首页 2012济南中考化学试题



2012济南中考化学试题2012济南中考化学试题 2012年山东省济南市中考化学试卷 一、选择题(共11小题,每小题2分,满分22分) 1(下列过程中,只发生物理变化的是( ) A(火箭发射 B(节日焰火 C(风力发电 D(葡萄酿酒 2(近期饮食安全成为大家非常关心的话题,下列有关做法中,合理的是( ) A(用工业明胶和油酸钠非法加工卤猪耳朵 B(用化工染料浸泡包裹粽子的竹叶 C(种植西瓜过量使用膨大剂和增甜剂 D(将氮气充入食品包装袋中以防腐 3(某粒子结构示意图如图所示,下列对该粒子的判断中,错误的是( ) A(原子核...

2012济南中考化学试题 2012年山东省济南市中考化学试卷 一、选择题(共11小题,每小题2分,满分22分) 1(下列过程中,只发生物理变化的是( ) A(火箭发射 B(节日焰火 C(风力发电 D(葡萄酿酒 2(近期饮食安全成为大家非常关心的话题,下列有关做法中,合理的是( ) A(用工业明胶和油酸钠非法加工卤猪耳朵 B(用化工染料浸泡包裹粽子的竹叶 C(种植西瓜过量使用膨大剂和增甜剂 D(将氮气充入食品包装袋中以防腐 3(某粒子结构示意图如图所示,下列对该粒子的判断中,错误的是( ) A(原子核内有12个质子 B(该粒子是阴离子 C(在化学变化中易失电子 D(该粒子属于金属元素 4(化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,以下实验操作中,不合理的是( ) A(向试管内滴加液体时,将胶头滴管伸入试管内 B(用量筒量取液体时,视线要跟量筒内的凹液面最低处水平 C(在实验室里制取氧气等气体时,要检查装置的气密性 D(酒精洒在实验桌上燃烧起来,立即用湿抹布盖灭 5(化学与我们的生产、生活息息相关,以下说法中,不合理的是( ) A(工业常用铁桶来储运烧碱 that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thea the company's situation, familiar with the period schedule master plan, construction with water, power supply, vertical transportation, gondola of external scaffolding or construction. (2) technical data preparation: first drawings to prepare the drawings to be fully familiar with, and does not have difficult places to ask out clearly understood, you also need to prepare acceptance of the Atlas, the quality standards, safety index, all the forms used and the acceptance required for the works, and more. (3) tools, implements preparation: supply planning against the required tools, appliances, specific to the type, quantity, supply time, also plans to supply, warehouse, and other departments, common tools and appliances. (4) materials: according to the drawings and engineering, detailed material supply meter ... (2) preparations into people, and clear accountability to specific persons. (3) implementation of collaboration and cooperation with construction companies. 2.15 embedded part installation (early works with civil engineering completed) 1. Note: buried is one of the curtain wall with main structure connecting structure, embedded quality directly affects the production, installation of curtain wall and the main structure of the connections. Its installation has a direct impact on the degree of precision of curtain wall construction accuracy and surface quality is good or bad. So the first job as a curtain wall installation, buried both for its manufacture and installation are directly affects the entire curtain wall construction, installation, and an important factor in the overall effect. 2. material specifications: the embedded parts. 3. basic operation: (1) familiar with the drawings: installation personnel after receivingtypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party B(冬天室内用煤炉取暖要严防煤气中毒 C(自来水是纯净物,不含任何杂质 D(可用食醋除去热水瓶内壁上的水垢 6(下列有关知识的叙述中,不正确的是( ) A(能使燃着的木条熄灭的气体一定是二氧化碳 B(复分解反应前后各元素的化合价均未发生变化 C(在农业生产中,铵态氮肥不能与碱性物质混合使用 D(能使无色酚酞试液变红色的溶液是碱性溶液 7(设计实验 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 是科学探究的重要环节,以下化学实较设计中,不能达到实脸目的是( ) A(厨房中用食醋鉴别纯碱和食盐 B(用AgNO3溶液鉴别H2中混入的少量HCl杂质 C(用稀硫酸除去铁粉中混有的少量铜粉 D(用稀盐酸检验暴露在空气中的NaOH固体是否变质 8(某化学反应的微观过程用图所示,则下列说法中,正确的是( ) A(该反应中分子和原子的种类都发生了改变 B(物质丙的化学式是NH3 C(甲、乙两物质参加反应的质量比为1:3 D(图示反应属于分解反应 9(有一无色溶液X,分成三等分,向其中分别加入少量的BaSO4固体、CaCO3固体、Mg(OH)2固体,产生的现象如下 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf (则该无色溶液X是下列各项中的 ( ) that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thea the company's situation, familiar with the period schedule master plan, construction with water, power supply, vertical transportation, gondola of external scaffolding or construction. (2) technical data preparation: first drawings to prepare the drawings to be fully familiar with, and does not have difficult places to ask out clearly understood, you also need to prepare acceptance of the Atlas, the quality standards, safety index, all the forms used and the acceptance required for the works, and more. (3) tools, implements preparation: supply planning against the required tools, appliances, specific to the type, quantity, supply time, also plans to supply, warehouse, and other departments, common tools and appliances. (4) materials: according to the drawings and engineering, detailed material supply meter ... (2) preparations into people, and clear accountability to specific persons. (3) implementation of collaboration and cooperation with construction companies. 2.15 embedded part installation (early works with civil engineering completed) 1. Note: buried is one of the curtain wall with main structure connecting structure, embedded quality directly affects the production, installation of curtain wall and the main structure of the connections. Its installation has a direct impact on the degree of precision of curtain wall construction accuracy and surface quality is good or bad. So the first job as a curtain wall installation, buried both for its manufacture and installation are directly affects the entire curtain wall construction, installation, and an important factor in the overall effect. 2. material specifications: the embedded parts. 3. basic operation: (1) familiar with the drawings: installation personnel after receivingtypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party 全国中考信息资源门户网站 www.zhongkao.com A(水 B(稀盐酸 C(Na2CO3溶液 D(酚酞试液 10(在实验室中,小明同学为了探究金属与盐溶液的反应规律,将一定质量的某种金属M的粉末放入AgNO3与Cu(NO3)2的混合溶液中,实验过程及现象如图所示,结合实际现象判断,小明同学得出的以下结论中,错误的是( ) A(滤液中一定没有银离子 B(滤渣中一定含有金属单质M C(滤渣中一定含有单质铜 D(加入的金属M可能是单质铁 11(现有40.6g氧化钙和碳酸钙的固体混合物,将其高温煅烧至碳酸钙完全分解,称得煅烧后剩余固体质量比原混合物减少15.4g,则原固体混合物中钙元素的质量为下列的( ) A(14g B(18g C(16.24g D(29g 二、解答题(共7小题,满分38分) 12(按要求从氢气、硫酸钡、氢氧化钙、二氧化碳、硫酸、氯化钠中选取合适的物质,将其化学式填写在下列横线上 (1)理想的清洁高效能源 (2)难溶于水的盐 (3)可改良酸性土壤的碱 (4)不易挥发的酸 that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8全国中考信息资源门户网站 www.zhongkao.com . quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thea the company's situation, familiar with the period schedule master plan, construction with water, power supply, vertical transportation, gondola of external scaffolding or construction. (2) technical data preparation: first drawings to prepare the drawings to be fully familiar with, and does not have difficult places to ask out clearly understood, you also need to prepare acceptance of the Atlas, the quality standards, safety index, all the forms used and the acceptance required for the works, and more. (3) tools, implements preparation: supply planning against the required tools, appliances, specific to the type, quantity, supply time, also plans to supply, warehouse, and other departments, common tools and appliances. (4) materials: according to the drawings and engineering, detailed material supply meter ... (2) preparations into people, and clear accountability to specific persons. (3) implementation of collaboration and cooperation with construction companies. 2.15 embedded part installation (early works with civil engineering completed) 1. Note: buried is one of the curtain wall with main structure connecting structure, embedded quality directly affects the production, installation of curtain wall and the main structure of the connections. Its installation has a direct impact on the degree of precision of curtain wall construction accuracy and surface quality is good or bad. So the first job as a curtain wall installation, buried both for its manufacture and installation are directly affects the entire curtain wall construction, installation, and an important factor in the overall effect. 2. material specifications: the embedded parts. 3. basic operation: (1) familiar with the drawings: installation personnel after receivingtypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party 13(近期,媒体报道的多起食品安全问题成为公众关注的焦点(菜贩为使大白菜等蔬菜保鲜喷洒甲醛(化学式为HCHO)溶液,酒店为延长海参存活期,用海水晶[含致癌物质亚硝酸钠(NaNO2)]配制人造海水养海参,可口可乐(山西)饮料有限公司发布声明称,经检测该厂确认有9个批次的可口可乐产品中含极其微量的残留氯(试回答下列问题: (1)在甲醛、亚硝酸钠、氯气三物质中,属于有机物的是 (2)甲醛中含碳、氢、氧元素的原子个数比为 (填最简整数比) (3)在亚硝酸钠中,所含元素的质量分数最大的元素是 (4)氯气与水反应,生成次氯酸和盐酸,化学方程式为Cl2+H2O=HCl+HClO,在这个反应的两种生成物中,氯元素的化合价分别为 14(为建设美丽泉城,迎接第十届艺术节的到来,环境卫生整治是当前重要的工作之一,我市出现的某些环境问题也引起了人们的高度关注,如:马路烧烤、小清河污染、作物秸秆焚烧、化石燃料燃烧的废气排放等问题( (1)马路烧烤除了污染环境外,在烧烤的肉类食品中还含有一种致癌物质--苯并(a)芘(化学式C20H12),在苯并(a)芘中,碳、氢两元素的质量比为 (填最简整数比)( (2)小清河沿岸环境有很大改善,但是水体污染依然严重,为研究污染情况,小强同学想用pH试纸粗略测定河水的酸碱性强弱,测定的具体方法是 (3)济南PM2.5自动监测工作将在今年7月份全面展开(农田农作物秸秆焚烧that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thea the company's situation, familiar with the period schedule master plan, construction with water, power supply, vertical transportation, gondola of external scaffolding or construction. (2) technical data preparation: first drawings to prepare the drawings to be fully familiar with, and does not have difficult places to ask out clearly understood, you also need to prepare acceptance of the Atlas, the quality standards, safety index, all the forms used and the acceptance required for the works, and more. (3) tools, implements preparation: supply planning against the required tools, appliances, specific to the type, quantity, supply time, also plans to supply, warehouse, and other departments, common tools and appliances. (4) materials: according to the drawings and engineering, detailed material supply meter ... (2) preparations into people, and clear accountability to specific persons. (3) implementation of collaboration and cooperation with construction companies. 2.15 embedded part installation (early works with civil engineering completed) 1. Note: buried is one of the curtain wall with main structure connecting structure, embedded quality directly affects the production, installation of curtain wall and the main structure of the connections. Its installation has a direct impact on the degree of precision of curtain wall construction accuracy and surface quality is good or bad. So the first job as a curtain wall installation, buried both for its manufacture and installation are directly affects the entire curtain wall construction, installation, and an important factor in the overall effect. 2. material specifications: the embedded parts. 3. basic operation: (1) familiar with the drawings: installation personnel after receivingtypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party 全国中考信息资源门户网站 www.zhongkao.com 将受到进一步监测、预警、干预(植物秸秆焚烧过程中发生的反应主要是 (填“化合”、“分解”、“置换”、“复分解”、“氧化”之一)( (4)工厂化石燃料燃烧的废气和汽车尾气除了污染大气外还是导致酸雨的重要原因,请简述酸雨的形成过程 15(南海是我国的固有领海,南海蕴藏着丰富的海洋资源( (1)我国科学家在南海海底发现了一种蕴藏量极大的新型矿产资源--天然气水合物,它是天然气(主要成分是CH4)和水形成的冰状固体,极易燃烧,又称“可燃冰”(它被认为是一种清洁能源,原因是 (2)从海水中提取单质镁的过程如下图所示: 在上述转化过程中,所发生的化学反应属于复分解反应的是 (填反应顺序标号)( (3)我国化学科学家侯德榜创立的侯氏制碱法,就是以海水“晒盐”得到的氯化钠为原料,同时制得Na2CO3和NH4Cl产品(Na2CO3和NH4Cl 的溶解度曲线如图所示(回答下列问题: ?t1?时,NH4Cl的溶解度 Na2CO3的溶解度(填 “大于”“小于”“等于”之一)( ?t2?时,Na2CO3饱和溶液的溶质质量分数 NH4Cl饱和溶液的溶质质量分数(填“大于”“小于”“等于” 之一)( ?t1?时,一小试管内盛有Na2CO3的饱和溶液,试管底部还存有少许Na2CO3固体,将小试管放入盛有水的烧杯中,现将多量的NaOH固体加入烧杯内的水中,小试管内的固体物质逐渐溶解,原因是 that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8全国中考信息资源门户网站 www.zhongkao.com . quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thea the company's situation, familiar with the period schedule master plan, construction with water, power supply, vertical transportation, gondola of external scaffolding or construction. (2) technical data preparation: first drawings to prepare the drawings to be fully familiar with, and does not have difficult places to ask out clearly understood, you also need to prepare acceptance of the Atlas, the quality standards, safety index, all the forms used and the acceptance required for the works, and more. (3) tools, implements preparation: supply planning against the required tools, appliances, specific to the type, quantity, supply time, also plans to supply, warehouse, and other departments, common tools and appliances. (4) materials: according to the drawings and engineering, detailed material supply meter ... (2) preparations into people, and clear accountability to specific persons. (3) implementation of collaboration and cooperation with construction companies. 2.15 embedded part installation (early works with civil engineering completed) 1. Note: buried is one of the curtain wall with main structure connecting structure, embedded quality directly affects the production, installation of curtain wall and the main structure of the connections. Its installation has a direct impact on the degree of precision of curtain wall construction accuracy and surface quality is good or bad. So the first job as a curtain wall installation, buried both for its manufacture and installation are directly affects the entire curtain wall construction, installation, and an important factor in the overall effect. 2. material specifications: the embedded parts. 3. basic operation: (1) familiar with the drawings: installation personnel after receivingtypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party 16(如图所示为实验室中常见的气体的制备、干燥、收集和性质实验的部分仪器(组装实验装置时,可重复选择仪器),试根据题目要求,回答下列问题: (1)若用Zn和稀H2SO4溶液反应制取并收集干燥的氢气,并进行氢气的可燃性实验( ?制取并收集干燥的氢气所选仪器的连接顺序为 (填写仪器序号字母)( ?为了安全进行氢气的可燃性实验,点燃氢气前,一定要检验 (2)小强同学欲用一氧化碳气体(含少量水蒸气)测定某不纯氧化铁样品的纯度(杂质为单质铁粉),并验证反应中气体生成物的性质,小强同学设计了实验方案:气体流向是从左向右,选择的仪器按D1?C?B?D2顺序连接,然后进行实验(假设有关反应均反应完全)( ?仪器C处大玻璃管内发生反应的化学方程式是 ?通过测量反应前后C处大玻璃管的质量变化,来计算氧化铁的纯度(若其他操作正确,反应结束熄灭酒精灯后,继续通入一氧化碳气体,直至大玻璃管冷却,则这样计算出的氧化铁样品纯度与实际值比较将 (填“一定偏大”、“一定偏小”、“基本一致”之一)(在这个实验装置中,除了可以利用反应前后C处大玻璃管的质量数据变化来计算氧化铁样品的纯度外,你认为还可以通过测量来计算氧化铁样品纯度的方法是 ?对于小强同学设计的这个实验装置,你认为存在的不足是 你的具体改进建议 是 ( that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thea the company's situation, familiar with the period schedule master plan, construction with water, power supply, vertical transportation, gondola of external scaffolding or construction. (2) technical data preparation: first drawings to prepare the drawings to be fully familiar with, and does not have difficult places to ask out clearly understood, you also need to prepare acceptance of the Atlas, the quality standards, safety index, all the forms used and the acceptance required for the works, and more. (3) tools, implements preparation: supply planning against the required tools, appliances, specific to the type, quantity, supply time, also plans to supply, warehouse, and other departments, common tools and appliances. (4) materials: according to the drawings and engineering, detailed material supply meter ... (2) preparations into people, and clear accountability to specific persons. (3) implementation of collaboration and cooperation with construction companies. 2.15 embedded part installation (early works with civil engineering completed) 1. Note: buried is one of the curtain wall with main structure connecting structure, embedded quality directly affects the production, installation of curtain wall and the main structure of the connections. Its installation has a direct impact on the degree of precision of curtain wall construction accuracy and surface quality is good or bad. So the first job as a curtain wall installation, buried both for its manufacture and installation are directly affects the entire curtain wall construction, installation, and an important factor in the overall effect. 2. material specifications: the embedded parts. 3. basic operation: (1) familiar with the drawings: installation personnel after receivingtypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party 全国中考信息资源门户网站 www.zhongkao.com 17(已知在某化肥K2SO4样品中可能混入了NH4Cl、NH4NO3、K2CO3三种物质中的一种或多种,为推测混入的物质种类,现按图所示进行实验,出现的现象如图中所述(设过程中所有发生的反应都恰好完全进行)( 试根据实验过程和发生的现象填写以下空白: (1)常温下,气体B水溶液的pH (填“大于”“小于”“等于”之一)( (2)实验步骤?的现象证明可能混入的三物质中,一定存在的物质是 (3)根据上述实验,已经证明了溶液E中存在的溶质有(写化学式) (4)仅根据上述实验现象,NH4Cl、NH4NO3、K2CO3三种物质中,还不能确定是否混入化肥K2SO4样品中物质是 (写化学式) (5)要进一步推理化肥样品中的物质,可用溶液E再实验,请简要说明实验操作步骤、发生的现象及 结论 18(铜质的器皿长期暴露在潮湿空气中会长出一层绿色的铜锈,铜锈的主要成分是碱式碳酸铜[Cu2(OH)2CO3],小娟同学进行了单质铜生锈影响因素的实验探究(她将除锈后光亮的铜片同时分别放置在下列三种环境中,然后观察、研究( A、密封在干燥的环境中 B、浸没在煮沸后的蒸馏水中 C、放置在潮湿的空气中 请回答下列问题: (1)铜片在上述三种环境中放置一段时间后,最先有明显铜锈生成的是 (填环境序号) (2)小娟同学通过实验,得出的实验结论是:铜的锈蚀是铜与水、氧气共同作用的结果(对于这个结论你认为还应补充的一个重要影响因素是 that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8全国中考信息资源门户网站 www.zhongkao.com . quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thea the company's situation, familiar with the period schedule master plan, construction with water, power supply, vertical transportation, gondola of external scaffolding or construction. (2) technical data preparation: first drawings to prepare the drawings to be fully familiar with, and does not have difficult places to ask out clearly understood, you also need to prepare acceptance of the Atlas, the quality standards, safety index, all the forms used and the acceptance required for the works, and more. (3) tools, implements preparation: supply planning against the required tools, appliances, specific to the type, quantity, supply time, also plans to supply, warehouse, and other departments, common tools and appliances. (4) materials: according to the drawings and engineering, detailed material supply meter ... (2) preparations into people, and clear accountability to specific persons. (3) implementation of collaboration and cooperation with construction companies. 2.15 embedded part installation (early works with civil engineering completed) 1. Note: buried is one of the curtain wall with main structure connecting structure, embedded quality directly affects the production, installation of curtain wall and the main structure of the connections. Its installation has a direct impact on the degree of precision of curtain wall construction accuracy and surface quality is good or bad. So the first job as a curtain wall installation, buried both for its manufacture and installation are directly affects the entire curtain wall construction, installation, and an important factor in the overall effect. 2. material specifications: the embedded parts. 3. basic operation: (1) familiar with the drawings: installation personnel after receivingtypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party (3)取一定量的碱式碳酸铜[Cu2(OH)2CO3]放入盛有一定量稀硫酸的烧杯中,恰好完全反应,有关反应的化学方程式为Cu2(OH) 2CO3+2H2SO4=2CuSO4+CO2?+3H2O ?该反应过程中,观察到的明显反应现象是(答一条即可) ?向上述盛有反应后溶液的烧杯中滴入200g质量分数为10%的NaOH溶液,恰好完全反应,通过计算,求此时所得不饱和溶液中溶质的质量((计算结果精确到0.1g) that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thea the company's situation, familiar with the period schedule master plan, construction with water, power supply, vertical transportation, gondola of external scaffolding or construction. (2) technical data preparation: first drawings to prepare the drawings to be fully familiar with, and does not have difficult places to ask out clearly understood, you also need to prepare acceptance of the Atlas, the quality standards, safety index, all the forms used and the acceptance required for the works, and more. (3) tools, implements preparation: supply planning against the required tools, appliances, specific to the type, quantity, supply time, also plans to supply, warehouse, and other departments, common tools and appliances. (4) materials: according to the drawings and engineering, detailed material supply meter ... (2) preparations into people, and clear accountability to specific persons. (3) implementation of collaboration and cooperation with construction companies. 2.15 embedded part installation (early works with civil engineering completed) 1. Note: buried is one of the curtain wall with main structure connecting structure, embedded quality directly affects the production, installation of curtain wall and the main structure of the connections. Its installation has a direct impact on the degree of precision of curtain wall construction accuracy and surface quality is good or bad. So the first job as a curtain wall installation, buried both for its manufacture and installation are directly affects the entire curtain wall construction, installation, and an important factor in the overall effect. 2. material specifications: the embedded parts. 3. basic operation: (1) familiar with the drawings: installation personnel after receivingtypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party
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