of these patients drugs had failed to bring 由于19世纪时人们对抑郁的心理状况不甚了解,any substantial improvement. The team devised an 因而那时的医生称的梗死的状况为忧郁症。为狄exercise regime for the group that involved 更斯作传的彼德•阿克瑞德说狄更斯的儿子查尔walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every 斯在回忆他的父亲时说过,狄更斯有“深度抑day.According to the regime, intense activity 郁”,而且有很多时候“极度暴躁不安”,而狄更lasting three minutes was alternated with walking 斯的这些病情,现代心理学家一定能够识别出at half speed for three minutes. The intensity of the 来。 training programme was stepped up4 as the heart U. S., European Drug Officials Approve Inhaled rate adapted. A measurement of depression severity Insulin was taken at the start and the end of the A form of insulin for people with diabetes to take programme, and patients were asked to rate their by mouth is expected to be sold within a few own mood regularly over a 10-day period. The months. The new medicine is called Exubera1. The researchers in Berlin found that after 10 days of the United States Food and Drug Administration and course six patients felt ―substantially less the European Commission3 both recently approved depressed‖.The number included five who had not it for adults. It could make life easier for many found any relief using drug treatment. Two were diabetics who require daily injections of insulin to slightly less depressed, while four others remained control their blood sugar levels. But it will not unchanged. Depression levels overall fell by a replace all insulin injections. And it is not for third5 and on the self-assessed scores by 25 per everyone. People who smoke or have stopped cent, said the researchers whose findings appeared smoking for less than six months should not take in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Exubera. Some patients with lung disease should The study was small but the extent of the not take it either. improvement was said by scientists to be Three drug companies — Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis impressive.The outcome indicated a clinical and Nektar Therapeutics — developed the inhaled benefit which could not be obtained with insulin. Pfizer recently bought the rights to sell it pharmacological treatment currently available, worldwide. Experts say about fifteen percent of they said. diabetics who need insulin do not take it. The Nineteenth century doctors would have called treatment can involve several injections each day. Dickens‘s condition melancholia since the Insulin is a hormone that the body uses to change psychological condition of depression was food into energy. Failure to control blood sugar unknown. Dickens biographer Peter Ackroyd says levels can lead to serious problems, including the author‘s son Charles remembers his father‘s blindness and loss of blood flow to the feet. It can ―heavy moods of deep depression‖ and many times also lead to heart disease, stroke and kidney of “intense nervous irritability”,something failure4. Insulin has been sold as a drug since the modern psychologists would certainly recognize. nineteen twenties. This is the first new way to take 研究表明散步能缓解抑郁 it. Exubera uses a powder breathed into the lungs 据德国科学家的最新研究报告,狄更斯找到一种through a mouthpiece. Pfizer will study the 好方法,即通过长时间轻快的散步来减轻周期性long-term effects. It says some patients have 发作的沮丧情绪。这位《雾都孤儿》和《大卫•reported a mild cough while using the inhaled 科波菲尔》的作者在19世纪60年代时经常用几个insulin. People are advised to have their lungs 小时的散步来缓解悲伤和亢奋交替的紧张情绪。examined before using Exubera, and at least once a 这也是今天柏林自由大学的专家们给出的建议。 year after that. Many people do not know they have diabetes. 以Femando Dimeo博士为首的科学家们报告说,There are two forms. Most diabetics have the Type 像快走这样的有氧运动在消除抑郁情绪方面比Two form. Their body does not make enough 药物更有效。他们研究了12位严重抑郁的病人,insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it 其患抑郁症的平均时间为九个月。科学家们发现药物治疗对他们当中的10位没有实质作用。他们produces. It is common in people who are 为这些患者设计了一个锻炼计划,要求他们每天overweight and not active. Most Type Two 在跑步机上行走30分钟.3分钟高强度的行走与3diabetics do not take insulin. Their medicines can be taken by mouth. Diet, exercise and weight 分钟速度减半的行走交替进行。并且该计划的强control are also important. Type One diabetes often 度随着心率的调整逐步增加。在这个计划的开始begins in childhood.With this type the body is 和结尾阶段,将会对这些病人的抑郁程度进行测unable to produce insulin. 评,而且要求病人们每隔十天就要测定一下自己M 的情绪。柏林研究人员发现:10天后有六位病人Officials say diabetics with either type could use 感到“抑郁程度明显减轻”,其中五位是药物治inhaled insulin, either before or after a meal. But 疗根本不起作用的患者。两位略微减轻,四位无Type One diabetics and some with Type Two would still need a longer-lasting injection at least 变化。研究员们说总体的抑郁程度减轻了三分之 380 microscopic mess once a day. to find many quiet accompaniments for all of my 美国及欧洲药品机构准入吸入型胰岛素 moods. 糖尿病患者使用的口服胰岛素有望于数月内上How is it that the world we see,touch,hear,and 市。新的药品名为Exubera。近日,美国食品和smell is both "out there" and at the same time 药品管理局和欧盟批准了成人使用该药品。这种within us? There is no better example of this 药品会使那些每日依靠胰岛素注射来控制血糖connection between external stimulus and internal 水平的糖尿病患者们的生活轻松一些。但是它并perception than the cochlear implant.Noman-made 不能取代所有的胰岛素注射,也并不适用于所有device could replace the ability to hear . 人群。抽烟的人和戒烟不足六个月的人不能使用However,it might be possible to use the brain's Exubera。一些患有肺部疾病的病人也不能使用remark.able power to make sense of the electrical 这种新药。 signals the implant produces. Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis and Nektar Therapeutics这When Michael Edgar first "switched on" his 三家制药公司研发了这种吸入型的胰岛素。而cochlear implant,the sounds he heard were not at Pfizer公司最近买到全球销售权。专家车,大约all clear. Gradually ,with much hard work,he began 有15%需要胰岛素的糖尿病患者并没有服用该to identify everyday sounds. For example, ""The 药。治疗仍然有每日数次的注射。 insistent ringing of the telephone became clear 胰岛素是一种帮助身体将食物转化为能量的荷almost at once. 尔蒙。血糖水平失控将导致很多严重地问题,包 括失明以及脚部血液供应不足。它同样会导致心The primary purpose of the implant is to allow 脏疾病、中风以及肾衰竭。从20世纪20年代开始,communication with others. When people spoke to 胰岛素就被作为药品销售。但这是一种全新的使Eagar,he heard their voices ""coming through like 用胰岛素的方法。作为粉末状的药品,Exuberaa long-distance telephone call on a poor connection. 能够通过管子被吸入肺部。Pfizer公司将对该药" But when it came to his beloved music,the 品的长期效应做研究。有些患者称在使用吸入型implant was of no help.When he war, ted to 胰岛素时有轻度咳嗽。患者被建议接受肺部检appreciate music, Eagar played the piano. He 查,并在一年之后方可开始使用吸入型胰岛素。 said,"I play the piano as I used to and hear it in my 许多人并不知道自己患有糖尿病。糖尿病有两head at the same time. The movement of my 种。大多数人属于?型糖尿病患者,他们的身体fingers and the feel of the keys give added 'clarity' 无法制造足够的胰岛素或者无法有效利用身体to hearing in my head." 所产生的胰岛素。这种类型的肥胖和少动的人中Cochlear implants allow the deaf to hear again in a 比较常见。这类患者的药品可以口服。饮食、锻way that is not perfect,but which car. change their 炼、控制体重也同样重要。而?型糖尿病通常在lives.Still, as Michael Eagar discovered, when it 儿童时代就开始了。该类患者的身体不能产生胰comes to musical harmonies,heating is irrelevant. 岛素。 Even the most amazing cochlear implants would 相关部门称,?型糖尿病患者和?型糖尿病患者have been useless to Beethoven as he composed 均可以在饭前或饭后使用吸入型胰岛素。但是?his Ninth Symphony at the end of his life. 型糖尿病患者和部分?型糖尿病患者仍然需要如何让耳聋的人更容易听见 一天不少于一次地长期胰岛素注射治疗。 大多数人把贝多芬的听力受损看作是他在作曲How Deafness Makes It Easier to Hear 过程中的障碍。然而,他的最有力量的作品正是Most people think of Beethoven's hearing loss as 在他人生的最后十年里创作出来的,那时他完全an obstacle to composing music. However,he 耳聋。 produced his most powerful works in the last 这是最值得称道的用意志战胜不幸的案例之一,decade of his life when he was completely deaf. 但是他的传记作家梅纳德?所罗门却持不同的观This is one of the most glorious cases of the 点。梅纳德认为,贝多芬的耳聋“促进了他作为triumph of will over adversity, but his 作曲家的成就,在他完全耳聋的世界里,他能摆biographer,Maynard Solomon,takes a different 脱外在世界声音的干扰,自由地创作新的表现形view. Solomon argues that Beethoven's deafness 式与和声。” "heightened" hisachievement as a composer.In his 听力受损似乎不会影响失聪的音乐家的音乐才deaf world Beethoven could experiment, free from 能。他们能继续“听见”音乐,与他们能真正听the sounds of the outside world,free to create new 见音乐相比,他们“听”得同样甚至更准确。 forms and harmonies. 2003年去世的迈克尔?伊加,在他21岁时失聪。Hearing loss does not seem to affect the musical 他曾经描绘过一幅发生在三个月内的迷人的事ability of musicians who become deaf. They 情:“我之前的音乐经历开始在脑中网放,我无continue to "hear" music with as much,or 法区别真正听到的和曾经听过的东西。许多年以greater,accuracy than if they were actually hearing 后,听到这些回放,‘听见’对我来说是新鲜的it being played. Michael Eagar, who died in 2003, 音乐,为我所有的情绪找到伴唱仍然是值得的。” became deaf at the age of 21.He described a 我们所看见的、触摸到的、听见的和闻到的世界fascinating phenomenon that happened within 是如何既“在外面”同时又在我们的内心,把外three months : "my former musical experiences 在刺激和在内在感知相结合的最好的例子就是M began to play back to me.I couldn't differentiate 耳蜗植入。没有任何人工的装置能代替听觉能between what I heard and real hearing. After many 力,但是,利用大脑非凡的能力来理解植入物产years,it is still rewarding to listen to these 生的电信号还是有可能的。 playbacks,to 'hear' music which is new to me and 当迈克尔?伊加最先“开启”他的人工耳蜗时, 381 microscopic mess 他听到的声音一点儿都不清楚。在艰苦的努力old.The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development4 says its long-term goal is a 下,他渐渐地开始辨认出日常的声音,比如他说treatment that could work in as few as ten doses. 道“电话的持续响声几乎是立刻就变得清晰了”,耳蜗植入最主要的目的就是能够与人交流。当人找到速效治疗剂可以更好控制结核病 们与伊加交谈时,他能听到他们的嗓音“像是从世界卫生组织估计全球有大约三分之一的人感连接不好的长途电话中传来的”。但是当提到他染了导致结核病的病菌。大多数时候,这种感染钟爱的音乐时,耳蜗植入就毫无用处。每当伊加是不活跃的。但是每年大约有八百万结核病病想要欣赏音乐时,他就开始弹钢琴。他说“我像例,通常是在肺部。两百万人因此丧命。结核病往常那样弹奏钢琴,同时在头脑中听见它。我手发病率由于艾滋病的传播和抗药型结核病的出指的移动以及对音调的感觉使得头脑中的声音现而增加。 更加‘清晰’。” 前的治疗至少需要六个月。患病者不得不每日服耳蜗植入让失聪的人以一种不完美的方式再次用多种抗生素药品。许多人在稍感舒适后就停止听见声音,但是它改变了他们的生活。尽管如此,使用药品,这么做可能导致抗药性感染。公共卫正如迈克尔?伊加发现的那样,当涉及音乐和声生专家一致认为针对结核病的速效治疗剂将会时,听力就无关紧要了。甚至是最令人惊奇的耳更加有效果。现在有一项研究评估这种速效治疗蜗植入对贝多芬来说也毫无用处,因为他在他生剂究竟效力有多大。这项研究由美国哈佛大学国命的最后阶段创作出了他的第九交响曲。 际卫生方面的教授率领。Joshua Salomon说,疗Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is 程较短的治疗计划可能不仅仅意味着更多病人Found 被治好,也意味着将感染传给别人的病人会更The World Health Organization estimates that 少。 研究者们设计了一个数学模型来检测两个月治about one-third of all people are infected with 疗计划的效果。他们以东南亚目前的结核病情况bacteria that cause tuberculosis. Most times, the 来检验这个模型。科学家们发现两个月的治疗可infection remains inactive. But each year about 以防止大约20%的新病例,也可能防止大约25%eight million people develop active cases of TB, usually in their lungs. Two million people die 因结核病引起的死亡。这个模型表明,如果速效of it. The disease has increased with the spread of 治疗剂可以在2012年前研发出来并大规模使用AIDS and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis. 的话,减少结核病例在2012年到2030年间就可以Current treatments take at least six months. 实现。 Patients have to take a combination of several 世界卫生组织在1990年制订了DOTS计划,antibiotic drugs daily. But many people stop DOTS意指短期直接观察治疗。卫生工作者监督as soon as they feel better. Doing that can lead 结核病人每天服药,以确信他们继续治疗。 to an infection that resists treatment. Public health 今年年初,一个国际组织同盟宣布了一项扩大experts agree that a faster-acting cure for DOTS的计划。这个十年计划也旨在资助新结核tuberculosis would be more effective. Now a 药品的研究。现在四种最常用的药品也有四十多study estimates just how effective it might be. A 年的历史了。全球结核病药物开发联盟宣称它)professor of international health at Harvard 长期目标是找到一种治疗方法,可以通过十次剂University led the study. Joshua Salomon says a 量就有效果。 shorter treatment program would likely mean not A Biological Clock just more patients cured. It would also mean Every living thing has what scientists call a fewer infectious patients who can pass on their biological clock that controls behavior. The infection to others. biological clock tells plants when to form flowers The researchers developed a mathematical model and when the flowers should open. It tells insects_ to examine the effects of a two-month treatment when to leave the protective cocoons and fly plan. They tested the model with current TB away,and it tells animals and human beings when conditions in Southeast Asia. The scientists to eat, sleep and wake. found that a two-month treatment could prevent Events outside the plant and animal affected the about twenty percent of new cases. And it might actions of some biological clocks. Scientists prevent about twenty-five percent of TB deaths. recently found, for example, that a tiny animal The model shows that these reduction would take changes the color of its fur because of the number place between two thousand twelve and two of hours of daylight. In the short days of winter, its thousand thirty. That is, if a faster cure is fur becomes white. The fur becomes gray brown in developed and in wide use by two thousand color in the longer hours of daylight in summer. twelve. Inner signals control other biological clocks. The World Health Organization developed the German scientists found that some kind of internal DOTS program in nineteen ninety. DOTS is clock seems to order birds to begin their long Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. Health migration flight twice each year. Birds prevented workers watch tuberculosis patients take their daily from_ flying become restless when it is time for pills to make sure they continue treatment. the trip,but they become calm again when the time Earlier this year, an international partnership of of the flight has ended. M organizations announced a plan to expand the Scientists say they are beginning to learn which DOTS program. The ten-year plan also aims to parts of the brain contain biological clocks. An finance research into new TB drugs. The four most American researcher, Martin Moorhead, said a common drugs used now are more than forty years small group of cells near the front of the brain 382 microscopic mess seems to control the timing of some of our actions. model of the human disease, opening the way for tests on new treatments and vaccines. So once These cells tell a person when to awaken,when to again there‘s a good reason to keep the virus –sleep and when to seek food . Scientists say there just probably are other biological clock cells that in case the disease puts in a reappearance. control other body activities. How do we deal with the mistrust of the US and Dr. Moorhead is studying how our biological Russia? Simple Keep the virus under clocks affect the way we do our work. For example, international auspices in a well-guarded UN most of us have great difficulty if we must often laboratory that‘s open to all countries, The US change to different work hours. will object, of course, just as it rejects a It can take many days for a human body to accept multilateral approach to just about everything. the major change in work hours. Dr. Moorhead But it doesn‘t mean the idea is wrong. If the virus said industrial officials should have a better is useful, then let‘s make it the servant of all understanding of biological clocks and how they humanity – not just a part of it. affect workers. He said such understanding could 一个让天花存在的好理由 cut sickness and accidents at work and would help 可以说我们很可能永远都不会看到天花病毒彻increase a factory‘s production. 底绝迹。这个观念结束了1980年的光辉成就,那生物钟 年最后两个拥有这种致命病毒的实验室的病毒每一种生物都有控制它们行为的时钟,科学家们被消灭后,四处蔓延的天花已经被根除了。那两称之为生物钟。生物钟告诉植物的花朵何时生个实验室,一个在美国,一个在俄罗斯。如果天长,何时开放;生物钟告诉昆虫何时离开防护卵花真的在这个星球上消失了,那么保留这些储备袋,远远飞去;生物钟还告诉动物和人类何时进的意义何在, 食、睡眠,何时苏醒。 当然,想象每个人都会放弃这样一种有效的潜在外界的变化会影响某些动植物的生物钟。例如,的武器事实上是幼稚的。无疑,几个国家仍旧有科学家最近发现,有一种很小的动物,会随着白几瓶天花病毒。美俄官方保存的最后的活病毒储天日照时间的长短改变其毛发的颜色。冬季日照备由于不能带来明显的好处而引起大家对这两时间短,它的毛变成白色。夏季白天日照时间长,个国家的不信任。 它的毛又变成棕灰色。 现在美国研究者们发现了人类疾病的动物版,为还有的生物,它们的生物钟受体内信号控制。德试验新的治疗方法和新的疫苗开辟了道路。因国的科学家发现,鸟类体内的某种生物钟迫 使此,又有了一个保存天花病毒的理由——万一这它们每年做两次长距离迁移。那些被迫不能迁移种病卷土重来。 的鸟,当迁移时间到来时,会显得烦躁不安,而我们怎样应付对美国和俄国的不信任呢,很简当这段时间过后,它们又恢复了平静。 单。把病毒放在国际赞助的、被严密监视的和向科学家们指出,他们开始探索大脑内部的哪些部所有国家开放的联合国实验室中。当然美国会反位存在生物钟。一位美国的研究员,马丁• 莫亥对,就像它反对任何事务的多边化一样。但是这德(Martin Moorhead)曾指出,好像是人脑前部并不意味着这个想法是错的。如果病毒是有用的一小群细胞控制着人体的行为。这些细胞控制的,那么让我们把它变成全人类的奴仆——而不着人体睡眠、苏醒和觅食的时间。另外,科学工是一部分人的。 作者推测,可能还有另外的生物钟细胞控制人体Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of 的其他行为。 Cancers 目前,莫亥德博士正在研究生物钟对人们工作方Diet is second only to1 tobacco as a leading cause 面的影响。比如,如果经常改变工作时间, 绝of cancer and, along with alcohol, is responsible 大多数人会感觉不适应。要适应工作时间上的较for nearly one third of cases of the disease in 大变动,可能需要相当长一段日子。莫亥德博士developed countries, a leading researcher said on 说,工厂的领导应该对生物钟有进一步的了解,Tuesday. 懂得生物钟对工人的影响,如此则会减少工作 Dr. Tim Key, of the University of Oxford, told a 中的不适和事故,对提高生产大有裨益。 Cancer conference that scientists are still One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live discovering how certain foods contribute to cancer, It‘s now a fair bet that we will never see the total but they know that diet, alcohol and obesity play a major role. extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to “Five percent of cancers could be avoided if cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when nobody was obese,‖ he said. smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying While tobacco is linked to about 30 percent of the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it – one in the US and one in cancer cases, diet is involved in an estimated 25 Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the percent and alcohol in about six percent. planet, what point was there in-keeping these Obesity raises the risk of breast, womb, bowel and reserves ? kidney cancer, while alcohol is known to cause In reality, of course, it was naïve to imagine that cancers of the mouth, throat and liver. Its everyone would let go of such a potent potential dangerous impact is increased when combined weapon.1 Undoubtedly several nations still have with smoking. M a few vials.And the last ―official‖ stocks of live Key told the meeting of the charity Cancer virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia,for no Research UK that other elements of diet linked to obvious gain. cancer are still unknown but scientists are hoping Now American researchers have found an animal that the EPIC study, which is comparing the diets 383 microscopic mess of 500,000 people in 10 countries and their risk of domestic violence in the previous year( cancer, will provide some answers( Rates were lower for men 55 and older, with 5.3 Early results of the study have revealed that percent reporting violence in the past five years Norway, Sweden and Denmark have the lowest and 2.4 percent having experienced it in the past 12 consumption of fruit and vegetables among months. European countries while Italy and Spain have the Overall, 30.5 percent of men younger than 55 and highest. Eating at least five portions of fruit and 26.5 percent of older men said they had been vegetables a day is recommended to reduce the risk victims of domestic violence at some point in their of cancer. lives. About half of the violence the men Key, principal scientist on the EPIC study, said it is experienced was physical. looking at dietary links to some of the most However, the physical violence men reported common cancers including colorectal, breast and wasn‘t as harsh as that suffered by women in a prostate. previous study; 20 percent to 40 percent of the men 大约三分之一的癌症与饮食和酒精有关 rated it as severe, compared to 61 percent of 一位重要研究者在星期二说,饮食是仅次于吸烟women. 的导致癌症的原因,在发达国家,饮食和酒精导Men who reported experiencing domestic violence 致了大约三分之一的癌症病例。 had more emotional and mental health problems 牛津大学的Tim Key博士在一次癌症会议上说,than those who had not, especially older men, the 科学家们还在研究特定的食物是怎样导致癌症researchers found. 的,但是他们知道,饮食、酒精和肥胖起了很大男性也可能是家庭暴力的受害者 作用。 一些研究家庭暴力与男性健康的研究显示,有十他说:“如果没有肥胖的人,癌症能够减少5%。” 分之三的男性都遭受过亲密伴侣的暴力虐待。 然而吸烟和大约30 c70的癌症病例有关,饮食和该研究的作者之一,华盛顿大学西雅图分校的罗大约25%的癌症病例有关,酒精和大约6%的癌伯特.J(雷德博士对路透社健康新闻的记者说:症病例有关。 “其实许多男性都经历过家庭暴力,只是我们不肥胖增加了乳腺、子宫、肠和肾脏得癌症的危险,经常听说而已。我们不问他们也就往往不说。我而人们知道酒精会导致嘴、喉咙和肝脏的癌症。们必须让那些遭受家庭暴力的男性知道,他们并以上因素如果再加上抽烟,危险性就更大了。 不孤单,而且他们有资源可利用。” Key在慈善机构英国癌症研究会的会议上说,人研究者向被调查对象询问了有关生理虐待和非们还不知道与癌症相关的饮食中的其他因素,但生理虐待的问题,如对其生命安全的恐吓,控制是科学家们希望EPIC研究能够给出答案。EPIC行为(比如告诉他们能与谁交往,不能与谁交往,研究正在比较十个国家50万人的饮食和患癌症哪些地方能去,哪些地方不能去),以及经常性的风险。 的谩骂与中伤。 这个研究的早期结果揭示挪威、瑞典和丹麦消费年龄在18 – 54岁的男性中,有14. 2%的人坦水果和蔬菜的量在欧洲国家中是最低的,而意大言,在过去五年问经历过亲密伴侣的暴力行为,利和西班牙的水果和蔬菜消费量是最大的。推荐而在过去一年就经历过的人占6. 1%。 每天至少食用五份水果和蔬菜来减少得癌症的而年龄在55岁及以上的男性,这一百分比有所下风险。 降。分别为5. 3%和2.4%。 EPIC研究的重要科学家Key说,他们现在正在关总体而言,55岁以下的男性中有30. 5%称、自己注饮食和一些非常普遍的癌症之间的联系,包括曾是家庭暴力的受害者,而在55岁及以上的(男直肠癌、乳腺癌和前列腺癌。 性中,这一比例为26. 5%。他们经历的家庭暴力Men Too May Suffer from Domestic Violence 约有一半为生理虐待。 Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence 然而早前的研究表明,男性所受的生理虐待不如at the hands of1 an intimate partner during their 女性所受的严重,40%的男性称自己受到了严重lifetimes, according to one of the few studies to 的生理虐待,而女性比例则为61%。 look at domestic violence and health among men. 研究人员发现,遭受过家庭暴力的男性与没有遭Many men actually do experience domestic 受过的男性相比,有更多的情感和精神方面的问violence, although we don‘t hear about it often,‖ 题,这一问题在老年人中尤其明显。 Dr. Robert J. Reid of the University of Washington Once-daily Pill Could Simplify HIV Treatment in Seattle, one of the study‘s authors, told Reuters Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences have Health. ―They often don‘t tell and we don‘t ask. combined many HIV drugs into a single pill, We want to get the message out to men who do Sometimes the best medicine is more than one kind experience domestic violence that they are not of medicine. Malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, alone and there are resources available to them.‖ for example, are all treated with combinations of The researchers asked study participants about drugs. But that can mean a lot of pills to take. It physical abuse and non-physical abuse, such as would be simpler if drug companies combined all threats that made them fear for their safety, the medicines into a single pill, taken just once a controlling behavior ( for example, being told who day. they could associate with and where they could Now, two companies say they have done that for M go) , and constant name-calling. people just starting treatment for HIV, the virus Among men 18 to 54 years old, 14.2 percent said that causes AIDS. The companies are they had experienced intimate partner violence in Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences. They the past five years, while 6.1 percent reported have developed a single pill that combines three 384 microscopic mess drugs currently on the market. Bristol-Myers 过一年的治疗,这种新药可以抑制更多病人的Squibb sells one of them under the name of Sustiva. HIV。水平,副作用也更少。这项研究是由Gilead Gilead combined the others,Emtriva and Viread, Sciences公司资助的,并由在马里兰州巴摩尔的into a single pill in two thousand four. 约翰,霍普金斯医学院Joel Gallant教授率领。他Combining drugs involves more than technical 是(Bristol-Myers Squibb公司和Gilead Sciencesissues. It also involves issues of competition if the 公司雇用的顾问,也是Glaxo Smith Kline公司的drugs are made by different companies. The new Combivir的制造者。 once-daily pill is the result of what is described as 对于这个研究结果,Glaxo Smithkline认为单个的the first joint venture agreement of its kind in the 研究是没有多大价值的,它说Combivir的效果已treatment of HIV. 经在超过50个的研究中表现出来了。 In January the New England Journal of Medjcine 这种一天一次的药丸的价格尚未公布。但是published a study of the new pill. Researchers Gilead和Bristol-Myers Squibb都宣称他们,将对compared its effectiveness to that of the widely 发展中国家减价提供该药品。他们计划在未来几used combination of Sustiva and Combivir. 个月里向美国食品与药品管理局申请批准此药Combivir contains two drugs, AZT and 3TC. The 品。 researchers say that after one year of treatment, the 这种药丸对于使用者是有限制的,因为它包含有new pill suppressed HIV levels in more patients 不同的药品。例如,孕妇被告知不要服用Sustivaand with fewer side effects. Gilead paid for the 以避免婴儿得先天性疾病的风险。专家们说全球study. Professor Joel Gallant at the Johns Hopkins 超过4,000万人携带有HIV病毒。 School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, led Exercise the research. He is a paid adviser to Gilead and Weather or not exercise adds to the length of life, it Bristol-Meyers Squibb as well as the maker of is common experience that a certain amount of Combivir, Glaxo Smith Kline. regular exercise improves the health and Glaxo Smith Kline reacted to the findings by contributes a feeling of well-being. Furthermore, saying that a single study is of limited value. It exercise which involves play and recreation, and says the effectiveness of Combivir has been shown relieves nervous tension and mental fatigue in so in each of more than fifty studies. doing, is not only pleasant but beneficial. The price of the new once-daily pill has not been How much and what kind of exercise one should announced. But Gilead and Bristol-Myers Squibb take merits careful consideration. The growing say they will provide it at reduced cost to child and the normal young man and young woman developing countries. They plan in the next few thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports. hey months to ask the United States Food and Drug fatigue to the point of exhaustion but recover Administration to approve the new pill. promptly with a period of rest. But not so with There are limits to who could take it because of the those of middle age and beyond. For them different drugs it contains. For example,pregnant moderation is of vital importance. Just how much women are told not to take Sustiva because of the exercise a person of a given age can safely take is a risk of birth disorders. Experts say more than question hard to answer. Individual variability is forty million people around the world are living too great to permit of generalization. A game of with HIV. tennis may be perfectly safe for one person of forty 一天服用一次的药丸可以简化HIV病毒治疗 but folly for another. The safe limit for exercise Bristol-Myers Squibb公司和Gilead Sciences公司depends on the condition of the heart, the condition 已经把多种治疗艾滋病病毒的药品合成为一种of the muscles, the type of exercise, and the 药丸。有的时候{最好的药品是多种药品的合成。regularity with which it is taken. Two general 例如疟疾、结核病、艾滋病都是通过多种药品治suggestions, however, will serve as sound advice 疗的,那就意味着要服用很多药丸。如果药品公for anyone. The first is that the condition of the 司把所有的药品合成为一种药丸,一天只服用一heart and general health should be determined 次,一切就简单多了。 periodically by careful, thorough physical 现在,两家公司说他们已为那些刚接受艾滋病病examinations. The other is that exercise should be 毒(导致艾滋病)治疗的人们合成了这样一种药kept below the point of physical exhaustion. 丸。这两家公司分别是Bristol(Myers Squibb公What type of exercise one should choose depends 司和Gilead Sciences公司。他们研发了一种由目upon one‘s physical condition. Young people can 前市面上的三种药品合成的药丸。Bristol_Myers safely enjoy vigorous competitive sports, but most Squibb公司出售其中一种名为Sustiva的药品,older persons do better to limit themselves to less Gilead Sciences公司在2004年把其他两种,strenuous activities. Walking, swimming, skating Emtriva和Viread合成为一种单片。 are among the sports that one can enjoy and safely 合成药品不仅仅是一个技术问题,当药品由不同participate in throughout life. Regularity is 药厂制造时,它也是一个竞争问题。这种新的一important if one is to get the most enjoyment and 天只服一次的药丸是被称为对抗HIV病毒的过benefit out of exercise. 程中第一个联合项目协议的产物。 体育运动 M 在1月份,《新英格兰医药杂志》发表了一项关于不论体育运动是否能延长人的寿命,人们普遍认新药丸的研究。研究者把它的效果与广泛使用的为,适量而有规律的体育运动可以增强体质,并Sustiva和Combivir的合成品比较,Combivir含有使人愉悦。另外,体育运动集玩乐和消遣于一体,两种药物,叠氨胸苷和拉夫米定。研究人员说经可以使人放松紧张情绪,缓解精神疲劳。因此, 385 microscopic mess 做运动一举两得:既能放松,又有益于身心健康。 日本人口老龄化程度加剧的另一个原因是人口出生率的降低。长寿当然值得庆祝,但这其实也一个人适合做什么样的体育运动,运动强度如是一个社会问题d何,这些问题值得人们注意。发育中的儿童和一在过去的半个世纪,老年人口般的青年男女都会因紧张剧烈的运动而激动不数量翻了一番,养老金与医疗费用负担也相应地已。即使累得筋疲力尽,他们也能在一段休息之增加。如果有越来越多的老年人需要被照料,而后很快恢复体力。但是中年及中年以上的人就做可以工作纳税来供养他们的年轻人却没有相应不到。对这些人来说,运动适度是很重要的。不增加,那么日本即将面临经济危机。 同年龄的人从事多少运动是一个难以回答的问将退休年龄由65岁提到70岁可能是解决这一问题。个人的差异太大,无法一概而论。某种网球题的一个方法。工作可以让老年人感受到生活的运动可能对于某个40岁的人来说是安全的,但对责任感和使命感。让老年人在社会中扮演积极的于另一个人来说却不合适。运动的安全范围取决角色,与不同年龄段的人和谐相处是非常重要于人的心脏状况、肌肉状况、运动类型以及进行的。 运动的规律性。但是下面两个一般性建议适合所The Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints 有人。一个建议是应该定期进行细致的体检,查One useful anti-cancer drug can effectively erase 看心脏情况和总体体质。另一个建议是运动强度the whorls and other characteristic marks that give 要适度,不应使人筋疲力尽。 people their distinctive fingerprints. Losing them_ 一个人选择哪种类型的运动取决于他的体质。年could become troublesome. A case released online 轻人可以放心地参加有力度的竞技性运动,但大in a letter by Annals of Oncology indicates how 多数老年人最好还是把自己的活动限制在不太big a problem of losing fingerprints is. 剧烈的程度之内。散步、游泳和滑冰是人们喜欢Eng-Huat Tan, a Singapore-based medical doctor describes a 62-year old man who has used 的运动并且各个年龄段的人都可以参加。任何人capecitabine to treat his nasopharyngeal cancer. 想从体育运动中获得最大的乐趣和益处,那么有After three years on the drug,the patient decided to 规律就很重要了。 visit U. S. relatives last December. But he was Old And Active It is well-known that life expectancy is longer in stopped by U. S. customs officials for 4 hours after Japan than in most other countries. A recent entering the country when those officials couldn't report also shows that Japan has the longest health get fingerprints from the man. There were no expectancy in the world. A healthy long life is the distinctive swirly marks_appearing from his index result of the improvement in social environment1. finger. Scientists are trying to work out exactly what U. S. customs has been fingerprinting incoming keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy, and foreign visitors for years, Tan says. Their index whether there is a lesson to be learnt from their fingers are printed and screened against digital lifestyles for the rest of us. Should we make any files of the fingerprints of bad guys— terrorists and changes to our eating habits, for instance, or go potential criminals that our federal guardians have jogging each day before breakfast? Is there some been tasked with keeping out of the country. secret ingredient in the Japanese diet that is Unfortunately, for the Singaporean traveler,one particularly beneficial to the human body? potential side effect of his drug treatment is a Another factor contributing to the rapid population smoothing of the tissue on the finger pads.Hence,aging in Japan is a decline in birthrate. Although no fingerprints. longer life should be celebrated, it is actually “It is uncertain when fingerprint loss will begin to considered a social problem. The number of take place in patients who are taking older people had doubled in the last half century capecitabine,” Tan points out. So he cautions any and that has increased pension and medical costs. physicians who prescribe the drug to provide their The country could soon be facing an economic s note pointing out that patients with .a doctor’problem, if there are so many old people to be their medicine may cause fingerprints to disappear. looked after, and relatively few younger people Eventually, the Singapore traveler made it into the working and paying taxes to support them. United States. I guess the name on his passport Raising the retirement age from 65 to 70 could be didn’t raise any red flags. But he,s also now got one solution to the problem2. Work can give the the explanatory doctor’s note — and won’t leave elderly a sense of responsibility and mission in life. home without it. It‘s important that the elderly play active roles By the way, maybe the Food and Drug ociety and live in harmony with all generations. Administration, which approved use of the drug 11 老而有用 years ago, should consider updating its list of side 众所周知,与世界大多数国家相比,日本人的预effects associated with this medicine. The current 期寿命更长。根据最近的一篇报道,日本人的预list does note that patients may experience 期健康寿命亦居世界之首。这样的健康长寿是社vomiting, stomach pain and some other side effects. 会环境改善的结果。 But no where does it mention the potential for loss 科学家们一直在探究日本高龄老人得以保持健of fingerprints. 康的具体原因,以了是否我们可以从他们的生活指纹消失事件 M 方式中学习一二。比如说,我们是不是应该改变一种非常有效的抗癌药物能够清除箩状指纹和一下我们的饮食习惯,或者说我们是不是应该;其他使指纹与众不同的标志。失去指纹可是会有在每天早餐之前慢跑,,还是在日本人的饮食中很大麻烦。一个被肿瘤学年报在网上公布的信件有一些对人体特别有益的神秘原料, 中说明了失去指纹会带来多大麻烦。 386 microscopic mess Eng-Huat Tan,一个新加坡籍的医学博士描述了belittled or humiliated by more senior residents, 一位用卡培他滨治疗鼻咽癌62岁老人的经历。经while just over 21% reported someone taking 过这个药物三年的治疗后,这位病人去年十二月credit for their work. Being ―given tasks for 份决定去美国拜访亲戚。在他进入这个国家后,punishment,‖ ―being pushed, kicked or hit,‖ and 他被美国海关人员拦截了四小时之久,因为这些having someone ― threatening your reputation or 官员无法从他身上获取指纹。因为在他的食指上career,‖ were reported as a more frequent 没有旋涡状的指纹标记。 occurrence by over 10% of the responding 美国海关数年以来一直都会采集来访外国人的residents. 指纹,Tan说。他们的食指指纹被采集并且和那医院里的虐待 些坏人的指纹进行数字化资料档案比对——我根据一项研究表明,大多数实习医生从医学院毕们的联邦卫士的职责是要把那些恐怖份子和疑业后的第一年开始都受到过虐待,包括被老资格似罪犯档在国门之外。不幸的是,对于这位新加的医生羞辱、恐吓或是殴打。 坡旅行者来说,药物治疗的一个潜在的副作用就这一发现源于对1991年1月寄给1,733名工作第是会使指尖上的肉垫组织变光滑,也就是说没有二年的住院医生的一份有13页调查问卷的反映指纹。 分析。这项调查与分析刊登在4月15日的《美国“对于服用卡培他滨的病人来说,指纹何时会消医学协会》杂志上。 失是不确定的。”Tan指出。所以他警告每位医师总的来说,1,277名住院医生完成了问卷,其中在给病人开药时要给病人开具他们的药物可能1,185人说他们在做实习医生时至少经历过一次会使指纹消失的证明单。 虐待。除了报告他们受虐待以外,45%以上的住最终,那位新加坡旅客终于进入了美国。我猜想院医生说他们至少目睹过一例其他人填写假病他护照上的名字没有带有任何危险信号。但是他历的情况。此外,将近3/4的住院医生说他们曾同样要带有医师开的证明单——并且要随身携目睹病人受到其他的住院医生、主治医生或是护带。 士的虐待。有40%的住院医生说病人受虐待是常顺便提一下,美国食品和药物局已经准许这一药事。 物的使用有11年之久了,应该考虑更新该药物的10%以上的住院医生说他们不允许有足够的睡副作用清单。现有的副作用清单中确实列出病人眠。每周平均连续37. 6小时不允许睡觉。一个典会经历呕吐、胃痛和其他副作用,但是却没有提型的工作周的应诊时间平均为56. 9小时,但是大及失去指纹的潜在危险。 约25%的住院医生说他们的应诊任务在有的工Hospital Mistreatment 作周达到80小时以上。 According to a study, most medical interns report 虽然30%的住院医生说他们经历过某种性骚扰experiencing mistreatment, including humiliation 或性歧视,谩骂是被提到的最普通的问题。当谩by senior doctors, being threatened, or physical 骂事件被限制在三次或三次以上,53 010的住院abuse in their first year out of medical school. 医生说他们被资格老的住院医生轻视或羞辱,而The findings come from analysis of the responses 21%以上的住院医生说他们的工作成绩被记到to a 13-page survey mailed in January 1991 to 别人的功劳簿上0 10%以上的接受调查的住院医1,733 second-year residents. The survey and 生反映“为了惩罚住院医生而给他们分派任务”,analysis appear in the April 15th issue of the “被推、被踢、被打”,并且有人“威胁你的名Journal of the American Medical Association. 誉和职业”则更常见。 Overall, out of the 1277 residents who completed surveys, 1,185 said that they had experienced at least one incident of mistreatment in their intern year. In addition to reporting incidents where they were abused, more than 45% of the residents said they had witnessed at least one incident where other persons had made false medical records. Moreover, nearly three quarters of the residents said they had witnessed mistreatment of patients by other residents, attending physicians1, or nurses. Almost 40% said patient mistreatment was a frequent event. More than 10% of the residents said they were not allowed to have enough sleep, and the average number of hours without sleep was 37.6. The average on-call time during a typical week was 56.9 hours, but about 25% of the residents said their on-call assignments were more than 80 hours some weeks. Although 30% of the residents said they experienced some type of sexual harassment or M discrimination, verbal abuse was the most common problem cited. When abusive incidents were limited to events occurring three or more times, 53% of the respondents reported that they were
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