首页 武生院图书漂流活动策划



武生院图书漂流活动策划武生院图书漂流活动策划 创业“图书漂流”活动策划 一、活动背景 图书漂流——是一段文明美丽的奇特之旅,是一种传递快乐和诚信的阅读游戏。 它最早起源于上世纪六七十年代的欧洲,读书人将自己读完的书,随意放在公共场所,如公园的长凳上,看到这本书的人可取走阅读,读完后将其放回公共场所,再将其漂出手,让下一位爱书人阅读。 就像放归大海的“漂流瓶”一样,让书不断得到新的阅读生命,通过图书的传递来分享快乐,他漂流的不仅仅是图书,更是一种诚信与美德„„ 二、活动思想 随着就业体制的改革以及高校毕业生人数的迅速增长,传统的...

武生院图 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 漂流活动策划 创业“图书漂流”活动策划 一、活动背景 图书漂流——是一段文明美丽的奇特之旅,是一种传递快乐和诚信的阅读游戏。 它最早起源于上世纪六七十年代的欧洲,读书人将自己读完的书,随意放在公共场所,如公园的长凳上,看到这本书的人可取走阅读,读完后将其放回公共场所,再将其漂出手,让下一位爱书人阅读。 就像放归大海的“漂流瓶”一样,让书不断得到新的阅读生命,通过图书的传递来分享快乐,他漂流的不仅仅是图书,更是一种诚信与美德„„ 二、活动思想 随着就业体制的改革以及高校毕业生人数的迅速增长,传统的上大学找工作的生活模式已经越来越不能与当代大学生的期望相匹配,创业便成了当代大学生实现梦想的又一种重要途径。政府和社会虽给了大学生创业一定的支持,但大学生创业仍存在诸多阻力,所以了解创业知识提升创业技能显得尤为重要。 三、活动主题 心随书动,书随缘流 四、活动目的 普及创业知识,提高创业能力,以书会友,为自己创业之梦奠定基础。 五、活动时间 2012年12月 六、活动流程 (一)“图书漂流日”宣传 (二)图书征集 (三)活动现场: ?每位同学每次限领取一本漂流书,并在书上签下自己的名字、联系方式等信息,要爱护书籍并精心保管,保证遵守图书漂流活动规则。 ?保证图书不被不良动机的人收走,防止图书的流失,图书漂流点设置在图书馆门口、桃园餐厅侧门附近、各宿管管理室等。 ?同学们在阅读完书籍后可以写下自己的观后感或对创业的想法并留下自己的联系方式,我们安排专人收集后组织这些同学参加头脑风暴向大家分享自己的想法。 ?参加此活动的车队创业有兴趣的同学可邀请其成为创业学院会员,享有会员的权力也要尽会员的义务。 ?每一个参与者都叫做“漂友”,漂友的责任与义务是保护图书、保证图书的完整归还,负责身边一切正在漂流的图书是否按照漂流的流程来进行漂流。漂友团可以自行联系,进行“求漂”(可以对任意一本图书发出漂流请求)等活动,掀起和谐友善的读书热潮。 (5) to strive to enhance the satisfaction of the masses. Urban civilization to create is grounded, even the hearts and minds of the masses of practice. To fully recognize that the back streets and people's daily life is most closely, people are most concerned about, but also the most reflect the degree of civilization of a place. To adhere to the work center of gravity, extended to the grassroots, extending to the side of the masses do more concern to the masses, social concern, a good practical timely, enhance happiness index of the masses and the quality of life. Must be able to build a platform for people willing to participate in, common public benefit activities actively, arouse the masses to create enthusiasm, to lay a solid foundation for further creation based on mass work. For the masses Reflecting the outstanding problems, to enact legislation to change, that is known to change, to solve the immediate solution, the moment can not be resolved to explain, to give people a satisfactory answer. Especially the integration of urban and rural sanitation work, to really let the people involved, in common environment improvement provided rise the satisfaction of the masses. Three, strengthen leadership, careful organization, to ensure the effectiveness of the work to create ?学管会根据图书上的记载和漂友团的传闻记录,进行图书排行,并将排行榜公布于宣传栏内,供大家借鉴交流。 (四)活动期间分工:由创业协会负责统计同学们的观后感以及组织头脑风暴,观后感以及同学们想法的收集由学管会负责,书籍的申请以及漂流等的具体事宜均由学管会负着。 七、应急 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 (一)书籍缺乏时,立即组织去图书馆申请或组织去个宿舍收集。 (二)借书超过预定期限的牌专人与之联系。 (三)其他突发状况,及时联系活动负责人予以处理。 八、经费预算 附件1 (5) to strive to enhance the satisfaction of the masses. Urban civilization to create is grounded, even the hearts and minds of the masses of practice. To fully recognize that the back streets and people's daily life is most closely, people are most concerned about, but also the most reflect the degree of civilization of a place. To adhere to the work center of gravity, extended to the grassroots, extending to the side of the masses do more concern to the masses, social concern, a good practical timely, enhance happiness index of the masses and the quality of life. Must be able to build a platform for people willing to participate in, common public benefit activities actively, arouse the masses to create enthusiasm, to lay a solid foundation for further creation based on mass work. For the masses Reflecting the outstanding problems, to enact legislation to change, that is known to change, to solve the immediate solution, the moment can not be resolved to explain, to give people a satisfactory answer. Especially the integration of urban and rural sanitation work, to really let the people involved, in common environment improvement provided rise the satisfaction of the masses. Three, strengthen leadership, careful organization, to ensure the effectiveness of the work to create 图书漂流活动源自上世纪60年代的欧洲~是指书友将自己不再阅读的书捐献出来 ~然后贴上特定的标签~投放到公共场所~无偿提供给大家阅读~阅读之后~再重新投放到公共场所中或直接传递给下一个读者~就像放归大海的“漂流瓶”一样~让书不断得到新的阅读生命~通过图书的传递来分享快乐。它漂流的不仅是图书~更是一种诚信和美德。 为营造良好校园文化氛围~加强校园文化交流~武生院学管会联合创业学院开展了以“心随书动~书随缘流”为主题的一个美丽的传递——图书漂流活动。具体安排如下: 1、开展图书漂流活动~启动初期需有足够的图书用来传递~为此~倡议广大师生为图书漂流出一份力~为图书漂流活动踊跃捐书~让那些尘封在角落的书籍再一次实现它们的价值。 2、每本捐献的书籍都会有专用图书漂流卡~书者可以在制作的图书漂流卡上写上自己的名字、感言~甚至是联系方式~让它们在传递中记住每一个 “足迹”。 3、活动期间大家可以带着自己的书籍前来活动地点换取自己喜欢的书籍。 4、活动期间前来换书的书友均可选择参加猜谜或小游戏~获取小奖品。 5、捐献的书籍如被漂走~我们将会 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 捐书者前来活动地点领取小奖品。 6、活动结束后的书籍将会编入“武生院图书漂流站”~继续作为明年漂流的书籍。 一个苹果~与人分享~自己剩下一半~却也收获了一份愉悦,一本好书~与人分享~收获的不仅仅是愉悦~也许还有心灵上的知音。把附有自己感想的书~投放到校园之中进行漂流~想像一下一个拿到你们心爱的书的人~这是一种多么令人快乐的事啊:老师们~同学们~让我们踊跃捐献出饱含自己浓浓爱心的书籍吧~让它汇聚成知识的海洋~带给每一位师生一份收获和快乐: 捐书联系方式: 活动地点: 活动时间: (5) to strive to enhance the satisfaction of the masses. Urban civilization to create is grounded, even the hearts and minds of the masses of practice. To fully recognize that the back streets and people's daily life is most closely, people are most concerned about, but also the most reflect the degree of civilization of a place. To adhere to the work center of gravity, extended to the grassroots, extending to the side of the masses do more concern to the masses, social concern, a good practical timely, enhance happiness index of the masses and the quality of life. Must be able to build a platform for people willing to participate in, common public benefit activities actively, arouse the masses to create enthusiasm, to lay a solid foundation for further creation based on mass work. For the masses Reflecting the outstanding problems, to enact legislation to change, that is known to change, to solve the immediate solution, the moment can not be resolved to explain, to give people a satisfactory answer. Especially the integration of urban and rural sanitation work, to really let the people involved, in common environment improvement provided rise the satisfaction of the masses. Three, strengthen leadership, careful organization, to ensure the effectiveness of the work to create 附件2: 图书捐赠登记表 捐 赠 人 捐赠书籍 联系方式 负 责 人 (5) to strive to enhance the satisfaction of the masses. Urban civilization to create is grounded, even the hearts and minds of the masses of practice. To fully recognize that the back streets and people's daily life is most closely, people are most concerned about, but also the most reflect the degree of civilization of a place. To adhere to the work center of gravity, extended to the grassroots, extending to the side of the masses do more concern to the masses, social concern, a good practical timely, enhance happiness index of the masses and the quality of life. Must be able to build a platform for people willing to participate in, common public benefit activities actively, arouse the masses to create enthusiasm, to lay a solid foundation for further creation based on mass work. For the masses Reflecting the outstanding problems, to enact legislation to change, that is known to change, to solve the immediate solution, the moment can not be resolved to explain, to give people a satisfactory answer. Especially the integration of urban and rural sanitation work, to really let the people involved, in common environment improvement provided rise the satisfaction of the masses. Three, strengthen leadership, careful organization, to ensure the effectiveness of the work to create 附件3: 图书交换登记表 换 书 人 交换书籍 漂流站书籍 联系方式 负 责 人 (5) to strive to enhance the satisfaction of the masses. Urban civilization to create is grounded, even the hearts and minds of the masses of practice. To fully recognize that the back streets and people's daily life is most closely, people are most concerned about, but also the most reflect the degree of civilization of a place. To adhere to the work center of gravity, extended to the grassroots, extending to the side of the masses do more concern to the masses, social concern, a good practical timely, enhance happiness index of the masses and the quality of life. Must be able to build a platform for people willing to participate in, common public benefit activities actively, arouse the masses to create enthusiasm, to lay a solid foundation for further creation based on mass work. For the masses Reflecting the outstanding problems, to enact legislation to change, that is known to change, to solve the immediate solution, the moment can not be resolved to explain, to give people a satisfactory answer. Especially the integration of urban and rural sanitation work, to really let the people involved, in common environment improvement provided rise the satisfaction of the masses. Three, strengthen leadership, careful organization, to ensure the effectiveness of the work to create (5) to strive to enhance the satisfaction of the masses. Urban civilization to create is grounded, even the hearts and minds of the masses of practice. To fully recognize that the back streets and people's daily life is most closely, people are most concerned about, but also the most reflect the degree of civilization of a place. To adhere to the work center of gravity, extended to the grassroots, extending to the side of the masses do more concern to the masses, social concern, a good practical timely, enhance happiness index of the masses and the quality of life. Must be able to build a platform for people willing to participate in, common public benefit activities actively, arouse the masses to create enthusiasm, to lay a solid foundation for further creation based on mass work. For the masses Reflecting the outstanding problems, to enact legislation to change, that is known to change, to solve the immediate solution, the moment can not be resolved to explain, to give people a satisfactory answer. Especially the integration of urban and rural sanitation work, to really let the people involved, in common environment improvement provided rise the satisfaction of the masses. Three, strengthen leadership, careful organization, to ensure the effectiveness of the work to create
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